Newspaper Page Text
Newcomers Want Furnished Apartments— Your Ad on This Page Will Reach Them I LOST AND FOUND * LOST Diamond Bar Pin Bet with large diamond and four sapphires; vicinity of S P. depot. Liberal reward. Write Box U-27. Herald. U-27 " ■» ■ LOST—On highway between Los Eba nos and downtown district leather purse containing small amount of money and passport. Finder please re turn to 633 Washington, or phone 1062-M. *T-266 LOOT IN 8AN BENTTO Wednesday ing. 6 small keys on keyring Be to John C. Clark and receive suit reward. O-U PERSONAL - - - I THE MEDICAL ARTS HOSP1T.VL Of Edinburg. Texas, will start a new class for student nurses Sep*wnher 15 Any one wbo desires to enter this class should write at once to Superintendent i of Nurse*. Medical Arts Hospital. Ed Inburg. Texas T-8C LOOT-Wednesday night. Business and Professional Woman's Club pin: Initialsi J. o. B.” on back; reward Phone 100 1 or 146 U-26 .... ! •IELP WANTED WANTED—Waitresses. Plaza Hotel. Corpus Christl; »35 00 per month and meals. Apply Mr Holmes. Manager ! W-17' SALESMEN—AGENTS ( MAN OR WOMAN WANTED with am bition and Industry, to Introduce and supply the demand for Rawlelgh'* Household Products to steady users Several fine openings In San Benito. Harlingen. Mission. Edinburg and Mc Allen. and nearby towns. We train and help you. Rawlelgh dealers can make up to 9100 a week or more. No ezpe- j rlence necessary. Pleasant, profitable, dignified work. Write today W. T. Rawlelgh Co., Dept TX-8053. Memphis. Tenn. T-l SITUATIONS WANTED POSITION WANTED—Office work or , typewriter copy work to do at home, j Mrs O Whitlock. 15th and W St. | Charles 8t TJ-3S ~~aFtomoti\b ~ POR SALE—Equity In new Ford car. for Information apply Brownsville Ice company. W-12 CADILLAC PHAETON for sale by own er: good condition all round: can be seen at Brownsville Nash Co . 1327 street. U-6 FOR 8ALE TWO FORDSON TRACTORS In good shape Very reasonably pi Iced. Phone or see John B Pucket. Care Rio Grande Valley Trust Co ill “a Classified Business Directory j ___ ! ARCHITECTS BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architect*—Engineers 908 Merchants Bank Bldg Phone 617 Brownsville. Texas E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect 1-12 Security State Bank Building Weslaco. Texas E. B. GORE Civil end Consulting Engineer Room 408. State'" National Bank Brownsvillt. Texas. Phone im AUTO REPAIRING ^ M. A. Newman Garage in rear of Bell Service Station Specializing in Carburetor and Ignit’on Work Brown*'Ule Auenry and ^ Stromberg Carburetors BUILDERS—CONTRACTORS PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors 528 Washington 5t. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 E. M. RIDLEY General Contractor Roads, Land Leveling, Plowing. Sub-soiling wxcavations embankments ^ MERCHANTS NATL BANK BROWNSVILLE_ CASH REGISTERS Cash Registers Be y*tr To Yourself—See » REMINGTON Before You Buy. Reminptrr Cash Renter Ssles AgenCT McAllen Pho. 872 Brownsville. " dbay—transfer_ Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE SLEDS OK ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING 1106 Adams. _Phone 13» AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY Crating Shipping. Hauling Phones 421 and 619 EYE SPECIALIST M. LAN DIN Optometrist and Optician Bnedaltung in stra1 btenmg Crossed tyea Glass's Scientifically Pitted. Millar Hotel. Brownsville FLORISTS THE FLOWER SHOP bouquet? 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 BCWYER THE FLORIST, flowers ux) funeral designs. 8L Charles ind Pita streets Phone T7L t HOTELS—CAFES WHITE KITCHEN Famous for its Cooking—Immaculacy and Service The popular place for busin'** lunches 13th between Elizabeth sad Washington FINANCIAL LOANS On Improved residence end buslnaa property. Todd and Unaerwuod 105? Levee 8t Brownsville Tries MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate Your Mattress Wo make mattresses to order. Al) repair work guarmteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams _Phone C74_ NICKEL PLATING Electro-Nickel Plating We nickel plate bumpers, radiators, headlights, etc. Also mirrors plated VALLEY ELECTRO PLATING WORKS 15th and Polk. Phone 55 Brownsville. Texas. OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL • FILING. Equipment Maverick-Clarke Litho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 617—Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVES STATIONERY & BOOK STORE Brownsville. Texas FUNERALDIRITTORS I ROOFING THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO.. Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roof mg as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1168 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange < Brownsville's Typewriter House) Distributors. New L. C. Smith "Si lent” 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and “Factory” Rebuilts—all makes We repair all makes typewriter and add mg machines. 