Newspaper Page Text
This Is a Perfect Shopping Guide for Those Who Like to See Their Money Work AUTOMOTIVE , gg ICth & Adams JTEVENSON MOTOR CO, I no. Brownsville. Texas ————■■■!-- II. ..I— -■ ■ II I ■II——— « WILL • SACRIFICE-V-63 Cadillac. In first-class shape. San Benito. 300. T-252 * FOR SALE TWO FORDSON TRACTORS In good shape Very reasonably pi Iced. Phone or see John B Pueket. Care Rio Grande Valley Trust Co. .---.| CADILLAC PHAETON for sale by own er; good condition all round; can be seen at Brownsville Nash Co, 1327 street. lost and found LOST—Between Point Isabel and Miller hotel. Brownsville, one platinum watch chain with gold penknife attached. Re turn to Gulfside hotel or Miller hotel for reward._ T-262 LOST—On highway between Loe Eba nos and downtown district leather purse containing small amount of money and passport. Finder please re turn to 003 Washington, or phone 1002-M. T-200 LOST—German police pup. 3 months old. Answers by name of Nelly. Re ward Return to O. Cuellar. 8-9 Ring gold street. PERSONAL THE MEDICAL ARTS HOSPITAL O! fdmburg Texas, will start a new class for student nurses Sep*«wnber 15 Any one who deelres to enter this class should write at once to Superintendent of Nurses. Medical Arts Hospital. Ed inburg. Texas. T-80 IELP WANTED * WANTED— Youn* American boy. Us ing at home, who does not attend schocl light work. See Mr. Dowls. 407 13th street. T-235 SALESMEN—AGENTS IP YOD HAVE houses for rent list them with Howard, phone 1090 T-102 SITUATIONS WANTED GIRL. 15. wants board and room with private family In exchange for house hold work while attending high school. Phone 1346-W. T-227 AN OPPORTUNITY to get Into some thing different will be found under “Business Opportunities" In the Want Ads. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE—Beauty parlor doing good business, In best Vall»y town. Owner has other ouslness; $700 ca«h. balance >538. payable >15 a month. Address Brownsville Herald. T-283 FOR BALE Modern Tourist Camp on paved highway. M. B Bourne. Sebastian. Texas. T-222 FOR SALE CHEAP—Rooming and boarding house furniture; doing good business. 1022 and 1004 St Charles street, call or see Jess Jones, phone 829-W. T.1S1 Classified Business Directory ARCHITECTS_ BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects— Engineers 108 Merchants Bank Bldg. Phone 617 Brownsville. Texas :p- * E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 * R. NEWELL WATERS Architect 1-13 Security State Bank Building Weslaco. Texas E. B. GORE Civil and Consulting Engineer jutam 408. State''Rational Bank Bldk pt 'V tsvtUe. Texas. Phone 10TT BUILDERS—CONTRACTORS PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractor 528 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 E. M. RIDLEY | General Contractor Roads, Land Leveling, Plowing, Sub-soiling EXCAVATIONS EMBANKMENTS 408 MERCHANTS NATL BANK BROWNSVILLE _ ' DRAY—TRANSFER Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE • SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING 1105 Adams._ Phone 119 AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY Crating. Shipping. Hauling Phones 421 and 519_ ele specialist M. LANDIN Optometrist and Optician Specializing in Stra! .tuenlng Crossed Olessee Scientifically Pitted, lfiller Hotel. Brownsville | FLORISTS THE FLOWER SHOP 3ut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 BOWYXR THE FLORIST, Dower* and funeral designs. 