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I;1 U If. J- Valley Societu NewsX [ | * * i * * • and Events I 4 _ , , , ____■ , __ ' I ■ ’Randolph-Weller .Wedding Thursday A surprise to the many friends of the couple was the wedding of Mrs. Ida E. Randolph of Oblong. HI., and Mr. E. H. Weller of this city, which was solemnized at the home of Mr. »d Mrs. George F. Dennis in Vic toria Heights Thursday evening. The beautiful ring service was ead by Mr Dennis, in the presence of relatives of the couole. Little Eva June Jones, the flower girl, strewed rose petals In the path of the bride and groom, and Master Vem Miller carried the ring. The bride wore a tan georgette ensemble, with accessories to match, and the groom a suit of dark blue. Mrs. Weller has been tn Browns ville only a few months, making her home with Mr and Mrs James La Gro She has been quite active in the work of the Christian church and Sunday school, of which she is a member Mr. Weller is a well-known Brownsville business man. The couole left Sundav morning for an extended visit with relatives and friends tn the north and east, after which they will return here to make their home. * • * Pink Rose Chosen Motif of Party The pink rose was chosen hv Mrs. Burnell Goodrich as the motif of a very pretty bridge party on Friday afternoon, when she entertained her club and several tables of guests. The affair was given at the E K. Goodrich home, and vases of the favored flower were lavishly used In the spacious rooms. Tallies for the games were pink roses and tinted baskets of rose buds graced the table* Mrs. Hodge, who held h*fth score, received a ma jolica basket, and Mrs. Clyde Aus tin. secor d. a set of glass ice box dishes Mrs. Carlisle Williams, low was given a chiffon handkerchief for consolation, and Mrs. Travis _ r_ f j| Calendar For The Week j Monday Methodist missionary society will hold the regular monthly business meeting at the church, 3:30 p. m. Hope chapter, 124, Order of the Eastern Star, meets at 8 p. m. at the Masonic Temple. Baptist missionary society has business and social meeting at the church, 3:30 p. m. Tuesday Rebekahs meet at the I. O. O. F. hall, 8 p. m. Merry Matrons with Mrs. H. Kemper. Wednesday Business and Professional Womans* club luncheon. Jennings, club winner, received a cigaret lighter. Ices frozen in the form of pink roses were served with cake, and punch was served during the games. • • • Mrs. McKay Is Club Hostess Mrs H. R. McKay was hostess to the Just-Sew club at their regular meeting this week. The afternoon was devoted to the customary pur suits of sewing and chat. Mrs. Mc Kay had arranged a very pleasant setting, with roses and ferns for decorations, and served a refresh ment course. Mrs. S. C. Graham will entertain next week. • • • Comings, Goings, Of Local People Miss Dorothy Hines of Dallas, is here visiting Miss Salome McAllen, having arrived Wednesday. She has been a guest at several beach names and informal entertain ments. and attended a dinner party given by Miss Sarlta Lomax in San Benito ’Friday evening. Miss Hines is a student at the University of Texas, and a sorority sister of Miss McAllen, both being members of Pi Beta Phi. Mrs. W. E. Brown and daughter, Margaret, have returned home from an auto trip for four weeks, which carried them through the Ozark mountains In Missouri, to Mason City. Ill. where they visited friends They went from there to Kansas City and Great Bend, Kas.. where they visited Mr. and Mrs. 8. E Adams. Mr Adams is Mrs. Brown s brother. On the return trip they stopped in Tulsa. Dallas and San Antonio . __ J Miss Pauline Mogford of Freder icksburg, Miss Helen Duckworth of Alamo. Miss Ada Lw Richmond of McAllen and Miss Sarah Hamilton of Bryan, and Mrs C. C. Lamberth. Jr., of Harlingen, were house guests in the C. C. Lamberth home here this week, having come for the wed ding of Miss Martha and Miss Alet ta Lambert, which occurred Thurs day evening. „ _ Mr and Mrs A C. Htpp re turned Thursday from a