1112 Elizabeth St, Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER SALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repa rs Phone 506— Harlingen Exclusive Sales and Service UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COMPANY 128 S. First Phone 295 Harlingen P RO FES S lONAL ATTORNEYS RALPH A DUNKELBERU Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Seabury. George and Taylor Building Brownsville. Texas Davenport. West and Ransoms Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville Texas H. L. Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Brownsville's Supreme Residential Dis trict, carefully restricted, completely improved Homs sites from 81.300 00. easy terms James-Dickinson Co Realtors, corner El Jardlo Hotel Bldg. Brownsville. F. W. Howard RKAl ESTATL AND RENTALS Farm Property Large Tracts eg oitrus Lands Arcade Bldg. Phone 1000 AUTOMOTIVE j ICth & Adams Chevrolet Cabriolet. 1928. 4 new tires. Good finish. Motor A-l con dition .8585 Chevrolet Coach 1928. First-class mechanical condition. New Duco finish. Good tires .8435 Chevrolet Coach. 1926 Good Duco finish. Good tires. In good me chanical condition .1200 Chevrolet Coupe. 1926 Mechanical ly reconditioned. Good tires. Only . 1225 Ford Touring. 1926. New Duco fin ish. Mechanically reconditioned. Good ures .8175 Chevrolet Coach, 1928 New Duco finish. New tires. First-class me chanical condition .$450 Chevrolet Coupe. 1928 New Duco finish. Good mechanical condi tion. Good tires .1465 Chevrolet Roadster, 1927 With sltp-on body. New Duco finish. Good tires, Mechanically O. K. Only . $325 Chevrolet Truck. 1927. Mechanical ly reconditioned. New paint. Has r*b end stake body. Good tires. A bargain for .$385 Chevrolet Landau Sedan. 1927. New tires. Mechanically reconditioned. New Duco finish .$385 STEVENSON MOTOR CO.. Inc. Brownsville. Texas. WILL SACRIFICE—V-63 Cadillac. In first-class shape. San Benito. 300. T-252 | BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE—Beauty parlor doing good business. In best Valley town. Owner has other Business; $790 cash, balance $538. payable $15 a month. Address Brownsville Herald. T-269 FOR HALE Modem Tourist Camp on paved highway. M. B Bourne. Sebastian. Texas T-222 FOR SALE CHEAP—Rooming and ooardlng bouse furniture; doing good business 1022 and 1004 St. Charles street, call or see Jess Jones, phons 629-W. T_151 BEST LOCATED highway filling station sn Valley. Doing good business; stand strictest Investigation . Will pay you to investigate If looking for a good paying place Good reason for selling Write Box 16. Brownsville. W-8 PARTNER WANTED- Hustler with $1. 090 00 to take half Interest good filling station and garage Best location; good Valley town; establish»d business; need capital to expand Possible to make *75.00 re- week each. P. O. Box 1143 San Bentto. Texas. U-19 CAFE NOW doing good business; dandy location for the on-coming fall tourist Apply 948 Elizabeth Street. W-10 FOR SALE—Cleaning and tailoring business Cheap If sold at once See W M Nawller at Postoffice Barber shop. La Ferla. Texas W-ll -■———- j CAFE AND BAR doing best business In Matsmoros. Mexico, can be bought If , vou do not mean business and have not $10 090. please do not answer this ! ad Address C-4. Herald. U-4 FOR SALE—Interest and guaranteed royalty In valuable patent. Will pay 20 i P»r r»nt on investment. Need money 1 f l finance other patent. Address Box 1053. San Benito. Texas 0-25 "financial MONEY TO LOAN on city property Sam Hughston. Malt by Bldg. 8-247 MISCELLANEOUS PIANO TONINO. repairing Factory methods Estlmat»s free C R Smith Box 961. “hone 637. San Benito. T-141 ARTICLES FOR SALE NEW BABY GRAND PIANO reduced to half price. A real standard make P D Hambly. Box 562. phone 868-M Brownsville. T-101 MISCELLANEOUS household articles for sale. Stillman and St. Charles Phone 613. _ W-14 ELECTRIC VICTOR Orthophonic. near ly new. Half price F D Hambly. phone 8C3-M. Box 562. Brownsville. U-i NEED HELF? Read tbs Situations Wanted column. _ FOR SALE—Three-burner oil stove good as new. 1530 Garfield street, j Phone 1169-J. _ T-213 IT WILL PAY you to read the Want Ads thoroughly every day. ; BRIGHT CAJiE HAY for sale; $17 per ton. delivered. Phone 1393-W. T-241 ; FOR SALE—Full porcelain enamel Ro per gas range, almost new. and in per fect condition. Will sell at bargain Call 99.P-24 REAL ESTATE INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE then invest In Brownsville’s new business and residential sub-dlvltlon. located on 13th and 14th streets, one mile from Gateway Bridge, on the raatn thorough fare leading to the proposed ship channel, municipal air port. rich farming ttstrlct of El Jardin. and Boca Cbiea Beach Easy terms Ten per cent down, balance 5 years to pay. lease Dennett. phone427. Brownsville. Texas. FOR SALE—500 acres good potato and citrus land adjoining city limits of prosperous little town In the Valley. All In cultivation and subject to irrigation: 1300 acres of choice land in the brush adjoining the above 500 acres. A large part of the 1300 acres Is potato and cit rus land The entire body can be bought reasonable. F. W Howard T-271 FOR SALE or trade for Oklahoma city property 8 lots in Victoria Heights on 16th St. from Grant tc Hava; ten of the rinest Naval orange trees In the Valiev 36 other varieties. 