Newspaper Page Text
FARMS FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADS bring wants and of together. VACRES CITRUS LAND facing paved ftilghwa?; new bungalow, 4 rooms and bath; garage, well, tank, cistern, serv ant's house; S acres In trees, balance In crop. Price $7,000; $3,000 cash, bal ance spread over 8 years. Updegraff. La Ferla, Texas. R-212 PC»R SALE—Two section agricultural land, near Well's Ranch. Star county; $12 an acre. Excellent terms G. Helblg. Brownsville. R-242 HOUSES FOR SALE FOR 8ALE—Modern new hor e, 6 rooms, bath, hot water, garage, cor ner Levee and 10th street. West Brownsville. Small down payment, balance like rent. T. Aziz, phone 502 or 094. P-133 OPPORTUNITIES flock together on the claaslflde pages. FOR 8 ALE One seven-room bouse, one-half block from high school. House two years old. On Adams, between First and Palm B:ivd. Lot fifty by one hundred twenty feet. Modern In every way. One thou sand cash will handle this place. Phone 1090 or write F. W. HOWARD. Q-235 I.. —--— HOUSES FOR SALE THE BEST "trouble shooters” m the home are classified ads. FOR SALE—My 5-room brick veneer cottage In Los Ebanoe. To be sold at a bargain. F. W. Howard. Phone 1090. R-224 FOR SALE—A house and lot. For in formation inquire 915 Adams St. R-227 LOTS FOR SALE i FOR SALE—Two lots. Call Mrs. Davis. El Jardln Hotel. R-213 ! RENTALS FOR RENT—8tore rooms In Stegman building. Bert Cromack. M-SO WHEN MARKETING a new product you'll find an ad In the "Solicitors, Canvassers. Agents" column of the Classified Section is well worth while. ; — —i — .m '■■■■■' ' - ..- — ( LEA8E on downtown business location available. See Foeter-Moothart Co. at one*._ P.-229 . APARTMENTS ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely ‘fur , mailed. Corner Sixth and Levee Pbone 839. P-206 FURNISHED APARTMENTS- W tier, j lights and gas furnished. Phone 55. 01 . Pl62 Classified Business Directory ARCHITECTS BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects— Engineers 308 Merchants Bank Bldg. Phone 617 Brownsville. Texas • E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect •-13 Security State Bank Building Weslaco. Texas E. B. GORE Civil and Consulting Engineer Room 408. State'National Brownsville. Texas. Phone lvTl. BCILDERS--CONTRACTOBS ' PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractor* 528 Washington St. Brownsville. Texas i Phone 627 J E. M. RIDLEY General Contractor Roads, Land Leveling, Plowing, Sub-soiling Excavations embankments 1 408 MERCHANTS N AT L BANK BROWNSVILLE I Scholes &' Scholes General Contractors Phone 428 San Benito. Texas We are now prepared to do composition work. Drain Boards 2n?SWftrk Bath Room Floors Mill Work " CASH REGISTERS NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. Registers bought, sold ar.d exchanged W E. Sanders. Representative Phone 29. Harlingen. Tex. Box 905 PRAY—TRANSFER Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE 8EEDS OF ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING 1166 Adams. _Phone 129 AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY Crating. Shipping. Hauling Phones 421 anti 519 FLORIST8 THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, ‘ funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth 9t. Phone 1388 «rYER THE FLORIST, flowers l funeral designs. St. Charles l Pita streets. Phone TIL — HOTELS—CAFES ~ WHITE KITCHEN Famous tor Ita joking—Immaculacy and Service The popular piece tor business lunches Utb between Elizabeth and Washington Hat Renovating First Class Hat Renovating ft Shoe Repairing Delta Shoe & Hat Shop We Call for and Deliver Phone 635 -—-INSURANCE "ORVILLE R. EBY District Manager ®«orta Life Insurance Company specialize on monthly income service. 