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BLAST ROCKS CHICAGO LOOP ^Thousands of Persons In v Business District Es \ cape Injury A - ' CHICAGO, July 25.—(JF)—The Loop, billion dollar heart of Chica go business, was rocked shortly be fore last midnight by a bomb ex plosion. No one among the thousands of persons who were in the south end of i* : Loop at the time was hurt, a circum'tance which police re garded as miracul-us, for glass rained from upper story windows for many minutes. The bomb had been placed in an alley entrance of the Davis com pany department store, less than 35 feet from Jackson bculevard swarming with homebound motor ists, and about midway between two Loop arteries, Wabash and State streets. Philip Iwanski, garbage collector, came upon the bomb, so neatly packaged he believed it to-be a bundle someone had dropped. lie picked it up and one end of it was warm. He thought it contained sandwiches, and he put it carefully back where he found it, and walked away. A moment later, he told po lice. he decided to retrieve the package “before someone else did.” As he turned, the bomb exploded. Only a few minutes later a oomo exploded on Twenty-second street, between Michigan and Wabash avenues. Windows in the Equitable Trust company building on Michi gan were broken, and 20 operators in the Calumet Exchange of the Illinois Bell Telephone company were momentarily panic-stricken. There was no motive for either bombing apparent to police. JURY ORDERS WOMAN TO INSANE HOSPITAL A jury in a sanity hearing before Sludge O. C. Dancy Thursday morn ing found Maria Hicks of unsound jnind and ordered her confined to s.n insane hospital for treatment. Testimony introduced by state witnesses aleged that the defendant had been nervous for eight years and that during the past few weeks she had been uncontrollable. Husband of the witness said on the stand that they were married in Mexico, in 1919. that he is an Amer ican and has never taken out nat uralization papers in another coun try, and that he has been farming near Brownsville for several years past. The defendant did not have an attorney and she did not attempt to refute any of the testimony offered. The jury was out but a few minutes. WHEAT EMBARGO AT FT. WORTH POSSIBLE DALLAS, July 25.—(IP)—Possibil ity of a wheat embargo at Fort Worth is admitted by R. C. An drews, district manager of the car service division of the American ' Aailway association, but he sees a trend in the other direction. Mr. Andrews said last night that although wheat accumulations "there are “rather excessive,” he did not forsee any immediate embargo. He added reports reaching him Indicated many producers, having sold enough wheat for ready cash, were holding back the grain to await market developments. This condition, he declared, would oper ate to remove congestion at such points as Fort Worth, Houston and Galveston. Five Injured In Taxi Explosion SAN ANTONIO. July 25.—(/P)— Five persons were in hospitals today sufering from burns, as a result of the explosion of a taxicab, following a collision. The injured were: Fred Fest, city motorcycle police man, Harold Owens. David Rodriguez. E. Todd, driver of the taxicab. Eddie Garza. Todd’s injuries, hospital attend ants said, were serious. The taxicab and another car, po lice said, collided at a street inter section, and the taxi turned over. A small crowd gathered, and Motorcy le Oficer Fest responsed to a call. Suddenly there was an explosion, and burning gasoline v/as thrown over the officer, the driver of the car and three bystanders. Police advanced the theory’ that tome one struck a match. MAIL SHIP STRANDS OFF COLUMBIA COAST PANAMA. July 25—fJPh-'The mail Bteamer Venezuela went aground on Salemdina bank off the coast of Columbia today. The ship which Is stranded eighteen miles from Cartagena, was enroute from San Francisco to New York by way of Cartagena Puerto with 138 passen gers and a crew’ of 149. The ship ping board steamer Ivis w’ill arrive at the scene this morning. 1 Days Stanlna SUNDAY SRE’MARRIE MILLIONS/'. See what . , happens £ then in MAN SLAPS HIS * * * MOTHER; JUDGE * * * GIVES ‘112 DAYS’ CHICAGO, July 25.