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fiO WOMEN IN i ONTARIO SWIM _ I ^rigley Offer* $10,000 A$ Prise For Winner of 10-Mile Event Toronto, ont. Aug. 21.—<*»>— ffearly three aoore women swim mers have entered the W rig ley ten mlle swim for women to be staged In Lake Ontario next Friday. A purse of $15,00 will be split among the first five to finish. $10,000 to the winner; $3,000 for second place; $1,000 for third; $800 for fourth, and $400 for fifth. The swim is conditional, however. r>n the temperature of the water ip Lake Ontario being 68 degrees or more. The temperature yesterday was 53 degrees, but officials of the competition expressed hope south ern winds would make the water warm enough to permit the swim to be held. Among favorites for the race are three girls from the United States —Martha Norelius, Ethel Hertle. last year’s winner, and Olive Qat terdam of Beattie. Wash., who was runner-up to Miss Hertle in 1928. SOLDIER REPORTED KILLED IN COAHUILA MEXICO CITY, Aug. 21.—</P>—A dispatch to El Universal from 8an Pedro, Coahuila, says one soldier was killed and one wounded In a running fight with police there. The soldiers are alleged to have been in toxicated and to have resisted the police when the latter attempted to arrest them. --——————— • 1 » — Texas Clubs Frown On Messenger Deal SAN ANTONIO. Aug. 31.—(A*)—If there was any further doubt that six clubs of the Texas league looked with disfavor upon the sale of Andy Messenger, star Indian slabster. to Wichita Falls, it was removed this week when they refused to sanction a transfer of three scheduled games here to the Bpudder city. The club owners without hesita tion agreed to transfer the scheduled Labor Day doubleheader here to Waco In order to help attendance and likewise permitted a series with Fort Worth Aug. 30. 31 and Sept. 1 to be shifted to Pantherville, but they balked at sending three tilts to Wichita Falls. Several clubs that had been bid ding for Messenger to no avail, were said to have been aggrieved when the Spuddera grabbed him off. ► II One Out of Four Smokes HARRY’S CLUB HOUSE , t „ 5c Cigar . Harry’s Cigar Stores and all Valley Leading Dealers ______——^jiii I Crystal Pure ICE Manufactured with the modern Arctic Pownell System of ice refrigeration. w I Phone 688 I Brownsville Ice Co. Owned by Volley People I s J. A. Walker, Mgr. 41 Hill & Morton, Owners BEAUTIFUL STAR Billie Dove comes to the Arca dia theater in Harlingen Thurs day In “Man and the Moment," with Rod La Rocque in the lead ing male role. BILLCUTSOUT STATE AUDITOR Find $40,000 Fund For De partment Not Provided In Appropriations (Special to The Herald) APSTIN, Aug. 21.—The legislature has failed to appropriate money for operation of the new state auditor’s department, it was revealed Tues day. Unless a special session of the legislature is called, the department would have to shut up alter approx imately one year of the biennial pe riod beginning September 1. The original act creating the depart ment appropriated 140.000 on which the auditors office was to be or ganized and to run for approxi mately a year. By oversight or otherwise, the de partment was left entirely out of the departmental appropriation bill, it has become known. Considerable opposition over creating the new de partment developed and it was be lieved friends of the new “civil serv ice" agency hesitated to idve op ponents of the measure a shot at it in the appropriations bill. De feat of the appropriation had it been offered, would have barred further efforts to keep the new de partment going, 1 ut as it is. the expected special sesaior* in January will be free to make the appropria tion if a majority of Its members are wailing. Governor Moody, abandoning his long fight to hav a civil service bureau for the state set up, said the auditor’s department will be able to achieve all the reform- de sired under civil service. Rotarian Discusses Service Principles (Special to The Herald) mission, Aug. 21.—Marvin Goodwin, chairman of the interna i tional service committee, was head liner at the local Rotary club lunch eon Monday with a talk on "Inter nationalism,” In which he mention ed the need of better education along the lines of what Rotary stands for—providing for the devel opment of the individual. Miss Mardell Parks gave several selections, accompanied by Mrs. Heathe May, regular pianist. Visitors present were A1 Hughes. O. P. Archer, both of McAllen. O. W. Lowry of Dallas. I - 1111 - — “Cool Surf Bathing in Comfort” Drive right up in your car to BRAZOS ISLAND BATH HOUSE (at Boca Chica) Private Dressing Rooms — Showers — Sandwiches — Bathing Suits — Cold Drinks -MODERATE PRICES Free Ice Water and Plenty of Shade REAL SPORT! 