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LEGIONNAIRES FORM PROGRAM Port Arthur Prepares On Elaborate Scale For Vets' Convention PORT ARTHUR, Tex, Aug. 22 — f/Pj—The Sabine-Neches district is making elaborate plans to enter tain several thousand Texas legion naires and their wives at the an nual state American Legion conven tion here Augsut 26-28. The legion, the auxiliary, the “40 and 8” and the “8 and 40" will transact their year’s business and take part in the three-day fun fest. Governor Dan Moody, himself a legionnaire, will head the list of speakers. Other prominent person ages who will be present are Wal ton D. Hood, formerly of San An tonio. national vice-commander; Rufus Scott of Paris, state com mander; Jack Blalock, assistant at torney-general. Parades Feature Two highlights of the conclave will be the parade of the “43 and 8" the night of Aug. 28 and the Legion parade the next evening. The “40 and 8" parade will be fol lowed by the “Wreck" or "40 and 8" initiation. A fish fry. yacht races, air cap ers and fishing in the Gulf will be other divertisements for the former soldiers. They also will be given an opportunity to inspect the $1. 000.000 United States cruiser Cleve land which has been assigned to Port Arthur for the convention. One of the proposals likely to brouse the most discussion is that to recommend legislation of boxing in Texas. A three-cornered race for the state commandership looms with Col. William E. Easlerwood of Dal las. chewing gum magnate, state vice commander; Ben Dean of Breckenridge, former national ex ecutive state adjutant, being men k tioned for the pest. | Cameron Courts Suits filed in the District Courts: No. 8717. Antonio T. de Armen darts vs. Pablo Armendarls, divorce. No. 8718, Oertrudis G. de Elizondo vs Arturo Elizondo, divorce. No. 8719, Theo. 8. Ruiz vs. Berta Librada Ruiz, divorce. 28TH DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. W. Cunningham, Judge No orders. 10SRD DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. M. Kent. Judge Ruth Lemmons vs. J. W. Lem mons, divorce granted. No. 8690. C. W. Reed vs. J. B James, receiver appointed. No. 8454, Texas Employers' Insur ance Co. vs. J. L. Bradshaw ct al, judgment for defendant. No. 8714. Eidis D. K. Hanson vs. 8. T. Hclgeson. dismissed. COUNTY COURT Hon. Oscar Danry, Judge Suits filed: 1751, In re-estate. W. L. Lehman, deceased, probate of es tate. COUNTY COURT AT LAW Hon. John Kleiber. Judge No orders. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS (Furnished by Valley Abstract Co.) Cameron County J. A. Seagrove to L. L. Barnett ct &1. lots 1 and 2. blk. 3. lots 5 and 6, blk. 4, Lockhart addn., Harlingen, z >10 etc. F Martha B. Hash ct vir to the Cherokee Bldg, and Loan Assn., un divided 4-15 interest in 40 acres Dear Harlingen, $1 etc. James Dickinson Mtge. Co. to Molie Bowls. N. 23.10 acres blk. 25, El Jardin Heights subd., sur. 37. subd. D, share 19, Esp. Santo grant, >4220. Los Ebanos Est. Inc. to Homer D. Harlow et ux. lot 12. blk. 6, Los Ebanos addn., Brownsville. $1,884.69. Stella Y. de Junco et vir. to Pas cual Sanfilhppo, N. 1-2 blk. 12, Yznaga subd., plat 6-35, $400. W. A. Long, by trustee to F. W. Phlleger, north 1 acres, blk. 33, Soils 6ubd.. La Feria grant, $300. G. G. Henson et al %) Joe Celaya, Jr., lot 9, blk. 44-A, Brownsville. $750. Joe Celaya. Jr., et ux to Louis La Madrid, lot 