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STEER-SPUD BILL SPLIT Tight Games at Dallas Give Leaders Edge As Buffs Drop Two » ——— w Pitchers enjoyed a large after noon In the Texas league yesterday, turning In three shutouts, not Counting a 0-to-0 tie, and four one run games. Dallas and Wichita Falls, in their Rouble-header in Steer stadium, dis played the best pitching of the day, the two teams scoring but three runs between them in 16 innings. Wichita lost the first game. 1 to 0, when Charlie Bamabe, who has been in a bad slump, turned in a three-hit game. The second game Was a 1 -to-1 standoff, but the UUs Were more frequent. In spite of the fact they didn’t win anything in Dallas thi Spud ders gained a few points in the league standing over their nearest rival. Houston, as the Buffs drop ped both ends of a double header in Beaumont. Hank Thormahlen turned in the most spectacular individual pitch ing feat of the day mowing down IS San Antonio batters and allow ing only three hits. The Cubs, in the meantime, hit freely and won 4 to 0. The second game .as tighter, 8an Antonio winning 3 to 1. The double shutout occurred at Shreveport where Meadows and Williamson allowed one hit each In the five-inning game between Shreveport and Fort Worth, with the result that the score was 0 to 0 when the game ended. Shreveport won the first game, 8 to 4 the freest hitting and scoring game of the day. Mrs. Davis to Head McAllen Cafeteria 'Special to The Herald! M ALLEN. Sept. 5.—Mrs. J. R Davis has been appointed by trus tees of the McAllen high sc 100I ca feteria which is to be established as soon after the. opening of school as possible. Equipment for the cafeteria has already been purchased and is be lieved that the rating place is one of the most modernly equipped in South Texas. CHILD BORN (Special to The Herald) WESLACO. Sept. 6.—Word conics Irom Erick. Oklahoma, of the birth of a nine and one-half ground daugh ter. Kathleene. to Mr. and Mrs Ross Countryman Mr and Mrs Countrv man were former residents of this community. Makes You Look Years Younger The skin of youth lies in every box ^cf new wonderful MELLO-GLO Tare Powder. The purest powder made—its color is passed bv the U. S. Government. No pastiness, flaki ncss or irritation. A new French process makes it spread mere smoothly and prevents large pores. No more shiny noses—it stavs on longer. Use MELLO-C.LO Cisne ros L.'ug StOits. T raction! “Caterpillar ’ TRACTION conquers the most stubborn soils ... bridges the gullies and ditches ... rides confidently up steep hills.. . ripples over the wet spots, sand or \ a soft seed bed without packing. “Cater pillar’ traction grips ... not slips. Power is saved for bigger tools behind. And those things mean BETTER. QUICK ER, CHEAPER farming. 1 Golay Kirkpatrick T ractor and Implement Company 1113-17 West Jackson — Phoiie 1030 HARLINGEN, TEXAS [ jgjggjgiiig Gridiron Signals Designed To Clarify Plays for Fans I I f\n *» . I s" JACK Sports Cartoonist Writer for Central PrfM Patterned somewhat after the system by which an umpire signals base , ball spectators his decision on plays and pitched balls, the new official football "penalty code" is going to make things a lot easier and more i pleasant tor Mr. Grid Fan this fall. The official—referee, umpire or linesman—calling the play will give ' the signal. Here’s the code: 1. SAFETY—Right arm raised, first two fingers opened. 2. OFFSIDE—One arm extended, index fmger pointing at offender, 3. DEAD BALL—Right arm raised over head, palm forward. 4 HOLDING—Both arms extended shoulder high, tight hand grasp lng left wrist. 5 CLIPPING, ROUGHING. PILING ON—Right arm extended to side i and extended upward from elbow, fist clenched. fi. INCOMPLETE PASS OR MISSED GOAL-Arms crossed before bodv, palms down. 7. TOUCHDOWN OR GOAU—Both arms raised overhead, palms for ward. 8. TOUCHBACK—Arms raised over head, crossed at wrists. f> PENALTY DEADLINED—Richt arm raised in saluting position. IP FOUL ON BOTH SIDES—Both arms raised over head, finger tips touching and palms down. 11. INTERFERENCE—Both arms extended m posture suggesting “warding off." CABLED DOES ‘Continued trom page 6> four limes before Bill passed the goal line standing up. Coach Doug Fessenden is well pleated with the early season show ing of the Eagles. "They look like an outfit of scrapper* who should make their presence felt in the class "A” circles," Fessenden said. Dan Barnhart's