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• • Negro Congressman’s JVi^e Describes Tea j JVith Capital Whites CHICAGO. July 17.—f/P)—Hannah de Priest, wife of Oscar de Priest, negro congressman, made a three minute talk last night to 300 women of the Pilgrim Baptist church, de scribing her impressions of the White House and its mistress. The woman, whose husband rep resents the first Illinois district, spoke of her impressions as a guest at a tea for congressmen’s wives given at the White House June 12. She said she found Mrs. Hoover a wost charming woman—a cosmo polite. The wife of a negro legislator, William King, introduced the de Priest woman as “the loyal help mate of her distinguished congress man and the recent tea guest of ihe first lady of the land.” “There was no excitement when t entered the White House,” the jengressman's wife said. “All the itorm and criticism has been stirred ip since—outside the capital mostly ielow the Mason and Dixon line.” i don’t halve to stay jjVO home INl this I Iw summer IjL N* A Santa Fe Summer ^Ikcnrsion Ticket will take Sink » you to California It \\ through the Colo IIW^I rado Rockies, over II the Indian-Detour and to Grand Can Iny* yon National Park —at very reason ing, j able cost. Other I \/V National Parks Ik^n may be included. Fred Harvey meal service on the l^^y Santa Fe has won I international I >1 fame! * For details and /I reservations ill L. V. Polk, T. P. A. |H 325 Santa Fe Ry. JV‘' Phone Crockett 8720 317 City National u# Bank B.dg. San Antonio, Texas " ■ ■ I ENDOWS CLINIC Associated Press Photo Murray Guggenheim. New York philanthropist, has announced formation of a foundation that will establish a $4,000,000 free Francisco and back. He expects dental clinic in Manhattan. PUBLISHER INDICTED ON GAME LAW CHARGE NEWTON. Ga.. July 17.—UP)— Judge Robert V/. Bingham, publish er of the Louisville Times and the Courier Journal, and several of his guests at his hunting lodge near here last January, today were re indicted by the Baker county grand jury on charges of shooting doves over a baited field. HEAR TESTIMONY ON CANADA WHEAT TAX WASHINGTON, July 17,—(JPi— The senate finance committee to day heard further testimony in op position to the new provision In the house tariff bill subjecting Canadian wheat, milled in bond in this coun try for export to countries granting flour made from American wheat preferential duties, to a tariff equal to such preference. Such wheat intended for export to Cuba would pay a 30 per cent duty under the new provision, or about 35 cents a barrel. WACO SOLON TO ASK AID FOR FARMERS WACO. July 17.—^—Represen tative Lawrence Westbrook of Waco was appointed by Governor Moody today as the member of the house of representatives to go to Washing ton and appear before the farm re lief board in an effort to obtain aid for Texas farmers. The governor stated he had not decided on selection of a senator. The legislature nassed a concur rent resolution calling upon the gov ernor to appoint one member each of the house and senate to visit the board. WOMAN SLUGS PUGILIST HULL. Eng.—Mrs. Hilda Smith was arrested for beating unconscious Thomas Gorman, a well known boxer. * . j * ■ f l > \ * I / 1 - .MU -- ^ ~ • Board Not to Make Farm Loans Until Policy Determined WASHINGTON, July 17.—(£>)— The federal farm board announced today no loans would be made out of its $150,000,000 fund available pending a determination of policy. Of the $500,000,000 authorized by congress for the use of the board. $150,000,000 was appropriated and there are indications quite a num ber of requests are already on hand for portions of the money. Announcement also was made by the board that when loans are made the board will deal only with offi cials of the co-operative marketing associations. . FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK. July 17.