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' " " r:1-"11," .— ; - " " : .. Ilate market report TRUCK MOVEMENT-STOCKS—COTTON—GRAIN—UVK8TOCK—POULTRY—EGGS STOCK PRICES AREIRREGULAR Movement Lacks Uniformity As Radio Opening / Shows Advance NEW YORK. Sept. 5—Price move, ment lacked uniformity at the open ing of today's stock market, al though Radio, General Motors and Coppers, prominent in yesterday’s upswing, resumed their advance. An aconda opened at 132 1-2 and Ken necott at 93 318. up fractionally Electric. Southern Railway and “Katy" common ad vanced a point or more DuPont dropped 3 points and losses of a point or so were recorded by U. 8. Steel common. International Tele phone and St. Paul common. Rails were slow m getting started despite establishment of a new sea sonal record for car loadings. Re newed selling developed in the oil group, presumably on the publica tion of record-breaking production statistics. Foreign exchanges opened easier, with cables a shade lower at 4 84 3-4 The closing was weak. Sales ap proximated 4,700.000 shares. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK, Sept. 5—</P»-For eign exchanges irregular. Great Britain, demand *4 84 1-4; rabies $4 84 3-4; 60-day bins on banks $4 79 1-2. France, demand $3.91 1-16: Palv $5.22 1-2; Belgium $1388 1-2; Ger many $23 77 1-2: Tokyo $46.63; Montreal $99 43 3-4. 0m The Valley’s Perfect ■* Talking Picture Theatre I faa Benito ^ NOW SHOWING f o Is this lovely girl guilty of murder? Did she w:eak a v engeance on Holly , wood's popular star? Five suspects in the net. Who killed Richard Hardoll? See—Hear! This remark able all-talking thriller! It grips your imagination. — Also — All-Talking Comedy Fox Movietone Newa Vitaphone Valid. Act CHICAGO, Sept. 5— ® —Hogs: 23.000; 10 to 25c lower on hogs un der 220 lbs; heavier weight steadier to 10c lower; top $11.45; packing sows $8 258 9 35; pigs $9«10 40. Cattle: 5.000; calves: 2,000; steady; slaughter steers, good and choice 950-1500 lbs.. $13 $ 16.75; common and medium 850 lbs., up to $8.25® 13; cows, good and choice. $8.50$ 11.75; vealers <milk fed) god and choice $15 50818. Sheep: 25.000; steadv to 25c lower; lambs $12 85813.65; ewes $485.50. Wheat Firmer On Market Opening CHICAGO. Sept. 5—^—Wheat opened on firmer bast; today be cause of relative strength of Liver pool. higher than due. Opening prices were 1-4 to 7-8c higher and the gains were extended i to about a cent during the first hour. Com. on the other hand, started l-8c to l-2c lower and later lost ground on bearish weather re ports. Oats were 1-881 -4c to 3-8c higher at the outset and provisions 1 quiet. Bearish locals sold wheat down at i the last and the close was at the bottom mark for the day. ranging l-4c higher to 5-8c lower than yos terday, September holding the best. Com finished weak. 1-4 to 1 l-2c lower Oats closed easy. l-8c higher to 3-881-2 lower and provisions easy, unchanged to 10c down. BI TTER AND EGGS CHICAGO. Sept. 5.—Butter, firm: creamery xetras 44 l-2e; standards 43 l-2c: extra firsts 42 1-2840 1- ®41 l-2c; seconds 37® 39 1-2. Eggs easier: extra firsts 378 37 l-2c; firsts 35® 36c; ordinary firsts 308 32c. NEW YORK. Sept. 5.—^.—Call money steady; 9 per cent all day. Time loans steady; 30 days 8 3 4-9; 60-90 days 8 3-4-9; 4-6 months 8 3-4-9. Prime commercial paper 6-6 1-4. Bankers' acceptances unchanged. GOVERNMENT BONDS NEW YORK. Sept. 5.—^.—Gov ernment bonds; Liberty 31-2s. $98. 1st 41-4s. $99 4 Treasury. 41-4s. $106 22. 4s. $102 3. MU Frigidaire with the Cold Control” freezes desserts better •.. makes ice quicker... keeps foods fresher. •. longer The Frigidaire "Cold Control" has introduced a new standard in electric refrigeration. It is as important as a gas regulator on an oven. It gives you, at will, faster freez ingof ice, saladsanddesserts. Every householdFrigidaireis now equipped with the Frigidaire "Cold Control"... with out added cost to the buyer. And it is found only on Frigidaire. ❖ ❖ Let us help you win in big $25,000 contest Write a letter on food able awards offered by the preservation and win a National Food Preservation model home,a Cadillac car Council. Get complete or one of many