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I LATE MARKET REPORT I \ TEDCK MOTlMPrr—STOCKS—COTTON—CEAIM~-LnnE8TOCK —POULTRY—KCO NEARLY ALL ISSUES GAIN Gillette Safety Razor Jumps Five Points on First Sale NEW YORK. Aug. 12 — CP) — A heavy accumulation of buying or ders came into thj stock market over the week-end as a result t Saturday's brisk rally, and open ing prices today displayed a strong undertone. Gillette Safety R&. jr Jumjped 51-8 points on th® first sale, and initial gains of 2 to nearly 4 points were registered by Union Carbide. Westinghouse Electric, American Can and American Power & Light. Opening gains of a point or so v ere recorded by radio. New Haven. National Cash Register. In ternational Harvester and U. S. Steel common. Union Pacific dropped 4 points. Further study of the effect of the advance from 5 to 6 per cent in the New York federal reserve rediscount rate, which caused Friday's bed smash in prices, led to a rather gen eral conclusion on the part of mar ket observers that it wr s not as bearish as first believed. Reassur ing advices on the part of banking and brokerage houses helped to re tlve speculative confidence. Early gains ran from 1 to 6 points, with public utilities agair in the forefront. New high record, hour of trading by U. S. Steel com mon at 221 1-2, up 3 1-2, am American Tobacco A and B stocks Pacific Lighting ran up 6 points Stone & Webster 5 and America! Telephone, American & Foreigt Power and Brooklyn Union Gas sole 3 to 4 points higher. Railroad equipment stocks were Ir brisk demand. General Amencar Tank and Baldwin were early lead ers in that group. Rails also mover up. Foreign exchanges opened steady with cables unchanged at 13-16. Argentina Rains Cause Wheat Drop CHICAGO, Aug. 12.—(/TV-Gooc rains in Argerh'na and Austral!) together with a sharp unexpected drop in Liverpool quotations led to day to an early setback of wheat values here. Aggressive selling on the part of commission houses de veloped with the market showing but little power to rally. Starting 5-8 to 2 5-8c off, Chl ca~i wheat later underwent some further loss. Corn and oats likewise were weak, corn open ing 3-8c to 1 1 -8c down and subsequently de clining still more. Provisions tend ed upw’ard. Rallying in the ifnal transactions wheat closed nervous 31-2 to 4 1-2 under Saturday’s finish. Com closed 11-2 to 21-2 down, oats 11-4 to 1 7-8 off. and proivsions unchanged to 12 cents decline. [TEXAS DROUGHT PUSHES BUYING Cotton Open* Steady With Selling Advancing Under Reports rr*' - NEW ORIEANS, Aug. 12.—<JPh The cotton market opened relative ly steady despite'Lower cables than due. Opening unchanged prices ad vanced under buying on the con tinued drought In Texas and a large private etsimate of domestic con sumption in July. October sold up to 18.01. Decem ber 18.28, and January 18 29, or 11 to 12 points above Saturday's close Towards the end of the first hour reports of rain in Texas induced selling, and prices declined 4 to f points from the highs. Offerings appeared absorbed at the decline, and the market rallied again on demand stimulated by re ports of hpavy dr erloration of the crop in a number of states, with worms doing damage in North Lou isiana, Arkansas and South Texas October traded up to li.06, Decem ber 18 35 and January 18.38. or 1C to 21 points above Saturday's close. N. O. COTTON FUTURES CLOSE NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 12.—— Cot ton futures closed steady at net adavnce of 13 to 15 points: Prev. High Low Close Close Jan . 1838 1822 1834-B 1817 Mar. 1855 1846 1855 1840 May .... 