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■ _j- -- - . .- ■■ ■ -- 11********—*** * * "^^frrrrr rrrrrrrrf rrrfir. > »»»»#»#*#»♦#*»####»»#»»»*#*##»#*####»#»»»#»*., I Brownsville Club L, Phone Number Q /^V T T“JI m ^tT Phone Number Valley Society N e WS j: |j and Social Activities ** Seven W V*/ X JJi X Jl Seven and Events ■ — - - - - - - . - - - .. . . ..... . _ ___ Si Jardin Club * LWith Mrs. Moore Mrs. Nathan Moore entertained El Jardin bridge club at Mooreland Terrace on Thursday afternoon. Three tables of players participated in the games, among whom was one guest, Mrs. Campbell, who is here from Illinois. Mrs. J. H. Downs re ceived high score trophy, and Mrs. Nelle T. Kee second. Mrs. Camp bell received a guest prize. A profusion of zinnias, pink and white roses and fern in baskets about the rooms made a pleasant setting for the affair. A dainty re freshment course was served. Mrs. Bert Neal will entertain the club next week, on Friday after noon. • • • Friendly Class Social Evening The Friendly class of the Central Christian church held their month ly social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Zinsa in El Jardin. The evening was spent in games and contests, with several prizes awarded to winning contestants. An ice course was served. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bowman will entertain fhe class next month. * • * Taylors Planning Extensive Trip Mrs. Volney W. Taylor and daughters, Josephine and Maryzelle, are leaving Monday evening for an extended trip which will take them to Las Vegas. Taos and Santa Fe. They expect to remain in Las Vegas for several weeks, later going on to California and Portland. Oregon. Volney, Jr., is also leaving for Cor pus Christ! where he will spend several weeks with his yncle, J. M. Taylor, city attorney there. * * 9 Miss Bull Weds Fred Rusteberg, Sr. The wedding of Miss Edith M. Bull, of Cortland. New York, and Fred Rusteberg, Sr., of Brownsville, was solemnized at nine o’clock Sat urday morning in the Church of the Advent, with the Rev. R. O. Mack intosh officiating. Only intimate friends of the couple were present. Mr. and Mrs. Rusteberg left im mediately after the ceremony for New York on a wedding trip. They will make their' home here. * • • Baptist Society [Will Visit No regular meeting of the Baptist missionary society will be held on Monday afternoon, the members spending the time in visiting the sick, strangers and new members. * * * Club Honors Mrs. Willey Mrs. Edward McChesney was hos tess to the Friday bridge club this week, only members of the club being present. The affair was quite informal. Mrs. John P. Willey re ceived the prize in the afternoon’s play. She was also presented with a handkerchief from each member as a farewell gift. She is leaving soon for San Antonio, and will later be with her husband at his new sta tion in Kansas. • • • Christian Endeavor Plans Picnic, Swim Miss Dorothy Dennis was hostess to members of the Christian En. deavor society of the Central Chris tian church Tuesday evening. A business meeting was held with Jack Mohle. president, in charge. The social committee has planned a picnic and swimming party for the society at Boca Chica next Tuesday evening. The Endeavor so cieties of the San Benito Christian and Presbyterian churches have been invited to join them at the beach at that time and enjoy a pic nic and swim with the Brownsville group. A social hour was enjoyed after the business meeting adjourned. Miss Dennis served refreshments to the following members: Mary Singer. Martha Jane Butts. Alan tha Driver. Mrs. Eldred of Fort . Charm! The enchantment of perfect grooming is sought after by every modern lady. And here it is found, at the finger tips of the trained oper ators in our establish ment. ; Rader’s < 1 Beauty Shoppe First Door South of Rialto Theater < Harlingen * ' i • - - , » f*. I _ __ MOVIE FASHIONS i i _ i One-piece dresses with short jackets are popular this season. Leila Hyams. screen player, chooses one showing a sleeve less frock with knife pleated skirt set on at hipline and worn with a hip-length jacket of striped silk in a horizontal pat tern. Two shades of purple, with black, form the stripes. Worth, Doris Williams, Jack; Mohle, Gilford Burns, Tom Newton, Fred Howe, Rev Scott and Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Dennis. • • • Mrs. Neil Allen Tea Hostess Mrs. Nell Allen is entertaining with tea from 4 to 6 on Monday afternoon at her home in Los Eta nos. The affair is being given for her mother. Mrs. E. H. Van Gundy, and her grandmother, Mrs. E. S. Stickle of Decatur, 111. Mrs. Vin Gundy and Mrs. Stickle arrived Sunday morning, and expect to re main several weeks. 