trip to the north and east. While away they attended the national T. P. A. con vention at Detroit, later going on to New York and Canada. j B. Tackaberry. who has been here visiting his sister. Mrs. Nellie T Kee. left Friday for his home in t Houston. J. B. Kee accompanied his uncle home, and will remain there for a weeks visit. Miss Katherine Worley, who left Fridav evening for La Junta. Colo., i will Join Miss Ethel Henderson and Miss Lcma Jones there. She plans to take a special course in voice and piano and then continue her work in the Bush conservatory In Chicago In September. Miss Eugenia Eppwright came home with Miss Elizabeth Ro*e, I who spent the past meek end with! her in Mission, and visited Miss! Rowe here for several days. Mrs. E. J. Tucker and daughter, Carolyn, left Thursday by motor I for Magnolia, Mo., where they ex pect to visit for about a month. Mrs. Howell McCampbell spent the first of the week in Corpus Christi with Mrs. R. H. McCampbell, re turning Thursday. Mr. McCamp bell was in Hebbronville looking after business on their ranch there. Captain and Mrs. V, Z. Brown are in San Antonio. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8 West are again at home after spending seveirl days in San Antonio. John Gregg returned Friday from New York. Mrs. R. C. Markham left Saturday for her home in Sherman «-fter a visit here with Mrs. Joan Gregg Captain and Mrs. Clyde /, ustin expect to go to San Antonio the , first of the week. Judge and Mrs. Volnry W Taylor left Fiiday for a visit to Dallas and Houston. — HARLINGEN Gl’EST HONORED Mrs A. J. Rabel honored her I house guest. Miss Era Lee Baker of Alexandria. La.. Tuesday evening at her home on Polk street with a > bridge party. A red and green color scheme was featured throughout the home by the use of red roses mingled with fern. The color motif was also used in the game table equipment Miss Carol Lee Thompson receiv- j ed high score among the girls and was presented with a deck of cards! and Mr. Cross received high score fcr the mer. and was awarded a silk handkerchief. The honoree was given a novelty string of beads. A delicious salad and sweet | course in the chosen color theme was served to 20 guests. Novelty Mexican baskets lined with red containing mints were favors. • • • BRIDGE Mr and Mrs. H H. Sc hander en tertained at their country home Tuesday evening with four tables of bridge Pink and white roses artistically arranged with fern in baskets and bowls gave floral charm to the living rooms. The pink and white ♦heme was also featured in the tal lies and refreshments. High score trophies were award- j ed Mrs. Leonrd Smith for the women and Roland Rader for the men Mr and Mrs Grant Rader received lew score prise. Angel food cake and pineapple was served to 16 guests. • * * CLASS ENTERTAINED Mrs. S. L. Batchelor's Sundav school class en loved a swimming oarty Thursday evening given at the Cascade Pool In McAllen Aft er a delightful swim Iced water melon was served to 30 guests • • • BRIDGE PARTY Mr and Mrs. M A. Rose enter ‘ lined with a bridge party TTrrS day evening honoring Mr and Mrs H L. Kelley's wedding anniver-1 sarv. Corona vine ar.d pink oleander i blossoms gave a beautiful floral . touch to the rooms where three tables of players eath-red for the evening s diversion High score prises were awarded to Mrs B B Brier for the women and Dr Jno. A. Crockett for the men. The honor guests were pre texted with special gifts. A delicious salad course was served to !2 guests. • • • BRIDGE HOSTESS Mrs. D. D Wink was h^ess , Thursday afternoon at a bridge , uarty complimenting her sister, j Miss Louise Davidson of Ft. Worth Red. white and blue was the color theme used in the game table accessories and wrappings of the nrtres. Red roses were used throughout the rooms of the home Mrs. F. P. McEIrath received a batfc mat for high score. Mrs. E. H * I Briggs received second high and was presented with a base. Miss Flora Dell Brooks was given sta tionery for high cut and