Newspaper Page Text
This Is a Perfect Shopping Guide for Those Who Like to See Their Money Work | _AUTOMOTIVE 10th & Adams STEVENSON MOTOR CO, Inc. Brownsville. Tens. FOR 8ALE TWO FORDSON TRACTORS In good shape Vary reasonably priced. Phone or see John B. Packet, Core Rio Grande Valley Trust Co. PERSONAL THE MEDICAL ARTS HOSPITAL Of Edinburg. Texas, will start a new class for student nurses Bep*wnber 11 Any one who desires tb enter this class should write at once to Superintendent of Nurses. Medical Arts Hospital. Ed Inburg. Texas. LOST AND FOUND I FOUND—Hub cap to Oreham.Palge ear. Pindar may have same by calling at Herald effloe and paying for this ad. T-187 a_ ■ — . • ** 4_'%gT—'Tuesday evening between Boos Chics and Brownsville, four bathing tults In canvas bag. Return to Herald Bfflce. Suitable reward._T'183 *|ELP WANTED WANTED — Mlddle.aged woman for general housework. POT Jefferson. HELP WANTED .WANTED General Office Man One thoroughly experienced; must be combination of counter and stanogra_ pher; intelligent, reliable, good per. sonallty. with A1 references. Prefer married man Permanent position and right salary to man that can qualify. Apply Campbell Auto Supply Co.. San Benito. Texas, after 9 p. m. T-179 WANTED—Mexican lady experienced in making HAND-MADE baby dresses. To take cbrage of factory brauch In Brownsville for San Antonio firm. Olve references and apply to P. O. Box 115. 8tat!on A. 6an Antonio. Texas. T-144 500 RELIABLE cotton tanners wanted 22.000 acres WUlacy Co. dry land tot rent. Must be able to finance eelf Delta Orchards Co- pbona 1080. Harlingen. Texas, or T. C. Green, phone 95. Raymondvllle. Texas. 8-217 SALESMEN—AGENTS SALESMAN of proven ability, able to handle Spanish trade, one who has worked Valley, to cover S. P. to Del Rio. Laredo. Corpus and Valley territory. Commission basts. Must finance self one or two weeks. Established terri tory. Possibilities $100 to $200 per week. Panama Vinegar and Cider Co., 112 Roosevelt Ave.. San Antonio, Texas. T-1M HIGH CALIBRE salesman for fine line motor oils and greases. Old es tablished line. Maximum commission. Drawing account upon proven ability. Box T-178. Herald. T-1T* — .. ■— --—-1 Classified Business Directory — • ARCHrTK' Iv _______ BEN V. PROCTER , ENGINEERING CO. W Architect*-Engineer* I0t Merchant* Bank Bldg. Phone 817 Brownsville. Texas * ---- E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect a.ij security State Bank Building Weslaco. Texas t _ E. B. GORE Civil and Consulting Engineer Boom 408. State National B{}L Brownsville. Texas. Phone HOT. BUILDERS—CONTRACTORS PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors 528 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 E. M. RIDLEY ~ i General Contractor '•Roads, Land Leveling, Plowing, Sub-soiling nrAVATlONS embankments ^ MERCHANTS NATT BANK 4 BROWNSVILLE_ ^ "cash registers [ HATTONAL CASH REGISTER CO a Registers bought. 60ld and exchanged w E. Sander* Representative ' phone 29. Harlingen Tex Box 305 —“ PRAY-TRANSFER 1 Mason Transfer & { Grain Co. bonded warehouse f BEJTO6 OK ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING I U06 Adam*_Phone 119 AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY " Orating Shipping Hauling Phone* 421 and 519 _ ele specialist * M. LANDIN Optometrist and Optician Specialising in Btrst-.btenlng Crossed Olaseee Scientifically Fitted. Hiller Hotel. Brownsville. | " FLORI3TS_ THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1264 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 mtimwwn THE FLORIST. Rower* Bad funeral design* St Charles Bad Fit* streets Phone T7L j HOTELS—CAFES ~ “ WHITE KITCHEN Famous (or It* Cooking—Immaculacy and Service The popular