12 vests old: 4 room house and garage; price 85000 00 some terms if desired E B. Gordon 1616 Havs Bt. Brownsville_T 165 Los Ebanos Lot We have been authorized by owner to tell bis beautiful Lot Ebanos lot for 41.000. terras can be arranged. This Is an unusual sacrifice Call Mr - Egan at Jamea-DIcklnaon phone 499. 8-119 FARMS FOB SALE ONE 8-ROOM 2-story nouse with three acres of land off Bora Chlca highway three miles from town at a sacrifice F. w. Howard, phone 1090. T-99 FARMS FOB SALE RIVER BANCO at bargain 71 acre* fine river land in cultivation; not in water district, but has pump site; price <190 per acre. Exclusively by Foetfer-Mooth art Co. V-36 TWO 10.ACRE citrus orchards near Harlingen. Trees about seven yean old and have good crop of fruit now. Price reasonable. P. W. Howard. Phone 1090 __ T-82 SACRIFICE—40 acres leas than two miles from Harlingen city limits and on road to be paved. All In cultivation, fair set of improvements and small cit rus fruit orchard Only <150 per acre Poeseseoln at once. S. C. Graham & Co., phone 179. Brownsville. Texas. _u-20 HOUSES FOR SALE SACRIFICE—New thoroughly modem 5-room house, best buy in Brownsville; small down payment, balance like rent. See Mrs Florence Stafford, owner. 1719 Haves street. Victoria Heights. Phone 1075-M. T-48 FOR SALE—Beautiful Los Ebanos home, five rooms, large lot: built of brick: wonderful exposure. Priced right. Terms can be arranged. Call Mr. Egan. Jamea-DIckinson Co. Phone 499 Home Dhone 1398-W T-38 FOR SALE—Fire-room bungalow, fine shape, cheap for cash. If looking for a home this can't be beat. See Mr. Kaiser, 814 East Polk street. Harlingen T-274 LOTS FOB SALE BEAUTIFUL LOS EBANOS LOT— Southeast exposure: must be sold at a sacrifice. Phone 1398-W. or call at No L Del Francis Apartments. Lae Ebanos 5-117 WELL LOCATED mt on Elizabeth street only >2750.00 Also an exception al bargain In a nice large well located heuse on St. Charles street. Phone 179 or P O Box C34, Brownsville, Texsx. W-7 BUSINESS PROPERTY” BRICK 8TORE building for sale. Box 777. Donna. Texas. U-33 TIME well spent Is time spent reading the Classified Ad*. BUY OR EXCHANGE WILL TRADE house for good Ford. 1926 or 1927 model; or will sell cheap for cash. Phone 500 during day. U-29 KINTAL FOR RENT—25x50 feet store building corner 9th and Adams. Call Teller! C75-J. W-15. IF YOU HAVE houses for rent list them with Howard, phone 1090 T-102 FOR RENT—50 acres potato land. Irri gated Call at 101 Adams street, or phone 561. T.97 APARTMENTS APARTMENT FOR RENT—Reasonable: one block from boulevard, two blocks from nigh school Bath, lights, water, gas Phone and garage Apply 45 W : St. Charles, upstairs. T-175 ' FURNISHED 3-room apartment: lights, j wa;y. telephone, garage; <27.50. Call I 412 Levee Bt. U-30 1 JUNKIN APARTMENT. Palm Blvd.. two blocks from college; 6-room apartment; 3 bed-oams. living room, dining room i and kitchen; beautifully furnished ! _ W-91 3-ROOM FURNISHED apartment, ga rage. 1133 W. Levee. Apply Marshall Watson. State National bank T-189 FOR RENT—Well rurnlshed apart meat: also south side sleeping room Close in Phene 189. T-63 FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT,"""beautiful!v furnished Phone 1234-W W-9 FITCH APARTMENTS - Corner Bt Charles and West Eighth street; four rooms beauttfully furnished; delight fully cool; Frtgldalre: gas. hot water, hardwood floors throughout; gnrage Phone 558 T-132 2-ROOM APARTMENT; private bath; screened porch; garage; modern con veniences Phone 442. T-213 FOR RENT—2. 3 and 4-room apart ments. modern and clean; also single rooms In private home; convenient for teachers; <4 and 85 per week: block from high school. 46 First and Wash ington. T-230 COMPLETELY FURNISHED 2-room south anartment. <22.50; 3-room apart ment. <25. Telephone 946-W. U-3 FOR ^ENT—New coot ipanamts and rooms Phone 657-J 8-170 SWEENY APARTMENTS - Well fur n'shed apartments. southeast ex posure: modern, electrical refrigera tion. garage, maid service: everything for housekeeping. Phone 1038. W First and Adams. T-113 ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely fur nished. Corner Sixth and Levee Phone 839 P-206 CONLEY' APARTMENTS—Cool, and all conveniences. 