Newspaper Page Text
'■ I ' ■ ■ 1 -- - - —■— .« • ■ " ' 1 ■ 'll ■■ I - -«■ : - .- ' ■ Jflere’s A Simply Arranged Directory Of Wants And Offers. Look It Over Now! AUTOMOTIVE " . ... »■ I .. WILL TRADE sedan or roadster for a truck. W. R. McElroy. Brownsville. __R-101 TOR BALE—Cadillac wrecker, cheap. Call 191. l«th and McKinley. R-109 AUTO REPAIRING FOR GENUINE NASH PARTS AND SERVICE You should see us. Ws are equipped with everything It takes to render A-l service. Also washing, polishing and greasing. BROWNSVILLE NASH CO. 1327 Levee. Phone 1366. P-198 LOST AND r^UND LOST—Large white greyhound with brlndle spots. Scar on one front leg. If found call 55 or 1148-W Reward R-199 LCST AND FOUND POUND—Bunch of keys. 200 block W. Levee. Oner may have same by calling at Herald office and paying for this ad. LOST—At Bcca Chi cm: Elgin 17-Jewel watch with athletic medal fob. Re ward. Dr Carlos Calderonl. City Drug Store. R-20® LOST—Tuesday morning on Boca Chl ca road, comfort, army blanket and pillow wrapped In brown canvas No tify Herald office or O. 8. Bates. Route 1. Brownsville. Reward. R-210 PERSON**. ~ DR. COOK. Chiropractor, bath parlor*, massages. El VIbra reducing system used. Cook & Williams. 1713 Grant St., telephone 1223-J. R-S TRUCK returning to Marlon. Illinois. July first would like to have load to destination or Intermediate points. Price reasonable. Call San Perilta De velopment Co.. Raymondvllle, Texas. R-211 IP IT'S WORTH advertising lfs worth telling about fully. That's the way to get results. i Classified Business Directory ARCHITECTS ... ■111 1 BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects—Engineers 308 Merchants Bank Bldg. Phone 617 Brownsville. Texas E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 K. NEWELL WATERS „ Architect ••13 Security State Bank Building Weslaco. Texas — | E. B. GORE Civil and Consulting Engineer 1 Room 408. State National Bank Bldg_ Brown*vine. Texan. Phone urn BUILDERS—CONTRACTORS PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors t. 528 Washington St. ▼ Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 I __ I E. M. RIDLEY j General Contractor Roads. Land Leveling, Plowing, Sub-soiling ^EXCAVATIONS EMBANKMENTS 408 MERCHANTS NATL BANK BROWNSVILLE Scholes & Sclioles General Contractors Phone 428 San Benito. Texas We are now prepared to do composition work. Drain Boards step* . Bath Room Floors Mill Work j ‘ CASH REGISTERS_ national cash register CO Registers bought, sold and exchanged W E. 8anders, Representative phone 29. Harlingen. Tex. Box 905 — PRAY—TRANSFER Mason Transfer & Grain Co. bonded warehouse SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING 1105 Adams. _Phone 119 AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY Crating. Shipping. Hauling Phones 421 and 519 " ~ FLORISTS_ the flower shop Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1264 Elizabeth 8t Phone 1388 BCWYER the fujRIST. flowers knd funeral designs. St. Charles i and Pita streets. Phone T71. i HOTELS—CAFES WHITE KITCHEN Famous for Us Cooking-Immaculacy and Service The popular place for business lunches I2tfi between Elizabeth and Washington | Hat Renovating First Class Hat Renovating & Shoe Repairing Delta Shoe & Hat Shop We Call for and Deliver Phone 635 : _ * -- INSURANCE "ORVILLE r. eby District Manager B^ria Life Insurance Company We specialise on monthly income eervlce. 80S Baxter Bldg. Harlingen. Texas. Phone SOt * -- PAINTING ^TtwTINO. Pa per hanging. Decorating ?£?TexUu* f t. R1CU. 1446 Lin coin St. P*on# im j- ‘ 3hRH V * FINANCIAL LOANS On Improved residence and business property. Todd and Underwood 1057 Levee St. Brownsville. Texas. LOANS To buy. to build, to re-flnance or Im prove your home or business property. Any Town In the Valley. Gunn & Holdridge Over First National Sant Pharr. Texas. - MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate . Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. All repair work &uarr.nteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL FILING Equipment Maverlck-Clarke Litho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phor.e 617—Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies . HARGROVES STATIONERY «Ss BOOK STORE Brownsville. Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS ROOFING THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO.. Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roof Ing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1163 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville's Typewriter House) Distributors. New L. C. Smith “81 icnf* 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and "Factory" Rebuilts—all makes We repair all makes typewriter and I adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth St. Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER 8ALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repairs Phone 506—Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS RALPH A. DUNKELBERG Attorney at Law CVe—»».•«*] Collections a Specialty 106 Seabury. George and Taylor Building Brownsville. Texas Davenport. West and Ransome Attorneys at Law 301-108 Merchants National Bank Brownsville, Texas H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Texas J. T. Canales C. 8. Eidm&n. Jr. CANALES AND EIDMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank BrownsvUle. Texas H I* Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville CHIROPRACTOR M. Cook, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR Nerv-O-Meter Service 1715 Grant and Seventeenth Victoria Height* Brownsville. Texas. Phone 1228-J EL VIBKA SYSTEM USED REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Brownsville's Supreme Residential District, carefully restricted com pletely Unproved. Home sites from $1200 00. easy terms. James-DIckin son Co.. Realtors, comer 'feeler.* Hotel Bldg. Brownsville try a Herald Classified Ad I AUTOMOTIVE I BUT WITH CONFIDENCE AN O. K CAR •28 Chevrolet Landau Sedan Me chanically reconditioned Good tires. New Duco finish. New top. Good battery. Down payment only . 1188.00 AN O. K CAR *27 Chevrolet Landau Sedan. New Duco paint. Mechanically over hauled. Good tires. Clean as new car. Down payment only.. .$148 00 AN O. K CAR '28 Chevrolet Coupe Good tires. New Duco finish. Mechanically reconditioned Down payment only . $118.00 AN O K. CAR •27 "hevrolat Sedan. Mechanical ly reconditioned. New Duco paint. Body in perfect condition with seat covers snd other accessories. Down payment ..$150 00 AN O K CAR 27 Chevrolet Coach. First class mechanical condition. Qood paint. Good tires. Down payment only .$180 00 AN O. K CAR '28 Chevrolet Touring. New Duco ( finish. Mechanically reconditioned. Good battery. New top. “Duty paid to Mexico. Down payment $15800 All O K. Cars are sold with an O. ( K. that counts. Can be driven three days and If unsatisfactory can be returned and full credit allowed on another car of eqtial or l higher value or on a new Chev | rotet. STEVENSON MOTOR CO . Ine. 10th and Adams Sts. Tel. 1111 'IELI* WANTED WANTED—Ten ladles to sell high claas line of goods all through Valley; 50 per cent commission—and more to good worker. Olve full name, address, snd phone number In reply. Address B-206. cara Herald. R-208 WANTED-Middle-aged woman for house work and care for baby. Phone ! 