1888 1865 1869-B 1851 Oct. 1808 1790 1803 1790 Dec. 1835 1817 1831-32 1817 Opening: Jan. 1817: Mar. 1840-B May 1851-B; Dec. 1817. NEW YORK COTTON NEW YORK. Aug. 12.—t/P>—Cot ton opened steady at an advance of 3 to 8 points on fairly steady ca bles and a private report placing July consumption of cotton in this country at 543.000 bales against 570.000 in June and 439.821 for July last year. Some selling appeared on reports of rains in the south west. but it was considered doubt ful whether these were sufficient to benefit dry sections and the mar ket at the end of the first half hour was holding about 5 to 8 points above Saturday’s close. December was selling at 18.32. Offerings were comparatively light later, and the market was very steady, with prices working up tc $18.46 for December, or about 2f points net higher. No fresh news factor was reported, but covering was reported on apprehensions that rains had been insufficient in Texas and an unfavorable view of weather conditions in the eastern belt. The market at midday was 19 to 22 points higher. Futures closed steady. 12 to 18 points higher. Spot quiet; mid dling 18.10. -V. Y COTTON FUTURES CLOSE l NEW YORK. Aug. 12—\JP)—Cot ton futures closed: Prev. High Low Close Close Jait .... 1852 1833 1843-44 1830 Mar. 1870 1854 1868 1850 May .... 1888 1870 1884-85 1868 Oct )old( 1817 1804 1816 1801 Oct (new) 1817 1797 1808-09 1896 Dec .... 1847 1828 1839-41 1826 Opening: Jan. 1837; Mar. 1857; ) May 1875-A; Oct. old 1804: Oct. new 1803; Dec. 1833. - x LIVERPOOL SPOT LIVERPOOL. Aug. 12.—<A»i—Cot ton spot dull; lower: American strict good middling 10.90; good 1 middling 10.50; strict middling 10.30; middling 10.10; strict low i middling 9.85: low middling 9.55; strict pood ordinary 9.15; good ordi nary 8.75. Sales 2.000 bales. 1,400 American. Receipts 1.100; all American. Futures closed steady: October 9 69: December 9.68; Jan uary 968; March 9.75; May 9.79; July 9.7''. NJW YORK OPENING NEW YORK. Aug. 12.—<A>>—Cot ton opened steady. Oct. 18 03; Dec. 18 33; Dec. 18 33; Jan. 18.37; March 1857; May 18.75. BUTTER AND EGGS CHICAGO, Aug. 12.—< A5—But ter unchanged; creamery extras 43c: standards 42 l-2c; extra firsts 11 @ 42c; firsts 39 1-2@40 1-2; seconds 37@38 l-2c. Eggs firm; extra firsts 34 @34 l-2c; ordinary firsts 29@32c. POULTRY CHICAGO. Aug. 12.—Poultry steady; fowL 27; springs 27@28: broilers 25; roosters 22; turkeys 20 @30; ducks 18f 20; geese 15; spring geese 21. NEW ORLEANS OPENING NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 12.—(A*) — Cotton opened steady. J^n. 18.17; March 13.40 bid: May 18.51 bid; Oct. 17.90; Dec. 18.17. N. O. SPOTS NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 12—<8*— Spot cotton closed c/*:et. 13 points up. Sales 304; low middling 16 63; middling 18.13; good middling 18.68; receipts 888; stock 40.701. NEW YORK. Aug 12.—<A*>—Gov ernment bonds; Liberty 1st. 41-4. $98.12. 4th 41-4 $98 14. Treasury 4s. 44-54. $101.29. THEFT SUSPECT HELD IN TRAVIS COUNTY AUSTIN. Aug 11.—<AV-A ma* said by officers to fit the descrip tion of Jake Fleagle, one of seven bandits who held up a Lamar. Col orado, bank on May 23. 1928. was arretsed today by Travis county of ficers. The suspect was accompan ied by a woman. BEGIN JURY CHOOSING IN AMARILLO MURDER CANYON. Texas. Aug. 12.—<A*I— Selection of a jury to try Mrs. Levi P Stallworth of Amarillo on a charge of murder In connection with the fatal shooting of Mrs. Grace Morrison of Plain view in Amarillo last May was begun here today. _ f KANSAS CITY. Aug. 12.