—(^—For eign exchanges firm. Great Britain, demand $4.84 11-16 cables $4,85 3-16; 60-day bills on banks $4.80. France demand 3.913-8; Italy 5.22 3-4; Belgium 13.88 1-2; Germa ny 23.81; Tokyo 46.17; Montreal 39.56 1-4. ■ ■ .. N. Y. COTTONSEED CLOSE NEW YORK. July 17.—UP)—Cot tonseed »il closed steady: prime summer yellow $8.75@10.25; prime crude 775; Jan. 895; Feb 985; July 975; Aug 970; Sept 982; Oct 984; Nov. 970; Dec. 9883; Sales 16,000. COUNTRY CLUB MEET TO BE HELD FRIDAY The meeting of the newly named Country club board of directors, scheduled to have been held Wed nesday afternoon, has been post poned to Friday. The meet was postponed when it was found that several of the directors could not at tend. The board was re-elected. Friday afternoon they will name officers for the coming year. The session will be held at the Merchants Na tional bank. BET HE’S SORE BUDAPEST—Ludwig Geuer rode horseback 1,070 miles from Germany to compete in an equestrian touma - ment here. TO ROME? Associated Press Photo John Work Garrett of Balti more has been mentioned as a possible successor to Henry P. Fletcher, who has resigned as ambassador to Italy. LATE MARKET REPORT1 , * TRUCK MOVEMENT—STOCKS—COTTON—GRAIN—LIVESTOCK — POULTRY—EGGS_ L. - , . —. ■ "—i . i ... i ■■■ ■■ ■■ I.. STOCK PRICES DRIFT LOWER; Market Open* With Small Initial Changes of Few Points NEW YORK, July 17.—UP)—Stock prices drifted irregularly lower at the opening of today’s market, but most of the initial changes were fractional in character. Allied Chemical advanced 2 points and American Smelting and Brooklyn Union Gas about a point each. Commercial Investment Trust drop ped 2 3-4, and U. S. Steel common about a point. American Can. Packard, International Telephone and Paramount - Famous - Lasky yielded fractionally. With credit conditions remaining firm, and the prospect of a large increase in loans this week, the tendency to take profits was quite pronounced in early trading. Railroad shares, displaced as mar ket leaders yesterday by Public Utilities, again came to the fore Kansas City Southern and Lacka wanna were quickly pushed into new high ground and New Haven, Atchison and Northern Pacific ad vanced 1 to 2 1-2 points in the first half hour. Bethlehem Steel was marked up 2 points but traders who bought U. S Steel common yesterday liquidated holdings freely. Crucible also turn ed heavy, and United Fruit advanc ed a point or so. On the other hand, Western Uni on, U. S. Industrial Alcohol, A. M Byers, Gillette Safety Razor and Public Service of New Jersey fell back a point or more. Foreign exchanges opened firm, with cables unchanged at $4.85 3-16. The close was strong. Total sales approximated 4,300,000 shares. N. O. SPOTS OPEN NEW ORLEANS. July 17.—— Cotton opened steady. Jan. 18.52; March 18.73; Mav 18.81-bid; July 18.00-bid; Oct. 18.30; Dec. 18.51. Chicago Wheat Is Hoisted to Level $1.50 Per Bushel CHICAGO, July 17.—(JP)—'Torrid heat and intensified drought in Canada, together with steep rising quotations at Liverpool, hoisted the great market here to above $1.50 a bushel today. Tumultuous buying accompanied the new Jump in val ues, with advices at hand that crops in Canada are fast approaching to tal failure. Opening 1 3-4 to 3-4 cents higher, Chicago wheat prices later continued to mount. Corn and oats climbed also, corn starting 1 1-4 to 1 7-8c up and subsequently showing fur ther gains. Provision were steady. Wheat closed feverish. 