188. Mrs. La Qro _R-205 SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED orchsrdlet snd tree surgeon desires permanent position with company. Address R-208. care Herald. R-208 COLORED GIRL wants to do private home cooking Calt at 8th and Rail- j road street. Mrs. Hazel Brown Dlckln- I son's rooming house. Ask for Ellen Selgler. R-214 SALESMEN -agents WANTED—3 talesmen. 2 living In ' Brownsville and one Ip Matamoros Apply Lanier Radio Parlor, Seabury. George and Taylor Bldg. R-215 - _FINANCIAL .Wanted to Buy Yen dor’s Lien j Notes j Olve full particulars. Including discount. R 204, The Herald R-201 BUSINESS PPU RTTJnTt Y AN INEXPENSIVE classified ad often saves a big commission. DIFFICULT PROBLEMS are often easily solved by a classified ad. ARTICLES FOR SALE ONE VICTOR and one Edison phono graph. slightly used; terms. $5 00 month Phone S68-M. or P. O. Box 562. Browns- J villa. P. D. Hambly. R-43 CASH FOR THINOS you don't need through a classified ad. GOOD USED piano; easy terms. Phone 868-M. or P. O. Box 562. Brownsville. F. D. Hambly. R-44 BIO RETURNS from small Invest ments. That's what you get from classified advertising. FOR BALK—7-ft. electric sign for gar age and filling station. Very reason able price. Phone 930. R-102 BRIGHT CANE HAV for sale; $17.00 per ton, delivered. J. B Kee. 1523 W ; Elizabeth street. Phene 1393-W. WE HAVE TWO PIANOS and two play er pianos in storage at Brownsville taken from customers for non-pay ment. Will sell at sacrifice. Address G. H. Jackson, 905 Elm street. Dallas. Texas._ R-150 _BCY OR EXCHANGE WANTED TO BUY Second hand mim meograph. Apply The Brownsville Herald REAL. ESTATE For Sub-Division 160 Acres Located 4 block* from the high school and closer to Brownsville than the exclusive Los Ebanos Subdivision. Winding reeaca run ning through property offering natural lake front sites for sub division. This property is for sale by ownera a*sd can be bought at a very attractive price. Henson-Lo max ft Houston and Brownsville Development Co. INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVEST In Brownsville’s new business and residential eub-dlvision. located on 13th and 14th streets, one mjle from Gateway Bridge, on the main thorough fare leading to the proposed ship channel, municipal air port. rich farming district of El Jardln, and Boca Chlca Beach. Easy terms. Ten per cent down, balance 5 years to pay. Jesse Dennett. phone42L Brownsville, Texas. REAL ESTATE • Furnished and Unfurnished Houses For Rent 14 7 acre farm ready for cultiva tion; 400 feet from concrete high way; will aell or trade for city property. Fully equipped grocery atore and meat market; beet location in city; no competition. E. A. MONBEES REALTOR Phone 841. Brownavllle. R-1S6 FARMS FOR SALE 300 Acres Cleared Situated within six blocks of the El Jardin Hotel. This property offers a wonde r f u 1 opportunity for an in dustrial sub-division or for small acreage sub division for grapefruit. Considered the highest spot in Brownsville. For sale by OWNER at $600.00 per acre. Price and terms to suit. Re lease clauses on either lots or acreage. Henson Lomax-Hous ton and Brownsville Develop ment Co., Brownsville, Texas. SOME exceptional good buy* tn cltrux land In Cameron and Hidalgo counties. Some with citrus groves, already bear ing Can be bought at bargain or rea sonable terms. F W Howard, phone i0»0 R-140 QET WHAT YOU WANT "through the classified ads. FOR SALE 1855 acres good farm land In Wilson county; 600 acres cleared In cultiva tion; 700 acres hog-proof fence; 1700 acre* agricultural lend; one 10-room hous~ five tenant houses, four rooms each; one four-stand Munger gin; on* 60x80 two-story barn, concrete floor; nine wells, one flowing. This land Is well worth fifty-five dollars per acre. What will you give? Will trade for hardware and lumber yard. Might sell for cash F. W Howard. Brownsville. Texas. Phene 1090 R-183 FOR SALE—Twelve acres of land. 7 room home, delco lights, good water. 