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- —= ~~ ~ - — — ■ ' -- -.-- ' ] TUESDAY CALENDAR * Bebebahs meet at I. O. O. F. hall M P , \Merry Matrons with Mrs. John Martin. * * * Eastern Star [To Initiate Hope chapter, 124, Order of the Eastern Star, will have a meeting at the Masonic temple, at 8 p. m. on Monday. Several candidates are also to be initiated at this time. Of ficials ask that all members attend the session. • • • Rotary Visitors Entertained Wives of Rotary presidents and secretaries here for the meeting of the 47th district were to be guests of women of the local Rotary club at a luncheon at 12:30 p. m. Monday. Following the luncheon at the Coun try club the visitors were to be taken for a drive to points of in terest around the city, including the airport, and the palm grove. 1 On Monday evening the entire party of visitors will be entertained with a barbecue, and on Tuesday, the local women will take their guests to Matamoros. The committee in charge of the hospitalities for the visiting women Is composed of Mrs. Cleve Tandy, Mrs. A. Wayne Wood, and Mrs. Chas. Burton. • • * Presbyterians to Hold Conference A conference of the intermediate and Young People’s leagues is to be held at Rio Hondo Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. Representatives from all leagues in the first district of the West Texas Presbytery arc expected at the con ference. There will be a number of addresses, and problems arising in this branch of church work will be discussed by the young people. Several members of the local leagues are planning to attend the meet. +♦♦♦••♦### 8 I BMMtflMtM H Even the most stubborn Eczema, 4 y Acne, Tetter. Itch. Pimples or other I 1 affections of the skin and scalp can » H quickly relieved, and permanently, j FJ P this marvelously effective petie- I J Old sores, ulcers. Itching Piles and I, all surface Injuries such as cuts. m burns, scratches, heal rapidly w\jen ■ soothing, comforting B^VILL'S LO lljTION is applied. Eccllent for Itching IB ^Scalp and Dandruff. B Sold at all drug stores In 60« and lf^SI.00 bottles on money-back guaran Sold by Eagle Pharmacy 1135 Elizabeth Street ♦ •♦♦♦♦♦♦mbbbb»mmmm» 1 _________ i ———— / -■* % , *. ,J( ■ <p<^ « cl jcAinftd. eHij^no twi tnt' ^wavt ifcu? e«w/ _wttfc -{£w|f/ AMMiM'dnf&eAl ^yC^Tnwbt vtfU/L a, £&*>£ twdm^ wwv / «, mtuwit, «| tivktut Comings, Goings, Of Local People Volney W. Taylor, Jr., son of Judge and Mrs. Volney Taylor, has returned home from Dallas, after a month’s visit with relatives there. He was accompanied by Thomas Millard Cook, Jr., his cousin, who will visit him here for some time. Judge J. C. Hutcheson, federal judge, was here from Houston for the week-end, attending to business and visiting friends. Mrs. E. H. Tarbutton, of San An tonio, is the guest of Mrs. Lee B. James. Mrs. R. C. Phillips and son, Er nest, and daughter, Agnes, left Sun day for a two weeks’ stay in Paris with relatives and friends. MERCEDES DINNER HOSTS Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Barton were hosts at a dinner party Friday night honoring Miss Tina Birch of Breck enridge, Texas, and Miss Elizabeth Donnelly of Mineral Wells. Texas. A color scheme of pink and white was gained with the use of lovely roses. Covers were laid for the honor guests Mr. and Mrs. R. Newell Wat ers of Weslaco, Misses Bertha Young of Brownsville. Angela Murray, Jo sephine Symonds and Forrest Glass cock, Menton Murray, L. S. Buck, Packard and Billie Barton and the hosts. After dinner all motored to the Country club were dancing was enjoyed. • • • SWIM, PICNIC Miss Amy McManus was hostess to a group of friends at a swimming oarty at Cascade pool at McAllen, Friday night. After the swim a fire was built and weiners were roasted. The evening was concluded with dancing at the pavilion. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. McManus act ed as chaperones for the following: Misses Martha Yearwood, Agnes Glasscock, Dagmar and Juanita Blanchard, Connie Martin of Chi cago, Gladys Hampton, Beatrice Pierras, Mary Andrews, Maude Tullis, Billie and Edna Looney, of Weslaco, Margaret Tullis of San Antonio and Joe Moe Newby and John Ohls, J. D. Busby, Irvin Smith, Gordon Young of Weslaco, Donald Barton. Bert Johnson. Cecil Reed. Bob Keen. Delbert Underhill. Ernest Drawe, Carmac Wilson and Hugh McManus. • * • MRS. WRIGHT Miss Beth Garrett entertained with a picnic on Llano Grande Lake in honor of Mrs. Mertie Wright of Dallas, a house guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Sugg. The group motored up the lake for sev eral miles to picnic grounds where a fire was built and lunch was served. Her guests included Mrs. Mertie Wright, Mrs. J. L. