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City-Valley TELEPHONE SEVEN SOCIETY Mrs. Hinkley, Jr., Bridge Hostess Mrs. Burt Hinkley, Jr., entertain ed with a large bridge affair at the Country club on Wednesday after noon for the Wednesday Bridge club, complimenting Mrs. Hayden Good son of Dallas, who is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Robert Schwarz The club room, in which twelve tables were arranged, was effective ly decorated with a color scheme of pink and green, carried out florally with pmk roses and corona and green lace fern. A bud vase con taining a rose centered each table. Trailing fronds of the fern and co rona banked the mantle, on which was placed a glass bowl of the roses. Bowls of roses were placed on the piano and other vantage points. Pink and green also appeared in the accessories of the game. Club trophies went to Mrs. J. L. Rentfro and Mrs. W. E. Meaner, while Mrs. Dick Harris and Mrs Jimmie George took the guest awards. Mias Betty Johnson of Aus tin. guest of Mrs. Edward McChes ney, was lucky in the cut. and the honoree was also presented with a remembrance. A salad and Ice course was served preceding the games. • • • Visitors Leave For Florid-*. Home Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Alsmeyer and little son, Dick, who have been visiting Mrs. Alsme.ver's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Harvey, left the Valley Thursday for their home in Seliring. Fla. During their two weeks here several enjoyable out ings were given in their honor, the first of which was a wild game bar becue given by Mr and Mrs. D. Mc Clendon at Pharr. They were honor guests at dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed * Hear this re- j£ .W&.... CaPSi nowned lyric tenor oi the Mctro* a K politan Opera gSyijM Company. A great SF tSH orchestra and thrilling chorus. station woai I s 31 P M in r* no p M I Central StunrlaM mr S MwigLi — i ii Swertfager. during their stay, while Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alsmeyer en tertained for them with a picnic at Olmito. The guest list for each of these occasions included Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Alsmeyer and daughter, Grace of Mission: Mr. and Mre. D. McClendon and children. Dan and Maxine of Pharr: Mr. and Mrs. H L. Alsmeyer. and son. Henry. Jr., of San Benito, and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Harvey of Brownsville. • • • Comings, Goings, Of Local People Mrs. Hortense Ward, who har been here for the past week, left Thursday evening for her home in Houston. She came here to visit j her daughter. Mrs. Burt Hinkley, Jr.. and was accompanied by her grand son, Stanton, who has been with her in Colorado for the past nine weeks Mr. and Mrs. John Gregg left Thursday evening for Norfolk. Va. • • • Just-Sew Meets ' With Mrs. Hillyer " Members of the Just-Sew club were guests of Mrs George M Hill yer on Thursday afternoon, the reg ular meeting day having been I changed because of an all-day meet | ing at the Methodist church. No out-of-club guests attended. After a social afternoon, a salad course was served to eight members. Mrs M. L. Love is to be next hostess. • • • Eight Attend Thursday Club The Thursday Bridge met at the home of Mrs. Eugene Richards this week, with eight members present Miss Beatrice Friedman held high score. Mrs. Wm. Brown second, and Mrs Knox Steiner low. A refresh ment course was served. Cut flow ers were used for decorations. Me Mien Mayor Gives House to Boy Scouts (Special to The Herald) M'ALLEN. Sept. 6—Mayor F. E Osborn has donated a house to troop 3. McAllen Boy Scouts, for a clubhouse and the structure has already been raed and moved to its new location near the Edinburg pumping plant west of McAllen where it will be reconstructed and remodeled, according to Perry Hud son. superintendent of streets and parks of the city of McAllen and member of the committee of the McAllen volunteer fire department sponsoring troop 3. The clubhouse will be outfitted especially for scout activities and will allow McAllen scouts, as well as others in the upper Valley club house facilities such as are enjoyed 1 by troops in the lower Valley where Camp Perry, Valley scout camp, near Harlingen, is located. __ ROOSEVELT FIELD. N. Y.