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DAILY MAGAZINE PAGE FOR EVERYBODY Just-Sew With Mrs. Graham Mrs. S. C. Graham was hostess to the Just-Sew club on Wednesday afternoon. Zinnias and ferns made her room a pleasant setting for the affair, and the time was pleasantly spent in sewing and conversation. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. R. D. Howard will have the club next week. * * * i i Mrs. Kemper Is Bridge Hostess The regular meeting of El Jar din bridge club was held at the home of Mrs. H. Kemper on Tues day of this week. Besides mem bers of the club, Mrs. Frank Fish er ,of Point Isabel, and Mrs. C. W. Dennis, of Terre Haute, Indiana, were guests. Mrs. Fisher received the guest prize. Mrs. Fred Bohlen held high for the club, and Mrs. J. H. Downs second. Flowers were used for decorations, and a refresh ment course was served. The club meets next with Mrs. John Martin. * * ♦ Comings, Goings, C)f Local People Mrs. H. R. McKay is spending a tew days in San Antonio. She left Tuesday evening. Miss Pauline Cohn is here from Houston visiting her sister, Mrs. Sam Perl. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. -Walker, Mr. and Mrs. J .O. Frizzell, and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Robertson, all of San Benito, spent Thursday here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Reil. J. M. Taylor is here from Corpus Christi, visiting his brother Judge Volney W. Taylor. HARLINGEN CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY The Missionary Society of the First Christian church held their monthly meeting Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. W. Nelson, with Mrs. Winters, Mrs. M. I. Olsen, and Mrs. Nelson as hostesses. After ra, worship program a musical pro gram was the feature of the after noon. Delicious refreshments were served to 28 guests. • • • AFTERNOON BRIDGE Mrs. D. D. Wink completed a se ries of parties comDlimenting her friends, Monday afternoon at her home on E. Harrison street. The Fourth of July color theme was fea tured in the decorations, table ac cessories and refreshment plate. i Mrs. W. L. Peckham received high Score, Mrs. F. M. Hardin second I high and Mrs. Loyd Mellor received <low. A salad course was served to 20 (teuests. BRIDGE HOSTS Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lear enter tained a number of their friends 'with bridge Friday evening, j Roses and other summer blossoms Were used throughout the rooms Where the players cathered. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Phillips Were awarded the high score prize end low prize for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kasendrick. A salad and sweet course was served to 12 guests. * • • SMART BRIDGE Mrs. r>. w. Schuepback and Mrs. W. D. Jefferies were ioint hostess for a delightful compliment Tues day afternoon when thev honored Mrs. C. M. Oaftort of Mansfield. Ohio. Mrs. L. F Bishon of Pallas. Mrs. Raymond Gee of Fort Worth and Miss Myrtle Gulley of Junction City. Arkansas, at a hridge narty given at the Woman's Budding. A pink and blue color theme was featured in t.b® Rural. decorations of 1 Rink rases and Plumbago artisticallv arranged in ornsmental vases and baskets and in the wrappings Of the nriz®s and tallies. Mrs. Tra Baizo received a beau tiful Ttalian erookerv tea not for high Mrs. W. 1>. Beckham was sec ond high receipng an Ttalian crock ery tea not with cuns to match, and Mrs. Annette Ramming was pre rented a Jaoanese cooki® iar for 7ow Each hoporee was nres»nt®d Wdh a nW® of fho Ttalian nottcrv. A delicious s«iad course was fcerved to 60 guests. ■ • • Visitor pnynprn Mrs. T-. R. Hollingsworth cqm r<!tment»d her house "ue'-P 'tics"* Bessie Mae and Christ!”® >*>Kinnev n* Ropvilie and Ansel McKinney of pi Paso with a swimming nartv U’uesr'o.v even in «r at her home on East Tavlor street. Th® large swim ming nool of the HoU«ngsvrnrths was nuite a sc®ne with all the ;! younger set in their hrig^t bathing suds swimming, diving and nlaving oth®r water games. After the swim a buffet supper was served to 25 guests. • • • BRIDGE LTTOCWEON Mrs. Tjeo V. Pi1® entertained a bridge luncheon Tuesdav moming honoring h®r mother. Mrs. Marv Porter. auH her sister Miss Hazel porter of Kansas City. . Roses wer® th® flowers used in decoratorv the rooms used where three tables of bridge were ar Iranged. Mrs. Rohert Brooks was nr®s®ut bd ”ith high e°ore nri^® end ip. W. Colmey for S®e®nd high, Mfs. Prank Phfli’n received low. A two course luncheon was served to 12 guests. • # ♦ PFR.SOV*’*? Mr. and Mrs. Rosene Johnson !