Newspaper Page Text
This Is a Perfect Shopping Guide for Those Who Like to See Their Money Work AUTOMOTIVE ■■■■■Ml 9f • 1 % I mmmhAi 10th & Adams % STEVENSON MOTOR CO, Inc, Brownsville. Texas. FOR^ALE TWO FORDSON TRACTORS In good shape. Very reasonably priced. Phone or see John B. Pucket. Care Rio Orande Valley Trust Co. PERSONAL_ LADY teaching Spanish wants to en roll two or three more classes of ten pupils each class. For particulars Ad dress Box 24L city. T-IW i THE MEDICAL ARTS HOSPITAL Of Edinburg. Texas, will start a new class for student nurses Sep*briber is. Any one who deelres to enter this class should write at once to Sxiperlntendent of Nurses. Medical Arts Hospital. Ed inburg. Texas. _T'80 HELP WANTED 500 RELIABLE cotton termers wanted 22 000 acres Wiuacy Co. dry land for rent. Must be able to flnenee sHf Delta Orchards Co, phone 1030. Harlingen. Texas, or T. C. Oreen. Pb<in«. 85. Baymondville. Texas._i WANTED—Mexican lady experienced In making HAND-MADE baby dresses. To take ehrage of factory Brownsville for San Antontft firm Give references end apply to P. O Box 115. Station A. San Antonio. Texas. T-H4 HELP WANTED WANTED—Ladv over 25 to make house to house canvass In Valley towns. Sal ary and bonus. Box T-174. Herald. T-174 SITUATIONS WANTED AN OPPORTUNITY to get Into some thing different will be found under “Business Opportunities" 77*. the Want Ads TEACHER with first ciass high school certificate wants position. U. Rogers 145 W. fit. Charles. Brownsville. T-184 ... ..- --- - .. - I SALESMEN—AGENTS MAN OR WOMAN WANTED with am bition and Industry, to introduce and i supply the demand 'or Rawlelgh’sl Household Product* to steady users.] Several fine openings In San Benito, Harlingen. Mission. Edinburg and Mc Allen. and nearby towns. We train and help you Rawleigh dealers can make up to $100 a week or more. No expe rience necessary. Pleasant, profitable, dignified work. Write today. W. T. Rawleigh Co.. Dept, TX-6053. Mtrap*>'v Tenn_ T-l FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN on city property Sam Hughston. Maltby Bldg. S-247 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE—Bills Cafe at 7th and Jackson, opposite 8 P freight depot. Good reason for selling 8-200 FOR SALE-Deluxe Sandwich Shop at Black Diamond Bus Station. Address Wm Preslor. Black Diamond Bus Sta tion. San Behllo. Texas. T-172 FOR SALE CHEAP—Rooming and board'ng hou«e furniture; doin': good business. 1022 and 1001 St. Charles street, call or sec Jess Jones, phone 620-W. T.151 Classified Business Directory ARCHITECTS__ A BEN V. PROCTER *• ENGINEERING CO. Architects—Engineers 108 Merchant* Bank Bldg. Phone 8H Brownsville. Texas « E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect 1-11 Security State Bank Building Wealaco. Texas E. B. GORE Civil and consulting Engineer BUTLOERS—CONTRACTORS PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors 528 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 iE. M. RIDLEY, * General Contractor Roads, Land Leveling, Plowing, Sub-soiling iWXCAVATlONS EMBANKMENTS 408 MERCHANTS NAT L BA. K BROWNSVILLE _ -CASH REGISTERS NATIONAL CASH KEgIsTER~CO. Registers bought, sold and exchanged W. E. Sanders. Representative Phone 29. Harlingen. Tex Box 90o -PRAY—TRANSFER Mason Transfer & Grain Co. bonded warehouse SLEDS OP ALL KINDS | Light and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING 1105 Adams. Phone 139 AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY Crating. Shipping. Hauling . phones 421 and 519 "^"ele specialist M. LANDIN’ Optometrist and Optician Specializing la Straightening Crossed OU»»es Scientifically Fitted. Miller jjpel. Brownsville ' FLORISTS _ 1 the FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 v - -—— BGWYER THE FLORIST, flowers gnd funeral designs St. Charles and Pita streets. Phone 771. * HOTELS—CAFES WHITE KITCHEN Famous for its * Cooking—Immaculacy and Service The popular place for business lunches Utb between Elizabeth and Washington , FINANCIAL LOANS On improved residence and business property. Todd and Underwood 105? Levee Bt Brownsville. Texas. 