Newspaper Page Text
This Is a Perfect Shopping Guide for Those Who Like to See Their Money Work _ - • 1 - ■ --— ■ ■ -■■■ ■— — - ■- - ■— — —■ ■*■ • " " * .— — ■■■■ AUTOMOTIVE 10th & Adams STEVENSON MOTOR CO. In a. Brown*vtlle. Texas. FOR SALE TWO FORDSON TRACTORS In good shape Vary reasonably priced. Phone or see John B. PuektL Cara Rio Orande Valley Trust Co. ■■ -- PERSONAL THE MEDICAL ARTS HOSPITAL Of Edinburg. Taxas. will start a new class for student nurses Sep*-xnber 15. Any one who deelres to enter this class should write at once to Superintendent of Nurses. Medical Arts Hospital. Ed inburg. Texas___T~8Q LOST AND FOUND LOST—Parrot; calls ••Lorlne,• quite oft en; reward Phone 1312. Dr. Anderson. 243 Elisabeth. T'1W LOST—Tuesday evening between Boca Shies and Brownsville, four bathing suits In canvas bag Return to Herald office. Suitable reward. 11BJ HELP WANTED WANTED—Front man In one ofbeat drug stores In Valley. Arslst at foun • taitT Must speak SP*nl*h. Oood Address T-208. care Herald. T-2TO •IELP WANTED General Office Man WANTED — Thoroughly experienced i general office man. must be comblna. tloo accountant and stenographer. en_ ergetlc. reliable, good personality, with A-l reference; prefer married m*n Per manent position and right salary to the man that can quality. Apply at office. Campbell Auto Supply Co San Benito. Texas. T-179 ! 500 RELIABLE cotton farmer* wantea 22.000 acres Wuiacy Co. dry land for rant. Must be sbls to finance self Delta Orchards Co, phone 1080. larllngen. Texas, or T. C. Oreen. phony •1. Raymond villa. Texas. 8-217 WANTED—Mexican clerk. Fountain man for drug store. Must be compe_ tent. Address T-198. care Herald. T-198 SALESMEN—AGENTS WANT TO BUY good used double desk. Address Box 263, La Fcrla. Texas T-196 8ALE8MAN—Married; drawing ac count; must speak Spanish Please do not bother unless you csn sell. St*r Manufacturing Co., Mercedes. T-181 SITUATIONS WANTED AN OPPORTUNITY to get Into some thing different will be found under "Business Opportunities” In the Want Ads_ COUPLE WITH EXPERIENCE would like position running club house. Ad dress T-204. care HeraldT-204 FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN on city property Sam Hugbston, Maltby Bldg. 8-247 Classified Business Directory • architects BEN V. PROCTER w ENGINEERING CO. 7 Architects—Engineers M Merchants Bank Blag- * Phone 817 Brownsville. Texas E. G. HOLUDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect I n security State Bank Building f Weslaco. Texas | — E. B. GORE Cl Til and Consulting Engineer jssasr- » builders—contractors PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors 528 Washington St. Brownsville. Texas Phone 627 " E. M. RIDLfc*_ General Contractor ^ Roads, Land Leveling, Plowing. Sub-soiling EXCAVATIONS EMBANIMJE1JTB 408 MERCHANTS NATL BANK 408 BROWNSVILLE_ CASH REGISTERS^ HATTONaTcaSHwKEGlSTEJHt CO Registers bought, sold and exchanged « E. Sanders. Representative Phone 29 Harlingen. Tex Box 303 PRAY—TRANSFER Mason Transfer & Grain Co. bonded warehouse SLEDS OK ALL KINDS Ught and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING •H05 Adams- _Phone 139 AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY Crating. Shipping. Hauling Phones 421 and 519_ J ELE SPECIALIST * M. LANDIN' Optometrist and Optician_ BpccliluiPR lo Bull,btcning Crossed Kyra QHHM Scientifically ruled. Mlllsr Hotel Brownsville. Y FLORISTS_ the flower shop Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 BOWYER THE FLORIST, flowers and funeral designs. St. Charles and Pita streets Phone 771. k HOTELS—CAFES WHITE KITCHEN Famous far Its Cooking—Immaculacy and Service Tbs popular placs for business lunches iatb between Elisa be lb and Washington FINANCIAL LOANS On improved residence and business property. HTodd and Underwood ■.lOyf^LeTSS^Bt.^ MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. All repair work guaranteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 NICKEL PLATING Electro-Nickel Plating We nickel plate bumpers, radiators, headlights, etc. Also mirrors plated VALLEY ELECTRO PLATING WORKS IStb end Polk. Phone M Brownsville, Texas. OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL FILING Equipment Maverick-Clarke Litho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 817—Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVES STATIONERY & BOOK STORE Brownsville. Texas 1 I_ ROOFING THE Tl’RXER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO.. Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1168 TYPEWRITERS ’ DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange • Brownsville's Typewriter House) Distributors. New L. C. Smith "Si lent" 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and "Factory" Rebuilts—all makes We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth SL Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER 6 ALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies— Repa rs Phone 506— Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS RALPH A. DUNKELBERG Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Sea bury. George and Taylor Building Brownsville. Texas Davenport. West and Ransoms Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas H B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Texas J. T. Canales C. S. Eidman, Jr. CANALES AND ISIDMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas H. L Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Brownsville's Supreme Residential Dis trict. carefully restricted, completely improved Home sites from $1300 00. e*j>y terms. James-Dickinson Co.. Realtors, rornar El Jardln Hotel Bldg. Brownsville F. W. Howard REAL SSTATh AND RENTALS Farm Property Large Tracts at Citrus Lands Areads Bldg. phone 1000. j BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Sanitary Grocery Store « and Meat Market POINT ISABEL Fine Opportunity Priced Right See A. C. HIPP Desel-Boettcher Brownsville FOR SALS CHEAP—Rooming and boarding house furniture; doing good business. 1022 and 1004 St. Charles street, call or sea Jess Jones, phone 629-W. T.151 FOR SALE—Interest and guaranteed royalty in valuable patent, paying 10 per cent no $10,000 yearly. Need money to finance other business. P- O. Box 1053. San Benito.T.180 MISCELLANEOUS PIANO TUNING, repairing. Factory methods Estimates free. C H. Smith. Box 961. Phone 637. San Benito. T-141 TIMS WELL SPENT is time devoted to looking over the classified ads. ARTICLES FOR SALE 2-PIECE DAVENPORT SET. lacquered velour; like new. Half price. $50; I Oreencastle kitchen cabinet, $30 Phone 979-R. T-201 4 DISAPPEARING brown beds. 1 large size mirror door, at a bargain. Phone 979-R. _T~201 UPRIGHT CONNOR cabinet grand In splendid condition. Wonderful tone. Plrst $65 cash takes It. 413 Stzth sWtjt. NEED HELP? Read the Situations Wanted column._ IT WTLL PAY yon to read the Want Ads thoroughly every day._ TENOR BANJO for sale; pract'calv new. Phone 400. T-177 NEW EABY GRAND PIANO reduced to half price. A real standard make. P. D. Hambly. Box 562. phone 668-M. Brownsville.___ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE—$300 buys Brownsville bus iness Pays '7 net dally. Your own boss No cooking. Man's Job. Address T-209. Herald _T-209 REAL ESTATE INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVEST In BrownsvlUe'a new business and residential sub-divlslon. located on 13 th and 14 th streets, one mile from Gatewey Bridge, on the main thorough fare leading to the proposed ship channel, municipal air port. rich farming tlstrlct of El Jardln. and Boca Chlca Beach. Easy terms. Ten per cent down, balance 5 years to pay. lesse Dennett. phone427. Brownsville. Texas. GOOD LAND In Raymondvtlle district at bargain. Improved and unimproved. Large or small tracts. Several pieces suitable tor development and subdi vision. Prices are right. Terms are right. A pleasure to show you. Geo R Lochrle. Raymondvtlle. Texas. 8-224 Los Ebanos Lot We have been authorized by owner to sell his beautiful Los Ebanos lot for $1,000; terms can be arranged This Is an unusual sacrifice Call Mr Egan at James-Dlcklnscn phone 499. 8-11$ FOR SALE One 5-room house and two lota on the corner of Washington and Palm Blvd Will sell the lots with or without the improvements These ere beautiful lots and are being offered reasonable P W. Howard. Phone 1090. T-12 FOR BALE or trade for Oklahoma city property, 8 lots In Victoria Heights on 16th St., from Grant to Hava; ten of the rineat Naval orange trees tn the Valley. 38 other varieties. 12 vears old: 4 room house and garage: price *5000 00 some terms If desired. E B. Gordon. 1816 Hays St.. Brownsville. T.163 FARMS FOR SALE EVERY DAY there ts a new list of of fers and wants tn the Classified Sec tion. Watch It carefully and regularly and get lust what you waut. AN AUTOMOBILE la not so bard to buy if you watch for tha bargains of fered tn the 'Automotive” columns of the Classified Section. BEAUTIFUL 10-ACRE 3-year-old citrus fruit orchard in well developed com munity and on pavement. Only *1.200 per acre. Including 1929 fruit crop If taken at once. S C. Graham 8e Co, phone 179. Brownsville. Texas. T-185 TWO 10.ACRE citrus orchards near Harlingen. Trees about seven years old and have good crop of fruit now. Price reasonable. P. W. Howard. Phone 1090 T-82 ONE 8-ROOM 2-story house with three acres of land off Boca Chlca highway three miles from town at a sacrifice P W Howard, phone 1090 T-99 POR SALE—46 acres. 5-room house tn El Jardln: l»r«e porches: good shade: clatem and out buildings: bargain If taken at once: leaving Valley. Mrs W. L. Glendennlng. Route 1. Brownsville. T-173 SACRIFICE—40 acres less than two miles from Harlingen ettv limits and on road to be paved. All in cultiva tion. fair set of improvements and small citrus fruit orchard Only *150 per acre. Possession at once. 8 C. Graham & Co., phone 179. Brown-vtH*. Texas._ -l*5 ” HOUSES FOR SALE SACRIFICE—New thoroughly modern house. bent buv in Browner! lie: •mall down payment, balance like rent See Mrs Florence Stafford owner. 1719 Haves street. Victoria Height*. Phone 1075-M-_T~4B FOR SALE—Beautiful Los Ebanos home, five room*, large lot: burn of brick: wonderful exposure Priced right. Terms can be arranged. Call Mr Bean. Jam**-Dlekin*on Co. Phooe 499 Home phope 1398-W_ T-1S LOTS FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL LOB CBANOS LOT— Southeast exposure: must be sold at a sacrifice Phone 1398-W. or call at No L Del Francis Apartments. Lew Ebanos. 8-117 BUI OR EXCHANGE ONE ACRE In 5-vaar-01d grapefruit trees, now bearing *500 to *600 worth of fruit, to trade for city lot. See Dr. Sptvay. Arcade Bldg. T-170 RANTAL FOR RENT—50 acres potato land. Irri gated. Call at 101 Adams street, or phone 561. T.97 . ■ ■ — - ■. ' STORE SPACE—Suitable Any kind bus iness; good location on Levee ctreet. See R E Bolado. 