7 3-4c to 8 5-8c above yesterday’s finish. Corn closed 3 to 3-4c up, oats 2c to 2 3-4c advanced, and provisions unchanged to a rise of 7c. FT. WORTH CASH GRAIN FORT WORTH. July 17.—— Cash wheat here followed fully the advance on the contract markets with a gain of seven and one-half cents per bushel today. Corn and oats also went higher. Protein pre miums were strong and demand was active for all offerings. Export grains: exporters bid as follows, basis delivered Texas Gulf ports: No. 1 ordinary export wheat 1.41 1-2®1.42 1-2; No. 1 soft red mixed 1.41 1-2® 1.42 1-2; No. 2 barley unchanged. Milling wheat: mills bid as fol lows, basis delivered T. C. P.: No. 1 hard milling 1.43 1-2®1.44 1-2; 13 per cent protein 1.48@1.49: 14 per cent 1.52® 1.53; 15 per cent protein 1.56*® 1.57; 16 per cent protein 1.60® 1.61. Dealers’ bids and offers on other grains: Corn: demand good: 3 to 4c high er: No. 2 mixed 1.15® 1.16; No. 2 white 1.20® 1.22; No. 2 yellow 1.23® 1.24. Oats: good demand: slightly higher: No. 2 red 58@59. Earley: fair demand; No. 2 barley 75®76. Sorghums: Demand active, 10c higher; No. 2 milo per hundred oounds 1.75®1.85; No. 2 kaffir 1.65® 1.75. K. C. CASH GRAIN KANSAS CITY. Julv 17.—— Wheat: No. 2 dark hard $1.31® 154: No. 2 hard $1.31® 1.45; No. 2 red $1.41 1-4; July $1.38; Sept. $1.41 3-4; Dec. $1.46 3-4. Corn: No. 2 white $1.02 1-2; No. 2 yellow $1.06® 1.07: No. 2 mixed 99c®$1.00; July $1.02 1-2; Dec. 96 1-2. Oats: No. 2 white, nominally, 51 ® 52c. SYMPATHETIC STRIKE WITH CARMEN LOOMS NEW ORLEANS, July 17.—(^P) — With general street car sendee promised by the end of the week organized labor today sought to feel the public pulse before calling out all allied unions in sympathy with striking carmen. For the second time during the strike of more than two weeks dura tion the executive committee of the unions met and called an open mass meeting for next Thursday night to consider the calling of a general sympathtic strike. Four Imported workers were set upon and beaten near a car barn last night and a few arrests were made for reviling remarks. BRAVES WIN BOSTON, July 17.—dP—The Braves defeated Pittsburgh. 7 to 4, in the first game of a double-head er here today. The locals scored five runs in the sixth. WOMAN WITH DUAL MIND LONDON — When Miss Norah Harrison was arraigned for fraud her attorney made the unique de fense that she had a double mind. NEW YORK, July 17.—((P) — Stocks strong; Case Threshing rises nearly 17 points. Bonds irregular; American R. E. Chemical 5 l-2s, jumped to new high. Curb irregular; Commonwealth Edison soars near ly 30. Foreign Exchange fir; France and Japanese Yen both at new 1929 peaks.. Cotton higher; high temperature southwest. Sugar high er; Cuban support. Coffee steady. Trade buying. CHICAGO: Wheat strong: ab sence of rain northwest. Corn firm; bullish Kansas reports. Cattle steady to higher. Hogs lower. FORT WORTH, July 17.—(P) — Hogs: 1,000; rail hogs steady to 5c higher; truck hogs 25c lower; top $11.65; medium to choice 130-220 lb. ra;l hogs $11.35 @11.65; better 175-240 lb. truck hogs $10.75® 11; packing sows $9.25 @10; feeder pigs $9@9.50. Cattle and calves: 4,500; slaugh ter steers steady; plain grassers $8 @9.75; fed steers, value $13®13.25; cows $7.75@8.25 yearlmgs top $14.50 best vealers $13.75@14; heavy calves up to $12.25. Sheep; 1,000; steady; yearlings $10.50; aged wethers $7; feeder year lings $8.25; feeder wethers $5.50@ $6.00. CHICAGO, July 17.