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■1 - t City-Valley TELEPHONE SEVEN SOCIETY i an ■ .. ————— ii 11 ■' WEDNESDAY CALENDAR Just*Sew club with Mrs. Duff. Howard. Wednesday bridge with Mrs. Robert Schwarz. Mrs. H. L. Thomas is entertain ing at the Country club at 3 p. m. • * • Baptist Society Showers Mrs. Marshall Members of the Baptist Mission ary society met at the church on Mondy afternoon for Bible study, the subject of the lesson being “Mry Magdalene, Faithful to the End.” Mrs. D. S. Leftwich conduct ed the lesson, c l-ted by Mesdames Ewing Clark, Will Cabler. R. A. King, J. E. Bell, A. G. Mclnnls nd Ivan Dennis. At the close of the lesson Mrs. Ben C. Clark rushed in, her rain coat and umbrella dripping with water and announced that a show er was in progress. At the same time confetti blew across the room, and two baskets of gifts were pre sented to Mrs. E. W. Marshall as farewell token from the society. Several lively games were enjoyed before the party broke up Mrs. J F. Dowis was welcomeu back to the society after an absence of about two months. * • • Miss .Tansill Is Hostess Miss Laura Tansill was hostess on Sunday evening to a party at Point Isabel. A moonlight sail and picnic supper were enjoyt 1 by a number of the younger set v.-ho were guests. * * • Methodists Have Social Meeting Monday afternoon was the date for the monthly social meeting of the Methodist j Jissionary society. The church parlors were beautified with a profusion of hibiscus ar ranged on the piano, and in baskets about the room. Mrs. Barton opened the program with a song and a prayer, and Mrs. Trimble gave a talk on spiritual adventuring. Mrs. Don Lewis, who had charge of the program, and Mrs. C. D. Lay then gave a comedy skit v liich purported to be broadcast over the radio and sang several '‘acts. About 40 members were present. Mrs. Ike Clubb was a guest of the society. • • • Presbyterians Have Outing Thirteen members of the Presby trrirux young people's Hague went to Boca Chica Monday evening for n outing. A swim and picnic supper were enjoyed. Miss Frances Shives chaperoned the group. » * * Comings, Goings, Of Local People Miss Irene Bennett arrived home Monday morning to spend two weeks vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bennett. Miss Bennett is a senior in the Metho dist hospital in Houston. Rachel Barnes has gone to Runge for a visit with relatives. She left Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Saunders have moved to Bryan to make their home. HARLINGEN BRIDGE PARTY Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Letzerich en tertained with an informal bridge party at their new home on East Polk street Wednesday evening, honoring a group of friends. Roses and bougainvillee artistic ally arranged in baskets and crys tal bowls w-ere used to decorate the living rooms of this beautiful new home. High score prizes were awarded to Mrs. A. J. Rabel and Francis In gram. Home made ice cream and take were served on decorated travs to 12 guests. * • • HONOR GUEST Mrs. A. M. Rose honored her douse guest, Mrs. Frank Erwin cf Waxahachie with a smart bridge party Thursday afternoon at her home on East Van Buren street.. A rainbow color theme was car ried out in the floral decorations of vari-colored blossoms arranged in crystal bowls and baskets, in the game table equipment, tallies end 19 The Funeral * x * TN all details, a service X unexcelled in this com munity. Reautiful mortu ary chapel. Splendid motorized equipment. Twenty-four-hourservice every day in the year. » THOMPSON'S MORTUARY Harkngen and >an Benito Texas Telephones 2S6 and 68 Authorized Distributor* of National Gaskets | JUST AMONG US GIRLS | ^Isnb ib wonderful Kow fast ; sound travels ? 1 I lit nothing io the, , ^way gossip travels s unique tarleton luncheon covers. Beautiful pieces of pottery wue presented to Mrs. W. E. Bush foi high, Mrs. W. T. Jackson of Sher man, high cut, and to the honoree. A delicious salad course and a fruit drink was served on tables centered with vases of purple bou gainvillea mingled with lace fern to 20 guests. * * • MRS. CLUCK HONORED Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rader enter tained Wednesday evening at their suburban home in honor of Mrs. Cluck of Waco, who is also a guest of Mrs. K. I. Dague. High score prizes were given to Mrs. Cluck for high and Mr. H. H. Schander. Angel food cake and ice crepm were served to 12 guests. - * * * SOCIAL CLUB ORGANIZED A group of business girls met at the home of Miss Kathleen Dubois on East