Newspaper Page Text
CITRUS STILL BEING PLAN I Industry Expanding Rapidly In Valley; New Census Figures Reveal That expansion of the citrus in dustry in the Lower Rio Grande Valley has not ceased is illustrated by figures released this week by the I United States department of agri culture. Almost half as many trees were planted in the year from JuJly 1. 1923 to July 1, 1929 as had been planted in ten years before that! time, these figures reveal. Plant ings are continuing at almost as rapid a rate this year, reports from various nurseries indicate. The survey, which was made by inspectors engaged in the pest con trol project in the Valley, revealed there were on July 1 this year 5. 118,981 citrus trees growing on ap proximately 70.000 acres in Cam eron, Willacy and Hidalgo coun ties. Of this- total 1.699.824 trees were planted during the last year. Up to that time only 3,419.157 trees had been set out. according to the government count. Of the total number of trees growing 3.733,749 are grapefruit, 1, 320,614 oranges, and all other va rieties of fruit account lor 75,618 trees. * The first table is a division by counties, the second a division by communities. The columns repre sent the number of trees of various ages. WHERE CITRUS TREES ARE ~~ Table 1 The number of growing citrus trees of different ages | 0 j 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Total Cameron County | | I I I I I Grapefruit | 427,293| 253,709 149,153 111.027,1m,619 212143 1.260.144 Oranges 106,211| 88,582 69,300 63,754 ! 65,251, 98140 491.738 Other citrus 3.000; 1,820, 2.283 3188 4.704, 11,136 26.231 Total 536,504 344.111 220.736 178.069,176174 322.119 1,778.113 Hidalgo County | III Grapefruit 877,001; 646,888304,889 181,813,136163 272,184 2.419,138 Oranges 253.474) 184,015 110,093, 90,809 ?2,57lj 94168, 805130 Other citrus 10.296i 5,284 3198 5172 5,584; 16,9111 46,645 Total 1,140,77lj 836,187 418.280,277,894 214.518 384.063 3171.713 Willacy County | I i I I I Orapefrutt 14.809: 15.737| 4,190; 4144, 1,680 2,807, 43,467 Oranges | 7,551| 7,701| 1,707 2,S71| 980, 2,136; 22.946 Other citrus | 189| 534 136j 363| 292 1.228 2,742 Total | 22,549| 23172, 6,033! 7.478, 2.952, 6,171| 69,155 Total all counties | | | Grapefruit |U19,103| 916,334 458,232 297,084 244,662 487,334 3,722,749 Oranges | 367,236; 280.298 181.100,157.434 138.802195.744 1.320.614 other citrus I 13.485; 77.638, 5,717| 8,923' 10,580 29,275 75.618 Grand Total |1,699,824 1304370:645.049,463,441,394,044,712.353 5,118,981 ~ ~ Table n The number of growing citrus trees of different ages _I 0 i 1 I 2 | 3 | 1 | 5 | Total Mission District I III | ' Grapefruit ! 259,794 134,714; 59,510; 52.823 32,354 95.261; 634,456 Oranges | 80.873 ' 36.115, 28,472 25,581) 17,072 28,454 216.567 (L Other citrus | 5.595| 2,107! U99; 1.6851 1.724 10,371: 22.881 Total 346,2621 172,936, 89,381! 80.089| 51,150 134,086 873,910 McAllen District ill | I Grapefruit 89,500| 48,992. 29,441| 13,879 8.418, 19.725; 209.955 Oranges 31,574! 17,924 10,479 10,632 6,734] 10.795| 88.138 other citrus 1.0211 22, 131| 210 248; 473; 2,105 Total . 122,095 , 66,938 40,0511 24,721 15,400 30,993 300.198 Fharr-Bdlnb'g Dlst. I I II Grapefruit 152.467; 256,750 117.917 , 45,3561 30,913; 41,974| 845,367 Oranges 43,333, 74,816 39,918 22.445, 16,4711 13,046, 210,029 Other citrus 1,014| 948 453 577| 721| 797| 4,510 Total * 196.804, 332.514 158,288 68,378; 48,105 55,817| 859,906 Donna District I I I I I I Grapefruit 172.3061 84,462 . 