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LOVE SEEN AS G.O.P.ENTRY ^erguton Say* Bolter Seek* to Be Barred by Dem. Executive Committee By RAYMOND BROOKS AUSTIN. Aug. 24.—Thomas B. Love, republican nominee for gov ernor. That Is the way James E. Fergu son. former governor and only hus band of a former governor in the history of America, has it figured eat Senator Love, now an avowed candidate for the democratic nom ination for governor. ls‘*balting'’ the democratic party organization to make good its threat to bar "Hoo vercrats" from the ticket, in Gover nor Ferguson's opinion. Love, he believes, is getting the political nine-pins all lined up for a fight in case he is excluded from the demo cratic ticket, and would, or might likely, fall heir to the republican nomination to the same office, backed up by a theoretical 300.900 Hoovercrats of 1928. Former Governor Ferguson be lieves at least 75.000 of the demo crats who bolted last year will stay out of the 1930 primaries, regard less of the candidate on the ticket. This, he believe*, will make the pol itics of next year’s governor’s race a merry-go-round right on up until the November general electoin. The way he has it doped out. Senator Love will gladly welcome action of the democratic state com mittee. headed by D. W. Wilcox of Georgetown, to keep Love’s name off the democratic ticket. “That would give him a chance to renounce and quit the democratic party for good." "Farmer Jim" com mented. "Then, the republicans, sensing the attitude of the Hoover crats. and avowedly out to get them again If possible, would adopt him and make him their nominee." Mr. Ferguson said he has not made up his mind whom he will support out of the present baker's dozen candidates and prospective candidates. He exhibited keen in terest in the rally on behalf of bringing former Congressman James Young into the race, held at Tyler this week. Walter D. Cline. Wichita Falls oil man. is another likely new en trant into the race. Mr. Ferguson understands. These in addition to the reported prospective candida cies of R. S. Sterling. R. L. Bobbitt and Earle B. Mayfield. TEXAS TOPICS Temple’* Roaming Romeo— Lost Town’s Bell Found—Tex as Jump Champion — Fish’s Drinking Supply. Thomas Calms, roaming Romeo Of Temple, has gone back to Pauls borf. N. J.. and wed Florence Lip ptncott, sweetheart of years ago. after she married another and di vorced him. The tragic fate of Indianola. once a prosperous Texas port, now a blank spot on the sand dunes of the coast, was recalled when the town's bronze mariners’ bell, long buried, was uncovered by the recent storm’s washing up the sands. “Dick Waring.” the horse that won international jumping honors in Ireland, is a Texas pony, grown on the ranch of Richard Waring at Lipan Springs, near San Agelo. Fear that fish must be drinking the water has caused marine biolo gists to investigate the circum stances under which large numbers of fish are dying in Offats bayou, near Galveston. A. W. Shackelford and Thomas Banks are probably glad they weren’t hunting bears, after bag ging 23 rabbits in the first hour of ft hunting trip near Wichita Falls. Theft of a house was one of the charges which came up In justice court at Houston. A man was ac cused of tearing a house down and hauling It away. Two sets of tains were unhurt when a car in which Dr. Kill is C ..lpbell of Austin and his family were riding was wrecked near Bren ham. Ray Smith, student In W’ay land college, is earning his way by sell ing Insurance. Structures Under Way in McAllen McAllen. Aug. 26.—two bust-; necs structures, representing ap proximately *81.000 in new build ings. will go under constru ion this week In and near McAllen. Work began Monday on .ne new $41,000 J. C. Penney company struc ture and will be pushed to the earl iest possible completion, according to C. C. Dishman, San Antonio con tractor. who was awarded the con tract for construction of the build- i log. The building, will be a pretentious structure with plate glass windows aet to provide the greatest display •pace. An overhead heating system, the first In the Lower Rio Grande Valley, will be installed In the store, i Natural gas will be used as fuel. Contracts