Madison street Monday evening for the organization of a social club. _ After the organization the game of bridge was played during she evening. High score going to Miss Bertha Hathaway and Miss Vernr Pearce for low. The hostess served a salad course to the following members: Dorothy Truex, Corrin Rorrie. Julian Thom ason. Bertha Hathaway. Merrn Pearce, Thelma Pearce and Emma Roe. • • * WOMEN’S CLUB OUTING The club members of the Harlin gen Business and Professional Wo men's club were Joined here Tues day evening by 25 members of the Brownsville club and the entmc party motored to Campo del Ar royo where the monthly social meeting was held. Swimming and a program of stunts provided merriment for the evening. An old-fashioned weuier roast with coffee and toasted marsh mallows were served picnic style to 50 members and guests. In the bathing beauty contest staged by Miss Myrtle Flynn, hon ors went to "Miss Harlingen.” Those participating in this contest were Dr. G. W. Diehl, E. F. Ful gham, Wilson Fulghum, Harold Lonney. H. H. Schander and Dr. W. M. Drlskill. A scene from the "Ladies’ Aid” was directed by Mrs E. F. Fulgham W’ith Mrs. Fulgham. Miss Annie Gregg. Mrs. Lucy Gough and Mrs. H. H. Schander in old fashioned costumes, taking par*. A mock orchestra, composed of mem bers of the club and directed by Miss Alberta Kirby of BrownsviJ'e, furnished "music” for the outing party. * * * LUNCHEON FOR BRIDE1ELEC T Mrs. Tom Sampson and Miss Bes sie Versa were joint hostesses for a delightful compliment Thursday when they honored Miss Vera Let zerich, bride-elect, at a luncheon given at the Reese-Wilmond hot*! Pink Columbia roses and fern at ranged in a beautiful basket formed the center adornment of the table. Plates were laid for 10 guests with place cards in pink and green mark ing each place. A three-course lun cheon was served. Miss Letzeri.h received a special souvenir from her two hostesses. • • t SHOWER Mrs. Scott Macy and Mrs. O. H. Call were joint hostesses Wednes day afternoon for a bridge shower complimenting Mrs. Bill Dorsey. A pink and blue color theme was fea tured in the flowers used in decor ating the living rooms and in the game table accessories. The feature of the afternoon's entertainment was the presentation of the gifts to the honcree. A small decorated wagon drawn by Barbara Ann, tit tle daughter cf Mrs. Macy. was filled with gifts. A salad course war served to 12 guests. , • • • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Brady and Mr. and Mrs. Wade Gobber cf Greenville, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Brady and Mr. j and Mrs. J. B. Gobber, returned to their homes Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McKenna J [ left Saturday for Corpus Christi where they will meet their two chil dren who have been visiting Mrs. McKenna’s mother in Elgin. Mrs. Lee Filgo and daughter, Nancy, and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cole and children of Dallas arrived “Friday to visit their father, L. Y. Cole, and sister, Mrs. H. L. Kelly. Miss Florine Anderson, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jake Jones, returned Friday to her home in Sherman. Texas. Mrs. Floyd Smith and Mrs. Chus. Wood have as their guests for the week, their mother, Mrs. O. L. Ha'l of Corpus Christi, and sister, Mrs. W. T. Jackson of Sherman, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barrett re turned Wednesday from a vacation trip to Abilene, Anson and San - tonio. Mrs. L. M. Holland and two chil dren, Margaret and Manning, re turned Wednesday from a month's vacation trip spent in Waco and West Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Sam B. Willis and daughters, Josephine and Emma Gene, left Thursday for San An tonio, later going to Kerrville, then to Colorado. They expect to be away six weeks. MEXICAN POLITICAL FIGURES INJURED SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. July 23.— (fP>—Antonio I. Villareal, candidate for the Mexican presidency until the collapse of the Escobar revolu tion, and Raoul Madero, brother of the late President Francisco Modero. were treated at a hospital last night for cuts and bruises sus tained in an automobile accident. None was hurt seriously. HARP SINGERS TO HOLD ALL-DAY MEET An all day sacred harp singing will be held at the community church at Rio Hondo. Sund. y. All lovers of singing are especially in vited and asked to bring basket lunches as dinner vill be spread. The community church is located in the old high school building. Sacred harp singers from various points in Texas are expected to at tend. EDINBURG CHILD INJURED IN FALL (Special to The Herald) EDINBURG. July 23.