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Sugg, Miss Georgia De Vries. George Copeland. Herman Wood, • • • BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. Oscar Seibert was hostess at a pretty bridge party during the oast week in honor of her sister Mrs. E. H. Martin and daughter. Miss Connie Martin of Chicago. Pink roses and corona were used at vantage points to add to the at tractiveness of .the room. In the games Mrs. Clifford Dav ennort was high. Mrs. Arthur Ull rich, second high and Mrs. O. J. Schaeffer held consolation. Covers were laid for refreshments after the games for the above ladies and Mrs. R. G. Boler, Mrs. Paul Mitch . Announces is#$| Semi-Annual y Clearance '/ P . Sale Beginning Tuesday * Ending Wed,, July 31st All Shoes on Sale * I In order to make room for new Fall Styles we offer all Santoy beautiful shoes at Two Prices _ - . - - - - — - All $9= Shoes at $6=—$5= &56= Shoes at J3= -——--——— SANTOY SUP'PET SHOPS HHRL1NEEN-BR0MNSVILLE-MEHLLEN [ i « ‘i ; ,, ,'i- r"''v; » : v V* V. . . V.. • :.r ell, Mrs. John Wilmoth and Miss Moore of Weslaco. • • • PERSCS’ Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Banerman of Winnipeg, Canada, are guests here in the home of Mr. Bannerman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wiggins. Mr. and Mrs. Kinch Parks, Miss Vita Pa^ks, Hal Parks and Gene Shannoxi returned to their home In Kerrville Thursday after a visit here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moran have returned from an extended vacation in the northern states. Miss Jewell Dunson left during the past week for Boulder, Colo., where she will enjoy a month’s va cation. Mrs. R. B. Myers of San Antonio and Mrs. Kate McDaniel of Flores ville, Texas, have returned to their respective homes after a visit here in the home of Mrs. Myers’ daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hvistendahl. Mrs. E. H. Martin and daughter. Connie, of Chicago are here visitors in the home of Mrs. Martin’s sister, Mrs. Oscar Heibert. Miss Mildred Fielding of Paris. Texas, is a guest here in the home of Miss Mildred Bridges. Mrs. G. W. Strunk and daughter, Berneil, have gone to Bay City for an indefinite stay. Mrs. George Miller and children. Georgia and Arthur. Mrs. Lillian Yeager and Miss Hazel Wade have returned to their home in Dupe. HI., after a visit here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Nichols. They were accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sugg and their house guests Mrs. Lucille Moore and Mrs. Fay Bonham of San Antonio. Mrs. Mertie Wright of Dal las, and Will Durham and Charlie Trayloe formed a oarty which spent the week-end at Point Isabel. Cardinal Created At First Secret Rome Consistory of Year - VATICAN CITY, July 15.—— Pope Pius held his first secret con sistory of the year today in the con sistory hall of the Vatican Palace One new Cardinal was raised to the purple. Father Lbefonso Schuster. Abbott of the famous Basilica of St. Paul’s outside the walls. His holiness indicated in brief remarks to the assemblage of Card inals there would be more Cardinals created at next December’s consist ory.. Cardinal Schuster will receive his Episcopal consecration next Sun day, at the hands of the Pope him self and will later be inducted as archbishop of Milan. No allocution wat, delivered, con-’ trary to reports which have been current for some time there would be one dealing with settlement of the Roman question. The Pope said: “Certain events transpired with which we shall deal later on in the year.” This was taken to mean the pon tiff would treat the new relations with Italy and the Holy see in an encyclical before long. POLAND GETS FLOODS WARSAW, Poland, July 15.—(/P) —Persistent rains in the mountain region of Eastern Galicia have caused floods over a wide area in the Stanislavov and Tarnopol dis tricts. Many villages have been in undated. No loss cf life has been reported. _ • PERMANENT WAVE SCARS LONDON.—Miss Dorothy Clifton was awarded $500 damages for scars on her head inflicted while her hair was being permanently waved. PROMOTED AFTER 40 YEARS COVENTRY, Eng.