808 Baxter Bldg. Harlingen. Texas. . Phone 504 --PAINTING rVrwTTVG Paperbanging. Decorating gi&s. “•uo ' .v FINANCIAL 1 ■ m ■ i—— LOANS On Improved residence and business property. Todd and Underwood 1057 Levee 8t. Brownsville, Texas. LOANS To buy. to build, to re-flnance or Im prove your home or business property. Any Town In the Valley. Gunn & Holdridge Over First National Ban* Pharr. Texas. MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. All repair work guaranteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 OFTICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL’ FILING Equipment Maverick-Clarke Lltho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 617—Brownsville I • Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVE’S STATIONERY & BOOK STORE Brownsville. Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS CBURT E. HINKLEYl V:'; mm W ROOFING -- THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO„ Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1168 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville's Typewriter House) Distributors, New L. C. Smith “Si lent” 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and •‘Factory" Rebuilt*—all makes. We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth St. Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER SALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repairs Phone 506—Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS RALPH A. DUNKELBERG Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Seabury, George and Taylor Building Brownsville, Texas Davenport. West and Ransome Attorneys at Law 307-306 Merchants National Btok Brownsville. Texas H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Texas J. T. Canales C. S. Eidman, Jr. CANALES AND EIDMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estate a Specialty SOi Merchants National Bank Brownsville, Texas H. L. Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville T CHIROPRACTOR M. Cook, D. C. ! CHIROPRACTOR Nerv-O-Meter Service 1715 Grant and Seventeenth Victoria Heights Brownsville. Texas. _Phone 1228-J EL VIBRA SYSTEM USED REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Brownsville’s Supreme Residential District, carefully restricted, com pletely Improved. Home sites from $1200.00. easy terms. James-Dtckin son Co.. Realtors, comer 'rravelers Hotel Bldg.. Brownsville. fry a Herald Classified Ad APARTMENTS CONLEY APARTMENTS—Cool, and all conveniences. 357 W. Levee or phone 847 -R.Q-214 MANY AMBITIOUS and energetic workers will respond to sn ad In the j "Help Wanted" column. FOR RENT—Three-room apartment. Also bedroom and living room. * Con necting bath. Oarage. Phone 242. _ R-141 VERY COOL. 2-room south apartment with gas. garage free. 825. Telephone 846-W. q-21 MAY DAY APARTMENTS—Cool. new. modem, well located. Completely fur nished including zero zone. gas. garage Summer rates. 121 Washington. Phone ?i4._ o-iaa APARTMENT for rent on paved street. Lights, water and gas furnished. All conveniences. Phone 428 0-278 FOR THE COOLEST, most desirable apartment In town, phone 55*. Q-95 FOR RENT—Neatly furnished modern 5-room house, double garage. Sum mer rates. Phone 1285-M. R-187 FOR RENT-Two-room apartment, lights and water furnished. Oas stoves. $27 50 per month. Phone 186. R-205 BIO RETURNS from small Invest ments. That's what you get from classified advertising. GENTRY APARTMENTS, nicely fur nished. with south bedrooms. Call 732 Palm Blvd. afternoons, evenings and Sundays._ R-207 IF YOU WANT a cool fura'.rhed apart ment. paved street, all conveniences, phone 820-J. 1248 West Washington. _P-240 SWEENY APARTMENTS—Extra cool furnished apartment, electrical refrig eration. garage, maid service; modern; 1 everything for housekeeping. Bummer rate. Phone 1038-W, First and Adams _ R-244; FURNISHED ROOMS~ ROOMS, one oiocg from postoffice one block from El Jardin hotel; large. s®i*thJ‘rn exposure; reasonable. Phone 1226-W or 1317. M.215 PLENTY OF HELP o7 the right kind ts listed In the "Situations Wanted" columns of the Classified Section. COOL FURNISHED ROOMS two blocks from postofflce. Also furnished apart ment. 1005 St. Charles. Phone 1340-W _ Q-216 ROOMS AND APARTMENTS-Reason able rates. Olenwood Hotel. Phone 619. P-118 ; BY CALLING at. The Herald ofUeo be fore 6 p. m. July l. William Rltcher. | West Seventh and St. Charles, will re ceive two free tickets to the Capitol j • , FOR RENT—Nice cool bedroom ad join ng bath. Rearonable and clote In Gentlemen preferred. 