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— . . 1 -" ■■1 - ■ ■ ■ ll Daily Magazine Mrs. Brady Hostess 'At Large Party Mrs. Lawrence Lrady enter nod With a large ridge luntAieon at the Country club on Tuesday. The luncheon table wa laid in the club dining room with places for 60 guests. A color scheme of pin wa? carried out with pink radiance rose? and pink tubereses. Mrs. Brad} was assisted in entertaining by hei mother, Mrs. E. W. Kllpstein. Following .h* luncheon tables o* bridge were made up in the ball room. Mrs. Jurt Hinklcy, Jr., lu-lt high score f^r the afternoon anr' received a trophy, while Mrs. Dan F Callahan held low. Mrs. Hurt Bat eel' w*as lucky in the cut. • • • Just-Sew Guests Of Mrs. M. \V. Ward Mrs. M. W. Ward extended her hospitality to the Just-Sew club a' thetr regular meeting Wednesday Red radiance roses added much tr the charm of the etting. The aft ernoon was rpent In sewing, thr usual diversion of the club. A salat* course was served to nine mem bers. The club will meet next week with Mrs. Ben C. Clark, who plans tr entertain them with a picnic on he lawn Tuesday. • • • Rebekah Lodge Has Meeting The Brownsville Rebekah lodge mett Tuesday evening at. the I. O O. F. hall. The usual routine wa- i carried out by lodee members. Comings, Goings, Of Local People Miss Florence Bell left Tuesday evening for San tonio, where sh' will visit for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Robin rate lof Tuesday for Denver, Colo The} were accompanied by J. J. Fox. Miss Josephine Pierce arrived Wednesday from San Antonio fo a week’s visit wtih her parents, Mr and Mro. E. T. Pierce. Mrs. A O. Mclnnis left Sundav for Mississippi, where she will visit for a month Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Meek havr gone to Missouri for a visit. Thev left Tuesday, and expect to be away for about a month. Mrs. P T. BLtler of Rusk and her daughter and son-in-law. Mr ] and Mrs T Z Brarificld. of Dallas. ■ who have been here visiting Mr and Mrs A. B Cole, left for their homes Wednesday. Mrs Butler i: Mr. Cole's sister. LA FERIA NIFTK HONOR! !) M'.ss Raleigh Watson was hostess on Wednesday afternoon at a three table bridge party In honor ef her niece. Miss Dorothy Watson, of Lake Charles. Miss Josephine Hannah held high score and Mrs. Flynt received con- ! rolation. A dainty guest prize was awarded Miss Watson. At the close of the games a deli-1 clous refreshment course was served i to the following guests: Mesdamcs Kieffer. Hagan. Stephenson. Flynt and Adams, and Misses Dorothy1 Watson. Inez Bishop. Mlnekva Hoi College Girl Tells How She Cleared Skin, Gains 12 ibs. “I am a sudent at Columbia Uni versity.-’ writes Miss Arden Ambroo klan. “and I cm writing to inform , you of the benefits derived from ironized Yeast. It helped do away ! with some unsightly pimples that were so hard to get rid of. Before taking Ironized Yeast my weight was 103 lbs. Now I weigh 115 lbs. My face and neck are rounding out my digestion is better, ^rat and Bleep well and my health is excel lent.” Letter after letter tells this same wonderful story. Five to 15 pounds gained in a few weeks. Bony limbs rounded. Blemished skin cleared. Onlv when Yeast is Ironized is it more effective—for Iron is needed to bring out the weight-building and strength ning values of Yeast Get these pleasant tasting tablets today, ysever cause gas or bloating. Safe —no harmful drugs. Oo to any drug store today and (ret a full size treatment of Ironized Yeast. If after this generous trial you are not delighted, money back. * From druggist or manufacturer.— Adv. i bert. Ora Adams and Josephine Hannah. • * • SWIMMING PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Bert Coleman en tertained a few of their friends with a swimming party Tuesday night at McAllen. Following a refreshing dip the following guests enjoyed a picnic supper : Mr. and Mrs. Clay Hall. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Buck. Mr. and Mrs. S R. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Watson and Miss Dorothy Watson BRIDGE COMPLIMENT Mrs. T. Y. Flynt and Miss Muriel Kiester were the hostesses on Mon day night at a bridge party hon oring Mrs. E. Hancock, who was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Ram say. Vhree games were in progress and when scores were counted Mrs. E. F. Brown and Mr. S. D. Kiefer had captured the prizes, while the guest was also presented with a dainty gift. - At the close of the games, re freshments were served. * ♦ • THURSDAY BRIDGE Mrs. A1 Parker entertained the Thursday bridge club at her home on Parker road. Two tables of players enjoyed sev eral games of bridge and at the close Mrs. A. E. Branch scored high and Mrs. H. B. Stone second high. A delicious salad course was served at the close of the games. • • • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Parker, who have spent the past two months in the East, have returned to their home. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Kcifer v.eie dinner guests of Miss Turner in Mercedes Tuesday night. Mrs. E. J. Bristol and daughter and two granddaughters left the first of the week for a visit in Iowa Mrs. A1 F. Parker and grand daughter, Dollic Bess Bcddoes, left Friday for Virginia. H. J. Trangott, Jr., left Monday night for Galveston after a two weeks' vacation spent with his par ents. Mr. Trangott is an engineer on the Munson steamship line. Mrs. Bramwell and children re lumed r-.turday night after a thiec weeks' visit in the North. Mr. and Mrs. Varble returned Saturday from Iowa. Miss Mineth Wirth of Santa Rosa spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hargrove. MERCEDES BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED Miss Eltie Ivey was guest of hon or at an evening party on Monday at the Val Verde swimming pool in honor of her birthday. Following an hour in the water a picnic lunch was served. Those present in the party, in cluding the guest of honor wen Mr.' J. L. Johnson. Mrs. R. L Thomas and Mias Lonore Reistcrcr of Mercedes, Mrs. Kent Manninf and Miss Minnie Sabatke of San Benito, and Miss Eve Thiffer of Le Feria. • • • BRIDGE CLl B The Silk Stocking Bridge club was delightfully entertained by Mrs. Fred Bennett at her home or IfllUlirl avenue. Cut flowers form ed pretty decorations for the home Mrs. James Anderson scored high in the club ind Mrs. D. W. Glass cock scored .nr the guest*. Others makinr up the personnel were Mrs. C. C. ockett of New Or leans. Mrs. Geo ge Markham. Mrs Vann. Mrs. R. Barton. Mrs Frank Hadden. Mrs. N. P. Barton. Mrs Charles Thornton of Harlin gen. Mrs. Roy Tolson and Mrs. E E. Johnson. • • • GYESTS HONORED Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hvistendahl entertained Mr. <«nd Mrs. J. H. Ma lone and daughter. Ella May. of Beeville. at dinner at the Sobre Las Olas at San Benito Monday night. Dr. and Mrs. Malone are former residents of Mercedes, hav inv moved to Beeville eight years ago. where Dr. Malone is a practic ing physician. • • • LYNCHEON HOSTS Mr. and Mrs. Grant Morrison were hosts to a few friends at f> noon luncheon one day during the past week. Their guests included Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Totts of Houston guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs Potts- parents here. Mr. and Mrs J. C Potts: Mrs. KGraham Killough and Mrs. Rose Carter of Edinburg. a^d Mrs. Paul Wolf of Mercedes. • • • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. H E. Bennett and son and daughter. Buddie and Mary Ruth, left this week for an ex tended overlard trip through Colo rado. Mrs. Grant Morrison and daugh ter. Barabara. were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carter of Edinburg, during the past week Walter Swarmer returned last week from Tipton. Mo. Mrs. Swar mer and the boys will return the first of September. Miss Grace Morgan of Queer I 5 I Die in 5 Minutes T—- i The “Chamber of Death” teat of FLY-TOX shows the power of this fragrant spray. Less than a teaspoonful is used, but it is sufficient to kill thou sands of flies in 5 minu tea.Death to insects but absolutely harmless to people. Try it* I Modes of the Moment