1 -—11 % m pwwg IsioeucHis TEXAS Richard Barthelmess again! Again In a hit-one of the biggest in his career of hits. The First National star who gave us "The Patent Leather Kid" and "The Noose,” makes his appearance on the screen tomorrow at the Texas theater in "Weary River.” "Weary River" has given Barthel mess an unusual role to play. Ho has been given an exceptionally dramatic story to tell, a real, living, breathing character to portray, and situations brimming with extraordi nary histrionic opportunities. And he takes lull advantage of every one of them. CAPITOL In his first talking picture. Fash ions in Love," opening Thursday at the Capitol, a thoroughly gay and, entertaining comedy. Adolphe Men jou proves to be quite a versatile artist. For not only does this deb onair gentleman of the screen speak his lines but he also sings the song hit, "Delphine." and performs cred itably at the piano. Cast as Paul de Remy. a world famous pianist, with a slight pre dilection for the charms of fair ladies. Menjou plays at the game of love once too often. That is. he becomes entangled with the beau tiful young wife of another man, while his tolerant, understanding wife closes her eyes to the latest affair of her temperamental hus band. But when the distracted hus band of Menjou's latest conquest decides to put a stop to the whole affair. Menjou's wile joins him in an effort to teach her husband a lasting lesson. All of which, skil fully developed with a keeu appre ciation for sophisticated comedy, makes "Fashions in Love” the gay, enjoyable picture it Is. ARCADIA, HARLINGEN George Fitxmaurice, famous di rector who megaphoned "Lilac Time," and 'The Barker." has his latest screen offering at the Arcadia In Harlingen Thursday. It is "The Man and the Moment.” a gala romance starring Billie Dove, beautiful First National star. Rod LaRocque plays opposite Miss Dove and a splendid cast is seen In support of the star. RIVOLI—SAN BENITO Those film fans * ho have been waiting breathlessly for another picture with Oreta Garbo and Nils Asther romantically paired should be amply repaid in "The Single Standard," which opened Tuesday night at the Rivoli theater. San Benito, as Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's newest offering, a highly romantic tale with musical and sound syn chronization. Miss Oarbo. back from a lengthy vacation in Sweden, gives the fin est performance of her career in this glamorous vehicle and, in addi tion to the handsome and iwarthy Asther. she also has Johnny Mack Brown to share leading mun honors. Both Asther anc* Brown do tremen dously fine work 5 a their opposite roles, each splendidly cast and cap able of the difficult parts they por tray. Six Indicted In Willacy County (Special to The Herald) RAYMONDVILLE. Aug. 21—The grand jury returned the following bills of indictment in the session of the 28th district criminal court now being held in Raymondville, Willacy county. Vernon Hurdle, indicted for fel i ony and theft, is alleged to have I stolen a car and to have sold It In I Humble. Texas. Jose Maria Yglacias, Jose Oareta and David Anzualda. indicted for alleged theft of cattle. Joe Mundy and C. D. W :ks, in dicted for alleged burglary and theft. Late Tuesday iternoon the grand | jury recessed until Saturday. All of the above cases are s i for Monday. NOWICH, Eng.—A speaking tube had to be used to sentence to death Wallace Benton, who Is extremely deaf. . BROWNSVILLE MAN WINNER IN HERALD CONTEST FORMS 117 GOOD ENGLISH WORDS - 1 ■■■ 1 ‘LOVE STYLE’ Adolphe McnJo’j and Miriam See gar In ‘Fashions In Love,” Men Jou’s first talking picture opening Thursday at the Capitol. Raymondville Names Equalization Board (Special to The Herald) RAYMONDVILLE. Aug. 21.—At a special meeting of the commission ers Of the city of Raymondville, the board of equalization for this year was appointed, composed of W. J. Jteasonover, Sr., Narcisso Cavazos and Mrs. E. B. Burton. The board la to meet Tuesday. August 27. LINDBERGH TO OPEN PAN-AMERICAN LINE NEW YORK. Aug. 21.