622 St. Charles. iPhone 658. R_g3 YOU FIND mislaid articles through the Lost and Found" classified ads. FOR RENT—Well-fumlrhed room In good neighborhood, private home. 233 8t. Charles. Phone 1307-W. R-170 | LOVELY furntahed cool room In private family. Close in. Phone 918-W. _ R-177 BEDROOMS FOR RENT. S03 JEFFEP. I bedroom, connecting I b<J*rd ** desired. Mrs. Marv D. j Collins. 132 W. Levee. R-217 _houses" i rrrSi °** SALE—Furnished 4 I rconi brick house, corner location |K£ SFhoL 8oTrn- ^ nc,g^ AN AUTOMOBILE Is not so hard To ^ ' lf. yc“ w*tcb tor ^e bargains of Automotive" columns of tne Classified Section. FOR RENT—8-room house' all con iSww’ Ch"‘" *n'1 p,,m ^k'up!™ __P.-225 HOUSE FOR RENT 5 rooms, gas In each room, and all modem conveniences. Located at «21 Washington St Call at 525 Adams or phone S25-W. R-138 824 West Fronton; 2 blocks past Fitch Apia.. R.verslde Drive: cool; comfort *Ptc_R-219 THREE-ROOM HOUSE, furnished; Ra~ rage. all conveniences; on paved street w c,n imo''' y.ra LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT The City of Brownsville wil re ceive sealed bids addressed to the Hon. A. B. Cole, Mayor, up until July 5. 1929. for one ton truck and an alternate b;d for one three quar ters ton truck. The City reserves the right to re ject any ind all bids. a 4AcE,Aiunday’ Clty Secretary 6-26 to 5—3476. The City of Brownsville will re ceive sealed bids addressed to the ^ w' FoIe> Mavor- UP until 10:00 A. M., July 5. 1029, for twenty concrete benches. Plans and speci fications are on file at the City Manager's office. The City reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. . A-^Munday, City Secretary. 6-26 to 5—3477 The City of Brownsville wil re ceive sealed bids addressed to the Horn A. B. Cole. Mayor, up until! 10:00 A. M.. July 5. 1929. for the con- I struction of sewer line. Plans and specifications are on file at the City I Manager's office. The City reserves the right to re- i ject any and all bids. . A-Munday. city Secretary. 6-26 to 5—3478. I LEGAL NOTICE ' That on June 28. 1929. the bus!- ! ness known as the La India Grocery Store was sold by Roberto Garcia Gomez to Meliton Garcia. All ac counts owing to said business should be paid to the purchaser. Roberto Garcia Gomez will not be responsi ble for any accounts contracted after June 28. 1929 Signed: Roberto Garcia Gomez. Meliton 8. Garcia. _ 6-30 to 9-3482 klO GRANDE CITY dinner dance The officers and ladies of Fort Ringgold were hosts Saturday eve ning with a dinner dance at the San Pedro club, honoring Capt. and Mrs. Mott Ramsey and Lieut, and Mrs. Carl A. Raguse. who departed from Fort Ringgold this week. The guests were seated at a long table and served a chicken dinner after which dancing proved the di version. Farewell talks were made by the honorees and several of the hosts added words of good wishes for a pleasant change of station. Among those present were: Maj and Mrs. H. E. Taylor, Capt. and Today’s Radio Features SATURDAY, JUNE 29 [B* The Associated Press 1 Program* In Central Standard time. All time Is P. M. unless otherwise .indicated. Wavelength* on left of call letters, kilocycles on right. Clear chan nel atatlone and chain program* with list of associated stations In detail. $48.9—WABC New York—860 8:30—The Romancers, Male Quartet—Also WADC WKRC WGHP WBBM WOW" KMBC KOIL WSPD WCCO 7:00—Tne NU Wlts-Also KMBC KOIL WCCO WFBM 7:30—Music cf Air—Also WADC KMOX KMBC WSPD WHK WCCO KOIL WMAQ WOWO WKHC WGHP _ 8:00—National Forum from Washington—Also WADC WKRC WGHP WMAQ WBBM WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK WCCO WNSN WFBM g:3>— Dnn?c Music from New York (30 min.)