Newspaper Page Text
yWant To Get Into Something Different?--Read The “Business Opportunities.” AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE at a big discount, Bulck sedan, almost new, 28-29 model Phone 297-W._ ‘ S-188 FOR QUICK SALE—New 1929 Bulck coupe with rumble seat. This car has been driven 2000 miles at not over 25 miles per hour. Was bought Jan. 15 and has been locked In garage since Feb. 5. For sale at over $400 reduc tion from cost. Terms. For demon stration write box 244, Alamo, Texas. __ 8-191 PERSONAL STOMARCH ULCERS, gastritis suffer ers, get rid of your pain; permanent and quick relief guaranteed. No diet. Ugda Laboratories, 3367 Dakota Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. 8-165 ,_HELP WANTED ^ NTT OF HELP of the right kind Is listed In the “Situations Wanted” columns of the Classified Section. WANTED AT ONCE—The best Ford parts man in the Valley; also experi enced service manager. Both must have reliable references. Tenlson Mo tor Co., authorized Ford dealer, Don na, Texas. 6-204 5D0 RELIABLE cotton farmers wanted. 22,000 acres Willacy Co. dry land for rent. Must be able to finance self. Delta Orchards Co., phone 1080. Harlingen, Texas, or T. C. Green, phone 95, Raymondville, Texas. S-217 WILL FINANCE married man. 25-60, good appearance, fair education, in a paying business of its own. Profits not large to start with but will Increase as you learn the business. Must furnish A-l references and have car for de livery. Make application In own hand writing to McConnon & Co., Dept. C-297, Memphis, Tenn. S-116 HELP WANTED I WANTED Two experienced Ford mechanics. Past ex perience with author ized Ford dealer re quired. Others need not apply. Sygnor Motor Company Authorized Ford Dealer Mission, Texas 8-216 BUYERS FOR what you nave to sell are many. A classified ad will con nect the wires. ELDERLY MAN—I offer you unusual opportutnity to make $10 a day as my local representative. Full or part time. Pleasant, healthful work. No expe rience required. Immediate earnings. Albert Mills, 4140 Monmouth, Cincin nati, Ohio. S-112 ADDRESSING ENVELOPES at home, during spare time. Earn substantial pay weekly; experience unnecessary. Dignified employment for honest, sin cere persons. Moral Advancement League, Naperville, 111. P-128 Classified Business Directory ARCHITECTS BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects—Engineers 208 Merchants Bank Bldg. Phone 817 BrownsVille, Texas E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect ■-12 Security State Bank Building Weslaco. Texas E. B. GORE Civil and Consulting Engineer «Mi.S^sNaUOnal Kt"*. nun HERS—CONTRACTORS PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors » 528 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 E. M. RIDLEY, General Contractor Roads, Land Leveling, Plowing, Sub-soiling TTTCAVATIONS EMBANKMENTS E 408MERCHANTS NAT'L BANK BROWNSVILLE “ CASH REGISTERS NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. Registers bought. 6old and exchanged W E. Sanders. Representative Phone 29. HarUngen, Tex. Box 905 -DRAY-TRANSFER Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE SEEDS OP ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING 1105 Adams. Phone 1*9 AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY Crating. Shipping. Hauling Phones 421 and 519 florists__ THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 SCWYER THE FLORIST, flowers and funeral designs. St. Charles and Pita streets. Phone 771. g HOTELS—CAFES WHITE KITCHEN Famous for Its Cooking—Immaculacy and Service The popular place tor business lunches 12th between Elizabeth and Washington _ ~~ FINANCIAL LOANS On Improved residence and business property. Todd and Underwood 1057 Levee St. Brownsville. Texas. j| I' 0 MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. AH repair work guaranteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams _ Phone 674 _NICKEL PLATING Electro-Nickel Plating We nickel plate bumpers, radiators, headlights, etc. Also mirrors plated. VALLEY ELECTRO PLATING WORKS 15th and Polk. Phone 55. Brownsville, Texas. OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART metal: FILING Equipment Maverick-Clarke Litho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 617—Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVE’S STATIONERY & BOOK STORE Brownsville, Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO.. Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1163 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville’s Typewriter House) Distributors. New L. O. Smith “Si lent” 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and “Factory” Rebuilts—all makes. We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth St. Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER SALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repairs Phone 506—Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS RALPH A. DUNKELBERG Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Seabury, George and Taylor Building Brownsville, Texas Davenport. West and Ransome Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Texas J. T. Canales C. S. Eidman, Jr. CANALES AND EIDMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas H. L. Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville CHIROPRACTOR M. Cook, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR Nerv-O-Meter Service 17X5 Grant and Seventeenth Victoria Heights Brownsville. Texas. Phone 1228-J EL VIBRA SYSTEM USED REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Brownsville’s Supreme Residential Dis trict. carefully restricted, completely improved. Home sites from $1200.00. easy terms. James-Dicklnson Co.. Realtors, corner El Jar din Hotel Bldg., Browns vUl*. AUTOMOTIVE -Tffffj' -■■■ -r 10th & Adams ’28 Chevrolet Cabriolet. Original fin ish. New tires. Mechanically O. K. Clean as new car and has number accessories .$525 ’27 Chevrolet Sedan. Mechanically re conditioned. New tires. Good Duco finish. An O. K. car.$300 ’27 Chevrolet Coach. First class me chanical condition. Good tires and battery. An O. K. car.$285 ’28 Chevrolet Touring. New Duco fin ish. New tires. Battery O. K. New top, seat covers. An O. K. car. .$360 ’28 Chevrolet Coupe. Original finish. Oversize tires. First class mechan ical condition .$485 ’28 Chevrolet Landau Sedan. New Du co finish. Flrsi. class mechanical condition .$285 ’27 Chevrolet Coach. New tires. New Duco finish. Mechanically O. K.$335 ’25 Ford Coupe. Good tires, some new. Mechanical condition good. New Duco paint .$135 ’27 Chevrolet Coach. Good Duco paint. Mechanically O. K. New tires. An O. K. car.$325 '27 Chevrolet Coupe. New Duco fin ish. good tires. Mechanically O. K. .$300 ’26 Chevrolet Coach. New Duco finish. New tires. Good mechanical con dition .$265 ’26 Ford Touring. Good mechanical condition. New Duco paint. Good tires and top.$200 ’25 word Roadster. Good tires. New Duco paint. Good mechanical con dition .$125 ’25 Ford Couoe. New Duco paint, good tires, and good mechanical condi tion.$150 ’25 Ford Truck. Canopy top screen sides. Regular Cab. Good tires and good mechanical condition. Only .$200 OPEN EVENINGS STEVENSON MOTOR CO., Inc. Brownsville. Texas. SALESMEN—AGENTS WANTED AT ONCE—Three experienced Ford salesmen to sell new Fords, Ten lson Moto Co., authorized Ford deal er, Donna, Texas. S-205 WANTED—District agents for South Texas mutual marriage and birth ben efits. Homebuilders Foundation Inc.. | Waco, Texas. S-194 ! AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN WANTED—j Should have some successful experi-1 ence; bring references. Permanent pc- ! sition and satisfactory income for right i man. Stevnson Motor Co., Inc., i Brownsville. S-220 AGENTS Investigate now. Exceptional personal Christmas card outfit free. Hundred piece box assortment retails $1. Liberal commission. Art-In-Cards. Rochester, N. Y. S-227 OPENING for wide-awake men. Can make $75 to $100 weekly. Splendid op portunity for advancement. Can use one district manager. This offer has no equal to men who can sell. Write Fyr-Fyter Co., 1909 Fyr-Fyter Bldg.. Dayton, Ohio. S-225 SELL WORK GARMENTS with name, address