| Valley Society j| if Phone 7 ■ i ———— i . DONNA WEDNESDAY CLUB Mrs. Glen Lucas charmingly en tertained the Wednesday Bridge with three tables of bridge. Mrs. J. E. Wier received first prize and Mrs. Joe Sellars received second high score. A luncheon was served to Mesdames Wiedmann, George H. Vanee. G. W. Tavlor. Wm. Petch. Hdkld Watt^ A. F. Taylor. Joe Sel lars? C. C. Hadsell, J. E. Wier. Harry Towns, Fisher and the hostess Mrs Lucas. * * * PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. A. E Brown and two daughters, Annie Lee and Beatrice of Cuero were guests Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Park. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Onstot of Georgetown ar^. spending several days in Donna as the guests of Mr. Onstot’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark who for the past several weeks have been visiting friends and relatives in Donna, returned to their home in Austin Thursday. Miss Elsie Holley returned Thurs day from El Paso where she has. been visiting her brother there. Miss Frances Smith of Lockhart arrived in Donna Wednesday to spend several days here as the guest of her college room mate. Dot Wier. Walter Weaver was a visitor in Point Isabel Wednesday. Mrs. H. T. Pittman and daughter. Miss Oline were visitors in McAllen Sunday. Mrs. T. L Hester and daughter. Florence, spent Sunday in Point Isabel. ' Clarence Clayton left Saturday for Laurenceburg, Tennessee, after spending two days in Donna. J. E. Smith has returned from a several days vacation in Junction, George Merriwether of Browns ville spent•Wednesday In Donna as the guest of his father G. B. Merri wether. Everett McFarling the State University in Austin spent, several days in Donna as the guest of. his --■ — T parents Mr. and Mrs. John McFar ling. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hill returned Thursday from a month's vacation in Blytheville, Arkansas. Mrs. Joe Powell and children re turned Thursday from -Memphis, Tenn., after spending several weeks there visiting relatives. Mrs. Adelia Bunker returned Tuesday from Corpus Christi and San Diego. Cal., where she has been the guest of relatives for two weeks. Mrs. B. J. McMillan of Kerrville is spending Jhe week in Donna as the guest of her sister, Miss Clara Belle Timm. Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen and baby of Weslaco were visitors in Donna Sunday. Wilbur Edwards left the last of the week for St. Louis, after spend ing the winter with his father, G. L. Edwards. Mrs. G. L. Edwards and children returned from a two months’ vaca ton in Mexico. Miss Hilda Mae Bunker arrived Tuesday morning from Eastland, where she has been employed for the past six months by the W'estern Union. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kelley and children of Edcouch were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pat terson. Mrs. O. W. Graham and Mrs. . H. Hinkle were vistors n McAllen Sunday. Miss Phyllis Frame returned Fri day from a two months’ stay with . friends and relatives in Indiana. Mrs. Lena Wittnerert and daugh- j ter, Beverly, returned Tuesday from Houston and Groveton. While she was gone she attended the funeral of her father in Groveton. Mr. and Mr. Lrnest Strehlow of McAllen were visitors in Donna Monday. Dr. Black of Oklahoma City is soending the week in Donna as the the guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Black. Ed Bernard left Wednesday for Robstown after spending 10 days in Donna as the guest of his broth er, Les Bernard. Mr. Marshall of Gilmer is spend ing a few days in Donna looking after his property here. Miss Hilda Mae Bunker who ar rived in Donna from astland. left Wednesday for San Benito w'here she has accepted a position as Western Union operator there. Mr. and Mrs. Willard White and children left the frst of the week for an extended visit n Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Holloway , and children are spending several days in Center Point on a vacation. Mrs. Oscar Vickers : nd daughter, Ruth, returned Surday from a sev eral weeks’ visit in Kennedy. Mrs. Bill Vickers returned Sun day from Gonzales where she has been visiting relati es for the past month. Miss Loena Fessler of Des