8t Charles and Pita streets. Phone 77L ■ HOTELS—CAFES WHITE KITCHEN Famous far Its Cocking—Immaculacy * and Service The popular place tot business lunches 13th between Elizabeth and Washington " FINANCIAL LOANS On improved residence and businear property. Todd and Unaerwood 1037 Levee Bt Brownsville. Texas. EVERY DAY there ts a oew tut oi of fers and wants in tne Classified Sec tion. Watcn It carefully and regularly and get just what you waut. MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate Your Mattress V7e make mattresses to order. All repair work guaranteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 _NICKEL PLATING Electro-Nickel Plating w» nickel plate bumpers, radiators, headlights, etc. Also mirrors plated VALLEY ELECTRO PLATINO WORKS 15th and Polk. Phone 55 Brownsville. Texas. OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL FILING Equipment Maverick-Clarke Lltho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 617—Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVES STATIONERY & BOOK STORE Brownsville. Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS I I ROOFING TI1E TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO.. Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1168 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville's Typewriter House) Distributors. New L. C. Smith ■‘Si lent" 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and "Factory'' Rebuilt*—ail makes We repair all makes typewriter and adding machine* 1112 Elizabeth St Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER BALES CO. Typewriter*—Adding Machines Supplies— Repa rs Phone 506—Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS RALPH A. DUNKELBERU Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Seabury. George and Taylor Building Brownsville. Texas Davenport. West and Ransoms Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas K B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Tex*.., J. T. Canales C. S. Eidman. Jr. CANALES AND EIDMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas K l* Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Brownsville's Supreme Residential Dis trict, carefully restricted, completely improved. Borne sitae from (1200 00. easy term* James-Dicmnson Co. Realtors, corner El Jardln Hotel side. Brownsville. F. W. Howard REAL ESTATE AND RENTALS Farm Property Large Tracts of Citrus Lands Arcade Bldg. Phone 1090 I- I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Sanitary Grocery Store and Meat Market POINT ISABEL Fine Opportunity Priced Right See A. G HIPP Desel-Boettcher Brownsville CAFE AND BAR doing best business in Matamoros. Mexico, can be bought. If you do not mean business and have not 110.000, please do not answer this ad. Address U-4. Herald. U-4 FOR SALE—Cash business, netting bet ter than 50 per cent, requiring few hours per day. Consider part trade. Box 58. Harlingen. T-237 FINANCIAL MONET TO LOAN on city property Sam Hughston. Maltby Bldg. 8-247 MISCELLANEOUS PIANO TUNING, repairing. Factory methods Estimates free. C. H Smith. Box 961. Phone 637. San Benito. T-141 TIME WELL SPENT U time devoted to looking over the classified ads. ARTICLES FOR SALE NEW BABY GRAND PIANO reduced to halt price. A real standard make P D Hambly. Box 562. phone 863-M Brownsville. T-101 ELECTRIC VICTOR Orthophontc. near ly new. Hall price. F. D. Hambly, phene 868-M. Box 562. Brownsville. U-l NEED HELP? Read the Situations Wanted column. TENOR BANJO for sale; practicalv new Phone 400. T-I77 FOR BALE—Three-burner oil stove good as new. 1530 Garfield street. Phone 1169-J. T-213 IT WILL PAY you to read the Want Ads thoroughly every day. WANTED TO BUT WANTED—40.000 used brick, in good condition. Give lowest cash price. J. B. Coulter. REAL ESTATE INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVEST In Brownsville's new business and residential sub-dlvtslon. located on 13tb and 14th streets, one mile from Gateway Bridge, on the main thorough fare leading to the proposed ship channel, municipal air port. rich farming tlstrtct of El Jardln, and Boca Cblca Beach. Easy terms. Ten per cent down, balance 5 years to pay. Jeese Dennett, pbone427, Brownsville. Texas. FOR 6ALE or trade tor Oklahoma city property. 