punting and John (Leche) Sylvester’s kicking from placement also stood out. Coach "Soc" Plato grinned broad ly as he looked over his class * B * aggregation. "Doug can take all he wants, and I'll still have a good squad." Plato said. "I’m a little shy on backs, but I have lots of good line material." he said. Tfere are now* about 50 or 55 gridders out for the Eagle squads. Minister Named In Divorce Suit FORT WORTH. Sept. 5 —(4s)—'The a serted frequency of a pastor's visits to the home of one of his parishioners. Mrs Roger Vinson, had been described to the jury in the Vinsons’ divorce suit today. The Rev. L. T Grantham, wit nesses said. w*as forced to resign his charge bearuse of the gossip occa sioned by his calls at the home dur ing Vinson's absence Mrs. Vinson denied she had im proper relations with the minister. «aying he came to see her only to discuss church work. The Rev. Mr. Grantham is named as corespond ent. San Benito Schools Will Open Monday <Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO. Sept. 5.-^hools here will open Monday of next week, according to Supt. Thomas J. Yoe. who returned to the city re cently from a trip to western states Mr. Yoe has been teaching during the summer session in Austin. The faculty is intact, he said, and preparations have been completed for the opening of schools. Her Mad Search for ROMANCE The Story of a Discontented Wife THOUGH knew her husband quiet, serious-minded husband slowly loved her, life was dull tor Ruby* roused her spirit of revolt. Whv not She wanted attention, flattery, some snatch this chance lot happiness while it one to worship her beauty* lay within her reach? Then camejerry Draco, gar,charming, 'Til eo with vn„—•• .k» handsome—with dark eves that glowed 7. ”* with adoration, and invited romance. lhc >her Ups to , —U ruuiaucc. his. But the nest instant, following At first it was just a harmless flirta- Jerry's startled gaae, Ruby whirled. In tion—a make-believe romance. But one the doorway stood her husband—his eightv while aIooc together, Jerry *ud- face white, his eyes gleaming with denly caught her in his arms. wrath,Fascinated with fearthey watched "Yon arc beautiful," he whispered. him as he advanced slowly, and— I want you. Come a wav you will want to finish with me, sweetheart. Ill j—-—-i this startling real-life give you everything— -S Partial Contents^. story entitled, "Because money, clothes, jewels, tor October She Was Beauttfa!," to Th«D*,iIlnHi, Soul Sav you’ll come." My Mad Flirtation ^ ^ A* h is words re- What One Woman H-*h*eJesttn~-j FrH?y echoed tn her brain, the Did for Love I mtiht mr WABC snd tht thought of the dull cats- House of Lost Souls Oltmhts Chen. Cinnlt fcnee she lived with her 1 Sbe Doomed YmrFsfmf„ Exmct Turn. October Out Now! True tory At All Newsstand*—only 2Sc ADVERTISING OF * * * COLLEGE FALSE, * * * STUDENT CLAIMS (Special to The Herald! SAN BENITO. Sept. 5—Valley chambers of commerce have been requested by J. O. Gamer, appar ently a student of the University of Texas, to take some action to prevent what he terms as extrava gant claims” of the South Texas Teachers College at Kingsville to affiliation and recognition of its courses and degrees .such claims being made, according to the stu dent. in advertisements of the col lege. Gamer sets forth that he lost a year's work, due to the fact that all of his work at the South Tex as institution was not recognised at the University of Texas, and accuses officials of the college of ‘knowingly allowing high school graduates to form false estimates of the recognition given the Bach elor of Arts degree by standard institutions.” The young man sent the letter to J. E. Bell, secretary of the Ban Benito chamber of commerce, who replied that the advertisements and courses of the college were outside the scope of his organiza tion. EXPERT URGES INDIVIDUALITY Rotary Speaker Deplores 'Blanket Prescript ion’ Of School System * Change the system to allow for individual differences, rather than try to change the individual to fit the system,” was the educational theory advocated by Ben D. Wood, herd of the bureau of educational research at Columbia university, in a talk to the Rotary club Wednes day. “Under the present system, a blanket prescription is forced on all children in the puliltc schools, re gardless of tastes and ability, with the result that most pupils waste a great deal of time on subjects for which they have no