13th and Levee. T-193 _^__________ APARTMENTS -—---- - - APARTMENT FOR RENT—Reasonable: one block from boulevard two blocks from nigh school. Bath, lights, water, i gas. Phone and garage. Apply 45 W St Charles, upstairs. T-175 FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, ga rage. 1133 W Levee. Phone 318-J. T-189 FOR RENT—Well rurnlshed apart ment: also south side sleeping room Close in. Phone 189. FOR RENT—New coc! ».parrm*ru* and rooms Phone 957-J. 8-170 APARTMENTS FTTCH APARTMENTS — Corner St Charles and West Eighth atreet; four rooms beautifully furnished; delight fully cool; Frlgldalre; gas. hot water: hardwood floors throughout; garage. Phone 558. T-132 NICE COOL 3-room upstairs apart ment In private home. Private en. trance. Water ar.d light furnished Suitable for couple only. Near high school. 153 Washington. Phone 28 T.616 SWEENY APARTMENTS - Well fur nlahed apartments. southeast ex posure; modern, electrical refrigera tion. garage, maid service: everything for housekeeping. Pl*>ne 1038.W First and Adams. _T-U3 ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely fur nished Corner Sixth and Levee Phone 839___ P'20il CONLEY APARTMENTS—Cool, and all conveniences. 357 W Levee or phone 847-R. Q-314 WONDRFUL BAROA1NS are offered dally in the Classified Ads. NEW DUPLEX, furnished and unfur nished Every convenience. No. 1112 West EUxabeth. Phone Carlos O. Wat son. T-15 MAY DAY APARTMENTS—Cool, new modern, well located. Completely fur nished including xeiozone*. gas. garage 121 Washington. Phone 714. S-26 THREE-ROOM southeast apartment; very attractive rental. Phone 946-W 8-80 WE HAVE both furnished and unfur nished apartments and unfurnished houses Howard, phone 1090 T-103 FOR RENT—Furnished or unfurnished apartment; upstairs; all convenlimces. 1517 Madison. ___ T-IV2 TWO ROOMS and kitchenette, con necting bath; close In; private front sod back entrance. 912 Levee. Phone 1226-J. Y-»H , FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS AND APARTMENTS—Reason - able rates. Olenwood Hotel Phone 619 , P-118] FOR RENT to gentleman, upstairs cool room; nicely furnished; bath adjoin ing; hot and cold water. 622 8t Charles street. Phone 658 T-206 — — - - FOR RENT—Large front bedroom: southeast exposure; also 2-room apart ment. close In; gas furnished 413 Sixth street. T-176 ■ -.- — .-.— .— — VERY COOL front room, hot and cold water bath; very desirable Phone 485. T-163! FURNISHED ROOMS—South exposure, very close in; reasonable. 942 Levee T-112 i HOUSES FOR RENT to small family for two or ; three months while owner Is away, well , furnished home. 5 rooms, bath, sleeping ; porch, nice yard, garage Elizabeth street. West Brownsville, phone 691. T-203 FOR RENT—8-room bouse: all con veniences St. Charles and Palm Blvd Phone 896-W R-216 FOR RENT—6-room modern bouse et 23 Adams Call 911. T-147 FURNISHED OR UN FURNISHED house near school. Phone 613. T-133 FOR RENT 3- roora cottages, front p«rch. Shower baths, gas and lights. Third and St Francis streets Phone 1190 T-ll 4- ROOM HOUSE—2 screened porches, gas. paved street, one block from Ju nior High; 120 per month. Phone 247 T-182 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED five room cottage. For information, phone 577-J. T-159 FURNISHED BRICK HOUSE very cool Suitable for two families. Phone Mis* Oantry. 241. T-212 ROOMS AND BOARD BOARD AND ROOM In private family for young man Phone 552 T-49 WANT'D TO BENT IP YOU HAVE houses for rent list them with Howard phone 1090 T-102 LET A HERALD Want Ad do the Job. They are tireless Uttle workers on the Job night and das. 1 FOUR DEAD IN SUNDAY WRECKS Dallas Girl Is Killed; In juries to Others May Prove Fatal DALLAS. Aug. 25.—UP)—The au tomobile left a trail of blood behind it in Texas Sunday. At least four lives were lost In motor mishaps, and many persons were Injured, some perhaps fatally. The dead: MISS KATHERINE MAY WHITE. 19. of Da'las. W. H. HICKS, about 45. Carney Spur, Collin county. GARLAND PEAT. 39, Elm Mott. RALPH M. CRANE. 