54.938; 43.208 40,466 30.554 425,934 Oranges 49.930| 22,763 15,374; 16,558, 15.922, 8.893, 129.430 other Citrus 1.557) 9321 426. 833, S37) 620; 5,205 Total 223,783, 108,157 70,738 60,599 57.225 40,067 560.56S Weslaco District | III Grapefruit 158.411] 91,857 16.481, 12.1951 12,049 47.307 338.300 . Oranges 34,682| 24376! 7,693 6.8611 7,992 18390; 101,094 Other dtrus ] 576| 737 5811 1.399 831| 2.411| 6,535 Total 193,669! 117,470 24,755 20,455, 20,872 68.708 445,929 Mercedes District Grapefruit 41533: 30,113; 26,602 14352 12,163; 37363 165.128 Oranges 13,092, 7,521' 8,157| 8,732| 8.380 14.790, 60.672 other dtrus 533, 538, 306 588 1.223 ; 2,239| 5,402 Total 58.158! 38,172] 35.067 23.652, 21.766 51392 231307 Is Feria District | III Grapefruit 91390 45,139 37,187; 44.613 52.007, 67.477! 338,013 Oranges 25.952) 20386, 17,169 27,129, 37.883 41,520 169376 Other dtrus 323 370, 523; 139|M,447! 2335, 5,337 Total 117365 66306 ,54306; 71,881; 91337111,532 513326 Baymondvllle Dlst. ! I Grapefruit 14.809 15.737, 4.190 4 344, 1.680, 2307. 43.467 Oranges I 7.551| 7.701| 1,707: 2371! 980 2.136, 22346 Other dtrus 189 534! 136; 363| 292 1.228] 2.742 Total 22349J 23372 6.033, 7,478! 2352, 6,171] 69,155 Harlingen District I I 1 I Grapefruit 138.382, 57.416 56.358 36,049* 26314; 51.298 368,017 Oranges 37,226 16.302 20.849 18.625; 14.332 30.315) 137.649 other citrus 586: 344 534 402 ! 998 2.873 5,742 Total 176,194 74,062 79,741; 55.076; 41.844 84,491; 511,408 Gan Benito Dlst. I III Grapefruit 155.775) 96.320 37.386 17,287 14.083 47,597; 368,448 Oranges 32.068 39.285 22.162 10.942 8.318 15325; 128.300 . Other dtrus 1.222 752 , 418)' 568 886 2.700' 6.54S . Total 189.065| 136357 59,966 28.797 23.287 65,822 503.294 Brownsville Dist I >- Grapefruit 41.546 54.834 16,222 13.078: 14,015; 45371 185.666 Oranges 10,965 12,699, 9,003; 7,058 4,718 11380 55.82.) Other citrus 869, 354 808 2,179 1373. 3.023 8,606 Total 53.380) 87,887 26.123 22.315 20.106 60.274 250.085 Totals All Districts! ! I I I I i Grapefruit J1.319.1Q3 916,334 458,232 297,084 244,662 487.334-3.722,749 Oranges | 367336 280,298 181.100.157,434 138.802 195.744 1,320,614 Other dtrus I 13.485 7.638 5,717) 8.923, 10.580 29375; 75.618 Grand Total 11399.824,1.204370 645,049 463,441:394.044 712,353 5.118.981 Lion Chasing Autos Decried By English LONDON. Aug. 29.—(>P)—Auto mobile casualties among the wild animals of Africa are causing con siderable Indignation here. Scores of people who used to write to the newspapers protesting against the mounting toll of pedestrians kilim or injured in London’s traffic ate r ‘ tng their editors now why some thing isn't done to protect the lions and giraffes from the ravages of the automobile. Hunters cruise the Seringeu Plains of Tanganyika in motor cats, it Is alleged, chasing their quarry lor miles and administering the fatal shot after the fleeing animal Is practically dead Lorn over-exer t n. The game lav of the territory prohibits shooting from automo bile*. but the contention of the pro testants is that the government is ''indifferent" as to its enforcement. WESLACO SCHOOL HEAD FHNISHFS S. M. L>. TERM (Special to The Herald) WESLACO, Aug. 29.