place (or business lunches Utb between Dlaabetb and Washington " FINANCIAL LOANS Db Improved residence and burl near property. MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. All repair work guarr.nteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 NICKEL PLATING Electro-Nickel Plating We nickel plate bumpers, radiators, headlights, etc. Also mirrors plated. VALLEY ELECTRO PLATINO WORKS IStb and Polk. Phone U Brownsville. Texas. OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL FILING Equipment Maverlck-Clarke Lltho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 617— Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVES STATIONERY & BOOK STORE Brownsville. Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS roofing” THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO.. Inc We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1168 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville's Typewriter House) Distributor* New L. C. Smith “Si lent" 8 and Late Corona 4 type ! writer* Also sell Royal Portables and "Factory" Rebuilt*—all makes We repair all makes typewriter and adding machine* 1112 Elisabeth St Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPE WHITER SALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repa rs Phone 506—Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS RALPH A. DUNKELBERG Attorney at Lew Commercial Collections e Specialty 106 Seabury. George and Taylor Building Brownsville. Texas Davenport, West and Ransoms Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas a H GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Texas J. T. Canales C. 8. Eidman. Jr. CANALES AND EIDMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas H. L Yales Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Brownsville’* Supreme Residential Dis trict. carefully restricted, completely improved Home sites from (1200.00. easy terms. James-Dicklnson Co. Realtor* comer El Jar din Hotel Bldg. Brownsville F. W. Howard REAL ESTAT5 AND RENTALS Farm Property Large Tracts at Citrus Lands Arcade Bldg. Phone 1000. I SALESMEN—AGENTS SALESMAN—Married; drawing ac count; must apeak Spanish. Please do not bother unless you can sell. Star Manufacturing Co.. Mercedes. T-184 SITUATIONS WANTED AN OPPORTUNITY to get Into some thing different will be found under • Business Opportunities'* In the Want Ada. FINANCIAL MONET TO LOAN on city property. Sam Hughston. Maltby Bldg. 8-347 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Sanitary Grocery Store and Meat Market POINT ISABEL Fine Opportunity Priced Right See A. C. HIPP Desel-Boettcher Brownsville FOR BALE CHEAP—Rooming and boarding house furniture; doing good business. 1032 and 1004 St. Charles street, call or see Jess Jones, phone 629-W. . T.151 FOR SALE—Interest and guaranteed royalty In valuable patent, paying 10 per cent no $10,000 yearly. Need money to finance other business. P. O. Box 1053, San Benito. T.180 FOR SALE-Deluxe Sandwich Shop at Black Diamond Bus Station. Address Wdi. Presler. Black Diamond Bus Sta tion. San Benito. Texas. T-173 WANTED to buy an Interest In a small growing business In this sectton. Box T-153. Herald._ T-1S3 MISCELLANEOUS PIANO TUNING, repairing. Factory methods. Estimates free. C. H. Smith. Box Ml. Phone 637. San Benito. T-141 PIANO FOR SALE OR RENT—Mrs. O Whitlock. M2 Palm Blvd.T-171 TIM* WELL SPENT Is time devoted to looking over the classified ads. ARTICLES FOR SALE TENOR BANJO for sale; practical new. Phone 400. T-177 NEED HELP? Read the Situations Wanted column. NEW BABY GRAND PIANO reduced to half price. A real standard make. P. D. Hambly, Box 562. phone 868-M. Brownsville. T-101 IT WILL PAY you to read the Want Ads thoroughly every day. REAL ESTATE Los Ebanos Lot Ws have been authorized by cwner to sell hts beautiful Los Ebanos lot for $1,000. terms can be arranged This Is an unusual sacrifice Call Mr Eg.