3 acres of trees, one acre bearing; all city conveniences available, on pave ment. near Weslaco, at a bargain. Owner owns propertv in town and1 wants to move. D. A. Reaves, over P. O. in Weslaco. Phone 21F555 at night. Box 221. R-201 CLASSIFIED ADS bring wants and of fers together. 20 ACRES CITRUS LAND factng paved highway; new bungalow. 4 rooms and bath; garage, well. tank, cistern, serv ant’s house; 5 acre* in trees, balance in crop. Price 67.000; *3.090 cash, bal ance spread over 8 years Updegraff. La Feria. Texas. R-212 _HOUSES FOR SALE FOR SALE—Modern new home. 6 rooms, bath, hot water, garage; cor ner Levee and 10th street. West Brownsville. Small down payment, balance like rent. T. Aziz, phone 502 or 6M-_P-133 OPPORTUNITIES flock together on ! the classlflde pages. " | FOR SAL* One seven-room house, one-half block from high school. House two years old i On Adams, between First and Palm Blvd. Lot fifty by one hundred twenty feet. Modern tn every way One thou sand cash will handle this place, i Pbone 1090 or write F. W HOWARD, j Q-235 I THE BEST "trouble shooters’* In the home are classified ads. _LOTS FOR SALE ~ FOR SALE -Two lots. Call Mrs Davis. I K1 Jardln Hotel. R-213 LAND FOR RENT IRRIGATED FARM FCIt RENT—The best SOO-acre Irrigated farm In the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas on the river. Electrically driven private pumping plant. Concrete lined ditch. Sufficient living quarters. Everything I modem now being installed. Shipping station adjacent; 700 acres free grazing adjoining. New rich soil which will I growing anything. Ideal for anyone I capable of handling such a large prop osition. Address owner. Harry Lands. Smith-Young Tower. San Antonio j Texts. R-178 I - - _ _ _ RENTALS FOR RENT—Store rooms tn Stegman building. Bert Cromack. M-56 WHEN MARKETING a new product you’ll find an ad In the "Solicitors. Canvassers. Agents" column of the Classified Sec Mon is well worth while. APARTMENTS ~ ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely fur nished. Comer Sixth and Levee Phone 839. P-208 FURNISHED APARTMENTS—W a t e r. lights and gas furnished Pbone 55. P162 CONLEY APARTMENTS—Cool, and all conveniences. 357 V/. Levee or phone B47-R-Q-214 MANY AMBITIOUS and energetic j workers will respond to an ad In the , "Help Wanted" column. YOU FIND mislaid articles through the ! "Lost and Found" classified ads A SPECIAL type of car can often be obtained through a "Wanted—Automo tive” ad la the Classified Section FOR RENT—Three-room apartment. Also bedroom and living room. Con necting bath. Garage. .Phone 242. R-141 -- i VERY COOL 2-room south apartment with gas. garage free. $25. Telephone Hd-W.Q-21 MAY DAY APARTMENTS—Cool. new. modem, well located. Completely fur nished Including aeroxone. gas. garage Summer rates. 121 Washington. Phone . 714.Q-168 APARTMENT for rent on paved street. Lights, water and gas furnished. All conveniences. Pbone 429 0-279 FOR THE COOLEST, most desirable apartment In town, phone 558. Q-05 COOL furnished apartment, garage. 125. 1248 W. Washington. Phone 830-J. R-157 CLASSIFIED RATES and RULES Advertisements will be accepted over the telephone from telephone •u been ben. or from those having regular charge accounts. Other classified advertising must he ac companied by cash. No advertising accepted on an "until forbid" order. A specified number of insertions must be given. The Herald reserves the nght to place ail advancement# under the proper classification, and reject unclean or objectionable copy. Obituaries, resolutions, and cards of thanks will be taken at the reg ular classified rate. The publish era are not responsi ble for copy, omissions, typograph ical error or any unintentional sr ror that may occur, farther than to correct In the neat issu* after It is brought to their attention. Ail ad vertising orders ere accepted on this basis only. Telephone No • mud dictate your advertisement to an experienced classified writer. To Insure implication earns day copy should Da presented not later than 10JO a. m. Copy for Sunday issues should be In not later than 1:30 p. m. Saturdays to insure proper classification. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 10 words er lass, one in senion,30o Over 20 word*, one Insertion. per word .l‘H Subsequent insertions run oon aeeutlvely. per word. lc By month, per word.23c Minimum for monthly rate, 10 words. No classified advertisement ac cepted for leas than.30c LOCAL READER RATES Readers, per count line. 20c— Per Inch .1120 Second end third days. 17c per line; fourth, fifth and sixth days. 15c per line; 7 consecutive days. 15e oer line. -- APARTMENTS FOR RENT—Neatly furnished modern I 5- room house, double garage. Sum-. mer rate*. Phone 1285-M. R-187 i FOR BENT—Two-room apartment, lights and water furnished. Oas atoves J •27.50 per month. Phone 186 R-205 , OENTRY APARTMENTS. . nicely fur nished. with south bedrooms. Call 732 Palm Blvd. afternoons, evenings and . Sundays. R-2071 FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS, one oioe* rrom postofflee one block from El Jarrttn hotel: large, j southern exposure; reasonable. Phone; 1226-W or 1317 kl-2131 PLENTY OF HELP of the right kind U listed in the ‘ Situations Wanted" i columns of the Classified Section. COOL FURNISHED ROOMS two block* from postofflee. Also furnished apart ment. 1903 St Charles. Phone 1340-W Q-216 ROOMS AND APARTMENTS—Reason - able rates. Glenweod Hotel. Phene 619. P-118| BUYERS FOR what you have to sell ! are many. A classified ad will con-j ncct the wires COOLEST ROOMS In town; 2 blocks of postofflee. 9X2 Levee. Q-243 FOR RENT—Nice cool bedroom ad join r.g bath. Rearonable and close In. Oentlemen preferred. 622 St Charles. I Phone 658. R-63 FOR RENT—Well-furnished room In good neighborhood, private home 233 St. Charles. Phone 1307-W R-17Q LOVELY furnished cool room m private lamlly. Close In. Phone 913-W R-177 BEDP.OOMS FOR RENT. 903 JEFTER- I SON. LOVELY cool bedroom, connecting bath; board if desired. Mrs. Mar.- D Collins. 122 W Levee. R-217 , _ HOUSES FOR RENT OR SALE—Furnished 4- < room brick house, corner location.j paved street: modern. Good neighbor- j hood. Phene 908 R-183 * ■ — - AN AUTOMOBILE Is not so hard to. buy If you watch for the bargains of fered In the “Automotive" columns of the Classified Section. EIGHT ROOMS and screened porch double garage 22 Adams, corner Boule vard. Call 342. R.a03 FOR RENT -3-room house; all con-1 vcn-ence^ St Charles and Palm Blvd. Phone 896-W. R-216 1 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT | -. _r M| _ The City of Brownsville wil re ceive sealed bids addressed to the Hen. A. B Cole, Mayor,, up -until July 5. 1929, for one ton truck and an alternate bid for one three quar ters ton truck. The City reserves the right to re ject any tnd all bids. A. E. Munday, City Secretary 6- 26 to 5—3476. The City of Brownsville will re- ! ceive sealed bids addressed to the Hon. A. B. Cole, Mayor, up until 18 00 A. M.. July 5. 1929. for twenty j concrete benches. Plans and speci-j fications are on file at the City Manager's office. The City reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. A. E. Munday, City Secretary 6-26 to 5—3477 -—__ I The City of Brownsville wil re ceive sealed bids addressed to the Hon. A. B. Cole. Mayor, up until 10:00 A M July 5. 