Newspaper Page Text
Don’t “Hit the Trail” of Hot Pavements to Find an Apartment—Look Over the Rental Ads AUTOMOTIVE ICth & Adams OPEN EVENINGS STEVENSON MOTOR CO, Inc. Brownsville. Texas. AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE—Fordson tractor, disc and Oliver plow. D. N. Nall. Route I. La Perl a, Texas. South White Ranch road. T-77 FOR 8ALE OR TRADE—7-paasanger Cadillac sedan In A1 condition. A real bargain. See E. O. Anglin at Val ley State Bank. Harlingen. Texas. 0*182 USED TRACTORS—One 15-30 McCor. . tnlck Dee ring leea than 9 months old; one 10-20 McCormlck-Deertng. 1 year old; one OP John Deere less than 4 months old: one Model D John Deere; also some good Fordsons and Imple ments. The above are priced low for quick turn-over; carry one month’s guarantee, and can be bought on lib eral terms. Call, write or phone Oo lay-Klrkpatrick Tractor and Implement Do, 1113-17 W. Jackson. Harlingen. Texas. Phone 1030. PERSONAL THE MEDICAL ARTS HOSPITAL of Edinburg. Texas, will start a new class lor student nurses September 15. Any one who desires to enter this class should write at once to Superintendent of Nurses. Medical Arts Hospital. Ed inburg. Texas. T-80 LOST ~P FOUND_ LOST—Saturday. Aug. 3. near Mer chants bank, spectacles In black case. Reward for return to 43 Adams street or city hall. Hulon Sterling. T-87 LOST—Small ring, diamond In white gold setting. Finder return to A. E. Tough. Abbott Bulck Co. Reward T-100 LOST—In shopping district. Browns ville. coin purse containing about 826.50. Finder please return to 317 W Levee. Suitable reward. T.105 LOST—Bunch keys at postoffice. Re. turne general delivery window. Re ward. T.103 FOUND—Oil cook stove. Call Velvo rens Motor Oil Co. Phone 568. T-60 HELP WANTED SALESMEN We have an opening for two ex perienced automobile salesmen; also experienced Nash mechanic; percentage basis. BROWNSVILLE NA8H CO. 1327 Levee. Brownsville. T-67 WANTED—First class Chevrolet me chanic. Apply Hooks Chevrolet Co. Donna. T-63 500 RELIABLE cotton fanners wanted 22.000 acres Willacy Co. dry land for rent. Must be able to finance self Delta Orchards Co., phone 1080. Harlingen. Texas, or T. C. Green, phone 95. Raymondvllle. Texas. 8-217 BOY WANTED—Apply at The Herald office. WANTED—Non-union barber. Apply 8an Benito Barber Shop. San Benito. Texas. T-98 I Classified Business Directory - ARCHITECTS_ BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects-^-Engineers w-708 Merchants Bank Bid*. * 1 Phone 617 r Brownsville. Texas ft ‘ ' E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. I r Phone 906 1 F _ R. NEWELL WATERS Architect 1-12 Security State Bank Building Weslaco. Texas i i_ E. B. GORE - Civil and Consulting I Engineer Room 408. State National BanX lUdg. Brownsville. Texaa. Pbone 1017. BUILPEBS-CONTBACTORS *. PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors 628 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 E. M. RIDLEY General Contractor * Roads, Land Leveling, If Plowing, Sub-soiling iHccavations embankments is 408 MERCHANTS NAT’L BANK 2 BROWNSVILLE_ W CASH REGISTERS _ iTAlTONAL CASH REGISTER CO Registers bought. 6old and exchanged W E. 8anders. Representative Phone 29. Harlingen. Tex Box 905 -^RAY-TRAXSFER Mason Transfer & Grain Co. bonded WAREHOUSE SEEDS OK ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING 005 Adams. Phone 139 AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY Crating. Shipping. Hauling Phones 421 and 519 FLORISTS_ the flower shop Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. ^ Phone 1388 lanWYER THE FLORIST, flowers •tid funeral designs. St Charles and Pita streets. Phone TIL g HOTELS—CAFES ' WHITE KITCHEN~ Famous for its 'Cooking-Immaculacy and Service The popular place for business lunches 12tb between Elizabeth and Washington ~ FINANCIAL LOANS />« Improved residence and business property. Todd and Underwood 1057 Levee 8t. Brownsville. Texaa L MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. All repair work guaranteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 NICKEL PLATING Electro-Nickel Plating We nickel plate bumpers, radiators, headlight#, etc. Also mirrors plated. VALLEY ELECTRO PLATING WORKS 15th and Polk. Phone 55. Brownsville, Texas. OmCE EQUIPMENT ART METAL1 FILING Equipmem Maverlck-Clarke Litho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 817—Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVES STATIONERY 8s BOOK 6TORE Brownsville. Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS ROOFING THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO.. Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1168 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville’s Typewriter House) Distributors. New L. C. Smith “Si lent" 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and “Factory" Rebuilt*—all makes We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth St, Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER SALES CO. Typewriters— Adding Machines Supplies—Repa rs Phone 506—Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ~ ATTORNEYS RALPH A. DUNKELBERO Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Sea bury. George and Taylor Building Brownsville. Texas Davenport. West and Ransome Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville, Texas H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Texas J. T. Canales C. S. Eldman. Jr. CANALES AND 2IDMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas H. L. Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville CHIROPRACTOR M. Cook. D. C. CHIROPRACTOR Nerv-O-Meter Service 1715 Grant and Seventeenth Victoria Heights Brownsville. Texes Phone 1228-J EL V1BRA SYSTEM USED REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Brownsville's Supreme Residential Dis trict. carefully restricted, completely unproved Home sites from $1200.00. easy terms. James-Dickinson Co, Realtors, corner El Jardln Hotel Bldg, Browns villa. SALESMEN—AGENTS HARDWARE 8ALXSMAN WANTED— Experienced man; age preferred. 25 to 30; must be good salesman and active. Rio Grande Hardware and Machinery Co, San Benito. T_23 8 CATIONS WANTED PLOWING, discing, orchard cultivation and land leveling. O. B. Bowman. Banker Road. Brownsville. Texas. T.54 MIDDLE-AGED WIDOW wants post, tion as housekeeper or nurse In pri vate home. Can furnish reference. Box 548. McAllen. Texas. T-73 LIVESTOCK—POULTRY I BUY HORSES and mules, wild or tamed. Jose Cue. Hotel Imperial. H Mat~moros. Mexico. Phone 57. 8-177 FOR S ALE—Registered Duroc hogs. See J. H. Smith at HUtnpty Dumoty Market. La Ferla. T-72 FINANCIAL ' MONEY TO LOAN on city property. 8am Hughston. Maltby Bldg. 8-247 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Bakery For Sale Doing goo.1 business. Must be sold to settle an estate. Priced right. Address • Bourdette & Son Bakery McAllen, Texas e FOR SALE—Bill's Cafe at 7th and Jackson, opposite 8 P. freight depot Good reason for selling. S-200 BUt OR EXCHANGE WILL TRADE 180 acres 4 miles south west of Mercedes, all clear of brush ex cept 15 acres for land close to San Benito preferred, or Brownsville or Harlingen. Might trade for Browns ville Income property. Also 40 acres 3 miles north of Weslaco all clear, fair house and good well water. Address Box 961. San Benito. Texas. T-104 MISCELLANEOUS TIME WELL SPENT Is tlm# devoted to looking over the classified ads. PLAT TOP OAK DESk! oak chair, shelving, counters. Will sell cheap L B. Everett. Weslaco. Texas. T-74 ARTICLES FOR SALE NEW GROCERY REFRIOERATOR. best made. Capacity 100 cubic feet Re duced price. Terms. L. B. Everett. Weslaco. Texas. T-74 FOR SALE—Good outboard motorboat. ! now at Point Isabel. Also, slightly used j outboard motor. Both in good condi tion. See Jack Elliott. San Benito. _T-81 . NEW WOODSTOCK typewriter. Re duced price. Terms. L. B. Everett* Weslaco. Texas. T-75 NEW PORCELAIN Toledo scale, perfect ! condition, used