8 lota in Victoria Heights on 16tb St., from Grant to Hava; ten of the finest Naval orange trees tn the Valley. 36 other varieties. 12 veers old: 4 room house and garage: price 15000 00. some terms If desired E B. Gordon. 1616 Hsvs 8t.. Brownsville. T 16S Los Ebanos Lot We have been authorized by owner to sell bis beautiful Los Ebenos lot for 11.000: terms can be arranged. This Is an unusual sacrifice. Call Mr Egan at James-Dlcktnsoo. phone 499. 8-119 FOR SALE—500 acre* good potato and citrus land adjoining city limits of prosperous little town In the Valley. All In cultivation and subject to Irrigation: 1300 acre* of choice land In the brush adjoining the above 500 acres. A large part of the 1300 acres Is potato and cit rus land. The entire body can be bought reasonable. F. W. Howard T-271 ——————— AN AUTOMOBILE u not so nard to buy If you watch for the bargains of fered in the '‘Automotive** columns of the Classified Section. ONE 8-ROOM 2-story bouse with three acres of land off Boca Chlca highway three miles from town, at a sacrifice F W Howard phone 1090 T-9B TWO 10.ACRE ettrus orchards near Harlingen Trees about seven years old and have good crop of fruit now. Price reasonable. P. W. Howard. Phone 1090 T-82 HOUSES FOR SALE NEW S-ROOM HOUSE on Garfield be tween 15th and 16th. Victoria Height*. Many built-in features; exceptionally well finished; cash, trade or terms Dr Spivey, Arcade Bldg* T-224 HOLSl> fOB SALE SACRIFICE—New thoroughly modern 5-room house, best buy In Brownsville: small down payment, balance like rent. See Mrs. Florence Stafford, owner. 1719 Hayes street, Victoria Heights. Phone 1075-M. T-48 FOR BALK—Beautiful Loo Ebanos home, five room*, large lot: built of brick; wonderful exposure. Priced right. Terms can be arranged. Call Mr. Egan. James-Dickinson Co. Phone 499. Home Dbone 1398-W T-38 FOR 8ALE—Five-room bungalow, fine shape, cheap for cash. If looking for a home this can’t be beat. See Mr. Kaiser, 814 East Polk street. Harlingen T-274 LOTS FOE SALE BEAUTIFUL LOS EBANOS LOT— Southeast exposure; must be sold at a sacrifice Phone 1398-W. or call at No L Del Francis Apartments. Los Ebanos S-117 BUY OR EXCHANGE LARGE nine-room home. San Antonio, modern in every respect. Large grounds. Will consider good Valley property, either grove or city. W. S. Bigham. 939 West Craig Place. Ssn Antonio. T-24C WANTED TO TRADE—Equity San An tonio home for home or vacant lot in Brownsville. Phone 1127-J. T-287 "~BLf*TAL FOR RENT—50 acres potato land, irri gated Call at 101 Adams street, or phone 581. T.97 APARTMENTS APARTMENT FOR RENT—Reasonable; one block from boulevard, two blocks from high school. Bath, lights, water, gas. Phone and garage. Apply 45 W. St. Charles, upstairs. T-X75 3-ROOM FURNISHED apartment, ga rage. 1133 W. Levee. Apply Marshall Watson. Bute National bank. T-189 FOR RENT—Well rumtshed apart ment: also south aids sleeping room Close in. Phone 189. T-53 FITCH APARTMENTS - Corner 8t. Charles and Wert Eighth street; four rooms beautifully furnished: delight fully cool; Frlgldstre; gas. hot water: hardwood floors throughout; garage. Phone 558. T-132 2-ROOM APARTMENT: private bath; screened porch; garage; modern con veniences. Phone 442. T-243 FOR RENT—2. 3 and 4-room apart ments. modern and clean; also tingle rooms In private home; convenient for teachers: 14 and $5 per week: block from high school. 48 First and Wash ington. T-230 WONDRPUL BAROAINS are offered daily tn the Classified Ads. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 2-room south eoartment. 822 50 : 3-room apart ment. $25. Telephone 948-W. U-3 FOR RENT—New cool -parim»nw and rooms Phone 957-J. 8-170 SWEENY APARTMENTS — Well fur nished apartments. southeast ex posure; modern, electrical refrigera tion. garage, maid service: everything for housekeeping. Phone 1038.W First and Adams. T-113 MAY-DAY APARTMimS—Completelv furnished. Including gas zerozone and garage. Modern and well located. 