—0P) Hogs: 11.000; strong to 10c higher; top $11.65 on 190-210 lbs.; packing $8.25® 9 AO. Cattle: 14.000; calves 2.500; na tive fed steers, she stock and west ern steers slow; stackers and feed ers strong to 25 hirher; slaughter steers, good and choice 950-1,500 lbs $1225016.15; cows, good and choice $8.00911.25; vealers (Milk fed) medium to choice $8 00913.50 Sheep; 8.000; lambs 15025c low er; sheep steady; lambs $12.50® 13.50; ewes $5.00®6.75. • - - — — CHICAGO, Aug. 12.—(iP)—Hogs: 33,000; 10® 15c higher; top $12.25; packing sows $9.00010.10; pigs $10.50011.65. Cattle; 18,000; fed steers steady: others tending lower; slaughter steers, good and choice 050-1.500 lbs. $13.500 17.00; cows, good and choice $8.75® 1225; vealers (milk fed) good and choice $14 00016 50. Sheep; 19,000; weak to 25c low er: lambs $1325014.00; ewes $4.75® 6.75. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK, Aug. 12.—(^—For eign exchanges easy. Great Britain, demand. $4,84 5-16; cables 4.84 13-16; 60-day bills on bunks $4,79 9-16. France, demand. 3 90 3-4; Italy. 5.22 3-8; Belgium 13.89; Germany, 23 77; Tokyo, 46.75; Montreal. 99.40 5-8. CALL MONEY NEW YORK. Aug. 12 —Call mon ey steady: 8 per cent all day. Time loans easier: 30 days. 8 3-4-9 69-90 days 8 3-4-9; 4-6 months. 8 3-4 to 9. Prime commercial paper 606 1-1 Bankers acceptances 30 days 51-4 051-8; 60-90 days 51-4051-8; 4 months 5 3-8051-8; 5-6 months. 5 316051-8. N. O. COTTONSEED CLOSE NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 12— Cotton seed oil closed easy; prime summer yellow 805; prime crude 7121-2® 737 1-2; Jan. 820; Feb 820; Mar. 830; Aug. 808: Sept. 809; Oct. 815; Nov. 815; Dec. 820. N. Y. COTTONSEED CLOSE NEW YORK. Aug. 12.—(/P>—Cot tonseed oil closed easier; prime sum mer yellow 910; prime crude 712 1-2 07371-2; Jan. 920; Feb. 920; Mar. 933; Aug. 910; Sent. 908; Oct. 907; Nov. 905; Dec. 916; sales 9,800. WEATHER SUMMARY Barometric pressure was slightly subnormal over the far southwest and the far northeast, and very slightly above normal over the bal ance of the United States. Scat tered showers occurred within the last 24 hours in the plains states, portions of Texas, and in the south eastern and northeastern states. Temperature continues seasonable throughout the country. WEATHER BULLETIN First figure lowest temperature last ngiht; second, highest tempera ture yesterday; third, wind velocity at 8 a. m.; fourth, rainfall past 24 hours. Abilene .74 100 — .00 Austin .74 96 — .00 Boston .70 74 — .00 BROWNSVILLE 76 94 — .00 Chicago .66 86 — .00 Corpus Christ! ...78 88 — .00 Dallas . 82 100 12 .02 Del Rio.78 98 — .00 Denver ..62 82 — .00 Dodge City.60 80 — .04 Fort Smith .78 100 — .00 Galveston .......80 90 — .00 Helena ..60 92 — .60 Huron .60 58 — .40 Memphis .74 88 — .00 Montogmery .74 94 — .28 New Orleans ...,78 92 — .42 New York . 68 82 — .00 North Platte ... 58 90 — .02 Palestine .74 96 — .00 Pensacola . 76 84 — .98 Phoenix ..80 96 — .oo St. Louis .70 88 — .02 Salt Lake City ,.64 90 — .00 Santa Fe ..54 70 — .70 Sheridan ..48 48 — .00 Shreveport .76 100 — .00 Vicksburg . 76 94 — .00 Washington .72 72 — on Williston .58 78 — .00 Wilmirgton.72 90 — .80 WEDDING ~ING ON TOE WARSAW.—Armless from birth Sonia Vallasz had her wedding rin<? placed on the fourth toe of her left foot when she was married. HUSBAND ESCAPES THIS TIMF LONDON—Contrary to precedent , a Jury refused to hold John Brian Walker liable for the debts of his . wife. ZEP READY TO CONTINUE HOP Eckener Order* Huge Craft ‘Cleared for Sailing* to Tokyo FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, Germany Aug. 12.