9, blk. 44-A. Browns ville. $10 etc. E. A. Mor.sees, W. E. Spivey to Sophia A. Spivey, lot 464, and 15 feet off lot 463. Colonia Victoria, $10 etc. C. A. Siggins et ux to R. A. Hightower, east 20 acres blk. 10, El Jardin subd., share 32. Esp. Santo grant, lot 9. blk. 75. containing 40 acres Capisallo dist., American Rio Grande Land & Irrigation Co. C. A. Siggins to H. D. Harlow et ux, E. 1-2 lot 10. share 32. Esp. This is starvation month for cattle! Cows make milk resting in the cool shade of a tree— not nibbling burned out pasture land! Blue Tag Dairy Feed You’ll find Blue Tag Feeds in A BROWNSVILLE From Willi* & Co. Today’s Radio Features THURSDAY. AUGUST 28 (By Associated Prcssl _ PvYtrftmi tfi Cintrftl Standard tlina. All tima la P. M* nnlaaa otherwiii lidlcated. Wavelength* on left of call lattar*. kilocycle# on right. #48.6—WABC New York—860 8:00—Daguerreotypee—Aleo KMOX KOIL WISN WnBM^KMnC^WFBM 7;^^Uc"^l^b^“rlc* Dr*mani^ fo- the Raa^AUo KMOX KOIL 7;30—Sfal** pranm—A1 ao" WADC V& «?WO KMOX 8:00—HufTalo ^'hSiy0 OrS^etra-Meo WADC WQHP WBBM KMOX WOW° KMBC KOIL KMOX W6PD WISN WCCO W BBM ton* hour) 454.3—WEAF New Ycrk—6£0 8;3o—Recording Dance Orche«*ra & Soloist—WGY WTAM WWJ WSAI KTW WHO WOW WDAF WSM B WAPI WFJC KSTP WTMJ WEBCWHA8 WSM WMC WSB WIOD WBAP KPKC VVOAl WKY KSD KJOO 7:03-Singer*. Male Quartet. Paul Dumont. Baritone, andI Frank buckwcm —Al*o WGY WTAM WWJI WSAI 1CYW KSD WHO WOW WDAF W*JL 7:SO—Historic Trial* Dramatlaed—Alao WOT WWJ WSAI \TA5i WOW W-4« 'VArfTsT?"5-TMJ WJAX. W:00—Phil Spitalny's Music (one hour)—Aleo KSD WDAF w J»ai «u 394.5—WJZ New York—760 6:30—Vincent Lop*a Dance Orcheatra—Also KDKA WJR KYW KW K WRE. WTMJ KSTP WEBC KPRC WOAI WKY WLW .. KnKA 6:00—Benuty Serenade with Male Trto and Shllkret Orchestra-Also KDKA WJR KYW KWK WREN WBAP KFRO WOAI WKY WLW 8:30—The Ghoet Hour with Dunnlnger-Alao WJR W KEN K *yw _B_N 7:0&—-Orchestra and fcololtil— Also KDKA WJR WLW U \vl»r^ wm* WBT WAPl ksTP WTMJ WEBC WJAX WHAS WSM WMC WSB WBT 8:03—A K Midweek Program—Aleo WON WJR ICWK WREN KI KA 8:33—Around the W’orld. Vocai At Orcheatra—Also WREN KDKA wJK kiw W LW WHAS WSM WMC WSB VVAPIWSMB KYW WBAP 8:00— Amo* n’ Andy (From WMAQ)-Al*o KDKA WJR WLW KYW KWK WREN WTMJ WEBC KSTP KOA KSL WREN 8:15_Slumber Music, String Ensemble Program— Alao KDKA WREN KWWG-"Voice of the Border" Brownsville. Texas 1260 k. c.—500 Watts. Pete Lacey Manager. Daily, except jwnday—On air 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Back or air at 4 p. m. with Valley news and Associated Press dispatches from The Brownsville Herald. Remain on air until 7 p. 9. Monday. Wednesday and Frid -—Evening program 7 to 9 o'clock. Tuesday and Thursday—Evening program 9 to 11 o’clock. Silent Saturday night. Sunday—Morning services from Methodist. Presbyterian or Bap tist churches, 11 a. m. Classical and semi-classical music 2:30 p. m. 1 > 5 p. m. Santo grant. El Jardin subd., plat 4-52, $10 etcf. E. L. Chapman et ux to J. C. Bennett, lot 9, blk. 19, San Benito townsite. $10 etc. Virginia M. Villareal et al to B. H. Dunlap, entire 5-12 undivided in terest less 50 acres La Feria grant, $10 etc. Hidalgo County P. D. Haley et al by sheriff to D. Laurel, Beeville, $4Q,75. Minnie A. Kuhn et vir to N. W. Jewelry Co.. Inc., W. 10 acres let 142. Holt Tract subd., $1 etc. R. H. Brannan et ux to C. E. Craig, lots 1 and 3, section 31, Mo. Tex., $1200. W. R. Montgomery, trustee to H. A. Manley. W. 1-2 of E. 1-2 lot 15. blk. 46. Alamo tract, $3500. Lloyd M. Bentsen et al to M. N. Manning. S. 5 acres of N. 20 acres lot 56, Hoit tract. $2750. Jerome Burke n Mae R. Burke, N. 1-2 lot 158, Jno. H. Shary subd. $10 etc. A. C. and Maud M. Jones to Ma bel I. Jones, lot 376, porcion 69 and 70, $1 etc. T. S. Martin et ux to W. H. Best 2. 