139 Washington. Phone 714. T-251 ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely fur nished Corner Sixth and Levee Phene 839 P-W CONLEY APARTMENTS—Cool, and all conveniences. 357 W Levee or phone 847-R. Q-211 ROOM and apartment on cool side; modern. Phone 739-W. 1400 Adams T-249 WE HAVE both furnished and unfur nished apartments and unfurnished nouses Howard, phone 1090 T-102 FOR RENT—Furnished or unfurnished apartment; upstairs; all conveniences. 1517 Madison. T-182 FOR RENT-Apartment, modern, suit able for two; also large cool sleeping room Right In town. H. E Dauvh erty. 1223 Adams street. T-263 APARTMENT FOR RENT on paved street: ges and everything furnished, also furnished bedroom. Phone 429 T-275 SOUTH SIDE attractive duplex; nlcrlv furnished, all conveniences. No. 1112 West Elizabeth Phone Carlos O Wat son. T-277 FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS AND APARTMENTS—Reason able rates. Olenwood Hotel Phone 619 P-118 BEDROOM AND APARTMENT twc blocks from postoffice; hot water, gas 1005 6t. Charles Phone 1340-W U-2 VERY COOL front room, hot and cold water bath; very desirable Phone 485 T-163 FOR RENT to gentleman, upstairs cool room; nicely furnished: bath adjoin ing; hot and cold water. 622 St. Charles street. Phone 658 T-206 FOR RENT -One nicely furnished bed room In private home; reference* re quired. Phone 110. T-261 POR RENT—Southeast bedroom with bath adjoining. Suitable for lady; also garage Elizabeth and West 14th. Phone 297-W. T-229 ACROSS the street or across the state, a Herald Want Ad will find a buyer for you. ROOM—Private entrance. adjoining bath, hot end cold water, gas. Couple or gentlemen preferred. 343 Levee St T-272 FTTRNTSHED ROOMS—South exposure, very close in; reasonable. 942 Levee T-112 ROOMS AND BOARD BOARD AND ROOM In private family for young man Phone 552. T-49 HOUSES 8MALL HOUSE FOR RENT or sale; partly furnished. Phone 1020-W. T-250 FOR RENT—4-room cottage and bath Apply 709 l*th street. T-246 FURNISHED BRICK HOUSE, very cool Suitable for two families. Phone Mls<* Oentry. 241.T-212 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED flve room cottage. For Information, phone 577-J. T-IS9 WANTED TO RENT A LITTLE AD under "Lost and Found" will recover your lost articles. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OP CAMERON COUNTY WILL RECEIVE BIDS AT THE COURT HOUSE. BROWNSVILLE. TEXAS ON SEPTEMBER 4TH, 1029, at 10 a. m. for the purchase of one or more 12 ft. graders weighing ap proximately 10.000 lbs. each. The court reserves the right t reject any or all bids. i. J. Bishop. County Auditor 8 l2-20-27-3-4t-3512 EDUCATOR IS CLUB SPEAKER 0 | Ben D. Wood of Columbia University Addresses Mission Rotarians (Special to The Herald) MISSION. Sept. 3.—“The present commercial and mechanical age has outstripped the system of edu cation completely” according to Ben D. Wood of Columbia univer sity. who spoke on the “Weakness of the Educational System” at last Monday’s Rotary luncheon. Mr. Wood is a brother of A. Wayne Wood, Brownsville developer. According to Pro lessor Wood edu cation must be placed first or all else will prove ruin. He placed emphasis on the need of cooperation of parents with the school authorities, citing the fact that one of the present day alarm ing tendencies is the noticeable lack of parental control of the children. “The traditional form of educa tion has been hampered largely be cause of the lack of proper educa tion in the home ” he said. “The child must obey his own desires and impulses to become educated education cannot be poured into him. Individual genius is the most