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ENGINEERS TO FORM CONGRESS Proposed Pan-Ame rican Conference Features Mexico City Meet <Special to The Herald) Mexico city, sept. 5.—Ap pointment of a permanent commit tee which will meet soon in either Denver, Colorado or Panama City, to effect the organization of the Pan Ameflfcan Engineers' congress was the most Important business trans acted at the convention of Pan American engineers in Mexico City, Which has just closed. The committee, which may b« enlarged, gonsists of the following: Alfpnso Costella, Mexico City, chair man; Lorenzo Hernandez, Mexico City; Donald M. Baker, Los Angeles; I Gustave Serrano. Juarez, Mexico; and Manuel Pelaez. Havana. To Name Meeting Place 1 Selection of the meeting place of the committee will be left to the committee itself, and announcement of this is expected to be made within month by Senor Costello. Only Den ver and Panama City are being con sidered, and it has been stipulated A New Stomach For Few Cents If you have ind^gtsion. dyspepsia, heartburn, sour stomach, gas. bloat ing. or any other distressed feeling after eating, yon will be delighted with what one dose of GORDON'S will do for you. GORDONS is an antiseptic that promptly stops feremntation <sour ing of food), the thing that makes It so hart^ to successfully treat stomach troubles. It soothes and heals the stomach lining made raw by acids and poisons. It does not artificially stimulate digestion but puts the stomach in condition to do its work naturally—makes it like Bew. Get a bottle today. If not satis fied. druggist will refund your morev. Costs less than three cents a dose. 1 y' ~~ ' ■—»» that the city not selected will be! the site of the next cohvention. The meeting in Mexico City that has Just closed was held at the in vitation of the Centro de Ingenieros. a Mqjhco City engineers’ club. The convention .has twice been post poned, first because of the assassin ation of Oeneral Alvaro Obregon. and the second time because of the March-April insurrection here. Delegates came from the United 3tates and from many Latln-Amer lcan republics. The American dele gates were: Mr. Baker, first vice president of the American associa tion of Engineers, chairman; Arthur Richards. Trenton. N. J., second vice president of the American Associa tion of Engineers, and Harald Doed tker. El Paso. Texas, also a member of the American association. During the eight-day convention here the delegates and visitors held dally sessions at which papers were read and ideas for the permanent formation of the Pan-American con gress were exchanged. The engineers made dally tours to points of ar chaeological and engineering inter est near Mexico City, and also vis ited interesting noints in Mexico City. The wives of many of the vis iting engineers, accompanied them American Delegates Among the American engineers who attended the convention were: Donald M. Baker, Los Angeles; Har ald Boedtker. El Paso, Texas; Floyd L. Smith. Brownsville. Texas; Frank C. Heins. Laredo. Texas: Don Lee Austin, Texas; Pecos H. Calahan. Los Angeles; Arthur Richards. Tren ton. N. J.; Q. H. Cunningham, El Paso, Texas: Conrad M. Blucher. Corpus Christi. Texas: A. G. Ruff. Brownsville. Texas; C. Samuel John son. St Augustine. Florida; James C. Martin. Fort Bayard. New Mex ico: R. W Ooddard. Albuquerque. New Mexico: E. A. Bailey, Sacra mento. California; A. S. Clonton. Oklahoma City: