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FASCIST DEPUTY! GROUP MODEL Writer Finds Italian House Strangest And Best Behaved HOME. Aug. 13.—(AV-Of the three lower houses of parliament that this writer has been privileged to ’ cover” in the course of r years' newspaper work. thFpresent Italian chamber of ieputies. the all-fascist "corporative chamber,” is both the strangest and the best behaved. Strangest because there are no blocs, groups or parties, strictly speaking, although every member if supposed to represent some corpor ative or guild Interest. Strangest too. because it holds only night ses sions. and is patient during theav Strangest of all finally, because it is so thoroughly under the domin ation of one personality—Deputy Benito Mussolin*. There* s no heck ling or baiting ie premier in the palace of Montecittorio, where the chamber sits. It is a well-behaved body, it may be presumed, largely because it was hand picked. 'Hie fascist grand council, in making up its nation wide list of 00 candidates, so tri umphantly elected on March 24. ev idently took extreme care to excludr trouble makers. There is not in the entire house a mischief provok er of the stamp of Leon Daudet. French royalist deputy from 1919 tc 1924, nor is there one with anything approaching he ramb’inctiousness of a captain turbulent gentleman from Texas who formerly sat in the house of representatives. This agglomeration of “good boys.” then, makes the task of President Girulati extremely simple Not once durli • the most recent session did he have to ring his bell, put on his stovepipe hat and sus pend the sitting, as the writer has »n any number of French pre ing officers obliged to do. and catcalls (“cries of animals.” as the Parisian parliamentary reporters so euphemistically put it), epithets and often fisticuffs. He has not ever had to utter the Italian equivalent of “The house will be in order!" which Frederick Gtllett of Massa 1 chuaetts used to enunciate with such _ Puritan rigor in the days when he was speaker of the house. I! ‘ SAN PERLITA' PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Barnhill and daughters. Alice. Ava and Ollie: Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cheney and children, Elolse. Rayburn and Maurlne. and Hilburn Godwin Erra Barnhill and G. C. Barnhill motored to Red Fish Bav Sunday afternoon, where they enjoyed a swim, after w’hich a picnic supper was spread. Mr and Mrs. L. L. Rudd and daughters, Mildred and Myrtle, ar rived Tuesday morning from Sa rita and are guests of Mr and Mrs J. R. Sprouse and daughter. J^eile. A revival meeting is in progress ® the new Methodist church. Rev. Davis is being assisted by Revs Jaco and Boone of Raymondville X ^V‘ Crow of Browns and Mrs ^ R Chenev and children and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 8mith and children returned Mon d*y ^roLm Bayside. where they were called by the death of their sister Mrs. James Moore. bJhv’ ^rs‘ Grady Barnhill and bab> left this week by motor for tn<LT1.formcr home near Houston ^vlber: Moran of Sebastian was a •'..itor here Wednesday. AJ R. Sprouse and son. Arthur, motored to George West, where \ they will visit relatives for a few days. E. P. Fitzgerald of Raymondville was a business visitor here Friday. | Mergers Hark Back To Feudal System NEW YORK. Aug. 13.—(*>►—'The growing tendency in business to ward consolidation with gigant.c corporations has inspired me sug gestion that modem business may be moving toward a feudal system of its own. The movement to gain security under the protecting arm of gigan tic super-hoi:, es has spread among banks, industries, stores and com mercial and professions] enterprises of all kinds. Independent units dwindle in number each year. They find it dif ficult to meet the competition of centrally administered organiza tions which can operate on small profit margins. Electricians, plumbers, even shoe repairmen and skilled workers of all kinds have come under the same Influence. Instead of individuals operating their shops on a personal basis they have become employes of corporate organizations. The professions of law. medicine, dentistry, science and engineering have not escaped. Thousands of graduates are finding that they must hitch their wagons to some central organization to make a liv ing. POSTAL PLANS FAST SERVICE , ‘Small Packets’ Plan To Be Instituted By Interna tional Union LONDON. Aug. 13.