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’ Jack Dalton, Outlaw Of Yester day, T akes Bride In Airplane ALBUGUERQUE. N. M., June 27 tf +-(£*>—Reunited after 33 years of v separation. Jack Dalton. 60. former "-£ Oklahoma outlaw, and "Cattle ^ Annie" Burke, his boyhood sweet •a heart, were married in an aerial • ceremony here today. »* Dalton drove here m a trues from Arizona, and the couple took I out a marriage license. They were ♦- taken alcft in a cabin plane. The *- wedding service was conducted by • Justice of the Peace Ritt. • t The story is told that when passes were scouring the country for the ft Dalton gang in 1836 after a jail • break at Guthrie. Okla., it was "Cat •• tie Annie." young daughter of the *- West, who carried information and food to the hidden bandits. Today Dalton related that lack of! food would have put an end to their i hiding "early in the game" if it had ( not been for the loyalty of the wom «' an he married. ’ - Later in the year of 1896 the en r*' tire Dalton gang was rounded up • and sentenced to the penitentiary | for participation in the robbery of! a bank at Coffeyville, Kas. Dalton lost all track of the girl who had befriended him until a few years ago. Since then they have been corresponding. Jack Dalton reformed, he said. after he was pardoned and released from the penitentiary. For many years he has been an ardent spokes man for law and order. His bride is a rancher in Arizona and the couple will return there to make their home. Fire Prevention Meeting Slated For Friday Night fSnerial to The Herald) SA!* BENITO June 27 —San Be nito people and firemen and city officials of other towns in the Val ley are to gather at a fire preven tion mass meeting here . Friday nlsrht. J. W. Dcwessc. state fire insur ance commissioner, and several other state officials will be at the meeting, and will address Valley people on fire prevention work in general. An invitation to all the mayors and oilier city officials in the Val ley has been extended by Fire Chief I. A. Tedder of San Benito, who said that the meeting will be the beginning of a fire prevention and safety organization in San Benito. .f. j|J * Lll|: This week try needa Bakers'* t l aOeOceaciDQDS ?f" Chocolate Snaps “ Baked in TEXAS < f-5-!f j p *■ _____ **■ ^ Bits of ehoeol&te flavored rookies, rumpled on the top. Sassy little snaps that dsre you to eat and eat and eat. Don’t forget there are Zu Zu Ginger Snaps, Lemon Snaps . e 5^ *»nd Vanilla Snaps too. Buy these by the package. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY “Uneeda Jlakers" j .. 1 We’re here to prove that tasty, wholesome food and ex orbitant prices are not necessarily inseparable. In fact 1 appetizing groceries and meats will convince you tl that you can secure ton-notch qualitv without undue e.\ l\ pense simply by TELEPHONING YOUR ORDER TO >1 US. >\ Delivered Right to Your Door! 1 PHONE I 920-or-921 l| Ainsworth & l| Colgin ■ * e • • Grocery anc! Market Brownsville ._1 A SENTENCED FOUR IN KIDNAPING OF STATE OFFICIAL r---— - ■ 1 ■ — ..——— -~~ Three men who pleaded guilty to abducting Lieut. Gov. W. B. K-nne of Idaho, have been sentenced at Lewiston. Idaho, to terms ranging from 10 to 25 yea-.