inclination, and will never have any use in later life.” Wood declared. “I shudder to think of what might have hap pened had not Edison, Ford. Issac Newton and most of our other great thinkers and inventors managed to evade the stifling experience of a formal education.” Miss Bertha Young, a student of music In the conservatory at Bos ton. who has been home on her va cation, favored the club with two piano solos which were well re ceived. In pursuance of a program of in dustrial talks given by members of the club. Mike Groom, manager of the Rio Grande Valley Gas com pany here, gave an interesting ac count of the Valley's gas supply. George White was presented by W. 8 West. president of the club, with a button for 100 per cent at tendance during the past year. Nurse Gains 7 Lbs. In 2 Weeks With Yeast and Iron "I am & nurse at the hospital.* writes Miss Martha Bums, ‘and 1 want to let you know that I am glad to recommend your Ironizcd Yeast. * It gav eme a good appetite. 1 got strong and gamed 7 pounds in 3 weeks I could write all d*v about how much good Iromzed Yeast did me. You woul dbe surprised at. the strength I gained in 3 or 4 days ” People everywhere are amazed at the wonderful benefit* of Ironlzed Yeast. Many wTite they w^ere doubt ful when thev started But after taking it regularly for only 3 or t weeks they gamed 5 to 15 pounds Ugly hollows fill out. Skmny limbs become gracefully rounded. Blem ished skin gets clear and beautiful Only when Yeast Is Ironlzed is i1 more effective—for Iron is needed te bring out the weight-building and strengthening value* of Yeast Pleasant tablets in a handy bottle Never cause gas or bloating. Safe no harmful drugs. So certain and quick are the amazing health benefits of Ironized Yeast that the small amount you pay for the first bottle will be promptly refunded by your own druggist or the manufacturer if you are not delighted. DANCY’S NEW PAVING PLAN WOULD ASSURE BOND ISSUE , FOR ROAD TO BOCA CHICA .^ _ ' ' 111 Continuing his efforts to break the dead-lock that now exists and to get the county paving program under way again. Judge O. C. Dancy has evolved another plan which he believes should satisfy the largest number of people in the county. This plan will probably be placed before the commissioners' court for consideration Monday. Its outstanding point is that it complies with the demands of the Harlingen water district, supple menting the fund put up by the San Benito precinct in order to ex tend the Dobbs and Wedegartner contract in such a manner as t» complete the paving to Rangerville with grading and structures on the Military road. The proposed order provides that contract for the Rangerville paving would be let as soon after the grad ing and structures were assured as possible but that this paving con tract be executed only after the Harlingen irrigation district had agreed to reorganise in such a manner as to remove the indebt edness of that district as an ob stacle to issuance of the remaining road bonds. This would permit the county to issue bonds in such amounts as to permit paving of the Boca Chica road out of the Brownsville per centage of the money. Military Road Pavement It paves the two gaps in the Mili tary road. This means protection of all the riVer levees and of all the pumping plants for the 15 water districts in the county, Dancy ex plained. Judge Dancy especially points out that except for the amount oi money put up bv the San Benito precinct in the Dodds and Wede gartner contract now held in escrow, it does not touch any part of the six million dollar county road bond issue voted Jan 29. 1937 and therefore does not affect the Harlingen resolution. However, bv the unanimous consent of all mem bers of the court it can later be repaid out of the fifth or sixth million dollars of these bonds which are yet to be issued and also with such unanimous consent of ! all members of the court could be loaned temporarily out of the fifth ! or sixth million. This money would not touch the ! road and bridge maintainance fund i received from the 15 cent tax. as' I it comes from the county's prepor i tion of the auto license fees and | fum fines. Last year Cameron ; county's auto license fees were approximately $100,000. It is doubt j ful. however, whether all of the I fund can be met from this money, j f Judge Dancy believes that if any, j three members of the commission- J I ere court are re-electd, "every i penny