—The three year-old son of Vivian Vernal of Edinburg was painfully injured Monday when he fell to the pave ment from his father’s car as he turned north to the Corner drug store. Dr. R. B. Kirkpatrick treated the little boy's injuries, which were scratches and bruises on his face and head, and he was soon able to return home. U-"V> 1fsk i/our'SPlfyenP' for Particula rs Smith Pacific City Ticket Office HOC Levee St. . ^_Phone 1207 of the Day BY MRS. ALEXANDER GEORGE Raspberry Tarts Are Tasty Menu for Dinner Escallopcd Corn Buttered Beets Bread Grape Jam Head Lettuce and Fruit Dressing Raspberry Tarts Coffee Escallopcd Corn, Serving Six (Leftover corn can be usedi 2 cups corn, 1 cup cracker crumbs, 2 tablespoons chopped green pep pers, 4 tablespoons butter, melted, 1 tablespoon chopped parscly, 1-2 tea spoon salt, 1-4 teaspoon sugar, 1-8 teaspoon pepper, 1 egg, beaten, 1 cup milk. Mix the ingredients and pour into a buttered baking dish. Bake in a moderate oven for 25 minutes. Serve in the dish in which baked. Fruit Salad Dressing 2 eggs or 4 egg yolks. 1 teaspoon salt, 4 tablespoons flour, 4 table spoons sugar, 1-4 teaspoon c ry mus tard. 1-4 teaspoon epper, 1-2 cup lemon juice, 1-2 cup pineapple jui. 1-2 cup water. Beat the eggs and add the salt, flour, sugar, mustard and pepper. Blend thoroughly and add the rest of the ingredients. Cook in a dou ble boiler until 'hick and creamy. Stir frequently to prevent lumping. Raspberry . arts 11-2 cups flour, '-2 te—poon salt, I- 2 cu lard, 3 f~blespoons ice water, II- 2 cup raspberries, 1-2 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons flour, 1-2 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 tablespoon butter. Mix the flour and salt. Cut in the fat. Slowly add the water until a stiff dough for ns. Reserve one third for the top and roll out the rest to fit into 6 muffin pans. Fill with the raspberries, sugar. 2 ta blespoons of flour, cinnamon and butter. Cut out circles from the re served dough and fit on top the berries. Prick and bake for 25 minutes in a moderate oven. Senate Rushed To Complete Schedules On Tariff By Fall WASHINGTON. July 23.—(/Pi Republicans of the senate finance committee focused their attention today upon the difficult task of re writing the house tariff bill Party leaders are insistent that they finish the job in time to have a report ready for submission to the senate when it reassembles August 19. Chairman Smoot is hopeful, but not confident, that this can be done, although he shares with other members of the administration group the desire to have the legisla tion on the statute books before the regular session of congress begins in December Increasing discussion of the pos sibility that the committee repub licans may decide to cut down on an extensive scale the increases in featuring House Frocks \ A beautiful collection of summer house frocks by the leading manufacturers in four groups. Value* to $3.95 $^4S Values to $9 I Semi-Y early Clearance New features in price and stock reductions every day — Attend. * Exclusive Ladies* Appare’ 1244 Elizabeth _|, 1 Modes of the Moment r V I r T/k^ ^antaJc^n^l 63Jxwft /boityru Onto tW haut *wtck, -Acc/iu^k4 4kW t&e, krvee, axe tile -immloJ^tv -|ev s^e o£ jmtti ttJt -Uock-ftici dknee dxe^e^Dktice iik -&^ Muvte. <&u " numerous duties voted by the house has brought only non-committal comment from the chairman, never going beyond his remark that “some will go down and some will go up.” MAY APPEAL COUNTY COURT CIVIL SUITS The civil suits in Cameron coun ty court-at-law of Elena Fernandez vs. P. L. Webber and Son. and E. G Fernandez vs. E. S. Garcia, probably will be appealed as the result of Judge Kleiber's action in overruling a motion for new trials, filed by At torneys Canales and Eidman. de fendants’ lawyers, who filed excep tion to the ruling. The plaintiff in the first suit to collect, alleged damages done by the defendant as tenant in a store build ing was allowed $170 of $399 asked. The plaintiff in the second suit was awarded $555 of $780 asked in a suit on a contract. Brownsville Leads In Number Attending Kerrville Assembly especial to The Herald* KERRVILLE. July 23.—Over 300 young people are registered for credit courses at the sixth annual Epworth league summer program now being held at the Kerrville Methodist assembly. Brownsville leads in attendance by districts in this conference, as follows: Austin, 34: Llano. 