-s, and a fourth member of the gang from one to 25 years. The four men are shown above with an off.cer. Kneeling are two Lewiston boys who aided in the capture. Inset is the lieutenant governor. He wos kidnaped, robbed and threatened with death if he ever attempted to identify the gang. Berthold Murphy, d.vcrce, Ora Nell vs. Otis C Biggs, divorce. Agatha Copenhaver Mattke vs Fred Mattke. divorce. San Benito Bank & Trust Co. vs II. R. Ammons; debt and fore closure. Mercedes Concrete Pipe Co. vs.! John Hosfeld et al: debt. Mrs. Samantha C. Bradshaw vs.! Valley Developments Inc., damages. Lucille Cocke et al vs. Thos. G. j Sampson; damages. Temple Manufacturing Co. vs Waliace-Shannon Co.; debt. _» - 78TH DISTRICT COURT Hen A. W. Cunningham, Judge No orders. lorno district court Hen. A. HZ. !irnt. Judge No orders. COUNTY COURT Hon. Oscar Dancy, Judge Suits filed: None COUNTY COURT AT LAW Hen. John Kleiber. Judge No orders. FF \f, ESTATE TRANSFERS Furnished hy Valley Abstract Cn. J. A Champ^n et ux to Louis Chamnion. 1-7 undivided interest in lands in Tio Cano Lake subdi-1 I vision, $1. etc. A. F. Parker to C. S. Thomson. I south 20 acres, farm tract 184. • Coast Land Farms subdivision, share 3. Buena Vista Grant, plat 8-53. $10, etc, A. F. Parker to C. S. Thompson, all | farm tract 181. Coast Land Farms, subdivision 3. Buena Vista grant, plat 8-53, $10, etc. A. F. Parker to C. S. Thomson, all farm tract 87. Coast Land Farms, subdivision 2. Buena Vista grant. 15.14 acres. $10. etc. A. F Parker to C. S. Thomson, north 20 acres, farm tract 184. Coast Land Farms subdivision 3. Buena Vista grant, plat 8-53. $10. etc. C. W. Howell et ux to J. Leon Hargrove, lots 19. 20. 21. blpck 2.1 Roselawn addition. La Feria grant, i $10. etc. Wm. Sihson et ux to Lavinla: Gathings. north 10 acres, block 25, Cabins subdivision. La Feria Grant, j $2,000. If. T. Ramsey to W. C. McClin- ! took, all block 58. O. T. Santa Rosa.' $10. etc. Jo e B. Caldemnl to Virginia M.1 G. do Flores, lot 10. block 82-A. Still- j man lit ion. Brownsville. $5500. Vincent .T. Rorke by Raymond A. ‘ Ticrke to Jno. E. Roetzel, lots 109> nd 110, Colonia Victoria. Browns ville. $1. etc. Los Ebanos Estate. Tnr.. to Frank F. Burlingame, farm blocks M and $5. Los Ebanos Estates. Esniritu Sfloto grant, plot $-12. $5 807.30. F F. Champion to Silve^tre C>on za!r . lot 3. block 9. Santa Maria townsite. $10. etc. T L. Turner et ux to H. A. Moore lot 3. block 141. O. T Harlingen. $10 et" H. A Moor* et ux to M. D Bro ader, lot 3, block 144. O T Har lip^rn. $1000. M. D. Browder et ux to H Moo-e. Robert Sc’ley. lot 4. Scheel? addition. Harlingen, $10. etc. W. S .lessee Bertha L Jessee to R..F. ncrthwrst 20 acres 0' block 18, Cantu tract, rlat 4-45. $10. etc. Welter Verhalen to San Antonio & Aransas Pass Rv. Co. portion of south 21 acres, block 1. Harlingen land and Water Co., survey 2$. Cameron County School Lands. $10. etc. Serena Pc’lock, trust®", to G. H Binglsy, lot 24 block 13. townsite. Frrrr.o~, plat 7-48. $3769. R. T. Roberts to Emiho Her- J render, lot 7. biock 1 Carmen addi- 1 ti"n. Fan Benito, $150. E. E. Harrison to B. F Hardin, v- 1. block 20. Finwood Heights ad-} .i-icn. Harlingen. $19. etc. A. H. Fcrnandeo. trustee, to Ber- j -nrd Eolxer. lot 7. block 69. West; "I "''•"nsvi’le, $19. etc. TTrr. Ella F. Prrriv et, vir, to L. F. *r. et ux. all town lot 4. block M O T. Harlingen «in etc. if. C. Couch et el to T. Ledde! j :*• l. block 6. town Primers. $10. etc. j C A. Hebron et ux to T. W. Neff. 1 — • r$ fret off of lot 3 and east > feet off of lot 2. block 1. Mar- ' ictt addlt "n Harlingen $300. ’liileigo t'oontv R B Edwards to St L B A M ■?. R Co 2C0 feet right of wjy 1 :»;< r:;eh farm tract 93 West Tract i rMi-. tsicn. $1500. Weslaco Townsite Co. to Julian evino. lot 11. block 9. Weslaco. $10. etc. J. C. Eneelman. Jr., to J. M F mens, south 14 acres, block 33. La Blanca B.. $1. etc. AbreliRm Trevino to Julio Tre-1 vino, lots 31 and 32. block 122. Har- j gill, $1, etc. L. C. Sadler, et ux to O M Bal lard. south 15 acres. F. T. 400 West Tract. $10. etc. E. C. Couch to Mrs. Jennie Hamn ton. 45 feet. 7 inches be 100 fee* off east end lots 1 and 2. block 53. Wes laco. $2000. V. R. Lovell to W C ConnPh*. south one-half lot 36. La Blanca B $4500. V. L. de Hinojosa et ux to Mar garito Esninosa. all Interest in por c:on 48. $10. etc. j James J. Conway to J. C. Engel man. Jr., west 10 acres, lot 5 resnb dMsion block 163 La Blanca $3S00. Boyd West fall to A. L. Gibson. 