43 acres out of lot 13, bik. 148 West Tract subd., $500. A. W. Kadfl et ux to J. M. Mor row et ux. S. 1-2 of NW 1-2 sec 13. porcion 53 to 57, $10 etc. J. M. Morrow et ux to S. S. Mil ler. S 1-2 of NW 1-4 of NW 1-4 sec. 13, por. 53 to 57, $10 etc. Nellie Frizzell to F. J. Paddock 9.27 acres out of lot 89 and .73 acref out of lot 90. Hoit tract, $600. DIEHL BABY HARLINGEN. Aug. 22.—A baby boy was born Tuesday of this week to Dr. and Mrs. George Diehl of this city. Valley People Will Attend Canal Meet (Special to The Herald) HARLINGEN. Aug. 22.—A large number of Valley people are ex pected to attend the intracoastal canal convention, to be held October 25 and 26 at r.eaumont, according to R. T. Stuart, who has returned to the Valley from Oklahoma. Dates of the convention were an nounced following receipt of a com munication from Roy E. Miller of Corpus ctfiristl, manager of the In-, tracoastal Canal association. Miller, in a letter to Myron F. Ward, chamber -f xunmerce secre tary here, mentlohed that right-of way agreements should be made now on the proposed route of the canal from Co n: i Chrlsti to the Valley, and this matter probably will be handled by Mr. Stuart. Results of Water Parley Withheld MEXICO CITY. Aug. 22. ()P)— The International water commission charged with reaching an agree ment between the United States and Mexico on disposal of the wa ters of the Rio Grande. Colorado and Tia Juana rivers, met in its second secret session Wednesday without announcement of what took place at the first meeting Tuesday. W. E. Anderscon, San Benito, prominent Valley engineer is a member of thfe American section of this commission, and is attend ing the conference. FUT kills Flies ■ ■ Quicker! 1 I Opening Exhibit The curtain is rising ^ on a display that will answer your questions on smart things for j i Coats -3 Dresses j J Ensembles ^3 - Blacks, _ New Browns 3 J and Blues, 3 ■| Bought for you in , hi Eastern Style Centers [CHATTY'] , GODDESS OF GAB • By Beatrice 6urton, m*# SgyaB&M* \ copvpi»ht i»a». cehtpau ppesc assH »nc» cckvelanp, Ohio. (Continued from Page 4) ing to get sick again, the way you did last night—but you’re all right now. aren’t you little sport?” She nodded, closing her eyes. He kissed her and she didn't care. She knew that she ought not to let him. He was married. “But I can't stop him,” she thought dreamily. “And, anyway, what dif ference does it make whether he’s married or not. He doesn’t live with his wife. He's really free!” They stayed out there in the warm darkness until Jim Bowen came out. with his straw hat on and his light overcoat over his arm, and said it was time to go home. “You can’t go home like this, baby” Bryant said to Chatty. “Not to that mother that I met tonight! Oh. boy, you should see her. Jim! She looks like all the Sunday school teachers in the state rolled into one.” And so Chatty spent another night with Winnie Talcott. And she woke again with a head-; ache and a heavy, sick feeling at the pit of her stomach. **I really do need make-up this morning." she told Winnie, when they were having their coffee at ingh-noon. *T look like a dishrag, j and I feel like one.