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------ ~ ■ - -. «■ . I -■ . City-Valley TELEPHONE SEVEN SOCIETY A WEDNESDAY CALENDAR Business and Profe • s 1 o n a 1 Woman's dab luncheon. Wednesday bridge with Mrs. Burt Hinkley, Jr. Just-Sew with Mrs. S. C. Gra ham. • • • Carnival at Fort Brown Well-Attended The officers club ai Tort Brown was the scene Saturday evening of a lively carnival and dance for the benefit of the horse show team. In spite of the bad weather, a good crowd of Brownsville. San Benito and Harlingen people attended. They enjoyed a variety of games and carnival attractions in the club and on the tennis court which were decorated and lighted in carnival style. Two terrapin races enthused the spectators, the first being won by a fast turtle "Jesse Dennett” and the second was won by “Sarita Lomax,” who nosed out "Skitty Skotch.” The games were in charge of Capt. W. T. Haideman. who was assisted by Wm. Beckham of Harlingen. Capt. Will C. Griffin ran the dance hall, while the guests were provided with eats, drinks and smokes by Capt. Marton t. Voorhes and his corps of “cigarette” girls. Prises were raffled off by Capt. Clyde E. Austin. A silver flask was auctioned off. Col. Stanley Koch being the lucky bidder. The Of ficers dub realized a good sum to help send the horse show team to El Paso in November. Capt. and Mrs. Clifford A. East wood entertained at their quarters < preceding the carnival for W. L. Beckham of Harlingen, who assist ed in staging the carnival, and Capt. Wm. T. Haldemah. • • • Methodists Have Business Meeting A feature of the study and busi ness meeting held by the Meth odist missionary society at the church Monday afternoon was an interesting talk by Mrs. F. H. Trim ble on home life in China. Mrs. Trimble served for several years as a missionary in that country, and was able to give many bits of in formation from her own observa tion. Mrs. Fred Barton led the de votional which opened the meeting, and Mrs. W. D. McBryde talked on stewardship and prayer. Following the study period a large amount of routine business was discussed. Plans for entertaining the Cameron county zone meeting on Wednesday have been completed, and final arrangements for the dec orations and luncheon were to be made Tuesday. • • • Comings, Goings, Of Local People Miss Helen Taylor, of San Benito, spent the week end here with Miss Dorothy Dennis. Miss Margaret Zachry. who has been in Commerce for the summer, attending the East Texas normal announcing the exclusive agency °f i NatdresRival for style grace comfort Those of you who have worn the garments, know them .... we will be glad to take your orders for duplicates or new models. Those who do not know "Nature’s Rival” are urged to come in and see the line and be fit No other garments equal NatoresRIVAL at i ! Exclusive Ladies’ Apparc-l 1244 Elizabeth *' ———■ ■ .■■■■—■■■■■ mu i „ i ■■ mm ■■ ■ i ————» ♦ Even the vacation failed to help WHEN they went on their vacation, they thought the rest and change would re store their health and vigor. Yet, when they returned, they were no better off than before they went away. Listlessly he went back to his business. And she won dered if she would ever re gain her youthful beauty and health. What a pity they didn't know that constipation was the cause of their unhappi ness. Headaches, fatigue, bad complexions are a few of the symptoms. If allowed to Continue, serious illness often occurs. ret there is a prompt and effective way CO banish this evil. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is guaranteed to relieve and prevent constipa tion safely. Only; ALL-BRAN gives maximum results It is bulk that relieves constipation. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN supplies bulk in generous quan tity. In a part-bran product the amount of ALL-BRAN bulk is usually too small to be completely effective. That's why dot tors recom mend ALL-BRAN. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is to tally different from danger ous drugs and pills whoso dose must be constantly in creased to be effective. It works as nature works. A pleasant cereal. Serve with milk or cream. De licious with fruits or honey added. Use it in cooking too. Mix it with other cereals. Try it in soups. Just eat two tablespoonfuls daily—chronic cases, with every meal. The health of the entire family can be -maintained by serving ALL-BRAN in some form every day. Kellogg’s ALL-BRAN is sold by all grocers. Served at hotels, restaurants. On diners. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. H Guaranteed! Kellogg’s ALL-BRAN is sold with this defi nite guarantee: Eat it according to directions. II it does not relieve constipation solely, we will r*binrf the pur* Ik THE MARRIED ROMEO WHO LOVED-AND RAN By WINIFRED BLACK And he had been saying it over and over for two years. So he didn’t mean it after all—not a word of it. He loved her. he worshipped her, he adored her—he couldn’t live with out her. he just simply couldn’t. His wife? Oh, pshaw! she was a bad accident. He never loved her __ That summer she just reached out her hands and 77W'- \ 8rabbe<1 him. Oh. yes, she was pretty enough in her r M # way an(j sfte was just crazy about him so he married her just to please her. She is bossy and high-tem pered and jealous and she doesn't understand. He made up his mind to go through with it the best w-ay he could but when he met “Smokey Eyes” he just couldn't stand it any longer. “Smokey 7 yes”—that's what he called her—and “Muffin Cheeks” and ’Cross Baby,” and she called him. oh, what didn’t she call him! All kinds of names— me out of books and some out of plays and some out of her own head. And they were all lovely names—romantic don't you know—and she longed for the hours she could be with him. .Ji! And when she thought of his wife she burned WINIFRED w ACX witb terrible anger—what a horrid woman she must be to try to “Boss” her beautiful darling and keep him away from Smokey Eyes when all he lived for in the world, all he longed for, all he dreamed of was—Smokey Eyes. And Smokey Eyes never had a thing to do with any c.her man; no, she wouldn't even go for a drive or a swim, or a walk along the beach school, and visiting relatives, has returned to Brownsville. She will teach in the city schools, and is making her home with her sunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Gay. Jr. Mrs. R. L. Lackner and Mrs. John McCIeary write from Hannibal, Mo., where they are visiting that thev are having a delightful time, and are enjoying the scenery in that section very much. Mrs. A. J. Seek and her daugh ter, Mrs. Frank Seek, her sister-iu law, and Miss Helen Hixon, all of Oklahoma City, are spending a few days with Mrs. J. H. Fernandez. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Conrad, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Banker. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Washington, Archie Ruff, and Floyd Smith returned Tuesday morning from Mexico City where they attended the Pan-Amer ican convention of engineers. They have been away for the past two weeks, and declare that they had a splendid trip, and ttu.t a number of Brownsville people. Free To Women Regular $!.00 Treatment Sent Free Only One to Each Family Three out of four women suffer from ovarian pains, female com plaints, dragged down feeling, back ache, headache, bearing down pains. Hushes of heat, whites, painful and irregular periods, growing prema turely old. A marvelous new glandular treat ment has been used with such re sults by ever 70,000 women that for the next thirty days Dr. DePew of fers to send a full dollar treatment, postpaid, no C. O. D., no cost, no obligation, free to every woman who writes. Only one to each family. Dr. DePew’s remedy is based on discoveries in glandu ar activity and apparently obtains results not pos sible with old methods of vegetable or mineral preparations. Women re port: T don’t have any pain any more.” ‘ Am looking younger every day.” “Feel like a new woman.” Dr. DePew has set aside 1,000 free treatments for this month, so be sure and write today. No matter what your age or condition. Dr. De Pew is anxious that you make this remarkable t:.', of this convenient hone treatment to secure imme diate relief. Simply send name, a postcard will do. and remedy will be mailed in plain wrapper. Dr. DePew believes you will be surprised and delighted. Address Paul St. John, exclusive distributor, 325 Mass. Bldg. Kansas City, Mo.—a civ. £witn anyone dui ner nanasome Darling. She just saved every minute and every thought for Darling. And Darling said he couldn't stand it another hour. Just the thought of somebody else coming between him and Smokey Eyes drove him crazy. He was going to divorce' his wife—he'd find some way to get rid of her. What right did she have to ruin his life, why should he stick to her when his love was gone—whatever little love he had ever imagined he had for her? Of course he never knew what real love was—until he met Smokey Eyes and now what do you think, the deceitful thing isn’t going to divorce his wife at ail and it looks now as if he never intended to di vorce her. But—what about Smokey Eyes? And she sued her Handsome Darling for one hundred thousand dollars for breach of promise. And several thousand gentlemen who have imagined that they were perfectly safe as long as they were married are having rather trouble some dreams Just now. Smokey Eyes just hates to think of what her Handsome Darling's wife said when she heard about the breach of promise suit. Espe cially as it was whispered that Handsome Darling's wife laughed just a little bit at the things her husband said. Oh. Smokey Eyes, how could you —why you are putting an axe' to the very root of the existence of women like you. Men have been so nice and comfy up to now about you and your kind. They could love and ride away Just as easy, and that was one of your princi pal charms but if you are going to hang on as tight as a regular wife— oh, now, Smokey Eyes really—don't you know, really __ SAN BENITO SWIM-WEIJiEB BOAST Thursday evening a weiner roast I and swimming party was enjoyed I at Lake O', mi to by the following group: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cowgill and children, Robert and Florence Ellen. Carolyn