precious thing we have.” Talents have been lost for lack of notice in youth,” he added, as many of the great discoveries have been made in the early age of the individual. Mr. Wood, who is visiting his relatives here and in Brownsville, gave a very convincing address, at the close of which President Tracy Card asked every Rotarian to make himself a committee of one to keep a lookout and talk with every boy on the “back to school” movement A. Wayne Wood of Brownsville 1 W. M. Montgomery of Edinburg.! Ted Stephens of Catarina. Old Newman, the latter club guest un der the rural urban plan, com- ( prised the visitors. ! GOTKE DRAFTS SCHOOL POLICY ( Citv Teachers Meet For Or ganization Monday: Reg istration Tuesday General policies for the new vear were outlined by G. W. Gotke. su perintendent of city schools, at the organization meeting of the teach ers Monday morning. The entire corps of teachers for all schools in the city were present at the session, attendance numbering more than 100. S. A. Caldwell, dean of the Junior college, and principal of the high school, gave an inspira , tional talk. Ike Dudley and Cleve (Tandy, members of the school board, also were present and made short talks, as did Fred Starck. secretary. I New members of the faculty and ad ; ministration staff were also lntro j duced. Following the talks, the teachers (adjourned to their various schools, where they were met by the nrind nals. and organization within the sehojls comnleted. Enrollment of pupils In all (branches of the schools except the | Junior college began Tuesday morn ing. Junior college students are to register September 10 and 11. i Births Recorded 1 i-. Maria Rosalina Leal, daughter.! Anastacio and Concepcion Leal. Petra Gonzales, daughter, Adolfo { and Elvira Gonzales. Elvida Fernandez, daughter, Lor enzo and Elvira Fernandez. Ignacio Vasquez, son. Gonzalez and Rosa Vasquez. 9 Jose Gonzales, son. Jose and Epe fina Gonzales. Francisco Alfonso Lena, son. Leonardo and Maria Lena. | Micaela Perez, daughter, Joaquin and Bella Perez. Ruben Rios, son, Pasqualdo and Anita Rios. Maria Teresa Senteno. daughter. Trinidad and Lucia Senteno. Elena Calbillo, daughter, Greg orio and Enrlqueta Calbillo. Raul Escamilla, son. Mariano and Francisca Eapamilla. Maria Aurora, daughter, Eugenio and Rosa Aurora. Emilio Arteaga, son. Rafael and Maria Arteafa. Zara Lopsp, daughter, Brigido and Antoni# Lopez. Guadalupe Almis. son, Belasario and Jose fin a Alamis. Juan and Luz Betancourt, twins, Victoriano and Maria Betancourt. Juan Manuel Trevino, son. Juan and Marla Trevino. Dominga Reyes, daughter. Pablo and Magdalina Reyes. Arnulfo Garza, son. Manuel and Marla de la Luz Garza. Roberto Ramirez, son, Jose B. and Guadalupe Ramirez. Carl W. Ruth. Jr., son. Carl W, and Leonardo Ruth. Maria Josef ina Flores, daughter, Jose and Josef ina Flores. Santiago Pena, son, Jose and Guadalupe Pena. Maria Hernandez, daughter, Cris pin and Anastacla Hernandez. Juanita Martinez, daughter. San tos and Refugia Martinez. Rosalva Galvan, daughter, Martin and Leonora Galvan. Francisco Herrera, son Luis and Refugia Herrera. Luis Lopez, son Andre and Felipa Lopez. Zoila Pena, daughter Antonio and Isabel Pena. Casemiro Garza, son Manuel and .Orelia Garza. Josefina Morales, daughter Cris toval and Manuela Morales. Jesus Garza, son Geronimo and Francisca Garza. Maria de la Lima Juiaiate. daugh ter Quirlno and Maria Juisiate. Alberto Albete, son Eduardo F. and Maria J. Albete. I City Briefs * L—~.. i Girls see the new Dauliste bras slerelettes and step in girdles at the Corset Shop, 1327 Elizabeth.—adv 7 Buick Roadster—Take 3550 if sold now. 1327 Levee.—Adv. 5. § - ii* i i i* Returns.