2.5 acres out of east side lot 175. Kelly Pharr. $3000 D. F. Strickland, receiver, to Class D. Turner, lot 15. block 5. west ad cliMu t" McAllen, *309. H B. Herren to fi-vero Ruela. lob P block 7.. Colonia Chaoueltepec ad dition to Mercedes. $10. etc. John H Shary to Herman Schultz, north 5 87 acres of south 17 34 acres lot 38-1 West addition to Sharvlind, |vw>. Panfilio Pedraza et ux to R. R. i Sheeler. lot 10. block 52, Mission towns! te, $10. etc. Card A Parks Development Co., to Frank C. Miller, east 9.10 acres, lot 14 and west 2.68 acres, lot 13, Ebony Heights Citrus groves Unit No. 1, $14,725. Valley Lumber Co. to Fred L. Hansler. lot 3. block 5 Cathay Courts addition to McAllen. $2860. OPERATING INCOME OF TEXAS RAILS GAINING 'Special to The Herald) AUSTIN. June 22*—Net operat ing income of all Texas railroads for the first four months of this year was $10.683 427, a gain of 32 per cent over the same period last year, a railroad commission report reveals. Freight revenues were $64,294,373. a gain of 5 1-2 per cent; while passenger revenues of $3,589,228 showed a 5 per cent decline. SANDERS RETURNS 'Special to The Herald) HARLINGEN. June 27—John F Senders has returned from Detroit, where he attended the Travelers Protective association convention as state director for Texas. I-----: University to Answer Demand for Institute __ i CHICAGO. June 27.—Who has the right o! way on the road to Mars? What nationality is a child of Jewish parents, born on a German airplane flying over the Irish Free State? Don't answer unequivocally unless you wish. If you do. anything you say may be used against you. for the truth is that the greatest legal au thorities in the world would only be guessins. Northwestern Seeks Answer Legal restrictions governing fly ing are still in a formative and cha otic state. But out of tne Jumble of old laws and new. of cases In point and out. Northwestern university's law school will seek to bring order. The law of the air will become a course of study at Northwestern next year, it is announced by Presi dent Walter Dill Scott of the uni versity. who. at the suggestion of Dean John H. Wigmore. of the law school, has just appointed a com mittee of faculty members to con sider ways and means of establish ing a special air law* study course. The proposed new department will be the first of its kind in the United States and the second air law insti tute in the world, the first being at Koenigsburg. Germany. "Intricate legal problems have de- j velopr-d and are developing as a re sult of the rapid strides made in aviation that make such a course o* study in this country imperative.” j Dean Wigmore declared. "I have suggested to President Scott the name of Prof. Frederick D. Fagg. at present connected with the University of Southern California, as the head of the proposed new de partment. Professor Fagg is an alumnus of Northwestern and has but recently returned from Koenigs burg. where he was exchange pro | fessor at the air law institute there Begins Next Summer The institute will begin function ing next summer, when a short summer course in the laws of the air will be open to students. Be tween then and now. authorities will bend every effort to the building up of an air law librarv. which will be used when the institute gets fully under way. Such an institute as that contem nlated will go a long way in assist- 1 ing to settle manv interesting and technical points of the law that are now both figuratively and literally un the air. It was explained by Cant. J. Kendall S Mitchell, of Chi- j cago. America’s first air cornoration ; attorney and adtutant of the 319th attack group. Air Corps Reserve. "Freedom of the air. as far as air lav: is concerned is a mere phrase.’’ j said Cant sin Mitchell, who is re- j sensible for the legal organisation < of four big air mergers, including 1 the first aviation companv ever tn cornn'-ated in this eountrv. "The j question of how high must a shin of one nation fly over the land of another nation to be outside Its 'urisdlction, and whether or not shins flvirtg intra or inter-state shall be controlled bv federal or state law . arc two of the more irr.nortant ones- ! tions that the new institute will help 1 to solve. •‘Then, there is the question of j whether an airplane carrying nas- ; is a common earner, and. as such, is subject to the same regu«u- | tions as other common carriers like i buses, electric cars, steam railroads and the like ” The future, air law authorities i agree, will see an air court, or per- ! i haps many of them, sitting in all! cases Involving air laws. It Is not ' too far a stretch of the imagination to visualize air cops and speedsters' courts in stationary balloons, where, when the cases are over, the judge and lawyers drop via parachute to luncheon on top of a skyscraper, or comfortably seated in helicopters chug home and light with exactness and nicety in their roof top hangars Infinite Possibilities Possibilities for legal talent and research into air law are infinite | Nobody has ruled, for example, on what constitutes air trespass, or who would get the salvage in case a dere lict airplane, cruising about in the sky without a crew, was roped and brought to rest. It’s all “up in the air" now. a If there's the whole blue of the sky fotw youthful legal talent of the future to shoot at with citations and argu ment. injunctions and writs. “Air. ye. air ye. this honorable air court Is open pursuant to adjourn ment." _ BUSINESS COLLEGE PICNICS AT OLMITO The regular annual picnic of the Valley Business college was held at Olmico Wednesday evening. Nearly fifty students and former students attended. Dancing, swimming and games occupied the evening The party was chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. G W. Moothart. and Miss El len Jones. _ The Butter-Nut Boy I On Your Bread Wrapper MEANS I PROTECTION FOR YOUR i TABLE \ Through * I ■ FRESHNESS - QUALITY - PURITY I W. L. Trammtll f*lTTTER‘KlIT HmrUnfnl I™. BREAD. • *■“ • Jk Baked by VALLEY BAKING COMPANY jj Vuj—m———mumtn,mm 'Musszmmamsn s - t n ;»■ ssxm; II nUsatasre lever Combines | j «bii Oak witln a IBircIi 5 Neither does Nature combine crude oils of different base into a finished lubricant. Different types of crude oils have their own peculiar qualities. Each contributes toward perfect lubrication. The problem of securing the best qualities of paraf fine crude and naphthene, of blending these two into an oil having properties of both, has finally been solved. Our chemists have made a two-base oil which is ideal for the modern high-compression, high-speed motor . . . the new Gulf j ^ It resists heat and wear; minimizes carbon formation and in every way lubri cates for the best performance of your motor. Let your motor convince you. j; GRJHJF REHIIIG COUWAJITV Manufacturers of the Famous Gulf Venom Insecticide ifio£5?*2« I I J'jh* J?. 1959. . ... ■' . ,■ 1 - ,i" . , CSS i