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■' - TIM0VIO ■ SUlCUCHlSi Nubi has ’ome to town ladies! Lock up your husbands, sons and sweethearts! This destructive and reckless young lady is the storm center of “The Squall,” the First National Vitaphone all-talking pic ture which opens at the Capitol theater today. Nubi is played with finesse and unbridled passion by Myrna Loy, who fits the exotic role perfectly The screen version abetted by the marvelous sewings possible in a mo tion picture, is splendid screen fare and first-rate entertainment. The story concerns a peaceful Hungarian famtlv. There is a mid dle-aged father and mother, their son who loves a n.aiden. and their two servants, male and female, whe also love each oc. er. Into this idea? atmosphere comes Nubi, the gypsy charmer. She seeks sanctuary claiming she was stolen by a band of gypsies. Hiey believe her lies and accept her as a sen-ant. But Nubi is not satisfied with that. She 6 — LAST DAY — Lon Chaney 'Where East is East’ — With — j Lupe Velez Lloyd Hughes In Thrilling Sound " — Also — All Talking Comedy Paramount News ,& Starting Tomorrow— Bancroft’s Smashing Talking Drama! proceeds to destroy the love she finds within that home and very nearly wrecks the entire domicile Her procedure is daring and sen sational and gives the screen some of the most impassioned scenes of recent years. The cast is excellent and includes Alice Joyce. Loretta Young, Richard Tucker, Zasu Pitts. TEXAS Are the girls of today sacrificed upon the matrimonial altar? That is a query propounded in the vividly huma-, thrilling and occa sionally sensational motion picture “Companionate Marriage," which First National is showing at the Texas theater. It is based upon ac tual incident? recounted by the not ed Denver Jurist in his book of the same title. The story was prepared by Judge Linds y, aided by Wain wright Evans, and he had a super vising hand in the filming of the r'.ory. The story pictures two marriages which turned out disastrously, giv ing to the chiloren a fear of mar riage, a dislike of surrendering their independence. To escape some of the shackles of matrimony th y en tered into companionate mar riage.” agreeing not to have chil dren until sure .hat their love was lasting and hat th.y could give them the advantages which childrer should have. Tlv*y also agreed that if they found themselves unhappy together, they would separate at once. The picture is first of all enter tainment. but <t gives the public something to thir.k about The cast is an unusuail/ brilliant one con sisting of Betty Bronson, Alec B Francis. Richarci Walling. PALACE—ST ALLEN “Gentlemen of the P'-ess" Is the finest thing the all-talking moving pictures have brought to this city It is big, tremendously big. ”t i? real life transferred 4o the screen This all talking picture from the Paramount studio, opens its two day run at the Palace theater *oday to an audien *e th t laughed and wept and thr’’led to its great artis try. It is artistry of plot, of direc tion and of acting. It is '’-rma dripping with emotion yet admir ably restrained and tnn-.o-life. No picture has ever swayed an audi ence in this ty as “Gentlem n of the Press" swayed the Palace au dience last night. News gathering has always been r synonym for romance. The real NEW PHOTOGRAPHY IN FILM Scene from “On With the Show.” first 100% natural color talking, singing and dancing Vitaphone picture opening Sunday at the Rivoll Theater in San Benito. struggles behind the scenes, in the minds and hearts of those men whc follow the “game" with such devo tion, has always been the hidden chapter that “Gentlemen of the Press,” with that ~reat actor, Wal ter Huston, in the leading role, un covers. Hu ton's performance if flawless; It is splendid. And a cast of real artists, artists who have earned their laurels on the legiti mate stage before enterir motion pictures, supports him admbably. RIVOLI—!SAN BENITO 'On With the Show,” Werner Bros, first 100 per cent natural co lor. talking, singing, dancing Vita «• * wmmmmm—m P"__________ Genuine Brown Snakeskin Genuine Blue Snakeskin $12.50 $12.50 ,-a--- — Genuine Brown Lizzard Navy Blue Kid $12.50 $10.00 Styles Exactly as Illustrated ___ __ PROFESSIONAL SMART FITTING SLIPPER SERVICE ORNAMENTS NARROW KAYSER [WIDTHS ^ HOSE Harlingen * ON ARCADIA THEATRE BLOCK i phone picture—con ing to the Rivoli theater next Sunday is the most important milestc a of this year of grace in the film industry. At least that is the consensus of Hollywood, ever alert to progress in this new art. There