-n at James -Dickinson phone 499. 6-119 -————————— INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVEST In Brownsville's aew business and residential eub-di vision, located on 13tb and 14th streets, one mile from Gateway Bridge, on the mam thorough fare leading to the proper ed ship channel, municipal air port. rich farming tlstrtct of El Jardtn. and Boca Chica Beach Easy terms Ten per cent down, balance 3 years to pay. lease Dennett. phone427. Brownsville. Texas. GOOD LAND m Raymondvllla district at bargatr. Improved and unimproved Large or small tracts Several pieces suitable for development and subdi vision, Prices are right. Terms are right. A pleasure to show you. Geo R- Lochrle. Raymondvllla. Texas B-224 POR BALE One 5-room bouse and two lota on the corner of Washington and Palm Blvd. Will sell the lots with or without the Improvements. These are beautiful lota and are being offered reasonable P. W. Howard. Phone 1090. T-12 POR SALK or trade for Oklahoma city property, 8 lota in Victoria Heights on 16th St., from Orant to Haya; ten of the finest Naval orange trees In the Valley. 36 other varieties. 12 veers old; 4 room house and garage; price 45000.00. some terms If desired. E. B. Gordon. 1616 Hay# 8t.. Brownsville. T.165 FARMS FOR SALE EVERT DAT there Is a new list of of fers and wants In the Classified Sec tion. Watch It carefully and regularly and get lust what you waut. AN AUTOMOBILE Is not ao hard to buy If you watcb for the bargains of fered In the "Automotive** columns of the Classified Bection. TWO 10.ACRE citrus orchards near Harlingen. Trees about seven years old and have good crop of fruit now. Price reasonable. F. W. Howard. Phone 1090 _ T-83 ONE 8-ROOM 2-story bouse with three acres of land off Boca Chica highway, three miles from town, at a sacrifice P. W Howard, phone 1090. T-99 40 ACRE8 CITRUS LAND on main ' highway: In cultivation: 8200 per acre cash. If you ever expect to get cheep land, here la your chance. Updegraff. La Perla. Texas. T-I55 POR SALE—46 acres. 5-room house In El Jardtn; large porches: good shade; cistern and out buildings: bargain If taken at once; leaving Valley. Mrs. W. L. Glendennlng. Route 1. Brownsville. _ T-173 BEAUTIFUL 10-ACRE 5-year-old citrus fruit orchard In well developed com munity and on pavement Onlv 61.200 per acre. Including 1929 fruit crop If taken at once. 8. C. Graham & Co., phone 179. Brownsville. Texas. T-1S5 SACRIFICE—40 acres lees than two miles from Harlingen city limits and on road to be paved. All In cultiva tor. fair set of lmnrovrKvrnt* and small citrus fruit orchard. Only $150 per acre. Po«e#alon at once. 8. C. Graham & Co., phone 179. Brown-vUie. Texas. T-185 HOUSES FOR SALE SACRIFICE—New thoroughly modern house, best buy In Brownsville: small down payment, balance like rent. See Mrs. Florence Stafford. 1719 Hayes street. Victoria Heights. Phone 1075.M. f.48 POR SALE—Beautiful Los Ebanos home, five rooms, large lot: bu*H of brick; wonderful exposure Priced 2bt. Terms can be arranged. Call . Egan. Jam as-Dickinson Co. Phone 688. Homo phone 138E-W. T-38 LOTS FOB SALE BEAUTIFUL LOS EBAN08 LOT— Southeast exposure; must be sold at a sacrifice. Phone 1398-W, or call at No. L Del Francis Apartment*. Loa Ebanos. 