fen- months Reduced price. Terms. L B Everett. Weslaco ; T**»*T-74 j FINE NATION cash register. Five banks of keys. Perfect condition. Used J only few months. Terms. L. B Ever ett. Weslaco. Texas. T_75 NEW BABY GRAND PIANO reduced ♦o half price A real standard make F D. Hambly. Box 562. phone 844-M Brownsville. T-101 WANTED—REAL ESTATE R. U. Dissatisfied? If for some reason you are anxious to sell your Improved grove, farm or land In brush. It will pay you to get lr touch with us at once. We have bona fide prospective customers with cash Address. WITTROCK & CO. 806 Harrison St. Oak Park. Illinois __ 8-210 REAL ESTATE Los Ebanos Lot We have been authorized by owner to sell his beautiful Los Ebanos lot for tl.OOO: terms can be arranged. This Is an unusual sacrifice. Call Mr Egan at James-Dlcklnson phone 499. 8-119 - - — INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVEST In Brownsville's new business nnd residential sub-dlvtslon. located on 13th and 14th streets, one mile from Gateway Bridge, on the main thorough fare leading to the proposed shin channel, municipal air port. rich farming Ustrlct of El Jardln. and Boca Chios Beach. Easy terms. Ten per cent down, balance 5 years to pay. lease Dennett. phone427, Brownsville. Texas. OOOD LAND In Raymondvllle district at bargain. Improved and unimproved. Large or small tracts. Several pieces suitable for development and subdi vision. Prices are right. Terms are right. A pleasure to show you. Oeo R, Lochrle. Raymondvllle. Texas. ■_ 8-224 FARMS FOR SALE TWO 10_ACRE citrus orchards near Harltngen. Trees about seven years old and have good crop of fruit now Price reasonable. F. W Howard. Phone 1090 _ T-82 WE HAVE some fine potato and citrus land in small or large tracts. Will be glad to show them. P. W. Howard Phone 1090. 8-128 EVERY DAY there Is a new Ust of of fers and wants In the Classified Sec tion Watch it carefully and regularly and get lust what you waut. ONE 8-ROOM 2-story house with three acres of land off Boca Chlca highway, three miles from town, at a sacrifice P. W. Howard, phone 1090 T-99 - - AN AUTOMOBILE Is not so hard to buy If you watch for the bargains of fered In the “Automotive" columns of the Classified Section. - —■ - - I FOR SALE One 3-room house and two lots on the corner of Washington and Palm Blvd. Will sell the lota with or without the Improvements. These are beautiful lots and are being offered reasonable P. W. Howard. Phone 1090. T-12 ~~ HOUSES FOB SALE FOR SALE—Beautiful Los Ebanos home, five rooms, large lot; built of brick; wonderful exposure. Priced right Terma can be arranged. Coll Mr. Egan. James-Dlcklnson Co. Phone 499. Home phone 1398-W. T-38 I CLASSIFIED RATES and RULES Advertise/tents will be accepted over the telephone from telephone subscribers, or frcm those having regular charge account# Other classified advertising must he ac companied by cash. No advertising accepted on an -until forbid" order. A specified number of insertions must be given. The Herald reserves the right to place all advertisements under the proper class! f teuton. and reject unclean or objectionable copy. Obituaries, resolution*, and cards of thank* will be taken at the reg ular classified rate Tbs publisher* are not responsi ble for copy, omission*, typograph ical error or any unintentional er ror that may occur, farthei than to correct in the neat lssu* alter It ta brought to their attention. All ad vertising orders are accepted on this basis only. Telephone No. 8 and dictate your advertisement to an experienced classified writer. To Insure publication same day copy should be presented not later than 10:30 a. in. Copy for Sunday issues should ha In not later than 1:30 p. m. Saturdays to Insure proper classification. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES .0 words cr less, ons In sertlon 30c Over 30 words, one Insertion. per word .Hie Subsequent Insertions run con secutively. per word. lc By month, per word.23c Minimum for monthly rate. 10 words. No classified advertisement ac cepted for less than.30c LOCAL READER RATES Readers, per count Una. 20c— Per Inch .81 JO Second and third days. 17c per line; fourth, fifth and sixth days. 15c per line; 7 consecutive day*. 15c per line. HOUSES FOR SALE FOR SALE—Hollow tile stucco bunga low In Los Ebanos; cash or terms Phone 1258-J. 8-137 FOR SALE—Modem 8-room 2-story house. 325 W. Levee street. Phone 251. T-78 LOTS FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL LOS EBANOS LOT Souttieast exposure; must be sold at a sacrifice. Phone 1398-W, or call at No l. Del Francis Apartments. Los Ebanos 8-117 WANTED—REAL ESTATE WANTED— 20 to 30-acre tract of choice, well located citrus land. Must be high and well drained, preferably reaaca or river front. Give full details as to lo cation, improvements. distance to schools, c'.ectnc power line*, etc., with best price, both on cash and terms basis. Answer T-92. Brownsville Herald. T-92 RENTAL FOR RENT—50 acres potato land. Irri gated Call at 101 Adams street, or phone 561. T.E7 APARTMENTS finikin Apartments For Kent Two bedrooms In walnut: living room In beautiful overstuffed; cedar closets, dining room in wal nut; white porcelain stove: gar bage disposal; shower and tub bath; Wilton rugs; spring filled air vent mattresses: everything new Apply at apartment, two blocks east of High School on Palm Elvd. T-83 ALONSO apartments—Nicely fur nished Corner Sixth and Levee Phene 839 P-20S FOR RENT—Well nirnlshed apart ment; also sou'h s'de steeping room Close In. Phone 189. T-75 CONLEY APARTMENTS—Cool, and all conveniences 357 w Levee or phon* 817-R. 0-214 APARTMENT for rent on paved street Lights, water and cas furnished All conveniences Phone 429 0-274 FURNISHED SOUTHEAST apartment Bedroom has 7 windows; bath, gas, ga rage; £25. Phone 620-J. 1218 W. Wash ington. R-2-M3 FOR RENT—New coot apartments and rooms Phone 957-J. S-170 NEW DUPLEX, furnished and unfur nished Every convenience. No. 1112 West Elizabeth. Phone Carlos O. Wat son. T.1S MAY DAY APARTMENTS—Cool, new modern. 11 located Completely fur nished including zc: ozones. gas. garage Summer rates. 121 Washington. Phone 714. 6-26 TWO-ROOM furnished apartment and m~’s. 1022 St. Charles. Phone 629-W 8-57 THREE-ROOM southeast apartment; very attracUve rental. Phone 946-W 6-80 WE HAVE both furntshed and unfur nished apartments and unfura'shed houses. Howard, phone 1090. T-102 FURNISHED ROOMS” ROOMS, one doe* rrora postoffice one block from El Jardln hotel; large southern exposure; reasonable. Phone 1226-W or 1317 M-21S FRONT BEDROOM on cool side In modem home. Close in. with gas wa ter heater. Apply 403 St. Francis St. S-210 ROOMS AND APARTMENTS-—Reason able rates. Olenwood Hotel. Phone 619 P-1II HOUSES ~ FOR RENT—8-room house; all con venience*. St. Charles and Palm Blvd Phone 896-W. R-216 FOR RENT—5-room modern residence near school and on pavement. J. O Starck. Putegnat Hardware Co. 8-193 FOR RENT—5-room house, with built in feature* and modern convenience* 1454 Washington, West Brownsville. J R Barnard. Box 467. San Benito. T-35 HOUSE AT OLMITO for rent. Water and gas. Write Box 443. Olmlto. T-3 HOUSE IN LOS EBANOS FOR RENT Brick veneer, unfurnished: 5 rooms: all modem conveniences; garage. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE ON ST. FRANCIS STREET. Modem convenience*; garage; cool John B. Puckett, care Rio Orande . Valley Trust Co. 8-234 FOR RENT 3-room cottages, front porch. Shower baths, gas and lights. Third and St Francis streets Phone 1190. T-11 ROOMS AND BOARD BOARD AND ROOM In private famllv for young man. Phone 552. T-4S WANTED TO RENT IF YOU HAVE house* for rent Usl them with Howard, phone 1090. T-105 s BOW TAKES BOW I rgiU Clara Bow plays the part of a little circus girl in “Dangerous Curves,'' showing at the Capitol Theater now. AVERT CRISIS IN CONFERENCE Hague Adjourns Pending Rumor of J. P. Morgan as Mediator THE HAGUE. Netherlands. Aug 12.