of this financing will come ; from auto fees and fines, but we J I can't guarantee beyond our term.' Tax Rate Not Increased "If warrants have to be issued.! it will not increase the tax rate one j cent as even this year we have it; to the 15 cent maximum, under the constitution. We have around $350 - ; 000 of 6 per cent time warrant is-1 suing capacity. We pledge our- j selves not to put warrants on the J open market as such but to re-1 fund them Into bonds at a lower rate of interest, that is, if such be comes absolutely necessary.” *‘We pledge ourselves that if the worst comes to the worst and we have to issue and market time war rants or bonds refunding such war rants. then we are to issue and sell so much of the six million as may equal the tune warrants or bonds so issued. In other words, we will not increase the interest bearing debt above the six million authoriz ed during our term and we have no control after our term closes," Judge Dancy continued. “Whether or not this is a good plan, it is better than no plan at mil. I invite constructive criticism from the press and tax payers." the judge concluded. Judge Dancy estfnates this pro posed program would cost approxi mately $315,00. NEW MTP. TICKET" AGENT ARRIVES W. B. George has just arrived and taken over his duties as ticket agent lor the Missouri Pacific lines, lie succeeds A. R. Thompson, who has been transferred to Austin. Georgs comes from Beaumont. STARCHY FOOD | DIGESTANT ANTI-ACID I MEAT*AND MILK I j DIGESTANT || I You ran treat your ftomarh t roubles in a new and better way with this mw discovery—ACIDJNE—almost magi cal m its action. INDIGESTION AND IT3 R I - BULTS, SOI R STOMACH. GAS, BILIOUSNESS. HOLDS, SIC K HEADACHE. ACIDOSIS. ACID RHEUMATISM fall ea<*y victim* to the greatest advance la the treatment cf th-*e troubles ever made. ACIDINE contains the ma-t effective known starch direstsmt called "Jap taae.’* It liquifies potatoes, bread, rice, cereals and other starchy foods so that instead of remaining ttiasenn solid, fermenting, acid mass, the** fooda pass out of the stomach in a sweet, liquid condition with other foods. Till» ST ARC Mi DIG E6TANT WILL DIGEST A'H) TIMES 1T» WEIGHT OF STARCHY FOODS, AND IS HARMLESS YOU CAN RIND If IN NO OTHER MEDI CINE. ACIPINB ft guaranty! to relievo YOUR trouble. If it doemt. any dnegist aid return your monry. Your drueitust ha* It, or write Health Eaboraionc.*, Pittsburgh, Pa. i,■, * y 'ft Harry’* / Club House 5c-CIGAR-5t A reel smoke at a real price . .. and cool, oh mao! Sold by Harry’s Cigar Stores And AH Valley Leading Dealers \ _ ___ -For Sale 34-foot Cruiser, Sea Skiff designed, Speed 24 M. P. H. 1 "'■" *■ 1 -** ___.r l ___~ Powered with 2 ninety H. P. Kermathi, me dium duty marine motors. Berths, toilet, galley, ice box, lavatories, equipment for * deep sea fishing or cruising. Demonstration by appointment P. O. Box No. 155 Olm.’to, Texas COME HOME FROM A PARTY"*AND CRY ? | This is one of the startling questions under Key No. 1545 in / ! the hook, "Find Yourself"—the fascinating study of YOU. It asks many frank questions and gives as many frank answers. Things you thought nobody knew or even suspected. Intimate things that have much to do with your life, your personal | happiness. "Find Yourself,” the question-and-answer book, sells reg ularly for 50c. For a limited time, it will be given absolutely free with a dollar purchase of any of the Armand Beauty Aids —easily worth a dollar in their own right. And the book may be the difference between happiness and social misery. < "Find Yourself' lays bare professional secrets that every woman ought to possess. Just buy a dollar's worth of Armand preparations at any toilet-goods counter, and ask for the free book. Don't let this free offer slip by 1 • Armand Cold Cream Powder 4 t. Soft and dinging as velvet. Stage all day long. In all popular shades. $1. For a natural, lasting suntan* try GHANA. Armand Cleansing Cream * * i A liquefying, penetrating cream which dcauses, refreshes and soothes the skin. 50c. SI and $1.25. Armand Foundation Creme i t. The perfect powder-base. Delightfully tones and protects the skin. $1. Armand Zanzibar Lip Stick . For lips alluring, use this smart, deep cherry tint. The modern vogue demands it. $1. Armand Astringent . i . Use it after dc-nuang-cream. Reduces the pores and firms the skin. $1. ' SELECT A DOLLAR’S WORTH OF ARMAND BEAUTY AIDS— GET THE BOOK, “FIND YOURSELF," FREE