32; San Ange lo, 15; Uvalde, 44: Yoakum, 37; Brownsville, 60; San Antonio, 45; others 5. I. A. Dudley. Brownsville, was elected president; Miss Erma Wines, Gonzales, secretary; Miss Winnie D. Simpson. San Antonio, treasurer; Frank Jordan, art, vice president. I'T' ODAY no home 01 Outguess oxiice is inoroughiy modern | A unless it is equipped for the use of gas. Not only does I I gas in your home give you added comfort and convenience— If it will help considerably in renting that spare room or apart- dj ment this fall. We will be glad to have you compare the cost & and convenience of gas with the fuel you are now using. Let X us install your yard line — today! -■« You will find Rio 4 Grande Valley Gas I ** |j Company stores and I service in almost every I town in the Valley. Complete line of gas I w L? appliances. ^ fit Rio Grande Valley Gas Company j 428-3* Thirteenth Street Brownsville, Texas | UNABLE TO AGREE ON DANCING-THEY PART ________ * But, Immediately After the Divorce, These Two Leave to . Spend a Few Days with a Mutual Friend, Who Wonders What to Do About It! By WINIFRED BLACK ^ The man and his wife were divorced this morning. This afternoon they are going down into the country together b spend a few days with a mutual friend. And the mutual friend deesn't know just what to do about it. There is plenty of room in the Mutual Friend's home. There is that big bedroom with the old fashioned honeysuckle atthe window and twin beds. There is the big front room with the big double bed, and there are two single rooms connected with a bath. The Mutual Friend telephoned to me about it and I said to her. said I: ‘ What do you want to do. help, them to stay divorced or bring them together again?” I told her that for my part I would put them in the two single rooms with the connecting bath, with the roses at one window and the yellow jasmine at the other. And there is a moon, and two of the ranch hands are Mexicans, who play the guitar and sing all kinds of crooning songs. And if the two Mex WINIFRED BLACK icans should bring their guitars to the terrace when the moon is full and everything is very quiet and you can scent the apricots ripening in the orchards—well, if they are still divorced I shouldn't try to bring about a reconciliation. There is no terrible quarrel between the man, and his divorced wife. There is no ‘‘Other man” and there's never been the slightest hint of TEXAS TO ENTERTAIN WOMEN DERBY FLYERS FORT WORTH, July 23.—UP)—Ft. Worth will entertain a group of the most famous women fliers in the United States the night of August 22, according to information received from the National Aeronautical as sociation, designating this city as an overnight stop in the women's air derby. The race will be from Sa na Monica. Calif., to Cleveland, Ohio. The national air races for men pilots will be from Oakland, Cahl, to Cleveland. HIGHWAY WIDENED BY GRAVEL SHOULDER (Special to Th. Herald) SAN BENITO. July 23. —The gravel shoulder on the old 15-foot sections of the highway between here and Brownsville is being re placed by an asphalt shoulder. Working crews under the state highway department are now busy on the road, adding a foot and a half to each side of the old pav ing, and making it the same width as the newer paving. The improvement w' \ add greatly to the safety of the highway, in the opinion of engineers. * Another Woman.” But the man hates dancing and thetheater. bores him to death. H« can’t bear parties and he likes to read aloud from the books he is reading, and the books he reads weigh a ton apiece more or lesr, and they are all about Ancient Man or Whither Are We Drifting. The woman has to dance—she lust has to dance or die. And she loves to tie her head in a scarlet hand kerchief and put curtain rings in her ears and snatch the silver tniy off the dining room sideboard and do a Salome—just like that! And she loves the theatre and is a perfect fiend for parties—beach parties with mussels steaming in a big pot and somebody singing: "Oh, ain't you lovin’ that sweet abalone.” “That sweet salt abalone— w-e-ei-l” But the man and the woman can not endure each other one hour longer,, so she is going one way and he's going the other—she with her black hair and her black eyes ard her batik smocks and he with griz zled hair and his tired blue eyes and his cynical smile. You can't blame them very much for that, can you? But why on earth do they spend week-ends together—right afte: their divorce? Can You figure it out? I can t. (Copyright. 1929, Newspaper Feature service, Inc.) i