other valu- information here today* 50° is the safety point for perishable foods FRIGIDAIRE SALES & SERVICE Lower Rio Grande Valley Phone 276 — Mercedes JOHN H. HUNTER, Representative Brownsville, Texas — Phone 588J i SHOWERS SEND COTTON HIGHER Market Easy on Opening Due to Cables And Weather Report NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 5— i The cotton market opened easy due partly to unfavorable cables but mainly to showers in Texas and Ok lahoma. First trades showed losses of 12 to 16 points and prices con tinued to ease until October sold at 18.85, December 19.14, and January 19.22 or 17 to 18 points under j’es terday's close. Liquidation by speculative buyers ! added to the decline and at the end of the first hour the market was still easy and at the lews. The market rallied rather sharply in the second hour on good trade buying and on reports Wall street operators had again entered the market on belief western rams were not general enough to relieve the drought. All early decline was recov 1 ered, October trading up to 19.04, ! and December 19.32, or 18 to 10 points up from the early lows. Later the market weakened again on renewed liquidation probably i based on the detailed weather re port showing more general rains i than indicated in earlier reports. At : mid-session the market had receded 17 to 10 points from the top; —.-- - NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 5.—— Cottonseed oil closed weak; prime summer yellow $8 45; prime crude $7 62 1-2. Jan. $8 70; Feb. $8 70: March $8 75: April $8.80; Sept $3.50; Oct. $8,50; Nov. $8 50; Dec. $8 65. NEW YORK COTTON NEW YORK. Sept 5.—The cotton market opened barelv steady at a decline of 4 to 15 points and soon showed net losses of 14 to 17 points under selling inspired by re latively easy cables and reports of rains in the southwest. Offerings were absorbed and covering and j trade buying on the decline to 19 22 i for December and 19.48 for March and after the first rush of selling subsided, the market became less active and somewhat steadier. At the end of the first half hour lor December was selling around 19.27, or about 5 points up from the low est. Futures closed steady. 6 to 20 ! points lower. Spot quiet; middling 19.10. Offerings tapered off after eai-ly selling and the market was much less active, with prices a little more than recovering early losses. There appeared to be some doubt as to whether rains had been general in Texas. The market at mid-day was quiet but very steady with Decem ber selling at 19.41 and March at 19.65. or 2 to 3 points net higher. LIVERPOOL SPOT LIVERPOOL, Sept. 5—iJF)—Cot ton spot good business done; lower; American strict good middling 11.27; good middling 10.87; strict middling 10 67; middling 10.47: strict low mid dling 10.22: low middling 9.92; strict good ordinary 9.52: good ordinary. 9.12. Sales 7.000 bales, 5.400 Ameri can. Receipts 2,000. American nil. Futures closed quiet; and steady Oct. 10.09; Dec. 10.12; Jan. 10.13; Mar. 10 20; May 10.23; July 10.22. Btttmcum . A FOX PICTURE “Win That Girl” With David Rcllins Sue Carol ARTCLASS COMEDY — Bargain Nite — 10c Each The Valiev's Perfect Talking Picture Theatre 4 Days Starting SUNDAY First Valley Enjoyably Cool and . ^ Shewing _Comfortable A Kiss in Jest. . . . yet it broke a heait. . .toppled a throne . . and tangled loves of three into the most intriguing drama ever screened! Hear!—See!— S Bewitching f *eet GIRL BETTY COMPSON Fiddles—Dances—T ronpses Ned Joseph Jack Sparks — Cawtnom — Oakie in rapid-fire laughs -VAN LEBEDEFF GUS ARNHEIM’S BAND 100 Dancers — 80 Singers Crack Supporting Cast CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our apprecia tion for the assistance rendered and the many beautiful floral offerings received during the sickness and death of our baby. Robert. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Trevino. Girls see the new Dauliste bras sierelettes and step in girdles at the Corset Shop. 1327 Elizabeth.—adv 7 1927 Nash Redan—Driven 18.000 miles. A bargain. 1327 Levee.— Adv. 5. Your Opportunity to have your hats designed to suit your type.* Mrs. Bates, expert designer and trimmer at Amaya s Millinery and Beauty shop, Adams street.