Newspaper Page Text
I Don’t “Hit the Trail” of Hot Pavements to Find an Apartment—Look Over the Rental Ads IV AUTOMOTIVE ICth & Adams OPEN EVENINGS STEVENSON MOTOR CO. Inc. Browns villa. Texas. FOR BALE—Fordson tractor, disc and Oliver plow. D. N. Nall. Route 1. La Ferla. Texas. 8outh White Ranch road. T-77 TOR BALE OR TRACE—7-passenger Cadillac sedan in A1 condition. A real bargain. See E. O. Anglin at Val ley State Bank. Harlingen. Texas. 8-152 FOR SALE—1029 De Soto coach; run lags than 10.000 miles. The price Is light. See It at Wood A Dodd's In. •urance office. T-UO PERSONAL THE MEDICAL ARTS HOSPITAL of Edinburg. Texas, will start a new class for student nurses September IS. Any one who desires to enter this class should write at once to Superintendent of Nurses. Medical Arts Hospital. Ed inburg. Texas. T-80 LOST P FOUND_ LOST—In shopping district, Browns ville. coin purse containing about $26 30. Finder please return to 337 W Levee. Suitable reward. T.103 HELP WANTED SALESMEN We have an opening for two ex perienced automobile salesmen: also experienced Nash mechanic, percentage basis. BROWNSVILLE NASH CO. 1327 Levee. Brownsville. T-87 500 RELIABLE cotton tanners wanted 22.000 scree Willacy Co. dry land for rent. Must be able to finance self Delta Orchards Co.. phone 1030. Harlingen. Texas, or T. C. Green, phone 95. Raymondvllle. Texas. 6-21? HELP WANTED WANTED—For Saturday and Sunday. IS waiters at Point Isabel Yacht club Apply In person. T.lll LET A HERALD Want Ad do the job. They are tireless little workers on the job night and day. WANTED AT ONCE—Experienced man fry cook: must know their business, a good position to right party. Apply In person. Hlway Inn, Harlingen T-108 WANTED—Experienced meat cutter: must be flrst-claaa and give age and references In first letter Address Box T-107. Herald. T.107 BOY WANTED—Apply at The Herald office. WANTED—Non-union barber. Apply I San Benito Berber Shop, San Benito. Texas. T-98 K Classified Business Directory I’_ARCHITECTS_ I BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects—Engineers 208 Merchants Bank Bldf. Phone 817 jy Brownsville. Texas I E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect i t-13 Security State Bank Building Weslaco. Texas _ 3 E. B. GORE Civil and Consulting Engineer Jtoon 408. State National Bank Bldg Rrownavillc, Texaa. Phone 10.7 BUILDERS—CONTRACTORS PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors 528 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 i E. M. RIDLEY General Contractor Roads, Land Leveling, Plowing, Sub-soiling EXCAVATIONS EMBANKMENTS aM MERCHANTS NATL BANK BROWNSVILLE mattress renovating_ Let Us Renovate I Your Mattress I We make mattresses to order. All repair work guaranteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 1 dray-transfer Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE SEEDS OK ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling || WE MOVE ANYTHING 1105 Adams. Phone 139 AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY Crating. Shipping. Hauling Phones 421 and 519 ft " FLORISTS _ ■ - - — THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets W1254 Elizabeth St. ‘ JL Phone 1388 F'CWYER THE FLORIST, flower* Jrfld funeral designs. St Charle* c;al Pita streets. Phone 771. B HOTELS—CAFES WHITE KITCHEN^ * Famous for its Cooking-Immaculacy and Service The popular place tor business lunches 12th between Eli.-abetb and Washing ton — financial LOANS Oo improved residence and buslnea property. Todd and Underwood 10S7 Levee St. Brownsville. Texas. e ** I CASH REGISTERS NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO Registers bought, sold and exchanged W. E. Sanders. Representative Phone 29. Harlingen. Tex. Box 905 NICKEL PLATING ™ 1 " "" 1" ■" ■■•■■■■■"■■■■a** Electro-Nickel Plating W« nickel plats bumper*, radiator*, headlights, etc. Also mirror* plated. VALLEY ELECTRO PL ATI NO WORKS 15th and Polk. , Phone 55. Brownsville. Texas. OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL' FILING Equipment Maverick-Clarke Lltho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 617—Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVES STATIONERY <Sc BOOK STORE Brownsville. Texas L FUNERAL DIRECTORS THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO.. Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville, Tex. Phone 1168 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville's Typewriter House) Distributors. New L. C Smith “Si lent’* 8 and Late Corona * type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and “Factory” Rebuilts—all makes We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth St. Phone 1105. * -- WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER BALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repa rs Phone 506—Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS RALPH A DUNKELBERG Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Seabury. George and Taylor Building Brownsville. Texas Davenport. West and Ransome Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville, Texas J. T. Canales C. S. Eidman. Jr. CANALES AND SIDMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank Brownsville, Texas H. L. Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville CHIROPRACTOR_ ' M. Cook, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR Nerv-O-Meter Service 1715 Great sad Seventeenth Victoria Heights Brownsville. Texas. Phone 1238-J EL V1BRA SYSTEM USED REAL ESTATE __ , LOS EBANOS Brownsville's Supreme Residential Dis trict. carefully restricted, completely improved. Home sites from $1200.00. easy terms. James-Dickinson Co. Realtors, corner Cl Jardln Hotel Bldg. Brownsville F. \Y. Howard REAL ESTATE AND RENTALS Farm Property 1 large Tracts of Citrus Lands Arcade Bldg. Phone 1030. • * • Your Vacation Money Lies # In the used ice box. bike, odd pieces of furniture (especially that suit able for camping and summer cot tages), the bab7 carriage, musical instrument, etc., that are no longer needed . . . that just take up space and accumulate dust. Let a little want ad "Clean Sweep” for you. Look over your “White Elephants” now and phone your ad to Phone No. 8. Yes you can charge it. SALESMEN—AGENTS Automobile Salesman Wanted Must have experience selling used cars. Must be willing to work. Refer ence required. Joy riders need not 8PP JESSE DENNETT. INC. Used Car Market W A. Rom. Mgr. Phone 904 T-114 S UATIONS WANTED PLOWING, discing, orchard and land leveling O. B°wman’ Banker Road. Brownsville. Texas. ^ ^ WANTED: Position or work as active partner in small business of any kind. Cin make small cash InvestmeuL Ad dress T-115 care Herald- r~ua AN OPPORTUNITY to get Into some thing different will be found under • Business Opportunities in tne want Ads. _ ___ LI VESTOCK—POULTRY_ CHICKENS- WANTED: One or two hundred, any size. If Ught price. Charles Sommer. White Ranch road I.a Ferla. __ b_ I BUY HORSES and mules, wild or trn'.t Jose Cue. Hotel Imperial. H Matamoroe. Mexico. Phone 57. S-l<< FOR SALE—Registered Duroc hogs See J. H. Smith at Humpty Dmnotv Market. La Ferla_ T~‘ FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN on city propert'’ Sam Hughston. Maltby Bldg. _ __ business opportunity for SALE—Bill s Cafe at 7th ant Jackaon. opposite S P freight depot Good reason for selling._B~20t BUi OR EXCHANGE_ WILL TRADE 160 acres 4 miles south west of Mercedes, all clear of brush ex cept 15 acres for land close to San Benito preferred, or BrcwnsvUJe or Harlingen. Might trade for Browns ville Income property. Also 46 acres 3 miles north of Weslaco all clear, fair house and good well water. Address Box Ml. Pan Benito. Texas. T-101 MISCELLANEOUS TIME WELL 8PENT Is time devoted to looking over the classified ads. FLAT TOP OAK DESK, oak chair, shelving, counters. Will sell cheap. L. B. Everett. Weslaco. Texas. T-74 ARTICLES FOR SALE HOUSE PAINT $185 gallon, roofing *1.25 roll, empty kegs all sizes 95c up. wood stoves $9 85 up. all kinds of fur niture. refrigerators, plows, hardware, incubators, tents, iawnmowers $6 45. sewing machines, bath tubs $23 85. have everything. Notice, take advan tage, have several tracts of land am forced to sell. J N Flores A Bro 130 S. Flores St , Ssn Antonio. Tex. T-61 NEW GROCERY REFRIOEPATOR. best made. Capacity 100 cubic feet. Re duced price Terms. L. B. Everett. Weslaco. Texas T*74 NEED HELP? Read the Situations Wanted column. * NEW WOODSTOCK typewriter. Re. duced price. Termsi L. B. Everett. Weslaco. Texas.T~75 NEW PORCELAIN Totedo scale, perfect condition, used few months. Reduced price. Terms. L. B. Everett. Weslaco. Texas. FINE NATION cash register. Five hanks of kevs. Perfect condttlon. Used only few months. Terms. L. B Ever ett. Weslaco. TexasT-75 new BABY GRAND PIANO reduced to half price. A real standard make. F. D Hambly. Box 562. phone 868-M. Brownsville. REAL ESTATE Los Ebanos Lot We have been authorized by owner to sell his beautiful Los Ebanos. lot for $1,000: terma can be arranged. This Is an unusual sacrifice. Call Mr Eg*n at James-Dickinson, phone 499. 