L. C. Lashnut. Phoenix. Arizona: D. 8. Robbins. Albuquerque. New Mexico: J. R. Me- I Donald. Phoenix. Arizona: Harry E Jones. Phoenix. Arizona: V. D. Scott j FI Paso. Texas: Fred P. Oeibel. Las» Cruces. New Mexico: L. B. Shires Albuquerque. New Mexico: Dan J. j McQueid. Denver. Colorado: Oeorgo M. Wills Riverside. Caiforoie: John W Kidd. El Paso. Texas: J. B. Cun ningham. Tucson. Arizona: Chan ning Brown. FI Paso. Texas: Flovd R. Oftslneer. Phoenix. Arizona: WP-! Pam A. Jolley. Phoenix. Arizona- W O. Washington. Brownsville. Texas: Samuel R. Milligan. El Paso. Texas; | Pern* Thomas. Los Angeles: B Acosta. Los Angeles: F A. McKee, j Los Angeles; E. A. Dickinson. San I Francisco. AUTHENTIC FALL STYLE! 4 For the Particular Shopper Frocks and Ensembles No Wardrobe is truly up-to-the-min ute without one or more smart en semble outfits. The velvet ensemble is especially good this fall. For the Miss going away to school nothing could be in better style than several Hollywood Sport Frocks, and the cunning little “Tuok-In” Ensembles especially de signed for the college girl. $16.75 to $59.75 | Accessories to Match Each Gown Millinery Smart in every detail. A new assortment of styl ish hats in all the latest modes. The small close fitting cloche, ever in fashion, will be much in vogue this fall. We have them in velvets, felts, and sports in nov elty material. $5.75 to $25.00 | New Coat Fashions Good lines, high quality material, ex cellent workmanship have gone into I tl|? Printzess and Berkshire Coats. We have a number of dress coats, sports and wraps some fur trimmed, some plain or with contrasting materials, in the style most becoming to your *ype and in a color to please you. $34.75 to $125.00 Brasher and Jones “The Ladies Supply’’ Harlingen, Texas Cameron Courts j Suits filed in the District Courts: No. 8752. Evelyn Damon et al vs. Cameron County Water Improve ment District Number One, to compel defendant to furnish water. No. 8753. H. J. Stockton vs. Farmers’ Hardware 6c Furniture. Co. et al, damages. No. 8754, Jas. M. Webb and Beat rice Webb vs. Jones Transfer & Storage Co., damages. No. 8755, Alexander Marketing Co. vs. Fi;it National Bank, Pharr, I debt. No. 8733. Alexander Marketing Co. vs. First National Bank, McAI- j len, debt. No. 8757. Alexander Marketing Co. vs. State Bank & Trust Co., McAllen, debt. 28TH DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. IV. Cunningham, Judge No orders. 103RD DISTRICT COURT lion. A. M. Kent, Judge No orders. COUNTY COURT Hon. Oscar Dancy, Judge Suits filed: None. COUNTY COURT AT LAW Hon. John Kleiber, Judge No orders. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS (Furnished by Valley Abstract Co.) Cameron County C. F. Thomas to Preston H Wiant, et ux, blk. 33. Fsperanra Place Addn.. share 23, Esp. Santo grant, plat 7-33, $2478.35. The First Nat l. Co. to Henry H. Parks, lot 42. Pal subd., F. Z. Bishop subd.. $10 etc. Josie Duray to C. H. Colgin, Tr., south 1-2 of N. 1-2 blk, 221, share 1. San Benito Irrig. Co., plat 3-16 18, $1 etc. B. H. Dunlap, Tr. et al by trustee' to G. D. Wiggins, town lots 28 and 29. blk. 10. city La Feria. $2351.20. , J. H. Draper et ux to Gertrude Mashaw, lots 26 and 27. blk. 1, townslte La Feria. $10 etc. D. A. Watson et ux to B. H. Ohmit, south 9 acres blk. 2, Orange Grove Park subd., La Feria grant, $10 etc. C. Soears et ux to R. N. Jonec south 20 acres of north 30 acre;, blk. 29, Parker subd* Dana Lands, La