—Miss Doris Faulk is back at her desk In the chamber of com merce, after spending the week-ens in Houston. Architect Here —A. L. Beck, archi tect for the Missouri Pacific lines, is in town looking over the company buildings, and supervising improve ments at the bus garage. Gimble Back.—A. S. Gtmble. gen eral agent of the Missouri Pacific lines, who spent the week-end and Labor Day in San Antonio, has re turned. On Vacation.—Mrs. Laura Hous ton. city health nurse, is in Houston on her vacation. Her office 'will be closed during her absence. . Returns Home—Miss Margaret Breen has returned from San An tonio where she was the guest of Miss Suzanne Buck. Due Back.—U. S. Commissioner E. K. Goodrich was to return Tues day from Monterrey by plane. The commissioner was accompanied on the trip by L. Black. — Cap Displayed.—The cap of the uniforms for the American Legion bugle and drum corps is now on dis play In the window of the Aziz store. This concern has ordered the uniforms which are expected to ar rive about Sept. 10. There will be 32 of the semi-military outfit*. Traffic Good.—Traffic over the old railroad bridge which has Just been reopened to vehicles and pedestrians, was good Labor Day. ! M. P. officials state. Room Fitted Up.—A room is be- | ing fitted up in the Texas Bank and Trust company building for Ben C. Clark, architect. “ Birds Plentiful.—Hunters report excellent shooting over the week end holidays. Some of them got the bag limit both Sunday and La bor Day. Return to S. A.—Mr. and Mrs Rodolfo Valle returned to San An- | tonio Monday after a visit with the R E. Bolado family of this city, j Clelia Bolado returned with them. Stated Communication. Rio Grande Lodge No. 81. A. F. & A. M. will be held at Masonic Temple, at 8 i o clock this evening. Tues __ day. All members request ^ ed and visiting brethren fraternally invited to attend. Win. Y. Worley. W. M ; W. W. Ball. Secy. Adv. WEATHER SUMMARY Barometric pressure was moder ately low over the Plateau and over the Central Plains states this morn ing and moderately high over the balance of the United States. Con siderable cloudiness prevailed throughout the country at the morn ing observation, and rains occurred within the last 24 hours in the southeastern states and from the Plateau region eastward to the Plains states and northward nearlv to the Canadian border. Scattered showers occurred also in Texas. It was considerably cooler throughout the northwest this morning, but else where in the count”" t"«"”«*ratures continued unseasonably high. McAllen Lions Plan Picnic For 1 eachers (Special to The Herald) M'ALLEN*, Sept. 3—McAllen Lions club will entertain 57 members of the faculty of the McAllen public schools with a picnic the night of September 13. according to an an nouncement made at a recent meet ing of the club. The picnic is an annual frolic and a number of most unusual entertain ment featuies are presented during the course of the event. The Lions club will again spon sor extra-curricula activities in Mc Allen high school, it was announced. Lions club trophies have been pre sented for the past two years to win ners in various interscholastic acti vities from the local schools. WEATHER BULLETIN First figure, lowest temperature last night; second, highest tempera tine yesterday; third, wind velocity at 8 a m.; fourth, rainfall past 24 hours: Abilene.74 94 — .00 Amarillo... 66 90 10 .02 Atlanta. 68 84 — 00 Austin. 72 92 — 00 Boston . 70 94 - .00 BROWNSVILLE .. 75 87 — 11 Chicago . 72 90 10 00 Corpus Christ!. 76 86 — .09 Dallas. 72 92 — .00 Del Rio. 74 94 — 00 Denver . 60 86 — .10 Detroit .68 90 — .00 Dodge . 66 94 — .12 El Paso. 72 92 — .00 Fort Smith. 70 94 — .00 Oalveston . 78 84 — 02 Helena . 50 74 — 00 Huron. 66 104 — .14 Jacksonville . 72 80 — 1.04 Kansas City. 74 97 — .00 Louisville. 66 92 — .00 Memphis .. 72 90 — .00 Miami. 78 86 — 02 Montgomery ........ 72 86 — .00 New Orleans. 72 78 — .64 New York . 