357 W Levee or phone 847-R. Q-211 ROOM and apartment on cool side; modern. Phone 739-W. 1400 Adams T-249 WE HAVE both furnished and unfur nished apartments and unfurnished houses Howard, phone 1090 T-102 FOR RENT—Furnished or unfurnished apartment; upstairs; all conveniences. 1517 Madison.T-162 APARTMENT FOR RENT on paved street; gas and everything furnished, also furnished bedroom Phone 429 T-275 SOUTH SIDE attractive duplex: nicely furnished, all conveniences. No. 1112 West Elizabeth Phone Carlos O. Wat son. T-277 FURNISHED APARTMENT—2 rooms; private bath; gas; garage; 330. 1248 W Washington. Phone 820-J U-2B FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED apartments over M. System Store. West Elizabeth. Phone 673 or see Walker Craig Co. U-23 2-ROOM APARTMENT, furnished or unfurnished. Also one garage, one block from poetofflce. Phone 1227-W U-23 FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS AND APARTMENTS—Reason able rates. Gleuwood Hotel. Phone 619 P-1K BEDROOM AND APARTMENT two blocks from poetofflce; hot water, gas 1005 St Charles Phone 1340-W U-2 VERY COOL front room, hot and cold water bath, very desirable Phone 485 T-163 FOR RENT to gentleman, upstairs cool room, nicely furnished, betb adjoin ing. hot and cold water. 622 St.' Charles street Phone 658 T-206 ROOM—Private entrance. adjoining bath, hot and cold water, gas. Couple or gentlemen preferred. 343 Levee 6t T-273 FURNISHED ROOMS—South exposure very close in; reasonable. 942 Levee. T-112 ROOMS AND BOARD BOARD AND ROOM in private family for voung man Phone 552 T-49 BOUSES ~ FOR RENT—4-room cottage and bath. Apply 709 Uth street. T-246 CLASSIFIED RATES and RULES Advartiaraents will b« Accepted over the telephone tram telephone subscribers, or from thoee baring regular charge account* Other claaetfled advertising must be ac companied by cash. No adverttetog accepted on an 'until forbid" order. A specified number of insertion* must be given. The Herald reserves the right to place all advertisement* under the proper classification, and reject unclean or objectionable copy. Obltuarlaa. reeoluttons. and cards of thanks will be taken at the reg ular classified rata. The publishers are not responsi ble for copy, omissions, typograph ical error or any unintentional er ror that may occur, farthe: than to correct in the next leeu* alter it t* brought to their attention. All ad vertising orders are accepted on this basis only. Telephone No. 8 and dictate your advertisement to an experienced classified writer. To Insure publication earns day ropy should be presented not later than 10:30 a m. Copy for Sunday issues should be la not ister then 1:30 p. m. Saturdays to insure proper Classification. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES JO words cr leas, one in sertlon.SOu Over 20 words, one insertion. per word .life. I Siioseouent insertions run con secutively. per word. le By month, per word.23c Minimum for monthly rate. 10 words No classified advertisement ac cepted for less than.30c LOCAL READER RATES Readers, per count Une. 20c— Per Inch .81 JO Second and third days. 17c imr une. fourth, fifth and sixth days. 15c per une; 7 consecutive days. IV oer une. !10l)St> ~OR SALE FOR RENT—Well furnished 6-room house: modern. See B. K. Upton, 1417 Lincoln. U-34 MODERN 5-room house with garage. Call 911. U-31 FURNISHED BRICK HOUSE very cool Suitable for two families. Phone Miss Gentry. 241. T-212 YOU can sell or trade the thlrgs you no longer need through a Classified Ad. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED five room cottage. For information, phone 577-J. T-139 NEW STRICTLY modern 7-room home. Stillman and St. Charles, phone Si3. W-13 WANTED TO RENT ~ WANTED TO RENT 5 or 8-room un furnished house; must have two bed rooms. shower bath, restricted location and be first-class in every respect. Ad dress Box U-37. Herald. U-37 LEGAL ADVERTISING THE STATE OF TEXAS TO THE SHERIFF OR ANY CON STABLE OF CAMERON COUN TY-GREETING: *OU ARE HEREBY COMMAND ED TO SUMMON Milton H. Cro^s individually and as independent executor of the will of J. H. Cross Deceased; John V. Adams and Mj dora Adams; Katherine Cross; An dres Gonzales and Matilda Gon zales; . Puente and Olivia Puente, husband and wife; Samuel Cross, if living and if dead their unknown heirs, executors, adminis trators. and Legal representative:.; the unknown stockholders and di rectors of Delta Farms Company, a purported defacto private corpora tion that is now defunct, by making publication of this Citation once in each week for four successive weeks previous to the return day hereof, in some newspaper published ii Cameron County. Texas, to be and appear at the next regular term of the 103rd Judicial District Court within and for Cameron County. Texas, to be hcldcn at the Court House thereof, in Brownsville, Tex