8-119 INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVEST In Brownsville’* n*w business and residential sub-divlslon. located on 13th and 14th •treela. one mile from Oateway Bridge, on the main thorough fare leading to the proposed ship cbanneL municipal air port. rich farming district of El Jardtn. and Boca Chlea Beach. Easy terma Ten per cent down, balance 5 years to pay. lease Dennett. phone427. Brownsville. Texas. GOOD LAND In Raymondvllle district at bargain. Improved and unimproved. Large or small tracts. Several pieces suitable for development and subdi vision. Prices ar* right. Terms are tight. A pleasure to show you. Oeo. R. Lochxte. Raymondvllle. Texas. B-224 FARMS FOR SAL* * ~~ WE RAVE same fine potato and citrus land in small or laigs tracts. Will os glad to show them. F. W. Howard Phans 1090. B-U8 CLASSIFIED RATES and RULES Advertlsenenta will be accepted over the telephone from telephone subscribers, or from those having regular charge accounts. Other classified advertising must be ac companied by cash No advertising accepted on an "until forbid" order. A specified number of insertions must be given. The Herald reserves the right to place all advertisements under the proper classification, and reject unclean or objectionable copy. Obituaries, resolutions, and cards of thanks will be taken at the reg ular classified rate. The publishers are not reeponal ble for copy, omlsslona. typograph ical error or any unintentional er ror that may occur, forthei than to correct in the next issu« alter It is brought to their attention. All ad vertising orders are accepted on this b&us only. Telephone No 8 and dictate your advertisement to an experienced classified writer. To Insure publication samj day copy should be presented uot later than 10:3d a. in. Copy for Sunday issues should be in cot later than 1:30 p. m. Saturdays to insure proper classification. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES _•> words cr less, one in eertlon JKk, Over 20 words, one Insertion per word .|Vt Suoseouent Insertions run ocn secutlvely, per word. 1c By month, per word.’25c Minimum for monthly rate. 10 words. No classified advertisement ac cepted for less than. 33 LOCAL READER RATES' Readers, per count line. 20©— Per Inch . gl^O | Second and third days. 17c tier ace. fourth, fifth and sixth lavs. 15c per line; 7 consecutive days, tie per tine. * farms for sale TWO 10.ACRE citrus orchards near Harlingen. Trees about seven years old and have good crop of fruit now. Price reasonable. F. W. Howard. Phone 10D0. __ T-82 30 ACRES 100-I CITRUS l ANDT five acres treae; well located; 8325 00 per acre; one-half cash; ternu\ Updegraff. La Ferta. Texas. T-103 EVERY DAY there Is a new list of of fers and wants in the Classified See i tlon Watch It carefully and regularly and get Just what you want. ONE 8-ROOM 2-story hou«« with three | acres of land off Boca Chics highway, t three miles from town, at a sacrifice F. W Howard, phene 1090. T-99 j AN AUTOMOBILE Is not so bard to I buy If you watch for the bargains of fered In the '• Automotive" columns of the Classified Section. FOR BALE One 5-room house, ami two lots on the corner ot Washington and Palm Blvd. Will sell the lots with or without the improvements. These are beautiful tots and are being offered reasonable F. W. Howard. Phone 1090. T-12 houses run sale FOR BALE—Beautiful Los Ebanos home, five rooms, large lot; built of brick; wonderful exposure. Priced right. Terms can be arranged. Call Mr. Egan. James-Dirklnson Co. Phone 499. Home phone 1398-W T-38 SACRIFICE—New thoroughly modem 5-room house, best buy In Brownsville; small down payment, balance like rent. See Mrs Flornece Stafford. 1719 Haves street. Victoria Heights. Thone 1075-M. T-48 FOR SALE—Hollow tile stucco bunga low 1n Loe Ebanoe; cash or terras. Phone 1258-J. 8-157 FOR SALE— Modem 8-room 2-storv house. 