Feria grant, $10 etc. W. Y. Allen to Maum M. Walter lot 5. blk. 3, East End addn., Har lingen. $10 etc. W. E. Meaner to Manuel Lerma. lot 8, blk. 33. Bella Vista Con- i tinuation addn., Brownsville, $1660 Jas B. Jones et ux to C. C. Hen derson. farm blk. 7. El Jardin subd.. Acacia Lake Tr., plat 5-39, $10 etc. Haney R. Houck et ux to Ollye M. Walker, lots 25 and 26, blk. 1. Citrus Groves Terrace addn., Santa ! Rosa, $1 etc. Hidalgo County Gulf Coast Sec. Co. to Fred P Watson, E. 19.57 acres lot 1, Curry j survey No. 2. $6849.50. A. F. Buchanan, Jr., to A. F. Buchanan. Sr., 200 acres out of the 1 Santa Anita grant, $10,200. J. K. Sutton to Gulf Coast Sec Co., W. 10 acres of E. 20 acres lot 10, sec. 256, Tex -Mex., $10 etc. Gotleib Reimer et ux to Anne Horton, lot 1, blk. 51, Alamo tract,: $1 etc. D. R. Swift Estate Inc. to L. G. Robinson, lot 10, blk. 63, McAllen. $380. State Bank & Trust Co. to Lau rence G. Robinson, lot 11, blk. 63 McAllen. $1200. Esteban Sifuntes to Yndalecio Amador, lot 7, blk. 377, Edinburg. J. D. Cowling et ux to Lottie J Hoyt, et ux, S. 20 acres farm tract 474. West Tract subd., $200. Jenkins, Cobb 6c Massay Lbr. Co. SHE knew the compliment to state it is an indication that the be true—for the last pimple body’s power of resistance to dis had vanished. ease and infection is low. Mean If you are one of the embar- ing, that there is a deficiency of rassed—and men are not excep- red-blood-cells, tions—with skin blemishes that Without plenty of rich, red linger, and sometimes leave scars, blood, there could he no strong, you must realize that the logical sturdy, powerful men, or bcauti causc may come from the blood, ful, healthy women. A dear, smooth, velvety skin When you get your red-blood bespeaks loveliness. Men cells back to notmal, that sluggish it. Women and secretly let-down feeling, loss of appetite, envy. Hope, ,oy happiness, and boils, pimples, and skin trouble, even love, may depend on the disappear.. You get hungry again possession of a clear, unblemished and you sI„p s(,unJiy. firm Hesh *kl”* takes the place of that which was On the other hand—skin erup- once flabby. You feel strong, tions are outward evidences of the Your nerves become steady. You condition within. Authorities are resistant to diseases. foutTv***! S.SS. u Nature’s ovn tonic table drugs for improving the at petite, building strength, and clear ing the body of so-called shin troubles, by increasing the red-cells of the blood. SSS. is made from fresh Vegetable drugs and has stood the test of over. 100 years. , _ dll Druo Stores S.S.S. in tao sites. Ash for the larger It is more economi • Cawrrlsbt tm S.&S, Ca. ! to Gulf Coast Sec. Co., lot 9, sec. 249. Tex -Mex.. $100. S. E. Kieschnick to L. H. Mar cell. 3.34 acres out of lot 28-6, West addn. to Sharyland, $2875. Peter Iversen to Mrs. Alita C. Muir. S. 1-2 of S. 1-2 lot 4. blk. 43. Alamo Tract, subd., $1250. C. E. Guiqn et ux to M. R. Nel son, lot 2. blk. 63. McAllen. $10 etc. C. M. Swallow et ux to Sara Gon zales, lot 16, Swallow subd., $70. McAllen Firm Will Erect Warehouse • (Special to The Herald* McALLEN. Sept. 4—Negotiations between Wm. D. Cleveland & Son. Houston wholesale grocers and cot ton factors, and the Southern Pa cific railroad resulted in the leasing of a site on the South ern Pacific right-of-way in west McAllen by the grocery house on which will be erected a large ware house and branch office of the firm, according to L. L. ONeall. representative of the Cleveland concern and manager of the new branch. The warehouse and its great stock of foodstuffs will represent an in vestment of approximately $100, 000. according to Mr. ONeall. The structure is expected to be ready for occupancy about October 1, and at that time all patrons of the company in the Upper Valley will be served from the McAllen branch instead of the San Benito branch, as has been the custom in the past. Brownsville Tough, Austin Coach Says AUSTIN, Sept. 5.