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— - S |! < > ' (* ►' !Jj ; v' •■ I;1 N [ -.%•,! !! _II ■ ' ... RAYMOND VILLE Mrs. burton entertains Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. E. B. Burton entertained at her home on West Hidalgo Avenue with five ta bles of bridge. Those present were Mrs. A. J. Shubert, Mrs. Lamar Gill, Mrs. E. H. Jameson, Mrs. G. C. Harris, Miss Louenma Reebr, Mrs. Joe Lochrie, Mrs. J. P. Brenner, Mrs. H. A. Bull, Mrs. C. C. Conley, Mrs. E. L. Bull, Mrs. Claud Holloway, Mrs . St. Claire Thompson , Mrs. F. G. Fawkes, Mrs. J. R. Gano, Mrs. Charlie Johnson, Mrs. Joe Keeper, Mrs. C. J. Ccott and Mrs. D. E. Decker and Mrs. D. S. French and Miss Gladys Pattee of Harlingen. Mrs. St. Claire Thompson wpon high score prize, a fancy plate, Mrs. French.won low score prize, a green painted tray. Cut prizes were won by Mrs. C. C. Conley, a novelty purse, and Mrs. Davis E. Decker, a book. * • * FRIDAY AFTERNOON CLUB The Friday afternoon club met With Mrs. Holly Bostick at her home on West Kimball Ave., and enjoyed a game of bridge. Mrs. Grayson won high score, a luncheon cloth. A salad course with iced tea was served as refreshments at the close of the game. • * * BRIDGE PARTY Miss Mildred Burton entertained at her home on West Hidalgo Ave. Monday evening with four tables of bridge. Those present were Mildrena Rea Bonover, Rose lari. Margie Sue Grayson, Alida ’ensen, Sammie Lee Kinser, Rachael Moritz, Caroline Duffield, Janet Brenner, Mildred McCay, Thelma Moore. Margaret Crowell, Mrrs. L. O. Robbins, Mrs. F. K. Gebhardt, Mrs. Wm. J Ger yon, Mrs. Henry Rodgers. Jr. Rachael Moritz won the first Iprize, a purse. Vanities as table prizes were won by Mrs. L. C. Robbins, Mrs. Henry Rodgers, Jr., Margaret Crowell and Rose Earl. Cut prize was wron by Janet 'Brenner, a package of face powder. • • • « EEVEN TABLE BRIDGE ‘ Mrs. E. B. Burton and Mrs. A. J. } Shubert were joint hostesses in en tertaining seven tables of bridge at the home of Mrs. E. B. Burton on fWest Hidalgo Ava, Tuesday even 'ing- „ . Those present were Messrs, and ; Mesdames Holly Bostick. Bend Carroll, E. J. Panders, M. H. Dryer, Mrs, Ed Starr, Roger Robinson, Charles Kenedy, Lamar Gill, R. H. jFackelman, Hays Scisson, H. E. -jiTommef J. K. Smith, H. A. White, Tg. e. Johnson. High score was won b;, Mrs. Hays j Bcisson, a tapestry purse. Lamar f/Gill won men's high, a bill fold. ijMrs. Sanders a n low score prize, ■a set of vegetable cutlery, Roger 'Robinson winning low for men, a -pearl knife. High cuts were won by Mr. and Mrs. Dryer. Mrs. Dryer re ceiving a box of individual bath Halts, Mr. Dryer, an elephant cigar Sette holder. Mr. Kenecy won a Icut prize of a book. The color scheme throughout the :,frouse was pink and green being t carried out with roses, verbenas and * fern. Vases of rosebuds ; domed each of the tables. » • • lf»ERSONALS i Mr and Mrs. George Musgrave : left the first of t) week f r Cen ter Point, where they will rpena a month or more with their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mahon. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Harding left Wednesday morning for a two weeks’ trip through the North, vis iting St. Louis, Chicago and Detroit and perhaps into Minneapolis on their return. Mr. and Mrs. Floy,. Bowden who have been spending the past two weeks with Mr. Bowden’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bowden on the Bowden ranch, 12 miles northeast of Raymondville, left for their home in Weatherford early Wednesday morning. „ _ ,. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Calder and daughter, Alice. Mrs. Ed Starr, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Akard and chil dren, Mary Lou and Junior, end Mr. Akard's mother, Mrs. Nellie Akard of El Paso, motored to San Benito. Friday night. Mr and Mrs. Charles Schlief and F. Childs left the last of the week for Kerrville and Center Point wehre they expect to remain about a month. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Smith returned from a month’s vacation trip Sat urday. While away they attended tho marriage of Mr. Smith's sister, Geraldine, to Mr. James W. John eon of Houston. They also visited their old home in De Ridder, La., where they enjoyed a fishing and camping trip with old friends and relatves. They were accompaned home by Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Pharr of Monroe. La., who stayed over Sunday with them, touring the Val ley and leaving for their return ip early Monday morning. County Engineer J. E. Johnson left for Beaumont Wednesday where he wrill meet Mrs. Johnson, who is returning from Mayo Broth ers hospital in Rochester. Minn. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Hoppe and daughter returned the first of the week from a three weeks’ "sit in the north. They visited relatives and friends in Algona, Iowa, Man kato and Minneapolis. Minn. W. Lusk and daughter, Peggy, and Miss Cora Dell Woodward of Wichita Falls, "e visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Re^sonover. Mr. Lusk was formally proprietor of the Tourist Palace confectionery on South Seventh street. C. W. Bull of Houston spent the Week-end with his son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. E. L Bull. Harry7 Klyne anc F. E. Walker of Houston were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. pull. Roy Campbell of El Campo came Jn Wednesday morning on business. Mr. Rufus " lilligan of Calallen Was a business visiter in Raymond ville Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Evans and son, Billy, are taking a vacation trip . through North Trnas. Rollo Harding left Wednesday morning for a short business trip | - v % to San Antonio, he returned Thurs day Thursday evening. Mrs. E. B. Burton will leave the first week in August for Kerrville to get her son Louis, who has been spending the summer at Camp Stuart. Guy Porter Pones, who J . been spending the summer with hi6 grandparents, Dr. and T Trs F. M. Jensen, left Friday evening for his home in Houston. H. J. Moore of Vinton, La., spent Sunday witl his brother’s family, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Moore and Thel ma of this city. RIO HONDO CLASS PARTV The winners of the ‘'Bobs" vs. “Longs" contest in the Loyal Ladies class were entertained by the losers Friday night at the beautiful coun try home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mc Carty. Invited guests were the officers of the Sunday school. Men’s Bible class and Mrs. McCarty’s girls. A program was enjoyed by the gather ing. 9 9 9 GRUBY-STEIGAL Witnessed by the auditor and sev eral other county officers, Hugo Gruby and Miss Laura Steigal, both well known young people of Rio Hondo and San Benito, were united in marriage last Monday morning in the court house at Brownsville, Rev. G. A. Hudson of Rio Hondo a short time spent in traveling and visiting friends, Mr. and Mrs. Gruby will return to reside on their farm southeast of Rio Hondo. * * * CITIZENSHIP DAY Rio Hondo community church observed Good Citizenship day in a great way last Sunday. A sermon on Christian Citizenship was de livered in the morning by the pas tor. A very effective solo was ren dered by Mrs. G. B. Warren. In the evening the Christian En deavor societies united in one pro gram. Dr. Chandler of Harlingen sang an excellent solo and a most able address on the subject of “The Every Day Citizen" was given by Judge J. C. Myrick of Harlingen. The church was nicely decorated with flags and flowers for the oc casion. * • • "STATE NIGHT” Interest is running high in the city over the state night contest to be held at the community church next Sunday night. A prize will be given to the state with the largest number present. The contest is based on those who have moved into Rio Hondo and community from some other state. The odds are divided between three states. • • • ALL DAY QUILTING— The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. G. B. Warren all day Wednesday and quilted for Mrs. J. F. Ehlers. The gathering was both pleasant and profitable and it wTas decided to have another such meeting next Thursday July 25 with Mrs. Lee