®Tf Bundav for San Antonio to soend a few days with their sons, who are attending a summer camn. later nini Waxahachie to visit rela ,ves Mi Jennings and two •nanrers. Katherine and Nancy 1 Modes of the Moment | 1 y , KJoM^y -RcAii, scmM) \mcL cjvi a£rne$f~ 4itf£t eafXA~ak^ -^int h Letters Sotten The Bitterness Of Words Famous Writer Tells How One Couple, Happily Married For Twenty Years, Avoided Dangers of Hasty Argument By Writing Notes By WINIFRED BLACK The pretty little woman in the smart apple green sport frock sat in the lounge at the smart hotel. A good many people looked at her but she didn’t look at a soul. -u., She was reading a letter. And she was laughing a little and the funny thing about it was there were tears in her eyes, too. She laughed when her friends came along and she put the letter she was reading in her bag— and then she laughed again. “It’s just a letter frmo Jim,’’ said the pretty woman in the smart sport outfit. “Is Jim gone?” asked the dearest friend. “Oh, no,” smiled the woman in green. But we write to each other just the same. “We have been writing to each other for 20 years. Whenever Jim does something that makes me mad I don’t say a word. “I just wait until I get a chance and I go and write him a letter about it, and I slip the letter into his pocket so he will find it sometime during the day. When he comes home at night he doesn’t say a word about it. He just slips me a letter and I read it and we laugh and sometimes I cry-and everything’s all right again. "We have settled all our quar-*-__ TPIr hv mtJll Vnn no m'f «i rels by mail. You can’t think what a help it is.. “Now there was the time that Jim got to steping out with a pretty gay crowd, and leaving me at home with the baby. “I wrote him a letter about it and he answered the letter and since then where he dines I dine, and that’s that. “And there was the time I want ed Jim to take me to the concert and he was tired and wouldn't go. I went alone, and I was ashamed to be at the concert alone, so I went home and wrote a note about it and put it in Jim's pocket. “It was cool in the room and I was in my little thin nighty and the tears kept falling on the paper, but I wrote the letter just the same and put it in Jim’s pocket. “The next night when Jim came home he didn’t have any letter for me at all. He just took me in his arms and said. ‘Darling, you were quite right about the concert. It was mean of me to make you go alone. Let’s make an agreement. “‘I'll go to all your lectures and your concerts and all your amateur performances with you if you will go to the baseball game and the poker party and the prizefight with me. That is fair, isn’t it?” And we both laughed and that was settled. “If I had talked to Jim about will leave Friday for Denver, Colo., to spend a month. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Perry returned Monday from San Antonio. Mr. and Mrs. Oscie Fristoe and daughter, Dorothy, have returned from a vacation spent in Waxa hachie. Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Utley and son who are touring the western states are expected home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Elmore and two children from Dallas are the guests of Mr. Elmore’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Elmore. Mr. and W. O. Little have re turned from their wedding trip spent in Roswell, New Mexico. W. O. Clinton, for two years man ager of the local J. C. Penney Co. store, left Tuesday for Colorado Springs for a two weeks vacation with his brother. . Upon completion of his vacation he will be located in Richmond, Mo., as manager of the J. C. Penney store. B. M. Holland, president of the Kiwanis club of Harlingen, returned Wednesday from Milwaukee, Wis. where he was sent as a d'eleeate t,o the Kiwanis convention. Mr. Hol land reported a nice time but was glad to get back to the Valley. A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. McElwrath. Mr. and Mr*. r>. W. Schuenbach. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Briggs. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bolch left this morning for Rockport to spend two weeks at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. McElrath. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Chaudoin are spending a short vacation at Kerr vfik. I that concert we could have had a fight as sure as fate, and every fight is a nail in the coffin of life. “Now this note from Jim is about a woman I like and he doesn’t like, and in this letter he tells me why. And I guess he is right at that. “I’m glad he wrote it, though, in stead of saying it—you never can stick to the subject when you talk over a grievance. You always drag out a lot of has-beens and I-told you-so’s and the first thing you know—” Rather a good idea isn’t it? I wonder if it wouldn’t work 6ut well with a good many people. What do you think? You should have the tears and the laughter and the thrill of “mak ing up” aijd not have the bitterness of a real quarrel. I am glad I met the little woman in green and saw her read her let ter from Jim. I WINIFRED BLACK LA FERIA The marriage of Miss Catherine Barbara Melbert, daughter of Mrs. Baskin of Mercedes and Mr. Lester O’Neil Hargrove was solemnized Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock, in the Methodist parsonage in McAl len. R. V. Budlong officiated at the double ring ceremony. Only imme diate relatives of the young couple were present. The bride had as her only atten dant Miss Minette White of Santa Rosa. Seth Kennedy acted as best man. The bride wore a blue flat crepe ensemble, with harmonizing acces sories. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Hargrove left for a motor trip to East Texas, where they will spend several weeks visiting rel -1 son Joe, of Lyford, were visitors here Sunday. Reyburn Cheney was a visitor in Raymondville Monday. Mrs. J. R. Sprouse and daughter; Nelle, and M. B. Bourne spent the week in Beeville visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Robert Smith and children, Robert and Odeline of San Marcos are visiting at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. J. R. Cheney. E. G. Barnhill and Mr. J. R. Cheney left last week for a trip through central and northern Tex as. They expect to be gone several weeks. Arthur and Nelle Sprouse were j visitors in Sebastian Saturday. Mrs. Houcht was a business visitor In Raymondville Saturday. W. A. Fox was a caller in Ray mondville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Pyle and son were visitors in Raymondville Sun day. So “Skinny” Couldn’t Work. Gains 21 ibs. and New Strength Miss Donie Brison writes, “Before [ took Ironized Yeast I was so skinny’ I could not do my day s vork. But now I can work hard all lay and rest good all night. “About 3 months ago my weight vas 126 pounds. Ironized Yeast ?ave me 147 pounds of good flesh.! You would think I was another voman, I feel and look so much bet- I ;er.” Stop being “skinny’ ’and always ;ired. Thousands have gained 5 to L5 pounds in 3 weeks with Ironized Yeast. Scrawny bones change to graceful curves. Blotched skin be comes clear and fresh. “Lazy” feel ing vanishes. Only when Yeast is Ironized is it ".o wonderfully effective—for Iron needed to bring out the weight iuilding and strengthening values of /east. Pleasant tablets in a handy settle, safe for everybody. Never cause gas or bloating. Go to any druggist today and get a full size treatment of Ironized Yeast. If after this generous trial you are not delighted, you money you are not delighted, money back. —Adv. ——-1 1 ."" ' ' ^ |STUDY THIS EXAMPLE! HH By buying $10.00 worth of groceries at JITNEY JUNGLE each week you save $2.00 —- This equals $104.00 per year and amounts in interest to 6% on mi an investment of $1,734.00. JITNEY JUNGLE stores are doing this for I (jPjB thousands of families in the Valley. ® “Jitney Jungle Always Thanks You” 1 The following specials good in Brownsville, San Benito, Harlingen and Me- I Allen, Saturday, July 6th. atives and friends, returning to La Feria to make their home. * * * PICNIC SUPPER The members and friends of the Presbyterian church held a get-to gether meeting in the form of a pic nic supper Friday night, on the Flynt and Kiefer lawns in Green wood paik. After the delicious supper was en joyed by all stunts and games were played until a late hour. * * * CIRCLE MEETING The circle meeting of the Pres byterian auxiliary waS held Tues day afternoon at the chapel. Miss Josephine Hannah conducted the Bible study in Acts. Mrs. C. D. McCoy was the leader for a most interesting program on foreign mis sions, papers being contributed by Mrs. Ramsey, Mrs. Todd and Miss Hannah. • • * PERSONALS R. R. Stephenson and son Bobbie, left Wednesday morning for Chi cago to spend a month. Mrs. Ste phenson who has spent the past sev eral months there, will accompany them home. / Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shock and son, Tom, left Saturday for Califor nia to spend the summer. Bernard Ellebrecht left Monday for St. Louis to visit his relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Forbes and son left Wednesday for a tour of the northern states. Mrs. H. T. Anderson and Mrs. Herman Wessels and families spent Friday in Brownsville. 1 Tourist Groves returned home Saturday after spending several days in Austin. ! SANTA PERLITA Mr. and Mrs. Archie Clark and daughter, Joy, returned recently from a visit to relatives in Minne sota. Miss Elizabeth Armistead of San Antcmo arrived Saturday to spend the vacation with her uncle anc' aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sprouse. Mrs. E. G. Barnhill and children Ollie Ava, Allie, Ezra and G. C. and Mr. and Mrs. Murphy and son, Joe, Mrs. Tom Heith and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Heith and children spent a pleasant evening at Red Fish bay Saturday, enjoying a camp supper and a refreshing swim. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Murphy and I I Some liquid insect-killers cost 50c a half-pint. Black Flag Liquid, the deadliest made, costs only 35c. "Why pay more, when Black Flag will com pletely rid your home of flies, mosquitoes, ants, roaches, bedbugs, etc. Money back if not absolutely satisfied. BLACK FLAG LIQUID ©1929,B.F.Co. Black Flag also comes in powder form. Equally deadly. 15c. and up. glue Ribb on Malt Extract 1 FLOUR "s.„, .45c | | COFFEE "ci 45c I I Macaroni-Spaghetti package, only 7V^c I 8 Hershey’s, 25c 1 I KIDNEY BEANS sr,£t» 11c| [JAM sa, 37cI ■ SARDINES fg££ 23c 1 Heinz, 9Qp P Niggerhead, I SI 5Y2-oz. Can, only .. . • I wll fe POOty Marcellus, No. 2 Can, /I P J?;I I (jUKll 2 Cans only. ... & I U fl |§j PflPnflylfT Dromedary, Dry Pack, 9 R P !$$ m UUuUnllU I 4-oz. Package, 2 for ....4UU || iPAUnV Southern Queen Sticks, 99P H m ynltU I Per pound, only...fcUll || B IN OUR MARKETS YOU WILL FIND THE FOLLOW- B M ING ATTRACTIVE SPECIALS jjfi i I CHUCK ROAST, per pound 23c J I STEW MEAT, per pound 18c B B MEAT LOAF, Pork Added, per pound 23c B B STRIP BACON, Half or Whole, per pound . . . 30c fl M Let Your Slogan Be: “BUY IT ALL FROM JITNEY JUNGLE” H I Brownsville - San Benito - Harlingen - McAllen fl y /Yi 1