—Also WADC WKRC WGHP WOWO KMBC KOiL WSPD WHK WCCO WISN WFBM ♦34.3— WEAK New York—680 8:13—Driver al Safety Series. Jo«epii K Sneedy—Also WGY WWJ WSAI WHO KSTP WOAl KPRC KSD WLS WAPl WSM WFJC 5:30—Phil Spitalny's Dance Music—Also WAl’1 WSAI KSD WHAS 6:00—The Cavalcade. Sixty Minute Review—Also WWJ KSD WKY WBAP 1 7;C0—Nathaniel Shilkret Concert Orchestra Hour—Alto WGY WTAM WWJ WLS KSD WHO WOW WDAF WSMB WAPl KSTP VYEBC WHAS WSM WMC WSB KPRC WBAP WOAl WKY WSAI WTMJ g:00—Tunes of Broadway by B. A. Uolfe Dance Orchestra—Also WGY WWJ WON KSD WFJC WHO WCW WDAF WIOD WAPl KSTP WTMJ WSMB WHAS WMC WSB WBAP KPRC WOAl WKY WSAI KTHS 9:00—Kits Burgers Gould. Songs—Also WWJ WHO WDAF WMC WKY 9:20— Ben Pollack’s Dance Orches»ra—Also WWJ WHO WDAF WKT WFJC 0:00—Rudy Valtte and His Dance Orchestra—Also KSD WOW WDAF 0:30—Jack Albin and Dune# Orchestra (30 m )—Also KSD WDAF WKY , 394.3—WJZ New York—760 8:45—Talk on * Week in the World's Business by Dr. Julius Klein—Also KDKA hOA KSL WLS WREN KWK WFAA WOAl WKY 6:00—Soite* Ciasslque; Vocal and Orchestra—Also KWK WSM 8:30— Pickard Family—Also KDKA WRKN WSM WJR WLS KWK WAPl 6:45—Coldmnn Band Concert—Only to WJZ (1% hrs.) 7:00— El Tar » Romantlco, Vocal & Orchestra—Only to KDKA KWK WREN 7:30—The I-lis Dance Orchestra—Only to KDKA KWK WHEN 8 00—"Redemption."' Radi© Drama—Only to WJR KWK WREN «1 hr.) 8:30—When G?nd Fellmvs Get Together. Male Octet * Orch —WJZ only 9:00—Hour ol Slumber Music, String Ensemble—Also WREN ^.Jl fvWV.’G—Voice of the Border 1*60 k. r. 5M Watts * BrowmviU* 12:08-12:10 p. tn.—Markets. weather and river reports. 12:10- 1:00—Musical program. 4:00- 4:20—Associated Press dispatches and Valley news from The I Brownsville Herald. 4:20- 5:55—Musical program. » 5:55t 6:0C—World Bookman, radio feature. 6:00- 9:C0—Musical numbers, studio specialties. tomorrow a. m. 10:00-12:00 noon-Request program. COTTON DROPS UNDER CHANGE Buying Limited, Although Sellings Not Heavy In Unsteady Close NEW YORK, June 29.—Cot ton was lower today under rcllins ! promoted by a favorable vi?v/ cf I weather conditions in the south. The 1 offerings were not heavy but buying was comparatively limited, with Oc tober contracts selling off to 13 85 i or 13 {joints net lower. They closed at 18.75 with other months also i .showing slight raUlc* on covering and with the general market clos ing steady at net declines of 9 to EE I P°ints- ___ The market opened steady at a decline of 4 to 11 points in response to the relatively easy Liverpool ca bles. There iany have been a lit t tie buying on reports of a disturb ance along the Texas Gulf coast but local traders teemed to feel that if * this should cause rain s in South Texas, they might be giore brrrfirat : than otherwise and the market worked gradually lower. Private cables attributed the de . cline in Liverpool to London, local ! and continental liquidation and said that sales of cotton cloths and yarns were small with order lists running down rapidly. The amount of cotton on shin board awnit’ng clearance at the ; close of the week was fstima’ed at 61,000 hales against 78.000 last year. Mrs. S. W. Robertson. Capt and j Mrs. Walter P Hamilton. Miss Ma bel Nicholson. Capt. and Mrs E. M. Fickett, Capt. and Mrs Rcssiter Gar tty. Capt. and Mrs. H E Kid well. Lieut, and Mrs. Raymond Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. L B Caruth ers, Jr.. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Brittain. Messrs. Boyle, Johnson. Charles Celaya. Lieut. Oarver. Lieut Periot and Ismael Magana t * • • RAMSEYS LEAVE Capt. Mott Ramsey, for four years stationed at Fort Ringgold with the veterinary corn left Wednesday with his family for Corpus Christi. where he will leave i them for vacation to be pent In j company with Mrs. Ramsey’s pa rents. who are summenng there. Capt. Ramsey will return here for a few' days’ stay, but opeets to leave July' 1. for Fort Sarr Houston where he has bern transferred. • • • TRANSFERRED Lieut, and Mrs. Carl A Ragusr left bv motor Sundav for Wsahlnc ton. D. C.. where they *111 visit Mrs. Raguse’s parents rod will later on go to New York s ate to be the guests of Lieut. R«® ,s*’s P9_ rents before they go to F >rt Rllev. Kas. where Lieut. Ra*u» ts to re: port for duty at the Cavt ry acnoo! Sept. 1. ^ • f • WEDNESDAY FT H>GF With Mrs. L. J. Csruthers. Jr.. as hostess, the /O'- Br!drKC club members met *JWsday aft ernoon at the house "i t»e hostess. In the aftornoor ga i-\ Mrs. Mary H Etigerton wc. ’tig* *rore and Mrs. Camthers st- tP2h Among those pr sent wpre: Mes dames J Wallis ( eorr* B. Marsh. F. B. Nason. C. . Vireil N Lo*t, Joahn A W-Mr.. W. W. Shford Marv H HFfUMl, B. C. King. 1 R. Brook. . * • DINNft PARTY A. P Welsh of the j Abney Gin compaiy of this crtyland the La OrullaGin eompanv 4 Grulla was hosts • a dinner part*’for about 50 guest $ it the San ?lub Sun day non. His gue4 were com poseti f farmers ct /b i-incss men of thh county f\ • • • I PER|»NALS Dr|f. P. Wilson of public j healtl department of libwnsyille ; was i visitor here and \| Roma Satutav. \ Mb Rosita Tama? of fc»terrey. N. L^Mexico. Is in th" city Visiting relates for a week or so . i Mr. E. Owen Scott was Vguest j of th Hoyt Hammond club 4 Mc ! AlleuTuesday. \ Mr and Mrs. Julian WalliAand nice# Margaret Davis, have r?lm ^ fbm s short trip to San Abo-; 1 nio, . 1 1 I r-—‘—1—■— — .«j New York Stocks « NEW YORK. June 20—(AP>-Sales (in hundreds), high low and closing 1 quotations cn the New York Stock Ex change today: Am can . 17 132% 151% 152% j Ahuroada Lead ... 1 2% 2 2% ALC & Dye . 3 325% ... 325%. Am Sm & R.23 110% 107 109% Am Bug . 1 77% 77% 77% Am Tel . 40 234% 229 % 234% Am Woolen . 2 15s* 16** 16s* j Anae Cop .133 119% 117 119 Andes Cop . 25 54 % 52% 54 'ATS P. 2 237 231% 237 B ft O . 3 126 1Z5% 126 ! A . 14 42 41% 42% Brth Stl . 61 111% 111 111% Briggs Mtg . 3 33*, ... 32% Calu ft Aria . 2 129 ... 128% Calu ft Hecla . 2 43 12% ”3 Can Pac . 2 232% 230 231%' Cerro Pasco . 2 98** 97% 98** C ft O . 2 233% 231 233% C M St P pf. 1 52 52 * 52 C Nw . 6 83% 86% 88% CRIP . 5 133 132% 133 Chrysler . 2 75% 73*, 74% C Cola . 1 132** 132% 132% Colo Fuel . 1 R3% 62** 53 ! Colu Gas . 30 83% 8* 85*'* ’ Colu Gphone . 20 65% 01% 14% Cons Gas . 19 132% 131 131% Crucible Steel .... 3 102 1C1% 102 i Curtiss Aero . 5 154 162 1«2 1 Dupont . 3 185% 185 183 n P ft I. <2 81% T9** 30% Eng _Pu Svc. 7 81% 61 <11% . 9 «% 793, 30 * fy>- Film A,. 5 89% 87% 88 Freeport Terms ... 2 48 47*, :r>/ Gen Elec . 5 324** 323 324*. Gen Motors . 31 75% 74** 75 j Gold Dust . 15 61% 60% 81% Goodyear Tire .... 8 128% 124% 128*, Grant W T. 1 m% 121% 121% Green Cana . A 170% 165% 170% I S0™* S°un(1 . 2 65 65% 66 ; Hud Motors . 6 83** 88% 58% Hup Motors . 3 47% 47 47V Inspiration Cop . 4 45*, 44% 45*. I I **anr . 4 108% 10B 10B Int Nick . 24 51% S1,4 5,* VU.frrl .14« 107 09% 105'. J. Mansvllle . 3 1M% 183 185 ' , * c 8 • .. 28 95 % 93*, !>6% I Kenneeott .116 86 % 84% 86% Ko ,ter Radio. 4 32% 31*, 32% TKr^7 °ro . >0 85 .54 % 84% .. 14 9% 9% 01 ?' Mae^.Tr-J«k . 4 ,0"* ,00'* !°T% ! . 5 *7% 67%. C7», j ». 18 35 31*, 35 McKeesport Tin .. l 70 6»% 69*. ?5f* ?#*5| OU. 23 53 50 % 53 C®“,. 3 43*, 4* 43% MdWSm °l . 1 3% 3% 3s* S.’WJ::::::: ::: 1 S; g:< ;«’• 32"‘ . >2 .»■: 10s * rn Motors ..... 2 85*• 84ti »%7< 5Jat (^fah A... 5 130*2 118 ] i9 8 Nev Cons Cop. io 47 15s, 47 NY NW i» «. ^ 297 238% Eith A™”. X ,!,,i ,,n7« HI Kkard . 