—(^—Col onel Charles A. Lindbergh will pilot the first plane on a 1.230-mile ex tension of the Pan American Air ways line to South America, J. T. Trippe, president of the line, has announced. He will fly from Miami to Paramariso, Dutch Ouinea. on September 20 to Inaugurate the new route. . Although the field In The Her ald’s last “Bushel of Words’’ con test was crowded with women and girls, W. H. Shaw upheld the dig nity of the masculine sex by form ing 29 more words than his near est competitor from the letters con tained in “irrigate.” By displaying this mental agility and dogged dic tionary delving, Shaw won first place and the a cash prise offered each week by The Herald. In all, he formed 117 good English words from “irrigate.” Another of the contests is carried in today’s Heral Rules and regu lations are set below. Miaaion Woman Second A Mission woman, Mrs. A L. Douglas won second prise, two tick ets to the Capitol theater, by find ing 88 words could be made from the key word. Third honors were carried off by Lucie Marie Brulay of Brownsville. For forming 82 words, she will receive two tickets to the Dittman theater. Another of her family. Inez Starr Brulay. pressed her hard for honors and was fourth with 81 words, nez will get two tickets to the Texas the ater. Fifth, sixth and seventh were car ried off by Mrs. Lee Martin (79), Pauline Marler (77) and Bruce Un derwood (70), respectively. Each will receive two childrens’ tickets to the Capitol theater. Watch Display Ads Honorable mention is given the following: Fayette French, San Juan; Mrs. L. R Murphy, La Ferla; Mrs. C. M. Wilds, San Benito; Mrs. John Hunter, Brownsville; -Its. Vi ola Ross, Harlingen; Louise Burke, San Benito; Mrs. J. N. Burkhart Alamo; Mrs. John Holland, Browns ville; Lucy Bolgcr, Point Isabel; and Mrs. Clements Lamberth, Browns ville. Each Wednesday eight display advertisements in The Herald will carry stray letters. These charac ters will be taken from some word distinctive of the Valley. F :h words as “Rio Grande. “Grape fruit,” etc., will be used. The ob ject of the contc-* U to determine the key word from the stray let i ters in the advertisements and then Pipe Lines for DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION Let Agar & Gentry <* San Benito, Texas Design, Finance and Install Large Tracts Preferred * to form as many good English words as possible from the characters. Rales for Contest The rules follow: No foreign words, proper nouns, obsolete % -ds, abbreviations, suf fixes, prefixes, contractions. Use one side of paper only. Number words and arrange alphab.Ucally. Must send clippings of each adver tisement letters appear In. eLtters cannot be used more times than they appear In “key woid.” Only one word of same spelling but dif ferent meaning accepted. Write plainly as many doubtful v rds will be counted oat. All words must be found In any standard dictionary. If clippings are not inch >ed or wrong key word Is solu tion Is out of contest. The contest will close FrHay at 6 p. m. Solu tions in mail Saturday mor mg will be too late. The same person cannot win the first prize more than one time. Prizes are listed above. NEW YORK.—In the opinion of Ralph Barton, caricaturist. New York is a crazy city and America is a madhouse. But that Is why he has come back after living four years in Prance. ‘ It Is better to be a crazy New Yorker than a triumph of the boulevards." OHIO CLUB TO HOLD PICNIC LABOR DAT (Special to The Herald) RIO HONDO. Aug. 31.—Member* of the Ohio dub will gather at the Harlingen fair ground* an Labor Day, Sept. 2. for an all-day picnic. All former Ohio resident* are aaked to attend, whether or not they have ; been to any of the previous gath erings. A basket lunch la to be spread at noon, and every one is asked to bring a basket. Dan Affdter. of Rio Hondo, is president, and E. W. Ar cher. also of Rio Hondo, is secretary of the association. Mescal Seized By Customs Officers Mounted Customs Officers work- ; mg out of the Brownsville head quarters seised 116 quarts of raeeoal on the banks of the Rio Qrande near La Paloraa about dusk Tues day. This is one of the largest sec ures made recently. A man with the liquor escaped in the tall weeds, but several arrests are expected soon. Officers In the party were R. L. Campbell. Ed R. McNabb and A. A. Champion. Modern Furniture is the smart thing. People used to say that they could do a million dolalrs worth of busi ness in a barn, but it's not true any more. It takes prosperous settings to corral prosperous business. Let us re-outfit your office with everything from desk and chairs to rubber bands. yp rrs THE OFFICE-WE HAVE IT* AVUKV OFFICE OUTFITTERS _HARLINGEN , TEXAS. , «jSiaDU\ PHONE 522 P o. BOX 60i Y u furnish the EYES the “Caterpillar” will follow them ■* Do you want a field plowed or sub-soiled, a seed bed well mixed, unpacked and aerated, a crop harvested on time? Then just look across the radiator of a track-type “Caterpillar,” from an easy-riding ‘^Caterpillar” seat, and follow your eyes. Hills? Who cares? Bogs and wet spots .... why worry? Tough soil? Never mind! Bad weather? No matter! Sand? Wdiat’e the difference? Traction in "‘Caterpillar” tracks and power under tlie hood enable you to fol low your eyes, just about anywhere. ‘‘Caterpillar’s” power and traction make farming better, quicker, cheaper. I Hardware and Implement Co. 1113-17 W. Jackson — Phone 103C Harlingen