1929. for the con struction of sewer line. Plans and specifications are on file at the City Manager's office. The City reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. A. E. Munday. City Secretary. 6-26 to 5—3478. THE STATE OF TEXAS To the Sheriff or any Constable of Cameron County—Greeting: You are hereby commanded to summon Paul Berthold Murphy by making publication of this Citation once in each week for four suc cessibe weeks previous to the return day hereof, to appear at the next regular term of the Criminal Dis trict Court of Cameron County, to be holden at the Court House there of. in Brownsville. Texas, on the first Monday In September. A. D. 1929 the same being the 2nd day of September A. D. 1929, then and there to Rnswer a petition filed in said Court on the 24th day of June. A. D. 1929 in a snit. numbered on the docket of said Court No. 8*92. wherein Ella Mae Murphy Is Plain tiff. and Paul Berthold Murphy is Defendant and said petition al leging that the plaintiff was duly and legally married to the defend ant AprH 20th. 1918: that plaintiff has been a bonafide resident of State of Texas for more than twelve months and has resided in Cameron County, for more than six months preceding the filing of this suit; i LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT that at all times she has conducted herself with propriety, doing her duty as a wife; that in September 1925 defendant intentionally aban doned plaintiff and such abandon ment has been for more than three years; that defendant has failed and refused to support and main tain plaintiff and their two chil dren; Plaintiff prays for a dissolu tion of the marriage contract from the defendant, for the care and cus tody of their two minor children and for all general and just relief. Herein Fall Not. but have before said Court, at its aforesaid next regular term, this writ with your return thereon, showing how you have executed the same Given Under my Hand and the Seal of said Court, at office in Brownsville. Texas, this, the 24th day of June A. D. 1929 • SEAL) Jno. P. Scanlan. Clerk. District Court. Cameron County. A true copy I certify. Jno P. Scanlan. Clerk District Court. Cameron County. Tejtas. 6-27-4-11-18—3481 NOTICE OF SALE Office of the collector of customs, port of Brownsville. Texas. June 19. 1929. Notice Is hereby given that on June 18. 1929. there was seized near Santa Maria, Texas, from Jose Trevino, one Chevrolet truck (dump body) motor No. 2371509, serial No. 3x15643. and on the same date there was seized near Los Fresnos, Texas, from Fco. Villarreal, et als., ore Ford sedan, motor No. 13901074, both cars having been seized for viola tion of section 593 tariff act 1922 and section 3062 R S—Anyone claiming the above described auto mobiles will file claim with me with in twenty *20) days from the date of this notice! otherwise I will sell the .automobiles at public auction at the U. S. custom house. Browns ville. Texas, on Wednesday. July 10. 1929. at 10 o'clock a. m —Wm. Neale duty collector. 6-19-26-3—3472. To the Sheriff or any Constable of Cameron county. Greeting: You are hereby commanded to cause to be pub:isned once each week for a period of ten days, exclusive of the first dav of publication, before ! the return day hereof in a newspa- i per of general circulation, which has been continuously and regularly i published for a period of not less I than one year In said Cameron county, a copy of the following no tice: THE STATE OF TEXAS To All Persons Interested in the Welfare of the Estate of Emilia W. Champion, deceased: Lula Cham pion was by the county court of: Cameron county. Texas, on the 8th day of June. A. D. 1929, duly ap-1 pointed temporary administrator, with will annexed of the estate of: said