Newspaper Page Text
This Is a Perfect Shopping Guide for Those Who Like to See Their Money Work ‘ *" AUTOMOTIVE w ii. — -.- .. STEVEN BOM MOTOR CO, Inc. Brownsville. Texas. PERSONAL _ LADY teaching Spanish wants to en roll two or three more classes of ten pupils each class. For particulars. AcL dress Box 244. city._ T'130 THE MEDICAL ARTS HOSPITAL of Edinburg. Texas, will start a new class for student nurses Sep**vnber 15. Any one who desires to enter this class should write at once to Superintendent of Nurses. Medical Arts Hospital. Ed inburg, Texas. _ T~80 LOST AND FOUND_ LOST—Passport case with two pass ports. Identifying Roberto Chapa and Lurecla Maya de Chapa. Will pay re ward tf returned to Botlca MataBMWW. ICatomoros. Mexico. T-126 j * HELP WANTED_ BOO RELIABLE cotton Termers wanted 22.000 acres Wiuacy Co. dry land for rent. Must be able to finance self Delta Orchards Co, phone 1080. Harlingen. Texas, or T. C. Oreen. phone 85. Raymondvllle. Texas. s-zw WANTED—Mexican lady experienced In making HAND-MADE baby dresses. To take chrage of factory h^incVi Brownsville for San Antonio flim. One references and apply to P- °- ®°* ,.. Station A. San Antonio. Texas. T-H4 HELP WANTED WANTEI>—Non-union barber. Apply San Benito Bm-ber Shop, San Benito. Texas._ T-M SALESMEN—AGENTS Automobile Salesman Wanted Must have experience selling used cars. Must be willing to work. Refer ence required. Joy riders need not apply. JES6E DENNETT. INC. Deed Car Market W. A. Ross. Mgr. rhone 904 T-114 e ACCESSORY SALESMAN—Better Prod ucts Company, Inc., manufacturers of BETTER PATCH, are looking for a salesman to distribute their line of ac cessories In the Valley territory. If YOU c%re to work HARD and put in long hours in building a business of your .own in an established route In the Rio Orande Valley with an adver tised line of TEXAS made necessities as well as have a representative line of fast moving staple accessories that are being purchased by every filling station and garage in the Valley, and can equip yourself with a truck and furnish us with a personal bond In the amount of $1 000 00. write H. 8. Good son. P. O. Box 735. Brownsville. Texas, giving address and phone number if you have one Mr. Ooodson will be In Brownsville Wednesday and Thursday. Augu t 21«t and 22nd. and possibly the 23rd to nnoolnt a distributor. CAN YOU QUALIFY? T.152 Classified Business Directory . __._ t ARCHITECTS BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. " Architects— Engineers 108 Merchants Bank Bids* Phone 817 Brownsville. Texas E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder .'09 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 / R. NEWELL WATERS Architect *-12 Security State Bank BuUding r Weslaco. Texas — E. B. GORE Ctrtl and Consulting Engineer —iM 8t»te~N»ttonai B»n* Bldg_ I BUILDERS—CONTRACTORS __ PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors 628 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 E. M. RIDLEY A General Contractor *Roads. Land Leveling, Plowing, Sub-soiling ■nrr aVATIONS EMBANKMENTS ^MERCHANTS NATL BANK BROWNSVILLE_ — "cash REGISTERS _ national CASH REGISTER co Registers bought sold and exchanged W E 6anders. Representative phone 29 Harlingen. Tex. Box 905 --PRAY—TRANSFER _ Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE SEEDS OK ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING 1105 Adams_Phone l3a AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY Crating. Shipping Hauling Phones 421 aud 319 *■" ELE SPECIALIST M. LANDIN' Optometrist and Optician in P* Tightening Crossed Eyes. Glasses Scientifically Fitted. 14111*r Hotel. Brownsville. ^ FLORISTS_ THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. * Phone 1388 BOWYEK THE FLORIST. Towers funeral designs. St. Charles and Pita streets Phone 771. i HOTELS—CAFES white kitchen Famous for its Cooking—Immaculacy and Service The popular place for business lunches 13th between Elizabeth and Washington "" FINANCIAL LOANS ns improved residence and business ** property. ijTodd and linaerwood “ 1057 Levee 8t Brownsville. Texas. MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. All repair work guaranteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 NICKEL PLATING Electro-Nickel Plating We nickel plate bumpers, radiators, headlights, etc. Also mirrors plated. VALLEY ELECTRO PLATING WORKS 15th and Polk. Phone 55 Brownsville, Texas. OFFICE EQUIPMENT 7 AST METAL FILING Equipment Maverick-CIarke Litho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 617—Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVES STATIONERY 6c BOOK STORE Brownsville. Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS ROOFING THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO.. Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1168 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange • Brownsville's Typewriter House) Distributors, New L. C. Smith ‘•Si lent” 8 and Late Corona 4 ty>e wnters. Also sell Royal Porta ole* and ‘ Factory" Rebuilts—all makes We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth St Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER 6ALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repa rs Phene 506—Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS RALPH A DUNKELBERG Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 103 Seabury. George and Taylor Building Brownsville. Texas Davenport. West and Ransome Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas H. B. GALBRAITH^ Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville, Texas J. T. Canales C. S Eidman. Jr. CANALES AND EIDMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas H. L. Yates_ Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Brownsville's Supreme Residential Dis trict. carefully restricted, completely improved. Home sites from 81200 00. easy terms. James-Dickinson Co Realtors. corner El Jar din Hotel Bldg Brownsville * F. W. Howard REAL ESTATE AND RENTALS Farm Property Large Tract* of Citrus Lands Arcade Bldg. Pboae 1090. AUTOMOTIVEAUTOMOTIVE U§®dl C&ir Sal© Offering high grade slightly used cars. , First class condition — good appearance REMARKABLE VALUES 525 Packard Convertible Coupe ........ $1350.00 433 Packard Club Sedan ... $1450.00 333 Packard Club Sedan.. $1050.00 1928 LaSalle Sedan. $1350.00 1927 Buick Brougham Sedan... $1050.00 1927 Buick Standard Sedan.$ 600.00 1927 Buick Standard Coupe.... $ 600.00 1927 Studebaker Duplex Phaeton .-... $ 375.00 TRADE — TERMS W®1!$ Vall®y M©ft©ir C©o P'lL-LlM San Benito, Texas i i REINSTATE REINSTATE F0R SALE W® Haw 175,000 Would like to contract for fall delivery, reason able price, or can be transfened to wagon. One spray outfit; Chevrolet truck, power take off; equipped with 200 gallon Bean Srrayer: in first class shape One 150 gallon capacity Meyers Spra\er in first class order on wagon. Priced right. See us at Stuart Place office, or writa Box 704, telephone 468-W, Harlingen. SITUATIONS WANTED , PLOWINO. discing. orchard cultivation and land leveling. Q. B. Bowman, j Banker Road. Brownsville, Texas. T.54 AN OPPORTUNITY to get Into some 1 thing different will be found under | "Business Opportunities” in the Want Ads. LIVESTOCK—POULTRY CERTIFIED CHICKS—From 200_ogg cockerels; bloodtested; leading varle. ties; prices wtthtn reach of all. Live delivery. Catalog free. Dtxle Poultry Farms. Box 104. Brenham. Texas. T-31 I BUY HORSES and mulea. wild or tamed. Jose Cue. Hotel Imperial. H Matamoros, Mexico. Phone 57. 8-177 FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN on city property. Sam Hughston. Maltby Bldg. - 6-247 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE—Restaurant fixtures and building: sell separately. Apply Owl Lunch. Weslaco. T-15C _ 1 FOR SALE—Restaurant In Edcouch do- 1 ing good business; reason for selling.1 have other business. Apply Owl Lunch No. 2. Edcouch. T-150 WANT A MANAGER for branch house. ! Biggest kind of possibilities. Small amount cash will handle. P. O Box | 282. Brownsville. T-149 FOR SALE—Bills Cafe at 7tb and Jackson, opposite 8. P freight depot Good reason for selling. 8-200 FOR SALE CHEAP—Rooming and boarding house furniture; doing good business. 