or trade emblems embroidered in fancy colors. Everyone a prospect. Write for proposition. Steady income assured. Double Eagle Garment Co.. Box 403, Waco. Texas. S-223 FREE TROUSERS—Free outfit. $15 daily writing orders for guaranteed tailored-to-measure trousers. World's greatest pants value. Big commis sions. Wonderful pocket sideline. Hutch1 ns Pants Co., Dept. 355, Cincin nati. Ohio. S-222 SALESMEN sell our New Baseball Game. Latest thing out; fastest sell ing proposition ever placed on mer chant's counter. We have salesmen making $1,000.00 per month, will guar antee you to make $400.00 per month if you follow our instruction. Can be sold as side or main line. National Jewelry Corporation, 508 Gay street. Nashville, Tenn. S-172 WANTED—Ambitious, industrious per son to introduce and supply the de mand for Rawleigh Household Prod ucts in Mercedes. Rio Grande, Mission, San Benito and Harlingen and various other towns or rural districts in this part of Texas; $150 to $400 a month or more clear profit. Rawleigh Methods get business everywhere. No selling ex perience required. We supply products, outfit, sales and service methods—ev erything you need. Profits increase every month. Lowest prices; best val ues; most complete service W T Rawleigh Co., Dept. TX-6022. Memphis' Tenn- _ S-371 AMBITIOUS, reliable man wanted at1 once to distribute famous Watkins Products to steady users In Brownsville, r uii time proposition. Average earn ings $35 to $85 weekly. No experience ^CeS'™rL ™rite the J R Watkins Co., 70-68 W. Iowa Ave., Memphis, Tenn-_6-164 WANTED-Young man of wlcie* Valley acquaintance, experienced or at least interested in selling of me an h^8! prcduct: must be aggressive! dr'Le cwn car; earnings will be ! from $200 per month up; references I required. Apply Mr. Clements from 1 to 3 Monday, Delta Electric Co., Me. Allen, Texas. S-238 SI CATIONS WANTED witbT^^rP°!ltt011 by y°un& man with high school and business college education. J. B. Harmon, care Louis Rank, Brownsville. S-184 YOUNG MAN with 10 years experience in furniture, office and sales, open for connection in Valley. Will be in Brownsville one week. Address S-211, ! Heral<*.__8-211 MAN, 50 years old, had years experl- i ence as plantation manager, also* ex perienced bookkeeper, will take any kind of job to get started, as desire to leave delta country. if interested write B. F. O'Bannon, Lake Cormorant Miss. Box 35. S-212 SALESMEN—New Combination Electric Cooker, hot dog and hamburger ma chine. Price $19.75. Commission $7.00 Write quick. Star Mfg. Co., Inc., Fin ney Ave.. St. Louis. S-221 YOUNG MAN. well educated, desires permanent Valley position in fa’i. Eastern newspaper experience, edito rial, circulation promotion, advertis ing- Now employed. Walter Leon, Suite j 6. 7150 Penn. Ave.. Puttsburgh. S-219 LIVESTOCK—POULTRY I BUY HORSES and mules, wild or tamed. Jose Cue, Hotel Imperial. H. Matamoros, Mexico. Phone 57. S-177 CERTIFIED CHICKS—From 200-egg cockerels blood-tested: leading varie ties ; prices within reach of all. Live ] delivery. Catalog free. Dixie Poultry Farms, Box 104, Brenham, Texas. 6-226 FOR SALE—Fox Terrier puppies. $2.50. T. N. Chitwood on Rev. Day. farm. El | Jardin. S-239 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY -■ FOR SALE OR LEASE—Confectionery j and cafe; doing good business: In live I Valley town; good location. Box 887. Donna. Texas. S-78 I _________________ FOR SALE—Cafe; good business, fine location. Address Box 174, La Feria. Texas. 6-2 CLASSIFIED ELATES and RULES Advertisements will ba accepted over the telephone from telephone subscribers, or from those having regular charge accounts. Other classified advertising must be ac companied by cash. No advertising accepted on an “until forbid" order. A specified number of insertions must be given. The Herald reserves the right to place all advertisements under the proper classification, and reject unclean or objectionable copy. Obituaries, resolutions, and cards of thanks will be taken at the reg ular classified rate. The publishers are not responsi ble for copy, omissions, typograph ical error or any unintentional er ror that may occur, farthei than to correct In the next Issue after It is brought to their attention. All ad vertising orders are accepted on this basis only. Telephone No. 8 and dictate your advertisement to an experienced classified writer. To Insure publication same day copy snould be presented not later than 10:30 a. m. Copy for Sunday issues should be In not later tnan 1:30 p. m. Saturdays to Insure proper classification. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 10 words or less, one In sertion.30o Over 20 words, one Insertion, per word . Uit Subseauent insertions run con secutively. per word. lc By month, per word.23c Minimum for monthly rate, 10 words. No classified advertisement ac cepted for less than.30c LOCAL READER RATES Readers, per count line, 20c— Per Inch .$120 Second and third days, 17c i>er line; fourth, fifth and sixth days, 15c per line; 7 consecutive days. 15c Der line. BUSINEE OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE—Bill's Cafe at 7th and Jackson, opposite S. P. freight depot. Good reason for selling. S-200 Business Hunters Investigate This Service station and grocery. Best location on Valley highway. Own er must change climate on account of health. Offer to sacrifice busi ness for $1350.00 cash. Rent S50.00 Including 3 living rooms. Busi ness has been making about $400.00 net per month. See G. H. BINGLEY Agent for Owner Los Fresnos, Texas. S-20S SELLING OUT For Sale: Garage, storage and filling station on good corner. For particu lars. Bex 1065. San Benito. For Sale: 15 acres In the Harlingen district. Improvements cost $1850. Al ready picked nine bales of cotton. Price only $150 per acre. Carry back $1000. Box 1065, San Benito. S-215 WILL LEASE, SELL OR TRADE good restaurant in La Feria. Texas Address Mrs. J. V/. Bender, 105 Missouri ave nue. Mprcedes, Texas. E-146 SANDWICH SHOP and confectionery doing excellent business. Cho'ca loca tion. Best town In Valley. Priced to sell quick. Owner must go to other business. Box S-218, Herald. S-218 BAKERIES PAY BIG PROFITS—Clear cash business; we specialize in equip ping bakeries: easy terms, balance mon*h!v. Eiectrik Maid Bake Shops. 248 E. 4th St., St. Paul, Minn. S-161 -— MISCELLANEOUS TIME WELL SPENT Is time devoted to looking over the classified ads. .FOR SALE AT BARGAIN PRICES— Two good farm horses and one good wagon and other farming equipment. Also a lot of house and kitchen fur niture. J W. Sharp, three miles north and half mile east of Harlingen. Briggs paved road. Leaving the Valley. S-137 ARTICLES FOR SALE BRIGHT CANE KAY for sale; $17.00 oer ton. delivered. J. B Kee. 1523 W Elizabeth street. Phone 1393-W. WILL SELL CHEAP—One Junior Mul tigraph fully equipped with ink and ribbon type. Aziz Bros. S-142 FOR SALE—Office furniture, steel safe, filing cabinet, legal documents com partments, mahogany desks and chairs; all in first-class condition. Harlingen Land & Investment Co., Moore Hotel. Harlingen. Texas. S-238 WANTED—REAL ESTATE R. U. Dissatisfied? If for some reason you are anxious to sell your Improved grove, farm, or land in brush, it will pay you to get in touch with us at once. We have bona fide prospective customers with cash. Address. WITTROCK & CO. 806 Harrison St. Oak Park, Illinois. 5- 210 REAL ESTATE — Los Ebanos Lot We have been authorized by cwner to sell his beautiful Los Ebanos lot for $1,000; terms can be arranged. This Is an unusual sacrifice. Call Mr Egan at James-Dickinson. phone 499. 6- 119 INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVEST In Brownsville’s new business and residential 6Ub-division, located on 13th and 14th streets, one mile from Gateway Bridge, on the main thorough fare leading to the proposed ship channel, municipal air port. rich farming district of El Jardin, and Boca Chica Beach. Easy terms. Ten per cent down, balance 5 years to pay. Jesse Dennett. phone427. Brownsville. Texas. FOR SALE—Well located tract of good citrus land on two designated paved roads, close to good town. Will make nice subdivision. Priced right. Can accept some trade, balance easy terms. J. L. McDaniel, Donna, Texas, phone 152. S-203 GOOD LAND in Raymondville district at bargain. Improved and unimproved. Large or small tracts. Several pieces suitable for development and subdi vision. Prices are right. Terms are right. A pleasure to show you. Geo. R. Lochrie, Raymondville, Texas. 