—(/P)—Business houses doing an international mail order trade will profit from the cre ation of a new service by the Inter national postal union, the ninth congress of which has just ended here. The international organization, created 55 years ago. has instituted a new "small packets" service, which is in effect a service of small par cels canned with the speed of let ters. It is designed to provide for the carriage of merchandise, sent either by traders or by private per sons. up to the weight of two pounds at a rate of postage appreciably lower than that of the letter post. These packets, whether the con tents are liable to customs duty or not. will be marked with a simple distinctive label Indicating the con tents. The establishment of the system will be optional in each country, but the-e is every reason to believe that it will be widely adopted. It will be introduced In England when the London conven tion comes into force next year. At present the only methods of sending merchandise are by the relatively slow parcel post or by the letter post at full rates. It is expected, therefore, that the new service will meet a real need not only In the case of traders, but of Individuals. The rate will be fixed at a point intermediate between those of the letter and sampje posts —three cents for two ounces or with a minimum postage of 12 cents. VTEVER wait to see if a headache AN vvill “wear off.’’ Why suffer when there's Bayer Aspirin? The millions of men and women who use it in increasing quantities every year prove that it does relieve such pain. The medical profession pro nounces it without effect on the heart, so use it as often as it can spare you any pain. Every druggist . always has genuine Bayer Aspirin for the prompt relief of a headache, colds, neuralgia, lumbago, etc. Fa i miharize yourself with the proven dictions'in every package. Aspirin AjrirSr n tb« tr*<» aurk of Birr Mten'tbftm lloeo*e«uc*uuwur of £*iicyLic*eid ARMY MEN INVENT AERIAL ROBOT ."".’' ..■.~ Lieut. A. Willett, left, and Col. G. Brandt examining the aerial robot they have invented. Ft is designed to make airplanes fool proof. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 13.—iff*} —An aerial robot, designed to make airplanes fool proof, has been in vented by Lieut. A. Willett, air corps officer, assisted by Col. G. Brandt, commanding officers of Crlssy field here. The device, its inventor says, will prevent steep nose dives, tall spins and other violent maneuvers. It may be Disced in a plane in such a way as to make it impossible for a pilot to execute maneuvers which might endanger the lives of passen gers. It also will aid a pilot in keeping his plane on an even keel in rough weather. Willet claims. Willett will offer no explanation of the mechanical features of the robot, as he has not yet obtained patents. Colcnel Brandt has ob tained the cooperation of the air corps engineering section in experi menting with the device. BUILDING LIST TOTAL $60,000 $15,000 Home Heads Sur vey of Activities In McAllen (Special to The Herald) McALLEN. Aug. 13. — A survey just completed shows that residen ces aggregating approximately $60. 000 are now under construction in McAllen. Heading the list is the new $15,000 home being erected for Mr. and Mrs J. Edelstein on North Fifteenth i street at Hackberry avenue by M. R. Nelson, local contractor. A. H. Woolridge is the architect. Spanish style archltuecture is employed, and the home will be two stores in height and of brick veneer construc tion. E. D. Mathis has the contract for the construction of the new $9,000 home for Mr. and Mrs L. E. Weber on North Fifteenth street at Ebony avnue. This is to be a one-story home of brick veneer constuction. Work has Just begun on the house. W. E. Crawford has contracts for construction of four new homes here for H. W. Deans, two for Scott, Ford and one for Charles Moore. The re spective costs will be $7,500. $S,500.1 *6 000 and $3,500. The new Fred Welch home on the International highway south of, the citv. is rapidly nearing comnle ticn. This residence is of English' type construction, and a verv at tractive face brick is being used on the exterior. Local builders attribute the r^es- I ent building activity to excellent returns from cotton crops, which are about half harvested. MERCEDES Miss Owena Stone has returned from Houston where she spent th° summer with relatives. Mr. and Mrs George Carnes ar* spending two weeks in Jacksonville and Houston. M~s Serita Guilbert of Sa i Be-! nito spent several days here during the past week, a guest of Miss Bct tie Houw*. Dr. and Mrs. Lysle Taibot of Ft. WOrth were guests here of Miss Mildred Bridges during the past week. Mrs. Perry Perkins. Mrs. Warnock McClelan and children, and Mrs. F W. Moon, who have spent the pa t three weeks in the hills above Kerr ville. have returned to Mercedes Mr. Perkins went up this week to accompany them home. Mrs. J. D. Lauderdale of Nash ville is visiting her- in the home of her son. Henry Lauderdale and; iamily. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tolson and so®. Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Art Tol son and Daughter, Effie Jean. Miss Barbara Hoyt, Joe Brand and Harry Tolson. all of Mercedes. Miss John - son of Pt. Worth. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ihomton and two children. Turner and Ann Orrlaw. formed the Dersonne! of a party which spent several days at Point Isabel during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McManus and little daughter. Joan of Abilene, are guests here in the home of Mr. McManus’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McManus. Mr. ana Mrs. Jack Hawkins were entertained at bridge this week ir the home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Rooks at Harlingen. Mrs. Walter Fricke of Harlingen a former Mercedes resident, was a guest here this week in the home of Mrs. Florence Kalbfleisch. Mrs. Cecil Robinson and Mivs Emma Roisterer have returned frem a two weeks’ vacation *n the moun tains around Kerrville. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Franz and daughter. Siverna and son Paul, have recently moved to Mercedes from Joplin. Mo., to make the*r home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ater of Rig Grande City were guests here dur ing the past week in the home rf Mr. Ater's mother, Mrs. G. W Elliff. Doyle Perkins has returned fruu Lasara where he visited in tir* home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shelve. He was accompanied home by Mxb Shelves and son Elbert Baker. Real Anheuser-Busch Quality every ounce of it BM-132 666 Is a Prescription fur Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever end Malaria. It is the vest saceer rested* knows FUNERAL HOME IS REMODELED San Benito Mortuary To Be Made Into Complete Structure By Change (Special to The Herald* SAN BENITO. Aug. 13—Con struction work on remodeling and enlargement of the Thompson's Mortuary building, which will make It one of the most attractive and complete structures of its kind in this section, was started today. The construction will represent an investment of approximately $11,500. according to Markham Thompson, proprietor. Contract was awarded to R. E Ewing, and plans for the remodel ing and enlargement were drawn by Birger A. Elwing, well known Val ley architect. Although the building is practi cally new. and built of brick, it is to be remodeled throughout, cov ered with stucco, and changed to a Spanish style structure. The addition will consict of a 40 foot extension, and the extensiuu will be two stories, a seven-room apartment being on the second floor. Wails of the chapel will be fin ished in large tile blocks, and a dark, hardwood floor will be put dow-n. The chapel will be extended about 30 feet, and will have accom modations for 175 persons. Mr. Thompson said. On one side near the crypt will be a family room, with arched entrance, making it semi-private. Mr. Thompson said he also is changing the name of his concern slightly, and in the future it will be known as "Thompson’s Mortuary The Funeral Church.” LOS FRESNOS A group of Los Fresnos residents enjoyed a picnic supper and surf bathing at Boca Chica beach on Sunday evening. Included among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Greer. Miss Geneva Palmer. A. D. Greer, and Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Taylor and children. Mrs. Joseph Kretz entertained members of the Catholic Ladies Pro i motion Society at her home on Fri day afternoon. A lengthy business session was held In which plans were completed for a bake sale on Saturday following the meeting. • • • HONORS VISITORS Miss Emily Jane Gobar was hos tess at a delightful affair at the home of her parents on Tuesday evening when she entertained in I honor of Misses Alice and Maxine White and Jack White of Minneap olis. The game of five hundred gave diversion throughout the entire ; evening. George Ogden was award | ed first prize and Miss Dallas Crit jchell received the consolation gift. Refreshments were served to Musses Julia Bowles. Dallas Crltchett, Helen Tandy and Howard and Floyd Smith. H. J. Tandy. George Ogden of San Benito. Bernard Gobar and the three honor guests. • • • MISS KRETZ GUEST Miss Dwight Day of San Benito entertained a group of her friends on Sunday evening with a picnic supper and swimming party at Rio Hondo. Included among the guests was Miss Josephine Kretz of Los Fresnos. • • • FISHING PARTY A croup of Los Fresnos men mo tored to Point Isabel Saturday where they enloycd fishing in the hay. Thev are Dr. J. E. Butler. Chas. Englar. Pat Butler. Jesse Dirk. Ike Butler. Ernest Barr and Clarence Schneider. • • • BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss Dallas Critchett was compli mented on Fridav evening at the home of Miss Julia Bowles with a five hundred narty. the occasion be ing Miss Crltchett’s seventeenth birthday anniversary. At the close of the games the priz* for high score was awarded to H. J. Tandy, while Miss Maxine White received the booby prize. Delicious punch and cake were served at the close of the evening to Misses Em ilv Jane Oobar. Alice and Maxine White. Helen Tandy. Mary Court ney and Howard and Floyd Smith. IT. J. Tandy. Bernard Gobar and the honoree. • • • VISIT IN ROMA An enjovabie trio for the week end was made to Roma Sunday, a number of Los Frenos people join ing in the picnic for the day. Those making the trip were Misses Jose phine and Margaret Kretz, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kretz. Mr. and Mrs. Oale Stevens of