** She was still pale the next morn- ! ing when she got up to go to the office. She stopped in at Ben Tomlinson's drug store on the comer and bought herself some of the kind of rouge and lipstick that Winnie used. On the way downtown she put it on. Dave Jordan was in the elevator when she got into it fifteen min utes later. "Oood morning.’' he said to her. and unfolded his newspaper as if -I Women Shoppers See Page 6 If the man (or men) around the house don’t notice the astonishing values mentioned o n page 8 of The Herald, call his attention to them. Decide what he needs — then come ini there were something of vital Im portance In It. "Good morning.” answered Chatty, moistening her lips. “Dp something for me. will you? TelUne if I have too much make-up on my face.” She knew that he detested make up on her. She knew that he would remember how he had asked her never to wear it—and how she had promised! him not to. “Your fact?” he repeated, m he heard only the tail-end of h sentence. “Well, U's a good/pah Job.” Then he turned back to his ma ket page, as If that was the on thing that really Interested him tin morning. Chatty did not speak to him agal for a week. (TO Be Continued > i % Exclusive Ladies’ Apparel 1244 Elizabeth Economy Department FEATURES . . . • . a collection of unusual dresses made in the season’s newest modes_for every occasion ... of satin, crepe, chiffon, and woolen materials at FRIDAY SPECIALS l No Phone or Store Closes Mail Orders Every Evening On Specials at 6 o'Cloclc 1241 Cli^abeth Street Odds narrow val laces, yard. 1 Vic i Odds laces and embroidery stock, yard. 11c J 39c Fast colors print batiste and voiles only .... 24c ^ 45c and 59c Assorted print and plain fabrics .. 31c , 35c Print lawns and voiles, only. 21c ' 35c Fancy and solid colors oil cloth. 24c 25c Solid colors big values only. 14c 25c Fast colors print and plain percales only .. 20c 95c New dotted Swiss only. 69c 75c Fancy oil cloth table covers. 48c 95c Fancy oil cloth table covers. 68c 35c to 45c “Martex” guest size towels. 19c 59c White sheer mercerized batiste. 44c 98c White sheer mercerized batiste. 73c $1.39 White sheer mercerized batiste .$1.03 69c to 85c Solid colors voiles. 52c 50c Assorted printed voiles. 35c 69c and 75c Printed organdy. 45c 90c and 98c Printed organdy. 63c 50c to 59c Fast colors print linons. 29c 69c and 75c Everfast gabardine. 44c 79c Everfast print gabardine ... 51c $1.50 Silence cloth, 54-inch.$1*24 $2.35 Mattress protector size 42x76 .$1.94 $2.98 Mattress protector, size 54x76 .$2.48 $3.35 Mattress protector, size 60x76 .$2.78 $1.98 45-inch round table mat.$1.39 5c Misses’ colored edge handkerchiefs . .. 3c 10c Ladies* assorted all linen handkerchiefs ... 8c 15c Ladies’ all linen white handkerchiefs. 10c 15c Ladies’ all linen initial handkerchiefs. 11c 25c Ladies* all linen initial handkerchiefs. 19c 50c Box ladies’ 3 initial linen handkerchiefs ... 40c 25c Ladies’ Honiton lace trim handkerchiefs .... 20c 35c Ladies* Honiton lace trim handkerchiefs ... 25c 39c Ladies’ Honiton lace trim handkerchiefs ... 29c 10c Men’s soft cotton handkerchiefs. 7c 20c Men’s white all linen handkerchiefs. 15c 25c Men’s plain white linen handkerchiefs ...:. 19c 75c Boxed men’s 3 linen handkerchiefs . ...... 