Cowgill. Miss Mary Cowgill. Mr. and Mrs. Phil R. Moyle. L. C. Miles, Victor and Wayne Countz. and Misses Lucy Williamson and Ruth Shoptaw. • • • BRIDAL SHOWER In a background made unusually lovely through the effective use of many vari-colored blossoms, the bri dal shower complimenting Miss Charlotte Housel. which had as hos tesses Mrs. Asa Agar. Mrs. W. B. Oliver and Mrs. R. L. Wilson at the former's home. Thursday afternoon. Tall Jardinieres of brilliant bird-I of-paradise adorned the porch while ! blossoms of many colors overflowed ; from bowls and baskets in the re- j reption hall. The living room also ; was a veritable bower, being filled with pretty flowers and fern. Little Ann Agar carried the shower pe*b sges to the honoree while Mrs. Wil son made an appropriate presenta tion speech. Punch was served in the dining room with Mrs. R. J. Bohner and Mrs. E. E. Wilmeth presiding after the many lovely gifts had been viewed. Centering the dining table was the large and beautifully hand nainted punch bowl, surrounded bv hand-painted cups .The comers were marked bv tall red caries while 1 haod-nainted pl*tes holding con fections aprf sandwiches were placed or either side. Mrs. J. Scott Brnwr cave a toari to the bride and Mrs W. W. Ho"«e ’vrieht offered a ♦"a®* to the bride'* j mother Mr*, f. B wO"sel. A toe** *o the brWe-Toonj was siren by Mrs | C. A. McCall. • • • DORCAS CLASS Thursday evening at the home of 1 Mrs. W. O. Brown members of the ' Dorcas Sunday school class of the ; First Baptist church held their reg ular business and social meeting with their husbands as special guests. The men enjoyed games of dominoes In the sun parlor during the busi ness session. . Mrs. W. T. Curtis, president, had charge of the business meeting. Ar rangements were made for furnish ing a school wardrobe for the son of a deceased minister and for a shower of fruit for a needy family Mrs A McMillan was in charge of the social hour which followed. A Bible contest was followed bv an ad vertising contest and the recounting 666 Is a Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever end Malaria It Is tu BOS* speedy remedy knows. 1 Modes of the Moment | ■ ■ I 111 »■—>——l —. — I — .— M.J _ 1^1 /'. (part’' ■ UTyvK 4y cA&vM lft&6 <6 a."i&L vrut -ur&ifeywM* vdM<Jpv viclf tod ‘faxto 4&a£~ *™1> of jokes. In the late evening punch was served. Guests were Mrs Ira Summers of Jacksonville and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hicks. • » * KIWAMS CLUB Travel experiences of M. A. Thompson during his recent tour of Europe gave especial interest to the program presented during the regu lar luncheon of the Kiwanls club Wednesday. Mr. Thompson illus trated his talk with photographs and other souvenirs of his trip abroad. The Kiwanis club decided to spon sor a boy scout troop of Mexican boys. Dr. R. E. L. Mewshaw was. named scoutmaster and J. A. Sloan assistant scoutmaster. A committee composed of J. C. Yancey. Tom Marchbanks and A. L Harris was appointed to look after the forma tion of the troop. A resolution endorsing the mW A°*@ t<*\ * —when your cows have to hunt for feed, they’re using up the energy it takes to make milk. Use Blue Tag Dairy Feed. You can get your Blue Tag Feed in Brownsville From WILLIS & CO. such crispness/ Rice Krispies just crackle in milk or cream. They’re crisp rice. Bubbles of won derful flavor. Nothing like them was ever made before! Have Rice Krispies for breakfast. Try them with fruits and honey added. Make delicious macaroons. Sprinkle them into soups. At grocers. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. mmwM RICE KRISPIES ment to prevent removal of restric tions against shipping citrus trees from Florida into Texas was passed by the club. The secretary was in structed to write George B. Ter rell, Texa* commissioner of agri PROVIDE ■AMPLE LIGHT On’s “Home Work” ’rotect Young Eyes | ^LYZDA LAMPS ly them NOW During Our * September Campaign 5 much easier for the children ivccp r ^uppi^ iaj get their lessons quickly—ac Always on Hand curately—if they have proper light by which to study. When Adopt tHe 60 Watt lighting is poor there is danger lamp as standard for eyestrain general home lighting Use the RIGHT Light tA 100 Watt Lamp, properly shaded, is ideal for home study. Give your children this benefit. Get a carton NOW. You will find this size equally useful in the Kitchen and Dining Room. I Central power AND E. robot Cops ran y * "Electricity*—Your Cheapest Servant * cm-at l . L ■ - - . ■ ' - t culture, advising him of the club’s recommendation. • • • Mr. and Mrs L. F. Boling and son, Louis, returned Thursday from an extensive automobile tour of five thousand miles. They went from El Paso through the Fort Davis moun tain oountry to Albuquerque and to other points in New Mexico. Enroute r- - home stops were made at Fort Stockton. Carlsbad Cavern and ottw er places of interest, returning through Las Vegas. Glen Chapin and Buster Ammons are on their way to Pontiac, Mich, where they expect to remain for some time. They are making th« trip by automobile. ... ...—... .mm :=i cAzik3iros E= ■■ ' I - "—_I - :■ — ■ ■- ■ ■ - -=m_i 11 —: 9 — — I —..