72 92 — .00 North Platte. 70 96 — .00 Oklahoma City. 74 96 12 .00 Palestine . 70 90 — .00 Pensacola. 72 78 10 .84 Phoenix . 77 90 — .06 Pittsburgh. 67 88 — oo St. »ou*s . 70 02 — .oo St. Paul . 76 94 10 .01 Salt Lake City. 58 77 — .12 San Antonio. 72 92 — .00 Santa Fe . 57 87 — .00 ^berldan . 80 10 .1? ^hreveoort ......... to on — .oo -r«—« .*T4 _ 04 snrv«>mrg . y* *8 — .oo Washington . 6° eg — .oo Wilmington .. 68 82 — .00 1 Ml u WARRIORS FOR LOST CAUSE IN 37TH ANNUAL MEETING »_ NACOGDOCHES. Tex. Sept. 3 — UPh-A faltering band, scarred by battle and marked with age, met here today for the 37th annual three-day convention of the Texas United Confederate veterans. It was a brave and pathetic rem nant of a proud army, and this town, understanding, prepared to do it fitting honor. President Seale of the chamber of commerce an nounced to the Dallas Confederate organization the sentiment felt toward all the visitors. "Their money." he said, “will be as worthless as in reconstruction flays, and nothing will be spared to show the boys the time of thel; lives." The general himself—General J. H. Summers—promised to head a committee to meet the men who went out to fight for a lost cause. r= and a program abundantly full enough to meet the likes of ex-sol diers was planned. The first meeting of this reunion, faintly touched by the inevitable shado wthat will fall on some of its participants before aribther oppor tunity for such reminiscence comes, was to be called to order by F A. Beall, commander of Stone Fort Camp No. 966. Sons of Confederate Veterans. The United Daughters of the Confederacy were represented. . | J —-- 1 "'ll “Since 1891” For thirty-eight years this bank has served the Rio Grande Valley, and served the people well. Ask any banker from Rio Grande City to Browns ville, as to the character of service we render, both banks and the entire citizenships We are known throughout this entire section of the state as “THE FRIENDLY BANK,” and we live up to that reputation daily. If you are not one of our fast growing list of customers. Start An Account Today 4% Compounded semi-annually paid on Savings Accounts First National Bank j Brownsville, Texas “THE FRIENDLY BANK.” Oldest Bank in the Rio Grande Valley BRAZOS ISLAND Where you find Health and Pleasure in the “COOL SURF BATHING” Drive Right Up in Your Car to Brazos Island Bath Housa (At Boca Chica) Modern Conveniences Jones Transfer & Storage Co. Inc. Distributing, Storing, Moving, Crating and Shipping Daily motor Freight and Express Service between all Valley points Bonded Warehouses at Harlingen — Edinburg — Brownsville Phone 3 Phone 3 Phone 787 PERRY L. KING & CO. AUDITING—GENERAL ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX SKKVIC^ • Systems. Ors-citation ana Statistical Ur ports Bus* net* Otttrol Travis Building Nixon Building San Antonin. Texac. Corpus Chriatl. Texas. A CORDIAL INVITATION la extended to the public to visit our plant and Inspect the careful and thorough tasting n ethods In use which assure only pip# of the highest quality being delivered to the purchaser. For compute Information address Owen M. Combe. Die-nct Sales Manager GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. P. O. Box 1051—Brownsville, Texas. Plant located at Ulalack Switch on Highway. The Pioneer Concrete Pipe Manufacturers of Taxes. Concrete Pipe 'or Irrigation. Drainage and Sewer Systems ——girmilff "TT™ r was——r La Joya Gravel Co. INCORPORATED MISSION, TEXAS BOX 554 —W—— .. .■■■■ ,« ' .. Dependable Prompt BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY Brownsville Complete abstracts of title to lands in Cameron County. Texas _| Pipe Lines for DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION Let Agar & Gentry San Benito. Texas Design, Finance and Install Large Tracts Preferred