3 l08'* 106 108% 11%. 2 131% 130% 130% ‘an Amn B. 8 573 yji «■» Paramount . , «.* T?,, penn r R £• «'» «”« RStuI?1.d g‘t. SSftf.T:::::: i? *«• g'i® Simms ret ... J IV* 8S’ f* Sinclair ; 22 2 • 1* Skelly .... 7 if * 21 M'-* Sou By ..". I lli3* ,34’4 134*, I b N J. J IV* 7a** SONY . . 37*, .67 57% atStebiw 5,3^ s? Tex Corp ..j, • Z8Z4 78% 5?SSf s% S*; 8*| tp rani tr l ?'< |7;- w* u p RV.'J ,1? * ™ * c s Rubber....!!! 4 531; '<;?*■ W.rae^Plc !!.2 !£)** {JT* J?0** S *arylacd 13 «»: «% Wcctinphouas *!!!!! so IS'.? IS. 1«I" .: S ”4 '%1 ’SI; Rem Band 51 *37 *751 Wrpht Aero .. « J™,- ™ ™ Yellow Truck ....l 4 42% Tl*^ COTTON Port movement: Mid#. Rcpts. Sales New Orleans ... 18 85 716 749 Galveston . 18 15 349 350 Mobile. 18 10 494 50 Savannah .18 31 5 .... Charleston . 9 .... Wilmington. 112 .... Norfolk . 18.56 42 423 Baltimore. New York. 18 45 . Boston . Houston. 18.20 109 160 Minor ports. Total today. 1.838 1 732 Total lor week. 1.836 .... Total for season .... 9.324,204 .... Interior movement: Mid#. Rcpts. Sales Memphis.17.80 546 299 Augusta.18.C3 53 30 St. Louis ..*... .... 225 .... Fort Worth ... 17.99.. Little Rock .... 17.55 68 .... Atlanta . 18.40. D3lias. 17.75 . 300 Montgomery .. 18.20. Total today. 837 726 | POST JOINS IN CELEBRATION 28th Birthday of 12th Cav alry Occasion For Holiday The 12th cavalry celebrated Its 28th birhtday Saturday. In order to give a holiday spirit to the affair. Lieut.-Col. Koch or dered all duty for the day suspended and appropriate birthday exercises were carried out after troops of tne regiment formed on the parade ground. I The principal address was made by Commander Koch who took as his topic the regiment s motto. “Al ways Prepared.” and told of its accomplishments in the past, its present high standing, and what it should accomplish in the future. Capt, Perry E. Taylor gave a short history of the troop and Major H. L Flynn admiinstered the oath I of allegiance to men in the regiment for the first year. A baseball game between the 43rd ; Mexican Cavalry and the For! Brownn team on the latter's grounds was the feature of the afternoon’s entertainment. ‘ * Banana Importation Business In Port Here Shows Growth Mexican bananas in carload lots! will begin entering the United States through Brownsville next week, it has been announced by the J. G. Philen, Jr., Co., customs; brokers. Nearly all of hte Mexican bana nas ha*been entering this coun try through Laredo heretofore, it was said. Officials of th~ company stated that this was the first time in their memory that large shiements of Iwmanas will have entered the Unit ed States here. pentagonsTto play MERCEDES ON SUNDAY • Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO. June 29—The Pentagons will meet the Mercedes; Lions on the city park here at 3; 30 p. m. in a return game. Forty per cent of the proceeds from the af fa,v will go to charity. The Lions trounced the Power men recently Pumarejo getting the better of a hurling duel with Mor cus. Wallace of the Aggie frnsh nine, will probably hurl for the Pentaaons. The Five-Siders wPl plav McAllen at that city on July Fourth. Protestant churches of the citv will Join in the observance of “Loy alty F.undav” today with a union service at the Baptist church at 8 p. m. James L. Abney is to be th® speaker for the evening, and will talk or the individual citizen and law enforcement. A choir made up from each of th® churches oartiM nating whl lca*i in sinking the mili tant hymns Rev. J. E. T ovett of the Methodist church, will give a serpiture r®adinc: D-. S. K Hsllam prayer, and benediction. Rev. R. O Mackintosh. No services will be held at thej other churches. 