8-117 WANTED—REAL ESTATE R. U. Dissatisfied? If for some reason you are anxious to sell your improved grove, farm, or land tu brush, it will pay you to get In touch with us at once. We have do ns fide prospective customers with cash Address. VVITTROCK & CO. 800 Harrison 8t. Oak Park. Illinois B-210 BUY OR EXCHANGE ONE ACRE In 5-yesr-old grapefruit tret's, now bearing 1500 to $000 worth of fruit, to trade for city lot. See Dr Spivey. Arcade Bldg T-170 RENTAL FOR RENT—50 acres potato land, un rated Call at 101 Adams street, or phone 501. T_97 APARTMENTS FITCH APARTMENTS — Corner St. Charles and West Eighth street; four rooms beautifully furnished; delight fully cool; Frlgldalre; gas. hot water: hardwood floors throughout; garage. Phone 558. T-132 FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, ga- ; rage. 1133 W. Levee. Phone 818-J. T-189 APARTMENT FOR RENT—Reasonable: one block from boulevard, two blocks from high school. Bath, lights, water, gas. Phone and garage. Apply 45 W St. Charles, upstairs. T-175 NICE COOT. 3-room upstairs apart ment In private home Private en. trance. Water and light furnished Suitable for couple only. Near high school. 153 Washington. Phone ?0. T.010 FOR RENT—Well furnished apart ment: also south side sleeping room Close In. Phone 139. T-85 SWEENY APARTMENTS — Well fur nished apartments. southeast ex posure: modern, electrical refrlgera- , tlon, garage, maid service; everything for housekeeping. Phone 1038.W First and Adams. T-113 ---— | FOR RENT—New cool vpartment# and rooms Phone 957-J 8-170 ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely fur nished Corner Sixth and Levee Phene 839. P-208 CONLEY APARTMENTS—Cool, and all conveniences. 357 W. Levee or phone 847-R. Q-211 WONDRFUL BAROAINS are offered dally In the Classified Ads. NEW DUPLEX, furnished and unfur nished. Every convenience. No. 1112 W’eat Elizabeth. Phone Carloe O. Wat son. T.15 MAY DAY APARTMENTS—Cool, new modern, well located. Completely fur nished Including xetozones. gas. garage 121 Washington. Phone 714. 8-20 THREE-ROOM southeast apartment: very attractive rental. Phone 940-W 6-80 WE HAVE both furnished and unfur nished apartments and unfurnished houses. Howard, phone 1090. T-102 FOR RENT—Furnished or unfurnished apartment; upstairs; all convenience* 1317 Madison.T-102 FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS AND APARTMENTS—Reason abla rates. Glenwood Hotel. Phone 019 P-118 FOR RENT—Large front bedroom: southeast exposure: also 2-room apart ment. close In; gas furnished. 413 Sixth street. T-170 - . — VERY COOL front room, hot and cold water bath; very desirable. Phone 485 i T-163, FURNISHED ROOMS—South exposure, very closa In; reasonable. 942 Levee T-112 HOUSES FOR RENT—8-room house: all con vsnlencaa. St. Charles and Palm Blvd Phone 890-W R-216 FOR RENT—8-room modern house st 23 Adams. Call 911. T-147 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED house near school. Phone 013. T-133 FOR RENT—5-room modern residence near school and on pavement J. O Starck. Putegnat Hardware Co. 8-193 FOR RENT 3- room cottages, front porch. Shower baths, gas and tights. Third and St. Francis streets Phone 1190. T-ll FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED five room cottage. For information, phone 577-J._T-15B 4- ROOM HOUSE—2 screened porches, gas. paved street, one block from Ju nior High; $20 per month. Phone 247. T-132 ROOMS AND BOARD BOARD AND ROOM In private family for young man. Phone 552. T-49 WANTED to rent IP YOU HAVE bouui for rent lut them with Howard, phone 1000. T-1Q2 LET A HERALD Want Ad do the job. They are tlreleaa little workers on the job nigbt and day. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SHERIFFS SALE THE STATE OP TEXAS. COUNTY OP CAMERON: Notice is hereby given that bj virtue of a certain order of sale Is sued out of he honorable district court of Cameron county on the 9th day of A igust. 