the hon- j oree was also given a box of sta tionery. A delicious salad and sweet course was served to 20 guests. • » « OUTING PARTY A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. T. Floore. Mrs. Merrell. Miss es Vera Vera Letzerich. Bessie Versa. Margaret Owen, from Waxa hachie. Teras. Emily Traxler and Messrs. Bob Baker. Charles Wood and Claude Lee enjoyed an out ing given at the Woods summer camp on the Arroyo Thursday eve ning. Swimming and boating, fol lowed by a picnic supper were main diversions for the evening. * * • WOMEN’S C. C. LUNCHEON At the Women's Chamber of Commerce luncheon held Wcdnes- ; day noon at the Woman's building the following department heads were named: Mrs. David Wink, membership; Mrs. Will Jones, edu cation; Mrs. Tyre Brown, library; | Mrs S. R. Jenning'. music: Mrs. John C. Myrick. program; Mrs A. j J. Pollard, garden and floral work: 1 Mrs. 'V. M. Hundley, civics: Mrs Gerald MrKenn*. rublicitv; W%a Mildren Flinn. art: Mrs. J. S Speed chairman of building committee; Mrs. A L. Brooks, house commit- j tee: Mrs. Joe Roberts, grounds committee; Mrs. C. A Macy. fur nishings committee: Mrs H J O'Connell, hospitality committee: j Mr. T F. Abbott, transportation committee. The city health nurse. Miss Adele Ronecker. gave a resume of her work recently started to visit each 1 horn. She also stated that a free i clinic was held in her office at the city hall between the hours of 2 to 4 o’clock. Miss Dorothy Burchard delighted the guests with several piano num bers. and Miss Margaret Owen Mrs Howard Barrett’s visitor from Waxahachie. Texas, read ’ The Lit- j tie Towns of Texas." by Hilton R Greer of Dallas. • • • VISITOR COMPLIMENTED Mrs. C. E. Henderson entertained with a luncheon at her home on Filmore street Wednesday morning • complimenting her sister. Miss Myrtle Gulley of Junction City. Ark. A pink, orchid and yellow j color theme was chosen for this pretty party. Baskets of roses were used about the rooms lending their fragrance and beauty Miss Marjorie Dunn, of Houston, received high score, and Mis* Qeor- j gia Traxler received low. The h*m oree was given a special gift. The hostess served a lovely two course luncheon at the nooon hour on decorated trays having orchid and yellow streamers and centered with novelty baskets of orchid but terfly bush sprays. A personnel of 12 guests enjoyed this hospitality • • • MISS TRAXLER ENTERTAINS Miss Georgia Traxler was hostess to her club on Wednesday afternoon complimenting her house guest,; Miss Dorothy Moore of Brownsville. Roses in shades of pink and red were used in decorating the rooms for the occasion. Miss Carol Lee Thompson won high score trophy and Miss Josephine Pollard low score A special souvenir was giv en the honoree A salad and sweet course was served to 20 guests. • ‘ * AUXILIARY PARTY The Young Girls’ Auxiliary of the First Baotist church was entertain ed Wednesday afternoon with a picnic and swimming party at the Midway pool. After a refreshing j swim sandwiches and watermelon J was served to ten guests. Mrs. A. C. McLamore. councller for the auxiliary was in charge of the FAREWELL HOSPITALITY The Women's Missionary Society of the First Baptist church enter-, tained with a farewell party Thurs day evening In the parlor* of the church honoring Mr and Mrs James Hicks, who are leaving for | the Wrest to reside in the future. The parlors of the church were made very attractive by the use of roses and other summer Blos soms artistically arranged in bas kets. A short program planned by Mrs W. B Cochran, was enjoyed by the guests after which merr-i ber* of the W. M. U. expressed their appreciation of the many things Mrs. Hicks had done for the union followed by nresenllne her with a beautiful silver fruit bowl. Other speakers on the program were Mrs. Frank Robinson. Rev. W W. Lee and A. L. Brcoks. all ex pressing a deep regret at loosing - - .. - ^ •£* GIMBLE’S r Sprrt Frocks for the ‘Fourth’ Just in time for the Glo rious Fourth — We re ceived these brand new shipments only yester day. A very smart col lection of sport dresses, materials are mostly of flat crepe. 