—Superin t-ndent and Mrs. E. E. Chamnesf and son have returned from Dallas where Mr. Chamness has been in tending 3. M. U.. working on his M A. degree. Several honors wece tonferred on Prof. Chamness. Your tongue tells when you need HARLINGEN CHURCH TO HOLD BAZAAR HARLINGEN. Aug. -A—A bazaar for the benefit of the Catholic church in Harline?n will be held on the church property South C street, on August 31 anu September 1. Father Jose Azpiazu is rector. Comedies and dramas in Spanka will provide ntertainment, and re freshments will ' e served. All in terested patrons are invited. . «v ._u__ ^ - •••.:> . .. », : . \ i-4 * * , * . a Now Showing— Smart Hats by KNOX Soleiis Nova Felts We now have a new line 3 of women’s hats — by ^2 KNOX, famous tailors of ladies’ millinery . . . dar ing swagger st y 1 e s — .3 brims, etc.. . . many pop ular browns, blues, blacks. ^3 Ycu will find complete —^ confidence *r. hats by this *<3 maker. URGES TOURIST ENTERTAINMENT * _ — ■ . Publicity Expert Predicts Record Year For Visitors The greatest tourist year in the history of the Valley was predicted for 1929-30 by William Clendenning of Chicago, w ho is now here as pub licity counsel for Point Isabel, at the Rotary luncheon Wednesday. A comprehensive program of en tertainment to Interest tourists aft er they arrive is advocated by Mr. Clendeuning, who has had wide ex perience in publicity work for cities in various sections of the country. He reminded his audience that only the best class of tourists would be worth while to the Valley, and that it is to this class that advertising appeal should be made. He recommended the employment of a thoroughly competent and ex perienced hostess to care for the entertainment of the visitors, and suggested that they be booked for tours to points of interest in the Valley, trips to Boca Chiea. and Point Isabel. He also suggested Mier as the attraction of this sec tion. a town which cannot be equalled anywhere in the tourist sections accessible from the United States for quaint charm and old world interest. Tourists should be met as soon as they come Into Brownsville, he declared, and as further hospitality, he suggested or ganizing them into clubs by states, and arranging side parties with these groups. Mr. Clendenning is well acquaint ed with the Valley, having been here about four years ago. at which time he assisted in the project of comparing the waters of the Nile with those of the Rio Grande as to fertility. Florida and California compare poorly in most natural gifts with the Valley. Mr. Clendenning stated. Scenic films recently taken in the Valley by Paramount, Metro-Gold wyn-Meyer, and Fox were cited as splendid beginnings for a publicity campaign for the Valley which must not be neglected. Miss Aurora Ortiz, who favored the club with two piano solos, won an ovation for her artistic perfor mance. Prof. Antonio Ortiz ren dered two violin sole, which were most enthusiastically received. Professor Ortiz he ds the Beethov en academy of music In Monterrey, and is opening a branch ere on September 1. Miss Ortiz wLtl teach piano here. Louis Alsmeyer, who has been In Florida, blamed the bank 'allures in that section to the boom of the past two or three years, rather than the fruit fly. Rumanian Bandits Polite to Victims