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? —— — - ■■■ n ■ ■■■■■■ ■■ i hi—————■i 1 ■ | ■ " —-: ::: — 14 Boys and Girls Hurt OCCUPANTS OF TRUCK THROWN OUT IN CRASH Driver of Car Charged With Aggravated Assault Says He Did Not See Victims GALVESTON. Aug 22.—(/P»— Fourteen boys :nd girls were in jured. seven seriously, last nlfeht when the truck i i which they were returning from a hayride and picnic on the mainland was struck by* an automobile driven by R. W. Cham bers of this city between Dickson and Lamar quo Chambers today was charged with aggravated assault with a motor vehicle and was released under $500 bond. He said he did not see the truck until It was too late to avoid a collision. He was returning to Oalveston from Houston. 27 In Trucks Twenty-seven young people were returning to this city in two trucks, one towing the other. Chambers’ car crashed into the rear of the second truck forcing it into the other and throwing all Its occupants to the road. . Those most seriously injured were: VIRGINIA STANLEY. 19, severe acalp wound, fractured rib. DOROTHY REESE. 20. left leg broken and body bruises. CLARA M’CARTHY, probable shoulder fracture. LORETTA ABRAHAMSON, 20, body bruises DOROTHY BEL.. 18, arm brok en and body bruises. VICTORIA VAN BENTHUYSEN. leg amputated In Houston hospi tal. _ LOUISE SCHURWON. sprained hip. Others Injured less seriously were Walter Bell. Glovanna Demack. Charles Mallia. Marie Schurwon. E. Whitney. Velma Stephenson. Jesse Caveness. negro. (Lt.t. of the truck. H. Voight and F Schurwon were in charge of the party of 22 young couples. FatKer Says Blast Victim Forewarned BEAUMONT. Texas. Aug 22.—(/P) —Such a strong premonition of death that he made all arrange ments for his funeral, was reported here by E. Robinson, father of L. A. Robinson, who was killed at Houston in an ammonia explosion. Young Robinson, who had resid ed here until a short time ago. re turned to Beaumont and reinstated an Insurance policy that had lapsed and told his people that “In case anything happened" he wanted to be buried in his old home at Corri gan. Texas. He also gave the name of a Methodist minister that he wanted to conduct the funeral serv ices. This was only a short time be fore his death. The father of Robinson declared that at the time of the accident tie was dreaming that he was in church with his son. Fire Drives Hotel Guests Into Street GALVESTON. Tex.. Aug. 2..—r.H) —Fire today drove guests of the Majestic hotel here to the street and did at least $10,000 damage to the hostelry. The cause was un known. The roof of the building was bad ly damaged. A barber shop and restaurant on the street floor suf fered losses due principally to wa ter. WOMAN SUICIDE IS IDENTIFIED DALLAS. Tex.. Aug. 2 (yP)-*The body of a woman, found In a creek here Sunday, has been identified by friends as that of Mrs. Ellen Koonce Elliott. 69. widow of a former San Antonio Judge. Mrs. Elliott had j been acting as a governess for some ] time. A verdict of suicide was re- j turned EARTHQUAKE HALTS WEDDING CEREMONY PINOTEPA 1TACIONAL. Mexico. Aug. 22. —Just as the groom was about to say "I do.” at a mar riage ceremony here in the munici pal building, an earthquake oc- j cured, and bride, groom and atten dants rushed pell-mell from the< place. * . Watch Tongue For Signs of Illness Your tongue is nothing more than the upper end of your stomach and intestines. It is the first thing your doctor looks at. It teirs at a glance the condition of your diges tive system — and physicians say that 90 per cent of all sicknesses start with stomach and bowel l'0UblC' A white or yellow.* ish coating on your | tongue is a danger signal of those diges tive disorders. It tells you why the least ex ertion tires you out; Leokmtyomr why you have pains in TONGUE the bowels, gas, sour *mj morningf stomach, dizzy spells. And it’s a sign you need Tanlac. This good old reliable medicine has helped thousands who were physi cal wrecks. See how the first bot tle helps you. Tanlac contains . no mineral drugs; it is made of barks, herbs and roots—nature’s own medicines for the sick. Get a bottle from Cur drbggist today. Your money ck if it doesn’t help you. Tanlac ^LMUUON.fiOTIUES JUSEDI f b-* .