4 MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate ' Your Mattress V/e make mattresses to order. All •repair work guaranteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 NICKEL PLATING Electro-Nickel Plating We nickel plate bumpers, radiators, headlights, etc. Also mirrors plated VALLEY ELECTRO PLATING WORKS 15th and Polk. Phone 53 Brownsville, Texas. OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL FILING Equipment Maverlck-C’arke Litho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 617—Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVE’S STATIONERY Si BOOK STORE Brownsville. Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS ‘ I ROOFING THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO., Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1168 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange ‘Brownsville's Typewriter House) Distributors. New L. C. Smith “Si lent" 8 and Late Corona i type writers. Also sell Royal Portablet and Factory” Rebuilta—all makes We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth SL Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER 6ALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repa rs Phone 5J6—Harlingen PROFESSION YL ATTORNEYS RALPH A DUNKELBERO Attorney at Law 1 Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Scabury. George and Taylor Building Brownsville. Texas Davenport. West and Ransome Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas II. B. GALBRAITH _ Attorney at Law Merchants National Lank Bldg. Brown:ville, Texas J. T. Canales C. S. Eldman. Jr. CANALES AND 2IDMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas H. L. Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville REAL ESTATE LOS ERANOS Brownsville's Supreme Residential Dis trict. carefully restricted, completely improved Home sites from <1200 00. easy terms. James-Dtcklnson Co_ Realtors, corner El Jardin Hotel Bldg. Brownsville. • F. W. Howard REAL ESTATE AND RENTALS Farm Property Large Tracts of Citrus Lands Arcade Bldg. Phone 1090. , % AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE GOOD USED CARS Hudson Brougham, late 1927. Has had won derful care. Today’s best buy. Only $675.00, terms to suit. Hudson, 7 passenger sedan,, 1927. This is the car for land drives. Fully equipped; all in first class condition. Priced at only $750.00. Small down payment. Peerless, 5 passenger sedan, 1927? Look it over, drive it, and see if you can equal it at $500.00, terms Buick master sedan, 1926. Original finish; per fect in every detail. This car has had only one owner and is a real buy at only $ 195.00, terms. Aiblb©ftft Ekoijck Company 9th & Washington Phone 1133 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Sanitary Grocery Store and Meat Market POINT ISABEL Fine Opportunity Priced Right See A. C. HIPP Desel-Boettcher Brownsville WANTED to buy an Interest In a small growing business In this section , Box T-153. Herald.T-153 miscellaneous PIANO TUNINO. repairing^ Factory | methods. Estimates free. C. H. Smith. Box 961. Phone 637. San Benito. ^ ! PIANO FOR SALE OR RENT—Mrs. O Whitlock. 902 Palm ,Blvd._T-171 TIME WELL SPENT is time devoted to ooklng over the classified ads ARTICLES FOR SALE PIANOS ADAMSCHAAF-HOBERT M CABLE AND WINTER PIANOS Direct From Factory To You. Ray R Reed. Box 761. Phone 389-W Harlingen. T-143 NEED HELP? Read the Situations Wanted column. NEW BABY GRAND PIANO reduced to half price. A real standard make. P D Humbly. Box 562. phone 869-M. Brownsville. T-101 IT WILL PAY you to read the Want Ads thoroughly every day. ~REAL ESTATE Los Ebanos Lot We have been authorized by cwnrr to sell his beautiful Los Ebanos lot for *1.000; term* can be arranged This Is an unusual sacrifice. Call Mr Egan at James-Dlckinson phone 499. 