will be let this week and eonstructioon will begin immediate ly on the new *40.000 citrus packing plant to be erected for the Mc Allen Citrus assciatioon just east of the North McColl road east of the city, according to announce ment made Saturday by N. F. Don elson, secretary of the organization. This announcement follows closely on the heels of news of affiliation by the local association with the newly organized United States Growers of America. *50.000.000 co operative marketing organization. This structure will be one story In height and will afford more than 13 000 square feet of floor space for the Installation of the most modern citrus packing r achinerv that can be obtained. Mr. Donelson has only recently returned from Florida where he was ent by the local as sociation to inspect the Florida plants to purchase machinery for the new plant here. — FOOTBALL HUNT TRAGIC CARDIFF, Wale s.—Seeking a football kicked onto a roof Rob ert Kent touched an electric cable and was killed, k SAILOR RETURNS AFTER 59 YEARS Just 59 years ago. a whaling bark stopped at what are now known as the Hawaiian islands, and put ashore Manuel Reis, a sailor, who I was incapacitated because of a broken arm and of no further use to the ship. Recently he came to Los Angeles, with his wife; a native islander, and his daughter. Eugenia, snapped with him: above, his first departure from his cast-away-home. He now is well to do. and proudly relates that he has driven scores of notables about the islands, including the Prince of Wales and President Harding. I CHATTY-] GODDESS OP GAB jr Beatrice burton, a^ N COPVR16HT 1983. CENTRAL PPE66 ASSK INC, CLEVELAND, OHIO. ***> (Continued from Par: Four.) as smoking was . . . Part of the business of having a rip-roaring good time. The business of forget ting unpleasant things like Dave Jordan's treatment of her, and his attitude towards the stolen diary. “Hail, hail! The gang's in jail!” sang Winnie, in an undertone, hold ing out her water glass for some of the white silk. “Mustn’t say the naughty word—mustn’t say the naughty word—’* She stood up suddenly, and called out to Bryant.. * “Hey. what's the matter with you. boy?” she yelled above the din and confusion of the room. “Are you with Dave and his girl friend or with us? Hey—come on over here, where you belong, you?" The girl with Dave half turned in her chair to look at her. Wonder and disgust were written all over her pretty face. "Look at her. tryln’ to high-hat me," said Winnie in an undertone. “Who is that girl. J:m? Is that the girl Dave's been hurrying for so long?" “Yes. But sit down." Jim an swered. plainly embarrassed. “Don't yell at Bryant. He'll come over here when he's ready to.” “No. he’s coming NOW! This minute!" declared Winnie, who was always too noisy when she had been drinking. With every one of her dyed curls a-quiver. she went marching over to Dave Jordan’s table and brought Bryant back with her. “Hall, hail! The gang's all here!" she sang in triumph. “Mustn't go awav again, mustn't go awnv a^ain —" and she pushed him down into a chair. Half sick with shame. Chattv got un and left the table. Quite near it was the women's lounge and dress ing room. Three or four srirls were In it. nnokin<» and making un their fares before the mirrors that lined it. The air was heavy with the smell o* tv»r«r smoke and the fragrance of fare oowder and perfume and perspira tion. Chatty flung open the one and onlv window in the place, and lean ed her elbows on the sill, her face | lifted to the cool wind that blew in from the darkness. Suddenly she heard a voice that she knew, somewhere below the tangle of vines under the window. •Here, Ben. give it here!” it said . . . Pud’s voice! His loud, young voice that was just beginning to deepen into a man's voice. “I’ll take it in.” Then Ben Tomlinson’s voice an swered something that Chatty couldn’t make cut . . . But she knew what the pair of them were doing. They were delivering gin to i the Wayside House for its law breRkntg patrons! • I want to go home. I want to go | home right awav!” she told Bryant when she went hurrying back to the table. B’U Brvant wouldn't hear of their then. "Why. it’s lust the shank of the evening. Baby.” he *aid. “We're going to stay right here ’till cl<-c*ug time.” They sta-. 