1022 and 1004 St- Charles street, call or see Jess .Jones, phone 820-W. T.151 WANTED to buy an Interest In a small growing business In this section Box T-J53. Herald. T-153 MISCELLANEOUS DRESSMAKING—All kinds work guar, antecd. Time to start school clothes 433 Adams St. T-148 PIANO TUNING, repairing. Factory methods. Estimates free. C. H. Smith. Box 961. Phone 637. San Benito. T-141 TIME WELL SPENT Is time devoted to looking over the classified ads. ARTICLES FOR SALE PIANOS ADAMSCHAAF-HOBERT M CABLE AND WINTER PIANOS Direct From Factory To You. Ray R. Reed. Box 761. Phone 389-W Harlingen. T-143 NEED HELP? Read the Situations Wanted column. FOR SALE—Orocerv Ice box: 12 feet long and 2 feet high: 300-tb. capacity Apply Owl Lunch. Weslaco. T-150 NEW BABY GRAND PIANO reduced to half price. A real standard make. F. D. Hambly. Box 562. phone 868-M. Brownsville. T-101 IT WILL PAY you to read the Want Ada thoroughly every day. BEAL ESTATE Los Ebanos Lot We have been authorized by cwner to sell his beautiful Los Ebanos lot for 61.000; terms can be arranged This Is an unusual sacrifice. Call Mr Egan at James-Dickinson phone 499. B-116 REAL ESTATE INVESTIGATE SUMMIT TLACE THEN INVEST In Brownsville's new business and residential sub-d: vision, located on I3tb and 14th streets, one mile from Gateway Bridge, on the main thorough fare leading to the proposed ship channel, municipal air port. rich farming ilstrlct of El Jardln. and Boca Chlca Beach. Easy terms. Ten per cent down, balance 5 years to pay. Jesse Dennett. pbone427. Brownsville, Texas. GOOD LAND In Ravmondvllle district st bargain. Improved and unimproved Large or small tracts. Severs) pieces suitable for development and subdi vision. Prices are right. Terms are right. A pleasure to show you. Geo R Loehrie. Raymondvllle, Texas. 8-224 FOR SALE One 5-room house and two lots on the corner of Washington and Palm Blvd. Will sell the lots with or without the improvements. These are beautiful lots and are being offered reasonable P. W. Howard. Phone 1090. T-12 Wky Pay 1 M®ir@? ' 10-acres in trees about , two years old, an acre $650 20-choice citrus land an acre $175. 40-acres choice citrus land on paved road $250. 60-Acres choice citrus land $150. C. K. Leslie & Son Live Wire Realtors McAllen, Texas Phone 186 —— ' FARMS FOR SALE WE HAVE some fine potato and citrus land In small or large tracts. Will be glad to show them. P. W. Howard Phone 1090. 8-128 EVERY DAY there is a new Ust of of fers and wants in the Classified Sec tion. Watch it carefully and regularly and get Just what you want. TWO 10.ACRE citrus orchards near Harlingen. Trees about seven years old and have good crop of fruit now. Price reasonable. F. W. Howard. Phone 1090 T-82 ONE 8-ROOM 2-story bouse with three acres of land off Boca Chlca highway, three miles from town, at a sacrifice P. W Howard, phone 1090 T-99 AN AUTOMOBILE la not so hard to buy If you watch for the bargains of-1 fered In the "Automotive" columns of j the Classified Section. CLASSIFIED RATES and RULES Adverttsenenta will ba accepted over the telephone from telephone subscribers, or frcm those having regular charge accounts. Other lassifitd advertising must be ac companied by cash. No advertising accepted on an ‘until forbid'* order. A specified number of insertions must be given. The Herald reserves ths right to place all advertisements under the proper classification, and reject unclean or objectionable oopy. Obituaries, resolutions, and cards of thanks wUl be taken at the reg ular els Stifled rate. The publishers are not responsi ble for copy, omissions, typograph ical error or any unintentional er ror that may occur, farther than to correct in the next Issue alter It is brought to their attention. All ad vertising orders are accepted on this basis only. Telephone No 8 and dictate your advertisement to an experienced classified writer. To Insure publication same day copy should be presented not later than 10:30 a. m. Copy for Sunday issues should be in not later than 1.30 p. m. Saturdays to insure proper classification. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 3 words cr less, one In sertlon.30c Over 20 words, one Insertion. per word . Hit Juoseouent Insertions run con secutively. per word. le 3y month, per word.29c Minimum for monthly rate. 10 words. No classified advertisement ac cepted for less than.30c LOCAL READER RATES Readers, per count line, 20c— Per Inch .