8-119 INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN CNVE8T In Brownsville's new business and residential sub-dl vision, located oo 13tb and 14th streets, one mile from Gateway Bridge, on the mala thorough fare leading to the proposed ship channel, municipal air port. rich farming llstrlct of El Jardln. and Boca Chlca Beach. Easy terms. Ten per cent down, balance 5 years to pay. lesse Dennett, phone 127. Brownsville. Texas OOOD LAND in Raymondvllie district at bargain. Improved and unimproved Large or ^mall tracts. Several pieces suitable for development and subdi vision. Prices are right. Terms are right. A pleasure to show you. Geo R Lochrle. Raymondvllie. Texas S-2J4 PGR SALE One 5-room house and two lots on the corner of Washington and Palm Blvd Will sell the lots with or without the improvements. These are beautiful lots and are being offered reasonable P. W. Howard. Phone 1090. T-J2 KOR HALE or trade for Oklahoma city property. R lot* In Victoria Heights on 16th St., from Giant to Hays; ten of the finest Naval orange trees In the Valley. 36 other varlette*. 12 vears old: 4 room house and garage; price 95000 00. some terms If desired. E B. Go-don. 1616 Hays St.. Brownsville. T.165 F ARMS-FOK SALE WE HAVE some fine potato and citrus land In small or large tracts Will be glad to show them. P. W Howard Phone 1090 6-126 17-ACRE FARM 1*« miles northwest M's«1on. Texas: $250 per acre W'lte Mrs. M Carl. Fort Brown. Texas. T-188 EVERY DAY there Is s new list of of fers and want* In the Classified Sec tion. Watch It carefully and regularly and get lust whst you want. AN AUTOMOBILE Is not so hard to buy If you watch for the bargains of fered In the "Automotive” columns of the Classified 8ectlon TWO 10.ACRE citrus orchards near Harlingen Trees about seven vears old and have good crop of fruit now Price reasonable. F. W. Howard. Phone 1090 * _ T-82 ONE 6-ROOM 2-story house with three acres of land off Boca Cbtca highway, three miles from town, at a sacrifice F W Howard, phone 1C90 T-99 40 ACRES CITRUS LAND on main highway; in cultivation; $200 per acre cash. If you ever expect to get cheep, land, here Is your chance. Updearaff. La Ferla. Texas • T-155 FOR SALE—46 acres. 5-room house In El Jardln: large porches: good shade: cistern and out buildings; bargain If taken at once: leaving Valiev. Mrs. W L. Glendennlng. Route 1. Brownsville. T-173 HOUSES FOR SALE SACRIFICE—New thoroughly modern 5_room bouse, beet buy In Brownsville; small down payment, balance like rent. 8ee Mrs Florence Stafford. 1719 Have* street. Victoria Heights. Phone 1075.M T 48 HOUSE- OK SALE FOR SALE—Modern 8-room 2-story house. 325 W Levee street Phone 251. T-76 FOR SALE—Beautiful Los Ehanos home, five rooms, large lot; built of brick; wonderful exposure. Priced right. Terms can be arranged. Call Mr Egan. James-Dickinaon Co. Phone 433. Home phone 1398-W T-33 LOTS FOR SALE « BEAUTIFUL LOB EBANOS LOT— Southeast exposure; must be sold at a sacrifice. Phone 1398-W. or call at No 1. Del Francis Apartments. Los Ebanos 8-117 WANTED—REAL ESTATE R. U. Dissatisfied? If for some rearon you are anxious to sell your improved grove, farm, or land lu brush. It will pay you to get In touch with us at once. We have bona fide prospective customers with cash Address. WITTROCK & CO. 896 Harrison St. Oak Park. Illinois ^___________________ B'210 BUY OK EXCHANGE WANTED—Small air compressor. Write or call Buck 3c Buck. Los I mhos. _T-161 ONE ACRE In 5-year-old grapefruit trees, now bearing $309 to $639 worth of fruit, to trade for city lot. See Dr. Spivey. Arcade Bldg. T-170 RENTAL FOR RENT—50 acres potato land. Irri gated. Call at 101 Adams street, or phone 561. T.97 APARTMENTS FITCH APARTMENTS — Corner St. Charles and West Eighth street; four rooms beautifully furnished, delight fully cool; Frlgtdalrc: gas. hot water: hardwood floors throughout; garage Phone 558 T-132 APARTMENT FOR RENT—Reasonable; one block from boulevard, two blocks from high school. Bath, lights, water, gas. Phone and garage Apply '45 W. St. Charles, upstairs. T-175 NICE COOl. 3-room upstairs apart ment In private heme. Private rn_ trance. Water anl hfht furnished. Suitable for rounle only. Near high school. 153 Washington Phone 28 T.616 FOR RENT—Well rurnlshed apart ment: also south side sleeping room Close In Phone 189 T-95 SWEENY* APARTMENTS — Well fur nisher! apartments. southeast ex posure; modern, elecflcal refrigera tion. gerage. maid service; evcrvthlr.y for housekeeping. Phone 1038.W First and Adams _T-113 FOR RENT—New cool .partm,'ma and rooms Phone 957-J S-170 ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely fur nished Corner Sixth and Levee Phene 839 P-20c CONLEY APARTMENTS—Cool, and all ''onvenlencea. 