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McALLEN CHURCH WEDDING The wedding of Miss Cynthia Lee Ford and Albert Scruggs Love of Tampico. Mexico, which took Diace Sunday evening in the First church was an event of fairest and one of the prettiest church weddings of the season. Here in an improvised arch cov ered with ferns and pink corona the bride was given in marriage by tier brother, Scott Ford, with the pastor, Rev. N. W. Evans offidat •ug- _ The church was beautifully deco rated for the occasion The altar was adorned with potted ferns and the tali wicker baskets of sweet heart roses and a hedge of pink corona and ferns decorated the chancel, while tall white tapers burned in silver candelabra. Preceding the ceremony Thomas Hartly sang “At Dawning.'’ accom panied by Miss Leona Gibson cf Weslaco on the piano, and Miss Hester Leavell on the violin, after which the bridal party entered to the strain of Lohengrin’s Wedding March played by Misses Leona Gib son and Hester Leavell. During the taking of the marriage vow's Miss Hester Leavell on the violin played ’’The Spring Song.” Mrs. Luther Smith, matron of honor, wore a frock of shell pink georgette writh a deep cape collar and a skirt of three tiers. Her slip pers were of darker pink satin. Her only ornament was a necklace of pearls and rhinestones, a gift of the bride. She carried an arm bouquet of pink sweetheart roses. Miss Opal Rettig. bridesmaid, wore a lavender frock of georgette with tight bodice and full skirt that was elevated in front . She. too. wore a necklace of pearls and rhinestones which was a gift of the bride. She carried an arm bouquet of sweetheart roses. The bride wa3 beautiful in a gow’n of white georgette over duchess satin, with a tight bodice and a skirt of three i.irs with an uneven hem line. Her long flowing veil of tulle was edged with lact and caught to a Juliet cap em broidered in seed pearls and rhine stones. A soft band of tulle under her chi»i was fastened to the cap with clusters of orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of white roses and lilies of the val ley. Ushers were R. D. Gill. Milas Liles and Harlan Murrow; and George Ferguson was best man, all wearing white linen suits. Following the ceremony dinner was served at the Casa de Palmas tea room for the members of the bridal party and a number of inti mate friends. MjThe large round table was beau tiful in its decortions of sweetheart roses and pink tapers in holders tied with large bows of maline. Mr. and Mrs. Love left later in the evening for a two-weeks’ wed ding trip after which they will be at home to their friends in New Iberia, La. • • • LITTLE CLUB MEETS Friday afternoon Mrs. Henry Damme entertained the members of the Little Bridge club at her home. Mrs. A. A. Bonneau receiv ed the club prize Mrs. V. E. Cook received guest prize and Mrs. Mar vin Sneed the consolation. • • • LAWN PARTY Mrs. Paul Jones entertained on Friday afternoon with an attractive lawn party at her home, honoring her little daughter Marion who celebrated her ninth birthday an niversary. About thirty-six little friends were present. • • • HIDALGO BRIDGE CLUB Members of the Hidalgo Bridge club were entertained Friday after noon by Mrs. R. C. Rodriguez at her home in Hidalgo. Prizes were awarded Mesdames A C. Taylor. E. G. Vela and John Pate. • • • HONOR PRESIDENT OF CLUB Members of the Bluebonnet club met Wednesday aftemon at the homes of Mrs. Bowser and Mrs. H. B. Dovis and later proceeded in a body to the home of Mrs. C. Mc Nallie. club president. They succeeded in completing] their plans for the afternoon, ten-i dering Mrs. McNallie a surprise She was presented with a larg: birthday cake and a set of gla&cv after being told by club members I that each year on her birthday she I should drink to the health of the members . • • • PERSONALS Mrs. C. R Clayton, who has been visiting in Albertville. Ala., has re-! turned home. Miss Louise Evans has returned i from a vacation spent in Mayfield Kentucky and St. Louis. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Duncan have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. H. M Niles of Blossburg. Pa. Mr and Mrs. E. M. Frisby had as their guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Howell of La Fena. Mr and Mrs. J. R. Baldwin and daughter Hattie Bess returned Fri day from a visit to San Antonio. Mr. and Mrs. VV. L. Barron, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Ray. left Wednesday for their home in Waco. Miss Marjorie Mankin of Liberty. Tex., will arrive Saturday to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Bach tel. Mtt. and Mrs. Geo. Gaddy. Mr andflfrlrs. Whit Rogers and Doris Doss will return Monaav from Monterrey and other points in Mexico. Mr And Mrs. J. W. Davis have as their guests Mrs. Davis’ sister. Mrs. Berdie Coon, and her daugh ter. Erma, of Fort Worth. Mrs. J. L. Cramer has a*, her guest Mrs. J. P. Cramer of Lake Providence. La Mrs. Cramer w:ll teach this coming term in the school at Alamo. Mr. ar.d Mrs J. w. Knudson. Miss Virginia Knudson and Jack and Donald Knudson and Miss Mary Glauner spent Sunday at Boca Chica. Mr and Mrs C. O. Rockwell Miss Margaret Rockwell and Rich ard and Raymond Rockwell re GOWNS FOR THE HOSTESS 1* ■ ' ' » """" 1 1 "V f M II II ■■III.