—(JP)—Hogs; 25,000; 15 to 20 lower; top $12.15 packing sows $10 @10.50; pigs $10.50 @11.75. Cattle: 8,000; calves: $2,500; bet ter fed steers steady; light yef.? lings strong to higher; cows slow; slaugh 1500 lbs. $14.50@16.50; 950-1100 lbs ter steers, good and choice 1100 $13.25@16.25; cows, good and choice $8.75@12; vealers (milk fed) good and choice $14@17. Sheep: 15,000; natives fully steady westerns held higher; lambs $145.25 @15.15; ewes $5.50@7. KANSAS CITY. July 17.—(.Pi Hogs: 8,500; desirable 240 lbs down strong; weightier offerings dull; top $11.75 on 190-225 lbs. Cattle: 5,500; calves: 1,100; steady to strong; slaughter steers, good and choice 1000-1500 lbs 13.50® 16.00; fed yearlings, good-choice 750-950 lbs 13.25@15.65; cows, good and choice 8.35@ll.50; vealers (milk fed) medium to choice $9.00@14.50. Sheep: 8,000; lambs steady to 15c higher; sheep steady; lambs 13.75® 15.00; ewc-s 5.25@7.00. N. O. COTTONSEED CLOSE NEW ORLEANS, July 17.—(P)— Cottonseed oil closed firm. Prime summer yellow 8.50; prime crude 7.75. Jan. 8.82: Feb. 8.95; March 8.90; July 8.55; Aug. 8.60; Sept, 8.70; Oct. 8.70; Nov. 8.70; Dec. 8.75. V. S. BONDS NEW YORK. July 17.—(p>—Gov ernment bonds: Liberty 3 1-2, 32 47. $97: 1st 4 1-4 $99.1; 4th 4 1-4 $99.15; treasury 4 1-4. 47-52. $10818" 4s. 44-54, $104.6; 3 3-4, 46-56. $101.4. CALL MONEY NEW YORK, July 17.—(TP".—Call money easier; high 12; low 8; ruling rate 12; close 8. Time loans firmer; 30 days 7 S4@8; 60-90 days 7 3-4® 3; 4-6 months 7 3-4@3. Prime com mercial paper 6. Bankers’ acceptances unchanged. TEXAS SPOTS DALLAS, July 17.—(JP)—Spot cot °n 18.50; Houston 18.95; Galveston 19.00. JUDGMENT GIVEN TO DEFENDANT IN CASE Judge J. I. Kleiber disposed of one case in the county court of Cameron county at law Wednesday morning. It was the case of Muller Furniture Manufacturing company versus Alberto Garza, a suit on a verified account. The court ordered judgment for the defendant. COTTON MART OPENS FIRM Liverpool Comes In Much Better Than Due To Boost Prices NEW ORLEANS. Juy 17.—(F)— The cotton market had a firm open ing, Liverpool coming in much bet ter than due and rains proving a factor. 7'irst trades showed gains of 7 to 9 points and the market continued to advance after the start on liberal c vering, October trading up o 18 46 and December 18.65, or 22 to 23 points above yesterday’s close. At the end of the first hour the market was steady and within 3 or 4 points oft the highs. N. O. FUTURES CLOSE NEW ORLEANS. July 17.—fF)— Cotton futures closed steady at net advance of 54 to 61 points; High Low Close Close Jan. 19.09 18.50 19.04-B 18 44 Mar. ... 19.26 13.73 19.22 18.68 May ... 19.19 18.85 19.30-B 13.76 July ... 18 40 17.98 18.52-B 17.88 Oct. 13.91 18.26 18.84-86 1823 Dec. ... 19.10 18.46 19.03-04 13.43 Opening: Jan. 18.51; Mar. 18 73; May 18.81-B; July 18.00-B; Oct. 18.30; Dec. 18.51. NEW YORK COTTON NEW YORK, July 17.--(F,—The cotton market today opened 5 to 13 points higher on a. continuation of yesterday’s .buying stimulated by firm cables, reports of rains and re ports of boll weevil infestation with increasing damage. Realizing was readily absorbed, with the advance extending to 18.63 for October and 18.83 for January before the end of the first half hour, or about 20 to 25 points net higher on the crop positions. Offerings increased after publica tion of the weekly weather report and the market was easier. October sold off from 18.63 to 18.42, while January declined from 18.33 to 18 61, and the general market was within a point or two of yesterday’s closing figures around mid-dav. The weekly weather report mentioned various unfavorable features but said tnat on the whole the week was favor able for the growth of cotton. Futures closed firm, 48 to 62 points higher; spot steady; middling 18.90. N. Y. FUTURES CLOSE NEW YORK. July 17.