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I tvshtv «# vi« m *▼ * TUESDAY CALENDAR Rebekahs meet at L O. O. F. halL • • • Miss Eppright Entertains Miss Eugenia Eppright, of Mo tion. entertained a number of guests from Brownsville Sunday, with a picnic lunch on the river near Mis sion. and a bird barbecue in tr.e afternoon. Those going were Rachel Barnes. Thelma Macy, Mary Margaret and Elizabeth Rowe, and Katherine Morton, and Olin Weller. Charles Mathers and Ayers Egan, and Marjorie Wiggins, of Mercedes Miss Eppright and Miss Wiggins were recently guests of the Misses Rowe in Brownsville. • • • Teachers Return from Summer Trips Brownsville teachers are begin ning to arrive home from the four points of the compass to which they scattered during the vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fessenden have come in from* their trip to Chicago; Mrs. Pauline Goode is again at home after about two months spent touring the west in company with a party of friends. Mr. and Mis. W. L. Dodson have been visiting m north Texas the greater part of the Vacation, and are now back home. 'Wdrs. Lois Spears Hughes attended Columbia university, and has just returned. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bing ham are back from Mississ.ppt. where they visited relatives the lat ter part of the summer. Mrs. S. C. Tucker and daughter, Miss Annie, were expected to come in Monday from Boulder. Colo., where they at tended the summer session. SAN BENITO WIENIE ROAST At her home at 338 North Sara Houston boulevard, Mrs. O. A. Ken drick entertained with a wienie roast and domino party for her granddaughter, Dora Lucille Ken drick, Friday afternoon of last week. . ^ M , , , The guests arrived at 5:30 o clock and wienies were roasted. Games of dominoes then were played The following guests were present at the affair: Bernice Marshall. Carol Lou Tippit. Marthan Louise Bell. Jean Freeland. Juanita Mar shall. Jean Agar. Adele and Lois Thompson. Helen and Mary HUikly and Mary Katherine Ogden and Jack Tippit. • • • BIRTHDAY SURPRISE At their home on South Fannin avenue Friday night of last w-eek Miss Ruth Irene Scholes entertain ed her mother. Mrs. E. M. Scholes, with a surprise birthday party. After the guests arrived in a group three contests were held. At the end of the first contest high score prize was awarded to Mrs. Bill Scholes and the booby prize to Miss Betty Nosier. The second game was played in couples with Mrs. A. M. Bowie and Ed Brady winning first prize and Miss Betty Nosier and Bill Scholes booby prize. In the third contest high score prize went to Bob Leach and the low score to Ed Brady. A white birthday cake was brought in with one candle for each year of the honoree s life. The hon oree w’as remembered with many gifts. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kier. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brady. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Leach. Mr. and Mrs L. W Pratt. Mr. and Mrs. BUI Scholes. Mrs. George Atkins. Mrs. A M. Bowie, Mr. and Mrs. P. R Fole% Mrs. Arnold Klien. Mrs. J. B. Nosier. E. M Scholes. Miss Maud Nosier. Miss Rachel Doan, Miss Betty Nosier and the hostess and honoree. • • • FIVE TABLE BRIDGE Mrs. Nathan Craig of San Benito entertained at the Woman s build ing. Harlingen, honoring Mrs. Clam Butler, of San Diego. Calif., who is visiting her sister. Mrs. J. O. Prentiss here, with a morning bridge. Mrs Craig had five tables on this occasion The rooms of the build ing were decorated in a pink and green color scheme carried out with pink radiance roses and corona vines. High score prize went to Mrs. J. E. Me Anally while Mrs. C. L. Mil ner was presented with consolation trophy. Mrs. B. M. Primer won the cut prize and the hostess gave Mis. Butler a guest prize. After the games were played a two-course luncheon was served. • • • SIXTH BIRTHDAY Saturday afternoon at the coun try home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Wright on the Browns ville highway. Alpha Sue celebrated her sixth birthday anni versary with a delightful party. A pleasant series of games were enjoyed by the little gueste and lat er in the afternoon refreshments were served. The guests were Helen Hughes. Lois Tippit, Jennie Ciel James, Bet ty Bohner. Sybil Nesmith, Ann Agar. Carol Lou Tippitt, Sue Helen Treon. Eleanor Barber. Eleanor Nesmith. Archie McCall, Jr., Ernest Agar. Jack Tippit and Buddy Treon. * • • PRE-NUPTIAL EVENT The afternoon bridge given Sat : urday by Mrs. Ellis Perry at the Woman's building in Harlingen u'as one of the attractive pre-nuptial events that have been arranged to compliment Miss Vera Elwing. daughter of Birger Elwing of Har lingen. whose marriage to W. Ed gar Welch of San Benito will take place • in early September. Summer blossoms of many colors and varieties provided