—W—John Marsh won’t slap his 65-year-old mother again for at least 112 days. Judge Francis Allegretti has seen to that. “He isn’t bad Judge,” the grey bent mother told the court. “It’s just that he drinks. He didn’t hurt me. much, but the neighbors had to call police. Please let him off, your honor. I’ll straighten him out.” Judge Allegretti smiled kindly upon her. Then he whirled and in crisp tones addressed her 39-year old son: “You’ll serve 112 days in the house of correction. I have no sympathy for a man who slaps his mother.” 20 ToatTend SHORT COURSE Valley Delegation to De part Friday Night On Annual Journey <Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO, July 25.—Twenty Cameron county representatives to the Farmers’ Short course at A. & M. college, to be held from July 29 through August 2, will leave Fri j day night, in company with H. L. Alsmeyer of San Benito, county I agent. They will spend Saturday in San Antonio as guests of the San Antonio chamber of commerce, and will be given a sight-seeing tour and free entertainment while there. Two of the delegates, Mrs. S. E. Barr and J. T. Casey of Los Fres nos, go through courtesy of the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce scholarships. Mrs. Barr was winner of the county living room contest in class 2 in the early spring, and Casey made $240 net profit from one acre of Irish potatoes, in Boys club work. Ernect Spurrier and Geo. Withers of Harlingen will represent the county in the poultry judging contest at the short course. The Valley representation includes the following: Los Fresnos, Mrs. S. E. Barr, and J. T. Casey; San Be nito, Mrs. L. A. Carpenter, Jane Alice Wright, Alice Miller, Marvin Adams, W. J. Morris, Wayne Countz, Roy Woods, and Herbert Thieme; Rio Hondo, Richmond Bates; Har lingen; Mrs. C. R. Nash, Mrs. J. P. Peek, Mildred Young. Frances Gar rett, Forest Peek, Ernest Spurrier. George Withers, and Ernest West; La Feria, W. E. Martin. Cutter on Way To Rescue Freighter SEATTLE, July 25.— (/P) —The coast guard cuttc*- Haida today was steaming to the aid of the Ameri can-Hawaiian Steamship company’s freighter Golden Forest which call ed for help yesterday, saying it had been driven ashore on Avatanak island, one of the Aleutian group. Radio advices indicated the Gold en Forest’s crew of 35 was not in danger. The ship ran aground while on her way to meet the cut ter Haida to obtain aid for her second officer, who was suffering from blood poisoning. TILDEN AND COCHET PAIR IN CUP MATCH PARIS, July 25 —(JP)— Staged with all solemnity in the presence of diplomats, the draw for the Davis Cup challenge round between Prance and America resulted today in George Lott being paired with Jean Borotra and Big Bill Tilden with Henri Cochet for the opening two singles matches tomorrow at Roland Garros stadium. There was a slight tendency to lengthen the odds but with plenty of American money in evidence, the figures were no more than 2 to 1 against the chances of the United States. Qountry Club To' Decide on Budget The board of directors and com anittee chairmen of the Brownsville Country club will meet at 8 p. m. next Wednesday at the clubhouse for the purpose of working out a budget for the coming year. During the past year, the club cleared approximately $1,000 over and above all expenses. Particular attention will be paid to upkeep of the golf course in the budget. Dr. B. O. Works president, has announced. VOTE CARRIES TWO MEASURES Both Amendments Pass In Cameron County, Can vass Returns Reveal Canvass of returns in the recent constitutional amendments election in Cameron county Wednesday aft ernoon revealed that both the in creased salary for the governor and ] the enlargement of the supreme court proposals carried in the coun ty by more than three to one. There were five boxes not report ing, four of them Brownsville pre cincts, and it is presumed no elec tion was held at these places. Santa Maria precinct also failed to hold an election. The vote by boxes follows: Salary Court Precinct Yes No Yes No 1. Point Isabel ..11 1 11 1 2. El Jardin. 