Newspaper Page Text
I *' SS5S - „_ AUTOMOTIVE_AUTOMOTIVE_ G@@dl Used Caurs Pirfc<gdl ffigkt Buy one of our good used cars and be ready to enjoy the big Fourth of July celebration. Look at our offerings—then make comparisons —you'will find that our used cars give unrivaled value, and every car is exactly as we represent it to you. Buick Standard Sedan, 1926 .. $550.00 Buick Standard Sedan, 1926 ..$575.00 Buick Master Sedan, 1926 .$575.00 Buick Standard Coupe, 1927 ..$650.00 Buick Standard Coupe, 1928 . $850.00 Dodge Victory Coupe, 1928 ."775.00 Dodge Victory Coupe, 1928 .$750.00 Dodge Sedan, 1927 .$475.00 Hudson Brougham. 1927 . $700.00 Ford Coupe. 1927 .$150.00 Abbott Bmdk C®, 9th and Washington Phone 1133 Brownsville • I FOUKTH OF JULY SALE ... of USED and i SLIGHTLY USED TIRES j $2.00 Up % I -C Cooper Long Service Tires and Batteries AtEX ANDIE! TIKE COMPANY 1121 Levee Street Phone 990 Opposite El Jardin Hotel BANG! BANG! BANG! j Every Used Car we sell between now and the Fourth of July, will be reduced from 20 to 40 per cent. Your old car taken in trade and the balance can be arranged on easy monthly payments. Ford touring.$ 50.00 Ford touring, 1926.$125.00 Chevrolet coupe, 1927 .$350.00 Hudson coach, 1926 . $400.00 Buick sedan. 1926 . $650.00 Ford roadster . $ 45.00 Ford roadster, slip on body.$ 35.00 Packard, 5-passenger sedan .$1050.00 Dodge, 5 passenger sedan. 1928 .$600.00 Jewett coupe, 1926 . $400.00 Oldsmobile coupe, like new.$435.00 Dodge touring, 1925 .$165.00 Ford light delivery.$ 85.00 Cadillac, 7 passenger custom built, late model sedan. Cost $4750.00, now-$2050.00 Whippet sedan, like new, 1928 .$500.00 Whippet Coach, 1927 .$385.00 Come in Early and Get Your Pick M-Dermott Motor Co Cwd C*r hot Acrow from Poet Of floe. Open tvery Night till 9 p. M. j. y ----- ' ....... • $ Hfeiit j MiiiJkjjtii1" . *11./ "v,. .OH, JT • .MtS ' . AUTOMOTIVE ___AUTOMOTIVE__ -- Celebrate the Bv buying one of these guaranteed re conditioned Used Cars at exceptional bargain prices. Packard Club Sedan •.. $1500.00 LaSalle Sedan............ $1500.00 Graham-Paige 1929 .$1125.00 Buick Standard Coupe.$ 650.00 Chevrolet Landau Imp.$ 650.00 Oldsmobile Sedan ..$ 600.00 @!k V&llbj Motor Dealer — Lower Rio Grande Valley San Benito, Texas READY TO RIDE TO THE BIG FOURTH OF IULY CELEBRATION O K Tkaft C©Mnnte Every one of the Used Cars we offer below have been thoroughly reconditioned, and will assure you of perfect transportation for the big celebra tion, and many other pleasure trips this summer. 1928 Chevrolet Coach, new paint job; good rub ber- thoroughly reconditioned; runs like new.' 1927 Chevrolet C abriolet, new paint; thoroughly reconditioned. This car in excellent condition. 1927 Chevrolet Sedan, new paint; completely overhauled; only driven 16,000 miles. 1926 Chevrolet truck, recently overhauled in our shops. An 0. K. car. Small cash payment, balance in ten monthly pay ments. lour old car taken in trade. Welch M@toir C©„I,sc 250 S. Sam Houston San Benito, Texas .Fowft, Off JmIj j \\ e have listed below some of the out standing bargains in our used car stock. 1 hey have all been put in first class con dition, and can he bought at these as tonishing low prices if sold bv the Fourth. Fetter come in today — the car \ ou want may be gone tomorrow'. Chrysler Sedan. 60. new tires in excellent condition. $550 00 Chevrolet Sedan. 27. HeLuxe. looks and runs like new. $4*^5 00 Buick Sport Touring, new top and new pamt, 27 model.$450.00 • Chrysler, 52, Coach, new paint and in good condition.$425.00 Dodge Sedan. 27 model, an excellent buy. New paint and oh come see the car .... 