'In & va riety of pastel shades and color combinations. 152 . Complete Size Range % HI I The Matamoros Rotary Club Meets every Friday One o’Gock at the * Matamoros Cafe Matamoros, Mexico Mrs. Emma Leonard ^^BBI odes of the Moment [ =® ^ . i :K&lk4i eio etaU kiep <\eflfaq&u&ts 0/iuL X&xi^ vvnicfe/ ">uanxj ptopkl&kt' ~h 7tvfA^Lf t&a/~ j^/uUohi aw CetrMuj**K _ ^hdekkL a w*M9emn'j^itoid wtLlt^U^pm atiM,&vU&m such valuable members of the church. Following the program a social hour was enjoyed, during which sandwiches and punch were served to 100 guests. • • • GARDEN CLt'B An all day session of the Garden club was held at the home of Mrs A. J. Pollard Thursday. Instructions in fancy basket mak ing. a discussion on flower culture and a covered dish dinner at noon were the main features of the day. Fifteen guests were present. Mrs E. W. Anglin will take or ders for Easter lily bulbs at club prices for the next ten days. • • • FRIDAY BRIDGE CU B Mrs G. w. Spfinger entertained the Friday bridge club and one table of guests at her home on east Taylor. Pink roses were the chosen flow ers used in decorating the home. Mrs. W. R. Heard was awarded high score pri:ie and Mr*. H L. Kelley received second high. Mrs. j Smith of Raymondville won high guest prise. A delicious ice course was served the 12 guest*. • • • PERSONALS Mrs Clarence Myers and chil dren are spending several weeks in Kingsville and Floresville guests of relatives. Jack Cocke is in San Antonio on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Beriev left Wednesday for San Antonio, later eoing to Camp Waldemar to visit their daughter who Is attending the summer camp. Mr and Mrs D. F Ross and daughter Dorothy are visiting in the Valley Mr. and Mrs Howard Barrett left Friday for Abilene on a vacation trip. Mr. and Mrs J. E Snoddv and little daughter. Sara Nan. left Frt-. dav for Pearsall for a ten day va cation Mr and Mrs. B. F. Hardin and c. . -» returned Thursday from a vacation trip spent in Kemille Coleman and other points in west Texas. Mrs. Maude Baird arrived in Har lingen Thursday to occupy Mr. and Mrs. Barrett’s home while they are away. Mrs. 8 E. Thompson left Thurs day for an extended visit In Hous ton and Dallas. Mrs. J. A. Baxter and daughter. Virginia, of Monticello. Ark., will arrive in Harlingen Friday night to be the guestj of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Jess Wilson have returned to Harlineen from Corolla where Mr. Wilson has been on bus iness for the past month. NORTH MISSION PERSONALS Mrs. W. O. Belt and Miss Grace Alameyer of Brownsville, were week end guests at th« home of Mr. and Mrs. E C. Alameyer. They were accompanied to the Valiev by Miss Bonnie George of Mercedes, a col lege chum cf Miss Grace. On their return Mondav evening, vhey were accompanied from Harlingen bv Mr. W O Belt, an engineer for the Missouri Pacific. Mr and Mrs. J. T Holmes of Al tua. Ok!a. accompanied by Mr Rov Houghee. are guests at the home cf Mr. Dearl and Misses Georgia and In a Holmes. Mr and Mrs. Ernest Dorsett and familv spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Meek of Wes laco. Mr. and Mrs J H. Lawrence and family motored to Brownsville Sun day to visit Mrs. Ed Stobaugh and daughter. Mr and Mrs. Joe Hoffman. Mr and Mrs Theo Gerlach. Mr. and Mrs. Perrin were guests at the 1 j New Curtains and ! Drapes! | Freshly Decor I ated Windows | | * # Accessories are the important details of the modern well-furnished home today. There is no detail more important than bright, attractive windows. We Have the Materials and Patterns Suitable for Every Room in Your Home WE INVITE YOU TO CALL Art Shade and Drapery De. * t on La Feria Highwaw Two Blocks West of Sears-Roebuck Harlingen — Phone 772 v l . . . home of Mr. and Mrs. Rheinhold Gerlach Sunday evening. Roy Harrison left Monday for Wichita Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Stalling