OCR Interpretation

Brownsville herald. [volume] (Brownsville, Tex.) 1910-current, July 05, 1929, Noon Edition, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063730/1929-07-05/ed-2/seq-5/

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Thumbnail for FIVE

ij " ' l
|| Valley Society ||
jt Phone 7 <i
* -- --I
Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. H.
G. Marshal] entertained at the Point
Isabel Yacht club with a dinner
honoring their niece, Miss Bobie
Russell, and Miss Iris Villyard of
Fort Worth. The color theme of
pink and green was expressed in
table adornment and other appoint
ments for the affair. The beautiful
centerpiece of pink rosebuds formed
\he chief decorative note. Pink and
Areat place cards and clever favors
»owing the same tints gave pleas
ing emphasis to the favored colors,
which were repeated in the exquisite
crystal employed in serving the five
course dinner.
I Those present were Misses Bobbie
Russell and Iris Villyard of Fort
Worth; Misses Exa Bell Sublett, Ha
zel Wade and Sarita Barber of San
Benito; and Misses Helen and Eliza
beth Sumners of Harlingen; Her
bert Weary, Jack Cowgill, and Felix
Gay, Jr., of San Benito; Harold
Gray and Bill Scanlan of Browns
ville; George Goetzke and Frank
Markham of Harlingen, Dr. and
Mrs. Crews and the host and host
Saturday evening at a delightful
dinner dance given at Sobre las
Olas in honor of Misses Bobbie Rus
sel and Iris Villyard of Fort Worth.
Misses Sarita Lomax and Hazel
Wade were joint hostesses. A de
licious dinner of Mexican food was
enjoyed. Music and dancing gave
diversion throughout the evening.
Sixty-six young guests enjoyed the
• * *
Friday afternoon Mrs. J. T. Wil
cox entertained complimenting her
niece. Miss Laura Miller of Hous
ton who was visiting in San Benito.
Handsome pink roses gave floral
adornment to the rooms where the
guests gathered for the games of the
afternoon. The honoree was remem
bered by the hostess with a pretty
remembrance. Guest prizes wpre
also presented to Misses Bobbie Rus
sell and Iris Villyard of Fort Worth.
A delicious luncheon course was
* • *
Monday evening at 6 o'clock a
is a Prescription for
Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue,
Bilious Fever and Malaria.
It is the «no*t eccedv remedy known
home wedding of interest to many
friends in San Benito took place
when Miss Lillian Adams, daughter
of Mrs. Otis Adams, became the
bride of Tom A. Johnston. The
marriage ceremony was conducted
by the Rev. C. H. Riddle, pastof of
the Immanuel Baptist church, and
was witnessed only by families of
the young couple. Following the
ceremonv an ice course was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston left almost
immediately by automobile on a
honeymoon trip of three or four
weeks. They will reside in San
Benito following their return.
* * *
Members of the Lateral T club
held an all-day meeting Thursday
at the home of Mrs. Phillip Hork
man. Roses and garden flowers gave
floral charm to the home. Follow
ing the covered dish luncheon a bus
iness session was held. Members
voted to donate $25,000 to the tu
bercular fund being raised in co
operation with the San Benito char
ity board. Members also decided to
pay the expense for one Boy Scout
at the summer encampment to be
held soon. Guests were Mrs. E. W.
Brown, Mrs. S. H. Crews, Mrs. W.
M. Graves, and Mrs. Selina Knapp.
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. A. E. Graves
Thursday afternoon, July 11.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wedegartner
entertained a few of their friends
with a delightful ride in their motor
boat, Mary-Van-Elizabeth. The
party met at the Point Isabel Yacht
club from which point they went
out on the bay. A delicious lunch
of chicken, sandwiches, cake and
punch were enjoyed while out on
the bay. Those enioying this out
ing were Misses Elizabeth Espey,
Edith and Clara Heister, Lorraine
Estes, Celest Long and Mrs. J. S.
Edge. Mr Bob Simmons of Harlin
gen. Mr. Charles Baumberger. Mrs.
S. S. Dodds and the host and host
♦ * •
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Harris and
daughters left Sunday noon by au
tomobile for a visit in Austin. They
may decide to go from there to Mon
terrey to visit relatives.
