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*- - - =====-■—■——■ —- — - - ■ 1 1 m L B5S ———f—— -— .ii ■ ■ i i -i--—-—-- --gggggg^^ THURSDAY CALENDAR Thursday bridge club with Mrs. Arthur PUL El Jardin bridge club with Mrs. Aubrey Perkins. • 00 .Welcoming Party for Major, Mrs. Holman Major and Mrs. Oliver I. Holman, whose wedding took place at Fort Browm last Wednesday, were pre sented with a set of silver goblets by the officers of Fort Brown on Monday afternoon at an old fash ioned army welcoming party. At 5:00 o’clock, a wagon of an cient vintage, piled high with hay. drew up in front of Major Holman's quarters. The 12th Cavalry band struck up "The Old Grey Mare.” When the bride and groom appear ed they were assisted to a seat on top of the hay. Major Holman, with silk "topper.” took the reins from the driver, and. with the bride, wearing an improvised veil, at his side, skillfully drove the mixed team around the post to the officers’ club Tied behind the wagon were shoer and tin cans, while the officers of the First Squadron mounted on mules and wearing appropriate cos tumes, escorted the couple. The party was led by the band and fol lowed by a long line of cars. At the club, Mrs. Stanley Koch presented the bride with the regi mental wedding gift, after which UeA was served by the ladies of the post. • • • Comings, Goings, Of Local People Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Heaner spent the week-end in Corpus Christi. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blum are spending a few days in Corpus Christi. The Rev. and Mrs. R. O. Mack intosh returned home Monday eve ning, after a two weeks’ vacation trip, during which they visited in St. Louis, Kansas City and St. Jos eph, Mo. The Rev. Mackintosh has resumed his duties as rector of the Church of the Advent. Miss Margaret Abney, of Lam pasas. is here visiting her aunt. Mrs. Harry Faulk. Mrs. Faulk enter tained for her with a picnic and swimming party at Boca Chica on Sunday evening, and her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Abney arc planning to give a sailing party at Point Isabel in her honor Wed nesday. Mrs. S. C. Tucker and daughter. Miss Annie, are expected to return the latter part of the week. They have been away most of the sum mer. first visiting relatives in Ala bama. and later going on to Boul der, Colo., where they took courses in summer school. Contract Award For Clubhouse Expected • Special to The Hcralu) HARLINGEN, Aug. 21 —Contaci fx expected to he awarded toda.. for construction of a $25,000 club house at Rio Hondo by the McLeed-Hood company of this state. •flans for the building were drawn Vf Lloyd Mellor. local architect. Bids were received by the owners Tuesday, and were being considered today, with indications that a con tract would be awarded during the day. The building Is to have dining room for 125 persons, showers, lounge, and other accommodations, being a large frame structure. It is to be on the banks of ‘he Arroyo Colorado, on property purchased by the developers. ENGLISH PLANE IS TESTED FOR RACE CALSHOT. Eng . Aug. 21.—<*>)— Plying Officer Ate her ley made a trial flight Tuesday in the Super Marine S-6. Schneider Cup entrant, and attained a speed which experts estimated at somewhere between 320 and 350 miles an hour. pains vanished StJoseptfs ASPIRIN as pure as money can buy THE LARGEST SELLING aspirin IN THE W0PLD fOR - - ' ‘ 1 ■ .. 11 ■ 11 I I I -“nrU. " cAJkl/ (tdtU'U ? Lf&cut -^abU s{«AtwtV<Zd6&k V&td m<It. Anted CuraL Vtr&Jo -tuTlKALe -turote vntJu tie 'tumt <j&y bUbuU a*u6 ytAoi &uivn& — jM(AO -U <e fxlojm flukit-t*. (jetApnth <Aaj -***?