1929 by Jno. P. Scanian, clerk of said court, for the sum of sixteen hundred twenty-four and 66-100 ($1,624 66) dollars and costs of suit, under a Judgment, in favor of Harlingen Development company vs. W. H. Ladd and T. Ed win Barron, placed in my hands for service, I, W. P. Brown, as sheriff of Cameron county, Texas, did on the 9th day of August, 1929, levy on certain real e te. siturted in Cameron county, Texas, described as follows, to-wit: Being all that certain tract piece or parcel of land situated in Cameron county. Texas, and being the st^th five (5) acres of the south twenty (20) acres of block sixty-four (64) David and Stephenson -ubdivislon as shown per the official plat of record in the county clerk’s office of Cameron county, Texas, and levied upon as the property f W. H. Ladd and T. Edwin Barron, and that on the first Tuesday in September, 1929, the same being the 3rd day of said month, at the court house door of Cameron county, in the city of Brownsville, Texas, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., by vir tue of said levy and said order of sale. I will sell said above described real estate at public vendue, for cash to the highest bidder, as the property of said \ H. Ladd and T. Edwin Barron. And in compliance with law, J give this notice by publication. In the English language, once a week for three consecutive weeks Imme diately preceding said day of sale in the Brownsville Herald, a news paper published in Cam:ron county. Texas, and posting three copies, one at the court ‘'Ouse door, one in San Benito and one in Harlingen. Witness my hand, this 9th day of August. 1929, L. L. JAGOU, Deputy. W. P. BROWN. Sheriff, Cameron county, Texas. 8-10-lT-24-3t—3506. THE STATE OF TEXAS ^ To the Sherlf of any Constable of Camercn County—Greeting: You are hereby commanded to summon Hilario Cadena by making publication of this Citation once in each week for four succesive weeks previous to the return day hereof, in some newspaper published in your County, in 28th Judicial Dis trict. to appear at the next regular term of the 28th Judicial District Court of Cameron County, to be holden at the Court House thereof, in Brownsville. Texas, on the 1st Monday In September A. D.. 1929. the same being the 2nd day of Sept. A. D. 1923. then and there to answer a petition filed in said Court on the 2nd day of August A. D. 1929 iu. a suit, numbered on the docket cf said Court No. 8677, wherein Juar.n A. Cadena is plaintiff, and Hilario Cadena is Defendant, and said petition alleging: That on or about July 14th. 1916. plaintiff and defendant were duly and legally married and on Dec. 18th 1918. de fendant voluntarily left plaintiff and has lived apart to this date Plaintiff prays for Judgment dis solving the marriage now existing between plaintiff and defendant and for such other and further re lief. Herein fall not. but have before said Court, at Its aforesaid next regular term, this writ with your return thereon, showing how you have executed the same. Given under my hand and the Seal of said Court, at office in Brownsville. Texas, this, the 2nd day of August. A. D. 1929. (SEAL) JNO. P. SCANLAN. Clerk. District Court. Cameron County. Texas. By M. J. McTieman, Deputy. 8-3-10-17-24—4t—3502. IN THE DISTRICT COURT, CAM ERON COUNTY. TEXAS: South Texas Lumber company vs. Bigham Uhl < al. The state of Ttaas to the sheriff or any constable of Cameron coun ty, greeting: You are hereb*' comma ided, that by making publlcatlca of this cita tion in some newspaper published in the county of Cameron once In each week for 'our consecutive weeks previous to the return day hereof, you stir non Bigham Uhl and wife, Elizabeth Uhl, who ar* al leged to be non-residents of the state of Texas t be and appear at the next regular term of the district court of