325 W. Levee street. Phone ; 231. T-76 LOTS FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL L08 EBANOS LOT— Southeast exposure; must be sold at a sacrifice. Phone 1398-W. or call at No. L Del Francis Ajsartments. Los Ebanos. 8-117 WANTED—BEAL ESTATE R. U. Dissatisfied? If for some reason you are anxious to sell your improved grove, farm, or land In brush. It will pay you to get In touch with us at once. V7e have bona fide prospective customers with cash. Address. WITTROCK & CO. 806 Harrison 8t. Oak Park. Illinois. 8-210 FARM WANTED—Near Brownsville, suitable lor general farming and dairying- W * bargain write me full description and lowest price. J. D Baker. Mena. Arkansas. T-U6 RENTAL Listings Wanted We have several clients for rental properties. List your houses end apartments with us. FG8TF SMOOTH ART CO. Realtors. Thone 470. FOR RENT—50 acres potato land. Irri gated. Call at 101 Adams street, or phone SCI. T.97 APARTMENTS FOR RENT—Well ruralshed apart ment; also south side sleeping room Close In Phonj 189. T-9S A HOME on easy terms la listed In the Real Estate Columns today. i % APARTMENTS SWEENY APARTMENTS — Well fur nished Apartments. southeast ex posure: modem, electrical refrigera tion, garage,* maid service: everything for housekeeping. Phone 1038. W First end Adams. T-113 APARTMENT for rent on paved street Lights, water and gas furnlshad. All1 conveniences. Phone 429 0-279 ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely fur nished. Corner Sixth and Levee Phone 839. P-208 CONLEY APARTMENTS—Cool, and all conveniences. 357 W. Levee or phone 817-R. Q-214 FOR RENT—New cool apartments and rooms Phone 9S7-J. 8-170 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS at your door every day through the Waut Ad col umns. NEW DUPLEX, furnished and unfur nished. Every convenience. No. 1112 West Elizabeth. Phons Carlos O. Wat son. T.15 MAY DAY APARTMENTS—CooL new. modem. • 11 located. Completely fur nished Including zerozones. gas. garage Summer rates. 121 Washington. Phone 714. 8-28 TWO-ROOM furnished apartment and j meals. 1022 St. Charles. Phone 629-W 8-57 -L--. THREE-ROOM southeast apartment: very attractive rentaL Phone 946-W. « 8-80 WE HAVE both furnished and unfur nished apartments and unfurnished houses. Howard, phone 1090. T-102 ‘ FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS AND APARTMENTS—Reason - able rates. Olenwood Hotel. Pbone 619 P-118 WONDRFUL BARGAINS are offered dally In the Classified Ads. FURNISHED ROOMS—South exposure, very close in; reasonable. 942 Levee. T-112 MOUSES FOR RENT—8-room bouse: all con veniences. St. Charles and Palm Blvd Phone 896-W R-216 FOR RENT—5-room modern residence 1 near school and on pavement J. O Stsrck. Putegnat Hardware Co. 8-193 FOR RENT—5-room house, with built in features and modern conveniences 1454 Washington. West Brownsville. J. i R. Barnard. Box 467. San Benito. T-8S HOUSE AT OLMITO for rent. Water and gas. Write Box 143. Olmtto. T-3 HOUSE IN LOS EBANOS FOP. RENT Brick veneer, unfurnished; 5 rooms: all modern conveniences; garage. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE ON ST. FRANCIS STREET. Modem conveniences: garage; coot Jchn B. Puckett, care R’o Grande Valley Trust Co. 8-234 FOR RENT 3-room cottsge*. front porch. Shower baths, gas and lights. Third and St. I Francis streets Phone 1190. T-ll ROOMS AND BOARD BOARD AND ROOM in private familv for young man. Phone 552. T-49 V.’ANTED TO RENT IF YOU HAVE houses for rent list them with Howard, phone 1099. T-102 LEGAL ADVERTISING THE STATE OF TEXAS To thi* Sheriff cr any Constable of Cameron county, Greeting: You are hereby commanded to summon W. D. McCallister and Johnnie McCallister by making publication of this citation once in each week fer four consecutive , weeks previous to the return day j hereof in some newspaper pubhsh ; ed in your county, to appear at the | next legular term cf the district, ! coc cf Cameron county. Texas. ( I03rd judicial district, to be held at the court house thereof in Brown. I ville cn the third Mond..y in Sep- , ! tember, 1020. the same being the ] 10th day of September. A. D., 1923. j then and there to answer a petition j filed in raid court on the 13th day j I of August. A. D. 1929. in suit num- j, bered on the docket of said court No. £J97, wherein C. J. Wroten u» , plaintiff and W. D. McCallister and J Johnnie McCallister are