—Now ‘ the sky biack maria! Two detec tives flew to Troy. N. Y.. and came back three hours and 10 minutes later with Alexander Nelson, negro parachute jumper .handcuffed. The trip was 300 miles. Nelson is ac cused of stealing a parachute. Special Announcement to owners of COLEMAN LAMPS — IRONS — LANTERNS AND COOKERS 2 % and to all of our farm friends throughout the Valley: Mr. Roy Bradley Field Supervisor COLEMAN LAMP & STOVE CO. will be at our stores on the dates given below HARLINGEN—September 9th and 10th LA FERIA—September 11th and !2th SAN BENITO—September 13th and 14th MERCEDES—September 16th WESLACO—September 17 th If you own a Coleman LAMP, LANTERN, GASOLINE IRON ORCOOKER | Mr. Bradley will be glad to make any needed ad justments. He will also demonstrate the latest and most improved models. See Mr. Bradley at our stores on dates given above. AV MACHINERY COMWUIY N • • , JOHN DEERE . . ► X \ Weslaco —- Mercedes — La Feria — Harlingen San Benito Modes of the Moment (gMvW-fluM And, &MA CM cu \ •^unA. J }h -6t Jbtkhb feu 3 AW/^ I tudid S&ut Ujith; (P&in£uL A&uhkifXs OotloAs wWt 21hoA<k,h^/'iuwLwMt.\ \_^_1 SUPERFLOUS HAIR— BEAUTY’S BUG-A-BOO By JOSEPHINE HUDDLESTON Bleaching a slight growth cl hair is by far the best way to make it unnoticeable. A bleach that has given satisfaction in this field is made by mixing four drops of ammonia and one tablcspoonful of peroxide with sufficient fuller's earth or chalk of magnesia to make a creamy paste. Either fitller's earth or chalk of magnesia may be used, and either are easily ob tainable at any drug store for a small sum. Perhaps the best way to compound this formula is to measure the peroxide and ammonia into a small glass dish and then to add the fuller's earth or chalk of magnesia until the desired consistency is obtained. After cleansing the skin and removing all excess cream, smooth the bleaching paste over the hairs and allow it to remain on for eight minutes. At fthe end of that time remove the paste with tepid « water, pat the skin dry and massage a liberal £ amount of cold cream over the area to counteract SM I the slight drying action of the bleach. After a few JOSEPHINE minutes the cream may be removed. HUDDLESTON One such treatment should make the hair much lighter in color; frequently the one application is all that wdll be necessary. If the hair is very dark, however, you may need to repeat the treatment two or three times, a lowing 24 hours to elapse between applications. Pure lemon Juice often proves effectual for keeping hair on the face and arms Vght in color, and unless' it is very dark, should be tried be fore using the stronger bleach of fered at the beginning of this ar ticle. Pure lemon Juice is patted on the hair and allowed to dry. It may be used several times daily, and if it is strong enough in your case re sults will be observed after six or seven applications. If such a time comes when bleaching no longer prevents hair on the face and arms from marring ones appearance some method of removing it should be adopted, but only after careful deliberation and perhaps consultation with a reliable physician. Unless, of course, you don't mind removing the hair your self with a depilatory. In all probability your doctor will suggest having the roots of the hair killed by the use of an electric needle and will recommend a thor oughly reliable person who special izes in this work so that the possi bility of ill effects from such a pro cedure is minimized. If you want to remove the hair yourself, however, you have a wide choice of brands of depilatories, but this array of names sifts down to three types perhaps being better known—the paste or cream form, the powder and the wax. There is little if any difference in the results obtained from the use of paste and powder depilato ries. Both are only a chemical shave, removing the hair at the surface of the skin. The cream or paste comes in tubes and is ready for use; the powder form must have water added to it to make a paste or cream before it can be used. In either case the hair grows back within a short time and must be removed again. The wax depilatories, a depilating method (which means to remove the roots so that the tweezing. and electric needle treatments comp under this classification, too) break off the hairs below the surface of the skin and so it takes longer for them to grow out and make their appearance above the surface of the skin. This in itself is a de cided advantage. However, the ap plication of wax depilatories re quires more care than is needed for the paste or cream forms. The wax must be thoroughly heated before it is placed over the hair and yet it must not be hot enough to burn the skin. Also it must be removed at just the right temperature or else it will harden, which makes its removal not only difficult, but extremely painful. There is some pain even when the wax is at the