—Robert Hole, forty years postmaster at Watford, has been promoted to the same post in Coventry. WHAT KISSES fELL MOTHER Keeping children well is easy symptoms of childhood’s ills. If little ones are fretful, pale, languid, won’t eat and want to be mothered; when they often get colds and sore throat and seem feverish, depend upon it the bowels are slug gish. You notice unpleasant breath when you kiss them—sure sign of constipation and a sour stomach. Give a little California Fig Syrup to purify the system and see how quickly it restores strength, appetite and joyous spirits. It acts without pain and gently* cleanses which causes feverishness, sours the diges tion and keeps the little one sickly and backward. If ycu suspect measles or some other children’s disease, give a dose of California Fig Syrup without de lay. The doctor will praise your forethought. California Fig Syrup is the finest laxative in the world for children. It suits them perfectly and they love its delicious taste. For a child who is habitually constipat ed there is no other remedy to equal California Fig Syrup for coax ing the bowels back to healthy reg ularity. If you have a child who is troublesome in this way try Califor nia Fig Syrup. Get a bottle today.’ All drug stores have it. California Fig Syrup has been, trusted by the World's mothers for over 50 years. That’s why the word “California” should be emphasized when buying.-yAdv. ____ ' * 1 [- . -W,, ' ie Avewt'cP ' l~ emobon has sv/ept _v>/v/0^ , ft jg more-than one man \ntothe sea or matrimony GENTLE EXERCISES TO BE A UTIFY UPPER ARMS Miss Huddleston Offers a Remarkably Simple Exercise and an Oil Massage Which Will Help You Strengthen Flabby Muscles By JOSEPHINE HUDDLESTON The illusion of youth is soon lost when the upper arms become soft and flabby. Developing or reducing the upper arms so that they are in proportion to the forearms, howeved, is one of the simplest of all beauty troubles to overcome. Many women, whose upper arms are extremely large, can correct this defect by gentle, but daily, exercise over a period of a few months. I say gen tle because strenuous exercises develops the muscles, and only a few days devoted to gentle exercises would have no effect whatever cn the contour of the arms. When the flesh becomes soft and flabby the arms appear almost twice their actual size when pressed against the sides of the body. The best way to tell whether or not you are in need of the following exercise, is to stand before a mirror with arms re laxed at the sides of the body. If the upper arms flatten out when pressed lightly against the body you may be sure that the muscles are loose and flabby. Therefore, exercise must be started at once. irwbHiNF If’ however, they retain their rounded contour when Jurist rorr^J held against the sides, you may be sure the muscles p.UDPLLD lWN are hard ancj healthy and that you have nothing whatever to worry about at the present time. The exercise is done in the following manner: Hold the right arm straight out in front of the body, then, clench the fist tightly and rotate it from the wrist. Rotate first fifty times to the right, then fifty times --4 TEXAS TOPICS New Speed Limit Needed—Feath er in His Cap—Blame the Buz zard—Missionaries for Texas —Parachute to Prison—Cuss the Constable. N SkeUytown, in the Panhandle, is holding a series of terrapin races. A speed limit of 20 feet per hour sadly needs revision downward. Nacogdoches paper sasys: “Cul berson Denman, one of the hustling attorneys of Nacogdoches, received a telegram telling him the court of civil appeals has affirmed the big damage suit involving heirship claims • of $8S,000 which was tried at Laredo, the plaintiffs represent ed by Mr. Denman. This is cer tainly a feather In the cap of Mr. Denman, and is the biggest case he says he ever handled." The courts hold a Corsieana-Dal las interurban motorman was not liable for a buzzard crashing through the window of the car, in a $50,000 damage suit by W. E. Scott, Jr., for injuries from broken glass. Wonder if Rowdy McCown. Mc Kinney parachute jumper, yet has dived down in the w’alls of Hunts ville to serve his prison sentence on a liquor charge. Two Mormon missionaries have visited Mission, Texas, to arrange for organization of a church of this faith in the Rio Grande Valley. Circus pun: New Fannin county highway is known as the Bonham Bailey highway. Coleman has a constable upon whom abuse falls lightly. Cuss him all you please—he’s deaf and dumb. His name is Rush Johnegan. $10,000 DAMAGE HENDERSON, Ky., July 15.—(/P) —A horde of white ants invaded the Episcopal church here, and caused $10,000 damage before they were discovered. The insects, known as termites, destroyed the woodwork foundation of the church. COW TESTING DOUBLES ST. PAUL, Minn., July 15.