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I - I I ii I lii i ; < SAN BENITO | BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss Billie Louise Leeton, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Leeton. ' celebrated her eighth birthday with a delightful party Wednesday aft- j prnoon. After a number of games | and contests, punch and a birthday j cake was served to the following: I Bernice Ewel George. Emma Lois Gallant, Bennie Jean Kintz. Ruth | McSwain. Valera Williford. Geral dine Roberts, Billie Louise and Earl David Leeton. Glenn and Curtis | Walker, Mrs. John Swain. Mrs. J T. Gallant, Mrs. M. L. Walker and the hostess. • • • RCOTT-PASSMORi: A pretty home wedding took place j Saturday evening at 9 o'clock when Miss LaVeme Scott became the bride of Homer Passmore at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs T. J. Scott. The Rev. Francis M. Davis, pastor of the First Presby- I terian church conducted the impres- ! sive marriage service. Only im mediate relatives of the couple were present. The bride's costume was becom ingly fashioned of lavender crepe j she carried a bouquet of daisies and fern. Miss Lydia Johnson attend ed the bride while Kenneth Niles , of Harlingen was best man for the bridegroom. An ice course was served to the small party of guests after the wed- j ding. Mr. and Mrs. Passmore left almost immediately for upper Val ley points. They are on a honey moon Journey to El Paso. Follow ing their return in about a week they will make their home in Har lingen. Out of town guests were -*tfrs. Buckner. Mrs. Vales, and Miss Head of La Ferla. • • • ELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Saturday afternoon Mrs. Marga ret Nicol entertained with a party honoring her little daughter on the occasion of her seventh birthday inniversary. Many interesting games »ere played. After a delightful ( *t>eanut hunt, dainty refreshments were served by the hostess, assist ed by her daughter. Mrs. Fred Grav er. Favors for the little guests were colored baskets filled with candy. I Those enjoying the event were '■'everly June Green. Bennie Jean "'intz, Donie Nicol, Pat and Jerry ennan. Betty Jean Carver. Martha Vne. Mildred, Jimmie and Max Vpatrick, Velva Reuscher, Betsy l \ Floyd Ennis, and the honoree. * 'ekah Mae Nicol. Special guests I e Mrs. Fitzpatrick. Miss Virginia 1 Patrick and Mrs. William D. tser. I • • • 3 :rsov-little 4 Ir. and Mrs. G. M. Pierson of j« rmondville announce the mar f { ze of their daughter. Thelma fi rce. to Weltru^o Little of Har l Jen which was solemnized at ten IVlpck Monday morning at the L M ie of the bride's sister. Mrs. Roy 3 Kellogg. 601 North Reagan ave Klr. The Rev. Leshe A. Boone, pas HAot the First Methodist church of J^WfoonrivJlc offiria'ed a' the weri Wm ceremony. Clustered profuse ■ I bout the wide living room and U it ted against the sides of the stu ■ if window' were beautiful summer p e, ’en flowers. The young couple Ilf.' .ged their vows within the curve rifclfhe window, in a bower of blos 1*1 s and facing a tracery of frrn ■if ivs which overspread the panes. 1 I ng an altar effect. he bride was lovely in an en B Jbble of taupe, tan and bicge worn iy*h hat and accessories of har I 1 nizing hues. She carried an arm Lliquet of pink roses. Miss Ruth i f own, w ho was becomingly attired if blue georgette, was her sole nt V« idant. Bob Baker of Harlingen y ended the bridegroom as best San. i A three course wedding breakfast. L .a served following the marriage. I e dining room was bedecked with nt ng-stemmed roses and lilies-of 1 e-valley. Adorning the table were !■ rays of fern and shasta daisies. I 'v bride cut the two-tiered con I kion topped by a miniattire briri couple which was the wedding / ke. Mr. and Mrs. Little left immedi I* >ly for Roswell. N. M, where thev II visit Mr. Little's parents. Later ■*y will return to Harlingen where \ Little is assistant manager of ■ e J. C. Penney company and will j Jde at the Horn apartments. Juests at the wedding included . and Mrs. O. M. Pierson of Ray- 1 I ndville. parents of the bride. Mr. j 1 Mrs C. E Cook and children. S Brown and Mrs. R. J. East, i :le and cousin of the bridegroom.I s. W. S. Kellogg and Miss Eliza-! h Sealey. • • • •decision to meet ontv once a j ^nth during the summer, cornoin-! ing the business meeting and the social program, was made Thurs day evening at a meeting of the San Benito Business and Professional Women’s club held at the chamber of commerce office at the Stonewall Jackson hotel. Members voted to assemble the evening of the fourth Monday for dinner. Before. dinner business will be transacted and aft erwards a program will be