—Adv. G. * For Sale.—Complete restaurant fix tures in Harlingen. Value $3,000. Will take $1,000 for prompt sale. See Walker-Craig Co.—Adv. tf. Trips Valley.—Francisco R. Sali do. chief of the Mexican Irrigation commission, is now making trips over the Valley in connection with the Rio Bravo colonization project. He is lining up families who wish to return to Mexico. In Los .Angeles—John Fernandez, local banker, is now in Los Ange les. He expects to be gone some time. Official Leaves.—J. M. Maraboto. Mexican official, who has been on a visit to northern points, left Thurs day morning by plane for Tampico, atfer spending Wednesday here. To Mexico City.—Antonio Zandu ondo. agent inspector for the Mexi can Aviation company lines, left Thursday for Mexico City. On Business.—H. E. Patterson ar rived from Los Angeles Thursday, and expects to be here looking af ter business for several weeks. To Visit.—Mrs. W. L. Morrison left here Thursday morning, en route to Mexico City, where she will join her husband, who is traffic manager for the Mexican Aviation company. She It s Cool r Harlingen NOW SHOWING CAN WIVES BE TRUSTED? —and how far? I I : f W Wav "'■BW “iv* —a y JtjJl D 0\U G L A 5 Macleaim •*/r« MAPJf PPI-VCST Also— 2 Talking Comedies 4<T|, p; L» “Ladies* Bed” Choice PARASOIND NEWS has been visiting in New York. She was accompanied by a cousin. Miss Celeste Lynch, of Dallas, who will visit in Mexico City. • Retmn Home.—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Sweeney and two sons. Thomas, Jr., and Peyton, have re turned from a vfsit in Kerrville and San Antonio. LEGION WILL HEAR CONVENTION REPORT Reports on the state convention held at Port Arthur and discussion of the coming national convention at Louisville. Ky., will be the most important matters commg before the John Hanson post of the Amer ican legion at its regular meeting Thursday evening, it has been an nounced by W. R. Kiekel, post com mander. K. OF cT WILL NAME NEW YEAR’S OFFICERS Officers for the coming vear will be elected Monday evening by the Rights of Columbus at their regu lar meeting. It has been announced. All of the offices in the organiza tion will be filled with new officers or with re-elections. L. F. Goike is the present grand knight. In Our Valley (Continued From Page 1) ... onto the markets of the United States bottlers in other sections are going to find their products hard to sell. • Drink your grapefruit” is going to be a real slogan someday. t Intentions Filed Eugene Holland and Isdra Barri entes. Pedro Silguero and Julia Bal li, and W. E. Welch and Vera El wing. Licenses issued: Jose Padron and Guadalupe Loya and C. E. Kneupper and Ima Lee Mann. L_ BROWNSVILLE (Continued From Page 1) Arriving at Tulsa at 7:59 a. m., after breakfast on the train, he will have ample time to catch the Central Air Lines plane at 8:30 for Kansas City, where he will arrive at 12:05 a. m.. less than 28 hours after leaving Mexico City. Leaving the Central Air Line at Kansas City, he will proceed on to Cleveland over the Universal Sys tem at 12:18 p. m. and will arrive at the Ohio city at 7:45 p. m.. exactly 35 hours after he left Mexico City. Here at 9 p m. thi passenger bound for New York. Boston or Montreal will board the New York Central for the last lap of the journey. This train will put him in Manhattan at 9 50 a. m. next morning, the second morning after he left Mexico City If he cares to go on to Boston he will get there at 12:25 p. m. or he will reach Montreal that afternoon Route to Colorado Passengers from Mexico going toe northwest or to the Pacific coast will follow the same route, over the Mexican company of aviation and T A T. Flying Service lines, as far as Dallas or Fort Worth, officials said. At Fort Worth or Dallas, however, they will transfer to the 11 p. m. Fort Worth and Denver fast train. The Fort Worth and Denver will put them into Amarillo in time to catch the Western Air Express plane for os Angeles at 1:55 p. m next day. They will reach Los Angeles a; 9:35 p. m. ~nly 38 hours after leaving Mexico City. Or if they re main on the train, instead of get ting off at Amarillo, they