Cameron county, to be holden at t*e court house thereof in the city of Brownsville the third Monday in September A. D. 1929 the same being the 16th day cf September A D 1929, then and there to answe* a petition f'rd in said court on the 9th day of August A. D. 1929, in a suit, numbered on the docket o’ said court. No. 8688 wherein South Texas Lu nber com pany is plaintiff, d 31ghr.m Uhl and wife, Elizabeth Uhl. are defen dants, the nature of plaintiffs de mand being abrtantially, as ollows. to-wlt: Suit jn a note n the prin cipal sum of $2,1:'.65. dated July 20, 1920, d^re Jan. 1. 1921, bear! ; 1C per cent In erest epr annum signed by Bighun Uhl and Eliza beth Uhl and payable to the South Texas Lumber company at T Perla Texas, and secured by a Mechanic’s lien upon blocV to. six of the **1 Toronjal subdvislr-j of the La erla grant In Cameron county, Texas Plaintiff alleges the credit of $1,000 upon said indebtedness as of Octo ber 3. 1920. and pravs *or tl. es tablishment of its debt, principal interest and ttorney’s fees a* ! foreclosure oi its mechanic's lien. Herein fail not. but have before said court on the said first day of next term thereof this writ with your return Ihete n. show! ig how you have executed the s„me. Given under my hand and seal of said court, at office In the city LEGAL ADVERTISING of Brownsville, this the 9th day of August A. D. 1929. A true copy I certify. Jno. P. Scanlan; by “l J. McTiernan. Witness, Jno. P. Scanlan. clerk of district court in and for Cameron county, Texas. By J. McTiernan. deputy. 8-10-17-24-31-4t—3507. THE STATE OF TEXAS To the Sherif or any Constable of Cameron County—Greeting: You are hereby commanded to summon J. D. Cassidy by making publication of this Citation once in each week for four successive weeks previous to the return day hereof, to appear at the next regular term of Criminal District Court of Cam eron County, to be holdcn at the Court House thereof, in Browns ville. Texas, on the first Monday in September. A. D. 1929 the same be ing the 2nd day of September A. D. 1929. then and there to answer a petition ifled in said Court on the 2nd day of August A. D. 1929 in a suit, numbered on the docket of said Court No. 8674, wherein Mrs Georgia Cassidy is Plaintiff, and J. D. Cassidy Is Defendant, and said petition alleging: That plaintiff and defendant were married October 28th, 1928. that November 13th. 1928 defendant disappeared and aban doned this plaintiff and her chil dren by a former marriage consti tuting cruelty, which makes their further living together insupport able. Plaintiff prays defendant be cited in terms of law to appear and answer herein, for Judgment dis solving the marriage contract, for costs of suit and all other Just re lief, and the restoration of her former name of Georgia Johnson. Herein fail not, but have before said Court, at its aforesaid next regular term, this wTit with your return thereon, showing how you have executed the same. Given under my hand and the Seal of said Court, at office in Brownsville. Texas, this, the 2nd day of August, A. D. 1929. (SEAL* JNO. P. SCANLAN. Clerk. District Court. Cameron County, Texas. A true copy I certify. Jno. P. Scanlan. Clerk. District Court. Cameron County, Texas. 8-3-10-17-24—4t—3501. i i i ii i mm i mm i- i m\ mm ■ n i ■■ i i Cameron Courts Suite filed in the District Courts: No. 8720. First National Bank vs. Rayburn Construction Co., debt. 28TH DISTRICT COCRT Hon. A. W. Cunningham, Judge No orders. 103RD DISTRICT COCRT Hon. A. M. Kent. Judge No orders. COUNTY COCRT Hon. Oscar Dancy, Judge Suits filed: None. COUNTY COCRT AT LAW Hon. John Kleiber, Judge No orders. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS (Furnished by Valley Abstract Co.) Cameron County C. W. Simpson et ux to G. A. Sul livan, farm blk. 2. Black Bros, subd., La Feria grant, 20.23 acres, $10 etc. M. E. Sherwood et ux to H. T. Ramsey, lot 3. blk. 3. Castle Courts addn., Harlingen. $10 etc. Wm. Armstrong et ux to Jas. Dick. Farm Mtge. Co., lot 3, blk. * B." containing 7.23 acres share 19, Esp. Santo grant, plat 5-38. $10 etc. Jas. Dick. Farm Mtge. Co. to Jos eph Novotny. W. 5 acres lot 5. El Jardin subd.. Acacia Lake Tr., shares 26, 27, Esp. Santo grant, $5. 000. R. H. Green et ux to Mrs. Pearl Clark. S. 10 acres blk. 4. F. H. Hand ley subd., $10 etc. M. A. Mundy et ux by sheriff to John F. Grant, lot 2, blk. 138, Har lingen. $500. L. G. Mundy et ux by sheriff to John F. Grant, lot 1. blk. 3. Wind sor Place addn., Harlingen, plat 6-21, $500. C. A. Stone to Francisco O. Gar cia, lot 3, bik. 3. Raleigh Hts. subd.. La Feria, $10 etc. Port Isabel Irrig. Co. to H. F. Gil pin et al, S. 1-2 blk 10, unit 2, extn. Bawlew Citrus Groves, plat 7-70, $18,300. Port Isabel Irrig. Co. to M. G. Taft et al. N. W. 6.20 acres blk. 13, vmit 2, extn. Bayview Citrus Groves subd., plat 7-70, $9,300. Port Isabel Co. to S. H. Greenburg et ux, lot 7, blk. 101, Port Isabel, $3750. Port Isabel Co. to 8. H. Oreen burg et ux, lot 2, blk. 42, Port Isa bel. $2750. N. H. Windsor et ux to R. R. Dav enport, lot 10, blk. 2. Windsor Place addn., Harlingen, $750. W. G. Mathes to American Her nandez et al, lot 28. blk. 12. Colonia La Palma map of Combes reserve adjoining Ban Benito, plat 7-20, $10 etc. Wesley Moses, Jr., et al to J. J. Patterson et ux, 10 acres off E. side blk. 14, Thompson tract. $1,000. Edward T. Purvis to D. W. Staf ford et ux. lot 91. Palm View addn., San Benito, $10 etc. Frank P. Skaggs et ux to Citrus Dev. and Securities Co., all N. 10 acres blk. 18. Orange Grove Park subd.. La Feria grant, $10 etc. Frank P. Skaggs et ux to Citrus Dev. and Sec. Co., all S. 8.34 acres of N. 18.34 acres blk. 18, Orange Grove Park subd.. $10 etc. Terrell T. Taylor et ux to H. L. Faulk, lots 9 and 10, blk. 142, Brownsville, $10 etc. Leonides Lopez et ux to Quirino Lopez, lot 22, blk. 33. on S. side Mes quite Ave. Rio Hondo plat 21, $250. Hidalgo County Isabelle L. Cornell to Hidalgo Co. Water Imp. Dist. No. 3. 15 foot strip acress SE 1-4 of sec. 8. Hidalgo Ca nal Co. subd., $10 etc. Stella McDaniel et vlr to C. G. Foster, trustee. N. 1-3 of NE 1-4 sec. 3, League 4, Newman subd., Hidalgo county school lands, $600. Emilie E. Hard' i to John M. Rice, W. 1-2 of W. 1-2 blk. 122, Hill Hal bert tract, $500. C. R. Marqmnd to Scott Ford, N. 1-2 tf N. 1-2 lot 60, containing 10.18 acres. Hcit tract, $1050. Clyde Tennis Land Co. to C. J. Schultz et ux. N. 5 acres of E. 1-2 blk. 217, La Blanca, $10 etc. Anna V. Langel et al to Dennis Miller, W. 1-2 lot 8. section 243 Tex-Mex. $8000. Kee Minner to Emma C. Kellar, AT PALACE MnbiHi hBiHaaaDHaMnBa Lois Wilson stars wnn Monte riue in ‘Conquest'’ closing today at the Palace theater McAl len. Latin-Americans To Honor Visitor A banquet in honor of Prof. O. D. Weeks of the University of Texas was given Friday evening at the Matamoros cafe by the United Lat in-American Citizens. Prof. Weeks is a civic instructor and he is tak ing much interest in the work of the local group. The educator is the guest of Supt. G. W. Gotke of the puolic school system. Mrs. Weeks accompanied him on the trip. The visitor was a guest of the Latin-American citizens at their regular meeting held Thursday evening at which time education was discussed. M. Landin made the principal address, urging that all children of school age be placed in the public or parochial systems. A committee was appointed to push this suggestion. Prof. W’eeks has been actively In terested in Latin-American citizens since their formation. He attended their recent convention at Corpus Christ!. lot 10, blk. 30. North Mission, $2, uuu. James R. Fristoe et ux to Joe B. Guppy, N. 30 acres lot 16, blk. 42 Capisallo, $3010. Niles Orr. Esrey et ux to Mildred | A. Reynolds, lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 6 and 7. | pt®nc“° la Prut* subd. No. 2, $10 I ^ ■^SmBaBSg^^eaMcr-=;.