357 W Levee or phone 847-R. Q-214 WONDRFUL BARGAINS are offered dally In the Classified Ads. NEW DUPLEX, furnished and unfur nished. Every ^convenience. No. 1112 We?t Elizabeth. Phone Carloa O. Wat son^_ T_15 MAY DAY APART MENTS—Cool. new modern. II located Completely fur nlr.hed including zerozones. gaa. garage Summer rates 121 Washington. Phone 714. 8-26 THREE-ROOM southeast apartment: very attractive rental. Phon# 946-W 8-80 WE HAVE both furnished and unfur nished apartments and unfurnished houses Howard, phone 1090. T-102 FOR RENT—Furnished or unfurnished apartment; upstairs; all conveniences 1517 Madison T-162 FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS AND APARTMENTS—Reason able rates Olenwood Hotel Phone 819 P-118 VERY COOL front room hot and cold water bath; very desirable. Phone 48.5 T-163 FURNISHED ROOMS—South exposure, very close In; reasonable. 942 Levee T-112 _____ FOR RENT—«-room house; all con veniences St. Charlea and Palm Blvd Phone 896-W ff-216 FOR RENT-6-room modern bouse at 23 Adams. Call 911. T-147 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED house near school. Phone 613. T-133 FOR RENT—S-roora modem residence near school and on pavement J o Starck. Putegnat Hardware Co. 8-193 FOR RENT 3-room cottages, front porch. Shower baths, gas and lights. Third and St Francis streets Phone 1190 T-ll FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED flve roim cottage. For Information, phone 577-J. T-15® ROOMS AND BOARD BOARD AND ROOM In private family for young man. Phone 552 T-49 WANTED TO RENT IF YOU HAVE houses for rent list them with Howard, phons 1090 T-102 LET A HERALD Want Ad do the Job. They are tireless little workers on the Job night and day. ' WANTED — Two unfurnished light housekeeping rooms with gas. Innutr* at 902 Palm Blvd. T-156 I LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SHERIFFS SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS. COUNTY OF CAMERON: Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a certain order of sale issued out of the honorable 103rd Judical district court ol Cameron county, on the 19th day of August, 1929. by John P. Scanlan, cierk of said court, for the sum of $383.57, together wtlh interest thereon from July 26. 1929. until paid at the rate of 10 per cent per annum and costs of suit, under a judgment in favor of James-Dickinson Farm Mortgages I company in a certain cause in said court. No. 3132 and styled James Dickinson Farm Mtg. Co. vs. W. C. Covington et al; and for the further sum of $7,706.16 together with in terest thereon from July 26. 1929. until paid at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, placed in my hands for service, I, W. F. Brown, as sheriff of Cameron county. Texas, did on the 21st day of August. 1929, levy on certain real estate, situated in Cameron county, Texas, described as follows, to-wit: All of farm block twenty-nine <29* in share number twenty-eight (28* containing fourteen and 76-103 <14.76* acres qf 1 nd more or less, as said property ap;x*ars on a map entitled Map of 1 Jardin Subdivi sion of Brownell tract in p- -tition share number twenty-eight (28* Es perttu Santo On. it. Cameron coun ty, Texas" recorded in the Map or plat records of said county in plat be ok No. 5, page 36. and levied upon as the property of W. C. Covington ct al and that on the first Tuesday I in October. 1929. the .me being the fi<*Et da* of said month, at the Court House door of Cameron county, in the city of - ownrville. Texas, be 1 tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 ; p. m. by virtue of said levy and said order of sale. I will sell said above described real estate at public ven due. for cash to the highest bidder as the property of said W. C. Cov ington et al. And in compliance with law, 7 give this notice by publication, in the English language, once a week I for three consecutive weeks imme diately preceding said date of sale, in The Brownsville Herald, a news prper published in Cameron coun ty. Witness my hand, this 21st day of August. 1923. By: L. A. JARGOU, Deputy. W. F BROWN. Sheriff. Cameron county, Texas. 