11. • • • She spent that night at Winnie’s house, because she was ashamed to bo home and face her mother when she had been drinking. She was too befuddled with drink even to telephone Mrs. Chatterton to tell her that she wasn’t coming home. Winnie had to do it for her. “She says your kid brother is still out. too.” said Winnie. “She says she’s worried about him.” “She’d better be worried.” thought Chatty, sinking into heavy sleep. • • • On Monday night, when Chatty came home from the office, Mrs. Van Nuys was there. She was in the front room, talk ing to Mrs. Chatterton. and through the half-open door Chatty could hear what she was saying. “I'm going on Saturday, Hattie, if you can get those things finished. So do your best for me. won’t you?" “You know I will,” Mrs. Chatter ton's soft voice answered. ‘‘But I wonder if you’re doing the right thing bv going away. Kate. Maybe it wouldl be better if you stayed here and kept your eye on him.” Chatty knew they were talkking about Mr. Van. “No. I think a little vacation is a good thine for married people some — ■■ ~~"\i High grade paint properly applied has two main advantages; it beautifies the ap pearance of your home and preserves the wood or other surface that it covers .... and does it very inexpensively when you buy it here at wholesale prices > A*k U* for Proof I United Paint Stores Co. 843 Elizabeth Street c *■ * Suits filed In the District Courts: No. 8721, Valley Box and Crate Factory vs. Wallace & Shannon et al, debt. No. 8722, Spencer-Sauer Lbr. Co. vs. J. H. Coleman, debt. No. 8723, Aurecio Leal vs. Marla Moreno, divorce. No. 8724, R. L. Hall vs. C. W. Mc Carty, cancellation of deed. No. 8725, Merchants’ National Bank vs. M. V. Hugo et al, note. No. 8727, Eagle Pass Lbr. Co. vs. Eulogio Morales, foreclosure. No. 8728, Loya Lozano vs. Llbrado Lozano, divorce. No. 8729, Emma Sue McPherson vs. George Willis McPherson, di vorce. 28TH DISTRICT COURT lion. A. W. Cunningham, Judge No orders. 103RD DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. M. Kent, Judge No orders. COUNTY COURT Hon. Oscar Dancy, Judge Suits filed: None. COUNTY COURT AT LAW Hon. John Kleiber, Judge No orders. • times.” Mrs. Van said. "I’ve made up my mind to go away and let him see all of that girl that he wants to. Maybe he’ll be tired of her by the time I come back.” She started for the door as she spoke, and Chatty scuttled away to her bedroom. She couldn’t face Mrs. Van just then— (TO BE CONTINUED) REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS (Pumished by Valley Abstract Co.) Cameron County Louis C. Cook to A1 Parker Sec. Co., all blk. 33. Parker subd.. La Ferla grant, $1,000. W. H. McCollum to A1 Parker Sec. Co., all east 12.74 acres blk. 10, Solis subd., La Ferla grant, $500. Mrs. G. A. Sullivan to C. W. Simpson, town lots 17, 18, 19, blk. 71, Harlingen. $10 etc. H. O. Wyland et ux to Wm. Um landt, N. 10 acres blk. 9, Black Bros subd.. La Ferla grant, $10 etc. Wm. Kretz et ux to Ada Lee Reed, 18.96 acres of blk. 101, 100, 102, 103, Fresnos Land and Irrlg. Co., shares 12, 22. Esp. Santo grant, $10 etc. N. Craig et ux to Cuates Dev. Co., E. 15 acres blk. 35, San Benito Ir rig Co., $10 etc. M. Craig et ux to Cuates Dev. Co., west 5 acres of east 20 acres blk. 305, San Benito Irrlg. Co., $10 etc. Hidalgo County Alonfonzo Gorena et ux to C. G. de la Garza, lot 6, blk. 82, Mission, $10 etc. Oscar Gunnarson to L. D. Abney, S. 1-4 lot 1. blk. 5, and S. 1-2 lot 1. blk. 17, por. 71-72, $750. Oscar Gunnarson to L. D. Abney, N. 1-2 lot 1, blk. 5 and N. 1-2 lot 1, blk. 17. por. 71-72, $750. Oscar Gunnarson to L. D. Abney, .88 acres out of lot 8, blk 4, por. 71 72, $500. J. C. Engelman. Jr. to A. L. Cram er, lot 22, J. C. Engelman subd., $1 etc. Weslaco Townsite Co. to J. H. Herodl, lots 13. 14 and 15, blk. 10, Weslaco, $10 etc. E. C. Couch to J. H. Herold, lots 3. 