Ella Caffal. At this meeting the women had on display a large sup ply of stamped goods for inspection. • • • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Joe Yeoman and | daughters Eva Jean and Josephine returned from Tyler, Monday after an absence of several weeks. Miss Eva Jean and her father left Wed nesday for a pleasure and business trip to Kansas and Arkansas. Mrs. Amy Yeoman and her grand son Jimmie wrho are in Canada visiting her son expects to return in a few weeks. Mrs. L. V. Gilmore had as dinner guests Monday Mrs. Smith and children Dick and Mary Lou of San ! Benito and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Houghtaling of Rio Hondo. Dr. and Mrs. Thompson of Har lingen were among the visitors at community church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jeffery of Brownsville visited relatives and friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Chi cago friends of Mr. and Mrs. Klose are visiting in the Valley for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Klose and daughters are having a delightful trip. At present they are in the mountains of Colorado. George Hudson of McAllen, son of Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Hudson of Rio Hondo. Otto and Helen Nielsen of San Juan, and Miss Lois Carpen ter of San Benito visited at the manse and attended the good cit izenship rally at the community church. «. __ HARLINGEN. VISITORS ENTERTAINED Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Richards entertained with bridge Monday evening honoring their guests. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sims of Waco. Baskets of hibiscus adorned the living rooms and roses were used in the dining room. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Martin were high players for the evening and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Macy received low score. The honorees were given Mexican pottery. An ice and sweet course featur ing pink and white was served to 16 guests. * * * COURSEYS HOSTS Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Coursey enter tained with six tables of bridge Monday evening at their home.on Washington street. Ferns and vari-colored flowers were used throughout the home, making an attractive background for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldhamer re ceived high score and Mrs. John Thompson and Grant Rader re ceived low. An ice course was served to 24 guests. * * % DINNER PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Finley Ewing com plimented Miss Vera Letzerich and her fiance, L. R. Baker, with a din ner party at their home on West Buchanan. Columbia roses and corona vine artistically arranged in a silver bas ket centered the table where plates were laid for 8 guests. A four course dinner was served to Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Letzerich, Miss Vera Letzerich, L. R. Baker, and Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Letzerich. A special gift from the hosts marked th3 honor guests’ places. • • • BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. D. E. Worley entertained in honor of her two children’s birth day. The son, Russell Worley, was 13 years of age Monday and her daughter, Beryl, was 8 years of age Sunday. Two birthday cakes adorned the table featuring a color theme of pink and white. Bright colored pa per hats were given as favors to each guest. After the cakes were cut and served with ice cream to the guests, Russell entertained with a theater party at the Arcadia while Bervl entertained her guests at home with contests and games played on the lawn. Twelve guests were present. * * * OUTING PARTY Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Kelly and their guests, Mrs. Lee Filgo and Mrs. Horace Cole and children of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. John Crockett and children and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bush and children enjoyed an outing Sunday at Point Isabel. Swimming followed by a picnic supper were the main diversions. ♦ * * SWIMMING PARTY A party composed