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Want To Get Into Something Different?-Read The “Business Opportunities.’’ J AUTOMOTIVE 10th & Adams *28 Chevrolet Cabriolet.' Original fin ish. New tires. Mechanically O. K. Clean as new car and has number accessories .$525 W7 Chevrolet Coach. First clas3 me chanical condition. Good tires and battery. An O. K. car.$285 *28 Chevrolet Touring. New Duco fin ish." New tires. Battery O. K. New f, seat covers. An O. K. car. .$380 svrolet Coupe. Original finish.! irsize tires. First class mechan conditlon . $485 ivrolet Landau Sedan. New Du co finish. First class mechanical condition . $285 *27 Chevrolet Coach. New tires. New Duco finish. Mechanically O. K.$335 ^23 Ford Coupe. Good tires, some new. Mechanical condition good. New Duco paint .$135 *27 Chevrolet Coupe. New Duco fin ish. good tires. Mechanically O. K. .$300 *26 Chevrolet Couch. New Duco finish. New tires. Good mechanical con dition .$265 ^3 Ford Coudc. New DUco paint, good tires, and good mechanical condi tion.$150 *23 Ford Truck. Canopy top screen sides. Regular Cab. Good tires and good mechanical condition. Only .$200 OPEN EVENINGS STEVENSON MOTOR CO., Inc. Brownsville, Texas. AUTOMOTIVE FOR QUICK SALE—New 1929 Bulck coupe with rumble seat. This car haa been driven 2000 miles at not over 25 miles per hour. Was bought Jan. 15 and has been locked In garage since Feb 5. For sale at over $400 reduc tion from cost. Terms. For demon stration write box 344, Alamo. Texas. S-191 HELP WANTED 500 RELIABLE cotton farmers wanted 22,000 acres Willacy Co. dry land for rent. Must be able to finance self. Delta Orchards Co., phone 1080. Harlingen. Texas, or T. C. Green, phone 95. Raymondvllle, Texas. 8-217 BITTERS FOR what you nave to sell are many. A classified ad will con nect the wires. WANTED- -experienced waiter for Gulfside Casino. Call Point Isabel 24. 8-244 WANTED AT ONCE—The best Ford parts man In the Valley; also experi enced service manager. Both must have reliable references. Tenlson Mo tor Co., authorized Ford dealer, Don na, Texas. 8-204 PLENTY OP HELP of the right kind is listed In the "Situations Wanted" columns of the Classified Section. SALESMEN—AGENTS WANTED AT ONCE—Three experienced Ford salesmen to sell new Fords. Ten lson Moto Co., authorized Ford deal er, Donna, Texas. 8-205 EVERY DAY there Is a new list of of fers and wants in the Classified Sec tion. Watch it carefully and regulafly and get Just what you want. Classified Business Directory ARCHITECTS BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architect*—Engineers 208 Merchants Bank Bldg. Phone 617 Brownsville, Texas E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 _^——■ I R. NEWELL WATERS Architect t-12 Security State Bank Building Wesiaco. Texas E. B. GORE Civil and Consulting Engineer Boom 408. State National £*ak BrownsVUlc, Texas. Phone 1077. BIJILPER8—CONTRACTORS PROCTER & DUDLEY. . General Contractor ^ 528 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 E. M. RIDLEY" General Contractor Roads, Land Leveling, Plowing, Sub-soiling «vr A VATION S EMBANKMENTS *5*merchants natt, bank BROWNSVILLE _ ' CASH REGISTERS national cash REGISTER CO. Registers bought, eold and exchanged W E. Banders. Representative _ phone 29. Harlingen, Tex. Box 905 -" pray—TRANSFER • Mason Transfer & Grain Co. bonded warehouse SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING J105 Adams. Phone 138 AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY Crating. Shipping. Hauling Phones 421 and 519 - FLORISTS 'r 'THE FLOWER SHOP, Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 unWYER THE FLORIST, flowers Swi - —sral designs. St Charles , streets. Phone 77L L hotels—cafes_ • -WHITE KITCHEN Famous tot it* Cooking-Immaculacy and Service The popular {dace for business lunches i»th between Elisabeth and Washington *■" financial LOANS fin unproved residence and business property. Todd and Underwood 1087 Levee St. Brownsville. Texas. A. TAMM Blue Printing and Supplies -Harlingen, Texas mM vv - MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. All repair work guaranteed SOMMERS l£th and Adams _ Phone 674 _ NICKEL PLATING Electro-Nickel Plating We nickel plate bumpere. radiators, headlights, etc. Also mirrors plated VALLEY ELECTRO PLATING WORKS 15th and Polk. Phone 55. Brownsville. Texas. OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL FILING Equipment Maverick-Clarke Litho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 617—Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVES STATIONERY Sc BOOK STORE _Brownsville. Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS ROOFING THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO.. Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1168 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville’s Typewriter House) Distributors, New L. C. Smith “Si lent” 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers, Also sell Royal Portable* and “Factory” Rebuilt®—all makes. We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth St Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER SALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repairs Phone 506—Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS RALPH A. DUNKELBERG Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Seabury, George and Taylor Building Brownsville, Texas Davenport West and Ransome Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville, Texas H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Texas J. T. Canales C. S. Eidman, Jr. CANALES AND EIDMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Batik Brownsville, Texas H. L. Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville CHIROPRACTOR M. Cook, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR Nerv-O-Meter Service 1715 Grant and Seventeenth Victoria Heights Brownsville. Texas. . Phone 1228-J EL VIBRA SYSTEM USED REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Brownsville’s Supreme Residential Dis trict, carefully restricted, completely improved- Home site* from $1200.00. easy terms. James-DlcXinson Co., Realtors, corner El Jardln Hotel Bldg.. Brownsville* SALESMEN—AGENTS SALESMAN WANTED—to sell Chero lets. Should have some successful ex perience. Bring references. Perman ent position and satisfactory Income. Stevenson Motor Co., Inc. S-243. S. UATIONS WANTED MAN, 50 years old, had years experi ence as plantation manager, also ex perienced bookkeeper, will take any kind of Job to get started, as desire to leave delta country. If Interested, write B. F. O’Bannon, Lake Cormorant, Miss. Box 35. S-212 WANTED—Position as practical nurse. Call at Volunteers of America. Mary Carter. 8-241. LIVESTOCK—POULTRY I BUY HORSES and mules, wild or tamed. Jose Cue. Hotel Imperial. H. Matamoros. Mexico. Phone 57. S-177 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE OR LEASE—Confectionery and cafe; doing good business; In live Valley town; good location. Box 887, Donna. Texas. 8-78 FOR SALE—Cafe; good business, fine location. Address Box 174. La Feria. Texas. 8-2 GENERAL MERCHANDISE store 7 miles south of San Juan on the Stew art road, opposite Valley Gin Co., at Wlllieh, Texas. Best buy In Valley. Reason for selling, owner must leave Valley on account of health. Write H. G. Wheeler, R. F. D. 1, San Juan, Tex. 8-53 BUSINEE OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE—Bill’s Cafe at 7th and Jackson, opposite 8. P. freight depot. Good reason for selling. S-200 MISCELLANEOUS TIME WELL SPENT Is time devoted to looking over the classified ads. .FOR SALE AT BARGAIN PRICES— Two good farm horses and one good wagon and other farming equipment. Also a lot of house and kitchen fur niture. J. W. Sharp, three miles north and half mile east of Harlingen. Briggs paved road. Leaving the Valley. S-187 ARTICLES FOR SALE BRIGHT CANE HAY for sale: $17.0) per ton. delivered. J. B. Kee, 1523 W Elizabeth street. Phone 1393-W FOR SALE—Office furniture, steel safe, filing cabinet, legal documents com partments, mahogany desks and chairs; all In first-class condition. Harlingen land Investment Co., Moore Hote1 Harlingen, Texas. 8-236 WANTED—REAL ESTATE R. U. Dissatisfied? If for some reason you are anxious to sell your improved grove, farm, or land In brush. It will pay you to get in touch with us at once. We have bona fide prospective customers with cash Address. WITTROCK & CO. 806 Harrison St. Oak Park, Illinois 8-210 REAL ESTATE Los Ebanos Lot We have been authorized by owner to sell bis beautiful Los Ebanos lot for *1.000; terms can be arranged. This is an unusual sacrifice. Call Mr Egan at James-Dleklnscn. phone 499. 