8-22-29-5-3t—3513. WEATHER SUMMARY Disturbances of slight intensities were central over the far Canadian northwest and over the upper Great Lakes this morning, while elsewhere in the country barometric condi tions remained practically un changed Scattered showers occur red within the last 24 hours along the Gulf coast, while more general rains occurred in Florida and also in the vicinity of the Great Lakes. Temperatures were rather high in most sections of the country since last report. WEATHER BULLETIN First figure ' iwest temperature last night; second, highest temper-' ature yesterday; third, wind veloc ity at 8 a. m.; fourth, rainfall past 24 hours. Abilene .74 98 — .00 Amar/lo .66 92 — .00 Atlanta .68 84 — .00 Austin .74 98 — .00 Boston .60 78 — .00 BROWNSVILLE .76 91 — .00 Chicago .72 83 12 .02 Corpus Christi ..70 90 — 14. Dallas'.80 96 — .00 Del Rio.76 91 — .00 : Denver .62 86 — .00 Detroit .64 82 — .08 Dodge City .74 98 — .00 El Paso.68 81 — .04 Fort Smith .76 1)0 — .00 Galveston .82 88 — .00 Helena ..56 86 — .0# Huron .56 96 — .30 Jacksonville .76 81 — .32 i Kansas City .80 98 10 .00 Memphis .74 83 — .00 Montgomery .72 88 — .00 New Orleans ....78 90 — .08 New York .62 76 — .00 North Platte ... 68 100 — .04 Oklahoma City . 72 100 — .00 Palestine .72 96 — .00. Pensacola ....... 76 84 10 .32 , Phoenix ..82 104 — .00 Pittsburgh .10 82 — .22 St. Louis .76 90 — .00 St. Paul .64 81 — .00 Salt Lake City . 63 S3 — .00 San Antonio ....74 95 — .00 Santa Fe ....54 73 — .00 ; Sheridan .46 83 — .00 1 Shreveport .76 96 — .00 ’ Tampa .72 90 — 1.54 I Mcksburg .72 92 — .00 i Washington .64 84 — .00 WilUston .f8 80 — .00 ! Wilmington.62 80 — .00 | City LINGERIE PLASTIQLE by Bon Ton. lour different style*. Mexican drawn work. The Corset Shop, 1327 Elisabeth. Adv. 27 Back from Trip. — Miss Malvina Garlbay has returned from a trip to north Texas points, and resumed her duties at the chamber of com merce Thursday afternoon. WHEN IN Harlingen visit Ann Garrett Shoppe, millinery, dress making and designing, hemstitch ing. and expert hosiery mending. A. J. Woods and Co., Harlingen. Adv. 20 Returns. — W. Y. Worley is back from Colorado, where he spent a short vacation, and visited his daughter. Miss Katherine, who is studying voice there with Miss Ethel Depew Henderson. EIGHT CENTS — Hemstitching at eight cents per yard at Amaya's Milllnary. 1234 Adams. Adv. 23 Churrh Program.—A program will be given at the Christian church Thursday evening beginning at 8:15 p. m.. to which the public is invited. No admission will be charged, but a small charge will be made for ice cream »nd cake to be served after the program. To Torreon. — Robert Lowrv. of Mission, and his brother. Owen Lowry, of Dallas, left Thursday morning over the C. A. T. line foi Torreon. Hull in Lo* Angeles. — Theo. T. Hull, president and general man afer of the C. A. T. lines, returned to Ix>s Angeles from Torreon Wed nesday. instead of coming on to Brownsville as previously planned. Special Fates.—The Missouri Pa cific lines are offering sneeial round trio rates of SC.50 to San Antonio and 87.50 to Houston for the week end baseball games. On Trip—Leonides Guerra. Mata moros rancher, and formerly mayor of the city. l*»ft Wednesday by plane for a business and pleasure visit to Mexico City. Returns Heme—Dr. D. L. Hollis of Tampico, who has been on a visit to northern points, returned to his home Wednesday by rlane. To Leave.—R. B. Creagcr will leave by rail Friday evening for Houston. Fund Increases—The Brownsville Boy Scout fund reached a total of 81.625 Wednesday, it has been an nounced by Ed Mockbee. chairman cf the drive. Drive to San Antonio.—Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Schmidt left Thursday morning to drive to San Antonio, where they will meet their daugh ter. Dorothy Ann. who has been vis iting her uncle several weeks in Dal las. They will visit Mr. Schmidt's brother and sister in Shiner before returning to Brownsville. On Visit Here.