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Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
Newspaper Page Text
-..^ , , NINE MORE BARGAIN DAYSl Any s,„„ to AT ALL OF OUR STORES Any Home in the . . . ■ Valley The “White Elephant sale items are limited in quantity to the stock SPECIAL on hand a* each of our stores, and we have only one each of some of WATirr the lar8er items. Therefore, we urge you to make your selections as 11U I lvL early as possible so you may secure the bargains which we are offer ing in this annual sale. - i———III l ■ II——— I ....... m- ____. I Living Ro< >m Suites > At • White Elephant Prices This is a SPECIAL BARGAIN—A regular $129.50 three-piece m Jacquard Velour Living Room Suite... ...... Here is another BARGAIN—A three-piece mottled Jacquard # Velour Living Room Suite; spring cushions ... Three-piece Jacquard Velour Living Room Suite, in serpentine front design, a very special value, at a very low price.......... * A regular $169.50 three-piece Living Room Suite in Jac B quard Velour upholstering, with reversible, spring-filled a cushions—at a saving of Thirty Dollars. * Regular $198.50 three-piece Living Room Suite with gen ■ uine mohair upholstering; hand carved frame; reversible ■ cushions—at a “White Elephant” price.... : FIBRE LIVING ROOM SUiTES INCLUDED ■ Regular $49.50 two-piece genuine Fibre Settee and fancy Chair; cre tonne upholstering; spring cushions.. Regular $89.00 three-piece Karpen Fibre Suite consisting of Settee. Chair, and Rocker- spring cushions. . A SPECIAL “White Elephant” bar gain, in this three-piece Fibre Suite with Tapestry covered, removable, spring-filled cushions . B Three-piece Karpen parchment and crackle finished Settee. Arm $^7750 m Chair, and \\ all Chair, with Tapestry covered seats. £ £ = Four-piece “Jenny-Lind” design Suite consisting of a beautiful * Settee, Chair, Rocker, and Table, in three-tone green, orange, and * ivory finish .. ■ _ OCCASIONAL DAVENPORT TABLES a ”* ABLES BARGAIN No. 1; A regular S9.50 nr ■ A large stock of Occasional Davenport Table, at only. Tables to select from, at low White Elephant prices. BARGAIN No. 2; Regular $12.50 (JO 4T ■ Regular $15.00 Davenport Table, on sale at. ■ BARGAIN No. 3; Regular $14.50 Cl ft /IC 9 Davenport Table, going at..... " Beautiful Bedroom Suites at White Elephant Prices A good Red Room Suite at a low * price. Regular $79.50 four-piece $ Bed Room Suite, for only .. I An EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE in this attractive four-piece Bed Room Su te ..... t A regular $119.50 four-piece wal nut finished Bed Room Suite con sisting of Bed, Chest, Vanity, and Bench .... Your choice of several regular $97.50 four- $0/| 59 piece Bed Room Suites v^Tl — at this low price. Regular $lo9.50 live- # ^ rn piece Twin-Bed Bed *117== Room Suite. Regular SI75.50 five piece Bed Room Suite. . Regular S198.59 high- . - lighted Maple Bed * | A V ™ Regular S395.00 five piece Walnut Bed * /X7 Room Suite w..... M., w# Regular $127.50 four- J f\/\ 50 piece Bed Room Suite.. 1 1 * .T == Regular $129.50 four- J ^^50 piece Bed Room Suite. . A tLiZd == Regular $224.50 gen-.^ ^ OR1; uine Mahogany five- ▼ 1 ^ J piece Bed Room Suite.. Regular $498.50 three- ^ ^ tone burl walnut Bed * /;/+] £? Room Suite. # Regular $497.50 high- # ^ ^ lighted Maple Bed y £? Room Suite ... SPECIAL Regular $1.98 Regular $5.90 I-ILT-TOP TABLE MApAZJNE BRIE>GELAMP RACK and SHADE 98c *i- ’32 I III « I MM I mill I I IIIIRIII | III | Mini ..—. 111 ..■ ... ....■■■ ■ * ■ I ■ —III ■ !■■■ .Ml, ■ -..I ........ mu. — ————— Bis Bargains in Gas Ranges I Regular $79.50 “Darling” Gas Range In ivory and red finish Our regular $39.50 Valley Economy Gas Range in black fin ish, with white splasher and doors— ££ Regular $64.50 Detroit-Jewel Gas Range; black fin ished frame with white splasher and doors— Reguli r $79.50 Detroit-Jew^el Gas Range with heat control— Regular $89.50 Detroit-Jewel Gas Range, with white top and splasher— Ladies’ Writing Desks In a wide variety of fin ishes and colors. Reg ular $29.50 values— $19.95 Regular $39.50 values $22.50 Fibre Desks Your choice of any reg ular values up to $39.50 $19.50 Secretaries Regular $47.50 value $34.50 Regular $65.50 value $46,50 Regular $69.50 value $52.50 Special Assortment Table Lamps $1 9| Refrigerators Regular $34.50 75-pound ice capacity top-icing, cork lined Alaska Refrigerator Regular $37.50 50-pound ice capacity three-door cork lined Alaska Refrigerator Regular $54.95 Herrick Refrigerator with water cooling gravity tank system Bargains in Mirrors BARGAIN No. 1 Mantel or Buffet MIRROR 11 by 46 inches BARGAIN No. 2 MIRROR 12 by 54 inches *52 12 by 22inch CONSOLE MIRROR Polychrome frame 98c 9 by 20 inch VENETIAN MIRROR __| Cedar Chests Regular $17.50 value >122 Regular $19.95 value >142 Wall Desks ,Regular $43.50 value >322 Regular $64.50 value $4950 Regular $17.95 Floor Lamp and Shade H_S Dining Room Suites j 1 At White Elephant Prices j asgTORegular 569.50 six-piece Dinette Suite B ^^Hconsiating of Table, Buffet, and four B Chairs; walnut finish..*..* ■ ^^HRegular $97.50 six-piece Walnut fin- B ^feished Dinette Suite—a bargain at the B i»|'*egular price—now, only ...• B Eight-piece Walnut finished Dining B Room Suite, consisting of Table, Buf fet, host’s Arm Chair, and five fam- \ f, S r _ A regular $119.50 eight-piece walnut finished Dining Room Suite « $Q/150 consisting of extension Table, Buffet, hosts Arm Chair, and five ■ family Chairs. ■ Regular $129.50 eight-piece Dining Room Suite—Buffet, B extension Table. Arm Chair, and five family Chairs, at this B low price to close out this pattern... ■ Regular $169.50 eight-piece walnut veneered Dining Room Suite; extension Table. Buffet, Arm Chair, and five family ■ Chairs, in a beautiful design; included in this sale at a price ■ that means a very special bargain for some one.. # ■ Nine-Piece Dining Room Suites at White Elephant Prices ■ . Sixty Dollars saving on a regular $279.50 nine-piece Dining B Room Suite consisting of extension Table, Buffet, China , Cabinet, host’s Arm Chair, and five family Chairs .... ......... A BIG WHITE ELEPHANT BARGAIN FOR SOME ONE. a Regular $457.50 nine-piece walnut Dining Room Suite, in an especially beautiful design, at a saving you cannot af ford to overlook; be sure to see this Suite ..... A regular $497.50 nine-piece Dining Room Suite at an im- ^ -- B mense saving; this Suite consists of extension Table, Btif- $ / V| ^0 fet, China Cabinet, host’s ArmChair, and five family £4 y = Chairs. You will want this Suite in your home. ■ Almost Two Hundred Dollars saving on this beautiful ^ ^ $725.00 nine-piece Dining Room Suite that will go to some $ W 5U Valley home during this sale. We are making this low jLt / = price for a quick purchase of this fine Suite. ■ BREAKFAST SUITES at WHITE ELEPHANT PRICES EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE: Your choice of green and orange, or green and blue finish in this five piece Breakfast Suite consisting of drop-leaf Table and four substantial Chairs. EXTRA qe AT ALL SPECIAL ZZ OF OUR VALUE STORES Three Finishes at ji4.S0 In this group of natural Oak with brown trim, green with orange trim, and grey with blue trim, we offer a new and at tractive Breakfast Suite design; four strong Chairs, and drop-leaf Table— $24.50 Karpen Fibre Breakfast Suite Regular $30.50 Karpen Fibre Breakfast Suite consisting of large Table (JOi CA and four low-back Chairs .... «p£iicuU Two Bargains at $59.50 ■ ■ Regular $79.50 Karpen Breakfast Suite a consisting of Table and four Chairs, in a orange and black finish; a special value a THE FIVE CT Jf\ ■ PIECES 7 s-J'C * t ■ - 4 m Another Karpen Breakfast Suite in the “Jenny Lind” design- especially attrac tive, and a regular $79.50 CA value—at a very low price . . . Old Hickory ■ Furniture at ■ White l Elephant ■ Prices ■ __ ■ ^7/1 V Regular $12.50 J &%y,/±/'2ts*ic/ y/Vi- . Old Hickory ■ Regular $6.00 : Regular $7.50 c • „ ■ Old Hickory Chair Old Hickory Chair ^WIng . $348 $^_98 j9= : Regular $7.00 Regular $8.50 Regular $16.50 Old Hickory Old Hickory Old Hickory * a Rocker Rocker Settee ■ $398 SC48 $ 12= ■ ____ __ ___ _ _ ___ ■ . ‘ 1. . ■ yS tin*