6-224 • _ * REAL ESTATE For Sub-Division 160 Acres Located 4 blocks from tbe high school and closer to Brownsville than the exclusive Los Ebanos Subdivision. Winding reeaca run ning through property offering natural lake front sites for sub division. This property is for sale by owners and can be bought at a very attractive price. Henson-Lo max 6s Houston and Brownsville Development Co. Colonization Land We offer an unusual tract of Valley land, formerly known as the “Champion Porclone,” containing 830 cres, lying Just west and ad joining the famous Adams tract, and located a mile or two Just north of La Ferla. This land has two canals cross ing it and is about the most at tractive body of land in the entire Valley. It has been survey and sub divided into 20-aqre farms and is chiefly in the brush: and at the south end has a small lake. It Is practically In the HEART OF THE VALLEY, where’the devel opment Is greatest, with paved roads crossing it: where land sells for from $500,000 to $1,000.00 per acre—and is worth it. This land is the equal of the best in the entire Valley. We offer this tract at $125.00 an acre: one-third cash and the bal ance one to five years at 7 per cent annual Interest and release clause. Address Flovd Shock & Son Travis Bldg. San Antonio, Texas. S-198 FOR SALE—3 acres land one mile west of Harlingen on the Harlingen-La Feria highway; highway frontage; must be sold in next 10 days. Call Ted's Eats, Harlingen. S-229 OVER 16 PER CENT on investment. For sale, apartment house in Harlin gen. close in; on pavement and side walks; terms. See Wilson, owner. 220 North Flrrt. Harlingen. S-223 FOR SALE OR TRADE One new brick apartment located in Ran Antonio. Eight apartments of four rooms $nd bath each. Completely furnished. One hundred and eighty-two acres of land located *n shallow water belt, near Dilley, Texas, in Winter Garden district. For S3le—One Advance Six Nash Se d#u. in good condition. For information, write or call A. J. Smith at the old Kobfleisch Piero. Mercedes. Texas. S-233 FARMS FOR SAFE _ DAn-Y READING of the Classified Section means dally savings. _ BIG RETURNS from small invest ments. That’s what you get from classified advertising. 10 ACRES TOP NOTCH LAND—All in permanent planting (orchard and as paragus). low price, favorable terms. Updegraff. La Feria. Texas. S-182 WE HAVE some fine potato and citrus land in small or large tracts. Will be glad to show them. F. W. Howard. Phone 1090. S-128 COOL AND CONVENIENT Riverside Acres Acre tracts adjoining beauti ful development in city limits. Citrus trees planted and cared for three years without addi tional cash. Underground irri gation. city conveniences. Let us show you these beautiful tracts; reasonable prices, easy terms. FOSTER-MOOTHART CO. Realtors Cromack Bldg. Brownsville. S-230 HOUSES FOR SALE ' OWN THIS Bungalow Pay Like Rent New 5-room hardwood floors: all modern, etc. A real home on a large lot in restrlced residen tial section; $250.00 cash, bal ance monthly. FOSTER-MOOTHART CO. Realtors Cromack Bldg. Phone 470. 8-231 FOR SALE One seven-room house, one-half block from high school. House two years old. On Adams, between First and Palm Blvd. Lot fifty by one hundred twenty feet. Modern In every way. One thou sand cash will handle this place. Phone 1090 or write F. W. HOWARD. Q-235 FOR SALE. TRADE FOR FARM OR RENT—Two seven-room brick houses well located. For further Information, call Bill Dennis at 1026, Harlingen. S-207 FOR SALE—Hollow tile stucco bunga low In Los Ebanos; cash or terms. Phone 1258-J. S-157 FOR SALE—Modern 8-room 2-story house. 325 W. Leeve street. Phone 251. S-214 You’d Be Surprised How easy It is to pay for a home in Riverside Park. We will ar range the down payment, then easy payments like rent. Let's talk it over. Foster-Moothart Co. Cromack Bldg. Phone 470. 