—</Pj—A crisis in the reparations conference was averted today by adjournment of the finanical com mittee meetings until Wednesday, and rumors were rife that the de lay was intended to give J. P. Mor gan. American hanker, an oppor tunity to exercise mediating influ ence. Louis Lcuchier, French delegate, had been listed to speak at today’s meeting of the financial commit tee. which was to have taken up chancellor of the exchequer of Great Britain, looking toward re vision of the Young plan. It was rer'jrted the American banker already was at The Hague or had been in consultation with j the delegates secretly. HOMES I SIDELIGHTS U TEXAS George K. Arthur and Karl Dane become world travelers in their new funmeker for Metro-Goldwyn-May er, "China Bound." which is now showing at the Texas theater. The; are on their way to the far cast Karl as a stoker of a liner, and George as an unwitting but not un willing stowaway. Both their sweethearts are on the liner, but so Is Angus McAlister, r ! Scotch antique dealer who is taking i his daughter Joan < Josephitr ; Dunn) and her maid Sarah, played { by Polly Moran with him on a buy ing trip to China—and away from George, to whose attentions he ob jects. CAPITOL The Clara Bow fans turn e d out in large numbers yesterday sec and hear the'*- favorite in the much-heralded role of bare-back rider and female Pagliacci. in the feature picture, "Danger our Curves,” at the 'apltol again to day. They were not tsapireinted. ever though the girl who has made “It" a by-word in parlor, bedroom and bath failed to furnish whoopee of the mad flapper variety. In fact there must have been these who were delighted to hear their ido' in a part which called for more se ; rlous acting s a complement to the customary vigor and vivacity of La Bow. The scenes of "Dangerous • Curves"—and the excellent sound I atmosphere as well, are those of a ; big circus. Mi.* Bow is the bare back rider in love with Rlc’ -1 Ar len a tight-rope walker. Kay Fran cis is the vamp who gathers all o' Arlen’s misplaced love to herself until the hero learns that Kay P I false. RIVOLI—SAN BENITO All the colors of the rainbow come to the aid of Vitaphone in "On With the Show,” which opened a four i day engagement at the Rivoli in San Benito Sunday night. The ; amazing picture is a riot of glorious hues and melodies, dancing feet and up-to-the-minute songs. The intensely human story of a company of stranded players, is set in the glamor of n fantasy, which the | company is playing, while the inti mate story of theirs goes on. The Fairbanks Twias. those exquisite dancers, beloved of Broadway, twin kle through the maze of exciting scenes: Joe E. Brown is there with i what is beyond doubt, the mast con tagious laughter in the world. Bet ty Compson and Sa j O'Neill are the lovliest; Arthur Lake, recruft from circus sawdust, and with the charm of husky youth and feet that won’t behave, young Bakewell, among the most pleasing of Juven iles: Fazenda with her antics. Ethel Waters, queen of the negro croon ers and the famous Harmony Em perors’ quartet and a host more make an evenings entertainment not to be equalled anywhere. TRAGEDY CHEATS LAW GLASGOW —To escape trial on r charge of fraud John Scam killed I himself. 1 --- LEGAL ADVERTISING I __ DEPOSITORY BIDS WANTED The Board of School Trustees. I Point Isabel Independent Schocl District w'ill receive at their office until 9 a. m. on the 14th day of August. 1929, sealed proposals for depository of Point Isabel Inde pendent School District Funds for the biennium beginning September 1. 1929, ending August 31, 1931. The Board of School Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all bids. R. BERRY. Sec’ty. Point Isabel Independent School District. 