&£) SHOULDN’T THIS GIRL HAVE HER VACATION? By WINIFRED BLACK W’hat do you think of this letter? “Dear Miss Winifred Black: “Would you please tell me what to do in a case like this? “My vacation is starting in one week and I have all reservations made to go to the country with some girl friends when my mother suddenly decides that she and my father be ing much older, need the rest more than I do and it is no more than my duty to stay at home to take care of brother and get sister's dinner ready and do the general housework while she goes away for the much needed rest without being annoyed with he children. “I cannot go away without saying anythin-* be cause I have to give in my envelope every week and just get money for my lunch and car fare, therefore I cannot save a cent. “It isn't as if I was one of these pleasure-mad flappers (I am 20 years old* because I was willing to sacrifice one week of my vacation and let mother have one week, but that does not satisfy her either. “It would be very much appreciated if you would _ answer this immediately as my vacation starts next WINIFRED BLACK *«*• WONDERING." Well. “Wondering." how in the world can I or any other stranger tell you what you ought to do? What kind of a woman is your mohter, anyhow? Has she worked hard all her life to give you the right sort of a start? is sne urpn ann aiscouragea ana feeling a little old? Or Is she Just a selfish grasping creature who wants to make you nothing but a slave? Is there any real reason why you should give your whole envelope to her every week? Why should she anu your father keep you with your nose to the grindstone just because you are good-natured enough to let therfi do it? Why don't you go on a week's trip with your friends and then come home and let your mother and father go for a week themselves? I don't believe any really reason able mother will object to that, my | dear. I wish I knew who you are. “Wondering.'’ and where you live and what you do for a living. I’d like to get a glimpse of you. Do you realize that you belong to a species that is almost as much be hind the times as a horse and buggy or a Langrhy Bang? Most of the girls I know do as they please, when they please, and how they please, and they pay Just as much attention to thetr mothers as they do to the grass-hoppers in the fields of clover—way. way out ’n the country where there Is noth ing but a radio and a phonograph and a roadster for company. Mother is just a poor old has oecn: something to be forgiven and forgotten like a bad debt. What a pity it all Is. Mothers and daughters ought to love each other better than any thing else in the world. What’s the old saying . . . "A son’s a son till he gets him a wife. A daughter is a daughter all of her life” What an absurd idea. Daughters are not daughters at all; they are just people. Some of them are loving, kindly, good-humored, happy people , and some of them are mean, stubborn, ill-tempered. disagreeable — and , that's all there is to it. I know daughters who wouldn't1 lift a finger to save their mothers from dying of starvation.- and I know mothers who are nothing but cold-hearted bundles of egotistical selfishness. Mary Mean is Mary Mean whether she is a mother or a daughter, and Generous Gertrude is Generous Ger trude whether she's an old maid or v grandmother or a mother or a dpughter. What do you think about Wonder ing anyhow, ladies and gentlemen of the jury? wrhat would you tell her I to do? — MAN USES 4« BEDS HULL. Eng —James C. Corwyn. who died aged 92. had 40 beds In his mansion and never used the same one for two successive nights *'—— RICH WIFE MUST PAY LONDON.—Mrs. Wilfred Moore, who is wealthy, was ordered to pay the costs of her husbands divorce suit. ” ■■■" ■ All Services For Your Car Here is a complete garage ... all service needed is promptly attended to. Just phone 1220—we 11 come after and return your car. or Just leave it with us and well repair it. wash it. put water in bat tery. check tires, oil and grease it. etc. Experts do the work. And, don’t forget our storage department. 1 Phone 1220 EL JARDIN GARAGE Rear of El Jardin Hotel W. O. Rozell AUCTIONEER IF IT HAS VALUE I CAN SELL IT AND GET THE MONEV San Benito, Texas ! ■ —.