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■ • —, M , , i,,,— I.l. ■.1—TT—-.mi.-7 ”C^=a ' ' = I-YTlT-y—v^ Society | Phono 7 * i * HARLINGEN - LET Eg RICH-BAKER The marriage of Miss Vera Let rerlth. daughter of Dr. *.nd Mrs. C. W Letserich. to Lamar Robertson Baker was solemnized at 6:00 o'clock Sunday morning at the First Bap tist church, with Rev. Emmett P. Day. pastor of the First Presbyteri an church of Brownsville, reading the ring ceremony. Mrs. Floyd Smith at the piano, * played the wedding march and the accompaniment for the solo “At Dawning." sung by Mrs. Frank Chastain, with H. H. Sc handers playing the violin obligato. “Believe Me If All Those Enduring Young Charms" was softly played during the ceremony. The decorations of the church were of Columbia roses •-> and Plumosoa fern in tall floor bas kets arranged against a background of palms and ferns. Pink roses with j fern sprays were used In decorating a the choir loft and chancel rail, a i he bride, who was given in mar **rlage by her father, was charming ?in s lovely ensemble of fireside tan 5 chiffon with harmonizing accessor a tea. Her hat was of felt harmonizing jahades. She carried a shower bou * duet of bride’s roses and sweetheart proses with lilies of the valley. Mrs. at H. MerreU. matron of honor. Swore a frock of flesh chiffon wiith 'i blue picture hat and accessories. igMlsa Constance ZirJacks, and Miss t-Elvie Jean Verhelle, bridesmaids, Wwore frocks of pink chiffon with ■? blue picture hats, carrying bou quet* of bride's roses with fern and tied with pink satin ribbon. Mary Frances Seago. in a frock of pink lace, carried the ring m a large pink rose. The groom was attended by Allan Wingerd as best man and A. H Goldamroer. G. M. Taylor. Frank Nayer and Lancey Rodgers served as ushers. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Polk street, alter the ceremony, the rooms be ing adorned with summer blossoms The large tiered wedding cake em bossed with rosebuds and lilies of the valiey topoed with a miniature bride centered the lace laid table from which the ices and sweets were served by Mrs. A. L. BrooLs and Miss Vera Elwing. Punch was served from a large block of ice. into which was frozen pink roses, by Misses Sara Hayner and Miss Bessie Verser. Mrs. Tom Sampson presided over the bride s book. Mr. and Mrs 3aker left by mo tor for New Albany, Miss., and Memphis. Tenn., stopping in New Orleans for a short stay. They will be at home aft..- August 11 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Let zerich. Mrs. Baker has a host of friends throughout the Valley, having lived here most of her life. She is the only' child of Dr. and Mrs C. W Letzerich and granddaughter of Mrs. A. H. Weller, a pioneer resi dent of the /alley. She attended school at Ward belmont college and Southern Methodist University, fin ishing in expression at Miss Scho field s School of Expression in *us tln. Mr. Baker is the son of Mrs. F FRIDAY and SATURDAY ■ 3 SPECIALS i ' ; ■* • B In Our || %m DRAPERY DEPARTMENT ■ £ .. i- —, £ ■ Valencing !h In all light pastel H .. shades ^ I: w ?I Y,rd 5 ■ Kapok » B Pillow Forma J'flj Special at !■ StK ■ B ‘ . E*ch ilB French " Marquiaettea p * In deep sand and ecru. regular 69c values. 36 g ■ inches wide— !* 45c 5® Yard I Regular P9c values, 50 5 ™ inches wide— \: * |i Yard •g Ruffled 5 I Curtains in eeru, with ruffles in S rose, green, blue, and * m gold— I p SPECIAL AT i ■ $1.00 if — r p ^ Damasks Handsome Damasks in I all-over patterns and in stripes; 50 inches wide. | P Regular $2.25 values— - $1.00 g U Yard Regular $3.50 values— ! $2.19 * < Yard i ''• ‘ '* Extra Special Potted Grenadines and * Scrims in ecru and — white— m 2(K ■ Yard — - ■ Rayon Netf _ In bright colors; values up to 90c yard— tm 30c ■ Yard _ M Theatrical | Gauze In all pastel shades; ™ regular 45c values— _ 35c - Yard ■ V ■ ■ I I Figured Grenadines 36 inches wide; in ecru ■ with dainty figures, and in pink, green, or- | chid, and clotted pat terns; excellent for mm criss-crojs curt a i n s. ™ Regular 35c values— — 25c ■ Yard ■ Regular 45c values— 35c . . Yard B Regular 55c values— 45c . Yard g | ■ I_ .. -*.....— ■-■.””.