decedent, which appointment' will be made permanent should the' court be of the opinion that a per-1 manent administrator is necessary.! tmless the same shall be successful ly contested at the next term of' said court, commencing on the \ first Monday in August A. D. 1929 1 the same be ng the 5th day of Au-i gust A D. I at the court house thereof, in Brownsville, Texas, at1 which time all persons interested in the welfare of the estate of said decedent may appear and contest such aopointment if they so desire Herein fail not. but have vou be-1 fore said court, on the said first day of the next term thereof, this writ) with your return thereon, showing how you have executed the same. Given under mv hand and the seal of said court, at office ini Brownsville. Texas, this the 10th day of June A. D. 1929. H. D SEAGO. Clerk. County Court Cameron County Texas. By O. F BRENNER. Deoutv. _ 6-26-3—3480, Troop 3 to Picnic With Parents At Lake Olmito Friday Bov Scouts of Troop 3. Methodist 1 church, Friday afternoon will ac- I company their parents to Olmito! lake for their next meeting Swimming will be the chief at traction for the scouts, who after-1 wards will entertain their fathers ■ Today’s Radio Fea t u res WEDNESDAY. JUNE 26 l By Thy Associated Press | Programs In Central Standard time. AH time is P. M. «»!«** atherenm ■Jlcated. Wavelengths on left of call letters, kilocycles on right. Clear el stations and chain programs with t at of associated stations t» detail. 346.6—WABC New York—680 kstt—Frohckers in Informal Song and Fun—.Vto WADC WKR<“ WGMF WMAQ WOWO KMOX WSPD WHK WISN KOIL WHEC KMBC ! 454 3— WEAF New York—650 6:30— Shilkret Orchestra—Also WOY WWJ WIIAS WSM WSB WAPI 6:00— Rapes Orch.-Also WWJ WSAI KSD WOC WOW WDAF »TA»Kf4 6:30—Happy Bakers with Male Trlo-A!*o WHY WWJ WSAI KSD WOC WO" WDAF WFJC KSTP WTMJ WMC KVOO WOAI KPRC WKT WU 7:00—Orchestra—Also WOY WWJ WON KSD WOC NOW U „ _ u 7:30—Olive Palmer, Paul Oliver. Orchestra and Artists—Also WOT h .AM WWJ WSAI WON KSD WOC WOW WDAF W.*MB KSTP WTMJ WHA8 WSM WMC USB KVOO KPRC WOAI WFAA_ •:30—The Two Troupers with 11-Piece Band—Also WU f KSD WOC WQff,— • :00—Kudv Vallee and His Dance Orchestra—Also KSD WoW "FJC wlOB WSM WMC WKT WWJ KSTP 0:00—Paul Sabin and His Dance Orchestra tone hour)—Also KSD 394.3—WJZ New York—7«3 6:03— Kogan Orchestra: Chaumvv R Parssn*. Yen* r CowMtdy Duo—At* KDKA WJR KYW KWK WI.W WREN WTMJ K STP WFBC 6:30— Foresters* Que:Ki«K \ KWK nfYN WI.W KYW 7:03—Soldiers with 1'hil Cook-A Iso KDKA WJR KYV LW WHAf WSM WMC WSB KVOO WFAA WOAI WRY US MB KPP.C K«K 7:30—To Be Announced—WJZ and chain . 6:00—The Voyagers. Male Octet-Alaa KWK WJR KYW WBJgN KDKA._ 8 30—Wagner Orch.-Also KDKA KYW KWK WBF.N KSTP W MJ' WHAS WSM WMC WSB KVOO WFAA KI RC WOAI WKT U Jit 8:03—Hour of Slumber Music. String Ensemble—Also KDKA " fir N 422.3—WOR Newark—710 i 6:00—Showboat—AIro WMAQ KMBC KMOX KOIL WHK WCCO WISN WFBJ 7:00—United Symphony Orchestra with George Rymer. Soloist-a>* WAD* WGHP W.V1AQ KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK WOL WCCO 7:30—Smoker; Informal Entertainment sod Mueic—A>> W * , C "oh WMAQ WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK WISN 8:00—Dance Orchestra end Soloists—Also WADC W KK*. " .Hi U M A* WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK WCCO :»WWG—Voice of the Border 1260 k. c.—500 Watts Brownsville 12:00-12:10 p. m — Markets, weather and river repo.ts. 12:10- 1:00— Musical program. 4:00- 4:20—Associated Press dispatches ar.d Valley news from The Brownsville Herald. 4:20- 5:55—Musical program. 