$1-20 Second and thtrd days. 17c per line; fourth, fifth and sixth days. 15e per Hoc; 7 consecutive days. 13c oer line. HOUSES FOR SALE FOR 8ALE—Modem 8-room 2-story louse. 325 W. Levee street. Phone 151. T*7« ■ ' .. .... ! FOR SALE—Beautiful Loa Ebanos ; Home, five rooms, large lot; built of brick; wonderful exposure. Priced -tght. Terms can pe arranged. Call i Mr. Egan. James-Dtcklnson Co. Phone j 199 Home phone 1398-W T-3S 3ACRIFICE—New thoroughly modern 1 5-room house, best buy in Brownsville; j »mall down pavment. balance like rent see Mrs. Flornece Stafford. 1719 Hayes street, Victoria Heights. Phone 1075-M T-43 FOR SALE—Hollow tile stucco bunxa- [ ow In Los Ebanoa. cash or terms Phone 1258-J. S-157 LOTS FOR SALE THFRE'S NO 1935 price on this: First $4,200.00 cash takes $5,200.00 equity in block of 12 high class residential lots n McAllen. Texas Balance $1 800 00 at 6 per cent Mrs. Toms. 401 Broadway.] San Antonio, Texas T-118 ----- i BEAUTIFUL LOS EBANOS LOT— Southeast exposure; must be sold at a sacrifice Phone 1398-W or call at No l, Del Francis Apartments. Los Ebanos 8-117 WANTED—REAL ESTATE R. U. Dissatisfied? ir ror some reason you are anxious to .-.ell your improved grove, farm, or land m brush. It wlil pay you to get ip touch with us at once. We have bona fid? prospective customers with cash Address. WITTROCK & CO. 806 Harrison St. Oak Park. mmols 0-210 RENTAL FOR RENT—50 acres potato land. Irri gated. Call at 101 Adams street, or phone 561. T.97 APARTMENTS FTTCH APARTMENTS — Corner St. Charles and West Et&hth street; four rooms beautifully furnished, delight fully cool; Frlgldalre; gas. hot water; hardwood floors throughout; garage Phone 558. T-132 FOR RENT—Well rumlshed apart ment; also south side sleeping room Close In. Phone 189. T^55 SWEENY APARTMENTS — Well fur nlshed apartments. southeast ex posure: modern, electrical refrigera tion. garage, maid service; everything for housekeeping. Phone 1038.W First and Adams T-113 FOR RENT—New cool apartments and rooms Phone 957-J. 8-170 JUNKIN APARTMENTS FOR RENT rwo bedrooms In walnut; living room In beautiful overatuffed; cedar closets; ] dining room In walnut; white porce lain stove: garbage disposal; shower snd tub bath: Wilton rugs; spring rilled air vent, mattresses: everything new. Apply at apartment, two blocks ?a*t of High School on Palm Blvd T_14 --- ALONSO APARTMENTS-NIcely fur nished. Comer Stxtb and Levee Phene 839. P-2G8 CONLEY APARTMENTS—Cool, and all •onvenlences. 357 W. Levee or phone 147-R. 0-211 WONDRFUL BAROATNS are offered ially in the Classified Ads. j HEW DUPLEX, furnished and unfur llshed. Every convenience. No. 1112 West Elizabeth. Phone Carlos O. Wat ton. T.13 WAY DAY APARTMENTS—Cool, new modem. • 11 located Completely fur nished Including zerozones. gas. garage Summer rates. 121 Washington. Phone ri4. 8-26 THREE-ROOM southeast apartment: very attractive rentaL Phone 846-W 8-80 PFE HAVE both furnished and unfur nished apartment* and unfurnished nouses. Howard, phone 1090. T-102 FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS AND APARTMENTS—Reason able rates. Olenwood Hotel. Phone 619 P-118 FURNISHED ROOMS—South exposure, very close In; reasonable. 912 Levee T-112 HOUSES FOR RENT—8-room bouse; all con veniences. St. Charles and Palm Blvd Phone 896- W. R-216 FOR RENT—6-room modem house at 23 Adams. Call 911. T-147 F1TRNI8HED OR UNFURNISHED house near school. Phone 613. T-133 FOUR-ROOM FURNISHED house with bath, to family without children. Cali 511-W, 1715 Orant. Victoria Height*. T-128 FOR RENT—5-room modem residence near school and on pavement J. O. Starck. Putegnat Hardware Co. 8-193 HOUSE IN LOS EBANOS FOR RENT Brick veneer, unfurnished: S rooms: all modem conveniences; garaga. FIVE-ROOM HOU8E ON ST FRANCIS STREET. Modem conveniences: garage; cool John B. Puckett, care Rio Oraade Valley Trust Co. B-234 houses FOR RENT 3-room cottage*, front porch. Shower baths, gas and lights. Third and 8t. Francis streets. Phone 1190. . T-il ROOMS AND BOARD BOARD AND ROOM In private family