0 0 0 Comings, Goings, Of Local People Mrs. Chas E. Richter, and three sons, of Laredo, and Mrs. Robert Dear, and daughter, of Taft, Cali fornia, arrived Friday evening by motor. They will be guests of Mrs. Theresa G*earwater. Mrs. Vernon M. Shell has as her house guest Mrs. P. Reeder, of New York. Mrs. Phillips, and son. Ernest, and daughter, Agnes, have returned after about two weeks visiting rela tives in Paris. Mrs. Howell McCampbell is spending a few days in Corpus Christ! with relatives. Jesse Dennett has been spending the week in Saltillo. Mrs. John Gregg and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Browne left Saturday morning for California. They are making the trip by motor. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. West are ex pected heme Monday from Wyom ing. where they have been spending several weeks vacation. MERCEDES NEWMAN-CROCKETT Miss Vera Newman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Newman, and W. W. Crockett, both of Mercedes, were married in Harlingen Wed nesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The wedding took place in the home of Rev. and Mrs. D. G. Wagner of that citv, former residents of Mer cedes, with the Rev. Wagner per forming the ceremony. Only im mediate members of the bride's family were present. Following the wedding an infor mal reception was held at the Wag ner home. Mr. and Mrs. Crockett left Thursday morning for a trip to San Antonio and Galveston, fol lowing which they will be at home to their many friends in Mercedes. * * * AFTERNOON TEA Mrs. Henry Allen of this city and Mrs. R. Newell Waters of Weslaco heve issued invitations for an aft ernoon tea at the home of the for mer on Saturday afternoon from four to six o'clock. Honor guests of the afternoon In cluded Mrs. Schubert Scharp cf Muskogee. Okla., a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Waters, Miss Mildred Fielding of Paris, Texas, a guest of Miss Mildred Bridges, and Miss Elizabeth Donnelly of Mineral Wells, who is visiting here in the home of Mrs. Allen. TEA DANCE * * Mrs. Helen D. Symonds enter tained in honor of the birthday of her daughter, Miss Josephine Sy monds. with a tea dance at the Llano Grande Country ctub follow ed by a theater party Thursday evening. Large floor vases and baskets of corona, pink and white roses, and ferns formed the beautiful decora tions for the interior of the club room. Dancing was enjoyed from five to seven at which time the large birthday cake, adorned with light ed candles, was brought in and cut by the girls of the party. The party left at eight o’clock for Harlingen where they attended the theater. Mrs. Symonds was as Fine Furs Make Fine Window Displays Even If It Is 100 in the Shade the Femmes Gaze Longingly — Ensembles, Too — Wedding Bells — The Songs They’re Humming — Flowers By Airplane Fall clothes are coming in. Sprinklings of dark dresses and coats with big fur collars have been appearing in displays of the newest things all week. Coming at the height of the summer’s heat, it might seem to the un initiated that such things would have little appeal; no one but a mere man would be likely to have such a mistaken idea, however, and few men who have acquired any knowledge of the whimsies of the feminine soul. As if any woman living could resist the charm of luxurious fur, even though the thermometer stood at 110! The love of furs must have be come firmly implanted in the fe male of the species back in the days when the fashionable elite of Cave Center annexed the