5- 230 FOR SALE—New thoroughly modern 5-room house, best buy In Brownsville. See Mrs. Florence Stafford. 1719 Hayes street, Victoria Heights. Phone 1075-M. 6- 237 ADS that tell and sell, too. You will see them every day In the Classified Section. HOUSES vOR SALE • Homes on Easy Payments ACRE GROVES JOINING CITY with city conveniences. BEARING GROVES BIG TRACTS COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Foster-Moothart Co. Phone 470 Cromack Bldg. LOTS FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL LOS EBANOS LOT— Southeast exposure; must be sold at a sacrifice. Phone 1398-W, or call at No. 1. Del Francis Apartments. Los Ebanos. S-117 FOR SALE—Lots 2. 3 and 4. block 173. Brownsville; $1350 each. Terms. R. A. Hightower. S-150 WANTED TO BUY WANTED—2 female donkeys. Phone 791, Harlingen, or write P. O. Box 758. S-18 WANTED TO BUY—About 1.000 acres good citrus land. Exact location and rock bottom price first letter. Address S-185, care Herald. S-185 RENTALS FOR RENT Garage 50x75 Feet Corner Second and Fronton Velvorene Motor Oil Co. Phone 568 FOR RENT—Warehouse space for any thing from a trunk to 10 carloads Rents very reasonable. Sprowl Fruit Co.. Mission. Texas. 6-1 LEASE—Downtown Elizabeth street store location for 1 to 5 years. Avail able at once. See Foster-Moothart Co. S-195 APARTMENTS ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely fur nished. Corner Sixth and Levee Phone 839. P-208 FURNISHED APARTMENTS—W a t e r. lights and gas furnished. Phone 55. PI 62 CONLEY APARTMENTS—Cool, and all conveniences. 357 W. Levee or phone 847-R. Q-214 FOR RENT—Three-room apartment. Also bedroom and living room. Con necting bath. Garage. Phone 242. R-141 APARTMENT for rent on paved street. Lights, water and gas furnished. All conveniences. Phone 429 0-275: AN AUTOMOBILE is not so hard to buy If you watch for the bargains of fered in the "Automotive” columns of the Classified Section. MAY DAY APARTMENTS—Cool, new, modern, 11 located. Completely fur nished Including zerozones, gas. garage. Summer rates. 121 Washington. Phone 714. s-26 WHEN MARKETING a new product you’ll find an ad In the "Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents” column of the Classified Section Is well worth while TWO-ROOM furnished apartment and 1022 St. Charles. Phone 629-W S-57 THREE-ROOM southeast apartment; very attractive rental. Phone 946-W. _ 6-80 THREE-ROOM apartment in new du plex. Hardwood floor, all conveniences. 1114 West Elizabeth street. Apply to Carlos G. Watson. 6-200 --— THE FITCH APARTMENTS Corner St. Charles and West Eighth streets. Four-room strictly modern, beautifully furnished, delightfully cool apartments. Frigidaire, gas. hot and cold water and garage. Hardwood floors throughout. PHONE MRS. FITCH, 558. S-88 FURNISHED SOUTHEAST apartment. Bedroom has 7 windows; bath, gas, ga rage; $25. Phone 820-J. 1248 W. Wash ington. R-240 FOR RENT—New cool apartments and rooms. Phone 957-J. S-170 COMPLETELY FURNISHED 3-room apartment; private bath and entrance: with garage: only $30 month. Phone 470, Foster-Moothart Co. S-232 — , . . _i - FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS, one block rrom postoffice, one block from El Jardln hotel; large, southern exposure; reasonable. Phone 1226-W or 1317. M-215 ROOMS AND APARTMENTS—Reason able rates. Glenwood Hotel. Phone 619. _P-113 THE BEST "trouble shooters” in the home are classified ads. LOVELY furnished cool room In private family. Close in. Phone 918-W. _ R-177 FURNISHED ROOM In private family. 