of 8ebas- , tian were Sunday guests at the' home of Mr and Mrs. Kelley Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bodine of ( Electra. arrived Sunday to spend a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Rhodes. Mrs Lee Smith of Sam Fordyce and Miss Alma Norton of Mission called at the homes of Mrs A. J Barza and Mrs. George Mitchell Monday. Miss Lessie Harrison of Mission. Messrs. Ray Barnes and Tom Pear of San Benito. Mr. and Msr H. L. Alsmever. wife and Henry Jr., of San Bemto. Mr. and Mrs Claude Pope and family were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. E C. AIs meyer Sunday. Misses Wilmuth Morgan and Alice Borman were dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Geo Mitchell Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs. Blackburn of Mis sion spent Friday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs. L. B. Ash. Mr. and Msr. A. J. Barga. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Bentsen and fam ily motored to Edinburg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson ware Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grav. Mesdames Loganbill. L H Jencks. Misses Alva Jencks and Wilma Ktl Itnger motored to Edinburg Friday to call on Miss Pearl Jencks. who Is night supervisor at the Medical Arts hospital. Misse, Dorothea. Katherine Rig ler and Leona Wetsman accompan ied by McAllen friends, motored to Lake Conception Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rhoades accompanied by their guests Mr. and Mrs Bodine motored to Rio Grande City Monday. Mr. Chas. Moore, wife and son. of Ralls, are guest* at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. R Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson and two children of California arrived Thursday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Campbell. Mr. and Mn. Hummer and grandson Raymond have moved to McAllen. Rev. Le Grand Pace and wife of Mission called at the home of Mr. I and Mrs. E. C. Alsmeyer Monday. Evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P C. LongweU Mon day were Mr. and Mrs C. L Barnes and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Tryon. / • * • FISHING PARTY Mrs. Wm. Casa! and daughters Katherine and Dorothy Jean. Mrs. Robert Heyer, Jr., and children. Evelyn Clair and Harold Dale of Cuero. Messrs E. R. Hunter and Charles Orimsley of Houston. Mr and Mrs. Frank Beffel and daugh ter Correne of Mission spent Fri day evening fishing at the Bryan canal. After the sport of fishing, they enloyed a picnic lunch at the Iwpitehle home of Mr. and Mr George Hansen. • • • POVERTY PARTI' Mr and Mrs. F W. Borman of Sharyland entertained the mem bers of the Epworth League of the Mission M E church also Mr and Mrs Geo. Mitchel and son with a "Poverty party." Each membar was appropriately dressed and a happy evening was enjoywt by aP present. • -# • PF.P MEETING . Twentv-five members of the MU sIon Epworth League attended th pep meeting held at Weslaco Bun day. This was the largest attend ance of any society In the Brown.* ville district. The young peop are proud of this honor. • • • | BUNCO PARTY Th'* Parent-Teachers* association 1 of the Catholic school gave a bene fit bunco party at St Paul's school Tuesday evening. Mrs. J F Tanner was hostess fo? the evening. Smart Styles At Moderate Prices Everyone wants style in footwear and everyone in sists on comfort and good fit —we give both at a moder ate price because we are not in the high rent section. II I - * 1 1 f On T welf th Just off Elizabeth International Shoe Store MRS. ELSIE C. BARREDA, Manager 609 Twelfth 8t.—Brownsville Bathing Accessories Just what you need for Beach Party and Swim ~ I , \ Colored Caps, i Beach Sandals, and Slippers, Belts for Suits, Swimming Tubes. Water Wings And All Swimming Accessories rICE ON BATHING I SUIT CASES , $1.19, ; These cases in beautiful colors , . . . I! they are “Dolores” brand, imported .... practical—pretty, and useful for the beach bather.only $1.19