as, on the third Monday in Sep tember. A. D. 1929, the same being the 16th day of September, A. D 1929, then and there to answer a petition filed in said Court on the 15th day of August A. D. 1929 in a suit, numbered on the docket of said Court No. 8703. wherein A. R Kurtz and J. H. Edwards, both individually and as Trustees. G*o Soverns, A. C. Edwards. George W. Stnckler, Fayette Title & Trust Company of Uniontown. Penn sylvania. a corporation, as Trus tee and Executor of the last will and testament of Joseph G. Strickler, Deceased. Jennie Wiley, a widow, and surviving wife in community of J. W Wiley. Sr., Deceased. Sarah Wiley Zim mers, a widow, Carrie May Wiley, a feme sole. Margaret O. Wiley, a feme sole. Mina Wiley Newcomer, a widow, W. 8. Wiley. J. W. Wiley, Jr., and Charles S. Wiley, both m his individual capacity and as sole surviving Executor of the last will and testament of said J. H. Wiley, Sr., Deceased, are Plaintiffs, and the ollowlng named persons if liv ing and if dead, their unknown heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives, to-wit: Milton H. Cross, both individually and m independent executor of the will of J. H. Cross. Deceased; John V. Adams and Medora Adams, husband and wife; Katherine Cross; a feme sole; Andres Gonzales and Matilda Gonzales, husband and wife; . Puente and Olivia Puente, husband and wife; Samuel Cross; Delta Farms Company, a purported de facto private corporation that is now defunct, and unknown stock holders and directors of said Delta Farms Company are Defendants. Plaintiffs’ Cause cf Action is as Follow*: First A suit in trespass to try title to the land hereinafter described for damages in the sum of Ten Thous and Dollars < f10.000.00) for rents, value of rents alleged to be Five Thousand Dollars tiS.OM.OO) a yea to remove clouds from Plaintiffs’ title to said land for costs of suit and to enjoin Defendants from in terfering with Plaintiffs' use. pas sions and enjoyment of said land which is described as follows: A tract of land containing in the aggregate 858.5 acres, more or le^e, in Cameron County, Texas, in Par tition Shares .lumbers 12 and 22 of the Espiritu Santo Orant, J. 8. de a Garza, original Tran tee. and mo-e particularly described as all of lots numbered one to twenty-four U-24> inclusive of the Delta Farms Com pany’s Subdivision, as described upon the map or plat thereof and its record in Volume 2, page 8 of the Map Records of Cameron Countv Texas. Plaintiffs plead affirmatively the three, five, ten and twenty-five | LEGAL ADVERTISING year Statutes of Limitation in sup port of their title. Second Plaintiffs further allege that on or about the 10th day of May. A. D. 1929, they were, and now are law fully seized and possesssed of. and entitled to the title and possession in fee simple to said land herein above described under deeds ana other muniments of title as herein after shown. Ttat on or about the llth day of May, A. D. 1929. Defendants assert ed certain pretended and adverse claims to Plaintiffs’ land thereby preventing Plaintiffs from selling or mortgaging said land and their use and enjoyment thereof, has been greatly diminished and said pre tended and adverse claim constitute and are clouds upon Plamtiffs’ title to said land. Plaintiffs are claiming and hold ; ing their lands and premises un der the following titles, to-wit: <a> Decree of Partition in Cause No. 1346, entitled M. Kennedy. R King, ct al. vs. Thomas Carson. Ad ministrator, et al., mt.:e and en tered on the 27th day of May, A. D. 1839, in the District Court of Cam* ! eron County, Texas, wherein Share No. 12 of the Espiritu Santo Grant was allotted, set apart and assigned to Alexander Werbiski. and where in Share No. 22 of said Espintu Santo Grant was allotted and set apart in severalty to Pedro Garcia Cavazos, the heirs of Francisco Garcia Cavazos de Treanor. the heirs of Miguel Garcia Cavazos, and to Thomas Carson as Administrator of said Maria Josefa Cavazos, as said decree is recorded in Book Sup plemental "H” at pp. 465 et seq. cf the Deed Records of Cameron County, Texas. Said Decree of Partition as above I set forth, being the common source of title to Plaintiffs and Defendants herein. (b» Warranty Deed from Alexan der Werbiski to L V. Haney, dated December 13, 1887, and recorded in Book Supplemental *’G” on pp 539 et seq. of the Deed Records of Cam eron County, Texas. <c) Warranty Deed from I. V. Haney to J. S. and M. H. Cross, dat ed July 17, 1893, and recorded in Book "J" on pp. 5-7 of the Deed Records of Cameron County. Texas <d> Warranty Deed dated Decem ber 13. 