8-119 # INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVEST In Brownsville’s new business and residential 6ub-divtslon, located on 13tb and 14th streets, one mile from Gateway Bridge, on the main thorough fare leading to the proposed ■hip channel, municipal air port. rich farming district of El Jardln, and Boca Chlca Beach. Easy terms. Ten per cent down, balanee 5 years to pay. Jesse Dennett. phone427. Brownsville, Texas. GOOD LAND in Raymondville district at bargain. Improved and unimproved. Large or small tracts. Several pieces suitable for development and subdi vision. Prices are right. Terms are right. A pleasure to show you. Oeo. R. Lochrle, Raymondville, Texas. S-224 For Sub-Division 160 Acres Located 4 blocks from tbe high school and closer to Brownsville than the exclusive Los Ebanos Subdivision. Winding resaca run ning through property offering natural lake ftont sites for sub division. This property is for sale by owners and ean be bought at a very attractive price. Henson-Lo max & Houston and BrownsvUle Development Co. % FARMS FOR SALE FOR SALE—50 acres of land, will sell 10 or 20 acre blocks at a bargain; Some cash, balance easy terms. Phone 25 F 15, address Weslaao, Box 128. 6-242. FOR SALE—20 acres very best Citrus land; on paved highway: modern Bungalow with Bath. 5 acres In orch ard; all In Cultivation. Very attractive price. Updegraff. La Ferla, Texas. 6-24. DAILY READING of the Classified Section means dally savings. BIG RETURNS from small Invest ments. That’s what you get from classified advertising. WE HAVE some fine potato and citrus land in small or large tracts. Will be glad to show them. F. W. Howard. Phone 1090. S-128 HOUSES FOR SALE FOR SALE—Hollow tile stucco bunga low In Los Ebanos; cash or terms. Phone 1258-J. S-157 FOR SALE—New thoroughly modern 5-room house, best buv in Brownsville. See Mrs. Florence Stafford. 1719 Hayes street, Victoria Heights. Phone 1C75-M. __ 6-237 FOR SACRIFICE—New thoroughly modern 5-room house, best in Browns ville. See Mrs. Florence Stafford. 1719 Hayes street. Victoria Heights. Phone 1075-M. 8-237. BUY OB EXCHANGE FOR SALE—An exceptionally well lo cated piece of citrus land on the main highway close to good town; suitable for subdivision of five and ten-acre tracts. Priced right. Can accept some trade, balance easy terms. J. L. Mc Daniel, Donna. Texas. Phone 1S2. i 6-208 CLASSIFIED RATES and RULES Advertisements will be accepted over the telephone from telephone subscribers, or from those having regular charge accounts. Other classified advertising must be ac companied by cash. No advertising accepted on an “until forbid" order. A specified number of insertions must be given. The Herald reserves the right to place all advertisements under the proper classification, and reject unclean or objectionable copy. Obituaries, resolutions, and cards of thanks will be taken at the reg ular classified rata. The publishers are not responsi ble for copy, omissions, typograph ical error or any unintentional er ror that may occur, farthei than to correct In the next Issue after it la brought to their attention. All ad vertising orders are accepted on this basis only. Telephone No. 8 and dictate your advertisement to an experienced classified writer. To Insure publication same day copy should be presented not later than 10:30 a. xa. Copy for Sunday Issues should be In not later than 1:30 p. m. Saturdays to insure proper classification. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words cr less, one in sertion.30c Over 30 words, one Insertion, per word .Hfci Subsequent Insertions run con secutively. per word. lc By month, per word.25c Minimum for monthly rats, 10 words. No classified advertisement ac cepted for less than.30c LOCAL HEADER RATES Readers, per count line. 20c— Per Inch .$1.20 Second and third days. 17c line; fourth, fifth and sixth days. 15c per line; 7 consecutive days. 15c per line. LOTS FOK SALE BEAUTIFUL LOS EBANOS LOT— Southeast exposure; must be sold at a sacrifice. Phone 1398-W, or call at No. 1. Del Francis Apartments. Lo§ Ebanos. 8-117 WANTED TO BUT WANTED—2 female donkeys. Phone 791. Harlingen, or write P. O Box 758. _ 8-18 RENTALS FOR RENT Garage 50x75 Feet Corner Second and Fronton Velvorene Motor Oil Co. Phone 568 FOR RENT-.-Warehouse space for any thing from a trunk to 10 carloads Rents very reasonable. Sprowl Fruit Co.. Mission. Texas. 8-1 APARTMENTS ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely fur nlshed. Corner Sixth and Levee Phene 839. P-208 FURNISHED APARTMENTS—W a t e r. lights and gas furnished Phone 55. P182 CONLEY APARTMENTS—Cool, and all conveniences. 