defendants. , Said petition alleging that on the 1st day of June. A. D. 1929, plain- , tiff was seized and possessed m fee , simple title of 50 acres of land in , and of sue* ev No. 24. situated in , Cameron/County. Texas, and de scribed by metes and bounds as , follows: Beginning at a stake in the south ' | line of section 24. west of the south- i j east corner of said section 2640 feet! for the 8. E. corner of this tract; thence N. 2640 feet in a line paral lel with the E. line of said section ! « to » stake for the N. E. corner ; of this tract; thence west 825 fee: in a line parallel with the N. line ' of said section to a stake for the I N. W. corner of this tract; thence S. 2640 feet in a line.parallel to the j cast line of said section 24, to a stake for the 8. E. comer of this tract; thence E. 825 feet to poLit 1 of beginning, containing 50 acres of land, and that three defendants de posscssed him and are now holding j possession of the ;and and also ask j mg that the field notes of the deed : executed by W. D. McCallister and I Johnnie McCallister in favor of B. j j F. Delairater, dated Dec. 11. 1920, conveying the above described land be corrected so as to properly con-! vey said land and in accordance j with the field notes described above. | j Herein fail not but have you be fore said court on said first day of j the next term thereof this writ with your return thereon showing how you have executed the same. Witness John P. Scanlan. clerk of the Distrhc Court of Cameron! | county, Texas. Given under my hand and the 1 seal of said court, in the city of I Brownsville, this 13th day of Aug ust. A. D. 1929. JNO. P SCANLAN. Clerk of District Court of Cameron County, Texas. t Issued this 13th day of August, j A. D. 1929. By M. J. McTIERNAN. Dy. 3-14-21-28-4-4t-3514. CITATION BY PUBLICATION No. 8664. Lincoln Adams. Jr., vs. Grace Fer guson Adams. In the District Court of Cameron County, Texas. The State of Texas to the Sheriff or any Constable of Cameron Coun ty, Texas. Greeting:— You are hereby commanded that by making publication of this Clta- ( ' CHILD DEMANDS POLICE GET FIVE-AND-TEN’ NECKLACE CHICAGO. Aug. 14.—<*>>—'The most astute minds of the town hall police station are agog over the great Vella Schauffer Jewel mys tery. Vella, who will be 10 years old pretty soon, made it plain it would be just too bad for the entire force if her gems were not found right away. She pushed her way up to the sergeant’s desk yesterday and demanded to see the “head man.” The sergeant intimated he was it. “What kind of jewelry was it you lost?” he asked. Vella said it was a necklace. “And what was ita approximate value?” continued the sergeant He had to translate. “What was the necklace worth?” “Oh. a thousand hundred dollars." exclaimed Vella. ‘My. my!” said the sergeant. “And where did you get it?” “Mama bought it for me.” piped Vella, “in one of thoes stores with the red front. Either Kresge's or Wool worth’s I don’t remember. And it’s worth a thousand hundred dol lars. And you’d better find it right away, ’cause I don’t believe you're the head man anyhow." The sergeant was impressed. He assigned his best men to the case. It was hinted early today they had found a clue. They had not. how ever. found the jewels. Kiwants To Select Champion Yo-Yoer Yo-you experts of the Kiwanis club arc to meet In a championship contest at the luncheon Thursday noon, Sam Perl, director of the program for the day has announced. There will be grand prizes, prize--, not so grand and just prizes, the manager of the contest said. The contest is open to all Kiwanis members under 60 years old. LEGAL ADVERTISING tion in some newspaper published in the County of Cameron once in each week for four consecutive weeks previous to the return day hereof, you summon Grace Fer guson Adams whose residence is un known who is alleged to be a non resident of the State of Texas, to be and appear at the next regular term of the District Court of Cam-1 eron County, to be holden at the Court House thereof in the City of Brownsville on the third Monday in September. 1929. the sapae being the 16th day of September. 