Moines is soending several weeks in Donna as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Drake. G. B. Nabors spent the week-end in San Antonio. Miss Ellen Haney spent Sunday in San Antonio as the guest cf her sis ter, Miss Alma Haney. C. L. Tracy returned to Chicka sha, Okla., after spending several days with his family here. Misses Arba Mauldin, Minneola Brown, Hazel Thompsor, Lois Fleuriet. and Mrp. J. F. Thomason and Leon Maddox returned hnurs day from a two weeks’ trip to Kerr ville where they attended the Ep worth league encampment there. Miss Etta Hubbard returned the first of the week from Kingsville w'here she has been the guest of her sister, Miss Vera Hubbard, who is attending summer school there. Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Richards and family are spending the week in Rockport and Kerrviile. * Miss Wlla Mae Taylor returned ------ -- , \ v I # ■ V , the frst of the week from a tl~_e weeks’ visit with fric '.s in San An tonio. Ixss Clara Belle Timm returned the first of the week from a short vacation in Kerrville. Mrs. Ruth Mullican spent the week-end visiting her niece in San Antonio. Miss Dorothy Bunker who for the past two weeks ' as been the guest of her sister, Miss Ruth Bunker, re turned Thursday to her home in San Antonio. Miss Pauline iunker of McAles ter. Okla., arrived in Donna Tues day to spend several months with •her aunt, Mr;,. Ruth Mi -can. Mr. and Mrs. John McFarling and children left Thursday for an ex tended visit in Mississippi. Osce Pearson left Monday for his home in Italia. Misses Sara To a i Frances Ray Grant and Jr~do'* Lewis Grant left Thursday for Harlngen *rom where they will go to ‘heir home i San Antonio. LOS FRESNOS STAG PARTY Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Barr enter tained a number of young men on Wednesday evening with a surprise party for their son, Ernest Barr. Four tables of players enjoyed the games of forty-two during the eve ning, at the close of which delicious sherbet and cake were served to the following: Le Roy Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Oren J. Pederson, W.T. Carey. Albert Gibson, L. M. Tittle, R. M. Edmondson,R. D. Thomas, Sidney Baer, W J. Dawson, Clarence Snei der, Roy Gobbarf, Frank Gibson, and Theadore and Dale Barr. • • • STUNT DAY A meeting of the Woman's Ser vice club was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Gobar on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Gobar and Mrs. L. Kerr as co-hostesses. Each mem ber qf the club responded to the roll call by introducing to the crowd some “stunt" in observance of the club’s stunt day for the year. The entire time was spent socially. The hostesses served a luncheon at the close of the afternoon. Eleven mem bers and one guest, Mrs. C. L. Chatelle of San Benito. V * » OUTDOOR PICNIC A number of Los Fresnos residents participated in a picnic supper at Point Isabel on Sunday evening. The time was spent in swimming and surf bathing. Those enjoving the event were Mr. and Mrs. Oren J. Pederson and daughters. Ruby Jean and Jo Ann, Frederick Swartz. Mrs. P. C. Pederson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kretz and son James. Mr. and Mrs. William Kretz. Miss Rubv Pederson. Edward Kretz. Misses Josephene and Margaret Kretz, and Mr. apd Mrs. Joseph Kretz. * * * CLUB AT LAURELIS Members of the Catholic Ladies Promotion Society met on Friday afternoon at Josephine’s Cafe in Laurelis with Miss Josephine Kretz as hostess. A lengthy business session was held in which plans were made for holding a sake sale in Brownsville on Saturday, August 3. At the close of the meeting re freshments were served. The next meeting of the society will be held on Friday, August 2, at the home of Mrs. Joseph Kretz. • * • NEIGHBORHOOD BRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whipole were hosts to members of the Neighborhood Bridge club on Sat urday evening at their home. Two tables of players enjoyed the game at the close of which high score orize for women was awarded to Mrs. W. R. Bowles, while Mr. Whipple won the high score prize for men. A token of consolation was presented to M. F. Orr. Banana nut ice cream, cake and punch was served to the following: Mrs. M. F. Orr. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bowles, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gobar. * * • WEDDING ANNOUNCED Announcement of the marriage of Miss Irma Mae Watkins to Edwin Warnkp on Thursday. July 18. at Pee Heights. South Dakota, rame to their many friends at Los Fresnos this week. Miss Watkins had resided with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Watkins, at Los Fresnos where she taught two successive terms of school. Mr. Warnke was well known in Los Fresnos. having visited at the Watkins home on frequent tours of the South and West. The Ree Heights Daily describes the wedding as follows: “At 8:30 Thursday morning a beautiful cere mony was solemnized when Miss Irma Mae Watkins. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Watkins of Los Fresnos. Texas, and Erwin Warnke were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s mother in Ree Heights. Mrs. A. R. Nelson, sister of the bride sang “I Love You Truly.” The bridal pair then marched into the living room to the strains of the 'Wedding March” played by Mrs. Nelson. The bridal pair were ac companied by Miss Gladys Watkins, sister of the bride, and Mr. Paul Elaseg. The bride was dressed in apricot georgette with lace panels, and the bridesmaid in orchid georgette. Both the bride and bridesmaid car ried bouquets of sweet peas and roses. The beautiful ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Swartout. After the ceremony a lovely; breakfast was served to the im mediate relatives and friends. The bride is well known in this community having graduated from the city high school with the class of ’24. She attended normal at Madison for two years then taught a successful term of school at Har risburg. S. D. and two years at Los Fresnos. Texas. The groom is a successful young business man in town at present having charge of the Standard Oil bulk station. Mr. Warnke has rent ed, the Watkins home and has it ready for his bride when thev re turn from a trip through the Black j Hills, and points in Wyoming. The best wishes of the whole community go with the couple as the bride has lived here most of ! her life and the groom has resided . here for a number of years.” • * * PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Elmer G. Henderson and children. Henry Nile and Aline, were week-end guests of Mrs. Hen dersons’ brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. MaComb. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and family left early Monday morning for Dover. Arkansas where they plan to make their future horn®. Rev. and Mrs. H. B Day and sons, v Modes of the Moment j l—j—ixrxii =1B (V^twn.'/w0te) atfadcd. id t&b Bruce. Joseph and William, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Moses Sunday. Miss Annetta Schneider returned Wednesday from Colorado where she spent her vacation. Mrs. George Laaska and sons re turned Sunday from points in Ten nessee where they visited with homefolks. Mrs. M. J. Terrell, mother of Mrs. Laaska, of Olmito I accompanied them on the trip. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Potter of Lcs Indios visited with Mr. and Mrs. I Edgar Lipe Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Smith F. Henderson have as their guests, Mr. Hender son's mother and brother Herbert of Colony, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and their guests are spending the week at Kerrville. T. W. Carey and mother, Mrs. C. C. Carey spent Sunday with friends in Harlingen. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Buttler. Jr., left Thursday for a short business trip to Dallas. Wendell and Louise Scarlette are in Houston where they are visiting with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Steele and family have moved to Los Fresnos from San Benito. Mrs. Charles Whitt, Sr., is at home after spending a week with a sick friend in San Benito. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Short have moved to Weslaco. Mrs. C. C. Carey who has been visiting with her son T. W. Carey left Sunday for her home in Shreve port, La. Mrs. Carey and son were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Kelly in Harlineen on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Pederson and son and daughter spent Sunday in Point Isabel. Misses Margurete Lunton and Edith Rvan and Clare Chase and Robert Bingley snent Sunday at Roma and Mier, Mexico. Mrs. Mary Young of San Benito is a guest of her daughter, Mrs. William Kretz. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Odle who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. P C. Uederson. left Thursday for their home in Meridian. Texas. Mr. and Mrs. James Dowmev have as their euests. Mrs. Downey’s sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. E Bul lardick of St. Louis. Mo. SAN BENITO FRIENDSHIP CLl'R At her home on East Powers street Mrs. R P. Jackson was host ess to the Thursday Friendship club. The afternoon was snent in playine fantan. Mrs. D. E. Knowl ton held the high number and uTas rewarded with the success trophy after scores * ere summed up. Mrs. Frank Dodson received a prize for second high, while consolation wrent to Mrs. W. P. Thompson. Mrs. Thompson also received a guest prize. In accordance with the cus tom of the club, lovely gifts from the club were presented to Mrs. Al ice Lippincott and Mrs. Jack Byrd. | A delicious luncheon was served n the later afternoon. The next meet- I ing will be held at the home of | Mrs. C. E. Boise, August 1. • * * HOME ARTS CLIT. The Home Arts club met at the home of Mrs. Frank Barber Thurs day morning. Mrs. Arthur Demers ! gave a demonstration on hooked ' rugs and Miss Elizabeth Barber ; gave a demonstration on Italian j hemstitching. A very appetizing covered dish luncheon was served at noon. Those present were Mrs. Alex Kerr, Mrs. Irving Worley and daughter, Helen, Mrs. Claud Shaf er, Mrs. George A. Espey, Mrs. Will Vondera, Mrs. Arthur Demers. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. George / Espey on Friday, August 2. • • * DIEMAX-ERHARDT San Bento friends will be inter ested to learn of the marriage of Miss Bernice I :man of Los An geles, to Henry Erhardt of Los An geles, Tuesday, June 27 at Los An geles. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. August Erhardt of San Benito. Mrs. Erhardt is a for mer Los Angeles society girl. Fol lowng the wedding the young cou ple left by automobile for an exten sive tour through Colorado and New Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Erhardt will be at their home in Los An geles after August 1 where Mr. Er hardt is employed by a large con cern. MRS. SIMONS HOSTESS Saturday afternoon Mrs. Wesley Simons entertaine with three ta bles of brdge. : Irs. Walter Preston won prtze for high score with Miss( Lucille Ehlers winning grand slam1 prize. Other gi’ests present were Mrs. Paul Boone. Miss Doroth\ My ers of San Antonio, Mrs. C. C. Bowie, Mrs. C. J. Leslie, Mrs. Rob ert Bowie, Mrs. Wiley Cochran, Mrs. Maud Wiley of San Antonio, Mrs. G. E. Lovett, Mrs. Elmer Mor ris, and Mrs. Marshall Sheffle. Cut flowers were u«ed for decorations. * * * SILVER TE * Tuesday afternoon Mrs. /. E. Purvis entetrained the women of the First Christian church at her home with a silver tea. The rooms were prettily decorated with cut roses and other summer garden flowers. A social period ,vas en joyed, with Mrs. Elisha Daughtrey conducting an interest ir- series of humorous contests. Later she as sisted Mrs. Purvis in serving a salad course and iced tea. Mrs. Ollie MacBride of Chicago was a guest. * * * CHAPTER INITIALS A number of San Benitans were in attendance at the first intiations held by the Rio Hondo chapter, or der of the Eastern Star, Tuesday night. San Benitans put on the work in the initiation of new mem bers there. The Rio Hondo chap ter was just recently organized Mrs. W. E. Chenoweth, worthy ma tron of the San Benito chapter, presided. Others presen' from here included Mrs. Kent S. Manning. Mrs. Frank Grmsr'l, Mrs. Lance Harris, Mrs. R. B. Goolsby, Mrs. H. F. McMadden, Mrs. R. C. Clark, Mrs. Charles Seydler, Mrs. Ralph Thack er, Mrs. Fred Barge. !'• and Mrs. s I A : Man’s j Shoe f Built on the new modes that are accepted as the “best” . . . And we can offer you these shoes it marvelously low prices in reg- ' ular sale, as we are out of the high k rent section, but close enough to be handy. INTERNATIONAL’ SHOE STORE MRS. ELSIE C. BARREDA, Manager 609 Twelfth St.