given The first dinner will be held Monday evening, June 24th. . . . MISS HILL HONORED An interesting event was arranged Monday evening by members of the , Pennsylvania Avenue club at the j home of Mrs. Charles Yost, honor ing Miss Kate Adele Hill, who is leaving soon to begin her duties as district agent for the extension service in the San Antonio-Austin district. During the evening games of spoof gave principal diversion. Mrs. O. E. Oause gave a short tdlk. expressing the regret of the club i members over the Impending de parture of Miss Hill and their pleasure in the promotion that she has received. She presented her. with a handsome pullman robe, the gift being a token of appreciation ( from the club. A refreshing ice! course was served at the close of the evening. Mrs. Henry Alsmeyer was the only guest not included in the membership of the club. • • • LATERAL T At the home of Mrs George Espev the Lateral T club met Thursday.: The rooms were pleasingly decorated with roses and zinnias. Mrs. L. W Humble won the first prize and Mrs A. E. Graves the trophy for second high in an interesting contest. Re freshments of sandwiches, cake, punch and candy were served by the hostess. Sixteen members and two guests, Mrs. G. B. Dodds of Corpus Christ! and Ms. Fred Wede gartner of San Benito, were pres ent. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Phillip Hork man Thursday. June 27th. at 12 o'clock when a covered dish lunch eon will be served. • • • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. W R Leeton and children returned from Charco Sun- j day. Mrs. J. A. Puckett and little son attended the club encampment at McAllen last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Robertson and sons of Weslaco were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rob ertson. Mr. and Mrs. H C. Aldridge and baby spent Saturday night at Boca Chica. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Frizzell and children of Weslaco were guests in the M. L. Walker home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Scott left Sun day morning by automobile for Junction where they will spend two weeks vacation. Mrs. W. L. Anderson J*id four children. Leon. Mary Earle. Fran ces. and Pauline Ruth, ar^here from Houston for a visit with Mrs. An derson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Dawson, and sister. Mrs. M. F Orr. at Los Fresnos. They expect to remain a week. B. S. Johnson left Saturday eve ning for San Antonio. From San Antonio he will proceed t® Indiana to spend the summer visiting rel atives. Mrs. Henry Keatts left Sunday night for Little Rock. Arkansas, to visit with relatives. Mrs. J. M. Graham and daugh ter. Miss Otelia Graham, left Tues day for their former home at Plainview. After a visit there Mrs. Graham will go to Denver. Colo., and her daughter will go to Newr York where she will take a summer course at Columbia university. They will return in September in time for Miss Graham to resume her duties as teacher in the local high school. Louis Morris left Sunday eve ning for Jacksonville where he ex pects to remain for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Fairev of New York have arrived for a visit in the home of Mr. Fairey's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fairey. The New Yorkers expect to spend the sum mer in Texas. Mr. and Mrs T. J. Yoe have gone to Austin where they were called by the serious illness of Mrs. Yoe's father. C M Wunderman was In San An tonio for a few days. Miss Elizabeth Cowgill is on her wav to Bowlder, Colo., where she w-ill attend the summer sessions of the University of Colorado. She taught in the San Benito schools during the past year. After visiting a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Ludden. Homer Ludden returned to San Antonio. After having finished his fresh man year at the College of Mar shall. Joe Mewshaw is home for a -- ■ ■ - ■» . Footwear for the CHILDREN When the hot summer months roll around, give the children some cool shoes for dress and play—they will be happier and healthier. We have an excellent stock of new san day’s, and moccasin weight children's shoes in tans, blacks, and whites that are just the thing for them. Sizes to f: them—prices to suit you. INTERNATIONAL SHOE STORE MRS. ELSIE C. BARREDA’, Manager 609 Twelfth St. — Brownsville U V" visit with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. E. L. Mewshaw. Mrs. Rov Holcomb and daughter. Elizabeth, are in Bay City, Texas, for a visit. Miss Nell Mewshaw returned last week from Abilene where she se cured her bachelor of arts degree from Simmons university. C. B. Sauers is in Angleton, Tex John