—OP)—Dr. Hugo Eckener. commander of the Graf Zeppelin, this afternoon ordered the dirigible "cleared few sailing” on the Tokyo stage of her flight around the world, at 3 m. Wednesday (9 p m. Tuesday. E. S. T.) He admitted the departure of the big liner might be delayed by unfa vorable weather until the same hour Thursday morning. In any case the start will be made in the early hours as the low tem perature then permits a maximum load of gas. "Everything is in perfect order for the entire flight around the world so far as necessary permits, visas and other governmental re quirements are con ernedDr. Eck ener declared. "The soviet govern ment has been most obliging in ev ery respect. Perfectly Groomed The dirigible has been perfectly groomed for its long flight, an en gineer from the Maybach said the Graf's newly installed motors were good for 1,000 hours more flying. Two courses have been plotted b\ Dr. Eckener for the trip, which probably will be the hardest tht giant Graf has been called upon tc make. One is a northern route across Siberia and the other a sou thern route. The distance for each is about 6,600 miles. This distance Dr. Eckener expects to cover in about 120 hours or five flying days, or at an average speed of 55 miles an hour. The average speed on the just completed east ward crossing of the Atlantic war more than 75 miles per heur. Two Possible K.,u cs Both northern and southern routes, it was understood, converged at Chita. Siberia where the Zeppe lin probably will turn southeast tc pass over Peiping, ancient Chinese imperial capital, before beading out across the Hwang-Hai. or Yellow sea. All arrangements have been com pleted In Tokyo for reception of the Zeppelin and Dr. Eckener hopes it will be necessary for him to re main thep only four or five day before thfc final lap to Lakehurst will be begun. There have been a number » last minute applications for passenger space aboard the Graf for the con tinuation of the flight, but these are being refused. Brownsville Tiger* Beat Harlingen Team The Brownsville Tigers adminis tered two drubbings to the Harlin gen Red Ants at the American Legion diamond here Sunday by scores of 9 to 1 and 18 to 0. Lefty Santiago and Trevino hurl ed airtight ball for the locals in both encounters and the Issue was never in doubt after the first few innings. Outstanding stars for Brownsville included Joe King, Lefty Santiago. Padron and Rocha, all of whom fat tened their batting averages. Scores by innings, morning .game: Red Ants. 000 000 0KK-1 Tigers.021 110 13x—9 Montalvo and Rodriguez; San tiago and Trevino. Afternoon game: Red Ants . 000 000 000— 0 Tigers. 204 140 25x—18 Rodriguez. Pena, Montalgo and Rodriguez; Trevino and Salinas. City Briefs | Drills Planned—Further training for the Mexican Boy Scout troop is being planned by officers of the or ganization. Frank Martinez is drill instructor of the boys. Antonio Ar mendiez is captain and Pablo Ar mediez is first lieutenant. Six Passenger*. There were six passengers aboard the Mexico City hound plane Monday morping. T. E. Millan and Landa y Pena flew as far as Tampico. Mr. and Mrs. John M Bennett. Miss Maly Ben nett and Jiminez Castro were to continue on to Mexico City. Gracefulettes and dainty silk and lace brassieres. Visit the corset shep and see them, 1327 Elizabeth —adv. 12. To Washington.—R. C. Morris will ; leave for Washington state Monday evening by rail. In Austin.—W. O. Washington, county engineer, lias gone to Austin on matters pertaining to road work in Cameron county. Returning.