48c $2 98 Ladies’ Philippine $1.25 Juvenile wool sun suits .. .. 85c $1.75 Children’s wool bathing suit*.$1.10 $2.50 Girls* wool bathing suits.$1.59 $3.50 Ladies* wool bathing suits.$2.20 $5.50 Ladies* wool bathing suits.$3.50 $3.98 Munsing ladies’ rayon silk pajamas.$2.69 $4.50 Munsing Ladies’ rayon silk pajamas .... $2.98 85c Ecru linen stripes border table covers.. 49c $1.25 Ecru linen 18-inch hand embroidered scallop edge napkins. 79c $1.50 White linen hemstitch scarfs. 95c $1.59 White linen 36-inch table covers. 98c $3.75 Novelty ecru color linen bridge, sets.$2.39 $5.98 Ecru linen novelty hand embroidered lunch set... 7 Spools Coats black or white thread for... 25c $10.00 Ecru lace bed spread sets for.$8.69 a >0c Odds stock misses’ socks only.... 38c >1.00 Ladies’ novelty thread silk hose. 68c >1.50 Odds chiffon and light service hose •.,.. $1.12 11.50 Pointex light service silk hose.$1.16 $1.50 Pointex all silk chiffon hose...$1.17 jj.,95 Pointex light service silk hose ....•••••. $1.37 $1.95 Pointex all silk chiffon hose.. $1.51 $1.95 Van Raalte and Phoenix chiffon hose .... $1.34 $1.98 Gordon lace clocks chiffons... . $1.53 $1.98 Dexdale 3 point chiffon hose.. $154 $2.00 Claussner beautiful chiffon hose.$1.51 $2.25 Gordon V-line chiffon hose.$1.84 $2.00 Gordon black points V-line chiffons.$1.83 $2.00 Gordon V-line sheer service hose.$1.82 $2.50 Gordon white chiffons, black clocks ..... $1.91 $3.00 Logan or Claussner chiffons.. $1.94 $3.50 Claussner and Van Raalte lace clocks ... $1.93 $3.95 and $4.50 Van Raalte and Claussner chiffons. $2.65 $1-25 Hollywood roll silk socks.... 64c $1.25 Children’s “Kickernick” nainsook combinettes. $1.05 $1.75 Children’s “Kickernick” silk combinettes. $1.45 $2.75 Ladies’ black silk bloomers.$1.35 95c and $1.00 Silk vests and bloomers . 74c $14.98 to $17.50 Ladies’ spring silk dresses .... $6.75 59c Natural silk pongee.. 40c 69c Natural silk pongee.. 46c 90c Natural silk pongee... 55c $1.00 Heavy rough colored pongee. 72c $1.10 Good quality radium, all shades. 82c $1.25 Sport satin, 39 inch, all shades.. - 87c $1.50 Beautiful Glitterglo satin, all shades .... $1.09 $1.35 Washable crepe chine.$1.16 $1-50 Washable crepe chine.....$1.37 98c Durbar print crepe ... • .. • • 77c 95c New print rayon voile.... 67c $1.00 New print rayon voiles. 76c $1.50 New print rayon georgette.$1.16 $1.75 New print rayon fabrics..$1.25 $1.50 and $1.75 Assorted georgettes, only.$1.18 $1.75 Fancy shades exquisite crepe chiffon .... $1.43 $1.85 Sheer quality georgette crepe.. $130 $1.98 Fine quality flat crepe.. $1-56 $1.98 New splendid quality georgette.$1.82 $2.25 Print crepe chines, only . ... • • • • $2.25 Mallinsons indestructible voile. $1.47 $2.25 Satin and flat crepes.. 54 $2.50 Quality black flat crepe... $1.76 $2.50 New print flat crepe.$|*9j $2.00 New satin crepe, all shades ..•••••••••. $1.81 $2.50 New print crepe chiffons.. .... $1.86 $2.75 Print crepe chine ..... 50c Assorted colors dress linens ..•••••...•...» 35c 59c Assorted colors dress linens . ..< 42c 69c to 79c Assorted colors dress linens ........ 31c 85c to $1.25 Assorted colors dress linens only.. * 68c 85c Sheer colored dress linens ...... • •••••• o:u 69c I $1.50 Heavy cream color linen suiting .......... 97c 25c Cotton batts, fine quality.. 15c $1-25 Large size fine cotton batts . .. 98c 8 Yards white or pink dimity for.$1.00 /.