—Brownsville ■MB—BgBMM—'ll ■■ ..I ■ II „i I ■— C. B. Chase, Mrs. W. R. Brown, Mrs. Claudia Clark, Mrs. \ W. Tor ras, Mr. and Mrs. Art..ur Price, W. S. Brock. Frank S. Roberts, Mrs. Helen Moore and Mrs. Charles Si ple. • • • SAFETY TALK Friday, L. C. Picnot of San An tonio made a talk on safety before the Lions club. He spoke from his experience as assistant safety man ager of the Central Power and Light company. Mr. Picnot came to the Valley to address the safety meet ing of company employes held at Val Verde and was brought to the Lions meeting jy O. C. Hamilton, a member. * • • MAN-CROCKETT .. etty little wedding took place home of Rev. and Mrs. D. C Wagner of San Benito, Texas, J„ Jlth, 1929. uniting Vera New m:.. and Wm. W. Crockett in mar riage Miss Newman has been stenog rapher at the Hidalgo County Bank and Trust company, Mercedes, since December, 1919, having come to the Valley from Kansas City, Missouri. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. John Newman of Mercedes. Mr. Crockett formerly lived in Chicago. They wrill make their home at Mercedes. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Mayer and son left Sunday night for "dorado Springs. Miss Maxine Bruce has returned from Austin v/here she attended a summer session of the Unversity of Texas. Miss Vida Lutrell is back from Austin and San Antonio W'here she visited. Henry Exall Elrod has arrived in San Benito aft:.- driving through California. ’ o was engineer on the Weslaco sewage disposal plant and other projects in the Valley. Mrs. Nettlj King left _uesday morning on an extended vacation trip that will include visits in San Antonio, in West Texas cities, and through Alpine and the Fort Davis section. She w-ill be accompanied on the lengthy motor trip by a nephew. Charles E. Barber and daughter, Sarita, left Saturday morning for San Antonio. They will motor from San Antonio to Hollywood, Cal., where Mr. and Mrs. Barber recently purchased Hotel Christy. Mrs. Bar ber is operating the hotel. HARGILL PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Saunders have returned from an extended trip to north Texas and Oklahoma City visiting friends and relatives. Col. Rufus J. Lackland of Ed couch was a business visitor in Har gill Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Richardson of Hull, spent part of last week with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Johnson at Lasara. Mrs. J. J. McGinnis and mother Mrs. Caroline Schlikus of Hargill have returned from a visit of sev eral weeks in California which they spent visiting friends and relatives and touring California. Rev. Crowder, pastor of the Har gill First Methodist church preach ed at Lasara Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Waters and three children of Harlingen were [ visitors in Hargill Wednesday after noon. Mrs. R. M. Winn who has been visiting in Nashville. Tenn., for the past few months returned Thursday morning to Weslaco, where they 1 will reside until their Hargill home is completed. The women of the First Metho dist church of Hargill gave an ice cream social near the postoffice last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Simms. Mr. and Mrs. James O. Watson of Edin burg and Dale Watson and sister spent Sunday on Padre Island a^id at Point Isabel. BIRTHDAY PARITY Master Middleton Albrecht was | host to a number of his little -... TAKE THE ELEVATOR TO THE FLOOR OF FASHION Four Groups of Dresses Reduced Further These groups of dresses Summer“‘me^s t U ere $12.50 . ., ... . . HOW $ 3.95 wash frocks. Crepes, Yo-sans. Rajahs and Were $22.50 .now $ 8.85 ensembles in exquisite styles . . . further re- _ duced to clear our racks \\ ere b2o.OO . . . . . . . HOW $12.50 for new merchandise . . . see them. You will w ■ , ,-k . /'"x c r find many you will W ere tO S^tO.oO .... IlOW l*«i v/IV want. Millinery Now Less Than Half All our hats have been Were $18.50 . .^... . . ..now $7.50 v chic Spring^ndSummer ^.ere .. now $5.00 ^ models, a few Felts in- Were $10.00 . . .i« . . .now $3.95 eluded—all still smart. Visit the Floor of Fash- Others in three groups bargains.566 th656 m“y $2.95-$1.9S-$1.00 iDcpcndaWc. SINCE 1878 Hk' •IDEAL LITTLE HOME A TREE AND A BROOK’ Wall Beds and Kitchenettes are Wonderful, Says Winifred Black, but Doesn’t This Real Estate “Ad” Sound “Homey”? 