is not a single scene In ‘On With the Show" which Is photographed the oldfashioned way. IT: glamorous stage ana back-stage story is seen through the medium of enchanting, ever-changing color. An entirely new' color process Is being used which brings out each hue in its proper value. Jack L Warner, vice president in charge of production, was ruick to seize or this new art and combine it with Vitapmne. The wedding of the two. bids fair to start another revolution in the film industry. Vitaphonc pioneered by Warners. It will be remembered eliminated the silent picture. ‘‘On With the Show" with its music, dancing. • angs r.nd gorgeoir colors of settings and costumes anc’ people on the stage, is really stun ning. One forgets entirely that i* is a motion picture, or even a talk ing picture. The effect is utter reality. It Is as if one were sitting in a theater seeir" a musical com edy. with the auded privilege of going backstage with the players where the real comedy and drama of th^ir lives take place. LIVE WIRE KILLS CHILD HUTCHINSON. Kan.. Aue. 8 — -T'i—Louise Wiley. six-year-old daughter of Cliff Wilev. was killrd here last night by a high voltage electric wire. She and her brother. Ray, 9. w'ere pla?.ng about the roof rf a garage behind their home. Ray touched some sagging wires. He could not let go. Screams brought neighbors, one of whom ran in1 search of a rope. Little Loul'-e didn't want to wait. She .seined her brother and shook! him loose from the searing line. I The shock hurled her against an o her wire of higher voltage and1 :he was killed. 1 Cameron Courts | Suits filed in district courts: None. ■ .———■ 28TH DISTRICT COURT Hon A. W. Cunningham, Judge No orders. 103RD DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. M. Kent, Judge No orders. COUNTY COURT Hon. Oscar Dancy, Judge Suits filed: None. COUNTY COURT-AT-LAW Hon. John Kleiber, Judge No orders. MARRIAGE LICENSES Tomas Rivera and Tomasa Villa real. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS (Furnished by Valley Abstract Co.) Cameron County Emma Clyde Kyle to Merle W Kyle, .52 acres out of share 22. Espiritu Santo grant; $10.00. A. Wayne Wood, trustee, to R. M. Hannah, lots 990. 991, 992, 993 Co lonia Victoria addition to Browns ville; $10.00. Charles C. and Rowena B. Stew art to Louis La Madrid, lots 5 and 6, block 26. West Brwonsvtlle; $10. C. C. Tittle et ux to J. F. Ratliff, lot 15, 11th addition to San Benito, $10.00. Aurora Velarde to Samuel * M. Cobb, 1-2 interest in lot 4, block 92, Brownsville. $425.00. Josie and J. Sam Wilson to Har lingen Land & Investment Co., 6.5 acres out of the southeast corner of block 6, F. Z. Bishop subdivision of survey 30. $$0.00. W. S. Dennis et ux to H. M. Shaw, lot 1, block 130, Harlingen, $10.00. H. C. Harding, trustee, to Cuates Development Co., the north 18.55 acres of lot 34, of block 3, plat 3, Citrus Gardens subdivision, $10.00.1 Cuates Development Co. to John and Helen Agnes, north 18.55 acres' of lo* 34. block 3, plat 3, Citrus Gardens subdivision, $4452.00. Harry L. Chapman to Francis M. Wyatt, lot 7. block 1, Taylor ad dition to Harlingen, $10.00. T. G. Oliver to T. G. Oliver. Jr., I lots 5, 6. 10, John A. Hill subdi-! vision, $1.00. * T. G. Oliver to T. G. Oliver, Jr.. 31.16 acres lot 40, Bishop subdi vision in Concepcion de Carricitos grant, $1.00. Jeannette W. Paul to John Kingan, lot 6. block 8, town of Rio Hondo. $700.00. J. P. and Pearl M. Johnson to J:l'.n Kingan. lots 7 and 8, block 8.! town of Rio Hondo. $10.00. Chris Damants et ux by trustee to B. F. Dittmar Co., lets A. B. C. D, E. F. of the subdivision of lots 1 and 2, block 37, Hirlingen, $90,-: 000.00. Hidalgo County A. B George to Helen George, lots 1. 2, 3, 4, block 128, Mercedes.! $10.00. G. C Baker to B. E. Spurgeon, lot 12. Morgan Olson subdivision, $2500.00. C. E. Boll to W. S. McClintock.! lots !4 nd 16. Morgan OL,oa sub-, division. $1200.00. M. M. Culwell to Guaranty Mart- j gage Co., lot 7. block 7, College Heights addition, McAUer, $10.00. Lucien G. Gr si wold to C. M Crafion, farm tract 24, Vvest Tract subdi"ision. $40,000.00. J. C. Engelman, Jr., to M. C. de Lanzas. S. 26.44 acres, block 12, all Fifield, $500.00. Progreso Development Co., to G. S. Bower. E. 8 79 acres, lot 29-A, Llano Grande subdivision, $9,229.50. H. Devier to J. C. Bixby, E. 1-2 lot 140, La Blanca tract, $10.00. L. T. Jordan to St. L. B. & M. R. R. Co.. 112.4 feet right of wav. farm tract 371. West Tract. $852.00. A. F. Hollander to St. L. B. M. Ry. Co., 100 ft. right of wav, farm tract 31. West Tract, $825.00. John L. Beyl to E. M. Beyl. W. 10 acres, lot 2, block 3, La Donna plat.! $1.00. W. H. Kellogg to C. N. Wilt lot | .