1889. from Alexander Wer biski to J. P. Cottingham, recorded in Book Supplemental *G” on pp 584-89 of the Deed Records of Cam eron County, Texas. <ei Warranty Deed from Alexan der Werbiski to L. A. V. Cotting ham dated December 13, 1887, and recorded in Volume “G” on pp 584-89 of the Supplemental Deed Records of Cameron County. Texas and recorded to cure errors, in Vol ume Supplemental "I” on pp. 546-59 of the Deed Records of Cameron County. Texas. (f) Warranty Deed dated March 17, 1883. recorded in Book Supple mental “F” on pp. 289 et seq. of the Deed Records of Cameron County. Texas, from Jose Treanor to Maria Jesusa Cisneros de Saldana. (g* Warranty Deed dated Sep tember 24, 1885 from Jose Treanor to Maria Jesusa Cisneros de Sal dana, recorded in Book Supple mental “G” on pp. 489-90 cf the Deed Records of Cameron County Texas. <h» Warranty Deed dated August 12, I8<ii from Juan Treanor and Jose Treanor to Marla Jesusa Cis neros de Saldana, recorded in Book | Supplemental *’G ’ on pp. 535-36 of the Deed Records of Cameron County. Texas. <i> Deed dated September 6, 1887, from Lino Saldana and Maria Jesusa Cisneros de Saldana, hus band and wife, to Mrs. L. A. V. Coi tingham. recorded in Book SuddIc mental ”G” on pp. 541-42 of th* Deed Records of Cameron County. 1V * Vo cm a[rant>‘ Deed dated Januarv 5- -18®4’ *ro™ J P- Cottingham and L A. V. Cottingham to J. S. and M. H. Cross, recorded in Book "K" on pp. 43-45 of the Deed Records of Cameron County. Texas. Pr?bate Proceedings in the Matter of the Estate of John S Cross. Deceased. No. 336 to Probate recorded in Book Supplemental ‘ I" on pp 619-26 of the Probate Min , °L?,?meron c°unty. Texas. , <*> Will cf John S. Cross, dated February 8. 1900 and recorded in h-Tk ut” °n pp 624-26 of Pro TexasMmUteS °f Camcron County. fm) Samuel Cross, to M. H. Cross haependent executor. Acquittance i ?LJnheril*ncr dated November 19. i 1902. an drecorded in Book “M” on ram5”6 °l> the Deed Records of Cameron County. Texas s i^ivPfWer ^. Attorney dated July J*1®®3'from Olivia Cross de Puent" to Modesto Gonzales, recorded :n Volume Supplemental “A” on pp. tip4 €t of the Power of Attorney Records of Cameron County, Texas Quittance of Inheritance date, September 24. 1903. from throng SS"?- 0011118 bv and through Modesto Gonzales, her rgent and attorney in fact, to M. H rt°.°^dod ln Boolt M on pp 516-17 °I the Deed Records of Cam eron County. Texas. Deed from Olivia Cross de i«1Cian7t0 ^ H Cross- dated Marrh in, 1907. and recorded to Book ••»•* on pp. 508-09 of the Deed Records ot Cameron County, Texas from .Acquittance of Inheritance irom Andres Gonzales and Matilda Cross Gonzales to M. H. Cross datad January 20. 1903. and record g* on pp- 3-4 of the JL^eed Records of Cameron Cout r Texas. peed from Matilda Cross de Gonzales, a widow, to M. H. Cross' dated March 16. 1907 and recorded *‘R” on PP- «»-10 of th" Deed Records of Cameron County, A cAad. , ‘^Warranty Deed dated March 7, 1907, from Katherine Cross, a feme sole, to M. H. Cross, recorded in Book “R" on op. 506-07 of the Deed Records of Cameron Coun y Texas. ^Warranty Deed dated Marci ^ 1907 from Medcra Cross Adams And J. Adams, husband and wite to M. H. Cross, recorded in Volum e •R" on pp. 504-06 of the Deed Re> ords of Cameron County, Texas. (u) Power of Attorney from m! H Cross to Juan S. Cioss. dated May A 1908, and duly recorded to Volume “A" on pp. 587-89 of the Power of Attorney Records or Cameron County. Texas. <v)t Warranty Deed dated May 25. 1908, from M. H. Cross, acting by and through Juan S. Cross, his duly appointed Agent and At » LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT tomey in Fact, to L. A. Callicott, re corded in Volume Supplemental “1” on pp. 543-46 of the Deed Recor'i* of Cameron County, Texas. (w> Probate Proceedings of the Estate of L. A. Callicott, Deceased in No. 133 re. the Estate of L. A. Callicott. Deceased, in the Coun-y Court of Hidalgo County, Texas, as recorded in Volume 12 on pp. 10C 118 of the Deed Records of Camercn County, Texas. <x) Warranty Deed from W. D Dortch, / dministrater of the Es tate of L. A. Callicott, Deceased, to A. S. Wilkins, dated May 20, 1911, and recorded in Volume 11 on pp 195-1 of the Deed Records of Cameron County, Texas. (y) Warranty Deed dated June 17. 1911, from A. S. Wilkins to J W. Wiley’, Trustee, recorded in Vol ume 11 on pp. 200-201 of the Deed Records of Cameron County. Texas. tm Will and Prebate Proceedings of the Estate of Joseph G. Strick ler. Deceased, recorded in Volume 165 on pp. 241-42 of the Deed Rec ords of Cameron County, Texas, taai Will and Probate Proceed ings of the Estate of J. W. Wiiey, Deceased, recoided in Volume 200 on pp. 9 of the Deed Records of Cameron County, Texas. tbb) Under and by virtue of the laws of Descent and Distribution of the State of Texas. (cc> Map and Dedication of the lands of Delta Farms Company's Subdivision in Cameron County. Texas, dated August 4. 