a gay setting for the nine tables of guests. In the game tables and in other ap pointments a color scheme of pink and green was represented. The tally cards w-ere in bridal design. For success at the game Miss Josephine Pollard was presented *Rather To Be Chosen Than Have Greater Riches * BY WINIFRED BLACK Be honest Be good natured. Be industrious. Be clever. But above all things, have personality That’s the important thing. Or so J. R. Hum phreys of the 8tockton. California. College of Com merce declared in the speach he made at a conven tion out West. And now rises a gentleman from Egypt end cays that beauty is made up of twenty-five per cent figure, ten per cent complexion, twenty-five per cent features, and forty per cent personality. Yes. gentlemen, you are both right. And anyone who goes shopping or buys tickets or frequents a beauty parlor knows that you are right. Personali ty—that’s the thing. And what is personality? W’ell now you tell me. I'm like the boy who forgot the answer in the ge ography class—I know but I can't tell you about it. _ There's a girl who acted so queer about the bath WINIFRED KiArk mg suits the ^her day. . . . 8he didn't want to show us a single suit. She just stood and looked at us and never took out a single thing except what was right there in plain sight. And she had a whole stack of drawers full of bathing suits— I looked over her shoulder and saw them. No. she wasn't cross, she wasn't) impudent, she was just dull, that's all. At the next shop a pretty little girl with a turned-up nose and straggly eyebrows—oh. yes, she was pretty just the same, she had a smile and a way with her—showed us every bathing suit in the place and we bought what we really didn't want just to please her. The only way to get at anything with the first girl would be to knock her down and tie her up somewhere and then go through the stock your self. Yet I suppose she will spend a I ; costume jewelry, with a dinner handkerchief of harmonizing colcr Miss Vonnie Mae Perry, who held 1 low score, received a boudoir nov elty. A set of Madeira napkins was the gift of the hostess to the bride to-be. • • • BLUES LOSE The Blues forgot their woes of losing when they entertained t£e , Reds, winners of a Sunday school contest, with a beach party Thurs day night of last week. Forty-five young people of the First Methodist church Sunday school journeyed to the beach, aft i er gathering at the church house at 6 o'clock. Water and beach 1 games were enjoyed during the eve ning. A picnic supper was served. » * * AFTERNOON BRIDGE Tuesday Mrs. Bruce Gentry’s aft ernoon bridge, given at her home in the Palm Grove in honor of Miss Maud Nosier, was one of the pleas ing events marking the close of the vacation season. Miss Nosier will depart soon to attend Miss Mason's school at Tarrytown on the Hudson. New York. Enjoying the games of the after i noon were three tables of players. Miss Mary Frances Marchbanks held high when scores were totaled r-—-i good part of her life wondering why she is never promoted. I know two girls who are starting into partnership in a little knick knack business at a summer resort. One of them has a little money and lots of common sense and the other one has personality. Neither of them could do very much alone but together—listen to the chink of the silver dollars rolling in. Personality — charm — I'd rather have it than all the money or all the beauty in the world. It will take you farther than beauty and pay your bills just as well as in herited money. and received a chiffon handkerchief for a trophy. Souvenirs were also presented the honoree and to Miss Charlotte Housel, September bride elect. In the late afternoon a dainty salad course was served to Misses Lorraine Siderlus. Grade Atkinson. Lozona Thacker. Mae and Charlotte House!, Jeanette Gay. Marjorie Harris, Mary Prances Marchbanks. Helen Taylor. Elizabeth Nommen son and Miss Malcom Monroe of Houston and the honoree. • • • SUNSHINE CLASS Friday afternoon of last week members of the Sunshine class of the First Presbyterian church en joyed a picnic and swun at the Mid way Pool. Those enjoying the outing were Misses Marjorie Schreiber, Ruth Hulsey. Lois Lawton. Lucille Thompson. Eleanor Manning, Mar garet Lou Hulsey. Lois Yost. Mar tin Johnson and the teacher. Mrs. R. B. Goolsby. • • • MISSIONARY PROGRAM Tuesday afternoon ornaments, weapons and other articles used by natives of the central Congo in Africa, gave extraordinary interest to the missionary program carried out by the Methodist Woman's .. . - ...