Jack Ogdee and son, George, and
daughter, Helen, have gone on a
motor trip to San Antonio and
Houston. They will return late this
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ellis returned
Sunday from a trip to Fort Worth
and Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Pittman and
sons and mother. Mrs. E. L. Pitt
man, returned Saturday after spend
ing two weeks visiting at their for
mer home in Mexia.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yost and
The taint and torment of flies and 295.2
. jnosquitoes have no terrors for the
^tome with fragrant FLY-TOX
nandy. A vast army of insects is
4 bred in FLY-TOX laboratories
t io be released in the FLY-TOX
''Chamber of Death" to test and
certify the positive killing quali
ties of FLY-TOX before it is
sold to you.
FLY-TOX has a new
Harmless to people purifying perfume
•and will not stain. like fragrance
Copyright 1929 by Tho Rex Co.
# V
Saturday, July 6 to Friday, July 12
No. 10T Men’s Four Square athletic union suits,
elastic back, special..39c each
3 for $140
No. 103B Boys’ athletic union suits in good quality
checks with elastic back—
Special 35c — 3 for $1.00
p *
► i .
No. 94 and No. 95 Cooper’s rayon silk union suits in
white and colors, $3 values—
Special $1.95 Each
Child’s rayon silk union suits, $1.35 values—
Special 90c
' j* Child’s rayon silk Princess slip, special—
A new shipment of children’s white and champaign
I fancy anklets—
I 35c pair — 3 for $1.00
I Mauer’s
I Knit Goods Shop I
I In Brownsville at 1220 Elizabeth I
Visit Our Edinburg Shop
I * 9
^ W , *ou S3kV Vou rin<£
W -d'labs diPPerent? Nbu mean.
^ one iiKe no other cjiri has ? i
[g No, I mear\ one like I've never had before/
two children left early Friday for
Kansas where they will visit rela
tives and friends and attend the
50th wedding anniversary celebra
tion of Mr. Yost’s parents.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Battles left Wed
nesday for their customary visit to
Jefferson, Iowa, and other points.
They expect to visit Yellowstone
Park and see quite a bit of the
middle and far west.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shelander and
little son have returned from a va
cation trip to Calvert and points in
East Texas.
Miss Ostine Smith has as her
guests this month, Misses Mozelle
and Octo Johnson of Winnsboro,
Malcolm and Merrill Lamb of
Asherton, young brothers of Mrs.
Albin, are here for a two weeks
visit with her. They arrived Sat
urday night.
Alvin Jensen, of Corpus Christi,
and his brother, John, of Chicago,
were Saturday afternoon visitors at
San Benito. They were former resi
dents of this city seven years ago
and this is their first visit since
Word received here states that
Jamie Dodson and Lambert Land
rum have arrived in New York after
having left Galveston by boat last
week and expect to leave for Europe
within the next few days.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wilson, and
Herbert Grover of Mission were
guests Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Grimsell.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Worley and
little daughters of Harlingen and
mother, Mrs. E. C. Worley, of San
Benito left early Sunday for a va
cation w’hich they will spend visiting
in Jones and other points in North
ern Louisiana.
Joe Ballenger, his son, Marion,
and brother. T. O.. are on their way
to Birmingham, Ala., where they
will visit Mr. Ballanger’s brother,
J. A. Ballenger.
James Dowey left Saturday night
on a trip to Chicago.
Miss Floy Roots is on her wray to
New York City where she plans to
attend a summer term of Columbia
university. She will be joined at
New' Orleans by Miss Otelia Graham
who last week motored to the Louis
aina city.
Rudolf Bendixen returned Monday
night after spending several days
visiting friends in El Campo, Texas.
L. L. Hackney returned Thursday
after spending about six weeks in
Chrystal Springs, Miss.
Miss Evelyn Hemsa of Weslaco
spent the past wTeek in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Frizzell and
children of Weslaco moved to San
Benito last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Robertson were
Weslaco visitors Sunday.
Ross Puckett wrho has been em
ployed at Brownsville returned to
the J. A. Puckett home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Reil of Browns
ville were visitors in the M. L. Wal
ker home last week.
Mrs P. G. Matzen of Weslaco spent
several days of the past week with
her daughter Mrs. J. O. Frizzell and
Mrs. O. E. Gauge left Fridav
morning for Mineral Wells and
other up-state points.