-~ ~ —. —-—» —— - __ i OEMS OPPOSE TARIFF BOX Senate Finance Commi'**< To Fight Revisions Of C. O. P. WASHINGTON, Aug. 24.—(vFV Democratic members of the senau finance committee Friday agreed upon a program of vigorous opposi i tion to the tariff bill as revised by the republican membership. Particular attention will be given by the minority to the flexible pro visions of the measure, the proposed enlargement of the powers of tha tariff commission as well as all pro posed changes In rates. Senator 8immons of North Car olina. ranking democrat on .the committee, after a meeting with hi* minojjty collegaues, declared the concensus of the democrats was that the revised measure was a “mon strously bad bill” and that they should do all In their power to amend it.” "We did not go Into a discussion of particular ratesSimmons said, "but we Just had a general discus sion of the bill and thought It was a very bad one and ought to be de | feated." HMOWER isioeucmsl PALACE—M’ALLEN i The last and probably the most ; stirring geographical adventure tha* ; the world affords Is vividly shown I by Warner Brothers In their avla ; tion production special, "Conquest.” which stars Monte Blue under the direction of Roy Del Ruth, closing ; at th ePalace 1- McAllen today. The aerial search for the South Pole is the exploit about which the ; story Is woven. Blue appears as I the pilot of a giant trl-motored plane which Is launched on two at tempts to conquer the uncharted | frozen wilderness of the Antarctic. ! 2,000 WAGE LOSING FIGHT AGAINST FIRE MISSOULA, Mont., Aug. 24.-JJP) More than 2.000 men today were ■ fighting fores fires in western I Montana and northern Idaho, but rain remained the only hope of sav ing large areas of timber. The fires already have burned over thousands | of acres. ___— “Since 1891” I J I1 D. £or fight years jhis bank has served the i Kio Grande \ alley, and Served the people well. | Ask any oanker from Rio Grande City to Browns i ville, as to the character of service we render, both banks and the entire citizenship. We are known throughout this entire section a “THE FRIENDLY BANK,” and we reputation daily. e not one of our fast growing list of customers, t An Account Today Dunded semi-annually paid Savings Accounts National Bank rownsville, [Texas FRIENDLY BANK** nk in tho Rio Grande Valley __ —■»' -■ — r fr~r '1 ————i^Sin—ia"" "" ~~~ H A CORDIAL INVITATION la extended to tho public to visit our plant and Impact the cartful and thorough testing methods in use which assure only pipe of tho highest quality being delivered to the purchaacr. For complete Information address Own M. Combs, District Sales Manager GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. P. O. Box 1051—Brownsville, Texas. Plant located at Blalack Switch on Highway, i Tha Pioneer Concrete Pipe Manufacturers of Taxaa. Concrete Pipe for Irrigation, Drainage end Sewer Systems. PERRY L. KING & CO. AUDITING—GENERAL ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX SERVIC^ Systems. Organisation and Statistical Reports Business Control Travi* Building Nixon Building 8aa Antonin. TVxaa. Corpos ChrlstL Texas. 1——— Dependable Prompt BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY Brownsville Complete abstracts of title to lands in Cameron County. Texas