—Pacing a stiff schedule, the Austin high school Ma roons have settled down to a busi ness-like grind under Coach Benny Strickland. There are now 42 men out for the squad and it will proba bly grow a bit alter school opens. Strickland has announced. The coach says his problem at present seems one of developing a strong reserve. The team ull aver age around 160 pounds with most of the beef in the line. The Maroons face a schedule that may prove disastrous to them. They battle two teams out of their own district in Beaumont and Temple, and each of them are strong. In the district Coach Strickland looks for the most trouble from Brownsville and Robstown. with Brackenridge and Main avenue both tough cus tomers in the making. spud ’forfeiture’ is CALLED ‘NO CONTEST’ DALLAS, Sept 5.—(JP)—Because the overt act for which Monday's Fort Worth-Wichita Falls game was forfeited to Fort Worth by the um pire apparently was the act of an Ir responsible player and no team col lusion was shown. William B. Rug gles. acting president of the Texas league, has thrown the game out of the records as “no contest." SCOUT FUND TOTAL REACHES $2,100 The Brownsville Boy Scout fund now has reached a total of $2,100. it was anncunced Thursday by Ed Mockbee, chairman of the drive. Two special committees are now In the field and scout officials hope the $3,500 quota will be reached within the near future. brownsvilleTmXsons AID WESLACO RITES A number of Brownsville Masons were to make a tri pto Weslaco to day afternoon to aid in conferring the master's degree at that city. Certificate Masons from all parts of the Valley are expected to at tend. The event will be staged at the Masonic hall at 8 p. m. THANK PATRONS OF INSTITUTE Resolution Commends Par ticipants; Extend* Sym pathy to Yoe Family A resolution thanking all who took part In the Cameron County Teachers' institute and extending sympathy to Supi. J. T. Yoe and family in the recent death of their sen, Sam. has been adopted by the resolutions committee of the body: The resolution follows: We, the committee appointed to draft resolutions for the Cameron County Teachers Institute met in ses sion at Los Presnos Aug. 29 and 30, 1929. beg to submit the following re port: 1. Whereas: Mr. Bowles, the board of trustee of Los Presnos independ ent school district, end the people cf I/>s Fresnos hare planned and ar ranged a very satisfactory institute, and. 2. Whereas: Mrs. W. R Jones and the program committee have made and managed well an exeel’ent pro gram for this institute, and 3. Whe’rns; M-s. L. A. Jegou and Mrs. W. E. Trantham have prepared and n-esentrd a verv excellent pro gram in primary methods of instruc tion. end. 4. Whereas: Sn*aVe-s. music teach ers. mns^ians. end oth?