5425.00 Chevrolet Coupe, 2< model, a good one. $325.00 Ford Roadster, 27 .. $17B.00 Rickenbacker Coupe, new paint, good tires and in excellent condition.... $550.00 @)o 509 West Jackson Harlingen. Texas ----- _AlTOMOTlVE__AUTOMOTIVE Omit R®pMft&tti®ini ns ilk® B®§ft Us®d Car G^aaraM®® Our used cars are trustworthy because we are— .W hich is simply another way of saying that our reputation is the best user! car guarantee. Our used car man is twice as particular as the lussiest buyer that ever came into our place. \\ hen he okeys a car—it’s got the goods! And it will deliver the goods to you— 1 thousands of low-cost miles, fine per toripance, comfort and pride of owner ship. 27 Chrysler 80 Seaan... $1100.00 29 Dodge Victoria 6 Sedan...$1050.00 28 Dodge Standard 6 Cabriolet Coupe.. $750.00 28 Dodge Standard 6 27 Chevrolet Coupe Coupe __ _ , 26 ChevTolet Sedan 2 1 Dodge Roadster ^ 26 Dodge Coupe 27 Willys Knight „ V 20 Cadillac Roadster 28 Whippet Roadster 26 Dodge Sedan 26 Dodge Touring „ _ _ , hi' 20 Ranger Truck 24 Dodge 4-Pass. Coupe 26 Chrysler Roadster 26 Dodge Coupe __ _ , 28 Dodge Sedan 24 Dodge Touring 27 Chevrolet Landau 28 Dodge Coupe Sedan ®m®M Inaco Phone 904 Used Car Market 1219 Levee Used Car Lot No. 1, across from Herald Office Used Car Lot No. 2, Summit Place and 14th St. W. A. ROSS. Mgr. j * * BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AN 0 K CAR 28 Chevrolet Landau Sedan. Me chanically reconditioned Good tires New Duco finish. New top Oood battery. Down payment only .TT»18iJ0 AN O K CAR '26 Chevrolet Coupe. Good tires. New Duco finish Mechanically reconditioned. Down payment only ..$116.00 AN O K. CAR 27 Chevrolet Sedan. Mechanical ly reconditioned New Duco paint. Body in perfect condition with seat covers and other accessories. Down payment .$150.00 AN O K CAR •27 Chevrolet Coach. First class mechanical condition. Good paint. Good tires. Down payment only .....•>•••••.$180 00 AN O K CAR •28 Chevrolet Touring New Duco finish. Mechanically reconditioned. Good battery. New top. Duty paid to Mexico. Down payment. .$158.00 All O K. Cars are sold with an 0 K that counta. Can be driven three days and If unsatisfactory can be returned and full credit allowed on another car of equal or higher value or on a new Chev rolet. STEVENSON MOTOR CO.. Inc. 10th and Adams Sta. Tel. 1111 1924 CHEVROLET touring ear. $50. 328 N. Travis, San Benito. R-228 WILL TRADE sedan or roadster for a truck. W. R. McElroy. Brownsville. R-101 FOR SALE—Cadillac wrecker, cheap. Call 181, l$th and McKinley. R-109 AUTO REPAIRING FOR O INLINE NASH PARTS AND SERVICE Tou should see us. We are equipped with everything It takes to render A-l service Also washing, polishing and greasing. BROWNSVTLLB NASH CO. 1327 Levee. Phone p13^ LINCOLN 7-passenger sedan, practi cally new tires: good mechanical con dition and a real bargain, t alley Mar mon Co . Harlingen._R'223 LC3T AND FOUND_ LOST—At Boca Chlca: Elgin 17-Jewel watch with athletic medal fob. Re ward Dr. Carlos Calderonl. City Drug Store._ R~20a LOST—Near poet of flee. Sigma Gamma Epsilon fraternity pin Engraved Roa* Maxwell, phone 186. Reward R-233 FOUND—Three keys in leather caae. Owner may have same by calling at Herald office and paying for this a<L \ ***** PERSONAL DR. COOK. Chiropractor, bath parlors, massages. El Vlbra reducing system usjd Cook & Williams. 