21. Beau mont. Miss ,7hite died after an automo bile carrying hersc?f and six friends overturned near Arlington. The friends ere injured, but not se riously. An ambulance en route to the t :ne turned turtle, injuring the driver $llghlty. Hicks expired here in an ambu lance bearing him to a hospital. A machine bearing him and four oth er persons collided r *h 'nother. A woman was injured. Peat's motorcar went into a road side ditch near Waco. His nephew, asleep, as unscathed. Crane, authorities believed, fell asleep in a road near Beaumont and PAJAMAS “O. K” * * * FOR WEAR AT * * * LEGION MEET PORT ARTT"’R, Texas, Aug. 26. —l/P)—Pajamas will be O. K. for wear at the state American Le gion convention here Aug. 26-28. it ’ as been announced by Police Chief M. B. Word. The announcement was made after the arrest of a Beaumont group of young bloods who at tempted to initiate the new style in that city In one of the stylish hotel coffee shops recently. It was pointed out that the Beaumont’ poet has a "stunt night” program, which requires pajama wearing, and they had be come doubtful as to its being per mitted. never wakened. A motorist who did not stop, was blamed. Two of three Mexican youths, presumably fleeing from justice In an automobile said to have been stolen, received serious injuries, the car overturning south of Laredo. Mrs. een Collins. 20, of Houston, victim of a collision in the Galves ton-Houston highway, might die. it was feared. Her husband, baby father-in-law and mother-in-law suffered lesser hurts. JEALOUS, SWATS COP CHICAGO.—A. J. Fry was ar rested for assaulting Policeman John P. Devine, of whom he was , jealous. | LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISING PARTIAL LIST OF DELINQUENT TAXES OF SANTA MARIA IN DEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR THE YEAR 1928 La Feria Grant—Forto Subdivision Name— * Acres Blk. No. Taxes Sorrel. J. M. 10 S. 4 4 $ 10.00 Milliman. Geo. 20 5 20.90 McCannon, G. T.20 9 do . 20 10 50.35 Sansom. B M . Jr. 20 17 do ..60 Reserve 96.50 Longoria. N. & P. 4 3 A2F do . 34 Pt. B1F 43.72 1 Brown. J B . 16 Pt. B1F 16 40 Sansom, B M , Jr. 20 Pt. CF 36. TO Longoria. N. & P. ..182 BF 65.32 La Feria Grant—McNeil 100 Acre Tract Hawks, L. R.50 A 58.75 Brown. J. B. .. 20 D 24.00 La Feria Grant—Jones Subdivision Batsell. J. H.20 N. 4 2 20 40 Vincent. I. L. 20 S. 4 2 20.40 Cowart. M. A. 40 3 40.80 Grove, J. A. 40 5 37.40 , La Feria Grant—Banco.* Unknown .76.8 Villitas 24 38.76 Hinijosa. D. 198 2 Palma 25 100.98 La Feria Grant—La Feria Land Sc Irrigation Co. Subd. Mathews, M. & D. R.42.15 1 do. 4 50 Pt. 2 54.45 Mathews, Moore. 41.56 3 47.66 Kibbe. F. W. 41.30 4 41.30 Davis. F. 0. 39.35 11 41.93 Baker. M. V. 38.76 13 38.25 la Feria Grant—Lovelace-Austin Subd Austin, Dr. C. 8. 5 4 6.25 do . 5 5 6.25 La Feria Grant—Lovovelace-Champion Subd. Champion. F. 8.4.84 7 do .5 8 13.25 Houston. J. C. 5 9 6.75 do .5 11 6.75 Champion. F. S.5 12 do. 4 32 13 12.1ft do .7.34 14 do. 4 49 16 15.35 do . 2.09 16 2 60 Houston. J. C. 24 17 10.00 La Feria Grant—Mrs. A. B. Stein Tract Covington. W. C.8.51 8. Pt. E. 4 1105 La Feria Grant—Lovelmce-Jones Subd. Santa Maria Water Dist. C.C.No.4 . 29.81 3 34 34 Merten. Paul . 20 4 22 50 Harpster. B.O .10 E. 4 7 14.85 La Feria Grant—Santa Maria Canal Land Hopkins. Reese .20 N. 4 Qs 24.00 Merten, Paul .155.8 Ts 210.00 .... La Feria Grant—La Gloria Subd. Nelson. Esther D.150 HL 60.00 Barron. Hattie E.50 KL 20.00 Morris. Oeo. E. 10 SL 4.90 Kyle. C W.100 VL 40.00 Ewald, Albert.20 XaL 8.09 do. 8 IL 3.20 La Feria Grant—Mlnnesola-Texas Subd. Lc Gro, Robert... 40 1 46.00 Highbarger. A. A... 39.95 5 41.70 Barnes. G. H. 18 75 8. 