4 0 4 0 3. W. Brownsville No election 4. Rangerville ... 30 10 26 14 5. Los Fresnos... 13, 7 10 10 6. Villa Nueva .. 8 0 8 0 7. Encantada . 3 4 5 2 8. Los Indios .... 11 0 10 1 9. Santa Maria .. No election 10. La Feria .16 6 17 5 11. W. Harlingen . 8 0 8 0 12. Harlingen. 19 4 18 5 13. Rio Hondo ... 30 5 30 5 14. San Eenito ....12 3 12 3 15. San Benito ... 13 2 12 3 16. W. Brownsville.24 1 24 1 17. Brownsville ... No election 18. Brownsville .... 6 0 6 0 19. Brownsville .... 7 1 * 1 1 20. Brownsville.No election 21. Brownsville .... 9 2 9 2| 22. Santa Rosa ....19 7 15 11 j 23. Harlingen. 7 0 7 0 24. Primera .10 2 10 2 25. Stuart Place ... 9 1 9 1 26. San Benito ....12 3 11 4 27. San Benito ....38 4 37 5 28. Brownsville.No election 29. Harlingen .66 15 67 14 30. Moss Store .... 5 6 5 6 31. Combes .10 18 6 22 32. Briggs Coleman 0 3 0 3 33. Las Yescas .... 6 0 6 0 34. Palm Grove.... 8 0 8 0 Total.393 121 413 116 City Briefs | Visits Here—Miss Charlotte Hink ly of San Benito was the guest of Misses Mary Margaret and Eliza beth Rowe Monday and Tuesday. Pool Electric Service—Motor and armature winding; magnetos. 439 Tenth street.—Adv. 24. Erect Sign.—Workmen were erect ing an electrical sign for the Har vcy-Robinson paint shop Thursday. The shop is located at 1238 Eliza beth street. Visit the Corset Shop and see the new Comfolettes and Dualiste with under belts. 1327 Elizabeth. Adv. 29 To Mexico—Frank H. Goodrich, son of Judge and Mrs. E. K. Good rich, left Wednesday for Mexico City where he will be connected with a law' firm. Goodrich recently grad uated from the law school at the University of Virginia. Poison Oak or ivy is relieved quickly and permanently with Im perial Eczema Remedy. All drug gists are authorized to refund your money if it fails.—Adv. (5) On Vacation—Duke T. Smith, with and their family, were to leave Thursday by motor for a month's vacation with relatives in Missouri. Smith operates the Gateway barber shop here. . Building Permits j H. F. Allgood, porch in front of frame hotel at sixth street between Madison and Monroe streets, $40. RED CROSS TO HOLD LIFE SAVING SCHOOL (Special to The Herald) MERCEDES, July 25.—A school of instruction in life saving will be conducted at the Cascade Pool, Mc Allen, July 29, August 1, and August 4, by the Hidalgo County chapter of the American Red Cross, according to announcement of Mrs. J. J. Mur ray of Mercedes, secretay-treasurer of the Hidalgo County chapter. Classes will be supervised by Tom Murray, Valley Boy Scout executive, assisted by Miss Yula Mighell of San Juan. They will be held at 7:30 p. m. on the first two days of the school. Where ^^Watrb^S^ Fresh It’s Brownsville Washed Cool —- Air Today— He Sings Hh Way to | Freedom and Love i Doodle Boy ' -1-. PROLOGUE False Harry and Fire His Violin Alarm Kennard at Company th^e Organ Show Starts 1: :30 - 9:30 ---—-1 Nine Carried On Mexico City Plane The Mexico City-bound plane Thursday carried nine passengers, five to the Mexican capital and four to Tampico. Those going to Tampico were H. P. Hue of New York, Louis Moehrig of San Antonio, W. R. Blagg, E. Rodriguez Hepburn and Mrs. C. C. Milliken, all of Tampico. Mexico City passengers weie Mr. and Mrs. Clint Taylor of Fort Worth. A. L. Negrete and G. Zaroga of Mexico City. Taylor is assistant superintendent of railway mail ser vice at Fort Worth. The last two named have been in New York. ELKSTOBUILD LODGE HOME Plans Outlined at Regular Meeting; Driv^ For Members Projected Discussion of plans for erecting a large Elks club home here featured the regular meting of the organiza tion Wednesday evening. The gath ering with some 50 present, was ad dressed on this subject by Robin Pate. He outlined tentative plans that would give Brownsville one of the best lodge quarters in South Texas. A finance committee al ready has been appointed and at the next meeting of the club, a com mittee for securing a location will be named. A -drive is now on foot to increase membership to 200. This goal has almost been reached and is expected to be passed within a few days, of ficers announce. The Eiks were re-organized about a year ago after they had become inactive. J. J. Fox, present exalted ruler, and R. R. Colley, secretary, instituted the reorganization plan. Three were initiated into the order Wednesday evening. They were Robert Sexton. John Sethman and A. P. Butler. Two applications for memberships were considered, also. Parole May Follow Prisoner’s Furlough SAN ANTONIO. July 25:—(A5)— Joe Bradley, under a five-year sen tence in the penitentiary for hold ing up and robbing Leo Toenper weinl bank messenger here, of $5. 