KOLOZSVAR. Transylvania. Aug i 29. (/P)—After a gang of highway men had robbed a group ot wealthy men near here, the masked captain bowed politely and made this speech: "Excuse me for having robbed you. I used to be a government official but was unable to live on 3000 lei a menth (about $18). Clan destine stealing was repugnant t ■» me. consequently I decided to prac tice- open robbery. "I am very much indebted to you that you did not resist and that I was not compelled to kill you. I lea*:e you sufficient money to buy your tickets home, and I beg you to give these 100-lei notes to the next policeman you meet, because I think he won't be willing to risk his life in pursuing me fo* his mis erable eight lei (about five cents) a day." RANGER CAPTAIN IS VISITING PARENTS Ranger Captain Bill Sterling and two men were In Brownsville Wed nesday. They are working, out of Falfurrias. Capt. Sterling said he was visit ing his parents here and there was no special significance m the pres ence of the rangers. SON BORN WESLACO. Aug. 29.—Mr and Mrs. Frank Koester are the parents of a baby boy born Monday evening. August 26. The babe has been named Bobby Frank and weighed eight pounds and eleven ounces at birth. Mrs. Koester is the older daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry of this city. I Suits filed In the District Courts: No. 8734, Metropolitan Investment Co. vs. Lloyd H. Thompson, title and possession. No. 8735, Carlos Ernesto *>olls vs. Angelita Solis, divorce. 28TH DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. W. Cunningham, Judge No orders. • mmmmmm^M^ 103RD DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. M. Kent. Jndge No orders.^. COUNTY COURT Hon. Oscar Dancy, Judge Suits filed: None. COUNTY COURT AT LAW Hon. John Kleiber, Judge No orders. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS (Furnished by Valley Abstract Co.) Cameron County Ruth Briscoe Ford et vir. to Mrs. Lets Spivey Walton, lot 3 and N half lot 2, blk. 38, West Brownsville. $1800. B. D. Lightfoot to Tyre H. Brown et al. lots 5, 6, 7, 8, blk. 48, Harlin gen. $1 etc. Osco Morris to Clemente Mea diola, west 1-2 lot 5, blk. 42, Har lingen townsite, $400. William Capesius to Stella Cape si us, blk. 11, Forto subd., Santa Ma ria. containing 20 acres, La Fern grant, $10 etc. C. C. Cox to C. H. Roberts, east half of north half lot 16. sub. of Mansur Tr., share 19, Esp. San’o grant. $1 etc. Winifred S. Trevnor et vir to Jno. Mendlovitz, iot 7, Lasby Park Plac*, lot 8. blk. 10. San Benito Land and Water Co.. $10 etc. G. C. Wagner, Tr. to Francisco Espinosa, lot 120, Colonia Victorli, Brownsville, $175. J. C. O'Connel to Port Isabel Co., lots 2 and 2-A, blk. 50, Port Isabel, $10 etc. J. Talbot L. La Prelle to L. Knight all my undiv. 1-6 int. in 207.6 acres, La Fcria grant, $600. John Gregg to W. L. Lloyd et al, 207.6 acres La Feria grant. Hidalgo County Chas. A. Gugler et ux to P. A. Walker, lot 14, blk. 55, Alamo tract, $10 etc. G W. Beth et al by sheriff to E R. Benedict. E. 9.54 acres N. 19.54 acres blk. 82, La Blanca subd., I13S.9. Otila Garcia Astol et vir to Bent clo Salinas, lot 11, blk. 30. Hammond addn. to McAllen, $10 etc. % T. A. Palmer et ux to Myrtle Mary Barker Duvall, lots 1 and 2, blk. 125, Edinburg. $4900. Henry Oetzel et ux to Ralph E Oetzel, lot 2, blk. 