1911. and re corded in Volume 2 on page 8 of the Map Records of Cameron County. Texas. (ddi Under and by virtue of the three, five, ten and twenty-five yen statutes of limitation of the SatU. of 1 exas. | Plaintiffs allege that Defendant. Delta Farms Company caused to be made, executed, acknowledged, and l filed f record in the office of the County Clerk of Camercn County, Texes, a certain map *.f said laud wherein It is recited that said land is owned by Delta Farms Company, a corporation, that said corporation never existed and that said recita tions in said map are a cloud on Plaintiffs title. Plaintiffs allege that by deed dat ed June 17, 1911 and recorded ir. Volume 11, at pp. 200-01 of the Deed Records cf Cameron County, Texas,' . S. Wilkins conveyed said land to J. W. Wiley. Trustee, but in this deed the names of the beneficiaries and the purposes of the trust were not disclosed and Plaintiffs allege that said J W. Wiley. Trustee, held !th€ legal title to said land for the benefit of the following named per | sons in interest: J. W. Wiley, J. G. Strit.k’?r, A. B. Kurtz, Geo. B. Sov | eras, each and undivided one-fifth | <1-5> interest in said land. J. H. Edwards and A. C. Edwards each an ! undivided one-tenth (1-10) interest *n said land; that J. W. Wiley died testate and left surviving him his i wife, Jennie Wiley, who now owns ! a one-tenth (l-10th) interest ui sa;d land and the following named chil dren who each own an undivided s e-reventieth <l-70thi interest in said lands, to-wit: Sarah W. Zim I mers *nee Wiley» a widow; Carrie j May Wiley, a feme sole; Margaiei ■ O. v.iley, a feme sole; Mina Wiley Newcomer tnee Wiley), a widow; Charles S. Wiley; W. S. Wiley; and i J. W. Wiley, Jr.; that said J. G Strickler died testate and left sur viving nim J. W. Strickler, a son ar.d his only heir at law. who owns an undivided one-lifth U-5th» in terest in said land. Herein Fail Not, but have you bc fore said Court at its aforesa'id next regular term, this writ with the re turn thereon showing how you have executed same. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF SAID COURT AT OF i FICE in Brownsville. Texas, this the 15th day of August, A. D. 1923. Issued same day. Jno. P. Scanlan. Clerk of District Court of Camercn County. By M. J. McTieman. Deputy. 8-16-23-30-6-4t-3515. * Notire of Hr ring to Exclude Land THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CAMERON To All Persons interested in Cam eron County Water Improvement District No. 14. Cameron County, Texas: You will tahe notice that A. R. Jones, Frank tl Jones and J. M Parker have filed with the board of directors of saiu district on Au gust 27, 1929. their petition seeking i to have certain lands excluded from : said district, said petition being in words and figures as follows: “The State of Texas, County of Cameron: i Comes now A. R. Jones, F. E. Jones and J. M. Parker acting here in by and through E. A Taylor, their agent and attorney in fact, being the owners in fee of cer tain lends lying in Cameron coun ty water improvement district No. 14 and respectfully petition said district to exclude from said district the following described lands, to , wit: All those certain parts of the so called Dixie r Boyd tract out of the Buena Vista grant in Cameron county, Texas, more particularly described as follows: Tract “A” Beginning at a point on the north line of the Dixie tract and 11,550 ! feet east of uie northwest corner of said tract. 1. Thence S. 1 Deg. T 45” E. for a distance of 6,100 feet. 2. Thence S. 88 deg. 52’ 15” W for a distance of 330 fee*. 3. Thence S. 1 deg. T 45” E. for a distance of 1,320 feet 4 Thence S 88 Deg. 52’ 15” W. for a distance of 660 feet. 5 Thence S. 1 Deg. 7’ 45“ E. for a distance of 1.320 feet. 6 Thence *' 88 Deg. 52' 15” W for a distance of 1.320 .eet. 7 Thence S. 1 Deg. 7’ 45” E. for a distance of 2,640 feet. 8 Thence .. 88 Deg 52’ 15” W for a distance * 3,. i. feet 9 Thence i. 1. Deg. 7’ 45 F for a distance of 3.960 feet. 10 Thence . 88 Deg. 52’ 15 L. for a distance of 2.640 feet more or less to the c;r*er line nf “The ’’amino de la Buena is .” llThence N 1 Deg 7’ 45 ’ W. for a distance o* 1.320 feet, following the center line of the Camino de la Buena Vista. 12 Thence N. 88 Deg. 52’ 15" E. for a distan-e of 660 feet. 13 Thence N. 1 neg. 7’ 45” W. for a distance of 1.320 feet. 14 Thence N. 88 Deg. 52’ 15” E. for a distance of >”0 feet. LEGAL ADVERTISING | 15. Thence N. 1 deg. T 30" E. for ■ a distance of 990 feet. B 16. Thence N. 88 deg. 52' 30'* E. for a distance of 5940 feet. if 17. Thence N. 1 deg. 7* 45" W. for , I a distance of 990 feet, || 18. Thence N. 88 deg. 52' 30" E. *|| for a distance of 660 feet. 13. Thence N. 1 deg. T 45" W. for 1 a distance of 1320 feet. 1 20. Thence N. 88 deg. 52' 30" E. ' S for a distance of 1320 feet. 1 21. Thence N. l deg. T 45" W. for ,r a distance of 2640 feet. 22. Thence N. 88 deg. 52’ 30" E. * for a distance of 2640 feet. 23. Thence N. 1 deg. T 45" W. for a distance of 2640 feet. 24. Thence S. 88 deg. 52’ 15" W. * for a distance of 1320 feet. 25. Thence S. 1 deg. T 45" E. for i a distance of 1320 feet. 26. Thence S. 88 deg. 52’ 15" W. ' for a distance of 2640 feet. 27. Thence S. 1 deg. T 45" E. for * a distance of 3960 feet. 28. Thence 8. 