442 Levee. Phone 578. S-64 BEDROOM in private home; close In; lady preferred. Phone 1149-J. S-181 FOR RENT—Southeast bedroom, pri vate bath; In home; suitable for one ' or two men. Also garage: on paved I street. Phone 297-W. Mrs. Agnes I Puckett. S-188 HOUSES FOR RENT—8-room house; all con veniences. St. Charles and Palm Blvd. Phone 896-W. R-216 6-ROOM HOUSE, close la, modern, phone 839. S-48 WEST BROWNSVILLE—Modern 5-room house; garage; gas. Phone 911. S-167 TO RELIABLE PEOPLE—Will lease 19 room house; has 3 baths; near high school. WrlU be newly papered and painted; has hot water and gas. Will be completed by September 1. Furnish ed or unfurnished. Can be used for small apartments or rooming house. Best location In city. Address Owner, Box 1232, Brownsville. S-169 FOR RENT—5-room modern residence near school and on pavement, J. G. Starck, Putegnat Hardware Co. S-193 FOR RENT—7-room house on Highway 12, close in; known as Huff house; new roof and redecorated; $40 month. Fos ter-Moothart Co. S-195 FOR RENT—8-room 2-story house; modern. 325 W. Levee street, phone. 25L. S-213 / HOUSES 5-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE—Also fUTflisiied apartment. Miss Gentry. 732 Palm Blvd. S-235 HOUSE IN LOS EBANOS FOR RENT Brick veneer, unfurnished; 5 rooms; all modern conveniences; garage. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE ON ST. FRANCIS STREET. Modem conveniences: garage; cool, John B. Puckett, care Rio Grande Valley Trust Co. ^_ 6-234 WANTED TO RENT EVERY DAY there is a new list of of fers and wants in the Classified Sec tion. Watch it carefully and regularly and get just what you want. WANT TO RENT—Furnished 5-room modern home. See Fostor-Moothart Co., phone 470. S-197 LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the board of education of the Rio Hondo Ind. school district at the office of M. C. Rushing, secretary of the board, until 8 p. m. July 29, 1929, for painting the high school building, and the ward school build ing. Bids must be submitted on each individual job, but if bidder desires he may place a bid on the combined jobs. Each bidder must show completion date on job bid on. The board of education re serves the right to reject any or all bids. Signed, M. C. RUSHING. Sec. Rio Hondo School Board. 7-25-26-27-3t—3496. DEPOSITORY BIDS WANTED The Board of School Trustees, Brownsville Independent School District will receive at their office until 4 p. m. on the 10th day of August, 1929, sealed proposals for depository of Brownsville Inde pendent School District Funds for the biennium beginning September 1, 1929, ending August 31, 1931. The Board of School Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all bids. F. E. STARCK, Secretay, Brownsville Independent School Dis trict 7-26-27—2399. [Cameron Courts j Suits filed in the district courts: None. 28TII DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. W. Cunninghr, Julge No orders. 103RD DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. I. Kent, Judge 8170, Lucia Ottman et al vs. Joe Ottman, judgment for defendant. COUNTY COURT Hon. Oscar Dancy, Judge Suits filed: None. COUNTY COURT AT LAW Hon. John Kleiber, Judge In vacation. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS For Camerm County (Furnished by Valley Abstract Co.) M. D. Kennedy to E. J. Pocock, lot 8, block 21. Garden Parks addi tion, Brownsville, $119. Wimberley McLeod et ux to Val ley Development Inc., north 13.6 acres of block Z7, Harlingen L. & W. Co. subdivision, C, survey 27, $10.' Los Ebanos Estate Inc., to J. W. Davis lots 3 and 4, block 8, Los Ebanos addition, Brownsville, $10. Cuates Development Co. to Gil bert A. Comstock et ux. south 10 acres block 220, San Benito Irriga tion Co., $2700 and ot-her consider ation. Cuates Development Co. to Gil bert A. Comstock et uxp, north 10 acres of south 20 acres block 220, San Benito Irrigation Co., $2700 and other consideration. H. C. Mittchell to Antonio Esca mailla las Sierritas Bano, 35 acres, | $10. Elizabeth B. Stoddard et vir to W. P. Patton south 20 acres block 37, Collins subdivision, La Feria grant, $10. Mont Meta Cemetery Co. to S. H. Merritt east half >t 31. section “H”, 200 square feet Mont Meta Cemetery Burial Park, $100. F. L. Flynn et ux to Managers I IMMIIIMMIIB ■■ II II ■! ■■ WIMIMI— ■ Investment Co., all of lot 6, block * 98, old town Harlingen, $10. Clarence Parker et ux to Valley Development incorporated, 10 acres out of block 41, Wilson tract survey 25, $10. J* Clarence Parker et ux to Valley' Development