“..... Hpapanwiv ' - • g...” _ Ik • * * * ‘ • SLJUk ; t/Ic XeKQ fakbut' faAA*', wfaeb U> «**, (k9t&c AMMtetA tfafkavi pwvt to fa&lwjjt&Aktik fvu tfo* szttkz?'" | J. T. Biker of Memphis. Tenn He has been manager of the McCrory store here for the past year and has made many irien •• in the Valley. Those from out of town attend ing the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Haynes and daughters. Misses Sara and Mary Frances Haynes. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Seago and daughter. Mary Frances, of Browns ville; Mr. and Mrs. M. R Hall of Brownsville. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Duckett of Weslaco. Mrs. J. T. Jackson of Shevman. Mrs. O. H. Hall of Corpus Christi. Miss Katie Zirjacks. Miss Constance Zirjacks and Winston Zirjacks of Victoria and Miss Elvie Jean Verhelle of oust on. * * * BRIDGE SERIES Mesdames Floyd Smith. Charles Wood and Claude Lee were Joint hostesses for a series of bridge par ties complimenting a large group of friends on Thursday and Fri day afternoons at the home of Mrs. Charles Wood on West Buchanan street. A pink and green color theme was chosen, with roses and corona vine artistically arranged in tall floor baskets and bright colored vases placed at vantage points t rrugh out the home The game table equipment, tallies and the salad and sweet course served at the conclu pink and green touches. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Dave Ecbuepbach received high score. Mrs. M. A. Childers low. and Mrs Jack Carey was presented with high cut. Mrs. O. H. Hall of Corpus Christi and Mrs. W. T. Jackson of Sherman, who are visiting their daughters and sisters, Mrs Chas. i Wood and Mrs Floyd Smith, were given special gifts from the hos tesses. On Friday afternoon Mrs G. ! W. Springer received high. Mrs. Hansen low. and Mrs. Snoddy was high cut. A personnel of 58 guests enjoyed this hospitality. • • • HONORS GUEST Miss Yukola Horn entertained Saturday afterroon at Sobre Los Olas. San Benito, with an artistic bridge party, honoring her guest, i Miss Irene Miller of Alamagordo. N. M. A Spanish ♦heme was featured In the game tablet accessories and floral decorations of red roses in hanging baskets High score trop .ies for the after noon were presented to Miss Eliza- , beth Sumners for high. Miss Mary Lou McLamore second high and the honoree received a special gift from her hostess. At the conclusion of the games a Mexican dinner was served In the patio at beautifully decorated ta bles to 18 guests. • * • , DINNER-PARTY Honoring Miss Vera Letzerich and her fiance. L. R. Baker. Mesdames A. Goldamme- and A. M. Letzerich entertained Friday evening at the home of Mrs. A. Ooldammer with a dinner. A four-course dinner was served to the immediate family. A beauti ful crystal bowl holding ptht roses and lace fern centered the table, j Plates were laid for 18 guests. Bridge was the diversion for the evening. At he conclusion of the games the honorees were presented with a large package containing miscellaneous gifts. • • • PRIMARY ENTERTAINED Thirty-five children of the pri mary department were entertained at the home of Mrs J. L. Williams Friday afternoon. Mrs. J A. Ay cock and Miss Adele Ronecker as sisted in entertaining the children. Games, contests and a picnic sup per were the main attractions. • • • VISITORS HONORED Miss Martha ard Dorothy Sutton entertained Thursday afternoon honoring Patay and Dorothy Fink ston of Waxahachle who are visit ing their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Pinkston. In the games of the afternoon first prize was presented Dorothy Pinkston and Louise Hill was awarded second. Refreshments of sandwiches, cookies and a fruit drink was served to Louise Hill. Dorothy Pinkston, Patsy Pinkston. Martha Sutton, Dorothy Sutton and Geneva Ellis. • • • PERSONALS Mrs. Max Brunneman and son, Max. Jr., of San Antonio. Mrs. L. E Bailey and son. Louis, of Hearne, and Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Atchison and daughter. Anna Frances, of Falfurrias have returned to their homes after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Brunneman. Mrs- M. X. Deakegs has returned V home from • short stay in San An tonio. Joe Chaudoin is in San Antonio attending the 8tate Retail Drug- j gists association. Dr. Charles H. Chandler and John 1 Challes spent the week-end in Kerrville with their families who1 are spending the summer there. Mrs. V. L. Mangrum. Mrs. G. W Mangrum and Miss Gennella Man grum left Monday for a motor trip to Lubbock and other points in West Texae. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Foote. Mrs. A. J. Rabel. son. Adolphus, and Dr. W M. Drlskell spent the week-end 1 motoring and fishing at Point Isa bel. Mrs. Sam Emerson has returned home from an extended visit to. California. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irwin and son. Frank, Jr., have returned to Waxahachie Saturday after spend ing two weeks in Harlingen, guests of Mr. and Mrs. M A. Rose. Mrs. Dudley P. South and son, Dudley. Jr., are spending the re mainder of the summer in Kerrville. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Kellam and son. Jack, returned to thilr home in Austin Monday after spending the week with Dr. and Mrs J. M. Green. Mr. and Mrs Raymond Griffin and Edwin Burk returned Monday from a two weeks vacation spent in Junction and San Antonio. k——^ I • • • t Friday, August 2nd-0ne Day Only Articles Valued up to $4.50 Go For $1.00 ■ We list below some of the many splendid values we are offering for the One Dav Sale. Our customers have repeatedly requested of us to run another DOLLAR DAY SALE, since our last one which was a phenomenal success. ’ Ladies this is your opportunity to buy many beautiful pieces for home decorations and grift items 6 Tea Spoons, $1.00 Ash Trays Comports 6 Ice Tea Spoons. $1.00 3 Ps. ayonnaise Sets Vases 6 Salad Forks Bon Bon Dishes Gravy Ladel Colored Glass Pairs of Crystal Candle Cream Ladel Ware Sticks in co,ors Cold Meat Fork Candy Jars ' Vases Cut Glass Silver Large Berry Spoon Flower Vases Base • Large Salad Bowls Glass Lined Serving Luster China Large SaUd Plates Trays, handles large \Var- Night Sets Hand size *** e decorated. _ , _ ,. e . * Hand painted in all Candy jars, hand dec- End-Table Smoking colors. orated ®ts Cake Plates 6 lce Tea Coasters ?!]ver Card Trays Berry Bowls Silver Bon Bons yases * Ice Buckets complete Tea and Toast Sets Cut Glass with Ice Tongs 4 Ps. Condiment Sets Celery Bfches Electric Toasters Hundreds of articles too numerous to mention included in this sale Come Early! One Day Sale Only HOOVER INVITED TO LOUISVILLE President Hoover is Invited by John Thomas Taylor to attena tne American Legion convention in Louisville. Ky., Sept. 30-Oct. 5. !■ ~ : I ■ III 50 Dresses Smart 1 rocks taken from our regular stock placed In this specially low priced group for quick clearance. Chiffons. Wash Silks. Flat Crepe, etc. j Friday and Saturday Only— - i $8= HOSIERY SPECIALS , Friday and Saturday Only 45-guage. p.cot edge. French Philippine hand em- (in heel hose witn specifications broidered gowns. HAT that read like any nr regular $1.12 value, now $3 hose Regular JM.JJ $2 50 values, now ... Philippine hand em Holeproof Hose. hroldereo. f_o>n.. regular tl3S ' , regul*r vll“' " f f* ™™5 •f .■ - “ MW ~ WE " ,»‘l "■ ™wflW ■‘■P PMIWIP’ ■. “.;!TP1:.-* ■Hi • L J ^Q2Q!SZSEZZZS9EE&ISS!tEllSBBBZ^^ ✓ Final Clearance . In • mw* i | Ladies’ Apparel • 8 Ladies’ 8 o’Clock Wash Dresses 79c You cannot over estimate the importance of this wash dress sale. Assortments so compre hensive that you are assured of a satisfactory selection. Each garment is made with the l utmost care, carefully fashion ed, and sized correctly. New’ fabric designs that are beautiful. Prints, Dim ities and Batistes. Fascinating array of high shades and pastels. '. SUMMER WASH DRESSES Remarkable value at $1.49 You will find here charming dresses in unusual color- I ings and exclusive styles. Organdies, Lenine, Voile, | Pique, Dimities, etc. Always cool and smart. Always fresh because they emerge from frequent tubbings as dainty and charming as when new. 5 I Sale of " HATS for SUMMER Styles of becoming loveliness. Tailored or beautifully trimmed. All new summer shades. Actual values up to $3.98— 98c Women’s Novelty Footwear $3.50 Summer Style* Pumps. Straps, Ties, Nov elties! Colei ed Kid, Patent Leather, Satins, etc. You make a wonderful saving buying at this low price Boy*’ Tom Sawyer Wa»h Suit* I Our entire line of “Tom Sawyer” Summer wash suits I is offered at genuine clearance prices! Mothers, now is the time to provide your sons with two or more of I these everlasting suits. A _ Cool Summer ,■ If /jpflj © Girls Dress*/ I I® jffl an<* / I Bright tub-fast novelty prints, in smart styles, care- 1 fully made. Irresistible models. Materials that 3*111 wear and launder beautifully. Sizes 3 to 14. ^ Other Wash Dresses priced at— 89c I JR r A