5:55- 6:00—World Bookman, radio feature 6:00- 9:00—Musical numbers, studio specialties, TOMORROW' A. M. 10:00-12:00 noon—Request program. and mothers. Hot dogs will be pre pared and served by the scouts Thirteen scouts of this troop spent the last week-end at Camp Perry near Rio Hondo. At this outing. Scouts Ceyanes. Celaya. Storms Mathers and Blanton passed first class cooking, and Scouts Celaya and Blanton passed the fifty yard swim ming test. Scout John Rowe made applica tion for transfer to the troop and was accepted and assigned to the Fox patrol. Woman Held In Snake King Case Is Freed; After Investigation • Special to The Herald' LAREDO. June 27—Mrs Soledad de Learn, recently accused in Mex ico City of attempting the alleged murder of William A. • Snake" KinR. has fully established her Innocence to the extent that Mexican author ities refused to hold her longer and ordered her release, according to her sister here. Miss Marla Alicia Morales, who has received a tele ernm showing that "this attempt to •n|ure Mrs. Learn like others of a similar nature has failed com pletely." Mrs. Learn owns the Pan-Amer *can Bird comnany and the Pan American Mining company, with headquarters here. “Mrs. Learns friend in Mexico Train SchpJ”!p* MISSOURI PACIFIC LINES No 12—To Houston. 8an Antonio 810 a m No 14—To Houston. TOO p. m No 16—To Houston. San Antonio | 9 00 p m No 15— From St Louis. 8an Antonio Houston. 7 3u a m. No. 13—From Houston. 8:10 a m No 11—From Ban Antonio and Hous ton. 9 53 p m. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES No 319— From Houston. San Anto nio. 8:15 a. m No. 320—To Houston. San Antonio 9:15 o m NATIONAL LINES OP MEXICO i Matamoros Station i No. 132—To Monterrey. Mexico City j 3:50 a. m No. 131—From Mexico City. Monter rey. 3:30 n m RIO URANOE RAILWAY To Point Isabel. 9 30 a. m From Point Isabel. 4 p. m "*" ' .. ..... ■———mu i — i i mmmmmmmmam are indignant over the treatment m accorded an innocent woman '. Mai Morales stated. The chart** against m.v sister were so far ■ fetched and Illogical that auihorttl** ! refused to detain her longer News dispatches from Mexico City ! stated Mrs. Learn had been incar cerated on a charge of attempting I the murder of King. Tha complaint t 5Heard she hired another woman 1 friend to poison King [*" *Air Mail "scheduler ^ Th» schedule for the mall between i Brownsville and Dailae t» annouaoed by the department ae fol lows: Southbound Leave Dallas . 7 is a m teste Ft. Worth . Ill a «a. Leave Waco . a 30 a a Leave Austin . *0 2} a a. Leave Sen Antonio . 11 30 a m. Arrive Brown?vtile . 3 03 p m Northbound— Leave Brownsville .. 133 p ea t cave San Antonio . 4:15 p *. Leave Austin .. S 10 p. m. Leave Waro . 4 ts p os. l eave Ft Worth . 7 1$ p. «a. Arrive Dallas . 7 33 a m. The schedule for the American air man to Mexico City la as follow*. Leave Brownsville ..I 30a m. Arrive Tampico .11 -00 a «... Leave Tampico ..It 30a m. Arrive Mexico Ctt?. 1 45 p m . Following is tha schedule for tha Mexican air mail • leave Mexico City . 7 43 n. m Arrive Tampico ...10-00 a m. Leave Tampico .to 35 a. m. Arrive Brownsville . .12 lip a. Following ts the schedule on tha BrownsviUe>Marat:aa Route: Leave Brownsville . 7 *. m. Arrive Monterrey . 0 30 a. m. Leave Monterrey . 0 50 a m. Arrive Torreon . 13 SO p. m. Leave Torrecn . 1 50 p m Arrive Durango . 3 SO p m. Leave Durango ... 4 19 p. a. Arrive Uiatltn .. | to p ro Return trip: Leave Maz&tlan ...;.. 7:00 a m. Arrive Durango . 9 » a. m. Leave Durango . e au a. m. Arrive Torreon . 1130 p. m. Leave Torreon . 13 10 p on Arrive Monterrey . 3 10 p at. Leave Monterrey .. 4.10 p at. Arrive Brownsville . 4 10 p at. POSTAL RATES The United States air mall postage rate u 3 cents tor the tint ounce and 10 cents for each additional ouaea ae fraction thereof Letterw mailed in the United States for tha point* ta Mexico take this rate. t * ^ ^ ^ ' 1^' ^ Jy ....