—(.F)—Cot ton futures closed: Prev. High Low Close Close Jan ... 1927 18.61 18.21 18.62 Mar. ... 19.43 18.83 19.34 18.81 May ... 19.50 18.93 19.39-43 18.91 July ... 18.60 18.05 18.50nom'l 18.00 Oct. old 18.93 18.53 19.01 nom’l 18.48 Oct. new 19.08 18.42 18.95-98 18 38 Dec. ... 19835 18.65 19.25-29 18.63 Opening: Jan. 18.74: Mar. 18.91: May 18.98; July 18 05: Oct. told' 18.53; Oct (new-) 18.49; Dec. 18.75. N. Y. SPOTS OPEN NEW YORK. Julv 17.—(Fi—Cot ton opened firm. July 13.05: Oct. 18 52; Dec. 18.75; Jan. 18.74; March 18.91; May 18.98._ LIVERPOOL SPOTS LIVERPOOL, July 17.—<7Ft—Clos ing soot limited demand: higher; American si 'ict good middling 11.12: good middling 10.72: strict middling 10.51: middling i0.32; strict low middling 9.72; strict gc-i ordinary 9.32: good ordinan’ 8.92; sales 4. 000 bales. 3,000 American. Receipts 4000; American 3.300. Futures closed quiet and steady: July 994; October 9.85; December 9.34: Janu ary 9.85; 7"arch 9.90; May 9.91. BUTTER AND EGGS CHICAGO. July 17.—Up>—Butter firm; creamery extras 39 1-2®40c: standards No. 3-4; extra firsts 40 3-4c; firsts 38® 39c; seconds 37® 37 l-2c. Eggs unknown. N. O. SPOT CLOSE NEW ORLEANS, July 17.—(Fi— Spot cotton closed steady 60 points up. Sales 30 bales; low middling 17.64; middling 19.14: good middling 19.79; receipts 504; stock 92.442. Do You Know We make it our business to know which oil is best suited to your make of motor car— and we stock all grades of Magnolia para fin base oils. There is no danger of ever getting the wrong kind of oil in your motor when you have it “serviced” here. I Washing — Greasing — Polishing Closed Sundays Magnolia Service Station, No. 381 CHARLIE BROWN, Manager ' “Charlie on the Job” Elizabeth at First Street — Phone 67 I News Reels of U. S. Coast Guard To Be Taken Wednesday Newsreels will be taken at Point Isabel Wednesday afternoon and evening of the coast guard in ac tion and of bathing girls. Barney Berlinger of M. G. M. and L. V. Luther of the Interna tional Newsreel will make the films. Local and Point Isabel girls will appear in the pictures. Capt. Wallace Reed of the coast guards will put his men through boat drills for the photographers. These pictures will be made with the aid of flares. FIRE RAGES BUCHAREST. Rumania. July 17. —WPi—A raging fir; in an oil well at Moreni has defied the efforts of workmen and firemen to extinguish it for 42 days. Two men were burn ed to death last Saturday in an at tempt to choke the well. j Intention Filed Luis Garza and Matilde Lopea La Feria; Lucile Barnes and L. P. Bretz, Harlingen; Rosa Garcia of San Pedro Ranch 'and Ezequiel Cavazos, Jr., Brownsville; Felipa Lerma and Rafael Rivera, Browns ville. Marriage licenses ware issued tor Ramon Valdez and Olivia Sierra Flores, Teodoro Carrizales and Lu ciana Alarcon. NEW FLOOD MENACE HUTCHINSON. Kas., July 17. (JP)—A new menace carrying i threat of additional property Ucm* age cor 'ronted this city today witfc appearance of the Aihansas vallej underflow which Is sendnig seepag( into basements of buildings hither to untouched by flood waters irons Cow creke which went on a page last Friday. The unde^ov was reported to be close to the sur face of the ground. In Fairness to Y our Motor Consult the New PIERCE S. A F. fliarf s. A. e. Motor Oils GIVES MAXIMUM LUBRICATION AT A MINIMUM COST Sold by the Following Courteous Pierce Dealers M. ESPINOSA, Agent Court House Service Station Brownsville Valencia Filling Station Brownsville Pablo Garcia Los Fresnos El Jardin Garage Brownsville Pearson Filling Station Olmito Pierce Paraffin Base Motor Oils will lengthen the life of your car