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DALLAS MAYOR ADMITS ERROR L __ .. - Reinstates Woman Welfare Adviser After Storm * Of Club Protests to ALLAS. Aug. 7.—Miss Mil dred Dougless, free legal aid wel fare worker for Dallas, is regarded by the city’s organized club women as a more valuable aid to domes tic bliss than all Dallas ministers together. The significance of her work pro bably was not realized by Miss Douglass herself until her SlOO-a month job was abolished a short time ago. Now shes back at her po6t, however, reinstated. Mayor J. Waddy Tate has admitted public ly. that he made a mistake. A tide of indignation arose when Miss Douglass’ job was deleted from the city payroll. Club women from organizations representing 25. 000 voters confronted Mayor Tate with petitions demanding that she be retained. The voters held sway and Miss Douglass came back. “Ail the ministers do is marry them,” t£* public petition said. In effect, referring to her work as a mediator. “Miss Douglass keeps them together.” During her three years' service as a humanizing influence at the city hall. Miss Douglass has averted divorces in approximately 50 per cent of domestic cases brought to her attention. Hundreds of desert ed wives have sobbed their stories to her. She also has found time to wage a determined war against Dallas loan sharks. Hundreds of the city’s poor. In financial straits and har assed by unscrupulous money lend ers. have found a friend in Miss Douglass. L While her work primarily lies outside the court room. Miss Doug lass has proved herself an astute attorney when her efforts to effect reconciliations have failed. j Cameron Courts j Suits filed In the district courts: No. 8680. C. W. Boyce vs. Baker Pot ts Nursery Co. et al, damages. 28TH DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. W. Cunningham, Judge No orders. 103RD DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. M. Kent, Judge No. 8483. Margaret Lynn Lang ford vs. H. L. Langford, divorce granted as prayed for. No. 757". Mrs. Jenne K. Worlcv et al vs. O. N. Jayc ct al, judgment for plaintiff. No. 8679. Ester Gonzales et al vs. F. H. Wedegartner, agreed judg ment for plaintiff. COUNTY COURT Hon. Oscar Dancy, Judge Suits filed: None. * ■ - COUNTY COURT AT LAW Hon John Kleiber. Judge No orders. MARRIAGE LICENSES Ernest Buchowski and Mildred Stone. Guy Steele and Christelle Mor gan. nREAL ESTATE TRANSFERS (Furnished by Valley Abstract Co.i Cameron County H. B. Herren to J. E. and Rosie May Purcell, lots 2 and 3, blk. 3, Clara Pierce addn. to Harlingen, $10 etc. J. E. P&rcell and Rosie Mae Pur cell to I}. B. Herren. south 18 acres farm blk. 99, Minn-Tex. subd., $10 M. T. and Susie L. Wiley to B. H. Dunlap, blk. 26. Minn.-Tex. subd., $10 etc. H. D. Seago and S. H. Bell. Jr., to M. R. Hall, undivided 1-3 inter est in part of share 11. San Juan de Carrlcitos tract. $2,000. B- F. and Sarah M. Hardin to W. A. and Lula E. Carter, lot 6, blk. 128. Harlingen, $10 etc. Osco Morris to Antonio Castillo, lot 14. blk. 9. West Harlingen. $50. Eric D. Leche to Louise Halber sleben. south 111.68 acres of blks. 231 and 232. S. B. L. A: W. Co. subd.. $10 etc. J. F. Vinyard to J. B Bilbro. lot 2. blk. 4. second addn. to San Be nito, $1 etc. V. M. Washam to Farmers Co operative Gin Co., lot 4. F. Z. Bishop re-subd. of blk. 27, H. L. & W. Co., $3500. 1* S. and Jessie K Liddesll to V. M. Washam. part of lot 4. F. Z. Bishop subd. of blk. 27, H. L. and W. Co., $3500. C. 3. Thompson to William E and Margaret Parker, east 19.1 acres of farm tract 45. Coast Land farms. $3629. Francisco Salazar et ux to Pablo >1* Perez, lots 37 and 38. blk. T," Pot 5 ter and Watson addn. to La Fena. Hidalgo County N P Barton to The Hedges Com pany. Inc., lot 18. blk. 157, South C'lie sbd. to Mercedes. $10 etc. Francis R. Welsh et al to Scott Ford, lots 1. 2. 