Miss Helen Duckworth, of Alamo,
visited with her brother, A. J. Duck
worth of San Benito, before con
tinuing Friday to Collegeport, Texas
for another visit.
Miss Velma Copeland has gone to
San Augustine, Texas, where she
will visit an aunt, Mrs. C. A. El
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Agar and child
ren left Friday by automobile for
California. They expect to spend a
month at Chula Vista and other
points in California.
Miss Edith McBride, who has
been visiting Miss Jimmy James,
has returned to her home at Corpus
Christi accompanied by her hostess
Mrs. P. M. Elliott and two child
ren of Kingsville who have been
visiting in the home of Mrs. M. C.
Reece and Mrs. W. D. James, re
turned to her home Friday.
T. W. Moore and Cecil Morris,
have returned from a joint vacation
trip. Mr. Moore spent most of his
times in the Hill country near Kerr
ville while Mr. Morris went further
Mrs. Brown White returned last
Wednesday from an extended visit
in Austin and San Antonio.
Judge A. T. Morris and son, Earl,
of Bastrop. Texas, are visiting Judge
Morris’ son, Dr. E. T. Morris of San
Mrs. Nan Horn left Wednesday
night for San Antonio which is her
primary destination. She will con
tinue to other points.
Rochester, Minn..* famed as a
health center, has 41 factories.
Today’s Fashion
gj Vera Winston—*
Ml /7r9Tbv
Navy Blue Georgette Makes a
Smart Afternoon Dress.
IF you are forced to spend much
of the hot Summer In a big
town you will find it practical
to include one or two dark dresses
of sheer crepe In your wardrobe.
They are cool, comfortable and al
ways appropriate.
Illustrated here is a frock of navy
blue georgette which has a definitely
high waistline and a graceful cape
collar, the tab ends of which pull
through a band which in an inter- i
esting fashion becomes a fitted hip
band. Two finely printed tiers form
the skirt and matching frills trim
the tight-fitting cuffs.
world peace conference to be held
in America’s shrine of liberty—In
dependence Hall on July 4, 1930,
was suggested by Mayor Harry A.
Mackey in an address Thursday at
Independence day exercises.
Mr. Mackey made the suggestion
at the city’s official observance of
the birth of American freedom in
historic Independence Square
where urere gathered many repre
sentatives of the city, state and
federal governments, members of
the 55 local American Legion pests
and thousands of citizens.
dependence day was generally com
mented upon in the Rio Janeiro
Correo De Manha, in a lengthy
front page article says: “It is in
dispensable above all that the oth
er peoples of America see what the
United States has done in the
sciences, letters and arts * * * in
the dominion of moral life and re
forms, this country is without par
allel. The homage Brazilians give
their good North American friends
of Independence day is more than
a courtesy duty between sons of
the same continent; it is also jus
tifiable admiration for the splendor
of the civilization of the greatest
democracy of the present hour.”
i-- -
. I—1^^—
,/ r
1 .
' *
| Saturday and Mi inday I
I SUGARar 47 c I
I BUTTER»»_48c |
S jpL|j iff pg I | j|L*^ Angel 12-Pound Sack . 47c I
|f JL ,Autl ^nn# Food 6-Pound Sack. 26c I
I Shortening a=* 12k £
I LUX sl.9c I
I TOMATO SAUCE 6Dc‘,!!xr <6can'imil) 25c I
1 QUAKER OATS a, 23c |
I Tomatoes <LTJtcU.6c |
I 19C |
I Sardines
Skinless, Can. 19c |
I Marmalade gss35c g
1 I l|k M Strawberry, diQ/k ll
I ^' i
I MUSTARD fig*,18c I
I I II |I|S! Damson, £L€\^ 1
I fc# Ink IWI 1 -Pound Jar .mmma %*? W 11
I BACON, English cured, sliced.C2c |j
ea':,1!!, ■ -■■■■■■■.. , , —^L- 11 ■ * ■
I VEAL, forequarter steaks. .28c |
5 CHEESE, American . .28c I
I Brownsville Elizabeth and 9th Street Brownsville I
1 I ■£
1 I
* Hi

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