3y WINIFRED BLACK “Here is an appealing little home with living room entire length of house. A sentinel-like fir is directly in front. The lot has twb front ages and a small brook.” Read that and die of envy, apartment dwellers and flat roosters. Yes, I cut it out of a California newspaper this very morning, and it’s just twelve minutes from the business district of a good big iive'y suburb and for ty minutes from the biggest city on the Coast. , Let’s see, how much is there in that bank ac count? Well, maybe it would be better to wait and see about a job first. But dear me, how lonesome the appealing little home must be with its sentinel fir tree in front and a real honest-to-goodness brook in the garden. Hurry up, let’s take off our shoes and stockings and go wading—no, that would stir up the gravel and muddy up the brook, and that would be a pity, would it? Let’s just sit down on the bank and hang our feet over and get nice and cool, end talk about the days when we had to wait for a Spring Freshet to WINIFRED BLACK get water enough to wade in. Prairie country, don’t you know, with no rivers or lakes—but along about March, who was that red-headed boy down in the front row seats in the little country school house who used to raise his hands like a semaphore and gasp: "Teacher, the ditch is arisin’.” And how we all envied Red Head-) his place near the open door. Hark, yes—there it was, the ripple of running water, right outside the school yard fence. Poor Teacher—what a day she did have of it. And all the anxious mothers won dering why everybody was late coming home from school—why, I'd travel a thousand miles and throw away a thousand dollars just to even look at a little house with a tree by the door and a brook in the garden—wouldn’t you? And the living room the whole length of the house—well now, that’s something like living. Oh, yes, wall beds are wonderful and the beds that hang on the closet door like a bathrobe are marvelous, but isn’t there some thing honest-to-goodness homey in a real room with a door and a closet and maybe a real pantry in the kitchen with a real shelf that will hold a gray stone jar with an eagle in blue on the side? And that jar jammed full of real cookies—made by a real woman friends at his sixth birthday party | at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Albrecht last Thursday. He received many nice presents from his friends. A large birthday cake was cut which was served the little folks together with ice cold lemonade. Games were played from four to six. OLMITO PERSONALS Mrs. T. B. Cheney is spending , several days with her niece in Mis sion. Miss Jeanelle Willis left Saturday , to visit with friends near Edinburg. E. A. Robbins left recently for Colony, Kans. Mr. Robbins was i called to the bedside of his father, who is reported to be improving. T. B. Cheney returned Wednes day from a trip to Houston. Miss Audrey Willis left Friday for Dallas. R£iss Willis was joined by her sister. Miss Estelle, in Austin. Miss Audrey will be gone several months but Miss Estelle expects to be back in a few weeks. Mrs. M. E. Terrell spent the day Sunday with the J. C. Bennetts In Brownsville. Mr. and Mrs. Jewel Richards and Miss Tula Derrell visited their mother, Mrs. M. E. Terrell, Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Peeples and H. H. Fanning spent the day Sun day fishing at Point Isabel. and baked in a real oven with the whole house smelling of ginger and cinnamon and cloves and carrow'ay seeds? Umph, I wash you'd hush. Wouldn't you just love to be walk ing into that little house this very minute with your suitcase and your handbag and the check for your trunk and the delivery boy just knocking at the kitchen door for his orders. Here's to you. Happy Tenant of the “Appealing Little Home.’’ SAVE WITH SAFETY Give Your Hair the Benefits of Cocoanut Oil! KLENZO COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO Six Ounces 50 cents Cocoanut oil and olive oil are two of the best scalp and hair cleansers known. Klenzo Cocoanut Oil Shampoo con tains both. Try it! Sold only at your Rexall Drug Store.