for young man. Phone 552. T-49 WANTED TO RENT IF TOD HAVE houses for rent list them with Howard, phone 1080. T-102 WANTED—Unfurnished house In good neighborhood with 3 bedrooms or 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch. Phone 1292 after 0 p. m. R. R. Tomlin. T.154 LET A HERALD Want Ad do the job. They are tireless little workers on the job night and day. WEATHER SUMMARY Barometric pressure was moder ately high this morning over the Great Lakes and adjacent states and over the north Pacific states; 3nd moderately low over the Cana dian northwest and adjacent states. Except for light scattered showers in the southeastern and far eastern states and In Nebraska and Utah, the weather continued generally fair to clear throughout the country since last report. Temperatures were rather high in most sections of the country this morning. WEATHER BULLETIN First figure lowest temperature last night; second, highest tempera ture yesterday; third, wind velocity at 8 a. m.; fourth, rainfall past 24 hours. Abilene . 74 100 — .00 Amarillo . 70 98 — .00 Atlanta . 70 96 — .72 Austin . 74 86 — .00 Boston . 62 88 — .20 BROWNSVILLE .. .75 92 — .00 Chicago. 62 70 12 .00 Corpus Christi. 78 90 — .00 Del Rio . 74 96 — .00 Denver. 64 84 — .00 Detroit . 54 76 12 .00 Dodge City . 64 98 — .00 El Paso . 66 92 — .00 Fort Smith . 74 96 — .00 Galveston . 80 88 — .00 Helena . 60 86 — .00 Huron . 62 88 12 .00 Jacksonville . 74 88 — .04 Kansas City . 68 88 10 .00 Louisville . 62 86 — .00 Memphis .. 70 88 — .00 Miami . 74 82 — .00 Montgomery. 72 92 — .00 New Orleans . 78 90 — 00 New York . 60 84 20 .72 North Platte . 64 84 10 .76 Oklahoma City. 74 102 — .00 Palestine . 72 94 — .00 °hoenix . 74 102 — .00 Pittsburgh . 60 84 — .04 St. Louis. 60 86 — .0C Pt. Paul..50 74 — .06 Qalt I-ake City. 64 86 — .01 San Antonio . 74 96 — .or Santa Fe.....56 82 — .00 Sheridan . 56 94 — .00 Shreveport . 76 94 — .00 Tampa . 72 90 — .4* Vicksburg . 68 90 — .Of Washington .70 94 10 .Of Wtlllston . 66 90 — Of Wilmington . 72 88 — .03 Pensacola . 78 86 — .0C S2.rH* FOR FINDING CORPSE LEWES. Eng.—Frederick Annold a tramD. will receive $2 500 reward for finding the body of J. E. Moun sey, suicide barker. SALE OF SEALS HEALTH PLAN — Move Is First Step of Fight Against Tuberculosis in County County-wide organization for the sale of Christmas tuberculosis seals is being rapidly completed as the first step in the fight on tubercu losis now being started by the Cam eron county tuberculosis association The association, whieh was organ in San Benito Friday! evening, is a branch of the state tuberculosis as sociation. and was organized for the purpose of handling more efficient tuberculosis cases in the county. Representatives from several Valley towns were present at the San Be nito meeting, and plans are being matured for a thorough program of preventative education and treat ment of the cases already contract ed. Dr. A. J. Pollard of Harlingen was elected president, and Mrs. S. B Reed treasurer. A drive for mem bers Ls now on. Memberships in the association are (1, and all mem bers paid up before September 15 will be known as charter members Checks for membership may b« mailed to Mrs. Re^d; Seek Countv Hospital A county hosp al f<5r the segrega tion and proper treatment of tu berculosis cases is the major aim of the association, but for the pres ent immediate attention will be giv en to the drive for memberships and * to the sale of the Christmas seals officials of the organization say, sc ! as to get a nucleus for further v ork A contract has been made with the state tuberculosis association where by Cameron county will keep 6f | per cent of all money raised from the sale of the seals to be used In local work, whereas, previously practically all money from these sales has gone rut of the countv. Each town and community will keep Us pro rata share of the sum raised to be used in it* own locality. The association is to be governed ! by a board of directors composed of one member from each corporate town, and a Christmas seal chair man will be a>p inted in each town at an early date. The sale rf the seals starts on Thanksgiving, imme diately