—G. W. Dennett, local ; nostmaster. is now* returning from an automobile trip to Minneapolis. Minn. He is expected back in four i or five davs. The postmaster is ac ! companied bv Mrs. Dennett. KOCffS HORSE j fContinued From Page Onet 1 mond:” and t’lird, Sgt. Wells I ‘ Dick.” I Lightweight nolo mounts—Col ' Koch, "Silver Stockings;” second ! Capt. Ernest, “Socks.” and third Lt. Reardon. "Bozo.” Model hounters—First. Pvt. Pope “Hank;” second. Lt. Perrilliat j "Blaze;” and third Corp. Tahney. ‘ Winn Glass.” ‘PEEPINGTOMS’ : TO FACE TRIAL! 1 Man and Wife Hold Pair Caught Peeping into Their Bedroom Two alleged “peeping Toms'* will appear in city corporation court at 2 p. m. Monday following their ar rest Sunday evening. Answering a call, police found a man and his wife holding the ac cused men at bay with a pistol. The couple declared they caught the of fenders peering into the windows of their bed room. The men made bond. HAT MAKERS SPLIT PAIR WITH AZTECS (Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO, Aug. 12—The Brownsville Hat Makers and the local Aztecs split a pair Sunday, the Hatters taking the first, 8-5, and the San Benitans the second. 3-8. Score by Innings, first game: jj j* Brownsville ..3*30 310 001—17 8 3 San Benito ...033 010 100— 6 5 3 Batteries: Brownsville. Martinez AC I DINE never fails to relieve and keep it away. This remarkable new discovery relieve* safely, surely and swiftiy—indigestion, addoeis, gassiness. sour stomach, sick head ache, add stomach, chronic constipation, head colds and add rheumatism. It alkalizes, balances excess add, keeps tbs whole diges tive system sweet and clean. ACIDIN’E is the only perfect, modern, anti-arid which ii combined with Jtpta*c, • powerful starch digestant—it digests 900 times iu own weight of pur# potato starch in SO minutes. Your stomach deserves pro tection. ACIDINE gives it. A meat and starch digestant, anti-acid ana carminative beyond compare. Soothing to tbs stomach and intestinal membranes. Slightly laxative, but not excessively so. A really perfect medicine for mother, father, children and babies. Used and recommended by physicians everywhere. Morey bach guarantee. At all druggists, or writ* Health Laboratories, Inc., Dept.2S. Pittsburgh. Fa. -1 » Remember us when in need of little office helps such as good ribbons for your typewriter, carbon paper that will make clean copies—make a lot of real office joy. Our stock is replete with a thousand and one items that make for efficiency. Phone us for your office needs. IF rrs THE OFFICE-WE HAVE IT* Glixg OFFICE OUTFITTERS HARLINGEN » TEXAS. PHONE 822 P.O.BOX £Ol “Since 1891” I For thirty eight years this bank has served the Rio Grande Valley, and served the people well. ; Ask any banker from Rio Grande City to Browns- j. ville, as to the character of service vve render, both banks and the entire citizenship. IWe are known throughout this entire section of the state as “THE FRIENDLY BANK,” and we I; live up to that reputation daily. i* If you are not one of our fast growing N list of customers, Start An Account Today * 4 % Compounded semi-annually paid on Savings Accounts First National Bank j Brownsville, [Texas “THE FRIENDLY BANK” J Oldest Bank in the Rio Grande Valley jummer -i t Vacations New England\ The Seashore, iNorthern hakes, The Carolinas. Splendid Train Service is Offered by the Louisville & Nashville Railroad In New England you can enjoy the delightful mountains, placid lakes, the rocky coad, or gay seaside resorts. Or, you can sojourn at the seashore resorts of New Jersey or other resorts along the Atlantic, the delightful lake regions of Canada or the nonhem States, or among the mountains of the Carolinas. Reduced round trip fares are now available We will gladly provide you with