—Ludwig Dreyfus* and family of New York City, for mer Brownsville residents, are at the El Jarriin to visit Mrs. Drey fuss' brother. H. Gruenwald. Telephone Men Go To Two-Day Meet Ed Mockbcc, manager of the local telephone exchange, and S. P. Ga bitzsch, plant chief, were to leave Thursday afternoon by automobile for Corpus Christ! where they will attend the two-day session of th« Texas Independent Te’ephone asso ciation Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Maurice Carroll, chief oper ator. will leave Friday morning. A special bus has been chartered to take Valley telephone officials to the convention. It will leave Browns ville at 5 a. m. Friday morning, picking up convention delegates at all Valley points. The convention will take in all independent exchanges south of Temple. Approximately 60 are ex pected to attend from the Valley. J. C. Paxton, general manager of the Rio Grande Valley Telephone company, will deliver an address Friday morning on the ‘ Responsi bilities of Managers.’’ Th*’ conven tion wdll be of an educational na ture and talks on office routirp and transmission will be made by ex perts. it has been announced. Chamber Members to Attend McAllen Meet Z. A. Rosenthal, president of the chamber of commerce. G. C. Rich ardson. secretary. A. W. Reed and H. L. Yates will attend the banquet being given in McAllen at 8 p. m. Thursday evening. The McAllen chamber of commerce will be hosts at the affair, and members of Val ley chambers of commerce have been invited to attend. Flans for national advertising of the Valley will probably be dis cussed. Mexico Residence Law \z Suspended Official notice from the Mexican department of migration that tne daw requiring all Americans con ducting business on the Mexican side of the river to live there has been suspended was contained, in a letter from Jose Callo Real to the chamber of commerce. The regulation was protested al most immediately after its passage, and was enforced only a short time here. New Livestock Laws Become Effective FORT WORTH. AUg. 23.— i/P) — House bills 76 and 77. passed during the special sessions of the legisla ture and calculated to curb the spread of disease of livestock and to provide for th«* eradication of ticks, became effective yesterday. Cattlemen over the state have ex i oressed satisfaction with the new measure and thos interested in the i questions have termed it "the best 1 that Texas has ever passed." V Tourist Programs Near Completion Proposed programs for the enter tainment of tourists In Brownsville the coming season are being rapidly formulated by the chamber of com merce working in conjunction with transportation companies and oth er organizations in the city. G. C. Richardson and R. C. Craft, manager of the Missouri Pacific Transportation company, plan a trip Friday morning for the purpose of working out an itinerary for a sightseeing bus to be run by the company this season. According to tentative plans, the bus would make daily trips to points of Interest in and around Bidwroville for the ben efit of tourists. D. G. Richardson, manager of operations for the Mexican Aviation company, and O. C. Richardson were to confer Thursday afternoon in regard to all-expense tours into Mexico by way of the company lines to be offered the tourists. They ex pect to plan week-end and special trips. O. C. Richardson said he also would consult the operations man ager as to making the International airport one of the chief points of interest for tourists being carried on sightseeing trips. Missouri Pacific Party Visits Here E. II. McRevnclds. publicity man ager for the Missouri Pacific lines, of St. Louis, and Jack Rector, his assistant., arrtved Thursday morn ing and will be here for a day or two. No special business for the trip was ascribed. They were accompan ied by Mrs. McReynolds and Mrs. Rector. E. H. Corriean. a Laredo customs broker, was also in the party, com ing here to look after the passage cf nlpe and other materials for the United Gas company. The materials will be used for the pipeline being laid by the romoanv from Monter rey to Laredo Construction on the Mne is expected to sVirt immediate ly. Corrigan will be h«re aboyt six weeks. He was accompanied bv a Mexican customs officer to facili tate th“ r’earing of the materials most of which will be handled ’hrough Brownsville, sent across the river at Roma, and shinned over the lines to Monterrey. Held Two Carrying Blood Stained Money DALLAS. Texas. Aug. 22.