- .1 1 r 4 WESLACO PICNIC-SWIM The Ruth class of the Baptist Sunday school, of which Mrs. W. L. Forbes Is teacher with a picnic sup per and swimming party Monday evening at the Cascade. Those who enjoyed this happy occasion were: Messrs, and Mesdames W. L. Forbes and small son, E. C. Couch, H, R. Parks, C. E. Thompson, R. W. Warren. Jr., and daughter, E. R. St. John and daughter and guests. Mrs. A. E. St. John and son of Monroe, La., B. A. Mitchell and daughter, C. L. Burton and baby, E. L. Bailey, Monte Walker and daughter; Mes dames M. M. McAskill and children. D B. Briggs and son. C. M. O’Neal. Alma Fort. W. W. Carrothers; Miss es Opal Nunn and Florrie Hagar. 9 9 • ANNOUNCE CHAIRMEN Mrs. Wave Stebbins. president of the local Business and Professional Women s club, announces the ap pointment of the committee chair men as follows: Membership. Mrs. Dar Ratliff; program, Mrs. Arthur H. Ullrich; education. Mrs. V. C. Thompson; emblem. Mrs. H. J. Grapperhaus; health. Mrs. E. D. Ford; legislative, Mrs. H. A. Hollo way; magazine and publicity. Miss Madeline Huppert; resolution, Mias Alma Reeves; historian, Mrs. J. H. Head; persona! research. Mrs. R. G Childre; finance, Mrs. E. S. Guth ridge; piano. Mrs. Byron Hutto; song leader, Mrs. Alma Fort. • • • WEDNESDAY NIGHT CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Ed Starr entertain ed the members of the Wednesday Night club in their home in the Harding Apartments Wednesday night with an evening of bridge. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. S. Lamar Gill. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Dryer. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Hays Scisson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kennedy. Dr. and Mrs. H. A. White, Mrs. C. L. Mitchel, Mrs. H. A. Bull and Richard Lee. Mrs. Gill won high honors for the women, a pair of hose, while Mr. Dryer took the men's high honors, a tie. Low scores were won by Mrs. Bull and Mr. Scisson who received a tea towel and ash tray, respec | tively. A Dutch lunch with cider was served as refreshments. 9 0 9 BON TEMP CLUB The Bon Temp club was enter tained Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. K. Smith on East Gem avenue with bridge. Those present were Mrs. Abe Wise. Mrs. Bond Carroll, Mrs. Wm. J. Gerron. Mrs. Holly Bostick. Mrs. R. H. Gackelman, Mrs. H. E. [ Tomme. Mrs. B. L. Jenkins. ' Mrs. Bond Carroll won high score j prize, an embroidered organdy dresser scarf. Refreshments consisted of home made ice cream and cake. • • • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Neal Kirk. Mrs. Lee Schaefer and daughter. Miss Thel ma Schaefer, of Chicago, are here for a ten day visit with their par ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Auer. Many of the points of interest in the Val ley arc being visited during their stay here.. Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Hampton and son. Fields, Miss Norma Van Vliet. | Miss Mary Lillian Ware, Thomas 1 Edrington and Boyd Scott spent the week-end with the L. W. Yates ‘ family who are staying at Holly wood Beach. Misses Lucille Griffith. Jane Steb bins. Jewelle Watson. Lilia Yar brough. Mary Lillian Ware of San j Marcus and Christine Yarbrough I enjoyed a swimming party at the 1 Cascade Tuesday morning. Mrs. Roy Kendall and daughter. Mardelle, returned last week from a visit at Bishop. Dr., and Mrs. P. M. Smith and twa 5=uo from Tchula. Miss. arriv ed Tuesday for a ten day visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Mauck. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Clemens and daughter of Beaumont, Mrs. Dan Broesche of Brenhan and Mrs. P. De Verie of Port Arthur who have been visiting their brother, G. W. Boone and family left lor a short stap at Corpus Christ! and San An tonio before returning to their homes. Mr. and Mrs. W. S, Turitt and daughter. Miss Lilly May, of Tchula, Miss., arrived Tuesday for a ten day visit with their son. Tommy Turitt. They were accompanied by Miss Lizzie Connolly and Miss Miriam Gwinn of Lexington. Miss. The latter will visit a sister in Har lingen. OLMITO u MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Mrs. M. E. Terrell entertained last Wednesday with a miscellaneous shower for her daughter. Mrs. Jewel Richards, a recent bride. The rooms were attractively recorated with co rona and ferns. Refreshments of punch