Inc., 10 acres out of blocks 41 and 42, Wilson tract sur vey 25, $10, Frank I. Woesthaus to Emma A. Faubion all lots 106 and 107, Home land addition, plat 7-4, $706. A. A. Alpeter ux to Robin M. ~ Pate lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, block 32, Rio Hondo townsite, $10. * . Valley Development Inc. to M. W. ‘ Reitz et px east 10 acres -f cast' 20 acres block 2, survey 26, F. Z.: ‘ Bishop subdivision Campbell lands, $6,000. •• -7 H. C. Mittchell to W. P. Mallory - lot 2, block 7, Hunck’s addition San Benito, $10 . llidalog County Milmor Development Co. to L. B. "■ Sherwood, lot 10, block 3, Alta Mira addition to McAllen, $3500. Catherine M. Martin to Albert E. ' Martin farm tract 121 West Tract - subdivision, $1, .tc. Catherine M. Martin to Albert E. J Martin far tract 120 and south 10 acres farm tract 119 West Tract, over $10,000. I. G. Cook to M. W. Barrett, lot 6 and south 12 .'-2 feet lot 5, block 34. North McAllen, $3000. John Selk to J. C. Bartlet, lot 0, *'■ block 240, Tex-Mex. $10. C. F. Hobbs et px to Progreso De velopment Co. west 5.47 acres lot - 19, Lion Lake subdivision, $3300. Leigh W. Shaffer et ux to Minta Houston Rountree et vir, lots 16, V, 17, 18. 19 and 20, block 32, San Juan, $2000. John H. Shary to J. W. Long south 16.3 acres lot 49-5 West addi tion to Sharyland, $2250. * E. Fortier to W. J. Long west 1-2 of northeast 1-4 section 231, Tex Mex., $600. D. F. Strickland Receaver Carroll College to Floyd E. Glasscock lot 11, “ block 3, West addition McAllen, $600. C. H. Griffin to Charles C. Han sen, block 161 La Blanca, i70C. Ernest M. Kirkpatrick et ux to Emsi H. Farrow lot 15, block 32 Al- c amo tract, $10. Clyde Tennis Land Co. to Wil- ' liam Clausing west 18.3 acres lot 15, block 66, Alamo tract, $7000. : . Cosmetic Poison Is Being Fought PARIS, July 27.—(/P)—Beauty— . • the kind that comes in bottles and ” boxes—is becoming too dangerous -- to suit the government, and the Ministry of Hygiene is going after -V the irresponsible “Beauty Insti tutes." -- Face, hair and body of woman, says Dr. Frederic Bordas, eminent physician and the government’s ex pert in the matter, all are being abused. He asserts the threat ta health is serious, and the damage already done proves there must be -a immediate action. New York with its unlicensed beauty shops is held • up as a horrible example. Poison, says Dr. Bordas, is in - many cosmetics, and his solution is the plain labeling of all lotions, creams and paste*- so that strict enforcement of the law and public opinion can weed out the bad. ~ Woman's hair, he says, is being , ruined by ignorant treatment and — washes that kill it. Lip rouge made of white lead has been found. __ Physical abuse of the body, he asserted, is common practice in many beauty shops where surplus ‘ flesh is pounded and bruised to make it disappear in the eternal £ search for “that girlish figure." He cites long lists of poisons used ** in cosmetics and thinks the mere *r mention of them on labels, under a proposed law, would drive them ^ from the market. *£ -- m Former Texas Girl Killed In Indiana INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., July 27.— * <JP)~Miss Audrey Massingale, 21, formerly of Myra, Texas, was in- *2 jured fatally when her automobile struck a gravel bed and overturned south of here today. She was the ‘ daughter of William Massingale of Myra, but had lived here several years with her cousin, Mrs. Hodson y* Brown. ^- * ’f * .«* A m *■ «v I.T-' a* **'? * down, />* 3 I i *** 20 Cadillac Roadster 28 Dodge Standard I 26 Dodge Sedan ^ or/^1*?8 o a * I - 27 Dodge Roadster 20 Ranger Truck 28 Whippet Roadster 26 Chrysler Roadster 26 Dodge Touring 28 Dodge Sedan 26 Dodge Coupe 27 Chrysler 80 Sedan 28 Dodge CoUpe |« 29 Dodge Victory 6 Se- 29 D o d g e Standard § Coupe |4 dan 25 Ford Ton Truck | 28 Studebaker 4 Pass. 26 Willys-Knight Road- |g Coupe ster t ___—--— In Jesse Dennett, Inc. I: Phone 9C4 Used Car Maket 1219 Levee Used Car Lot No. 1, across from Herald Office Used Car Lot No. 2, Summit Place and 14th St. W. A. ROSS, Mgr. -