—(/P)— Cow testing work in Minnesota doubled in the last five years, the dairy herd improvement associa tion reports. There are now 120 active groups testing about 40,000 cows. -- i to the left. You will probably feel a heavy, tired sensation in the up per arm long before the exercise is complete, but if you can possi bly continue, do so until the clench ed fist has been rotated 100 times. Then exercise the left arm in the same manner. This simple exercise brings the shoulder as well as the immediate upper arm muscles into play and it is amazing how flabbiness disap pears. Within a comparatively short time the arms achieve the firm, trim contours of youth. Camphorated oil is one of the best reducing mediums for this type of superflous flesh. Then, too, the gentle massage, employed to apply this oil will rest and soothe the tired muscles after the exercise. When the arms actually need to be re duced as well as firmed, the follow A. TAMM Blue Printing and Supplies Harlingen, Texas Watch Tongue For Signs of Illness Your tongue is nothing more than the upper end of your stomach and intestines. It is the first thing your doctor looks at. It tells at a glance the condition of your diges tive system — and physicians say that 90 per cent of all sicknesses start with Btomach and bowel trouble. A white or yellow ish coating on your tongue is a danger signal of those diges tive disorders. It tells you why the least ex ertion tires you out; Look at your why you have pains in TONGUE the bowels, gas, sour every morning! stomach, dizzy spells. And it’s a sign you need Tanlac. This good old reliable medicine has helped thousands who were physi cal wrecks. See how the first bot tle helps you. Tanlac contains ho mineral drugs; it is made of barks, herbs and roots—nature’s own medicines for the sick. Get a bottle from your druggist today. Your money back if it doesn’t help you. Tanlac 52 M1LUONI BOTTLESlUSCD I ■ " ' ■ — l mi ■ ■ i III . -- - 7 -—-*-— <*» By MRS. ALEXANDER GEORGE Blueberry Muffins are Delicious Breakfast Stewed Prunes, Chilled Wheat Cereal and Cream Buttered Toast and Coffee Luncheon Cottage Cheese Stuffed Tomato Salrd Blueberry Muffins Tea Dinner Egg Salad Creamed Lima Beans Bread Butter Napoleon Cake Iced Tea Blueberry Muffins Two cups flour, 4 tablespoons bak ing powder, 1-4 teaspoon salt, 5 tablespoons sugar, 1 egg. 1 cup milk. 2 tablespoons fat, melted, 1 cup blueberries. Mix the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Add the egg, milk and fat and beat for 3 minutes. Fold in the blueberries. Half fill greased muffin pans and bake in a moderate oven for 15 minutes. Serve hot with butter. # Napoleon Cake One-third cup fat, 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, 1-2 cup milk, 1 teaspoon va nilla, 1-4 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1-2 teaspoon cloves, 1-2 cup blanched shredded almonds. 2 cups flour. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Cream the fat and sugar for 2 minutes. Add the rest of the in gredients and beat for 3 minutes. Pour into a shallow pan which has ing, more strenuous exercise is splendid. The fists must be tightly clenched and the elbows must not be bent. Hold the arm *out on a level with the shoulders and keep the action entirely in the wrist. You might try holding the left hand over the same muscles of the rght arm while doing the exercise to prove to your self how the muscles are exercised as the fist is rotated from the wrist. The comphorated oil should be slightely warmed to make penetra tion easier. Then, beginning at the elbow or a trifle below, massage the arm with firm, upward strokes. Justa minute or so is sufficient for each arm if the massaging is done daily, and just before retiring is the best time fo rthe exercise and the application of the oil. I-.■ — been fitted with waxed paper and bake in a moderate oven for 25 min utes. Cut in bars and roll in con fectioner’s sugar. Menu for Luncheon Cherry and Pineapple Cocktail Creamed Chicken Buttered Potatoes Hot Rolls Peach Conserve Btuffcd Tomato Salad Sponge Cake Iced Tea When the Doctor says “Aspirin” he means Pure Aspirin Aspirin is recognized as a safe remedy for pain. Millions use it faithfully for relieving headaches, neuralgia, muscular aches and pains; for preventing colds and reducing fever. Doc tors prescribe it generally—even for children. But when the Doc tor says “aspirin” he means pure aspirin. St. Joseph’s As pirin contains no habit-forming drugs and does not depress the heart. It is as pure as money can buy. And it is only 10c! St Joseph’s *-—j ASPIRIN 04 puie, o4 ntonan can ban 1 ■— .. .i ■ - - ■■■ — ' - ...—.. ■■■ - ' ■ .-. - - - - --- I 1 ■ - - 1 - ----- I Treat yourself to some real enjoyment . . > smoke “BoyisbBabe” I * * Here’s a smoke you’ll like at a price you’ll Hke— Harry’s Cigar Stores And All Valley Leading Dealers MM I