Smets is In Sweetwater, Tex as. Dr. John Paul Jones, who has Just received his M. D. degree from the University of Texas medical college at Galveston, is home for a visit. He will return to Galveston to serve as interne, beginning about July 1st. Mrs. Guy Leggett has as her guests, her sister, Mrs. P. Standefer. and two little daughters of Houston Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Thompson and children left Saturday by automobile for Laredo. From Laredo they will go to the Ozark mountains of north ern Arkansas, visiting in Springdale Mt. Sequoyah, Fayetteville and oth er points. Dwight Day. Jr.. left Saturday night for Sweetwater where he will spend the summer with his aunt. Mrs. J. D. Williams. Charles Allison departed Saturday night for Nashville where he will at tend the Lions International con vention as delegate of the local club Miss Corine Baker left Saturday night for Charleston, Miss. Miss Baker will also visit in Memphis and New Orleans before returning home. J. G. Sovars has gone to Sweet water for a visit with her son, Ray Soyars, and her brother. Leigh Stanley has gone to Junc tion where he will join his family on a vacation outing. • Mr. and Mrs. Tonv Preston have departed for the hill country near Kerrville and Junction to spend a vacation in camp. Mr. and Mrs. J. S Perry of Guy mon. Okla.. left Monday night lor points in Missouri. Arkansas and Illinois. They have been spend ing the winter with their son, Dr J. M. Perry. Mr. and Mrs. J A. Puckett and children spent the week-end at Weslaco. They were accompanied home by Miss Minnie Lee West who is spending the week here. Mrs. J. S. Robertson spent Wed nesday and Thursday at Weslaco. Mrs. John McSwain and daugh ter. Ruth, who have been guests in the J. T. Gallant and W. R. Leeton homes left for their home in Charco, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Frizzell and baby of Weslaco were San Benito visitors Wednesday. Miss Erma Andersen of Weslaco was the guest of Miss Betty Ep sey Friday night. MISSION OROINKI CLUB The Oroinki Bridge club was en tertained at the home of Mrs. Ches ter Nichols on Sharyland on Wed nesday. Mrs. Nichols having nut two tables of players because of so many members leaving for thei- va cation. Mrs. Esther Ferguson was high score winner. Mrs. Scleberger low', while Mrs. Pike obtained the guest prize. The guests were Mes dames Esther Ferguson. Helen Pike, Fred Guerin, Alton Bentsen. H. H. Rankin and J. Moon, the latter from Sharyland, Mrs J. M. Holt and Mrs. Mackav Solenberger. the latter from Atlanta. • • • SURPRISE PASTOR Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Benson were surprised after prayer meeting Wed nesday evening by about 75 of their paiishioners coming to their home to extend a hearty welcome to the pastor's wife, who arrived in Mis sion the last oi the week, with an old-fashioned "pounding" accom panying. Rev. Benson came to Mis sion in the early spring. Mrs. Ben son was unable to come with her husband because of the breaking up of the school year for their chil dren. • • • “LOWS” ENTERTAIN The “lows” of the Wednesday bridge club were hostesses at. a very happy affair Wednesday evening when they entertained the "hichs’ and their husbands with a picnic supper on the lawn at the Hayes home, spending the later hours with the cards. Mrs. T. M. Melden was high score holder. Mrs. Conway low Those present were Messrs, anr Mesdames Vernon B. Hill, R. r* Conway, T. M. Melden, B. M Strong. Henthe May, E. I. Stewart Geo. Agnew. T. B. Sammons. Dr and Mrs. T. J. Caldwell. Edward Op 1_ ' I _ - - _ I mtwmimm Itm mm ■ m ■—1 ■■ 1 ■■■"■' Modes of the Moment _ /&eaAVt£> Oie-irtwc ML (Pffrfarit ddkuft) *£ tfo-niMJi4>t ceafo a*id/bmdvm{>> ab t and dimandt) -^y.'tn/Mmtd, Ml dmtt ft fund-fa till w&iiis env £uu^d> ofy and t&*' tdnvi/ » ' --V. 3 (3& far ~ penheimer and Mrs. Florence M. Hayes. • • • GROVE-HOLDAHL Announcements have been re ceived in this city of the marriage of Miss Louise Grove to Lieutenant Theodore Anderson Holdahl. of the United States marine corps, the j marriage taking place in Washing ton. D. C.. on Wednesday, June 12th Lt. and Mrs. Holdahl will be at home j after July the 15th at Marine Bar- i racks. Quantico. Va. Mrs. Holdahl ! is the eldest daughter of Mr. anu I Mrs. E. J. Grove of this city. • • • BRIDGE HOSTESS ( Mrs. Conan Wood was hostess at a very pleasant affair last Tuesday afternoon, when she entertained with two tables of bridge, with Mrs. C. D. Hawkins as high score holder, Mrs. Jack Lair low. Mrs. Jack Lair, j Mrs. E. P. Congdon, Mrs. C. D. Hawkins. Mrs. Swan. Mrs. Dugat. Mrs. J. P. Honey. Mrs. Sorrell and the hostess were the