will reach Trinidad at 10:10 p. m . Pueblo at 2:15 a. m , Colorado Springs at 3:5* a m. and Denver at 7 a m. Ooipg to Chicago, passengers will. — Now Showing — RICHARD B.ARTHELMESS (Star of “Weary River") — In — “THE V/HEEL OF CHANCE” Thrillingly Dramatic — Also — HAL ROACH COMEDY Newspaper Newsreel Admission 5c, 10c, 15c CTREETbMM girlES! B ettij Conrpson | TJ“ V’‘ley * Pt;feCt BETTYCOMFSON Talking Picture Theatre * »d sparks — Jack Oakie John llarron, Ivan Lebedeff, I Joseph Cawthom. Guy Buccola. Doris Eaton with 4ft Danrin? Beauties 1 RAYMOND MAl’REL San Benito leading mighty male chorus Gus Arnhrim's Band d n.i. Ci.rtinff playing the new hit melodies a>* starting -Lovable and Sweet" C..—J_. _ "My Dream Memory" ounaay -Broken I p Tune” Shovel These Out Quick SHOE SALE Any Ladies’ Shoe in our entire stock—No restrictions Slaughtered At only one price Every Shoe Goes at $5.98 Extra Big Slaughter Sale Arch Preserver Oxfords $4.00 75 Pair Odds and Ends Pumps — Straps and Ties $1.48 Sale Starts Friday, 6th Runs Friday, Saturday, Mondav and Tuesday Model Shoe Store 1123 Elizabeth Street 0 % ride the IfiMOurl. Kansas and Tex as to Tulsa and the Central Air Lines plane to Kansas City, just as if they were going to New York, and go from there via Universal Air Lines direct to the Windy City. This makes Chicago only 32 hours and 15 minutes from Mexico City. Pas sengers going on to Rochester. St. Paul or Minneapolis will board the Northwest Airways plane at Chica go. which will wait for them, and arrive at Rochester shortly after 6 p. i. . at 8t. Paul at about 7 p. m. and at Minneapolis 15 minutes later. "Passengers going to St. Louis. In dianapolis or Columbus will trans fer at WTichlta. Kan., to the Trans continental Air Transport plane for those points. Or they ran go on to New York this way. arriving at Manhattan at exactly the same time as if they went via Chicago and Cleveland. Going to Akron. Washington or Baltimore, passengers will follow the route to New York as far as Cleveland and transfer there to the Baltimore and Ohio instead of to the New York Central. MISS WELLER RESTING FOLLOWING OPERATION Miss Esther Weller, who under went an operation for appendicitis at the Valley Baptist hospital in Harlingen this week, wss said to be getting along quite well Thursday. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Weller of this city. ———— —... 'zsssssss: a Plan Reception For World Meet Scouts (Special to The Herald) HARLINGEN, Sept. 5.—Prepara tions for a reception for the two Valley Roy Scouts who went to England to the world jamboree up on their return next week are be ing made, it was announced by Tom Murray. Valley executive, before he left this section to attend the na tional camp. The plans will be carried out by other scout executives In the Val ley The two scouts are Leonard Van Herg of Mercedes and Milton Kelly of McAllen. ■.-..... ....—..■—'e— Renew Your Health By Purification Any physician will tell you that "Perfect Purification of the 8ystem is Nature’s Foundation of Perfect Health.” Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are under mining your vitality? Purify your entire system by taking a thorough course of Calotabs—once or twice a ek for several weeks—and see how Nature rewards you with health. Calotabs are the greatest of all •ystem purifiers. Get a family package with full directions. Only 35 cts. at drugstores.—Adv. t war r » Show Starts 1:20-3:30 5:30-7:30 9:30 i • i r 100% Talking 100% Singing . 100% Dancing Syncopated melodies that Inspire the rhapsody In you. Gay quips and banter by Adorable Alice. Dance spectacles and night club scenes. Insistent drums. Moaning saxaphones. And that’s only the background of this stirring melodydrama. Added Attractions— All Talk Act “Her Husband’* Women” Paramount New* I McALLEN | Opens Today-For 3 Days I Mfc • kvn _ S PA& - cffm f MAN and THE J; MOMENT cHtik ROD LA CtOCQU c! “RAISING THE ROOF" “TWO AMERICANS” U ' and “Fox Movietone News” -- ~ Midnight Matinee Saturday Night Pre-Showing “The Mysterious Dr. Fu Manchu Door, Open Hats. Horn» at 11:15 r. Favors Picture Starts A11 c at 11:30 AH Free A Big Picture and a Good Time for Everyone