1715 Grant Pi., telephone 1228-J r.5 TRUCK returning to Marion. Illinois. July first would like to have load to destination or Intermediate points. Price reasonable. Call Ban PerUta De velopment Co., Raymondvtlle. Texas. _ R-211 HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED—Small fam Uy. light work: must be good cook See Mr Meeker. Hidalgo Bank Bldg . Mer cedes Phone 309 R-222 TODAY the winner of two free tickets to the Capitol Theater Is J A Kelly. I 910 Madison Must be called for at i The Herald office before 6 p m. July 1. j LARGE COMPANY. Brownsville, has position for ambitious young man. combination stenographer and clerk. Musi be fast, accurate, experienced, willing to work, and have high school or equivalent education. Permanent employment; salary SI00 to begin. Ad dress R-220. care of Herald. R-220 WANTED—First-class auto top and body trimmer Must be first-class. Ad dress Box 1101. telephone 1028, Harlin gen .Texas. R-234 DRIVERS Land Development Company re quires five regular drivers with first-class care. Only men of financial standing and business integrity considered. Salary and commission paid. Call Fred G. Scott. Stolte Development Co. Hotel Moore. Harlingen. R-232 IF YOU WANT to make #13 profit a dav and get a new Ford Tudor Sedan free of cost, send me your name imme diately. No experience necessary. Par ticulars free. Albert Mills. 4138, Mon mouth. Cincinnati. Ohio. R-ll Evnfv WOMAN reading this adver tisement can make extra money with very little effort. No canvassing, no selling, no soliciting. We do all the work. Send addressed envelope for de tails Do It now Mary Frances Lab oratory, 303 Fifth Ave.. New York City. R- 228 PfAIN MACHINE SEWINO. steady legitimate work, whole or part time; weekly pay. No selling. Write today. Tempo Housedress Corp., 151 West 25th. New York. R 237 WANTED Good mechanic for Model A. Model T. or general work on commission or salary basis. PATTESON MOTOR COMPANY _ R-245 WILL FINANCE married man 25-60. good appearance, fair education, in a paying business of his own. Profits to •tart will average only about #30 weekly, but will increase as you learn the Bus iness. Must furnish A1 references and have car for delivery. Make applica tion In own handwriting to McConnon 6c Co., 297 McConnon Bidg., Memph.s. .Term. R-% S HELf WANTED. WANTED—Middle-aged woman lor house work and care 1 or baby. Phone 186 Mrs. La Qro R-205 SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED orchardlst and tree surgeon desires position, preferably with company. Address R-208, care Herald._ R-208 SALESMEN—AGENTS GET WHAT YOU WANT through the classified ads. BIG OHIO corporation seeks manager for unoccupied territory. Liberal com mission Earnings start Immediately. Good for $5,000 yearly. We furnish stock, deliver and collect. Previous ex perience unnecessary. Fyr-Fytcr CO.. I 1902 Fyr-Fyter Bldg. Dayton. Ohio. _ R-185 WANTED—Ambitious. Industrious per son to Introduce and supply the de mand for Rawlelgh Household Products in Mercedes. Rio Grande. Mission. San Benito and Harlingen and various oth er parts of Texas; $150 to $400 a month or more clear profit. Rawlelgh meth ods get business everywhere. No selling experience required. We supply Prod ucts. Outfit. Seles and Service Methods —everything you need. Profits lncreaae every month. Lowest prices; best val ues; most complete service. W. T. Rawlelgh Co.. Dept. TX-6022. Memphis. Tenn. Q-89 LIVESTOCK—POULTRY REDUCED PRICES certified chicks. From 200-egg cockerels. Bloodtested. Per 100; Leghorns, large assorted $8 00; Anconas, Rocks, Reds. Orpingtons, Wy andotte*. $9 00; Brahmas $13 00; as sorted $7.50; 100 per cent live delivery, prepaid Catalog free. Dixie Poultry Farms. Box 104, Bren ham, Texas. I __ Q‘219 IP YOU HAVE something to »ell .eg ularly. ask for a district salesman alio will explain the low btislneae rates for dally ads in the Classified Section. FINANCIAL Wanted to Buy Vendor’* Lien Notes Give full