1929. in a suit numbered on the Docket of said Court No. 8664. wherein Lin coln Adams. Jr., is plaintiff and Grace Ferguson Adams is defend ant. the nature of plaintiffs de mand being substantially as follows, to-wlt: That on September 15, 1823. plain tiff and defendant were lawfully married and thereafter continued to live together until about the mid del of the year 1927. when defend ant without just cause refused to further live with plaintiff: that! plaintiff, during the time of Ihing with defendant was at all times considerate of defendant, and con ducted himself with propriety, treating defendant with kindness and forbearance, but that, on the other hard, dc<^ndant was contin uously captious with plaintiff, ..ought to humiliate him by up braiding him and bemg captious toward him in public, commenced and conducted a policy of going from town to town establishing herself at pleasure resorts, refusing to live with plaintiff, insisting that plaintiff turn down employment offered him. and refused to allow plaintiff to keep their minor child in the presence or the two of them, all of which injured his feelings and sensibilities, he being a member of a socially prominent family, all of which excesses, cruel treatment, and outrages, and iniurics to plaintiff’s < feeling and sensibilities are of such j a nature as to render their further living together insupportable. Plaintiff prays judgment of the court dissolving the bonds of matri mony now existing between them, that he have the care and custody of the minor child, that it be found and decreed by the court that there is no community property between plaintiff and defendant and that the title in plaintiff to all property now standing in his name be ad judged. and decreed his sole and separate property, that he have all costs in this behalf expended and relief generally. Herein fail not but have you be fore said Court on the said first day ! of next term thereof this writ with your return showing how you have executed the same. Given under my hand and seal of said court at office in the city of \ Brownsville, this the 30th day of July. 1929. < SEAL > JNO. P. SCANLAN, Clerk of the District court, of Cameron County. Texas By M. J. McTierman, Deputy. Issued July 30th, 1929. Jno. P. Scanlan. District Clerk of Cameron County. Texas. By M. J. McTierman. Deputy. A true copy I certify. Jno. P Scanlan. Clerk District Court. Cameron County. Texas. Bv M. J. Tierman. Deputy. 7- 31-7-14-21—4t.—3500. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS. BROWNSVILLE DIVI SION. In the matter of C. J. Tiller, Bankrupt. No. 289. In Bankruptcy To the creditors of said bankrup* • Notice ts hereby given that on trie , 12th day of August. 1929, the said C. J. Tiller of Mission. Hidalgo j county. Texas, was duly adjudged a bankrupt, and the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the of fice of the undersigned referee .n the Stegman building, Brownsville. Texas, on the 23rd day of August, 1929. at eleven (11) a. m. at which time and place the creditors of the said C. J. Tiller, bankrupt, may ap pear. prove their claims, elect h trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before such IRA WEBSTER, Referee In Bankruptcy. 8- 14-U-3513 - NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF CAMERON COUNTY WILL RECEIVE BIDS AT THE COURT HOUSE. BROWNSVILLE. TEXAS. ON SEPTEMBER 4TH, 1929, at 10 a. m. for the purchase of one or more 12 ft. graders weighing ap proximately 10.000 lbs. each. The court reserves the right t reject any or all bids. .t. J. Bishop. County Auditor. 8-13-20-27-3-4t-35!2 • « TWO REFUSE TO * * * PAY GAS BILL; * * * GET $20.00 FINES Two men charged with being drunk and refusing to pay for gasoline, were fined $5 and $15 in city corporation court Tuesday afternoon. The men were said to have driven into Bell s Service station and ordered gasoline. When the gasoline was placed in the tank, they refused to pay for it. officers stated. Neither of the men would ad mit having been drunk. They claimed that they ordered the gasoline and found out later that they had no money. Lake Waters Engulf Apache Tribal Home COOLIDGE LAKE. Ariz.. Aug. 14 —i/P)—The waters of Coolidge Lake churned by floods from the upper Gila river, were lapping today against the adobe walls of San Car los, tribal home of the Apaches which soon will disappear from the map of Arizona. Five more days, or a week at the most, of daily two-foot rises in thf level of the lake, ruch as have been recorded for six days, will see