000. was released from the Bexar county jail yesterday wrhen Sheriff Alfonso Newton. Jr., received a 30 day furlough for Bradley signed by Governor Dan Moody. No order committing Bradley to the penitentiary had been signed by Judge W. W. McCrory, of the 94th district court, where a plea of guilty was received end the minimum sen tence for robbery by assault with firearms was given Bradley. Officers here expect Bradley to receive a parole from the governor befo:; his 30-day furlough expires. SIX ESCAPE FROM JAIL IN MEXICO TEOTITLAN. DEL CAMINO, OAXACA, Mexico. July 25.—</P)— Lieut. Juan Aguilar, accused of having executed en masse the city officials of Huahutla de Jiminez, Oaxaca, in June of 1928, with five other prisoners has escaped from the local jail. The six prisoners locked the warden in a cell. A sev enth prisoner, who refused to escape, was armed by the authori ties and took part in the fruitless search for the refugees. When the hunt was abandoned the prisoner was reincarcerated. — WEST STEAMS IN HEAT WAVE Predictions Indicate Even Higher Temperature; Phoenix Shows 106 CHICAGO, July 25.—(JP)—The middlewest steamed yesterday with the rest of the country in torrid tem peratures and excessive humidity. Government forecasters predicted even higher temperatures today. Occasional thunderstorms and showers served only to increase the humidity already oppressive. Chicago, which had experienced relief when lake breezes pushed the temperature down 20 degrees in a short time Tuesday, found the cool ness of short duration and sweltered again under a 91 degree temper ature. Beaches were crowded to capacity. Milwaukee recorded 92 degrees, while Wisconsin sizzled. Two deaths were reported in both that state and two in Illinois. The hottest spot in the country was Phoenix, Ariz., where 106 de grees was recorded. FAMILY PERISHES IN DESERT BLYTHE. Calif., July 25.—(/P)— How a family of seven perished of thirst on the scorching desert south of here after having drunk the wa ter from the radiator of their dis abled motor car has been revealed to the police of Blythe by six Mex ican youths. The ' jys reported the bodies of the victims, believed to be Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Armenta and their five children, were found scattered in the vicinity of a disabled auto mobile r.ear a seldom used desert rond 33 miles south of Blythe. Nine heat deaths in four days were reported from the Imperial Valley. American On Trial In London Is Freed LONDON, July 25. — (A*) — The manslaughter trial of Richard Joshua Reynolds, wealthy 23-year old American, came to an abrupt and sensational end today. The judge discharged the jury and adjourned the case for re-trial when it was reported to him the jury foreman had been seen in con versation last night with two wit nesses for the defense. Justive Humphrey exonerated the American defendant from any blame in connection with the inci dent causing the mistrial. Reynolds, son of the American to bacco magnate, was charged with manslaughter after running down a man wit hhis automobile. Had he been convicted, he would have been liable to a heavy prison sentence. The state alleged he was intoxicated at the time of the accident: Rey nolds claimed he was blinded by lights of an automobile. Wisconsin has 57 varieties of for est trees. The oak leads. Now Showing Karl Dane George Arthur in “Brotherly Love” A riot of laugh and guffaws. Also—Comedy—->ews Prices—5-10-15 Now Dramatic Showing Dynamite Harlingen Tempestuous adventures of two who love and the gunman Jim whom they called ‘ Thunderbolt” since he could kill with one blow of his powerful fist. His revolt when he becomes infuriated with jealousy. And how an outlaw can assault the foe he despises even from behind the bars of prison. Bigger and Better than “Under world”. ft RUB... 1 Thunderbolt (2 QarajTwiml (picture * The Act — Vincent Lopez, Internationally Known Jazz Orchestra Leader. Special Piano Selections. MOVIETONE NEWS Furloughs Granted To Two Prisoners AUSTIN, Tex., July 25.