correct temperature and It is advisable to remove the hair only a very small area at one time. The action of these wax depila tories is much the same as smooth ing a bit of adhesive tape over the skin and then pulling it off. When this is done one will find a number of small hairs adhering to the tape, and. insofar as I can see, there is no reason why this method isn't as satisfactory. After removing superfluous hair ic by any of these methods a bit of alcohol should be lightly sponged over the area. It will sting like anything for a second, but it will also act as a disinfectant, and this should be followed immediately by a liberal application of cold cream or a soothing hand lotion. RIO HONDO PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Knox Jeffery of San Benito have moved to Rio Hondo. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams, Mr C. R. Tuggle, Lucille Tuggle, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jeffery and chil dren of Brownsville; Mrs. A. C. Smith and children of San Benito and Mrs. J. D. Ray of Rio Hondo were Sunday visitors at the Gil more home. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Caffoll have moved to San Benito. Mr. Roy Gilmore started for his home in Trenton. Mo.. Thursday. Mr. Gilmore spent a week with his mother, who has been quiet ill. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Mize and family returned Sunday morning from a week's vacation trip. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Grube of Brown Tract have gone to visit friends and relatives in Minnesota and Mississippi. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Talley at tended initiatory work of the O. E. 8. at San Benito Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Houghtallng spent Sunday with Mr. Houghlal ing's parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. Mighell of San Juan visited the L. V. Gilmore and G. A. Hudson families Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Mighell left Saturday for Iowa and Washington. Mrs. Joe Bowser's sister. Mrs. Baxter and son from Illinois ha\-e come for an indefinite stay in the Valley. Miss Rosa Mae Hudson left Fri day evening for Weston. Mo., to spend the winter with her brother, Chester Hudson. j • • • ATTEND PICNIC The following members from Rio Hondo chapter attended the O. E. S. picnic at Olmito Friday night: Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Talley. Mr. and Mrs. Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Tredway and Mrs. Lydia Sizer. • • • KITMJOYNCS ENTERTAINED The “Loyal Ladels," who lost In the contest with the “Kumjoycus ’ class at the Community church, gave the winning class a swimming party at Camp Del Arroyo Thurs day night. Light refreshments were served. • • • LADIES AID TO MEET The regular business and social meeting of the Community Ladles' aid will be held at Camp Del Ar royo the 12th of September at 2:20 I p. m., with Mrs. Weimar and Mrs Edna Johnson aa hostesses. The HEALTH DISHES TO BE TAUGHT Herald Cooking School Ex pert Verted In Vege table Diets Mrs. Myra Oliver Dougin, one of the nation's greatest experts in home economics and cookery, who has been selected to conduct The Herald cooking school, brings to her work an amazing background based on laboratory experience of the inher ent ar.d relative values of vegetable dishes. In the cooking school, which she will conduct under the auspices of The Herald, September 23-27, Mrs. Dougan will preside in a mod em kitchen in which she will dem onstrate the actual preparation and cooking of vegetable items, and ex plain in detail the values to be ob tained from each. Thousands of public appearances in her chosen life work have lent to Mrs. Dougan an extremely attractive stage presence. While she deals with what might be otherwise a dry subject from a highly practical standpoint, her per sonality so colors her incidental re marks that she holds her listeners spell-bound, while at the same time bringing to them the very latest findings of the world's greatest food laboratories in the preparation and selection of balanced food rations without losing, but rather, gaining in the general p&latability of the me nus prepared. Information hitherto considered unattainable form a regular portion of her discourse—the little tricks and short exits of cookery that can make all the difference in the world between drudgery and skilled en deavor. are graphically portrayed by Mrs. Dougan as she works in her own kitchen before the eye of thcv>e assembled. Tremendous throngs of women are greeting her at her-ev ery public