54, L. T. & I. Co subd., $6500. L. A. Gennaway et ux to A. Y. Baker. Trustee, lot 23, blk. 233, Ed inburg. $3250. National Bank of Commerce. San Antonio to San Antonio Loan A Trust Co.. NE 1-4 of NE 1-4 and SW 1-4 of NW 1-4 sec. 27, por. 53 to 57, $10 etc. Progreso Dev. Co. to Lynn Faulk coner. Jr.. W. 8.78 acres of E. 13.11 Eat Everything without Fear of Indigestion Are there lots of foods you can’* eat—for fear of gas, bloating^ pains in the stomach and bowels? Do you have to pass up favorite dishes—while the rest enjoy them ? That’s a sign you need Tanlac! For more than 10 years Tanlac has restored to vigorous health thou sands who denied themselves their favorite foods just as you have to. Mrs. Albert B. Greer. 720 W. Markham St., Little Rock, Ark., says: “Since taking two bottles of Tanlac, I can eat anything without indigestion and put in a full day’s work without a bit of trouble.” If you suffer from indigestion, gas, dizziness, headaches, constipa tion or torpid liver—give Tanlac a chance to help you! The first bot tle often brings the needed relief. Tanlac is a good, pure medicine, made of roots, barks, and herbs that are recognized by the United States Pharmacopoeia. Get it from your druggist today. Your money back if it doesn’t help you. Tanlac SEA SOURCE OF ! DIET ELEMENTS * I Science Turns to Exploita tion of Water As Means Of Food WASHINGTON. Aug. 29.—<JP)~ Scieace, looking forward to a day of over-population and depleted food* resources. Is turning to the sea for I future exploitation. Progressive experiments of the bureau of fisheries are demonstrate i lng the value of foods of marine animal origin, indirectly of immedi ately. for human consumption. Whether man eats marine life c: | lives on animals that feed on fish-' ery products, the benefits will be I as great, according to studies of John R. Manning, associate tech nologist. "Take milk, for instance.’* h" said. "It has been shown through I numerous biological analyses by various scientific investigators th8t cows milk under ordinary condi tions is deficient in, such dietary acres, lot 152, Llano Grande subd. $13,784.60. Myrtle and E. E. McKenzie to A Y. Baker, trustee, let 24. bik. 2$3. Edinburg. $3250. necessities as vitamins C, D and E iron and iodine. “Biochemists have established tha tit is possible to increase ncr only thi vitamin content, but that of calcium, iodine and iro nby in cluding in the rations such marine foods that contain the deficient! minerals. An analysis of milk given by cows ted fish Aeal showed that the iodine content alone increased be twee » 10 and 15 times." Crab scrap, a by-product made from non-e lible wast of the crab industry, has been found to be an i excellent poultry food, he said. In oreliminary feeding tests, scrap in clude l in a month s ration doubled egg production. Besides tests of various fish | meals for their potency, mineral content, and vitamin supplies, re-: search will be conducted on the! value of dry seaweed, a vast source cf organic iodine, shrimp bran, ana the nutritive properties of fish liver oils. Merchants to Close For Sept. 2 Holiday Labor day, Monday. Sept 2. will be a legal holiday in Brownsville, merchants of the city having decid- j ed in favor of closing their estab lishments on that date. Miss J j Bernadine Price, secretary of the