particulars. Including discount. R204, The Herald ___R-204 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY AN INEXPENSIV8 classified ad often saves a big commission. FOR SALE, on account of old age and poor health cafe, confectionery, soda fountain, popcorn and peanut ma chine with full stock. In Theater building Box 401, La Ferla R-226 DIFFICULT PROBLEMS are often easily solved by a classified ad. TAILOR SHOP For sale at a bargain. Only two tn town; on main street, one block from highway Fine business dur ing fall and winter. Come and In vestigate; fine opportunity for right party. > Selling at coat; leav lrs* fhe Valley Cal! at ahop 7 30 to 6 30: Sunday till 12 City Tail or Shop Donna Texas. - R-231 FOR SALE—Driverless rent cars busi ness. Reasonable If sold at once A ?' ^l?**uder. Stderius Filling Station. San Benito, phone 312. R-218 MORE BUSINESS than one manlan handle. Will sell an interest to right Party. Big money maker. No risk Small amount money will handle P O. Box 282. _ARTICLES FOR SALE ONE VICTOR and one Edison phono g?ph- •1‘*h«y uswl: term"- w1)0 month. Phone 888-M. or P. O. Box 582. Browns FlU*- F. D. Rambly. R-43 CASH FOR THINGS you don't need_ through a classified ad. 222° USED P'*n0; *asy terms. Phon# or P O. Box 562. Brownsville. F D. Hambly. R_44 FOR SALE—7-ft. electric sign for gar age and filling station. Very reason able price. Phone 930. R-102 CLASSIFIED READERS never sav “1 want” for long. BRIGHT CANE HAY for sale; 117 00 per ton. delivered. J. B. Kee. 1523 W Elizabeth street. Phone 1393-W. WE HAVE TWO PIANOS and two play er pianos in storage at Brownsville taken from customers for non-pay ment. Will sell at sacrifice. Address O. H. Jackson. 905 Elm street, Dallas R-1S01 TIME WELL 8PENT Is time devoted to looking over the classified ads. IF IT'S WORTH advertising tt*s worth telling about fully. That's the way to get results. FOR SALE—One Burroughs adding machine; one Remington typewriter, one Westlnghouse electric cooking stove, all in good condition. N. S. Lid dell. 1001 Van Buren street. Harltngeu. _ R-236 AS WE ARE expecting to operate only one cold drink stand, we of fer the following slightly used equipment very cheap; 1 Vernor’s ginger ale outfit, com plete with 1-gallon extract. 2 7-gallon containers, white lined porcelain. 3 nickel-plated counter pumps. 2 counter boards. 2 pressure tanks for fountain. 3 trays for cars. 1 used syrup percolator. 1 glass straw container. 3 Hall sinks. 1 Ice cream ice tub. Inquire at Radiant Orange Stand West Alamo. Mrs. C. A. Stebbln* _ R-235 PRACTICALLY NEW office furniture. | including large desk, plate glass top: two oak chairs; two oak swivel chairs: typewriter desk and one table, for sale cheap Can be seen at Room 21. Cro mack Bldg., or phone 1082. After of fice hours phone 109. R-243 FOR 8ALE—Oas colt hot water heater and storage tank with fittings. 311 St Charles St.. Brownsville. R-33 BUY OR EXCHANGE WANTED TO BUY Second hand mim meograph. Apply The Brownsville Herald CLASSIFIED I . RATES and RULES Advertisementa will be accepted over tbe telephone from telephone subscribers, or frcm those having regular charge accounts. Other classified advertising must be ac companied by cash. No advertising accepted on an “until forbid" order. A specified number of Insertions must be given. The Herald reeerves the right to place all advertisements under tbe proper classification, and reject unclean or objectionable copy. Obituaries. resolutions, and cards of thanks will be taken at the reg ular classified rata. The publishers art not responsi ble for copy, (xaijeions. typograph ical error or any unintentional er ror that may occur, farther than to correct In the next issue after It Is brought to their attention. All ad vertising orders are accepted on this basis only. Telephone No. 8 and dictate you; advertisement to an experienced classified writer. To insure publication same day copy should be presented not later than 10:30 a. m. Copy for Sunday issuee should be in not later than 1:30 p. m. Saturdays to insure proper classification. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words cr less, one In sertlon.30u Over 20 words, one Insertion. per word ...l\kl> Subsequent Insertions run con secutively. per word. le By month, per word.23c Minimum for monthly rate, 10 words. No classified advertisement ac cepted for less than...........30o LOCAL READER RATES Readers, per count tine. 20c— Per Inch .11 20 Second and third days, ltc per line: fourth, fifth and sixth days. 15c per line; 7 consecutive day*. 13c per Una. REAL ESTATE For Sub-Division 160 Acres Located 4 blocks from tbs high school and closer to Brownsville than the exclusive Los Ebanos Subdivision. Winding reeaca run ning through property offering natural take front sites tor sub division. This property Is for tala by owners and can be bought at a very attractive price. Henson-Lo Ac Houston and Brownsville ' Development Co. INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVEST In Brown* vl lie’s new business and residential tub-division, located on 13th and 14th streets, one mile from Gateway Bridge, on the mam thorough- ^ fare leading to the proposed ship channel, municipal air- W] port, rich farming district of El Jardln. and Boca Chtca Beach. Easy terms. Ten per cent down, balance 5 years to pay. Jesse Dennett. pbone427, Brownsville. Texas. BUYERS FOR what you have to sell are many. A classified ad will con nect the wires. Furnished and Unfurnished Houses For Rent 14 7 acre farm ready for cultiva* tlon; 400 feet from concrete high way; will sell or trade for city property. Fully equipped grocery store and meat market; best location in city; no competition. E. A MONSEES REALTOR Phone 841. Brownsville. R-138 FARMS FOR SALE 300 Acres Cleared Situated within six blocks of the El Jardin Hotel. This property offers a wonde r f u 1 opportunity for an in dustrial sub-division or for small acreage sub division for grapefruit. Considered the highest spot in Brownsville. For sale by OWNER at $600.00 per acre. Price and terms to suit. Re lease clauses on either lots or acreage. Henson Lomax-Hous ton and Brownsville Develop ment Co., Brownsville, Texas. SOME exceptional good buys In clt-w. land In Cameron and Hidalgo counties. Some with citrus groves, already bear- I mg. Can be bought at bargain or rea- § sonable terms. F. W. Howard, phon* 1 1090_R-140 I A SPECIAL type of car can often bq obtained through a •'Wanted—Automo tive" ad In the Classified Section FOR SALE 1855 acres good farm land In Wilson county: 600 acres cleared In cultiva tion; 700 acres hog-proof fence; 1700 acres agricultural land: one 10-rooir house, five tenant bouses, four room? each: one four-stand Munger gin; on* 60x80 two-story barn, concrete floor; nine wells, one flowing. This land U well worth fifty-five dollars per acre. What will you give? Will trade for hardware and lumber yard. Might **>■; for cash. P. W. Howard, Brownsville Texas. Phone 1090. R-I63 • FOR SALE—Twelve acres of land. 7 roorn home delco lights, good water. 5 acres of trees, one acre hearing, all city conveniences available, on pave ment. near Weslaco, at a bargain. Owner owns property tn town and wants to move. D. A Reave*, over P. O in Weslaco. Phone 21F555 * at night. Box 221. I R-aoi i