— — Missionary Society at the home ol Mrs. W. S. Fairey. The trophies were supplied by the Rev. Charles Schaedel, brother of Mrs. Fairey, who for a number of years was a missionary in the Congo region. A background of palms and other tropical plants with tiger skins on the floor introduced the atmosphere of the Jungle. ' The three types of African wom en were represented in three sep arate scenes. The Moslem woman of North Africa was portrayed by Mrs. John Prentiss, who wore the veil and typical costume. Mrs. C. E. Marshall, in authentic costume, represented the Cape Colony woman from southern Africa. Each told a story revealing the conditions af fecting women of their class and nationality. The third scene rep resenting the central Congo region showed a negro girl, portrayed by Mrs. R. J. East, and a witch doctor. The latter's costume included neck lace and belt of ivory shells and tiger teeth, sacred to the Congo, and various charms' that had been used by witch doctors in the Congo region. Lunch cloths and napkins, woven by Congo natives of palm fibers, were awarded to Mrs. W. B. Pitts and Mrs. Rankin as prizes at the close of the contest. Harold Fairey. accompanied at the piano, sang two solos. Mrs. O. E. Gause gave a talk on stewardship and Mrs. F. W. Burgess talked on the needs of Africa. The meeting opened with a devotional by Mrs. Fairey. Mrs. J. D. Wren, chairman of the refreshment committee was assisted in serving luncheon by Mrs. J. W. Sanders. Mrs. H. F. McFadden. and Mrs. A. V. Steck. Plate favors were maps of ^Africa with covers cut of cloth and woven palm fiber. • • * PERSONALS Miss Olive L. MacBride. who was here from Chicago, returned home Tuesday. She was visiting in the home of H. C. Jesup. J. E. Shafer and family have de parted for Tonica, 111., by auto. Mrs. W. D. Holland has returned from a visit with relatives in Jer seyville and Chicago. 111. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Craig, Jr., and N. Craig left Sunday morning fdfr Kerrviile. They are traveling by auto. Miss Lois Cook returned home Sunday from Kerrviile where she has been spending a vacation. Capt. and Mrs. E. B. Edwards, who have been visiting in the home of Or. and Mrs. C. M. Cash, left last week by auto for Leavenworth, AlELP THAT THOUSANOS" OF WOMEN APPRECIATE From thousands of women who were tun down and physically deficient come grateful letters testifying to benefits re ceived—evidence that they appreciate the help of St. Joseph's G.F.P Vhe'Woman* Dome Kas., accompanied by Mrs. Paul 1 Cottrell, who will go as far as Abi lene. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Jesup and children have returned from a vaca-1 flon trip of two weeks spent at Corpus Christ!. San Antonio, New.j Braunfels and Kerrville. Miss Ardith Nesseler left Monday evening for her home at Rock Island. II!.. after visiting at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. W. B Oliver for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Walton Fulcher of Mobile. Ala, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Fulcher s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilds. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Foehner left by auto Sunday morning for San Antonio, Austin. Elgin and other Texas points where they will spend their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Jackson have as their guests their sister. Mrs. Gee. W. Polk of San Antonio and nephew. Lieut. G. W. Polk of Brookr. Field and Master George Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alsmeyer and little son have returned after a vacation and business trip. Mrs. Alsmeyer and son visited her family in China, Texas, while Mr. Als meyer attended the A. and M. short course and made a business trip to Baton Rouge. New Orleans and other points in Louisiana. Misses Berthan Marie and Ethel Lewellen and Roscoe Lewellen r.f Monroe City. Mo., are visiting at the home of their uncle. Rev. C. S. Mc Kinney. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cotton and son departed for a few months’ va cation. They will visit in Iowa. listen to it &tackJlk>/ i Kiddies are fascinated with the way Rice Krispies crackle when you pour on milk or cream. And what a flavor treat! Toasted rice bubbles. Won derful for breakfast, lunch and supper. Fine to use in candies, macaroons. In soups. Order from your grocer. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. It’s new! i RICE KRISPIE! Minnesota and South Dakota, re luming home for the winter. Louis H. Alsmeyer. formerly Cam eron county farm agent, and now county agent at Sebring. Fla., ar rived in San Benito last week. He was accompanied by his wife and little son. They visited Mrs. Ais meyer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Harvey and are now visiting with Mr. Aismeyer's brother. Henry Als meyer. and parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Alsmeyer of Mission. J. L. Young and Fred McClur ken of Mineral Wells arrived Mon day evening to spend their vacation in this section. They are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Story. Mrs. J. L. Waters has returned from an extended trip to Fort Smith. Ark., and points in Okla homa. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Dominy and Addice and Hane Dominy left Sat urday of last wee1: for a vacation trip to Groveton and other points Texas. They were accompanied by Mr. Dominy's brother, Bert DomUiy of Grovcton. who has been visiting here the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs Pat OBrien have as their guest the former's sister. Miss ZelU O'Brien of Bowie. Texas, who accompanied Mr. O Brien on his return from that city Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Ward re ; turned Sundav after a visit in Houston. Mrs. Pauline Goode, who accompanied Mri. Ward during an extended vacation trip along the Pacific roast extending as far northward as Seattle and into Can ada. returned several days ago. Mrs. Ward was joined in San Antonio by her husband and accompanied him to Houston. CHURCH FOR BOWL-iiS NETHER AVON. Env.—A special church service for members of bowl I ing teams attracted players from ill over the country. r -- i i-1 <Aziz i-. .— - - ---—i > See this beautiful lot of new arrivals in flat crepes, plain and striped wool ens, canton crepes, |s a t i n s and geor gettes trimmed |w i t h transparent I velvet Thev are all in long sleeved mod els in sizes ranging from 14 to 42. . . Chic, smart, and at such a remarkably w low price. - ■■ ■ -.— . - - .- . -.. I Garcia-Gomez & Co. i Southern Pacific Tracks — BrownsvUle Telephone 616 Wholesale Grocers We cover the entire Lower Rio Grande Valley like a blanket FREE DELIVERY To Any Part of the Valley Floyd E. Bullard Monuments Sheet Metal Works Our work permanently ex ic__11 prefer your devotion. No Job I o small BrownsvUle Marble Sc Granite None Too Large Works Phone 325 — Edinburg 941 Levee Street RADIATORS - , c J* Repaired Holm 8 StudlO General Welding O. P. HACKER Portrait and Commer Phone 239 cial Photography Cot. 13th Sc Washington Phone 337 — BrownsvUle Brownsville We Specialize in Staple Wholesale Groceries E. DE LA GARZA Phone 984 , Brownsville • 634 Fronton St. f - . , --: 1 American Maid Bread ALWAYS FRESH Ask Your Grocer Made by GATEWAY BAKERY Brownsville Manufacturers of All Kinds Chicken, Stock and Dairy Feeds SAN BENITO FEED CO. Dependable • Prompt BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY Phone 353 — Brownsville Complete abstracts of title to lands in Cameron County, Texas I CLARK ELECTRIC SHOP SPEEDOMETER SERVICE STARTERS BATTERIES GENERATORS RADIOS MAGNETOS Phone 432 Brownsville. Texas 836 Elisabeth know V A T T F Y YOUR V i\- ijliij 1 * * * Invest, Build and Grow With the Valle y Guarantee Electric Co.y Inc. Phone 1050 — Brownsville Electrical Layouts, Fixtures and Wiring M. Garcia Gomez & Champion Wholesale Groceries Xel. 83 Brownsville 11th and Madison n I /\^> For instant cleaning and Mfos\n£k M % pressing service. Have L llUIiv y*J your clothes “Gloverized” BROWNSVILLE TAILORING CO. Phone 93 1220 Elizabeth PRIVATE DINING ROOM 101 8eats in the Place VALLEY WAFFLE SHOPPE “BEST PLACE TO EAT* Peter Govatos. Prop. — San Benito * DESEL-BOETTCHER CO. Wholesale Fruits, Produce Grocers Sundries and Fountain Supplies Phone 797 Long Distance No. 1 Brownsville. Texas 5001 Way* to Use Tile Ask Wm. Cameron & Company, Inc. Phone 490 Harlingen mmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmn « Jones Transfer & Storage Co., Inc. Distributing. Storing. Moving, Crating and Shipping Dally Motor Freight Service Between All Valley Points Harlingen Brownsville Edinburg Plinno Clean Pure Ice I DO Brownsville Ice Company CQQ St Charles and Belt Line R. R. Plants at McAllen and Harlingen Coffee Roasted Fresh Daily DELTA COFFEE CO. WHOLESALE ONLY Phone 234 Harlingen br HnmmsoOe Herald Largest Net Paid Circulation in the Valley Mercedes Concrete Pipe Co. PLANTS AT MERCEDES AND McALLEN General Offices — Mercedes Makers of Quality Concrete Pipe for Irrigation and Drainage Gasoline and Motor Oils WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Velvorene Motor Oil Co. Phone 568 Brownsville 2nd & Fronton Streets L. A. RAGAN TRANSFER AND STORAGE Bonded Warehouse Crating — Shipping — House Moving All Kinds of neavy Hauling Off'ce Phone 178 Weslaco Res. Phone 160 Black RIO GRANDE NATIONAL i LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Old Line STOCK COMPANY Legal Reserve Harlingen. Texas AVERY FARM IMPLEMENTS Specially adapted to Southern Farming Wholesale and Retail Investigate Our Liberal Credit Terms PHILLIPS HARDWARE San Benito COUNTRY HOME WORK A SPECIALTY QUINN AND DERRICK PLUMBERS Heating. Septic Tanks. Sewering. Estimates. Jobbing 847 Elizabeth Street Phone 913 Brownsville. Texas Canners ‘‘S. S.” Brand Vegetables and Grapefruit SCHMIDT CANNING CG. San Benito I"- Valley Made For Valley Trade PqAftTO Clothes Valley Wholesale Dry Goods Co. Brownsville