Retail Merchants' association, has announced. The association made a surrey of mercantile places and found the vote to favor observance of the holi day. t' Death to insects, but abso lutely harmless to people. MVELOMD AT MELLON INSTITUTE Or INOUSTBIAL BESEABCH BY BEX BBSEABCM FELLOWSHIP 2960 A vast army of insects is bred in FLY- N*W|£^£lJ,k* TOX laboratories to be released in die FLY-TOX "Chamber of Death" to testand certify the positive killing qual ities of FL Y-TOX before it is sold to you. CofTriftl lie* *7 Tb* Cox Co. '* Surprise-] Box Sale Friday Only I (Tomorrow) I I Each box for.* $1.50 The last box sale we had created so much intere^ ;hat we have received repeated request? for another one. So here it is. 1 t The five surprise boxes will contain: *, • 9 1 Diamond Ring, value ... $50.00 1 Strap Watch, value.$37.50 . 1 Wrist Watch, value.$18.50 1 Wrist Watch, value.$ 9.50 1 Strap Watch, value.$12.50 All other boxes will contain articles worth not less than $1.50 and some up to $5 00 values. We Guarantee No Empties No exchanges. No returns. Each box sale final. FRIDAY :== £ JL\ J, JL/ ASL £ Om Special. corn A i Q Every Evening SF*^® Hr M iLjK W 'll j ot « o’CIock J. JL*4 JL A JL «L*rf IHer iollacK 1241 Clfaabetfi Street 59c Natural silk pongee. 39c 6Sc Natural silk pcngce. 45c 90c Natural silk pongee. 54c $1.00 Heavy rough colored pongee. 71c $1.10 Good quality radium, all shader. 83c $1.25 Sport satin, 29 inch, all shades. 88c $1.50 Beautiful Glittergio satin, all shades .... $1.10 $1.35 Washable crepe chine.$1.15 $1.50 Washable crepe chine.$1.26 95c and $1.00 New print rayon voiles. 74c $1.50 and $1.75 New print rayons.$1.24 $1.50 and $1.75 Assorted georgettes omy.$1-17 $1.75 Exquisite crepe chiffon only.$1.42 $1.85 Sheer quality georgette cr« pe.. $1 29 $1.98 Fine texture flat crepe . .$1.55 $1.98 New splendid quality georgette.. $1.81 *2.25 Print crepe chine only.$1.58 $2.25 Mallinsons indestructible voile.,. . $146 $2.25 Satin and flat crepes.$1.53 $2.50 Quality black flat crepe.$1.75 $2 50 New print flat crepe.$1.96 $2.00 New satin crepe, all shades.$1.80 $2.50 New print crepe chiffons.$1.85 $2.75 Print crepe chine . ..$2.06 95c New dotted Swiss only. 68c 35c Print lawns and voiles, oniy. 20c 39c Fast colors print batistes and voiles, only . . 23c 45c and 59c Assorted print and plain fabrics. . . . 30c 35c Fancy and solid colors oil rlcth . . . . 23c 25c Fancy colors odds stock so*sette. 20c 25c Cdds stock solid colors voiU. 15c 25c Odds stock fast colors print percale. 19c Odds narrow val laces and trimmings, yntd .... lc Odds embroidery and lace stock. 10c 59c White sheer mercerized batiste. 43c 98c White sheer mercerized batiste. 72c $1.39 White sheer mercerized batiste.$1.02 69c to 85c Solid colors voiles. 51c 50c Assorted printed voiles. 34c S9c and 75c Printed organdy. 44c 90c and 98c Printed organdy. 62c 50c Solid colors rayon fabrics. 33c $1.69 Ladies* embroidered batiste gowns.. $1.17 $1.75 Ladies* Philippine embroidered g j*ns . . . $1.31 $1.98 Ladies’ Philippine embroidered gowns . . . $1.51 $2.25 Ladies’ Philippine embroidered gowns . . . $1.71 $2.98 Ladies’ Philippine embroidered gowns.... $2.41 $1-25 Juvenile sun suits. 84c $1.75 Children’s wool bathing «uits.$1.05 $2.50 Girls wool bathing suits.