the last thatched roof: vanish. Then San Carlos will Join the roster o. forgotten Arizona towns. FLOODS RECEDE IN NEW MEXICO TOWNS SOCORRO, N. M, Aug. 1,-K,pf_ Flood waters which yesterday in undated San Acacia and San Mar cial, picturesque New Mexico towns, was receding today. Both cities, located within 100 miles of Socorro on the Rio Grande, were believed to be out of further danger, barring rains. The American Red Cross had workers here today, ready for emer gency. and the state department of health had a large crew at work in the stricken area cleaning up debris. More than 30.000 acres of farm land between Socorro and San Marcia I were covered by the floodwatcrs. No loss of life has Keen reported. TEXANS INSPECTING FLORIDA PEN FARMS RAIFORD. Fla., Aug. 14.—<JPi— The Texas prison survey commis sion planned an inspection of the Florida prison farms today. The body, comprising nine legis lators and nine members of the prison commission, is to tour all southern state prisons. It arrived here yesterday. CONSUL CLERK TO MAKE HCME HERE Juan Galvan, clerk in the office of Mexican Consul L Lopez Mon tero. will return here with his fam ily from Laredo Monday. Galvan plans to make Brownsville his permanent residence and will establish his family here. COUNCIL WARS ON ‘ANARCHY’ New Orleans Mayor Order* Investigation of Mob Actions NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 14.—<45— With blood having been shed In the city hail, the commission council today prepared to carry out Its man date against a repetition of yester day’s violence in the street car strike during which city commis sioners were mobbed in the council chambers, four persons felled with bullets and street cars stormed. T. j Semmes Walmsley, acting mayor, j has declared “anarchy must cease.” Placing responsibility for the riots 'upon the inspiration of “irrespon j sible demagogues and firebrands in the community”, the council order ed the police force augmented and invoked strict enforcement of the city ordinance practically banning jitney transportation competing with the street cars. The latter la 9 effective at noon tomorrow. As the police department threw dozens of extra men into the ranks today and placed a guard about the city hall, the council and the courts began a searching investigation of mob activities with promise of rigid prosecution of the guilty.* Chevrolet To Radio Millionth Car Fete An elaborate ceremony will ac company the unveiling of the one mi!”c;ith six-cylinder Chevrolet motor car in a nation-wide radio b.oadcast from 7 to 7:30 p. m. Wed nesday. officials of the company have notified Tom Stevenson, local dealer. The radio program will be broad- , cast from the Masonic Temple in Detroit, where a convention of Chevrolet sales managers and fac tory representatives is being held. “An unusually fine musical pro grant will be broadcast m connec tion with the unveiling of the mil lionth car,” information received by Stevenson said. Arrangements have been made to receive the program at the Steven son Motor Co sales rooms. 10th and Adams, and the public is Invited to hear it there. Hunt Two In London Attack on. American LONDON. Aug 14.—</P>—Scotland Yard, which is seeking for the as sailant of Philip Eaton. 27, weal thy young American teacher who was found beaten, cut and badiy battered in his fashionable May fair apartment, has sent out a cull for two young men. The Yard announced that Ron ald Bateman, aged 22. was wanted in connection with the Eaton case, and that J. Moore, also aged 22. be lieved to be with Bateman, was sought for questioning. ..Photo graphs of the men will be issued tonight. Water Board Opens Depository Bids The board of directors of the Cameron County Water Improve ment district No. 8 met Wednesday morning for the purpose of receiv ing bids for a depository. Several bids were received and the board adjourned until Saturday when It will make its selection. • - - SERVICE TALK MADE BY TELEPHONE HEAD A talk on Improving service was made before telephone employes Tuesday evening at the local office by Manager Ed Mockbee. * Mockbee stressed the fact that the telephone company has nothing to offer but service. He made many suggestions and discussed all pha ses of the question informally. Mockbee meets with the employes at regular Intervals. i . '* V dIMu,