and cake were served to about forty guests. • • • SWIM-DANCE A dance at the Casino war. en joyed Thursday night by a group of young people, chapaeroned by Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Cheney. The dance was followed by a swim. • • • PERSONALS— Mrs. E. v. Miller. Mr and Mrs. Dugan McNee and children. Emory and Buddv. arrived Saturday from Webster City. Iowa, for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Mickle. They will make their home in the Valiev Miss Jeanelle MrClaughtery of Kingsville Is visiting Miss Geneva Cheney. Mrs. N. J. Mickle and daughter. Mrs. Glen Dennis, of Brownsville left Saturday for an extended visit with friends and relatives in Inde pendence Iowa 1--— "Menus of the lay BY MRS. ALEXANDER GEORGE A New Pudding Recipe Dinner Menu Broiled Lamb Chops Buttered Potatoes Creamed Cabbage Bread Butter Cucumber Salad California Almond Pudding Coffee California Almond Pudding 1 cup bread crumbs (toast pre ferred), 2 cups milk. 2 egg yolks, 1-4 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 1-2 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 cup brok en almond macaroons, 2 tablespoons j butter, melted, 1-3 cup sugar. Soak the crumbs and milk for 5 minutes. Add the rest of the ingre-! dients and pour into a buttered baking dish. Cook very slowly for 30 minutes. Cover with the merin gue. Almond Meringue 2 egg whites, stiffly beaten, 1-3 cup sugar, 1-4 teaspoon vanilla. 1-3 cup blanched, shredded almonds. Beat the eggs and sugar until very BUILDING UP WOMEN WHO ARE RUN DOWN Physically deficient women—women who suffer unnecessarily from the com mon ailments caused by that condition —find real help in the building-up properties of St. Joseptrs G.F.B Dke^WomctfiX) £7oruc - I ■ ■ —~-~l I ■■ f£ . -- OH — —I—— I II I _ _ 1 ~ I^ZZZZZ =H- - -=i I.. - ______ ■■ . ■I.'1-..1 —T-*— For 47 Years The makers of the paint that we handle lave been manufacturing paint for forty ~even years. During this time there has been one man at the head of the organiza tion ... a man who knows his business and puts his knowledge into his product. This rompany is one of the oldest paint com panies in the United States. For these reasons, and the fact that it has proven quality, we stand behind it to the utmost . . . giving you a real guarantee. United Paint Stores Co. 843 Elizabeth Street ■'*%’v„ > ■ " y ;■/ ■ f rC% -i, * • creamy. Add the rest of the Ingre dients, spread on the baking pud dine ind bake slowly for 10 min utes. Cool and chill. Wnen Company Comes to Dinner Chilled Diced Watermelon Breaded Lamb Chops Creamed Potatoes Buttered Peas Hot Biscuit Raspberry Jam 8tuffed Peach Salad Apple Dumplings Cream Coffee BRYAN’S DAUGHTER GRANTED DIVORCE LOS ANGELES. Aug. 21.—(&)— Mrs. Grace Bryan Hargreaves, daughter of the late William Jen nings Bryan, has been granted a divorca from Richard L. Hargreaves'? Beverly Hills, Calif., banker, on OFFICIAL RESIGNS, ENDS IMPEACHMENT JACKSON, Miss., Aug. 31.—<*>— The impeachment of Attorney Gen eral Rush H. Knox, under fire for the past ten months, ended Tues day with his resignation, accepted by Governor Theo. G. Bilbo. The resignation came after the house of representatives impeached him on a charge of high crimes, misde meanors and malfeasance in office in connection with* alleged illegal collection of fees in tax cases. » grounds of cruelty. A property set tlement "in excess of $10,000 value” was made by Mrs. Hargreaves, who also was given custody of their four children. When Mother was a Girl — Goggles Veils and Gauntlet Gloves — were all the vogue — and so were Pierce Pennant Lubricating Oils Motor Oils Gone are the goggles, veils, etc. — but Pierce Pennant Motor Oils are still the “cor rect vogue” for particular ca. owners. Sold by the Following Courteous Pierce Dealers J. ESPINOSA, Agent Court House Service Station Brownsville Valencia Filling Station Brownsville Pablo Garcia Los Fresnos Pearson Filling Station Olmito El Jardin Garage Brownsville i j|\- #|§| Pierce Petroleum Corporation St. Louis - Little Rock - Oklahoma City • Dallas - Tulsa . •