of Mr. and Mrs, Lee Dubois. Doctor Georgia Howell, J. L Bryan and Miss Emma Roe enjoyed an outing party to the natural palm grove, later going to Boca Chica for a swim and picnic supper. • • • i BRIDE-ELECT AND FIANCE HONORED Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Letzerich en tertained Tuesday evening with bridge at their home on East Polk street, honoring Miss Vera Letzerich and her fiance L. R. Baker. Summer flowers in a variety of colorful hues featuring a pink and green color theme adorned the rooms and gave the keynote for a floral theme in the game acces sories and refreshment course. Mrs. Charles Wood received high score for the evening. Mrs. W. T. Jackson of Sherman low and high cut went to Mr. Baker. The honor guests were presented special gifts from their hosts. A delicious ice course was served to 18 guests. Mr and Mrs. H G. Seago enter tained at their home in Brownsville Wednesday evening honoring Miss Vera Letzerich, bride-elect, the bridal party and a few close friends. The rooms were adorned with ferns and pink roses, which featured the pink and green scheme also carried out in the tallies and score pads of bridal design and in the score tro phise. Attractive trophies were presented \rj 1 duc*ss Mr and Mrs, Ooncs arcntr ,» speak-ino' ^No/thcyta only on shrieking term’s / • ___®J to high players and a special gift was presented Miss Letzerich and Mr. Baker. The personnel included four tables of players. * * LUNCHEON Mrs. Charles Wood, Mrs. Floyd Smith were join hostesses for a morning bridge and luncheon, which honored Miss Vera Letzerich, bride-elect of July. The hostesses used the bridal theme.of pink and green in the floral decorations of pink roses and corona vine. High score prize was won by Miss Carrol Lee Thompson and Mrs. Tom Sampson the consolation. The hon oree was given a beautiful electric waffle iron as a special gift from the hostesses. A delicious two-course luncheon was served to 20 guests. • * * VISITORS HONORED A beautiful bridge party was given by Mrs. Jack Carey at her home in Stuart Place Wednesday afternoon honoring Mrs. Jack Chiles of Austin and Mrs. Roy Potts of Belton. High score prizes were given Mrs. Aubrey Elliott of Belton and low to Mrs. Loyd Thompson. The hon orees were given dainty gifts A salad course was served to 12 guests. i i * BRIDGE FOR GUESTS Mrs. Archie Harw’ood entertained with a bridge luncheon Friday at the Mercedes Country Club honor ing Mrs. Chiles of Austin and Mrs. Potts of Belton. Following the luncheon three tables were arranged for the game of bridge. High score was awarded Mrs. Lawrence Hoskins and the honorecs received gifts from the hostess. Twelve guests enjoyed this de lightful hospitality. • m • CHILDREN S PARTY Mrs. T. S. Herren entertained with a children's party Wednesday afternoon honoring Dorothy Lum mus of Columbus, Ga . who is visit ing her aunt Mrs. Cliford Herren. The guests v.rere escorted to the Arcadia Theater to see “The Rain bow Man” after which they re turned to the home of the hostess and enjoyed contests and games on the lawn, rce cream and cake was served to 14 guests. * * * PERSONALS Mrs. Lillian Cole and her three sons left Thursday on a vacation trio to be spent in Oklahoma. Misses Mary Eva and Gladys Crockett left Monday for Houston - ...— ~ I SPIVEY * KOWALS VO BLDQ • 5P,vt 'pHONE 100 atfer visiting in the home of Dr. and Mrs. John Crockett. Mrs. Claude Fullick returned Sat urday from a vacation spent in San Antonio and New Mexico. Mrs. Sid Berly returned Friday from a short stay in San Antonio and KerrviUe. ' MISSION BAPTIST MISSIONARY The Baptist Missionary Union met at the church on Wednesday with circle number three acting hosts, while Mrs. Galen Bushey was program leader. The subject was “Prayer,” and the leader was assisted by the Mesdames Bob Hardgrave. Holder, Weeks. Mar tin and Rhae. • • • AUXILIARY MEETS The Presbyterian Auxiliary met at the church last Thursday, with an executive board session after which the regular Bible study period was held, Mrs. Lelacheur being the leader. • • • POTTERS ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Potter enter tained at bridge on Friday evening, with a five-table affair. Mrs. Hampe of McAllen and Orville Lowry be ing high score holders, Mrs. T. R. Card and John Brinkman holding low scores. Out-of-club guests were Messrs, and Mesdames T. R. Card, E. B. Balthorpe, Mrs. R. C. Lowry, Misses Margaret Kirkland and Vera Clark and Joe Price and Orville Lowry. • • ■ ENTRE NOUS Miss June Mayberry was hostess to the Entre Nous club membership on Saturday afternoon last, when two tables of the younger set en joyed the game. Misses Katherine Kohler, Lillian Mayberry, Margaret Cannon, Florella Salter. Janet Cald well, Mary Ferguson, Vivian Card and the hostess composed the per sonnel. * * * HARRIS-BURGEVIN Miss Inez Harris and Henry Bur gevin were married on Friday after noon at the residence of Rev. A. Rader in McAllen, wh'' performed the ceremony. The youn*, people left immediately after the rites W’ere performed, going to Weslaco and Erowmsville for a short wedding trip. * • • WOODS-BOYD Miss Dixie Lee Woods, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Woods of Mcnte Christo and Norton Boyd of By MRS. ALEXANDER GEORGE Sunday Plans Breakfast Cantaloupe, Chilled Ham and Egg Omelet Blueberry Muffins Coffee Dinner Roast of Lamb New Potatoes and Parsley Mint Gelatin Salad Bread Currant Jam Peach Pudding Coffee Supper Sliced Lamb Sandwiches Sweet Pickles Caramel Ice Box Cookies Iced Tea Ham and Egg Omelet, Serving Six 6 egg yolks; 2-3 cup milk; 1-4 teaspoon paprika; 1-2 teaspoon salt; 1-4 teaspoon celery salt; 6 egg whites, stiffly beaten; 1-2 cup chopped cooked ham. Place the butter in a frying pan and heat slowly. Beat the egg yolks, milk, paprika, salt and cel ery salt. Carefully fold In the egg whites and ham. Pour into tha hot frying pan. Cook slowly for 10 minutes. Turn onto a hot serv ing platter and surround with pars- ' ley. Mint Gelatin Salad 1 package mint flavored gelatin: 2 cups boiling water; 1 cup diced cucumbers; 1-2 cup cooked peas; 1-2 cup cooked, diced carrots; 1 t tablespoon finely chopped onion; t 1-4 teaspoon salt; 1-4 teaspoon J paprika. Pour the water over the gelatin mixture and set in a mar* tn stiffen. Unmold on serve with mayonnaise Peach Desse.. 2 cups chilled boiled custard (thick); 2 cups sliced peaches; G tablespoons sugar; 6 slices white cake. Chill the peaches, peel and dice. ' and add the sugar. Arrange on the cake and surround with the chilled custard. Serve at once with a spoon. this city were married on Sunday afternoon last, the Rev. A. Rader, Methodist minister of McAllen per forming the service. The young peo ple were accompanied by Misses Nita Bourgols ana Thelma Ratcliff and Mr. Clois Murdock. After the ceremony the wedding party re turned to this city where Mrs. J. Boyd, mother of the groom, pro vided the wedding dinner, the dinner, the young people leaving immediately afterward for an un announced destination. * * • GUEST HONORED Honoring Mrs. Travis Jennings of Brownsville, a house guest at the (Continued on page 7.) LONDON.—The famous Bach- I elors’ club has lowered its flag—a failure. Married men are to be ad mitted to membership. | La Joya Gravel Co. I 1 INCORPORATED I I MISSION, TEXAS BOX 664 g HOMES and < iMESITES In Brownsville's Finest Residential Section . - - ■■■■ ■ . • II .. ■ I ' - ■ ' " ' ' " " _ ~ ^ ~ __ AKi Drive through r Los Ebanos — (the Ebonies) — today! LOS EBANOS ** .- A cool, beautiful residential section of de rp*vpn 9TRFFT^ sirable people — Within easy walking dis tance of the Brownsville school system CITY WATER and various churches. Only a four-minute ELECTRICITY drive to downtown Brownsville. STORM SEWERE SANITARY SEWERS Drive out Palm Boulevard today it TnTOwnviss leads direct to the beautiful Los Ebanos NATURAL GAS e“‘?nce: Judge for yourself the desir ability of owning a home of your own in STREET LIGHTS this smart, sensibly restricted residential - — addition. % James-Dickinson Co. r . Ground Floor in El Jardin Hotel Realtors ^ Brownsville 18 Years in the Lower Rio GranHe yalley ! I r