$1.58 $3.50 Ladies’ wool bathing suits. $2.15 $5.50 Ladies’ wool bathing suits.$3.45 $14.98 Ladies’ spring silk dresses.$6.50 75c Fancy oil cloth table covers. 47c 95c Fancy oil cloth table covers. 67c 35c to 45c Martex guest size towels. 18c 25c Colored border hemstitch buck towels. 20c $2.98 Ladies’ fast colors wash dresses ......... $1.95 25c Fruit of Loom 36-inch cambric or nainsook, only. 56c $1.00 Ranger 63x90 sheets, only. 91c | t * 5Cc Odds stcck misses socks, only.. 37c $1.00 Ladies' novelty thread silk hose. 67c $1.50 Odds chiffon and light service silk hose . . $1.11 $1.35 Pointex light service silk hose . ..$1.15 $1-50 Pointex all silk chiffon hose.$1.18 $1.95 Pointex light service silk hose.«... $1.38 $1.95 Pointex all silk chiffon hose.$1.52 $1.95 Van Raalte and Phoenix chiffon hose .... $1.33 $1.98 Gordon lace clock chiffcns.$1.54 $1.98 Dexdale 3-point chiffon hose.$1.53 $2.00 Claussner beautiful chificn hose.$1.55 $2.00 Gordon black points V-Line chiffons ..... $1.82 $2.00 Gordon V-line sheer service hose.$1.81 $2.25 Gordon V-line chiffon hose.$1.83 $2 50 Gordon white chiffons, black clocks.$1.90 $3.00 Logan or Claussner chiffons . . .$1.93 $3.50 Claussner or Van Raalte lace clcvks.$1.92 $3.95 and $4.50 Assorted chiffons hose.>. . $2.64 $1.25 Hollywood roll silk socks .... . . . 63c 95c and $1.00 Ladies’ rayon vests and bloomers.- 73c $2.75 Ladies’ black silk bloomers ..$1.48 69c Children’s “Kickernick” nainsook bloomers. 49c $1.50 Children’s “Kickernick” silk combiners $1.31 $1.75 Children’s “Kickernick” silk combinettes $151 $1.50 “Van Raalte” ladies’ silk vests .$1.11 $2.25 “Van Raalte” ladies’ silk bloomers.$1.91 $2.98 “Van Raalte” ladies’ silk bloomers.$2.41 $3.50 ‘‘Van Raalte” large size silk bloomers . .. $2.91 $6.98 Ladies' crepe chine pajamas.$3.93 $4.50 Ladies’ black knit silk slips .32.25 $4.93 Ladies* knit silk gowns . ..j2.3Z $1.98 Lace trimmed crepe chine step-ins . .$1-71 $2.98 Lace trimmed crepe chine step ins.$2.52 $3.98 Lace trimmed crepe chine step-ins.^ 25c White linen hemstitch napkins . .. 50c White linen 18-inch hemstitch napkins .... 85c Ecru linen stripes border able cover*. 48c $1.25 Ecru linen 18 inch hand embroider*d scallop edge napkins.. . 78c $1 50 White linen hemstitch scarfs. 94c $3.75 Novelty ecru color linen bridge sets ..$2.32 $5.98 Ecru linen novelty hand embroidert d $1.50 White linen 36-inch hemstitch squares . . . $1.18 $3.50 White linen 54-inch hemstitch squares . . $2.97 75c Fine hemstitch linen buck guest towel*. 42c 75c Ecru linen 14-inch embroidered nap*in» ... 45c $1.15 Ecru linen 18-inch embroidered napkins . 76c $1.25 Ecru linen 18-inch embroidered napkins . . 85c $1.98 Ecru linen hand embroidered scarfs.$1.36 $2.65 Ecru linen hand embroidered scarfs.$1.90 $2.98 Ecru linen hand embroidered scarfs.521c $1.98 Cream color embroidered guest towels . . . $1.16 $2 98 White linen buck guest towels.$1-90 $3.25 White linen buck guest towels.$2.04 $75.00 Set 3 yard Richelieu banquet cloth .... $52.98 $5.00 White linen damask 68-inch table cloth . . $2.89 $6.95 White linen damask 70-inch table cloth . $4.25 $17.50 White linen damask, 72-inch table cloth $10.98 Odds 10c Bias tape stock, piece .. 5c 7 Spools Coats black avd white thread for .... 25c 8 Yards 36-inch Dimity check for.$1.00 45c Good steel sewing scissors, pair. 29c % 4 \ ... *