I •_ _ _ *** • j (£b^>/ '* wtwe*. wt/ieyx*f“ <,* pvuUaf. aatIUk, avuulmrtAM? Au**ib'm. c9 Jtt neti^ 4ut(PMctW. efet/U* jet tk*/ mw. AkMut a. Beauty Hints for the Busy Housewife By JOSEPHINE HI DOLESTON Although the average housewife is pretty busy throughout the day. beauty treatments to preserve the skin and hair may be taken in such a way as no tto interfere with the household tasks. That much being true. there is no real reason why any woman should blame housework for fdaing beauty. As a matter of fact, the average housewife can hold her beauty and charm more easily than the business woman. After cleansing the skin in the morning and be fore getting down to the real business of washing dishes, bed making, sweeping and dusting, a liberal coating of cream, either nourishing or cleansing cream, should be patted lightly over the entire face and throat. This keeps the skin free from dust. At fhe same time the cream penetrates the pores and. if they are enlargde. loosens the embedded impuri ties so that a later cleansing will be more thorough, if they are enlarged, loosens ‘he embedded impuri tl- lodging in them and causing blackheads, utcrauiijr Thls rnethod “ advisable at all times. In cold rcrrwj weather when the heat is on the windows are mostly nwOLtolUN closed, the intense heat causes the skin to appear dry and lifeless, and in the warmer weather when the windows are open, stray specks and dust come into the home and we find it settling on our skins. A water wave placed in the hair, in the morning assures one of a soft wave at the end of the day. Moisten the hair and. if combs are used, simply push It up and slip one of the water wave combs into each wave to hold it in place until the hair is dry. If combs are not necessary a few small pins will keep the wave intact. A silk bandana that is of the same general color as one's housedress not only looks attractive, but prevents dust from settling on the dampened hair. Then. too. the problem of keeping the hands soft and white is eliml cream. sip the hands nto the rub nated by intelligent use of soft gloves, nourishing cream and rubber J City, is a guest here in the home of her aunt. Mrs. A. N. Brown, Mrs. Frank Roberts and daughter Sadie, of San Benito, were guests ; here in the home of Mrs. John Rouce. and Mrs. Volmer Robert: ! during the past week. They were accompanied home by Volmer Rob erts. who will spend several weeks in San Benito. Misses Jewel Dunson has re I turned from a vacation trip of r several weeks' tour of the north western states. Mrs. Joe Brooks and son returned this week from Duncan. Okla where they have spent the past two months in the home of Mrs. Dun can's parents. Dr. and Mrs. Crane. She was accompanied home by her sister, Miss Billie Crane. Mr. and Mrs. Crane W. W. De Cell are spend! g some time in Ha zel Hurst, Miss., with relatives. Mrs. J. E. Haynes and daughters. Misses Sara and Mary Francis, left this week for Kerrville for a recrea tional visit of several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allen and their guest. Miss Elizabeth Donelly. left this week for a stay of several days in Mineral Wells, Miss Don nelly's home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry* Allen and and their guest. Miss Elizabeth Donnelly, left this week for a stay of several days in Mineral Wells, Miss Donnelly's home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Potts of Houston are guest* here in the home of Mr. Potts' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Potts. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schubert and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gauch and daughter. Verna Rose, spent the first of the week at the Gauch ranch, above Falfurrias. Andrews Byers, who has spent the past two weeks here with his father. B. F. Byers, left this week for Hornsby Bend, near Austin, where he preaches during the summer months. Charles Schepp* has returned to his home In Houston after a visit here in the home of his aunt, Mrs. Morris Brand. C. P. Kitchen, coach of the Mer cedes schools, left this week fo’ North Texas, where he will attend training school or a few weeks. \ 1 K -— gloves. Massage a little nourishing cream over the hands, then, putting on the silk or cloth gloves over the cream slip the hands into the rub ber gloves and no amount of heat or dust can harm the white texture of the skm. Even a certain amount of laundry work will keep the hands white and the nails more susceptible to a good manicure than when water has been avoided for fear of spoiling these members. If gloves have not been worn and the hands appear red aft er being in too hot water, rinse them in cold water and then apply a gen erous amount of a good hand lotion and you will be rewarded with hands that are extremely soft and white. I believe that the main reason why so many women rebel against housework is because it ruins the hands. Such fears in the present day are unnecessary.4 however, as special home soaps and powders, | compounded to improve the skin rather than mar it are to be found in every market. When the beauty benefits of housework are fully realized every housewife should know that every step toward making the home more livable is a step toward the attain ment of more beauty and loveliness. Il________ i SAN BENITO SHOWER COUPLE Friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gause, who have Just moved into their new home after re moving here from North Texas, sur prised them with a grocery shower Friday evening. The elderly couple, who were the recipienta of many good wishes and gifts, expressed their apreciation of the spirit which prompted the housewarming event. At the close of a pleasant evening light refreshments were served. Those present were Messrs, and Mesdames J. R. Dean. R. C. Clark. Charles Yost, Fred Hartman, O. A. Kendrick. Mrs. G. R. Bruce. Mrs. L. P. Drake, Messrs and Mesdames Sam Sparks. J. G. Sovars. Mrs. Car rie Shafer. Mr. and Mrs R. H. Oer lach. Mr. and Mrs J. F. Mayfield. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Francis. Mrs. Henry Newman. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Darby. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Campbell, of Tuscola, 111.. Mrs Kendrick. 8r.. Mrs. Chenoweth. Sr.. Mrs. E. M Scholes. Mr and Mrs. B. H Neider lohn. Mrs. B. O. Hoover. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Jessup. Mrs. D. S. Wil liams. and Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Gause • • * AFTERNOON BRIDGE Friday afternoon Mrs. R. B Goolsby entertained with an after noon bridge at her home on West Rose street. It was a particularly Interesting midsummer event ar ranged to compliment Miss Ruth Moore of Llano and Misses Alberta Brown. Sarita Lomax, and Maxine Bruce. The affair was the first of a series of hospitalities that Mrs Goolsby plans for the remainder of the summer. Artistic interpretation of a yel low and green color theme gave dis tinction to floral adornment and other anpoir.tments for the after noon. Golden zinias gleamed from low howls on table tops and from tall floor baskets. The game tables were outfitted with covers of yellow and green checks. Tallies were in the shape of huge zinias and score oads were yellow. Mrs Louis Morris was successful among the six tables of players and received the attractive trophy. Mrs A. D. Shanere was presented with 'he award for second high. The hos tess remembered the guests of honor with pretty gifts. Colors favored for the afternoon were ^ notnd in th« aopetizine luncheon which followed the games. The guests Included Mesdames .1. J. Dunn. P. F. Dominy. Albin Pol nn. Fred Wedegartner. Gib Henson Harrv Fo»hner. Charles Bowie. J. T. Wileox. G A Cowden. H F Mr Fariden. C. ,1. Leslie. Z L. Butts, r. E Me/nailv. I. Morris. J. A. Ooolsbv. A. r*A Shanere. Charles Wunderman. H C. Lawton. J. T. Lomax J E. F^l **n^ the honorees. • • • Mrs. j Le*» Hanchev and children together with Mrs Honehev s moth er. Mrs H M Whaling of Austin, have returned to their home on North Crockett Ave. * MALARIA. fhe Treatment of Malaga with Quinine is Time-honored and General. Grove’a Tasteless Chill Tonic is strong