-s who have ass’sted ir> rendering the musical "umbers have giv^n excellent ad dress.; and nvdcal renditions and. 5. Whereas: The committee on re frrshments heve provided in a sat isfactory manner lunches «nd re freshments. be it resolved: That this institute express their ano-ecietfon by offering a vote of thanks for these services as stated. B* it further resolved that we ex tend our svmnathv to Mr. T. J. Yoe «nd family in their bereavement in the loss of their son. Sam, Committee; N O RARCO. Chairman. L. n C-ai». A. F. Chalk . NEW YORK. — Monsieur Jules Anaaldi, who runs a big bar In gav Paree popular with Americans. Is here to arrange for a supply of fresh clams. A consignment will be shipped to him every ten days. His patrons demand juice from fresh ones: the bottled stuff will not ao. Geo. L. Kelly is here from Hous ton. H. J. Wilson of San Antonio, is in town. Sam Rodgers arrived from Hous ton to look after business. Kathryne Bramlette, of Austin, came in Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Hunter and their daughter, all of Galveston, are visiting the city. L. O. Hegner, of Chicago, Is In town. Billie Wood is here from Wichita. Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Preston. Mrs. Julia Houston and Miss Katherine Preston mr* e up a party here from Austin for the week-end. H. P. Reeder, of Adelaida, Mex., is in town. E. Jester is here from Dallas. G. N. Barlow and O. G. Pitshar rls. both of Houston, are here on • business. R. C. Paul, of Dallas, is spend ing a few days here lookln after bus ! mess. A. Wiedenfeld is here on a busi ness trip. J. H. Dishman, of Combes, is in town. I i F Woolens A for Early Fall travel crepes tweeds wool I georgettes tf S. Suits in one, two, and three piece 1 models—dresses in chic styles— crepe, tweed, and georgette wool ens all combine to make this group of dresses one of the smart est for fall. Light in weight, they are ideal for sport or campus wear. l 1^^—~^—————■—m U? l| || ^ Jk No Phone or 0 r* 1% ill £Jk i Mailorder. M i Am m JL Slmdr JlTL JL On Special. ! _ SPECIALS | CLOSES j EVENING |Lf ft 1 1i\0dO aCK , /z?^/ Ch^abeth jStreet OUC vania infants socks. 35c 6’9c “Vanta” infants stockings. 49c 50c “Vanta” infants vests, assorted styles. 36c 59c “Vanta” infants vests. 39c 98c “Vanta” infants vests. 69c 75c ‘‘Vanta” infants binders. 45c 90c “Vanta” infants lisle unions. 59c $1.25 and $1.35 “Vanta” assorted unions. 95c $1.75 and $1.98 “Vanta” assorted unions.$1.45 25c Colored Organdies only. 14c 45c and 59c assorted Print and Plain Fabrics . .29c 35c Fancy and Solid Colors Oil Cloth.22c 25c Colors odds stock soisette. 19c 52r to 85c Solid Colors Voiles .50c 50c Assorted print voiles. 33c 69c and 75c Printed Organdy.43c 90c and 98c Printed Organdy.61c 75c Fancy Oil Cloth Table Covers.46c 95c Fancy Oil Cloth Table Covers.66c 35c and 45c Martex Guest Size Towels.17c 25c Colored Border Huck Towels. .19c 25cFruit of Loom 36 inch Cambric or Nainsook .... 17c $1.00 Ranger 63x90 Sheets only.90c 33c Ranger Pillow Cases.23c $1.25 Fruit of Loom Hemstitch Sheets.$1.07 $1.59 Fruit of Loom Hemstitch Sheets.$1.31 $1.95 Fruit of Loom Hemstitch sheets ..$1.65 98c Wamsutta Percale Pillow Cases.75c $3.25 Wamsutta Percale hemstitch sheets.$2.92 $3.75 Wamsutta Percale Hemstitch Sheets . , . .$3.43 $3.98 W'amsutta Percale hemstitch sheets .$3.63 $4.50 Wamsutta Percale Hemstitch Sheets.$4.04 35c and39c New Drapery Cretonnes..20c 45c to 59c New Drapery Cretonnes .34c 75c New Everfast Drapery Cretonnes.54c 90c Everfast Drapery Cretonnes.66c $2.69 and $2.75 Ecru Lace Curtains only.$1.29 ($3.75 and 'f4.50 Ecru Lace Curtains only.