3. and 4. blk. 3, Nel son addn. to McAllen, $10 etc. J. W. Rains et ux to T. B. Cun ningham et ux. lets 3 and 4, por 71. $10 etc. Geo. L. Jones to Carl Bresett. lots 7 and 8, blk. 60, Alamo Townsite. $10 etc. B. F. Farris et ux to Oscar Four nier. E. 9.C4 acres W. 2916 acres lot 2, sec. 235. Tex -Mex.. $3,000. W. A. Briggs to Fred Gasser. N. 5 acres of NE 1-4 of SW 1-4 sec. 8. being N. 5 acres lot 46-6. West addn. to Sharyland. $1 etc. M. L. Woods to E. A. Edlund et ux. 13.18 acres lot 11. sec. 273, Tex - Mex.. *>375. G. D. Cole to J B Collier, lots f and 4, blk. 59. L. T. Ar I. Co. subd.. $3300. M. B. Braco to Ethel G Leathers lot 2-8. Hcmeville “A" subd. $10 etc. H. M. Biackard ei ux to C. H Hughes. E. 1-2 lot 2. blk. 44. Capi 6allo dist. $1260. aC. H. Hughes to Stella M Hughes. E 1-2 lot 2. blk. 44. Capisallo dist.. $500. G. P. Nelson to C. A. Keyes. W. 18.97 acres lot 9, sec. 256, Tex.-Mex. $10 etc. T. E. Thompson to M. C. Boyer, I lots 4 and 5, San Antonio Ave. subd. to San Juan, $1700. CAMERON COURTS No. 8681—First National bank in Brownsville, vs. Harding-Gill com pany, et al, debt. No. 8682—First National bank in Harlingen vs. J. Brady Kelly, debt. No. 8683—Chris Damants, et al, vs. B. F. Dittmar company, injunc tion. No. 8684—Ross H. Loomis vs. J. K. Miller, debt and foreclosure. 28TII DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. W. Cunningham, Judge No orders. 103RD DISTRICT COURT Hon. John Kleiber, Judge No orders. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Cameron County Commercial Mortgage & Loan company by sheriff to Jim Ward, sheriff s deed. Part of lot 2. block 7, Landrum Sub. No. 1, $86.94. F. G. Curts by sheriff to Jim Ward, sheriff’s deed. 1.24 acres in lot 2. block 7, Landrum Sub. No. 1 $63 36. Florence L and Thomas M. Rob ertson by sheriff to Jim ward; sheriff's deed; 9 79 acres out of west part lot 2. block 10, Landrum Sub. No 1. $112.32. John Hosfeld to Valiev Develop ments, Inc., block 9. cont. 10 acres, Hosefeld Par1: Sub. $10. Valley Developments, Inc., to C. W. and Margaret Covert; lot 9. Hosfeld park Sub. $11.COO. The First National company to J. C. George and V. W. Taylor; blocks 44, 51, 57. 63. 56 (except south 4 95 ac. > and east 29.43 acres of block 62. Harlingen Ld. & W. Co. Sub. “A ”. $10.0000. John & Concepcion Henri to E A. Monsees; lots 947 and 948; Co lonia Victoria. $10. A. F. Parker to August H. Strauss. 1,-^—Ml ■! ■—I ■ I !■!■■■ I !!■ II farm tract No. 92, Coast Land farms No. 2. $11,250. Leslie J. Trevor to Lula Lovett; 20 acres out of block 228. anc. 1.52 acres out of block 228, S. B. L. & W. company Sub. $10. George W. & Martha Della Bell to N. S. Liddell. 3 acres out of the north side of 10 acres in block 61 David A: Stephenson Sub. $10. J. W. and Alvie Cole to Jesse E and Margaret Cash; undivided 1-2 interest in lots '2, 13, 14. 15, 16. 17, 18. block 6, town of La Ferla. $10, 000. A F. Parker to R. E. Brownell and G. A. Butts; east 20 acres farm tract 16, Coast Lands Farms Sub. $5,000. Los Ebanos Estates. Ind.. to Wll bru H. Wnght; lot 20. block 3. Los Ebanos % addition to Brownsville. $2,215.39. HIDALGO COl’NTY American Trust pnd Savings bank Le Mars, Iowa, to W. F. Johnston lots 3. 5. and 6. block 13, McColl subdivision. $10. E. M. Goodwin to A. A. Vaught. Lot 22. block 3, Goodwin Tract Sub. No. 1 $10,760. E. M Goodwin to H. H. Fisher, lot 30. blk. 4. C oodwin Tract Sub. No. 1. $10,000. W. R Hansen to C. M. Mickle berry, Elionor Lial Grove Sub. $24 000. Frank E. Dietz, et ux, to Charles Engleking. lot 1, blk. 21, North Mc Allen. $1,650. John A. Brun. et ux to J. W. Has sell. 16.7 lot 140. Por. 69 & 70. $10. J. W. Hassell to Grace E. Hassell. E. 10 ac. lot 140. Por. 69 &i 70. $10. An increase of 1.247,980 tons in the world's steam and motor ship tonnage last year is noted in the new edition of Lloyd's register of shipping. RUSSIAN WOMEN LEARN WAR ART Hostilities between the Chinese and Russians might see women tol diers active on battlefields as was the old Battalion of Death, which fought under Russian colors in the. World war. Top, women recruits to Soviet arm learning operation of gas masks and rifles. Below, a Russian girl is taught how to fire a machine gun. 0 ROF CODE SURVIVES Texas Judge, 91, Was Pre sent at Writing Of State Laws HUNTSVILLE. Tex.. Aug. 7.