88 deg. 52’ 30" W. for a distance of 1320 feet 29. Thence 8. 1 deg. T 45" E. for a distance of 2640 feet. I 30. Thence 8. 88 deg. 52’ 15” W. , for a distance of 5280 feet. 31. Thence N. 1 deg. 7 45" W. for a distance of 10560 feet, more or less to the north line of the Dixie Tract. 32. Thence S. 88 deg. 52’ 15" W. for a distance of 330 feet more or less to the place of beginning. Containing 1100 acres. Bald place of beginning Is further identified as being on the north line of the Dixie Tract and 990 feet east of the center line cf the Camino de la Buena Vista. Tract “B" Beginning at a point on the north i line of the Dixie Tract 23,100 feet east of the northwest corner of said tract. 1. Thence N. 88 deg. 52* IS" E. for a distance of 660 feet. 2. Thence 8. 1 deg. 7’ 45" E. for a distance of 1320 feet. 3. Thence 8. 88 deg. !2‘ 13" W. for a distance of 660 feet. 4 Thence N. 1 deg. T 45" W. for a distance of 1320 feet to thi place I of beginning, containing 20 acres, more or less. j Tract “C" Beginning at a point bearing * south 1 deg. 7' 45" E. and 2640 feet from a point on the north line of J the Dixie Tract which is 24.420 feet east of the northwest corner of said tract. 1. Thence 8. 1 deg. T 45” E. for a distance of 1320 feet. 2. Thence N. 88 deg. 52’ 15" E for j a distance of 660 feet. j 3. Thence N. 1 deg. 7* 45" W. for a distance of 1320 feet. 4. Thence S. 88 deg. 52’ 15" W. :| for a distance of 660 feet, more or less, to place of beginning, contain ing 20 acres more or less. Tract “D" Beginning at a point bearing south 1 deg. 7' 45” east and 7260 feet distant from a point on the nortn line of the Dixie Tract 23,100 feet east of the northwest corner of the Dixie Tract. 1. Thence 8. 1 deg. T 45" E. for a distance of 990 feet. 2. Thence N. 88 deg. 52’ 15" E. for a distance of 660 feet. 3. Thence N. 1 deg. T 45" W. for a distance of 990 feet. 4. Then. .* S. 88 deg. 52’ 15" W for a distance of 660 feet more or less to the place of beginning, containing 15 acres, more or less. Tract **E" Begining at a point on the south line of the Dixie ' ract and 21.050.2 feet distant from the southwest corner of the Dixie Tract. 1. Thence N. 1 deg. T 45" W. for a distance of 1940 feet. 2. Thence 8. 88 deg. 52’ 15" W. for a distance of 660 feet. 3. Thence 8. 1 deg. 7’ 45" E. for * a distance of 1320 feet. 4. Thence 8. 88 deg. 52* 15” W. for a distance of 1320 feet. 5. Thence 8. 1 deg. T 45” E. for a distance of 642 feet,, more or less to the south line of the Dixie Tract. , 6. Thence N. 88 deg. 10’ 30" E. along the south line of the Dixie Tract fee a distance of 1980 feet mor. or less, to place of beginning, containing 50 acres more or lew. Petitioners would show that the land above described now includ ed m said district, due to its near ness to sea level. Is unsuitable for irrigation, and would likely be un able to carry the charges of said j district. Wherefore. Petitioners pray that » the laud above described be exclud- * ed from said district. A. R. JONE8 F. E. JONES and J. M. PARKER, Petitioners. By E. A. TAYLOR. Their agent and Attorney in Fact. : THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF CAMERON ) Before me. the undersigned au thority, on this day personally ap peared E. A. Taylor, known to me to be the person whose name *s subscribed to the foregoing instru ment as agent and att&.ney In fact for A. R. Jones. F. E. Jones and J. M. Parker, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for * the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capa i city therein stated. Given under my hand and seal j of office, this the 27th day of Aug ust, A. D. 1929. R G. RANSOME, A Notary Public In and for Cameron County, Texas. i SEAL) And the Board of Directors of said District, on August 27th, 1922. set said petition down for a pub lic hearing on September 7th, 1933 at two o'clock p. m, in the office of said District in Room 309. Mer chants National Bank building. Brownsville, Texas, at which time and place said Board of Directors will hear said petition and any evi dence offered with reference ‘hereto. In witness whereof this notice is issued this the 28th day of August. .* D. 1929. and attested by the signatures of the president ami secretary of said Board of Direc tors of Cameron County Water Im provement District numbrr four teen. _ LUTE P. STOVER. Presiden: of the Board of Director of Cameron County Water Improvement District No. '.4. ! Attest: 8. K. HAJLLAM. Secretary. (SEAL; 8-30-6-2t-3523