4 25 13.50 Ewing. Finley . 20 N. 4 25 13.50 Wiley. M. T. 35 26 17.50 Thayer. Mrs. Mary E. 15 28 4.50 La Feria Grant—Rancho dc Santa Maria Pitts. H. A. 50 3 20.00 Prather. G. E. 15 Pt. 12 16.67 La Feria Grant—River Drive Subd. Evans, Mrs. Alice. 7.73 3 do. 5 4 15.20 Lovelace. C. D. .•••••«••••••••••••••••••••* 5.54 * 6.40 Huff. Mrs. Rhoda A. 5 8 6.00 Santa Maria W. C. 6z I. D. C. C. No. 4. 5 14 5.25 do. 10 20 10.50 Collier. J. R .:. 10 21 do. 10 22 21.00 Brown. J. B.'. 8.95 25 Santa Marla W. C. & I. D. C. C. No. 4. 14.03 29 1.40 do . 133 Pt. 30 1.40 do. 10 31 9.00 do. 10 32 9.00 Enochs. J. F. 10 33 10.50 Santa Maria W. C. 6c I. D. C. C. No. 4. 5 8. 4 34 5.25 Evans. Mrs. Alice .*. 5 N. 4 34 5.25 do ..v. 10 33 10.50 Chagny. P. C. 10 38 10.50 Enochs. J. F. 10 36 10.50 Brown. J. B. 5 W 4 41 do .. 10 42 do . 10 43 do. 6.05 44 37.20 do . 9.04 50 do . 1.47 Reserve do.50 Reserve 84.95 La Feria Grant—Dana Subdivision A1 Parker Sec. Co. 11.13 1 1.10 Waltcn, P. E. 14 7 N. Pt 2 do. 20 3 33.87 Kloehn. H. H. 20.62 11 15.46 La Feria Grant—L'nsubdivided Lands Cornett. Mrs. Florence.96 Pt. Tr. F 63.94 Hooks & Hodges ...50 I do ...*. 47 12 48 44 Najar. Francisco. 7.23 L 3.25 Hooks & Hodges.237 M do.133 M2 do. 207 M4 263.96 Longoria. N. Ac. P.135 Pt. Q 81.00 Longoria. Amstacio...62 Pt. Q 33.S2 Benge. W. B. 32.13 Pt. 8 34 40 Champion. Miguel . 24 Pt. F. 12.00 Sedas. Gregoria Ch... 25 Pt. E 12.50 Champion. Andrew ... 76 Pt E 38.00 To the amount of 1928 taxes should be added 10 per cent penalty accrued February 1st. 1929. and interest on taxes and penalty at 6 pt: cent per annum from February 1st. 1929: a:^o 25 cents each tract for advert ising R. H. HARGRAVE. Tax Collector. 8-24-31-7-3t-352Q > D.S. HITS TEXAS BAN ON FLORIDA Quarantine Against Citrus Stock May Be Killed by Federal Bar By RAYMOND BROOKS AUSTIN. Aug. 26.- The federal government has protested Texas' quarantine against Florida citrus nursery stock. George B* Terrell j state commissiooner of agriculture said. Mr. Terrell Is now making a sur very to determine whether the Lower Rio Grande citrus fruit belt can supply nursery stock reqqulred for the Laredo and Winter Gardens ,sections. He also is gathering data from Florida or. wh '• It will be determined whether shipments of nursery stock from that state would be safe against bringing in the Florida fruit ny. The temporary state qquarantine ; will be continued in effect until after the Southwestern Nurserymen’s j convention at F^-t Worth Sept. 4-5. Mr. Terrell said Then a paramount policy will be decided and If im portations are permitted, regula tions to safeguard Texas orchards will be drawn up. Mr. Terrell has not yet .ecelved notice of the federal government s ••-odificar of its regulations gov erning inter-state shipments of Florida fruits and vegetables. The United States department of agriculture has objected to the Texas quarantine because it appar ently goes farther than federal i regulators. 1 wis said. Florida, he said, excludes all J Texas nursery xk. ’ and I believe If they can help our out we can keep theirs out." he commented Mr. Teyrell said purpose of »he state department s to determine that shipments into 'xas will be so safeguarded that there .an be no danger of brir'ing the fruit fly to Texas orchar. or vegetable fields, and that his department has ’ no purpose of discriminating again st Florida nurserymen, as an econo mic policy. We are going t do everything possible to safeguard the state from a serious infestation." he declared. | High Honor® Won by La Feria Scout LA FERIA. A . Cai* Grif fin, La Feria Boy Scout, who has been a member of scout tr jps fer j less than two year-, is now a lull ; fledged Eagle scout, with