San Benito. Miss Rubv Ped*rson of Lourelis and Ed ward Kretz. • • • NEIGHBORHOOD BRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bowles enter tained members of the Neighbor hood Bridge club and their guests at their home on Saturday evening. At the c’ose of the games Mrs. Ruff held hiah score while Charles Go bar held the low score. • • * SWIM AND PICNIC Interesting among the events ar ranged in honor of Alice. Maxine, and Jack White of Minneapolis was a swimming party at Lake Olmito on Wednesday evening. After a dip in the lake the young people en joved a delicious picnic lunch. • • • BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Miss Jewel Moses was honored with a swimming party at Lake Olmito Mondav evening, the occa sion being her birthdav anniversary. After the swim a picnic refresh ment course we* served to Misses Emma Moses. Eula Brooks. Aline Goates. Annetta Schneirer and Neil Karstetter. Louie Moses. Frank Gibson. Theodore Barr. Clarence Schneider. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley MosesJr.. find the honoree. • • • SERVICE CLI B An outdoor meeting of the Wo man's Service club was held at Lake Olmito on Thursday afternoon. Th* time was snent in swimming, after which a delicious picnic lunch was enjoyed. • • • PFRSONALS Miss Gladys Watkins has return 'd to her heme in Los Fresnos af ter spending an extended vacation in Ree Heights. South Dakota. • where she attended the wedding of her sister. Irma, on July 18. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Pederson and daughter, Doris Marie, and son. El vin Fanoy. have gone to Oklahoma to visit with Mrs.. Pederson’s father. N. M. Trimble. Mrs. E. H. Cilley has as her gues* Mrs. P. J. White and daughter. Alice and Maxine, and son, Jack of Min nesota. Miss Gwendolyn Zumwalt, Philip Brady of San Benito. Miss Mar guerite Lupton and Clare Chase spent Sunday in Point Isabel. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Jordan ar rived Saturdav night from Dover. Ark,, where they have been visit ing with Mr. Jordan's parents, and Mrs. Jordan's sister. Mrs. Kav Ma Comb. They were accompanied on the return trip by Melvin Jordan, who is a brother of Mr. Jordan. Mrs. George L. Goates and daugh ter. Bobbve Jene. were callers at the H. S. Petlgo home on Tuesday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. S SaDoenfield have gone to Corpus Christ! where thev will spend a week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dav of East land are visiting with Mrs. Day’s sister. Mrs. J. F. Butler. ,Jr. Miss Marv Fvelvn Whitt was a dimer guest of Mr and Mrs. J. T Get’ant in Ran Benito Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. BnUedliek who have been guests of Mrs. Buller 1 dick’s sister. Mrs. James Downev. have returned to their home in St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hinkley and children left by automobile Mon day for Houston and other Texas ! points. A. D. Greer of Fort Worth is vis iting with his brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Greer. Bruce Day Is spening a short vacation in Kerrville. Mrs. S. E. Barr. J. T. Casey and Lorraine Countz returned Sunday morning from College Station, where they attended the twentieth annual short course. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Withencll left Monday for their former home at ' Edgley, North Dakota, where they j will visit. They will return by the wav of Oregon where a daughter resides. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. MaComb had as their guests on Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. C. A Stanford and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Pat terson and son. Wavne. and Mr. end Mrs. Grover C. Page and daughter. Verdelle. Mrs. O. D. Jennings end daugh ters. Hall Palmer, and Mrs. W. B. Palmer returned Monday from St. louis where they have been visit ing_ _ P. C. Pederson and Mr. and Mrs. Oren Pederson and daughters. Ruby Jean and Jo Ann. spent Sunday af ternoon in Point Isabel. Miss Ruth DeBusk and father. C. H. DeBusk. and brother. Elmer, re turned Wednesday morning from Newton. Kansas, where they spent the past three weeks visiting with Mr. DeBusk s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Moreland and twin daughters were called to i Oklahoma Friday after being ad vised by telegraph of the serious illness of Mr. Moreland’s father. Dr. J. E. Butler of Dallas is visit ing at the home of his stjn. J. E Butler. Jr. Mr. and Mrs N. G. Chatelle have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Micey of San Antonio and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Spencer of Simonton. Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Chatelle and their guests and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ogden of San Benito snent Tues day night at the Yacht club in Point Isabel. PERSONALS Mr and Mrs Ben Eckelkamp have , arrived here from Electra to make ; their future home. They will occupy ! the place recently purchased from J. L. Briscoe, while Mr Briscoe and family have gone to Electra to re side in the future. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. McCullers | have gone to Rush Springs. Okla homa. for an extended visit to rela i .ives and friends, and state they may locate there permanently. F. C. McDuffee of Willlmar was a business and social visitor In La ' sira. his former home, one day of ; his week. Mr. rnd Mrs. Joe Spurger left | 'fry will visit relatives and old • friends. J. G. McMulline. prominent busl | ness man of Orange. Texas, is here for a brief visit to his wife’s par ents. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Johnson. The Johnson’s will accompany Mr. McMuliin home for a visit to their daughter and familv. after which the whole party wilt tour Florida, returning by wav of New Orleans to attend the wedding of a near rela tive. ■ i— ii" Chain Stores Show Increased Profits CHICAGO. Aug. 13.— —An 1 analysis of the investment possibili ties of chain stores, prepared by F A. Brewer and company, reveals that almost every branch of retail ■ trade is leprescnled by systems of ! chain stores. Chains selling groceries lead bv I a wide margin in th» number of separate stores. The largest com pany has 17.000 stores, and som** of the other grocery concerns have branches ranging in number from 5.368 to several hundred. ST. LOUIS THRONGS ACCLAIM NEW ENDURANCE FLYERS Hailing Pilots Dale "Red” Jackson and Forest O’Brinnew holders of the world’s lecord fpr endurance flights, as its new air heroes, all Et. Louis turned out to acclaim the flyers when they appeared in an official welcoming parade through the city streets. Photo shows a typical street scene during the parade. with arrow lndicatin t Jackson and O'Brine. 1 Die in 5 Minutes The “Chamber of Death” test of , FLY-TOX show 8 the power of this fragrant spray. Less than a teaspoonful is used, but it is sufficient to kill thou sands of flies in 5 minutes. Death to inserts but absolutely harmless to people. Try it* FLY-TOX oeveioseo AT MrLCONINSTITinrtOFINDUSTSIA1. ^ mmmmmmmmmmnmmummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmanam Jones Transfer & Storage Co. Inc. Distributing, Storing, Moving, Crating and Shipping Daily motor Freight and Express Service between all Valley points Bonded Warehouses at Harlingen — Edinburg — Brownsville Phone 3 Phone 3 Phone 787 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ We Make Keys For Any Lock --Also Duplicate Keys Stocked, sharpened Radiator Repair and repaired Specialists Lawn Mowers Genera! Welding Rear Miller T* V DAMMED Phone i Hotel * * KUmMfcK 722 TESTS DOWN IN TWO COUNTIES Shallow Production Field Also Rumored In North Starr County 'Special to Tha Herald) McALLEN. Aug. 13.—Reports re ceived in McAllen today Indicate much activity in well drilling for 011 tests in northern Hidalgo and southern Brooks counties. While rumors from the sections Just south of the Charco-Redondo field of shallow producing wells in northern Starr county indicate the possibility of another shallow pro duction field there, it is said that the Hidalgo and Brooks county prospects have an equgl chance of becoming fulfilled. Activity in the two latter coun ties apparently is centered about the Jones gas well, which blew tn in April. 1926. about five miles north of the Hidalgo-Brooks county line. Milam Drilling company, whose program calls for the drilling of eight 1500-foot tests and three 3000 foot test wells, is now at work on its fourth hole. The company’s lease includes approximately 23,000 acres and adjoins the Texas com pany's 18.000-acre tract. Portions of the lease are situated in both coun ties. while the scene of drilling at the present time is almost on tht county line. Houston Oil Company of Texaj is now drilling deeper after havlnt passed the 2700-foot mark, accord ing to reports. This hole Is located 12 miles west of Falfurrias. county seat of Brooks county, and is 13 miles north of the Jones gasser. in spite of wash day! TJOW often wash day means that there J.J. will not be enough hot water left m the evening for a bath. How often it means a series of wearisome, kettle-carrying trips. What a bothersome necessity hot water is anyway! tv • » The Lion Water Heater will give you plenty of hot water in a jiffy. All you nave to do is light the gas. In a very short time hot water flows right from the faucet. Keep a small flame burring in the heater and it will keep your tank full of piping tot w ater til the time. There are eighteen different sizes aud types of Pittsburg Water Heaters, auto matic and storage types as well as tha Lion Water Heater. Conte in and see them to-day. We will gladly arrange easy pay ments. A demonstration will put you under no obligation. Rio Grande Valley Gas Company 428-32 Street 2 tLfJSfc. Brownsville, Texas sZmfhVwA lit htUkmrg Maltr Unitt fa., aiti • rtpaf iiiaa W mtn St' a gamltr W • ml,’,. » GAS WATER HEATER 11 it it's done with heat, yoa can do it BETTER with gas* ......__ . ■*___ ——————— j