— — Two men who had in their posses sion $1,300 in currency, part of which was streaked with blood, a five-gallon can of alcohol and a small quantity of drugs were ar rested here today. One of ti'e men gave San Angelo as his home, while the other said he came here from El Paso. Thev were turned over to federal officers after an investiga tion disclosed that one of them had been arrested several times for li quor running. .■gaimgy.SrTS-~T~=-=- ,-r«-»l . ALTER FLORIDA FRUIT EMBARGO ..- » Shipments Permitted From Areas Not Infested By Mediterranean Fly _• WASHINGTON, Aug. 22.—(4V General revision of the Mediter ranean fruit fly quarantine designed to facilitate the movement of citrus and ether fruits from Florida was announced yesterday by Secretary Hyde The revision also included vege tables and nursery stock. Under the new regulations provi sion is made for the movement in interstate commerce of all restricted fruits and vegetables not produced in areas which may be determined as infested. To Destroy Fruit As provided by the present quar antine all infested fruit is required to be promptly destroyed but de struction of host fruits and vegeta ble areas surrounding the infested zones will be discontinued. The present control of distribution by inspection and by control of des tination will be continued. With the development of adeqyate fad 11 j ties for sterilization of fruit, through 1 heating and cooling it is egpected ; that a broader field than that now . authorized will be opened to Flori . tia products Sterilization Required Sterilization, under the new regu lations. will be required for all fruit J produced within a mile of points at which infestation has been or is hereafter found. Such sterilized fruit may be shipped anywhere in l the United States except to Ala bama. Arkansas. Arizona. Califor nia, Georgia. Idaho. Louisiana. Mississippi. Nevada. New Mexico. North Carolina. Oklahoma. Oregon. South Carolina. Tennessee. Texas. Utah. Washington and the Territory of Porto Rico." These states are ex cepted because their climates are fa forable for breeding of the fly. MISSING COMPRESS WATCHMAN SOUGHT HOUSTON. Aug. 22— f/P> —City detectives and special officers for a compress company today were seek ing Felix Warren Carley, 59. night watchman, who disappeared within 30 minutes after punching the time clock at 2 o’clock tfiis morning Car ley was guarding thousands of dol lars worth of cotton. !! “Since 1891” ’ it For thirty eight years 'his bank has served the ( Rio Grande Valley, and served the people well. ; Ask any banker from Rio Grande City to Browns- j i ville, as to the character of service we render, both banks and the entire citizenship. I We are known throughout this entire section of the state as “THE FRIENDLY BANK,” and we live up to that reputation daily. If you are not one of our fast growing list of customers, Start An Account Today 4% Compounded semi-annually paid on Savings Accounts First National Bank I ; Brownsville, Texas j “THE FRIENDLY BANK" Oldest Bank in the ‘Rio Grande Valley 1_^ a A CORDIAL INVITATION 1 is extended to the pabllc to vlxit oar plant and inspect the cartful and thorough testing method* In as* which assure only pipe of tha jj! j highest quality being delivered to tbe purchaser. For complete information address Owen M. Combe. District Sales Manager GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. P. O. Box 1081—Brownsville. Texas Plant located at Ulalack Switch on Uighway. The Pioneer Concrete Pipe Manufacturer! of Tcxae- • Concrete Pipe 'or Irrigation. Drainage and Sewer Systems. PERRY L. KING & CO. AUDITING—GENERAL ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX SER*'1C^ Systems. Organization ana Statistical Reports Business Control Travis Building , Nixon Building San Antonfs. Trsac. Corpus ChrlstL Texas. Dependable Prompt BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY Brownsville * Complete abstracts of title to lands in Cameron County. Texas Mi^HimmHnUSnB^U^nUBSMUHUUHUU^UUMUSMUnUBHBUSmUHSMBI ■ *. ! I