357 W. Levee or phone 847-R._ Q-211 FOR RENT—Three-room apartment Also bedroom and living room Con necting bath. Oarage. Phone 242. R-141 APARTMENT for rent on paved street. Lights, water and gas furnished. All eocvenleucea. Phone 429 ^_ 0-27t AN AUTOMOBILE Is not so bard to buy If you watch for the bargains of fered in the "Automotive" columns of the Classified Section. MAY DAY APARTMENTS-Cool, new. modern. ll located. Completely fur nished including zerozones. gas. garage Summer rates. 121 Washington. Phone 7M-_S-26 WHEN MARKETING a new product you’ll find an ad In the "Solicitors Canvassers, Agents"* column of the Classified Section Is well •tb while TWO-ROOM furnished .partment and meals. 1022 St, Charles. Phone 629-W __ 8-57 THREE-ROOM southeast apartment; very attractive rental. Phone 946-W. __ 8-80 THREE-ROOM apartment In new du plex. Hardwood floor, all conveniences 1114 West Elizabeth street. Apply to Carlos G. Watson. 6-200 APARTMENTS THE FITCH APARTMENTS Corner St. Charles and West Eighth streets. Four-room strictly modern. beautifully furnished. delightfully cool apartments. Frlgldalre. gas. hot and cold water and garage. Hardwood floors throughout. PHONE MRS. FITCH, 558. 6-88 COMPLETELY FURNISHED 3-room apartment; private bath and entrance; with garage: only $30 month. Phone 470. Fewter-Moothart Co. S-232 FURNISHED SOUTHEAST apartment Bedroom has 7 windows; bath, gas. ga rage; $25. Phone 820-J. 1248 W. Wash ington. R-240 FOR RENT—New cool apartments and rooms. Phone 957-J. S-170 FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS, one block from postoffice one block from El Jardln hotel; large, southern exposure; reasonable. Phone 1226-W or 1317. 14-215 ROOMS AND APARTMENTS—Reason able rates. Qlenwood Hotel. Phone 619. _P-118 THE BEST "trouble shooters” In the home are classified ads. LOVELY furnished cool room In private family. Close In. Phone 918-W. __R-177 BEDROOM in private home: close In; lady preferred. Phone 1149-J. s-181 FRONT BEDROOM on cool aide In modern home. Close In, with gas wa ter heater. Apply 408 St. Francis St. _ S-240 FURNISHED ROOM In private famllv. 442 Levee. Phone 578. 6-64. HOUSES FOR RENT—8-room bouse: all con veniences. St. Charles and Palm Blvd Phone 896-W R-216 6-ROOM HOUSE, close In, modem phone 83R S-48 HOUSES WEST BROWNSVILLE—Modem 3-room house: garage; jas. Phone 811. S-187 FOR RENT—5-room modem residence near school and on pavement J. G. Starck, Putegnat Hardware Co.* 8-193 FOR RENT—7-room house on Highway 12, close In; known as Huff house; new roof and redecorated; $40 month. Foe ter-Moothart Co. 8-196 5-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE—Also furnished apartment. Miss Gentry, 732 Palm Blvd. HOUSE IN LOS EBANOS FOR RENT Brick veneer, unfurnished; 5 rooms; all modern conveniences; garage. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE ON ST. FRANCIS STREET. Modem conveniences: garage; cool. John B. Puckett, care Rio Grande Valley Trust Co. 8-234 WANTED TO BENT WANT TO RENT—Furnished 5-room modern home. See Fostar-Moothart Co., phone 476. 8-197 Rivalry Expressed At Railway Hearing FORT WORTH, July 30.—(-TV Bitter rivalry between two major railroad systems and a third cropped out here today at a hearing before the interstate commerce commission on proposed railroad ex tensions In northwest Texas and the Panhandle. When J. D. Hutcheson, vice pres ident of the St. Louis and San Fran cisco railway of Texas was on the stand, testifying as to the necessity of the sale of the Gulf, Texas and Western railway to the Frisco, J. H. Barwise, attorney for the Fort Worth and Denver City, intimated the Fort Worth and Denver did not look with favor on any line which would decrease that road’s pas senger traffic from Quanah and Vernon to Fort Worth and Dallas. Legion Drum Crop* To Attend Meeting All members of the Legion bugle and drum corps have signed up for the trip to the national convention to be held at Louisville, Ky. The local corps, adjudged the best in Texas at the last national con vention. has been busy working on new drills for the past months. They will give a demonstration on the streets Saturday afternoon in connection with the Legion mem bership drive. “We have added to our routine considerably and will put on one of the prettiest drills ever seen in Brownsville Saturday.” W. R. Kie kel, commander, states. Death Sentence I* Commuted to Life AUSTIN. July 30.