$1.95 $5.00 Natural Color Lace Curtains only.$1.98 59c Natural Silk Pongee .38c I $1.00 Heavy Rough Colored Pongee.70c $1.10 Good Quality Radium, all shades.84c $1.25 Heavy Sport Satin, 39 inch, all shades . . . .89c $1.50 Beautiful Glitter&v Satin, all shades.$1.11 $1.35 Washable Crepe Chine.$1.19 ! $1.50 Washable Crepe Chine . . . .*. 1.39 i $1.75 Exquisite Crepe Chiffon only.$1.44 $1.85 Sheer Quality Georgette Crepe.$1.28 $1.98 Fine Texture Flat Crepe.$1.61 $1.93 New Heavy Quality Georgette. . —.$1.80 $2.25 Print Crepe Chine only. $1.57 $2.25 Mallinsons Indestructible Voile.$1.55 $2.25 Satin and Flat Crepe.$1.65 $2.93 and $2.50 Black Flat Crepes .$1.99 $2.50 New Print Flat Crepe. $1.98 $2.00 New Satin Crepe, all shades.$1.79 $2.50 New Print Crepe Chiffons.$1.84 $2.75 Print Crepe Chine.$2.05 P5c New Dotted Swiss only. . 67c $3.95 and $4.50 Van Raalte or Claussner Hose. . .$2.63 $3.50 Van Raalte or Claussner Lace Clocks ... .$1.91 $3.00 Logan or Claussner Chiffon Hose.$2.02 $2.50 Gordon White with Black Clocks Chiffons $1.89 $2.25 Gordon V-Line Chiffons.$1.82 $2.00 Gordon V-Line Sheer Service Hose ...... .$1.80 $2.00 Gordon Black Points V-Line.....$1.81 $2.00 Claussner Beautiful Chiffons ... .$1.54 $1.98 Dexdale 3-Point Chiffon Hose. .. ..$1.52 $1.98 Gordon Lace Clock Chiffons.$1.53 $1.95 Van Raalte and Phoenix Chiffons.$1.32 $1.95 Pointex All Silk Chiffon Hose .$1.51 $1.95 Light Service Silk Hose.$1.41 $1.50 Pointex All Silk Chiffons.*..$1.21 $1.35 Pointex Light Service Silk Hose..$1.14 $1.50 Gdds Stock Silk Hose.$1.10 $1.00 Ladies’ Novelty Thread Silk Hose.66c 50c Odds Stock Misses Socks. 36c $1.25 Hollywood roll silk socks. 62c $1.25 ‘‘Kickernick” nainsook combinettes .$1.02 $1.69 Ladies’ embroidered batiste gowns.$1.16 $1.75 Ladies’ Philippine embroidered g<.wns . . . $1.30 $1.98 Ladies’ Philippine embroidered gowns . . $1.50 $2.25 Ladies’ Philippine embroidered gowns . . . $1.70 $2.98 Ladies’ Philippine embroidered gowns . . $2.45 $4.98 Odds millinery stock.$1.45 $14.98 Ladies’ silk dresses at.$6.19 35c Lace gown yokes. 15c 49c and 50c Lace gown yokes.. 30c 75c and 85c Lace gown yokes. 50c 59c Children’s collar and cuff sets, lace cr linen. 39c $1.00 and 98c Collars, vestees, sets ladies’ neckwear—organdy, silk or lace. 75c $1.50 Assorted lace neckwear only.. $1.00 $2.25 and $1.98 Assorted silk or lace neckwear $1.50 $2.98 Hand fagotted, or iace neckwear only. .. .' $2.25 $4.50 and $3.50 Hand-made lace or silk neckwear.$3.00 $5.50 Hand-made l§ce collars...$3.75 Odds lace cuffs only, pair.. 10c 45c Steel sev/ing scissors. 29c 55c Steel sewing scissors... 38c $1.98 Fancy crepe chine step-ins...,. $1.60 $2.98 Fancy crepe chine step-ins.$2.30 $4.7< and $4.98 Crepe chine gowns.$4.10 $5.98 and $6.50 Crepe chine gowns.$5.10 95c White 36-inch rubber sheeting . .. 78c $1.10 White-maroon 36-inch mbber sheeting . .. 91c $1.98 Infants embroidered voile dresses.$1.33 $2.98 Infants embroidered voile dresses.$1.98 $1.25 and $1.50 Infants nainsook dresses ...... 89c $1.75 Infants Philippine nainsook dresses ..... $1.25 $1.98 Infants Philippine nainsook dresses .... $1.39 Odds embroideries stock.. • • •. 8c 10c Odds bias tape stock. 4c 5c Dozen snap fasteners, dozen... 2c 5c Dozen assorted size white bone buttons ..... 2c 50c Assorted odd ladies’ leather belts .. 29c 95c Silk and rubber infants pants *.. 69c 8 Yards good quality dimity check for.$1.00 7 Spools black or white Coats thread for. 25c