— • ■-. ■■■ .. .-j Mrs. Tex Rickard Seeks Job to Support Her Child NEW YORK, Aug. 22.—UP)— The New York American today quotes Mrs. Tex Rickard, young widow of the famous fight pro moter, as saying she is almost penniless although her husband was reputed to be worth $1,000, 000 when he died. Mrs. Rickard said she has re ceived less than $5 '*00 from the estate and had little hope c! get ting any more. The American describes the $500,000 trust fund ' created for their 2-year-old daughter, Maxine, as only a gen erous dream on the part of Mr. Rickard and says there will be nothing left or the daughter. "My financial situation right now is such that I must step out and get myself a job in order to support my daughter,” the pa per quotes her as saying. Mrs. Rickard is living In a modest cottage in Flushing, N. Y. JINX FOLLOWS EFFORTS TO GET TINY RACER INTO AIR ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Aug. 22.—(JP)— With the climax to the misfortunes which have dogged his attempts to get his tiny mercury racer into the air reached yesterday on his third futile attempt of .the day. when he was unconscious for five minutes in the cockpit of the craft traveling nearly 100 miles r n hour. Lieutenant Alford Williams was ready to try again today. Williams was forced to abandon VESSELS SCAN ATLANTIC FOR SWISS FLIERS NEW YORK. Aug. 22.—<AV With only the barest hope that the young Swiss fliers. Oscar Kaesar and Kurt Luescher, sur vived their westward trans-At lantic flight attempt, crews of naval and merchant vessels to day scanned the North Atlantic for trace of them. The youthful fliers, one 21. and the other 22 ts old, were last seen flying westward over a vil lage in the Azores on Monday afternoon. They should have reached American shores early Tuesday. T1 .■ 500 gallons of gasoline with which they left Lisbon, bound few New York, could not kept them in the air much later than that. PARTIES GROOM FOR CAMPAIGNS Republicans Mobilise At Capital As Deme Center Publicity On Tariff * WASHINGTON. Aug. 22.—VP)— There Is going to be politics the year round in Washington. With i‘ie new democratic organ ization at the capital already in op eration, the republicans are mobil izing a new setup which will get un der way next month. Claudius Hue .on of Tennessee Is slated to b» the new chairman of the republican na 'onal committee and the active general of the repub lican organization. A. F. Dawson, Iowa banker, and former newspaper man. is to be the man on .. Job —the field captain, or executive sec retary. Dawson is to take office here with the republican national committee and serve as liason officer among all republican organizations includ ing the national committee and the senatorial and congressional cam paign committees. A publicity drive, timed to coin cide with the consideration of the tariff bill in the senate, is to be launched as a counter offensive to the democratic publicity campaign. Under the gu.uancc of Charles Micheison, veteran newspaper man. the democrats have been making a target of the house tariff measure all summer and the republicans aie aroused. cenMich-cLsamiwyafwawafwypawy President Hoover is satisfied with the reorganized republic campaign plans and is credited by many with inspiring the arrangement. Senator Watson of Indiana republican lead er. also is regarded as one of those Riving impetus to the program for a more active party organization. New Health Society Seeks 1000 Members An enrollment of 1000 members within the next two w’eeks is the goal set by officers of the Cameron county anti-tuberculosis associa tion. recently formed in a meeting at San Benito. The drive is al ready unofficially under way. and enrollments are being turned in to Dr. B. W. Primer, county health of ficer. and secretary of the associa tion. Memberships are $1 each, and sums raised by this means will be used to begin the fight on tubercu losis in the county. Only about five per cent of the tubercular cases in the county are receiving adequate treatment, health officials say, and it is to remedy thl> situation that the association was formed. Organ ization for the drive has not yet been completed, but enrollments of members will be made by public health officials, members of the public health nursing association, and women’s clubs Interested. Man Dies In Fire; Brother Injured SAN ANTONIO. Aug. 22.