literature, fares, etc., and assist in planning your trip. 1 N SIMMS. Trying Passenger Agent 203 Scanlan Building, Houston, Texas SV 29-2\ ' >■* ", M. ~ • * * *■ USE I VALLEY GOLD Sweet Cream Butter “Texas’ Blue Ribbon Creamery Butter” A. 0. C. Dent i Distributor — Harlingen TITLE INSURANCE ‘ When you borrow money on real estate, many loan companies re ' julre the title to be insured. The best test of whether a title Is insurable, is to have it insured. Require a title insurance policy when you buy. VALLEY ABSTRACT COMPANY Prompt Title Service Brownsville Edinburg Opposite Court House E. Harriman Bird. Phone 1184 Phone 93 »__ _ _ ____ m—mi ■ i it iir—niMimniuB hi TstmTiw ■ , ■ - t * - r — - ——tt mn m i hit w~nru»«nMitinrimaTWMmiTiTnw‘Tr We Make Keys For Any Lock --Also Duplicate Keys Stocked, sharpened Radiator Repair and repaired Specialists Lawn Mowers General Welding T. J. ROMMER p;2T ■ ■■■ - I !■■■■■.■ Mwr»—-ggcnw mm ■■ —M— nMUFn,rAT.n A. Record Gu,f Crowd. | Breeze Attended the Rivoll Sunday. Don't Mists It! _ Now Showing Ultil • Betty Compson Greatest Attraction Arthur Lake of the Age! ®aU* O'Neil Joe Brown Sam Hardy As big a sensation as the «t Louise Vitaphone picture. It has eve.y- Fazenda thing: Love, romance, comedy. . . inn gorgeous girls and a riot of I: ( , ^ asa | ^ - ] HE SHOW First 100% All-Talking, All-Singing Natural Color Picture Stttlmaiw “The Apache ’ With Margaret Livingston Don Alvarado — SILVER NITE — Every lady purchasing a center seat will re ceive a piece of silver. Admission 30c, 25c, 10c —.— ! Always Cool Brownsville — Today — 4 All Talking CLARA*!) BOW Show Starts 1:30 3:30 5:30 7:30 9:30 mmmis amts All Talking Comedy LUPINO LANE In “BUYING A GUN” Also . Paramount News . ind Ramos; San Benito, Rodrigues aid Castillo. H R E Brownsville . 000 110 001—7 2 4 ten Benito .. .001 030 111— 7 8 2 Batteries: Brownsville. Munos, dartinez and Ramos; San Benito, Darby and Leal. A kiss Will Of TEN Till You Kissing jour children you mayl learn things about, their health thal little ones cannot tell you. Unpleasant breath or a feverish cheek should put you on your guard against illness. Don t worry and don't delay. Just give a dose of California Fig Syrup and, soon the bowels will move; all sour, upsetting elements will be cleared from tha system and the child will be well and happy again. Nothing sweetens a sour, bilious stomach so safely; sc promptly as California Fig Syrup, Even if you suspect measles or som<! other children's disease, a dose of this misted remedy ffest thi: The doctor will praise your fore thought. It is the finest laxative In the world for children, and the safest. Children love its delicious taste. If you have a child who is troub led with constipation or subject to frequent bilious attacks and sick headache try California Fig Syrup, tonight it will save you further worry. Get a bottle of California Fig Syrup, today. All drug have it. California Fig Syrup has trusted by the World's mothers for over 30 years. That Is why thei word "California’* should be empha'j sized when buying.—Adv. mgratn-t Last T.mes Today KA.tL DANE GEORGE ARTHUR in “China Bound” A Riot of Laughter — Also — , Comedy — News 5c - 10c - 15c Starts Tomorrow— “Children of the Ritz” It's Cool AN3SHA Harlingen f All-Talking ^ — Now Showing — CHARLES ( BUDDY ) ROGERS’ great all-talking pic- - ture — from Boot hNf! Tarkington’s thrilling'/ A novel, “Magnolia” — a 1 man fights for honor to w win love! II Riverof II Romance' i CL Qaramounl Qtctuie^ Added— Talking Comedy and Movietone News W. O. Rozell AUCTIONEER IF IT HAS VALUE I CAN SELL IT AND GET THE MONEY !