4, 5, and 6. blk. 14, Northside addn. to Weslaco, $10 etc. Edinburg Bldg. Co. to Mrs. Alice L. Brown, lot 4 and W. 1-2 lot 5, blk. 148, Edinburg townsite, $10 etc. F. T. Hudson to Geo. W. Boone, lot 10, blk. 3, Weslaco townsite. $350 T. E. Stephens et ux to W. H. Hoge, lot 9 and 10, blk. 60, Weslaco, $10 etc. Cecilio Mercado to Manuel Mer cado, 8 1-2 acres out of por. 50, $42.50. Cecilio Mercado to Santiago Mer cado, 8 1-2 acres out of a 17-acre tract in portion 50, $42.50. E. C. Couch et al to Ethel Lynn, lot 25, blk. 8, Edcouch towhsite, $10 etc. H. C. Van Meter to St. L. B. Sc M. R. R. Co., 3.03 acres out of farm tract 26, West Tract, $1200. H. C. Van Meter to St. L. B. 8c M. R. R. Co., 0.7 acre out of farm tract 50. West Tract, $1300. Dora E. Baldwin to R. R. Steph ens, lots 9 and 10, blk. 203, Mission, $10 etc. Sarah H. Snow to A. L. Taylor, lot 2. blk. 72, Lott Town and Im provement Co., $10 etc. E. D. Forbes et ux to Chas. Pul liam. 8. 10 acres of N. 20 acres lot 4, blk. 26, La Donna plat, $10 etc. Harry J. Dawson to Frank Daw son. lots 32 and 33, blk. 2, Queen City Annex to Mercedes, $10 etc. M. F. Armstrong to Jose H. Bar rera, lot 8, blk. 108, Mission. $200. E. W. Turner to Southern News papers, Inc., lot 15 and 16, blk. 33, San Juan townsite, $10 etc. PROFITEERS NABBED CAPETOWN.—Nineteen butchers were Jailed for charging excessive prices for meats. Keep Your Eyes Healthy. Sparkling. Vivacious! The daily use—night and morning of GRANDMA’S EYE WATER Refreshes and Soothes Tired and Inflamed Eyes Sold Everywhere. 25c Park Laboratory Co. San Antonio. Tex. TEXAS TOPICS • • • Goaaip Injunction—For Ford’s Collection—What, No Drugs— Juiciest Story. Here’s the Juicest story In the day’s news: “Hundred and forty nine carloads of watermelons ship ped from Alvord.” Widow of a man who died tn Wichita Falls has asked a court to enjoin neighbors from allegedly gos siping that she poisoned her hus band. Drug stores won’t sell drugs at all In the near future, according to Pres. John B. Ray of the West Tex as Retail Druggists. A M ex la-made walking cane will go to Henry Ford's coUecion of the unique. D. Thornton will make the cane of 12 kinds of Texas woods. A Texas business man who ob jected to having his car hauled off to city pound Is bringing court pro ceedings to test legality of the ordi nance under which It was done. Tills is said to be the first test of similar ordinances In many cities. Arkansas police have recovered most of the clothes which Rush Berry of Waco took with him on a trip and lost. Yes we have them—for all makes of typewTriters and adding machines. A firm is often judged by the neatness of letters. A faulty ribbon may mean the loss of a sizeable or der. Look at yours today. "IF ITS FOR THE OFFICE-WE HAVE IT* aOIWc* CMpng a f/%. OFFICE OUTFITTERS CLzSS. HARLINGEN , TEXAS. /¥ x\ J22SS2SSO PHONE B22 P.O.&0X60I j Starring ■ ■ 13 1 Exclamations of enthusiasm over the remarkable mile age being given by HICKS j I Built Star Tires are heard I in increasing number. Carload after carload of STARS—and not a blowout in a carload! | Thousands of miles on the cars of discriminating mo- | torists — and virtually no trace of wear! As one of our friends said the other day* “Are they ever going to begin wearing put?” I STAR RED STRIPE BALLOONS 29x4.40 Star Extra Heavy Balloon.$ 7.95 29x4.50 Star Extra Heavy Balloon. 8.45 30x4.50 Star Extra Heavy Balloon. 8.95 28x4-75 Star Extra Heavy Balloon. 9.75 29x4.75 Star Extra Heavy Balloon .. 9.85 29x5.00 Star Six-ply Balloon. 13.25 30x5.00 Star Six-ply Balloon... 13.50 31x5.00 Star Six-ply Balloon .. 13.90 30x5.25 Star Six-ply Balloon... 14.25 31x5.25 Star Six-ply Balloon... 14.50 28x5.50 Star Six-ply Balloon. 14.95 29x5.50 Star Six-ply Balloon... 15.45 30x5.50 Star Six-ply Balloon.. 15.90 30x6-00 Star Six-ply Balloon. 16.50 31x6.00 Star Six-ply Balloon .... 17.50 32x6.00 Star Six-ply Balloon... 18.50 33x6.00 Star Six-ply Balloon.... 18.75 2 STAR ALL-BLACK CORDS 30x3% Oversize Star .«... $ 5.10 30x3% Giant Oversize Star. 5.85 31x4 Star Cord. 8.90 32x4 Star Cord. 9.60 33x4 Star Cord. 10.25 STAR ALL-BLACK BALLOONS 29x4.40 Star Balloon.$ 5.85 30x4.50 Star Balloon. 6.65 STAR RED STRIPE CORDS 30x3% Star Oversize Clincher Cord... $ 6.75 31x4 Star 6 Ply Heavy Duty Cord. 12.50 32x4 Star 6 Ply Heavy Duty Cord. 12.75 33x4 Star 6 Ply Heavy Duty Cord . .. 13-75 32x4% Star Extra Heavy Duty Cord. 17.90 33x4% Star Extra Heavy Duty Cord.. 18.50 34x4% Star Extra Heavy Duty Cord. 18.75