—<jP>— Benson Hester. 28. was burned to death today, and his brother. Car roll Hester, was seriously Injured as the result of asphyxiation and shock, in a fire believed to have bee caused by a lighted cigarette. Awakened by the groans of Carroll Hester, relatives entered the bed room and found him near the door, unconscious. Benson had never left the bed, and his body was burned beyond recognition. efforts yesterday when the terrific speed at which he was traveling forced the pure air from the small compartment in which he practical ly has to lie down, and gases from the 24-cylinder motor forced their way back in and overcame him. Williams’ first effort to take the plane into the air for a speed trSl which is to decide the navy depart ment on whether or not to send it to England to compete in the in ternational races, was frustrated when the backwash of a pleasure craft tossed h plane so badly on its tiny pontoons he was forced to stop the motor. The second time a large ferry, entering the river from the bay forced him to again cut off his motor. FRENCH OPPOSE RACE WITH ZEP May Induce Coste to Meet Graf in America Rather Than Try to Beat It • • LEBOURGET, France, Aug. 22 — UF)—Captain Dleudonne Coste, France's premier aviator, announced today he would take off on his mys terious long distance Journey—to Tokyo to race the Zeppelin across the Pacific, or to New York—as soon as weather permitted. This information was accepted generally as explaining his falure to appear at the field for a sched uled take-off at dawn. He made a three-hour test flight this morning In his plane, the Question Mark, and at the end of the flight announced the wireless apparatus, which had not func tioned properly yesterday, was now working at Its best. The French filer was silent as to his exact plans but If he has aban doned his project announced yes terday of a flight to Tokyo 4t is believed due to the pressure of friends. It is understood they have been pointing out it might seem un gracious to Dr. Hugo Eckener and to Germany to inaugurate a race around the world and might be in terpreted as an attempt of the French flier to detract from the honors which Dr. Eckener is receiv ing for his great dirigible flight. It was thought therefore this might induce Coste not to pursue the Zeppelin and to head instead for New York, perhaps meeting the dirigible on American soil. Indigestion Stopped Quickly By Stomach Antiseptic What is commonly known as in digestion is a fermented condition of the stomach which keeps the un digested food sour, creating acids and poisons. Fermentation is the worst obstacle in the way of over coming stomach disorders. GORDON'S—an internal antisep tic, gets immediately at the cause by stopping fermentation—soothing and healing the inflamed and irri tated membrane lining — driving out the acids and poisons. It strengthens weak or disordered stomachs. Surprising results may be expect ed in cases of indigestion, dyspep sia. excess acid. gas. bloating,1 heartburn, sour stomach and that "tired feeling." Get a bottle of this famous rem edy today from your druggist. Costs less than three cents a dose. —Adv. - - ] 1 With the Frigid, mitt Cold Control you can regulate frtrtmg timt, to aetb at yea rogn- -m. -r “iZif IV rvey ..j you regulate the freezing time with the FRIGIDAIRE "Cold Control” 'T'HE new Frigidaire “Cold you tap the surplus freezing power *• Control" gives you complete of the Frigidaire compressor, control of the temperatures in you get results quick the patented self-sealing Frigid* ... aire freezing trays. You never ^4^ 41 our *hspl*7 room, have to wait for desserts and ice Le*™ how Frigidaire can cubes to freeze at uvormge speeds. be bought on General Motors Just turn the "Cold Control” and liberal terms. Come in today, FRIGIDAIRE MORE THAN A Million IN USE FRIGIDAIRE SALES & SERVICE Lower Rio Grande Valley Phone 276 — Mercedes JOHN H. HUNTER, Representative Brownsville, Texas — Phone 568-J r ■ 4 1014 Elizabeth Street We Serve You Best and Save You Most Not Now and Then—But Every Day_| Boys’ 4-Piece Suits : Are Tailored of Sturdy Fabrics to “Stand the Gaff” of School Wear! ' They're made the way a boys' suit should ba made . . . sturdy l Not only are the surface materials strong, but the hidden features, the linings, paddings and tailoring are all excel lently executed details that will make these suits stay new a long time. Ertry Suit Madt With Two Fairs of Pants The coats are in two and three-button peak and notch lapd models with pleated vest and two pairs of knickers (one pah pleated). Or choose one pair of pleated longies and one pair of golf knickers. Materials are cassimeres and twists. Sizes 6 to 17 years. At these two low prices these •re suits of outstanding value! • 55 Boys’ Longies I Sizes 4 to 17 Years Well tailored longies fot School and dress wear. Of sturdy* cassimeres and worsted* in new shades. These are espe cially fine values at these low prices— 1.98and 2.98 | I Boys’ Knickers hire 6 to 12 Years Well made knickers for school or dress wear. Cassimeres, worsteds and tweeds are shown in new shades and pattern!. Priced very low at 98c to $1.98 Golf Knickers Size 6 to 12 Year* Smartly cut and well made. Materials are cassimeres and worsteds and come in the sea son's new colorings. Sires 6 to 16 years. Outstanding values at $1.98 _ Oxford Bags Boys’ Shirts Of Heavy Cowhide Collars Attached IS-Inch size Large leather Plain an .an Corners. Brass catches. cy patterns 7f>c Percales anil __ broadcloth. I Boys’ Pajamas SSES?; I In Middy Style W/‘ OT percale in buttonless style 69c to t! Plain colors. _ 0«. _ 98c J | * Shirts and ^Short**** Heather mixtures. Stripes. wilUl W plaids and jacquards. Athletic Style 39c Athletic Suits In Boys* Sizes Of nainsook with ribbed knit Insert across back. 49c “True-Blue” Play Suits Save Worlc Easily washed ini keeps boy k>okiu| Shirts are of Rayon,"Shorts his best Ssrei ©f Broadcloth, in solid colon mother’s time or fancy stripes end figure*— Durable materials with side ties for convenient Drop sett. Other adjustment Each garment features as shown I 49c j_ 7 9c Pts and Shorts Men’s Pajamas m’. Underwear Primed Broadcloth i shirts, plain colon. Yow choice ***£** f broadcloth, madras. patterns, favored this falL As — sorted colors. $6.90 Dutton • front ver Moon” oe button-1**, jamas for Men dijM»vrr jacket. Made of "Sil ver Moon” roos- Roomy. Fast lin noted for its color. An out ■ fine soft finish. standing value, UCut extra full. at— Four silk frogs il?49 i 1-98 --- Broadcloth Shirts In Smart New Fancy Patterns Men's fine broadcloth shirts af a splendid saving. Cut full and well made of fine broadcloths. Collars Attached and Neck band Style with Collar to Match. If you’re low on shirts, NOV/ Is tne time to stock up l Buy them at a saving. $|.49 Boys’ Blouses “True Blue” Plain and Fancy Shirts for Boys Of percales and broadcloth* I Sizes 6 to 12 yrs. Serviceably - Cut full. Well made. All sizes. j fabrics, plain and fancy. 69c to 89c ! 69c • _ * __ “Pay-Day” Overalls For Boys and Youths Union Made. Of heavy, durable 2.20 blue denim. Will stand the hard knocks active youngsters will impose. Cut full. High back. Two seam legs. Large front and back pockets. "Pay-Day” Overalls are built to our own exacting specifications and represent truly outstanding values. 3 to 9 10 to 17 Years Years 98c Jl.10 Men’s White Boys’ Fancy Broadcloth Shirt. q i Of fine quality 2x1 Broad oOCKS cloth in collar attached model Jacquard patterns. or neckband style with collar Sizes 7 Vi to 9 Vi i to match. _ $1.98 THE | 8 NEW ' | ! CURRENCY IS We’re Packing* SMALLER It Just as Full BUT... of QUALITY VALUE Satisfaction As Before! Uncle Sam makes the new bills smaller, but he doesn’t re duce their purchasing power! Those little bills represent . their exact face value in tbs prevailing gold market Ho couldn’t reduce their value without going bankrupt. That's the way it is with our prices! They represent the LOWEST Vl POSSIBLE PRICES consis- k tent with prevailing market • I conditions I _