8-ll-12-2t-351Q ATTRACTS CROWDS AT RIVOLI » ———imnilll i mi ii— i r —mi.. - - - .. Scene from “On W th the Show." the present attraction at the Rivoli theater in San Benito, which is proving popular with its singing and dancing features. [CHATTY-'l GODDESS OP GAB Beatrice Burton, &«*** K COPVRI6HT ’,92». CENTRAL PRESS ASSKlNC» CLEVELAND, OHIO. ***>* (Continued From Page 4) when she w.: dressed for the street. "If you're going with Dave you'll have to hurry home to get into your stepping-out clothes v .n’t you?" An 1 when they were going down • to the ground floor in the elevator she added a —ord of advice: "There’s sure to be a lot of talk m the office, now that Mr. Van has started t*> frisk around with Agn-s ... I think you and I would better keep out of it.” * # • Like most blondes, Chatty looked her best when her hair had just been washed. It was so fine ant! silky then that every hair was like a thread oi spun geld. "I wonder if I have t me to wash j my head before Dave comes for me j at seven.” she said to Billie, as th*: two of them ran up the dark stain; I to their landing in the Liptcn street apartment house that night. | "I’ll do it for you,” Billie offered, in her arm, generous way. * You come over to our hause in about three minutes, and I'll have some i shampoo all ready. I was going to. wash my own hair tonight, anyway,! and we can use our bathroom. Then you won't have any of the mess to clear away in your own house.” Fi-' minutes later she was vigor ously soaping and rubbing Chatty'r head—then rinsing it and washing it again as carefully as any beauty parlor hairdresser could have j done it. t Rub it drv while I wash my own. Chat.” she said. "And I’ll spray H with some of that new sweet pea perfume that George gave me on ; Valentine's Day—’’ "That reminds me—where is George tonight?” Chatty wanted to know. "He usually drives you j home, doesn't he?" ._ o nodded, gasping a little ao ! the water from the spray she was ' using went into her nose and mouth. "He had an engagement tonight,” she said. • Where?” asked Chatty, wno nat urally liked to know everythin! about everybody—rot because it was any of her business, but just because she was naturally curious. "I don't know.” "Maybe it was with a girl,” sug gested Chatty. "I "••ess not.” Billie did viol sound at all disturbed. "I don't be lieve George chases after girls much, except me. and we're just very good lriends.” "Oh, don't be so sure of him!”! Chatty’s voice cut in crisply. She had firmly made up her mind weeks ago that she wouldn't hurt Billie by telling her about seeing George and the Clinging Vine at the movies together. _ut she forgot that now . . . She had a piece of news she had been keeping to herself for a long time, and slie was fairly bu-sting to tell it. Besides, she wanted to see how Billie would take it. She wanted to see if Billie really was as Indif ferent to George Mayhcw as she pretended to be—to George as a sweetheart instead of the mere friend she always said he was. "I saw your Great Friend out with a blonde the other night!” she Cotton Damaged by Fire in Ginning A bale of cotton was part y dam aged by fire while in the proccess of ginning at Singer's gin on Four teenth street Sunday afternoon. An alarm was turned in at 3:05 p. m. and engines No. 1 and 3 made the run. The blaze was extinguish ed with chemicals. About one-half of the bale was damaged. The loss was covered by insur ance, it was stated. VETERAN UMPIRE GRANTED VACATION DALLAS. Aug. 12 — r»~Tom Er win. one of the oldest umpires In point of service In the Texas league has been granted a leave of absence | for the remainder of the season be cause of iii health. William B. Rug gles, acting president, announced. STORMS SWEEP TORONTO TORONTO. Aug. 12Ruin ed crops and dam'—d buildings to day marked the path of a storm which swept through this part of Ontario over the week-end. came out with her news. "He was at the movies with a girl who was just simply COVERED with dia monds—and if you don't believe me you can ask my mother about it.! She was with me—and they sat j right besicie us. Your precious Pla tonic Friend and his sweetie!” Billie did