in Quinine. The Quinine has a mors dodded Strengthening, Invigorating Effect when combined with email doses ol Iron. Try taking this famous old Quinine and Iron tonic for malaria or the after effects of malaria. No tice how it improves the appetite. You can feel its Strengthening, Invigorating Effect. * Pleasant to take. 60c. A *? v*ryb*o*«dal lo the treat •eat of Malaria or Chill* therefor* a pack age of Grove'* Black Root F’lUaiaenr.oM^j •nth every bottle for those who with to Uhl • UuLAtive in connection with the Toole* >fenus gA^Day BY MRS. ALEXANDER GEORGE A SUMMER DINNER MENU Shrimp Cocktail Veal Birds Creamed Potatoes Buttered Pea* Bread Plum Jelly Spiced Peaches Fruit 8alad and French Dressing Lemon Pie Coffee Shrimp Cocktail. Serving Eight 1 cup shrimps, cut In 1-2 inch pieces. 1 cup diced cucumbers. 1-4! cup diced celery', 2 tablespoons chop ped pimentos, 1-4 teaspoon salt, 1-4 teaspoon paprika. 1-2 cup mayon naise, 8 lemon quarters. Mix the shrimps, vegetables, salt, paprika and 2 tablespoons of may onnaise. Chill. Serve In small glass cups which have been lined with lettuce. Top with the remaining mayonnaise and the lemon. Veal Birds. Serving Eight 1 1-2 pounds weal steak, cut 1-2 inch thick. 1 teaspoon salt. 1-4 tea spoon paprika. 3 cups soft bread crumbs. 2 tablespoons chopped on ions. 2 tablespoons chopped green peppers. 1-8 pound chopped salt pork. 1 egg, 4 tablespoons butter, i melted. 1 Wipe off the steak with a damp cloth. Cut Into 8 pieces. Sprinkle with salt and paprika. Mix the rest of the ingredients and place por tions on top each piece of meat Roll up and tie with white cord Brown the • birds" in 4 tablespoons of fat. Add 2 cups of water and a lid. Cook slowly on top the stove i or bake In an oven for 11-4 hours. Remove the cords and sene on a platter. Spiced Peaches 1-2 peck firm peaches. 7 pounds light brown sugar. 5 cups vinegar. 1-4 cup whole cloves, 1-2 cup bark cinnamon. Boil the sugar and vinegar for 8 minutes. Add the spices, which have been loosely tied in a muslin bag Boil for 5 minutes. Add a few peaches at a time and boil gently, until very tender and well glazed. Remove to a stone Jar and e^ok the rest of the peaches. Cool. Cover1 and store in a dark. cool, dry place I— -- ' " L tl S9lkmaatou. —FINAL CLEARANCE K NT’S SUITS Men's Genuine “Palmbeach” and “Nurotex” Suits, in very attractive patterns. Nicely tailored and fitted right. Regular $18.98 values, Clearance Sale Price. $14.49 (With two pair pants) Men’s 3-ply Tropical Wor sted Suits' in beautiful pat terns. Very desirable suits. All tailored by experts. Their careful workmanship is expressed in every seam. Regular $22 49 values— $15.69 i Men’s Summer Suits in solid white and striped patterns. Regular $12.98 values— $10.45 I_ Men’s Socks Men’s “Interwoven” hose, solid colors and fancy pat terns, regular SI.00 values, now— . 75c “Interwoven” hose, solid and fancy patterns, regular 75c values, now— 59c Men’s hose, fancy and solid colors, regular 45c values, now pair— 35c Men’* Underwear Men’s Rayon shorts, elas tic band, regular 79c val ues— 65c Men’s Rayon Athletic Shirts, regular 65c values 55c Men’s ‘‘Chesterfield” Gen uine broadcloth, silk strip ed Union Suits, regular $1.29 values, now— 98c Men’s Dimity checks Union Suits, pre-shrunk material, regular 79c val ues— 65c Men’s Ties Men’s Cheney Cra vats. Faille Venise, Mistglo and Armore Foille. Becoming colors and graceful new de signs- Dignified patterns and luxurious weaves. Reg ular $1.49 values, now— 98c % Men’s “Eme rson” Felt Hats in the new fall shapes and col ors. Big assortments here to select from. Priced at— $4.98 and $5.49 Men’s “Stetson” Hats in novelty shapes Fall styles and col ors. Late arrivals. Each— $8.49 Men’s super-shrunk white duck trousers, regular $2.29 values, now— $1.79 Men’s genuine “Palmbeach” pants in very attracti v e patterns, regai 1 a r $4.98 values, special $3.69 Men’s Beacon Shoes $5.00 pair We have them in all styles and materials, low and high. The quality of “Beacon” shoes is supreme, and high ly recommended elegance and long -