participants, i also later in the delicious refresh i ments served by Mrs. Wood. • • • r. D. A. ENTERTAIN The Catholic Daughters of Amer ; ica enjoyed an evening of enter i tainment last Tuesday evening. ( meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Tanner, near the third lift pump. About 100 guests were present, and the evening was spent in play and dance, the elders rath er preferring the cards, while the young people took advantage of the , beautiful moonlight to dance on the 1 concrete pump platform. The hostesses were Mrs. Tanner. Mrs. Joe Hoffman. Mrs. Chas. Brut sche: and the following out of town guests were present: Miss Mary and j Will Levcrman of Alamo. Mr. and I Mrs. Burset of McAllen and Mrs. i Bursett's sister of Amarillo. • m 9 SOCIAL EVENING One of the very nicest affairs held in the community, savoring of the "good old times of yore" was given last. Tuesday evening at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. O. S Perkms. when Mrs. Perkms invited a number of the old-ttme neighbors and friends for a social evening. A great table was stationed on tbe !awm on which was spread a boun tiful repast, at which all were in vited to be seated and "help your self.” Many of the old-timers among the guests were heard to say. “We used , to have such neighborly times years ago. but not now.” a sigh ac companying the remarks. Among An Attractive Assortment of .Window Shades Curtains, , Drapes In the Latest Designs and Color From your living room to that den upstairs we will decorate your windows tastefully . and in colors to harmonize with your home furnishings. We Also Make Slip Covers “Courteous Always w To Everybody” * Art Shade and Drapery Department on La Feria Highway Two Blocks West of Sears-Roebuck Harlingen. Texas ■ ■ ■ ——r—— ■"■yri - the old friends present were Messrs, and Mesdames M. F. Armstrong. James Glllett, Willard Ferguson. Josiah Bixler. Geo. Mitchell, Thom as Doughty, F. C. Whittlesey, War ren Whittlesey, also Mrs. Jones. Mrs. C. H. Murphy. Miss Sarah Louise Bixler, Miss Roseman Mitchell. • • • ICE CREAM TREAT The intermediate department of the Sunday school and the E. Y. P. U. of the local First Baptist church enjoyed an ice cream treat on Tues day evening last, under the tute lage of the superintendens and teachers of these departments, by way of settling the score in the con test which has been carried on fee some time. A glorious time was had. with playing of games and re freshments. Messrs. Lankford. Co ble and Quick, with the Mesdames Minyard and Bob Hargraves chap eroned the happy crowd of young people. » « • PERSONALS Mrs. S. L. Hardin left Saturday morning for Austin, where she will remain with Mr. Hardin during the summer, while he is taking advanced work at the University of Texas. Miss Margaret and Sidney. Jr., ac companied their mother. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Oppen heimer have returned from a short trip to Kerrville. John Kelley of Beeville. father of Mrs. Will Martin, and Mrs. Er nest Kelley of Cuero, are spending some time visiting at the Will Mar tin home in South Mission. Mrs H H. Rankin and son Hol lis end Mrs. D. C. Hawkins and lit tle daughter returned home Satur day from a week’s vacation in Cor pus Christ!. Mr. and Mrs. John White and their daughter. Miss Mary Jane, left Wednesday lor a short season at Corpus Christ!. *. LYFORD PERSONALS Mrs. Chas. Peterson and son. Jack left Thursday evening for Chi cago. They expert to spend the summer in Rock Island. Ill Mrs. Soblom entertained the fol lowing for dinner Sunday. Miss Basey. Mr. and Mrs. Bostrom, Miss Hollenbci: from Harlingen, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peterson and Jack. Mr. and Mrs Backlund from Lyfcrd. Miss Elizabeth Archer is expected home Thursday morning rrom Wes layan university. Deleware, Ohio. Miss Elizabeth Archer who has been attending the Weselyan uni versiav in Deleware. Ohio, the past, past year arrived in Austin to visit with Lady Grace Snow, former Ly ford girl, who is employed in one of the departments of the state house. They were met by Miss Priscilla Stevenson, inspectress of Custom in Brownsvi’le, who arrived Saturday by airplane. The two young ladies spent Sunday with Miss Snow. Miss Stevenson return ed to Brownsville Tuesday by air | plane. Ethel Marie and Tom Stevenson. Jr., came up from Brownsville to visit their Grandmother Deyo, for & few days Miss Vincent Stevenson and two little sons came up to visit Mrs. Daisy Stevenson last week. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Hedrick and , children are leaving for Rudolph, I Texas, soon. G. A. Gage of San Antonio was in Lvford on real estate business this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carlson and daughter. Sarah, will entertain the Ladies’ aid of the Bethel Lutheran church next Friday evening at 8 o'clock. A short program will be rendered and refreshments served | to members and friends. TEARS, FLOWERS AND JOY AT HOMECOMING • -- Nothing Stirs the Emotions as the Return Home After a Siege of Illness at the Hospital, Says Winifred Black, Teillng the Story of Mrs. John 111 Bv WINIFRED BLACK Mrs. John W. is at home again. Her house is full of flowers—the telephone rings by night and by day and everyboiy wants to know how ! she is. and she is verv well, thank you oh. very well Indeed. Of course she’s a little shaky when she tries to walk and she cries very easily—why the other day somebody read her a little newspaper verse about the sand and the sea or moonlight and roses, or something like that; and she Just cried and cried and wouldn’t tell what the matter was. I don't think she knew herself, between you and me. She said "everything sort of rame over me. all the things that had made me sad in my life, the time the baby died and the way my fa\*nrite brother ran away from college and never amounted to any thing and—oh everything—even the dress that didn’t hang right when I graduated, and I just had to cry about it.” And John W. himself was as good as gold. Thpv are a littfe afraid of him down at the office—how surprised they would be if they could have seen him brushing Mrs. John’s hair and using his own fresh u/ixjiFRFn RiAnc handkerchief to dry her tears, and saving there. | there—and sort o£ smiling all the time and looking I as if he wanfed to cry too. "John!" said Mrs John, tilting up among her pillows cozy and com i fortable, “John. I’ll tell you what's the matter with me .It’s this room | with the sunshine and the flowers, the view and the picture I bought in Kome ana me one you orougnt me 7 from Dresden and the photograph I of the boys in their bathing suits. Somehow it's all so human and sort of kind and I don't fee! like Just a number or a letter in the alphabet anymore. ... j ' Oh. that awful hospital, the smells of ether and things, and the nurses, in their starched dresses.1 and the owlish young doctors trying to look wise and not caring a cent whether you live or die as long as they get their diagnosis registered right. And the diet kitchen with the queer things they send you on your tray, and the man next door moan ing all the time and calling for his mother like a little boy. he ought not to have been in my ward but he was. and young nurses giggling and trying to flirt with the doctor and they dian't have to try so very hard at that. “Old nurses frowning and being bossy and know it all—lazy nursts going to sleep Just when you needed them the most—hot water bottles and electric pads, and if anyone ever says chart to me again I'll strangle them with my own hands. “And here was my own home and you and my own room and the children's'pictures and I’m a person again.” "Urn.” said John W. and he took 1 * .. ■ “ ■ • out the hospital bill and read it over. “Old Doctor Grimshaw told me the other day at the club.” said John, “that all these young doctors have hospitalitis They will send you to a hospital for a sprained wrist or a pain in your toe. “He says they treat ti e disease well enough but they forget all about the patient.” I wonder if the old doctor wasn't a good deal like right, when he said that about hospitalitis? I've heard—but what do you think of it anyhow? 666 is a Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue* Bilious Fever and Malaria. It la the moat secede rrmtdr known. W. R MONTGOMERY j> A.t «rney at Law j! President Hidalgo Guarantee % 11 Abstract Company Z | Edinburg State Bank Bldg.. 2 11 Edinburg. Co., Seat Hidalgo Co. z FOR— Polishing Greasing Washing V. Complete tire repai “ service Vtilcaniiinr Storage ^ * * * Mobiloil Gasoline Free air and water * PHONE 672 Jk Most Miles Per Dollar luSifiic I POUNDING over the On the race track, trans. I road, mile after mile— continental runs, endurance at fifty, sixty, seventy miles tests, truck and bus oper anhour. Subjected to intense ationi beat record strains as four wheel brakes of all—Firestone’s economic are applied, and—piling up record of “Most Miles Per records that no other tires Dollar!” Bring us your tire in the world can approach— problems—we are tire spe FirestoneGum*DippedTires cialists and will save you hold unsurpassed records in money^while serving you every field of tire endeavor.. better. I e— ^ You Can Trade in Your Old Tires Here I I I I I I I I Denison Service Station R. D. WILSON, Manager Brownsville i