appearance, and it is be lieved that Valley housewives will turn out en masse for all of her five lectures The Herald wishes to remind its readers that these lectures are en tirely free of charge and without obligation. It is suggested that every housewife should be checking on the incidental data published in The Herald from day to day regarding the cooking school and should make plans immediately to attend not only one lecture, but all of them, carry ing her note book with her in order that she mav obtain the maximum amount of advantages. Lectures w-ill begin at 2:30 prompt ly. Monday. September 23. and will continue for five consecutive days. pillow- shower for the bazaar will be given the aid af this meeting. • • * ADDRESS TO BE GIVEN Mr. Otto Nielsen of San Juan will deliver an address at Rio Hon do Community church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Until re cently Mr. Nielsen has been presi dent of Valley Christian Endeavor which office he resigned to attend T. C. U. at Fort Worth. iMsnus' g^PaVL By MSS. ALEXANDER GEORGE Sunday Tea Menu Wattles Creamed Chicken Cantaloupe Pickles Coffe Data Drop Cakes Waffles (With sour milk) 2 cups flour. 1 tablespoon sugar. 1-2 teaspoon salt. 3 egg yolks. 11-2 cups sour milk. 11-2 teaspoons soda. 3 egg whites, stiffly beaten. 2 table spoons fat. melted. Mix the flour, sugar, salt, egg yolks sour milk and soda. Beat for 3 min utes. Fold in the rest of the ingredi ents and cook on waffle iron until well browned on both sides. Creamed Chicken 3 tablespoons butter o chicken fat. i 4 tablespoons milk or chicken stock. 1-2 teaspoon salt. 1-4 teaspoon pap rika. 2-3 cu pdiced cooked chicken. Melt the butter and add the flour Blend well and add the milk and cook until a cream sauce forms. Add the rest of the ingredients and cook for 2 minutes. Serve on the hot waf fles and garnish with parsley. Date Drops 1-3 cup fat. 1 cup light brown su gar. 2 eggs. 1 cup sour milk. 1 tea spoon vanilla. 1-4 teaspoon salt. 2 1 cups flour. 1 teaspoon soda. 1 cup chopped dates. Cream the fat and sugar. Add the rest of the ingredients and beat for 2 minutes. Half fill greased muffin pans. Bake for 15 minutes In a mod erate oven. Melon nickles blend with hot or cold meats. | Nurse Gains 7 Lbs. : In 2 Weeks With Yeast and Iron “I am a nurse at the hospital." writes Miss Martha Bums, "and I want to let you know that I am glad to recommend your Ironized Yeast. “It ga\fe me a good appetite. I got strong and gained 7 pounds in 2 weeks. I could write all day about how much good Ironized Yeast did me. You would be surprised at the strength I gained in 3 or 4 days.” People everywhere are amazed at the wondefful benefits of Ironized Y%ast. Many write they were doubt ful when they started. But after taking it regularly for only 3 or 4 weeks they gained 5 to 15 pounds Ugly hollows fill out. Skinny limbs become gracefully rounded. Blem ished skin gets clear and beautiful Only when Yeast is Ironized is it more effective—for Iron is needed to bring cut the weight-building and strengthening values of Yeast Pleasant tablets in a handy bottle Never cause gas or bloating. Safe no harmful drugs. 6o certain and quick are the amazing health benefits of Ironized Yeast that the small amount you pay Tor the first bottle will be promptly refunded by your own I druggist or the manufacturer if you I are not delighted—Adv. your guide to pure cane Sugar of highest quality! Bay IMPERIALrMARKED Packagcs»~Convcnicnt Sues . \idyouknow this ?... J Did you know that Black Flag Liquid, the * deadliest liquid insect-killer made, saves you 15c? Black Flag costs only 35c a a half-pint. Some liquids cost 50c. Why pay more for others, when Black Flag is sure, quick death to flies, mosquitoes, ants, roaches, bedbugs, etc.? Money back if not absolutely satisfied. BLACK FLAG "s LIQUID Black flag also comas fas pcmdar farm. Equally deadly. 13c, and up. ★Brings Low |0JJ Prices Thousands of I.G.A. Grocers, united in I gf mass buying and merchandising makes ^ p possible highest quality foods at budget beating prices. Your dollar buys more at an I.G.A. Store. - p Specials for Saturday fA| 1 Package of I. G. A. U Pancake Flour and M ! W 1 Table Size Can W M Log Cabin Syrup v * B°ihFor. 35cff ^Peaches?r- 2s-,.39cl r r H\ Delmonte Midget, / /0 W jJI LflU No. % ..faLU . ft Gelatin .7Mcft f MILK c^Tuon 3*r 14cjJ ft Post Bran Flakes n..Jlcft U COCOA sra..14cu MUSTARD oo, 10c § ISoap Flakes a -.9c ft CATSUP Krs.22c ft Corned Beef s.24c I MATCHES 6 s= 16c l A j Tf ft CORN art—.2 sr. 33c ft j SPINACH s»..15c | fl Blackberries s?— ft 1