7™*™""™'®""®®""®®®"""®^®®"*^®^-"mmmmmmmm,laMlnlHaMMI>| I RICH AMERICAN' olDy FOR AN ENGLISH WIFE Winifred Black's Comments on the Unusual Offer of Fif* teen Thousand Dollars a Year “Pin Money" Which the Girls of Islington Turned Down Flat By WINIFRED BLACK Fifteen thousand dollar- a year to spend Just as a nice little personal allowance: a big house with rugs and curtains, servants and everything, and & car—a good, big swift car with the right kind of cushions. That's what a certain ‘ Rich American" announced that he JggggJK would give any nice little woman in London who T. * would marry him, leave England and live in the ■1 i Mill United States. The Rev. Joseph Shepherd of Islington Temple. I. Itngton, London. A. D. V., R. 8. V. P.-«nd all the rest of it. is trying—oh, so hard—to help the Rich American out, and he simply can t do a thing about it. Not a thing. Mr. Shepherd soys that he has made this offer known to a large—a very, very large—number of girls in Islington. And every orfe of them said: • Just fawncy—wed rather be poor in Islington than millionaires’ wives in America.” -.UILLia Lrt me ask you. gentle reader, have you ever been WINIFRED RACK jn Islington? No? Then you can t realize the full humor of the situation. Islington. ate:, veal and ham pie. influenza medicine on the njantel. a penny-in-the-slot gas— dear, dear! Well, for one thing, the ladies of Islington probably have very little idea oi wnat they are ret using. Their idea of luxury would be. perhaps, a new art 1 'leum In the hall and bead portiers In the draw ing room doors. Living room, they have never heard of such a thing, and as for electric ranges and vacuum clean ers. and window-washing companies they’ve never even heard of them either. Who do you suppose the Rich American can be. and why did he choose Islington for his Happy Hunting Grounds? I don’t blame him for wanting an English wife, but why Islington. Why not Twlchen'am on the Thames, or Hants, or Bucks, or something? No. I was quite serious about the English* wife. If I were a poor man with a small but r steady income I'd get me an English wife if I had to throw a( lasso over her head and carry her1 away on the wildest of wild west ponies. If I were a very rich American I’d 1 take the same view of the case Why not? English women believe a man; is something halfway divine—just because he's a man A man with an English wife has a nurse, a guardian, a little girl to pet, a forgiving woman to neglect. Oh. yes. if 1 were a man I’d cer tainly hunt me up an English ’i*fe. And I’d choose her hats and or der her gowns and select her friends for her and have a grand time—if I were a very poor American or a very rich American. If I were an American lawyer, or doctor. or newspaner man I wouldn't try the English wife—not for one week! English wives who are not very poor want servants—troops of serv ants. They don't like to cook, and they don't like to sweep or make! their clothes, and as for taking care; cf their own babies—tut-tut. I do with I knew who the “Rich American'' was. I believe he'll find an English wife—if he has money enough. And think of the fun he will have teach ing her to like ice water and straw berry shortcake, and may be she k-. will teach him to put hot boiled milk In his coffee Instead of cream and pretend to like it. I am all for "hands across the sea” and "Hearts of Oak' ’—let see. didn't we used to sing some thing about the “Bailiff’s Daugh ter" at Islington? Why doesn't the "Rich American” hunt up the Bai liff? I believe he’d make his daugh ter see reason, be she as beautiful as a dream and as English as— Islington. CLEVELAND. June 29.—(ffwThe monoplane City of Cleveland, with a big 13 painted on its fuselage, cruised above Cleveland tonight as Pilots Roy L. Mitchell and Byron K. Newcomb ended the first day of the monotonous grind which they hope will bring them a new endurance flight record for planes refueled in the air. MOKQVEl 4*4. NO I. Voo TuVT D'©iST~ DCOPPtD -TH13 ‘17. ' y ifc> l0o « T«*etO »T BlLL11 "-1 '5C«* asst C?1 ^ ->-l«M-»*»**