i.4 merit badges to his credit. In thr annual Boy Scout en- 1 campment he won the bronze medal for third best all-around scout, and was given at the ourt of honor re ception last week. Griffin, who Is 16. graduates 1. .m La Feria high school next year. TOVER BACK HOME WASHINGTON. Aug 26—</P>— President Hoover returned to the White House at 10:15 a. m today from a week-end at his camp on the Ranidan river in Virginia. W .. - -— Child Bitten by Snake May Recover <Special to The Herald) RAYMONDVILLE. A U26 — Some hope is held by physicans for the recovery of Esperanza .'ires. 5-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Flo. i, who was bitten on top of the right foot by a rat tlesnake Sunday night at the Nor ris ranch north of here, where the family was vlstiing. The child was attende by Dr. H. A. White and Mr. J. D. McCann, at her home, and is said to be in a highly feverish state, but chances stin remain 'or recovery. • Fliers Starting for Cincinnati Air Derby BIRMINGHAM. Ala.. Aug. 26 — i*P)—V. A. Grant of Cincinnati was the first to take off on the Birmlng ham-Nashville leg of the Mlaml Cleveland air derby today. Grant took the air at 0 a. m, and the oth er 13 participants followed. LOS ANCELES. Aug. 26.—(/Pi— Lee Laoenhair took off here at 12:35 a m. today for Cleveland, first of the non-stop Los Angeles to Cleve land national air race filers to leave He hoped to make the trip in 12 hours Five other entrants in the $10,000 race last night announced they would not start until tomorrow. Snowden Rejects Last Offer on Reparations PARIS. Aug. 26.—(/P)—The cor respondent of the Havas Agency at the Hague reparations conference reported this afternoon Philip Snowden. British chancellor of the Exchequer, had declared insuffi cient and unacceptable the new proposal of the other four creditor powers to increase the British share of German reparations. Three Corsicana Firms Are Robbed CORSICANA. Texas. Aug. 26.—(IP) —Burglars last night entered the Palace theater. Montgomery Ward company's store and the office of tne Texas National Insurance union here and escaped with approximate ly 02,200 In cash. JEWS REPULSE ATTACK BY HUGE ARAB BANE JERUSAELM. Aug. 26.—UP)—A band of Arabs yesterday made a surprise attack on the new all-Jew ish city of Telaviv, near Jaffa, but were repulsed by Jewish defenders who were well prepared. One Jew was mortally wounded and died be for reaching the hospital, and sev eral others were slightly wounded No tabulation was made of the Arab casualties. PERRY L. KING & CO. AUDITING—GENERAL ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX SER*TIC^ Systems. Orisniutlon sou Statistical Reports Business Control Travis Building Nixon Building San Antonis. TV sac. Corpus Christ!. Tessa. I La Joya Gravel Co. INCORPORATED MISSION. TEXAS BOX 554 Dependable Prompt BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY Brownsville Complete abstracts of title to lands in Cameron County. Texas — I Jones Transfer & Storage Co. Inc. Distributing, Storing, Moving, Crating and Shipping Daily motor Freight and Express Service between all Valley points Bonded Warehouses at Harlingen — Edinburg — Brownsville Phone 3 Phone 3 Phone 787 fc——^— We Make Keys For Any Lock --Also Duplicate Keys Stocked, sharpened Radiator Repair Lawn Mowers Specialists and repaired General Welding T. J. ROMMER "T TITLE INSURANCE When yon borrow money on real estate, many loan companies re quire the title to be insured. The best test ot whether a title la nsurable, is to have it insured. Require a title Insurance poikj when you buy. VALLEY ABSTRACT COMPANY Prompt Title Service Brownsville Edinburg Opposite Court Douse E. Barriman Bird. Phone 1184 Phone U