—(JP)—Juan Flores, convicted in San Antonio for murder in connection with a hold up and sentenced to death, received clemency from Governor Moody a few hours before he was to have been electrocuted In Huntsville prison early today. After having granted the con demned man 10 reprieves, the gov ernor late yesterday commuted his sentence to life imprisonment. Flores was indicted for the mur der of Manuel Fernandez, 15, who was stabbed to death while resist ing robbery of his mother’s store Two men had entered the store, on* with a pistol and another with a knife. Flores had been identifiel as the one with a pistol. The oth er man was never apprehended. "" *Air' Mail^Schedule7 ""'j The schedule for the mall between Brownsville and Dallas is announced by the postoffice department as fol lows: Southbound— Leave Dallas . 7:45 a. m Leave Ft. Worth ........ 8:15 a. m Leave Waco . 9:20 a. m Leave Austin .. 10:25 a. m Leave San Antonio . 11:20 a. on Arrive Brownsville . 2:05 p. m Northbound Leave BrownsvLle ........ 1:25 p. m Leave San Antonio . 4:15 p. m Leave Austin . 5:10 p. m Leave Waco . 6:15 p. m Leave Ft. Worth . 7:15 p. m Arrive Dallas . 7:35 p. m The schedule for the American air mall to Mexico City Is as follows: Leave Brownsville . 8:30 a. m Arrive Tampico .11:00 a. m Leave Tampico .11:30 a. m Arrive Mexico City.,. 1:45 p. m Following is tne schedule for tb< Mexican air mall: Leave Mexico City . 7:45 a. m Arrive Tampico . 10:00 a. m Leave Tampico .10:25 a. m Arrive Brownsville .12:55 p.m Following la the schedule on the Brownsvilie-Mazatlan Route: Leave Brownsville . 7 a. m Arrive Monterrey . 9:30 a. m Leave Monterrey .. 9:50 a. m Arrive Torreon . 12:3Q p. m Leave Torreon . 1:50 p. m Arrive Durango . 3:30 p. m Leave Durango . 4:10 p.* m Arrive Mazatlan .. 6:10 p- m Return trip: Leave Mazatlan .. 7:00 a. m Arrive Durango . 9:00 a. m Leave Durango .. 9:20 a. m Arrlv- Torreon . 11:50 p. m Leave Torreon .. 12:10 p. m Arrive Monterrey .. 3:10 p. m Leave Monterrey .. 4:10 p. m Arrive Brownsville .'... 6:10 p. m POSTAL RATES The United States air mall postage rate Is 5 cents Ter the first ounce and 10 cents for each additional ounce ot fraction thereof. Letters mailed In the United States for the points Id Mexico take this rate. Train Schedule* MISSOURI PACIFIC LINES No. 12—To Houston. San Antonio 6:10 a. m. No. 14—To Houston. 7:00 p. m. No. 10—'To Houston. San Antonio 9:00 p. m. No. 15—From 8t. Louis. San Antonio Houston. 7:3U a. m. No. IS—From Houston. 8:10 a. m. No: 11—From San Antonio and Hous ton. 9:55 p. m. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES No. 319—From Houston. San Anto olo, 8:15 a. m. No. 320—To Houston. San Antonio. 9:15 d m NATIONAL LINES OP MEXICO (Matamoroe Station) No. 132—To Monterrey. Mexico City. 9:50 a. m. No. 131—From Mexico City, Monter rey. 3: 30 o. m RIO GRANDE RAILWAY , . To Point Isabel. 9.30 a. m. From Point Isabel, 4 p. ok CROP ROTATION FARM SUBJECT Speaker Discusses Practical Value In Short Course Program Lecture COLLEGE 8TATION, Texas. July 30.—Crop rotation Is becoming of increasing importance on many Texas farms, not only because of Its value in producing larger yields but for various other practical rea sons also, E. A. Miller, agronomist of the Extension Service, A. and M. College of Texas, pointed out in addressing the farm crops division of the Farmers Short' Course here Monday. Advantages of a good ro tation or cropping system, in ad dition to increased yields to the acre, were cited by Mr. Miller as follows: Aid in the control of in sect pests and plant diseases, help in keeping down weeks, use of a legume or soil building crop such as cowpeas, soy beans, sweet clover and the like, and better distribution of labor on the farm. Experiments by the Texas Agri cultural Experiment Station at the blackland substation near Temple showed big increase in acre yield and +he largest net profits in the rotation of cotton, com and oats, Mr. Miller said. “In this rotation” he added, “the average yields to the acre over a period of 10 years were 276 pounds of lint cotton, 34.3 bushels of corn and 32 bushels of oxts as contrasted with 142 pounds of lint cotton, 19.3 bushels of com and 27.3 bushels of oats with con tinuous cropping. Every acre in the rotation made an average profit of $15.96 whereas continuous cotton made only $7.33 profit an acre.” A four year rotation of cotton, cowpeas. com and oati at the main station at College Staifon, produced an average annual yield over a per iod of 13 years of 223 pounds of lint cotton, while cotton planted on the same land year after year made only 182 pounds to the acre, the speaker said. The results of these and other experiments cited prove conclusively that a farmer can well afford to establish a good cropping system, he added in con clusion. Charges Commission ‘Grabs’ Best Seats CHICAGO, July 30.