—(A*)—A thirty day furlough was granted yesterday by Governor Moody to Joe Bradley, convicted of robbery with firearms in Bexar county and sentenced to five years in the state penitentiary, in order that the chief executive might investigate details surrounding the prisoner's convic tion. Bradley was charged with hold ing up a San Antonio bank mes senger. A 30-day furlough was given Owren Smith, serving a two year \ sentence for forgery, in order that he might visit his mother who is ill at Merkel. CLUBREUCTS ALL OFFICERS - ■ -■ — ■■ . Membership Drive Planned To Bring Member Total To 200 Limit Dr. B. O. Works, president, J. K. Wells, vice president and Benito Longoria, secretary-treasurer, were unanimously returned to their old posts by the Brownsville Country club board of directors Wednesday afternoon at a meeting held at the Merchants National bank. The board itself was recently re-elected at the annual meeting of the club. , Committees for the coming year were appointed and plans for im provements outlined before the di rectors. Committe chairmen were named as follows: W. E. McDavitt, mem bership; George Desha, golf; A. M. Kent, tennis; A. C. Hipp, swimming; John Gregg, house; and Dr. B. O. Works, grounds and finance. There are now 184 members of the club. The .present constitution limits memberships to 200. McDavitt will institute a drive to add the re maining 16 memberships to the club rolls. fiUtmcuw — Bargain Nite — 10c Each “BLUE SKIES” i Wm, Fox Picture All Star Cast Comedy SHEIK and SHEBAS LINDY MAKES RUINS PHOTOS Aerial Pictures of Indian Antiquities New Step In Archaeology SANTA FE, N. M„ July 25.—(.P)— Indian ruins have been photo graphed from the air with an aerial camera by Colonel Charles A. Lind bergh. Colonel Lindbergh brought the films here yesterday, and they were developed in the laboratory of the American school of research. With announcement oi the pic tures was revealed the latest invo cation of modern science in the study of antiquity. Lindbergh’ pic tures destined for the Carnegie In stitute and photographs taken from another plane for the American school of research were pronounced by Dr. D. L. Hewett of the board of research the first successful appli cation of aerial photography to archaeological purposes. Photographs of entire districts from the air, taking a few hours, re vealed all the information which could be gained by weeks, or months, of travel over the same dis tricts. on horse back or on foot, Dr. Hewett said. The trans-Atlantic flier and his bride, whQ landed on a dude ranch near Pecos, Tuesday night are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. V. Kidder. Dr. Kidder is superintending exca vations at the Pecos ruins, among the oldest in the southwest, for Phillips academy in Massachusetts. Mrs. Kidder and Mrs. Lindbergh are said to be old friends. The Colonel returned to Pecos last night. Ex-Deputy Sheriff Joins Customs Force Fergus Groves was sworn in as a mounted customs inspector Tues day by E. R. Jefferds, acting deputy collector in the absence of Wilhite Neale who is on his vacation. T Groves has been a deputy sheriff for four years. He also has acted as bailiff for the district courts here. SIX KILLED IN BLAST AMSTERDAM, July 25.—(/Pi—Six persons were killed, seven seriously injured and eleven others less ser iously hurt in an explosion at a potato flour factory at Veendam yesterday. I j I s * c N°w Rowing It,. Delightfully Friday and Saturday Cool Inside McAllen I DIY’S FIRST AII.TAIKINC DRAMA! —- Other Unit# — --- Walter Houston “The Qld “A %>ng of Spain” •The Carnival Man" Ta,kh,g Comed!r . C<d<,red Cla®lc Fox All-Talking Movietone New#