finest saber toothed tiger skin to en hance her beauty in the eyes of her warlike spouse. Arrayed in that most gorgeous of feminine trappings, a really good fur, not a woman in the world but feels beautiful, alluring, adequate and self-confident in herself and her charm. Long haired, lovely fox, wolf, the chic of caracul—but we grow lyrical. Anyway, even a hint of fall quickens one's blood, and brings an imaginary tang of the season to the nostrils. Cool, brisk air, football, hunting, picnics in star lit darkness around a campfire. It’s a real season of beings, when anything might happen, and each day is a new possibility of adven ture. School, new scenes, new oc cupations for the youngsters, and for we older ones, well, quien sabe? Think we will go down this afternoon and start that dollar down and dollar-a-week coat proposition. Anything might hap pen. • * * Speaking of clothes, too. there are just a lot of those dark geor gette ensembles which are so good for late vacationers to travel in, and which will still be good for any number of occasions through out the fall here. And do you know of a combination which is cooler and fresher looking than navy blue with the popular dots? 9 • 9 One of the most interesting social events of July is the wed ding of Miss Vera Letzerich. of Harlingen , to Mr. L. R. Baker, which takes place Sunday morn ing, at nine o’clock, at the Bap tist church. Miss Letzerich is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Letzerich, and has been quite popular in Valley society. Since the announcement of the engage ment, Miss Letzerich has been honored with a number of inter esting social affairs. She was com plimented by her aunt, Mrs. H. D. Seago with a pretty bridge party here during the past week, besides several affairs in Harlingen. Mr. Baker is a well known business man of Harlingen. * » » Just any number of people humming, “Old Man River,” and “Lonesome Road,” this week. Haunting, elusive bits of melody, that tantalize the memory wheth er one is musical or not. * * • Observed in passing: A little bit of a man, meticulously clothed in black, the clothes which some how gave an effect of being too large, considering critically several different shades of artificial flowers on the shoulder of his wife’s dress. As if he were really interested. • • • Flowers from Mexico City by air. At a wedding this week the groom wore a boutonniere from a bouquet sent by friends there. sisted by Mrs. Florence Kalbfleisch and Mrs. J. J. Murray. The guest list included Misses Polly Kamper, Viola Symonds, Donna Clark, Mildred Fielding, An gela Muray, Georgia DeVries and Mary Frances Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. T. Duckett of Weslaco. John Largo, Buster Buck, Packard Bar ton. Waldon Haynes, Stanley Crockett, Frank James Markham, George Copeland, J. F. Brango, John Phelan, Jr., Menton Murray and Waldon Greenlee. * * * CHILDREN’S PARTY A delightful children’s party of the past week was the one given by Mrs. H. E. Bennett for her lit tle daughter Ruth, in honor of her tenth birthday. The group saw the picture show at the Empire theater, after which they returned to the Bennett home and played games on the lawn and had iced refreshments served them. A lovely birthday cake was cut. The little guests included Delight Shaw, Bettie Ray, Cassia Spring field of Dallas, Dorothy Sue Perry, Ruth Barton, Dora Hoger, Jackie Johnson, Bettie House, Frances Hadden, Jeanette Jones, Jacque ! line and Estelle Warner, Dora Solis, Mattie Lee Breeding and Buddie Bennett. • • * EVENING HOSTS Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson entertained a number of friends on Thursday evening with auction bridge as a diversion. In the games Mr. and Mrs. Lee land Matthews were high score winners. A refreshment course was served later in the evening. Others making up the personnel of the players were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flynn of Harlingen, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. DeCell, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Barton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. James Houze and Mr. and Mrc. R. R. 3arton. PICNIC DINNER* Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Busby enter tained a group of friends at a pic nic dinner and supper at Llano Grande Lake one evening this week. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Millikin, Mr. and Mrs. H. Nelson and daughter, Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Reischers of Harlingen, Mrs. L. E. Taylor of Houston, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Busby of Harlingen. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Middleton and daughter, Kathryn, and J. D. Busby. * * * BUFFET SUPPER Miss Priscilla Wade was hostess at a pretty buffet supper and radio party one evening this week at her home west of Mercedes. Pink corona and white tube roses formed pretty floral adornment and carried out a color scheme of pink and white. Her guests included Misses Har riet Hausman, Della Walker, Mar tha Yearwood, Marjorie Wiggins and Sylvia Ewing and Dick Bal lanfout, John Ohls. John Schranl:, Barr Ewing, Andrew Fossler, Fred Ohls and Miss Miriam Wade. * * • CLUB HOSTESS Mrs. A. W. Shouse was hostess at a most enjoyable meeting of the ' Wednesday Afternoon Bridge club. Mrs. Leeland Matthews scored high in the games, Mrs. Carrie1 Stuart scored low, and Mrs. J. J. Murray scored for the guests. Three tables of players were pres- I ent. * • • SHOWER HONOREE Mrs. Ivan Gregory was named honoree at a lovely shower given j by Miss Anna Kate McDonald at I the home of her mother, Mrs. John ; McDonald. The house was very at tractive with floral decorations of pink corona. Little Miss Oleta May Smith, dressed as a cupid, drew a dainty blue and white covered wagon which contained many lovely gifts for the honor guest. Iced refreshments were served later in the afternoon to the guest of honor and the following: Mes dames T. J. Mack. H. F. Kaiser, P. N. Shipley, N. J. Moore and Brown, all of Santa Maria; Alexander Car ter of San Benito, T. G. Shipley of La Feria; Emmett Smith and daughter Aleta May, Bird Baskin and daughter. Miss Geraldine, O. J Gunn. L. J. Jones, John McDonald and the hostess. PERSONALS * * * Miss Marjorie Wiggins has re turned from Rio Hondo where she has been for the past six weeks act ing as advisor at the Valley Y. W. C. A. camp. Miss Mary Fay Hopkins spent several days in Elsa during the past » . / Baptist missionary society to visit instead of reg ular meeting. Mrs. Neil Allen is entertaining at tea, from 4 to 6 p. m. Wednesday Just-Sew with Mrs. W. L. Pendergraft. Business and Professional Woman’s club luncheon. Wednesday bridge with Mrs. Robin Pate. Friday Mrs. Bert Neil is entertaining the Merry Matrons and El Jardin bridge club. -. - - - .. ____ week, a guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Hopkins. H. S. Theilan of Galveston spent several days here last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chadick. SANTA MARIA PERSONALS Rev. T. H. Crowder of Primera was here Tuesdav and Wednesday, j Mac and Russell Kerr took dinner at J. F. Mack’s Sundaj*. Miss Nina Duncan sent a few days in Harlingen the guest of Miss Margaret Duncan. Mac and Russell Kerr started to Ft. Worth Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Armstrong and children were callers at Frank Wilson's Saturday evening. E. G. Villers of McAllen was In Santa Maria a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson spent an evening at J. F. Mack’s. Miss Margaret Brandt and broth ers, Charles, Ferdie and Edmund returned Friday from Illinois where they have been visiting rela tives for some time. Mrs. E. T. Weatherford spent a few days at Mission visiting and Mr. Weatherford went to Point Isabel to fish. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Armstrong and children attended religious services at Combes Saturday. Rev. Lloyd Walton of Donna fill ed his appointment to preach Sun day morning and evening. He and his family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Harpster. The B. M. Sansom family drove to Weslaco Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Moore and family of Kansas City and Mrs. Della Baker and son of Morley, Mo., spent a few days visiting Mrs. Moore’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Louk of Mc Allen spent Sunday at H. F. Kai ser’s. Mrs. W. B. Benge returned Thurs day from a visit at McKinney and other points. Miss Fela Champion spent the i week end in Brownsville. ■---M ' ATTEND! t Exclusive Ladies’ Apparel — 1244 Elizabeth Announce Beginning Monday, July 29th CLEARANCE J All Remaining Summer Garments Placed in three groups: 95 $095 $ Values to $10 f Values to $40 Values to $60 We will be j i choice selections .... come early ... you’re lucky if we can fit you. # Shoe Summer Final Coats II * i UNUSUAL' VALUES IN WASH AND HOUSE FROCKS - • -'•*-» ' • . • .... r i i RIO GRANDE CITY WEDNESDAY BRIDGE Mrs. Virgil N. Lott was hostess to the members of the Wednesday Bridge club at her home in Roma Wednesday afternoon. The members from here motored up in groups and the occasion proved very delightful to those for tunate enough to attend. In the afternoon's play, Mrs. J. J. Guerra was winner of high score and Mrs. C. J. Martin of second high. The guests were: Mesdames L. B. Caruthers, Jr., 7. Wallis, W. W. Shuford, L. il. Brooks, W. Vener able, Harold Smith, Charles Loner gan, B. C. King, C. J. Martin, J. J. Guerra, Paul Wigton; Misses Nor ma Chesney, Shirley Brooks and Robin Brooks. * * * » PICNIC - A party who motored to the Cas cade pool at McAllen for a swim and picnic last Sunday was com posed of Major and Mrs. H. E. Tay lor, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Caruthers, Jr., Captain A. Olsen, Lieutenant Finnegan and Captain Bingham of Fort McIntosh. # * * GIVES DANCE Miss Frances Louise Guerra en a group of friends Thursday eve ning at a dancing party. The oc casion was a particularly happy one inasmuch as it marked the 14th birthday anniversary of the hostess and was also planned as a compli ment to her he us' guests, Misses Anne Solis and Margarite Doles of Mercedes. Preceding the dance which was held on the tennis court of the Guerra home, Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Guerra entertained wuth a din ner party honoring their daughter. The table laid with an Irish lace cloth had as a center attraction a large birthday cake. The cutting of this cake afforded great amuse ment for the . • ~ts who were Miss es Rosaura and Enoe Guerra, Vir ginia Guerra of Roma, Elvira Tre vino, Enne Solis, Margarite Doles, and the honoree. Other guests whe w>ere present for the dance ■ "re Dora Hinojosa, Enoe Guerra. Rc aura Guerra, Isa bel Guerra, Eva and Sila Hinojosa, Estella Margo, Ninfa and Margar ita del Valle, Elsie Margo, Sylvia, Leah and Alica Solis, Ninfa San chez, Lily Flores, Igancia Guerra, Estrell aEdgerton, Clover Jean Martin, Betty Martin. Norma Ches ney, Rosa Hinojo..- Marearite Da m vis, Robin and Shirley Brooks, Lucy Larralde, Ernestine Perez, Elolza Perez, Delia Munoz, Corina San chez, Consuelo Sanchez. Berta, Car men and Virgin'1 Saldana, Virginia Guerra, Lala, Estella and Celia Perez, Barita Madrigal, Elia Gar cia, B-’^triz Garza, Cecilia Hino josa, Mona Ritz: Messrs. -Jfonso Margo, 3ito *largo RuJno Margo, Lino Perez, Ji„ Dan Shuford, Herndon and Owen Scott, Jr, Leon el Montalvo, Raul Guerr- Abel Sanchez, Alfonzc, Chicho and Ar turo Guerra, Rodolfo Salinas, 3~to Garza, Raul Hinojosa, Santos San chez, Yndalecio Sanchez, Fidel Gonzales, Achille Meyers, Virgilio Garcia, Tomas Hinojosa, Higuel Hinojosa, David Aguirre, Hernan Contreras, Paul Guerra, and Alfre do Leal. * • • PERSONALS Miss Margarite Davis who has made her home for the past two years with Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallis left this week for San Antonio where she will join her father and brother for an indefinite stay ■'.. i I SAN TOY’S I Clearance Sale J — ends — i Wednesday, July 31st 3 ONLY THREE DAYS 3 TO BUY SAN TOY’S BEAUTIFUL SHOES AT CLEARANCE SALE PRICES — THERE IS STILL A g LOT OF STYLES AND SIZES FROM WHICH TO MAKE A SELECTION. | $9M Sheet Ir. |$5$86585nd Shoes at .$3.851 | ONLY THREE DAYS At These Prices San Toy Slipper Shops HARLINGEN — BROWNSVILLE — McALLEN