—(;P)—A re bellion against the adm ted prac tice of the Illinois state boxing com mission in demanding choice seats for boxing shows was started today by Paddy Harmon, director of the Chicago Stadium company. Harmon made public complaint to the press that the commission had "grabbed” 959 of the choicest seats for the sammy Mendell-Tony Can roneri lightweight championship fight at the stadium Friday night. “The stadium hasn't received a cent for these tickets and the prac tice has become so serious to pro moters in Chicago that the time has come for a showdown,” Harmon said. “For this coming fight, the commission has taken C 39 seats, worth more than $8,000. without paying a cent for them. What could we do but give them to the com missioners? If they didn’t get them. It would be too bad for us. We have to get dates frc.n the commission.” Harmon said he would request the commission either to return the tickets or pay for them. Paul Prehn, chairman of the ring body, said the large number of tickets were requested to fill the de mands of politicians and friends of the commission. Houston Firm Takes Accounting Company The accounting business conduct ed by George B. Simpson and Com pany, with offices at Brownsville and San Antonio, has been acquired by John G. Manison and company of Houston, Brownsville officials have announced. Mr. Simpson will remain with the new firm. John G. Manison and Company will maintain offices at Houston. Brownsville and San Antonio, and will have several certified public accountants on their staff. City Briefs] Announcing the opening today of the Cafe Azteca; specializing in ta males. enchaladas and all Mexi can dishes. 1209 Elizabeth St., up stairs. phone 459-W.—adv. 2. Visit the Corset Shop and see the black lace bandeaus and side hook girdles. 1327 Elizabeth.—adv. 5. Water Blisters on hands or feet will disappear after a few applica tions of Imperial Eczema Remedy. All druggists are authorized to re fund your money if it fails.—adv. — » *-> Superintend Harvest—Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brewer have gone to Taft, Texas, where they will spend about six weeks. Mr. Brewer is superintending the gathering of the cotton crop on a large farm which he owns near that place. Permanent Waving machine, bar ber’s chair and other beauty par lor equipment. Apply Ideal Beauty Parlor, 1251 Elizabeth street. Adv. G Coming Here—Mexican Consul L. Lopez MonterO left Douglas, Ariz., for Brownsville Monday. He and his wife have been visiting relatives in the Arizona city. They are driving through in an automobile. Elks to Initiate—Several candi dates for initiation will be received into the Elks club Wednesday night, officials state, and a large attend ance is urged for the proper con duction of the ceremony. Removed.—The Parra and Broth er grocery store has removed to larger quarters at 1215 Levee street. Repainting.—Inside trimming of the Stegman building is being re painted. Announcing the opening today of the Cafe Azteca, specializing in ta males, enchiladas and all Mexican dishes. 1209 Elizabeth St., phone 459-W.—adv. 2. Cars Sold.—Two light automo biles were sold at auction by the customs office Monday. They were cars seized carrying liquor. In Minnesota.—Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Dennett have arrived in Minne sota on their automobile tour. Den nett, local postmaster, expects to begin the return trip within about a week. Permanent Waving machine, bar ber’s chair and other beauty parlor equipment. Apply Ideal Beauty Par lor, 1251 Elizabeth street.—adv. Flies to Tampico—A. R. Coleman, head of the Cortez oil company, left for Tampico Tuesday by plane. He had been in New York on business. To Mexico City.—Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Crowley of New York were passengers aboard the Mexico City bound plane Tuesday. H. Lowell, an oil field worker, returned to Tam pico on the same plane. To Michigan.—Mrs. T. J. Nye. will leave by rail for Niles, Mich., Tues day. Last Half Taxes—The city tax collector’s office will be open until 9 o’clock Wednesday night for the convenience of those who have not already paid their last half of city taxes. Hulon Sterling, city tax col lector.—Adv. SOCIETY EDITOROF DALLAS PAPER WEDS DALLAS, Tex., July 30—UP)—Miss Aliena Duff, society editor of the Dallas Daily Times Herald, and Louis James, also of Dallas, were married yesterday at the Little Church Around the Corner in New York, according to word received by friends here. DRUG FIRM ACQUIRES TWO NEW COMPANIES NEW YORK, July 30.—UP)—Drug, Inc., which owns the United Drug Co., and the Liggett chain of stores, has acquired Bristol Myers Co , manufacturers of pharmaceutical products, and the 3-in-l Oil com pany. SCOUT FOND DRIVE OPENS Brownsville Committee Will Seek to Raise $3600 Quota Setting as their goal $3500 and starting this afternoon toward at taining their objective, Brownsville leaders in Boy Scout work are planning to give every citizen an opportunity to contribute to a fund which will be used to finance lo cal activities, to help defray the expense of the Valley-wide council, to pay off a part of the debt on Camp Perry and possibly to erect a Brownsville Boy Scout hut at the camp on the Arroyo Colorado, near Rio Hondo. Arrangements for the drive were made at a meeting at the chamber of commerce building Monday night, E. E. Mockbee, manager of the local telephone exchange, was named chairman of the drive and assistants include H. L. Faulk, W. O. Washington, J. L. Abney, Capt.. Sterling, Sgt. Sanderson, Bascom Cox, Stuart and W. E. Collins. The city has been divided into 12 districts and a committee has been assigned to visit every person liv ing in each of the 12 districts. The sum sought includes $2500 as Brownsville’s portion of the annual Valley-wide budget and $1000 which was not raised on the budget for 1928. “This is an investment in future citizenship that we are asking ths citizens of Brownsville to make,” Mockbee said just before the drive started. “We are not asking for gifts, we are asking people to buy something—to make an investment which will pay rich rewards in the future of pur city, county, state and nation. “We hope by this drive to be able to interest enough men in Boy Scout work to enable us to really organize the boys of Brownsville. There now are four troops in Brownsville. There should be at least eight. The boys are clamor ing to enroll and we have no lead ers to put at the head of the troops.” San Benito has raised her quota of the Valley budget and has it in the bank waiting for other Valley towns to do likewise, Mockbee said. He also said Edinburg and other towns already had subscribed their quotas.” Some of the towns have failed to raise the money needed and as a consequence the Valley council is in financial straits.” $15,000 Needed Among those interested in the scout camp are A1 Parker, Lamar Gill, John Shary, R. B. Creager, Blake Seay, John Gregg, I. M. Club, Lloyd Parser, A. Y. Baker, W. B Sellers, Finley Ewing and others. Approximately $15,000 is needed to put Camp Perry out of debt. When completed, this will give Val ley scouts one of the best lodges in the whole United States, officials state. The dead-line for raising Browns ville’s portion of the fund has been set at Aug. 7, at which time the annual encampment will open. The finance committee will seek aid of the local civic club in its drive. REBELS FLEE AFTER ATTACKING VILLAGE MEXICO CITY, July 30.—<#)— Eighteen rebels attacked the village of Apetitlan, Tlaxcala, and fled tc the mountains after looting the place, according to a dispatch tc El Universal. Excelsior’s correspondent at Guadelajara reports that a rebel chieftain known as "El Zarco” has surrendered there with 43 men. The band was given safe conduct home. BONDS FOR GRAIfT ELEVATOR GRANTED WASHINGTON. July 30.— The Galveston Wharf company af Galveston has been authorized by the Interstate Commerce Commis sion to issue $2,245,000 in bonds for the construction cf a new grain ele vator. THE OLD HOME TOWN Stanley /oteT^UdN r-OR. ALL AROUNP^ /^VMELL I Do NT \ I BETTER. 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