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:=w * WESLACO COMPLIMENTS GEEST Mrs. Brooks Buckelew entertained Monday afternoon with a party complimenting her guest. Miss Bess Benour of Bay City. The Japanese motif was used in the clever deco rations. At the games of bridge Miss Thelma Gound won high score, Mrs. Tony Ford held low and Mra Bath Duncan received cut. 1 Delicious refreshments were serv ed to Miss Senour. Miss Kathryn Bchueler, Miss Thelma Gound, Mrs Tony Ford. Mrs. Seth Duncan. Mrs. • J. H. Beasley, Mrs. Bert Davis. Mrs. Rhodes Asbury. Krs. D. B. Briggs, Mrs. Ralph Stone. Mrs. Chester D. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Monte Walker. • • • CLUB LUNCHEON Mrs. Clell Solether entertained the Llano Grande Bridge club with a luncheon at the Llano Grande Country club Friday. A color 6cheme of yellow and green was used. High score in the games was won by Mrs. R. C. Waters. The club will meet with Mrs. R C. Water at the next meeting which will be September 6. • • • LUNCHEON HOSTESS Mrs. Walter Ludwig was hostess Friday to an aluminium demon stration luncheon. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs Frank Hopper and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gaston, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bneethen. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Struck, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wal ker and daughter. Mrs. Barrett, Mrs. J. Faglie, Mrs. C. Tisdel, Mr. Powers and daughter. Faye, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ludwig and family. • • • P.-T. A. PROGRAM The Weslaco P.-T. A. will meet Wednesday. September 4. at 4:30 o’clock at the high school auditor ium for the regular monthly meet The program, as announced, will be a talk by Mrs. Fred Robertson on “How Can P.-T. A. Help the School.” Vocal selections will be given by Mrs. J. L. Compere, Jr. The executive committee will meet at 4 o’clock for a special ses sion. • • • SPECIAL SERVICES Special services will be held Sun day at the First Methodist church of Weslaco for the young people who will soon ’eave for college. Spe cial decorations and music with a sermon on education by Rev. Jas. W. Albritten, pastor of the church, will be held in honor of this group of young people. A large number will leave this fall and will attend many of the colleges of the state and several will attend school outside the state. • • • ATTEND MEETING Those from Weslaco who attend ed the all-day meeting of the Young People's Missionary society of the Methodist church held Sun day at Rio Hondo were Mrs. T. W. Glass, Miss Florrle Haagr. Miss Er ma Andersen and Miss Minna Ma rie Miller. • • • UTTLE guest honored Mrs. Frank Hopper entertained last week for little Dorothy Baker of San Antonio. The little guests enjoying this party were Mary Gound. Glenn Gound, Yovonne Walker, Veri Hop per, Virginia Hopper and the mrMl honor guest. * # • BIRD BARBECUE A whitewing barbecue was enjoy ed Sunday evening northeast of Weslaco by the following group: Mr. and Mra '-’on. Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hoge, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Cooper. W. H. Hoge and John Gound. • * • DINNER HOSTS Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Couch en tertained with a dinner Thursday evening for Dr. and Mrs. L. R Scarborough, and family and Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Compere and fam ily. Dr. Scarborough, president of the Southwestern Baptist Theological seminary at Fort Worth, gave the Sunday morning sermon at the lo cal Baptist church. • • • PERSONALS Mr. and Mra. J. O. Frizzell and (Welcome *o NEW YORK and _ 'foflOTEL f&VERNOR ntJlNTON 3l”ST. — 7”'AVE. aPp0i,f' PENNA.R.R.STATION k I1 I family of San Benito are spending the week in Weslaco. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hemsa and daughter, Gladys, were Sunday guests at the M. L. Walker home in San Benito. Glenn Walker re turned with them to spend the week. * Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Robertson and sons. Billy and Alien Reed returned this week from a visit to Bangs and Brownwood. Mrs. J. Scott Rob ertson of San Benito who visited her mother in Kerrville, returned with them. Mrs. Fretwell Gilmore and Miss Norma Mauldin were Monday busi ness visitors in Harlingen. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Spencer and daughter left this week for an ex tensive vacation in Arkansas, Mis souri and Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Graham and Misses Dema Clair and Ma:*y Jane Lee and Billie Lee arrived the lat ter part of the week from Missouri. Mrs. W. Robinson and children and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Robinson and sister returned last week from Arkansas and Oklahoma. Dr. and Mrs. P. M. Smith and sons of Tohula. Miss., left Sunday morning after several weeks* visit here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Mauck. Superintendent and Mrs. E. P. Chamness and son, E. C., returned Sunday evening from Dallas where Mr. Chamness has been attending S. M. U. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Buckelew spent the week-end at Rio Grande City. Mr. and Mrs John Petty returned Monday from a two weeks’ vacation in Oklahoma. Harold Pcrsell and Sam Woods of Navasota were guests last week of Mr. and Mrr. Roy Kendall. W. H. Hoge left Monday on a business trip to "hrockmorton. Miss Mary Jane Bramlette of Kingsville Is a guest at the B. A. Mitchell home. Mr. and Mrs W H. Baxter, Jr., and son spent the week-end at Cor pus Christ! where they visited Mrs. Baxter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Arnold of Arlington, who are stopping there before returning home, after having spent the sum mer here. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sherill are spending their vacation in San An tonio. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Tarrant of Temple visited here Tuesday with their mother and sister, Mrs. Tar rant and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Head. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gibson and family left Monday for Troy, Texas, where they will make their home after spending several months here. They operated the Gibson Drug store in the Cortez hotel. A B. Wren spent the week-end m Kerrville where Mrs. Wren is spending the summer. , Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Rohr and 1 baby spent last week in Rio Grande City. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Lackey and baby left Friday for a visit In La Grange. Mr. and* Mrs. Garrett Purl of Robstown spent the week-end here in the John Purl home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clark and Mrs Claiks parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hardesty left Wednesday for Tulsa Okla., where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Smith are visiting relatives in Oklahoma. George MacDougall returned Fri day from a three months’ visit in Canada. Miss Dimple Averyt arrived Sun day and visited friends In Weslaco Miss Averyt comes from Waco and will teach In Donna. F. O. Richcreek and Monte Wal ker returned Sunday evening from a week's business trip at Beevillc Sablna?t0nl° Bandera* and MERCEDES PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. George McManus ar.d daughter, Joan, have returned to their home in Abilene, Tex., aft er a visit here in the home of Mr ard Mrs. R. McManus. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bennett and son and daughter. Ewing and Marv Ruth, returned to Mercedes Wed nesday night from a three weeks overland trip through Colorado. Miss Margaret Pierce has return ed to her home in Llano. Tex., aft er a visit of several weeks here in the home of Miss Harriet Housman Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Jordan and son Melvin have moved to Merce des from Arkansas where they wil1 make their home in the future. Miss Grace Connor of Denver Colo., is a house guest of Mrs. J. c. Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rose have returned from Chicago and other points in Illinois, where thev have spent the past several weeks on a i vacation trip. Paul Guest returned this week from a four months' study at the University of California where he attended the citrus school at the citrus experiment station at River side. Mr* and Mrs. J. D. Spruce and three grandchildren. Helen. Robert and Marjorie Spruce, of Kings ville. are in Mercedes visiting la the home of Rev. and* Mrs. M H Keen. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. DeCell have returned from a three weeks* visit with relatives in Hasel Hurst, Mis sissippi. They were accompanied by Mrs. De Cell s sister. Miss Cym balme Neil, who returned with them and who will teach in the local schools this coming term. George Callaghan had for his guests during the past week h\s parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Cal laghan cf Houston, and his aunt. Miss Mary Bressingham of Mobile. Ala. Miss Bessie Asbury, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Ernest Luker and son. Ernest, have returned from a visit with relatives and friends In Houston. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Beatman and daughter. Pauline, and sons, Jimmie Lee and Durand, left Fri da. morning for Oklahoma for a visit of several months with rela tives and friends. Captain and Mrs. E. Sherman ol louston were house guests of Mr. 1 Modes of the Moment — -•«— and Mrs. D. W. Scoggin during the past week. Mrs. S. C. Morrow of Texarkana, is a guest here in the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Alston and family. Miss Mary Ella Baty has re *umed to her home in San An tonio after a six weeks visit with friends an drelatives in the Valley. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bradbury drove to San Antonio during the past week. Mrs. Bradbury left that city a few days later for a six college bound .... the dash of youth .. . the fashion of Paris .. . the clever autumn modes . . . here they are . . . just in time for the college girl to take to schooj .. •. Exclusive Ladies’ Apparel 1244 Elizabeth I « 141 L.I..S — Flic*—Moaquitoca—Bedbuni—Roaches—Moth*—An ta—Flea* Waterbug*—Cricket* and many other inaecta Wriffm •dmtmtiomsl t—Urt, MeCtmkk » Cay iitowt, Sid. mffty .i.rrr^by Fm <^2vf 1,1 « weeks* visit in Chicago and Cali fornia, Mr. Bradbury returning to Mercedes. Mr. and Mrs. Dewy Acker and sons have returned from Franks ton, Tex., where they have been for the past four months. Misses Clara and Esther Morose left this week for a visit with then parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Morose in 8t. Louis. Mrs. T. A. Scott and daughter left the latter part of the week for Beeville. Texas, where they will Join Mr. Scott. Mrs. Jack Martin Is spending sev eral days in Brownsville with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Fred Oray. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Frasier and sons Ray and Horace, Mrs. M. C. West and Mrs. B. A. Acke and daughter. Gertrude, have returned from a two weeks’ trip in the mountains around Kerrville. W. P. Robinson of Cleburne, Texas spent the past week here with her sister, Miss Lola Robin son. The Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Du Pre and son and daughter. Henry and Mary, are guests here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Woods. Mr. Du Pre is a former minister of the local Methodist church. Miss Betty Howze is spending several days in San Benito, a guest of Miss Serita Gutlbert. Misses Edna and Hammond To! son of Ft. Worth are guests here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Tolson and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tol son. 28 WIVES IN A BUS WHAT A VACATION! \ BT WINIFRED BLACK Way out In Illinois where you can lie awake any night in July or Aug ust and listen to the corn growing taller and taller all night long, twenty eight fanners' wives took time by the forelock and hired a bus and went out for a gypsy vacation. They went all over the state, thank you. and stayed a different place every different night. The last place they stopped was Chicago, they spent two day3 In the Loop, In and out of the big shops. At the end of the week they all stepped Into the bus and went bowling down the highway—home. And when they drove Into the little country town from which they started there were the twenty eight husbands standing In a row waiting for them. I wouldn't haw cared to walk Into any one of those twenty-eight kitchens and tried to get a meal that night would you? Now out In California the men cook and they low It, but In Illinois—oh that kitchen sink! Well I’d like to haw been in that bus with those twenty-eight women. Wouldn't It be fun to see them forgetting about the chickens and the milk skimming, and the berry picking, and the churning and the weekly baking just for once? One of the twenty-eight had never been away from her husband be fore in her life and she had been married to him lor twenty years. I wonder whether she’ll want to* stay right with him every minute the rest of her natural life or has she found out that the world is rather an interesting place after all k when you come to look at it with your own eyes. Wouldn't It be a fine thing If every tired housekeeper In the world could step Into a nice roomy bus and go away for a whole week every single year? Now there Is little Mrs. Brown with her Irritable husband and her five cross, disagreeable children— wouldn't you llie to see the lines dug out of her face for a whole week? What do you suppose these twen ty-eight women enjoyed the most when they were away on their week's vacation? , I'LL tell you—they didn’t know what they were going to have to eat for a single meal and that to ■ny housekeeper Is like a wonder ful escape. Just think It might be roast bee! or pork chops, or a slice of ham slsxled In its own Juice— oh Joy. I do wish they would go on an other vacation next year and In vite me along. I'd go half across the continent to be one of that party, wouldn't you? CAMERON COUNTY ZONE WILL HOLD MEET HERE Methodist women of the Cam eron county zone will hold an to day meeting at the Methodist church here Wednesday. Septem ber 4. it is announced. The meet ing will begin at 10 a. m. and a large attendance from over the county la expected. Mrs. C. N. Hill Is chairman of arrangements and a full program of the day's events will be published In Sun day's paper. _ ■- —m—m mmmmm— ■ ■■VHMMMMiwmmttmmm WHICH OF THESE osTHwdncj. 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