her best to take what | she had heard calmly. "Oh, I be-, iievc you—” she began bravely, and then all at once she hid her face in the bath towel with which she had been drying her pretty hah.. 3he did not make a sound. Chatty knew that she was cry t“g "Why, Billie!” she faltered, and went across the tiny steam filled room and put her arms around her friend's shaking shoulders. "Why— Billie—you musn't cry! I didn t know you'd feel like this about it. or I'd never. NEVER have said .1 word about George and that gir!! I thought you always said that you and he were Just FRIENDS. Oh. I’m ~o sorry I Md a word to you!" She really was sorry, now that she had told Billie about George and the girl . . . But wasn't it bet ter, after all. for Billie to realize, herself that she was in Ipve with him? Ci course it was! "You're crazy about C-.orge May hew, Billie Langenau!" she said hardily, "and you'd just better lace the fact! You're in love with him and you're married! Now. then, you'd better make up your mind what you're going to do about it—" Billie stood up suddenly. "Pleas* promise me that you wbn't talk about this at the office. Chat,” she sa:d, quietly, still covering her face ■with the towel. "Especially about my being married.” Chatty sniffed. ' What do you think I am? A gossip like Winn»e Talcott.’" the asked. "It hurts my feelings to have you talk like that to me. Billie! You know I'd NEV ER ta!k about you! You know I'm a friend of yours—a good friend!” And she marched cut of the flat. • TO BE CONTINUED' By R. W. BARRY | AUSTIN, Tex.. Aug 12.—(/P)—The vastness of the undertaking has jus* been realized by legislative members of the commission created to cen tralize and modernize the Texas penitentiary system. The nine members of the prison board have understood the immensity of the task for some time, and the ques tion now troubling the commission is whether the big job can be well done within the limited time grant ed by the legislature. The legislature stipulated that the survey of proposed prison sites and recommendations of the com mission—composed of the nine members of the prison board an.1 nine legislators—should be ready foi submission to the governor not later than Dec. 1. The commission left Saturday on a jaunt of inspection to ■'model' prisons of other states which wh1 keep it on the go for at least 30 days. Study State Systems John F. Wallace of Teague, mem ber of the legislative end of the commission, believe* it imperative that it be ascertained positively what kind of industrial works the Texas prsioners should be engaged in before choosing the site for the new. centralized system He point ed cut that railroad facilities shou’d prove a deciding point when the selection is at hand, depending, of course, on the nature of industries involved. Wallace has. been making a study j of the systems of a number of states which have made rapid strides wlto their penitentiaries. • There is at least one system that we have been urged to visit as an example of mismanagement,” Wal lace said. He refused to divulge the name of the state. Wallace, a business man, asserted that legislative members of the commission had not realized the bigness of the job assigned to them until they delved into it. Moody for Manufacturing "Everyone has entered into it ser iously ana I am confident that glv BLAST KILLS 3 IN HOUSTON Cause of Ammonia Explos ion in Dairy Plant Is Undetermined HOUSTON. Aug. 12—(P>—A dairy plant ammonia explosion here yes terday killed three men and the forces that set off the blast were still unknown today, pending of ficial investigation. Several rescue workers, digging frenzidly In the debris, were sick ened by the fumes, but none was believed to have suffered permanent injury. Chester Hilton. 30, an engineer, and L. A. Robinson. 35. an electri cian. were blown almost to bits, but Robert E. Williams. 