—<*»> —The oldest living graduate of Princeton university also is the sole surviving signer of the present Tex as constitution, drown up in 1875. He is Judge Andrew Todd Mc Kinney. husky at 91. Huntsville s most eminent retired citizen. His half century of legal and educa tional leadership in Texas covers several pages in the state’s history. Historic Nassau hall at Princeton claims Judge McKinney as its old est living resident. He stayed there two years prior £p his graduation In 18.58. Transferring to Princeton as a junior from Austin college, then at Huntsville, he became editor of the Nassau literary magazine in April. 1858. For years they called Judge Mc Kinney dean of the Texas legisla ture. From 1883 to 1911, he saw 16 5-ears of service in the house of rep resentatives. He also was a district court judge. A native of Illinois, he studied law in Tennessee, fought in the con federate army under Genera) Lee only to be disabled in 1863. For two y-ears he taught at the Uni versity of Texas, and later was on the school's board of regents. Hjs father, the Rev. Samuel Mc Kinney. once was president of Aus tin college. One of his sons. Sam now is Huntville's mayor. Finds White Sheep With Black Tails SA ND1EGO. Cal., Aug. 6.—C^P>— Wild white sheep with black tails were the lure which took Robert Prothingham Into the Yukon and through almost Inaccessible parts ol the Campbell mountain range. The former New York magazine executive succeeded in bringing down with a rifle an old ram of the species for which he searched. The Campbell mountains lie be tween the head waters of the Pelly river and Prances lake, which is an unfailing reservoir for Prances riv er. This district is right on the di vide between the Yukon river and the Liard river. — Streets in Austin. Tex., now be long to the property owners on them. The legislature so decreed in osder to levy taxes. Title for merly was held by the state i Work on New Penney Store to Start Soon (Special to The Herald) WESLACO, Aug. 7.—Construction work will be started within the next few days on the $25,000 J. C. Pen ney company building here, plans for which were drawn by R. Newell Waters, local architect. The building is owned by D. E Kirkan and R. C. Waters of Wes laco. and will be near the city hall building, on the main street of Wes laco. It will be 45 by 110 feet, hav ing the typical J. c. Penney front, and will have two balconies. The architecture of the building will be Spanish, but will conform to the front, and also will harmon ize with the city hall building near by. It wUl be of tile and stucco, finished with cast stone. The contract has been let to J. L. Stone. Officials of the company which is to lease it said the plans indicate <flh> one of the most attractive J. C. Penney company stores south of San Antonio. LAST MEMBER 1871 ARCTIC TRIP DIES LINCOLN. Neb.. Aug. 7.—(JFh-Dr. Noah Hayes. 85, retired physician and last known surviving member of the "polarls’' arctic expedition of 1871, died yesterday at the Soldiers Home at Milforjd, Neb. FOUNDER OF JUNIOR LIONS CLUB IS DEAD PASADENA. Calif., Aug. 7.—oP)— Dr. George F. Willis. 55. founder of the National Junior Lions club, is dead here. DAUGHTER BORN HARLINGEN. Aug. 7.—Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Ingram are the proud parents of a baby girl born Satur day. Tne baby weighed 7 pounds and has been named Joan pouniAin LUnCH Nutritious Delirious, Refreshing “Light” delica cies to calm your appetite. Sandwiches, sodas. si..:tiaes . . . singly ideal :cr a summer meal — and so quickly and pleasingly made at our fountain. It’s really a genuine pleasure and economy to eat here. — Don’t Forget — Prompt, Free Deliver> Phone 986 McKay’s Pharmacy In El Jardin Hotel 4k wmmm .* ( i XO-XOX MOTOR FUEL today meets the United States Army and IXavy specifications for Aviation Gasoline in all essential points, ?>' Possesses the Highest Anti-Knock Value of Any Gasoline on the Market OCU. NO-NO* u • .,U.I.. • *«*“” ** .1 •»> h‘-'- ' e4fcyll«» ^_(i i- colored or»le BB° ORYIVGE Gas from the Orange Pomp. It is priced 3c higher than ordinary gasoline and is worth it. If you will demand and use IO-IOX —pings and knocks will disappear. Yonr motor will give longer and better service. . Fill Your I Car or Plane I from the I I Same Pump I From any Gulf Service Siutiou or Dealer— At the Sign of the Orange Disc Gulf Refining Company 111 11 • U | w » 1 ■ '■ ■ fi . ig . j ' ' ' , km *9