BORDERPATROL IS COMMENDED Col. Sam Robertson Explains Position On Need For Aiding Emigrant To The Herald: I seem to have not made myself quite clear in my talk to San Be nito Rotary club Thursday, on the emigration question. All Mexicans with whom I have come in contact report that they have been treated j idth the utmost courtesy in the , emigration office at Brownsville a-d by U. S. Consul Leonard of tamoros. I have heard three dif ferent Mexicans commend Inspector Ferguson of Harlingen for decent treatment and explanation of the law. I nave heard four others com- > mend inspectors for kindly treat ment of them and for consideration shown in sending them to well known Americans for assistance. The names of these inspectors were not known by the Mexicans They described them as being old-looking men. All of the rough stuff I have heard of seems to have come from the newer and less experienced of ficers. Much of the scaring has been helped along by Mexicans who made legal entry and native-born Mexi cans. I have heard several of this class say if the U. S. inspectors will run out the wet blocks there will be fewrer neople to do the work and we will get much more for our labor. I heard of one Mexican saying that all those who had emigration identification cards should help the officers chase the “wet backs’’ across the river and it would make labor so scarce that they could demand and would easily receive $2.50 per hundred for picking cotton. (This incerased price for picking would only cost the farmer about $24.00 per bale which would break them.) There is not a Mexican in South Texas, but who knows that Judge Hutchison’s sympathies are always with the under dog, the poor and oppressed. But Judge Hutchison don’t make the laws; he can only enforce them as congress and the lobby make them and I do not blame the border patrol and emi gration service for enforcing the law. They are sworn to enforce it. There are thousands of deportablc aliens here and they can do noth ing but go out and run them up They are an active and efficient body of officers and they will round them up and deport them. Unless the people of the Valley wake up and come to their aid and come quickly by getting competent legal aid who can speak Spanish and who have a real sympathy f^r the plight of these poor devils. If they can have legal help and if bond can be arranged for them until the red tape can be cleared up so they can enter legally, it would help the situation. I have no criticism to offer for the American Federation of Labor. Their superb organization is only trying to sell the labor of their members at the highest possible price for labor it has always been their policy to curtail the supply of labor in order to raise the price. The American Federation of Labor never pursues the tactics of our .farmers, truck and fruit growers, lousiness men who are interested in ’their financial success. The Valley press and others of us who holler our heads off whenever a dollar is made on growing grapefruit, beans, potatoes, tomatoes and other pro duce about the enormous profits in farming our rich Valley soil with irrigation water from the silvery' Rio Grande and doing our d-est to bring in competition and over production and put the market cn the bum instead of striving to cur tail the supply of farm produce as the American Federation of Labor and the intelligent legally entered Mexicans do who scare their coun trymen across the Rio Grande to help curtail the labor supply, and thereby raise the price. The Ameri can Federation of Labor and our more intelligent local Mexican la borers can teach us much about a marketing organization for our truck and farm produce. I don’t think our present emigra tion law' discriminates against Mex icans and in favor of Canadians. But I am quite sure the Box Law ? will, if passed by congress, and that is one reason why a super-human ' effort should be made to defeat its passage. If our case is properly presents 1 to the American Federation of La J IV^OST people depend on Bayer Aspirin to make short work of headaches, but did you know it’s just as effective in the worse pains from neuralgia or neuritis? Rheu matic pains, too. Don’t suffer when Bayer Aspirin can bring complete comfort without delay, and without harm; it does not affect the heart. In every package of genuine Bayer Aspirin are proven directions with which everyone should be familiar, for they can spare much needless suffering. i i'.; ~■ _-——m— ———————————————————— -* * * MOON MULLINS — Food For Mr. Smokehouses’s Thought i—rr-r—-'■1 -■■ :->^.& i-:—*?*— -Willard X A 1 f nT SL.PE- THATi\' J AWKWARD, rAV WrTH me# ) MY DEAR SMOKEHOUSE. ( MR. MULLINS -' l WAS GONNA ' .BUT MY WIPE * TAKE EGYPT, INSISTS THAT '«■ . J BUT YOU WONT L ACCEPT YOUR kAAwp AKAY INVITATION TO GO TO TH CIRCUS-^ YES REALLY POR SOME REASON SHE INSISTS THAT L DO. • OH-AH«-YES- V~~v DON'T D^TUPB \ ME OUST ViOW-; PLEASE. * Z AM OOlN