25. cold stor age room workman, died even more horribly. His body was found wedged in a door leading from the compartment where he had been at work. Presumably he nearly saved his life only to be cut off by falling tools which partly blocked the aper ture. The blast smashed the ice stor age room of the Phenlx dairy and adjoining chamber where Williams lost his life. It occurred while Hil ton and Robinson were washing a shell tube brine cooler in prepara tion for repairing an ammonia leak in one of the tubs. Hiltons body was recovered from a pit filled with water thrown In the room to clear it of ammonia. The explosion flung Robinson through a metai lathe and cork insulated walL f -.— l Plane Nose-Dive*, Kills Three Men ROLLING FORK. Miss., Aug. 12. —(P)—Three men were killed in an airplane crash here yesterday when their plane nose-dived and fell about 150 feet as the pilot banked for a landing. The dead are: Al bert T. Firth, Jr., of Mollybluff. Miss., the pilot: Warren Barrier, 21. of Rolling Fork, and Joe Jox. 51, of Charleston. B iss. PILOT KILLED WHEN PLANE FALLS IN FOG PITTSBURGH. Pa., Aug. 12.—(.P) —Harry Smith. 26. Akron. Ohio, pilot, was killed today when his plane fell on the Pittsburgh-Mc Keesport boulevard r.ear Bettis field. He had taken off 15 minutes earlier from Bettis field and was believed to have become confused in r fog. CANADIAN FLYER" SOUGHT IN WILbs TORONTO. Ont., Aug. 12.—4/P)— Charles A. “Duke” Schiller. Cana dian flying ace. was sought today in the wilds along the northwest shore of Hudson bay where he lias been missing since his takeoff two weeks ago on a prospecting flight with two companions. BERLIN OPENS WORLD ADVERTISING MEETING BERLIN. Aug. 12.—OP)—Selling the idea of peace to the world be came the keynote at the First for mal session today of the world ad vertising congress, at which 1,000 American delegates were present.A total of 5.000 advertising men rep I resenting 20 nations are attending I the convention. MOTHER DROWNS FOUR GLASGOW—Mrs. Ellen Spey drowned her four children In the river at Buckle. Banffshire. Centralizing State Pen System Big Job en pk.ity of time we can present a report and plan of reorganizing the system that will give the legis lature something to think about." hr said. “It is an undertaking that should not be unnecessarily rushed to completion. We should have am ple time to work out and perfect our plans. “It is taken for granted that most of the prison farms in south Texas wili be retained by the system, and that while considerable farming will be done, some kind of industrial occupation will be adopted. Gov. Moody is said to favor the manufacture by prison initiates of clothing, furnishings and other commodities used by state institu tions. Also, possibly, printing and book-binding, especially rebinding of free text books, will be recom mended as an occupation. Labor May Object If the state should attempt to get very far into the manufacturing business, organized labor, as well as organized capital, could be expect ed to pretest. Already, that objec tion has come to the surface. Agi tation for the manufacture of ce ment by the state for road con struction. some of it from official sources, soon vanished during legis lative sessions when taxpayers in terested in the cement industry voiced their objaetlm. The centralization commission comprises W. A. Paddock cf Houu .,Dr A. O. Scott of lim; Joseph Wearden of Goliad. J. B. H. Holder by cf Fort Worth, E. H. As tin of Bryan, Lee Simmons of Sher man. Rabbi Henry Cohen of Gal veston. Fred H. Horton c* Green ville. and Frank L Tiller, all mem bers of the prison board; Represen tatives A. H. King cf Throckmor ton. John F. Wallace cf Teague. Coke R. Stevenson cf Junction. E. T. Murphy of Livingston and Har ry N. Graves of Georgetown, and Senators Nat Patton of Crockett, J. W. Stevenson of Victoria. W. A. Williamson cf San Antonio and Ed gar E. Witt of Waco. Mr. Paddock is chairman. Representative King. i vice-cnairman and Bob Barker of I Port Worth, executive secretary.