after the close of the Red Cross drive, and continues until some time after Christmas, however ; and it is hoped that a large mem | will be enlisted in the near future so as to allow immediate re lief in needy cases. Work Through Health Unit* Much of the vork will be done through the public health units 1 which sponsoring the assocla i tlon. Brownsville people attending thr San Benito meeting were : 'rs. W. R Jones of the city federation of worn en’s clubs, Mrs. Qecrge M. Smith ni the Learners; Mrs. H. L. Yates, Sell Culture. Mrs. J. K. Bull. Civic league; Miss Julia O’Brien. Business and Professional Woman's clubs; Hrs. E. H. Banker. Public Health Nursing association; Mrs. Laura Houston, city health nurse; Mrs. Pearl Nuckols. Parent-Teacher as sociation; Msr. E O. Holliday, Red Cross, and Mrs. W E. Bennett, and H. H. Bankf, representing the Ro tary. Air Mail Schedules — — l — .I ■■■• J Tha schedule for the mall between Brownsville and Dallas Is announosd by tbs postofflca department as fol low*: Southbound— Leave Dallas . 7:43 a. m. Leave Ft. Worth .. 8:13 a. m. Leave Waco ... 9 20 a. m. Leave Austin .. 10*23 a m. Leave San Antonio . 11:20 a. m. Arrive Brownsville .. 2:03 p m. Northbound— Leave Brownsville ........ 1 25 p. m. Leave 8an Antonio . 4:15 p. m. Leave Austin . 3:10 p. m. Leave Waco . 6:13 9 m. Leave Ft Worth . 7:13 p. m. Arrive Dallas . 7:33 p ra. The schedule for the American air mall to Mexico City la as foilowa: Leave Brownsville .8:13 a. m. Arrive Tampico .11 00 a m. Leave Tampico ..11 SO a m. Arrive Mexico Cl tv. T45 p m. Following is tbs schedule for the Mexican air mall: Leave Mexico City . 7:45 a. m. Arrive Tampico ...10-00 a m. r^ave Tampico .10 25 a.m. Arrive Brownsville .12:55 p.m. Following it the schedule on tbe Brownsville-Mnratlan Route: l,eava Brownsville . 1 a. m. Arrive Monterrey . 9:30 a. m. Leave Monterrey ... 9:30 a. m. Arrive Torreon . 13:50 p. m. Leave Torreon . 1:30 P- m. Arrive Durango . 3:50 p. m. Leave Durango . 4:10 p. m. Arrive Maratlaa ............ 6:10 p. m. Return trip: Leeve Murat inn .... 7-00 a m. Arrive Durango ............ 9 00 a. m. Leave Durango .. 9 20 a. m. Arrive Torreon ». 11:50 p. m. Leave Torreon . 13:10 p. m. Arrive Monterrey . 3:10 p. m. Leave Monterrey . 4:10 p. a. Arrive Brownsvtlle . 6:10 p. m. POSTAL RATES Tbe United States air mall postage rate la 5 cents fer the first ounce and 10 rents for each additional ounce or fraction thereof Letters mal’ed in the United States for ths points In Mexico take this rate Train Schedule* MISSOURI PACIFIC LINES No 12—To Houston. San Antonio 1:10 a m No. 14—To Houston. 7:00 p m. No. IS—To Houston. San Antonio 9:00 p. m. No 15—Proaa St. Louis. San Antonio Houston. 7-30 a. m. No 13— From Houston. ,8:10 a. m. No 11—Prom San Antonio and Hous ton. 9 55 p. m. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES No. 319—Prom Houston. San Anto nio. 8:15 a. m. No. 320—To Houston. Ban Antonin 4 15 p. m. NATIONAL LINES OP ME3HCO (Mstamoros Station) No. 132—To Monterrey. Mexico City, 9:50 a. m. No. 131—Prom Mexico City, Monter rey. 3:30 p. m. RIO GRANDE RAILWAY „«, , To Point Isabel. 9:30 a. m. Prom Point Isabel. 4 p. m. Did Y ou Kn< >w? 0 Did you know that your carrier bov is in business for himself? Did you know that he bu>s his papers outright at so much a copy and his profit is the difference between what he collects from you and the price he pays for each paper?, Did you know that he stands his own losses, keeps his „ own books, maintains his own delivery equipment (a bicycle) and is in every sense a real business man ? Did you know that he knows it is to his interest to render satisfactory service to his subscribers; because a satisfied subscriber is a permanent subscriber and per manent subscribers are profitable? Did you know he is always on the lookout for new subscribers, seeking new business, anxious to enlarge his subscription list for the more subscribers he has, the more I money he makes, and he is in business to make money? Did you know he appreciates your consideration, your subscription and your friendly interest in him? Well he does, because he is your Ca-rrier Boy. I (the Sromnsufllf Herald