- — 1 1 I SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS- A TTp S WEEK STARTING SATURDAY AU\J, 1U W.Ls. Chicago RADIO STARS __IN PERSON - IN ‘ WLS SHOWBOAT •*_ J2ASQUERA£E|^^ . . . 1 I Direct On j to the From months at $2.00 per seat on Broadway ; :i 100% Sensation Talking! Singing! Loving! Today iT I _._^..L_»_ Four sensational love stories woven into one. Beautiful, colorful, en chanting melodies that only a gypsy heart can II Joyce and ten big stars. NUBI, GYPSY CHARMER, CHARMS X Carroll Nye and Myma Loy (Nubi) in "The Squall.” first National Vitaphone attraction coming to the Capitol Thursday. AT ARCADIA Williair Boyd and Alan Hale star in a thrilling scerr in the Pathe picture, "The Leatherneck." now playing at the Arcadia theater In Harlingen. 9. block 1, Coosner subdivision, por tions 71 and 72. $300.00. C. N. Wilt to W. H. Kellogg. 8 142 It. lot 7 and 8. 50 ft. of N. 100 ft. lots 7 and 8. block 1, Palm Heights addition to McAllen, $10. Harlingen Man Gets Laredo Appointment (Special to The Herald) HARLINGEN, Aug. 8. —C. L. Jones, for the past five months as sistant manager of Montgomery Ward & Co. store here was noti fied of his appointment as manager of the new Montgomery Ward store soon to be opened at Laredo. Mr. Jones will leave for Ft. Worth Friday night where he will put in several weeks purchasing stock for the new store. Horton Smith had a card of 307 in the 1928 natlonr’ open, 13 strokes behind the winne-. Johnny Farrell. Then he stepp a out the following winter and became the season’s sen sation. Cue Tournament If Nearing Decision Only four games have been played in the Elks’ billiard tournament re cently. With the schedule nearly spent, it is becoming Increasingly difficult for the players to meet, e*K cept by appointment. ^ The four games have little bear ing on the race. Hughston beat Farr 50-32 with no handicap between them. Farr made six for high run. The game want 91 innings. Butler, allowing Puckett a hand icap of 30. won the straight match 50-37 but lost the handicap 67-50. Butler clicked of four billiards for high run. The game went 61 in nings. Cisneros allowed Farr 10 points and beat him 50-14 straight score. Cisneros made four billiards for high run. They played for 64 in nings. Smith furnished the worse upset for the past week. Farr allowed him a 15 billiard handicap. Smith stepped up to the table and briskly chalked his cue. When the dust settled he had beaten Farr 50-25 straight. Smith got three billiards for high run. This contest went 98 innings. INSURANCE SALESMEN GET VACATION TRIP (Special to The Heraid> HARLINGEN. Aug. 8.—Salesmen for Orville R. Eby. agent here for the Peoria Life Insurance com pany, have won a vacation trip tc Canada, because of the record mad« by the company in Texas. The company sold more life in surance than any other agency oi this concern in the state. PLANE PASSENGERS INJURED LOS ANGELES, Aug. 8.—(JP\_ Three passengers were reported in jured as a San Diego-bound Pick wick Airways transport plane made a forced landing on Riverside drive here today shortly after leaving the Grande Central air terminal at Glendale, near here. I MEET CHICO He’s the third of the Four Marx Bros, whose famous laughing sen sation, "THE COCOANUTS,” will be here in a few days. When these four fun makers get to gether, it’s a rib-splitting, funny bone tickling business! And how! -ok'ALAN HALE ROBERT ARMSTRONG and FRED KOHLER. * J I Added— Two Vaudeville Act* 4 and . 4 Movietone New* t\| It’* Cool rn Harlingen Now Showing Btttmam — Bargain Nite — 10c Each “SINNERS IN LOVE” — With — OLIVE BORDEN ARTCLASS COMEDY . .. L Now Showing Judge Ben B. Lindsey’s “Companionate Marriage” With BETTY BRONSON ALEC B. FRANCIS The picture all America should see* Vital. Modern, Bold? Also COMEDY — NEWS 5c — 10c — 15e 4 —DAYS —4 Starting SUNDAY First Valley Showing Colors That Make the Rainbow . ^ Turn Pale! . • rhe fint 100% natural color, talking, singing, dancing picture that is revolutionizing the making of films. Another Warner Bros. Ten-Strike! With a cast of 21 screen and stage favorites. See and hear its great singing and dancing chorus of one hundred artists. Hear them sing these captivat ing song hits—“Am I Blue"— “Let Me Have My Dreams"— “Welcome Home”, which were written expressly for this epoch making spectacle. “On With the Show” will thrill \ and astonish you. A picture with the living Vitaphone Voice. ■ .. . A $6.60 Broad way Musical show At Regular Prices ■ __J t I *