——» /*S For semi-formal occasions lace is recommended by Frances Clyne, New York designer. The lace dress pictured above, at left, has an especially flattering surplice-cape effect neckline. For afternoon wear flat crepe continues to be popular. For the afternoon bridge party or informal affair at home it lends itse’f most attractively. At right is a Francse Clyne gown of flat crepe for more formal wear. Notice the interesting cut of the hem and the narrow shoulder piece. | turned Tuesday from a visit to Cor pus Christi and San Antonio. Mrs. Sue Floyd Smith of San Antonio is the guest of her mother. Mrs. W. P. Housert. A group of friends enjoyed an outing and picnic supper on Tues day evening at the Cascade Pool They were JJudge and Mrs. J. E Leslie and little daughter Mary Evelyn. Miss Mackie Leslie of Ma son. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Trantham and son Earl. Mrs. T. H. Harre.l and Mary Sue Harrell. Betty Ann Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Les O'Neal and Katherine O'Neal. Miss Elsie Edwards has returned from an all-summer trip to Chicago and Illinois. She was accompanied home by George Osborn, who has been attending summer school at A. & M. college and Mrs. Roy Tel ford of San Antonio, who will be a guest of her mother, Mrs. James Telford. Jim Glasscock. Jr , has returned home from a visit in Houston and Freeport. Mr .and Mrs. C. E. Shannon of Maria. Mrs. L. E. Ellis and daugh ter Joy of Uvalde, and Mrs. J. W Leslie of Mason, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lem burg have returned to their homes. Mrs. Leslie is Mrs. Lemburg's mother and Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Shannon are her sisters. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lemburg had as their guests last wees Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ziller of Beaumont and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lemburg and daughter Sarah oi Ft. Worth. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Rich have as their guests James Durbin and sou Frank of Emerson, la. Mrs. Sam King of San Marcos returned to her home Saturday night after a visit of more than a month with her sistre. Mrs. E. M. Card. Mrs. J. G. McMillan and little daughter, Dorothy Nell, returned j Wednesday from a month's vaca tion trip to San Antonio, Cuero, Gonzales and other central Texas points. MERCEDES PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kennedy and daughter. Mary, have gone to New Mexico, where they will make their home in the future. Mrs. Effie Jewell Shekel! returned to Mercedes Friday night from Aus tin. tvhere she has been attending summer school. Mrs. Shekell will teach in the primary department of the schools here. Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards and daughters. Dorothy and Nellie, have returned from an extended vacation trip through Colorado and New Mex ico. Philip Pergues has for his house guests, his brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. F Pergues and daugh ter. Susann®. of Port Arthur. Texas Mrs. A1 Robinson has returned from Wisconsm where she spent th® nast summer. Mr. Robinson will re turn in the near future after com pleting business matters there. Mrs. J. L. Lewis has return®* to her home in San Antonio aft*r spending two week' h?re in th® horn® of her son. J. C. Lewis, and family. Mr« E F Johnson and children JacoueMne and Pegev. have retum ®d f*-on\ Rav Citv where thev vis aed Mrs. Johnson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Benge. Mr and Mrs. Harold Peck and daughter. Peeev. of Weslaco, were "nests here durin" th® past w®ek «r» the home of Mrs Reek's narents. Mr. an* Mrs J. R McAdams. Mr. and Mrs Cameron R-own have returned to their horn® in Cn®-o after a visit h*re in the home of Mr. an* Mr* Gen® Brown Mrs. Ham* Lawson ha' ret,%rn®d from a month’' stay in San Anto nio and Kerrvil’e. Miss Ocie M®Niel had for her mie't during the nast week. Miss Phimna f-otiise an* C!®rn Boetch®* of East B®rr>-»r(j. Te^as. Mr an* Mrs. R M O’Hai- a®i j three children of Rorkhill. North * Carolina, are in Mere®*®' me«*s in I the how* *f Mrs. O'Heir’s sister. M®« wot Mr eod Mrs. John Ashton °rd *wo cbMdren spfr.t th® nast ve®k In Kem-ille on a recreational visit. Mr. an* Mrs Henrv Al’en and Mrs H. W Allen ret”med this i week from St Louf* where thev T®"t the r®'t week' Mrs A W. Shouse and Mrs W H. Carlisle and two children are1 ' spending two weeks In Corpus Chrls ti on a recreational visit. Anton Burton, head of the depart I ment of Rotary at the School of Mines in El Paso, spent the past I week in Mercedes a guest In the home of Mrs. Mary Morrow. Miss Georgia De Vries left at the week-end for Columbia. Missouri, where she will spend two weeks vis | iting friends. Miss Dorothy Nell Smith has re - turned to Mercedes from an extend ed visit with relatives and friends in the northern states. Mrs. Ernestine Harris and little daughter ha’-e returned from Ltv ncston. Texas, where they visited friends and relatives. Mrs. G. M. Campbell and daugh ter. Elsie, end Mrs. K N. Wood, 'nave [ returned to their homes in Grenada ! Mississippi, after spending several weeks in Mercedes and the Valley. Mrs. Leonard Walker. Mrs. Byrd Baskin and dauehte-. Geraldine, and Mrs. Baskin's house guests. Mrs. Jewe’l Bnty and Mrs. Rosalies Bos well cf Little Rock. Arkansas, and Miss Ann Fat* McDona! were en tertained In th« home of Lester Har grove in La Fer*a during the past week. Mr and Mrs G H. Reaih and daughter? Frances and Grace, have returned 'rom an extended trtn through Ohio and other easterm states. The Rev. end Mrs. Rov Baldwin have returned from 3 several weeks' vacation to pomts in Louisiana The Rev. Baldwin is pastor cf the local Baptist churcr. SAN BENITO BF IDF -ELECT HONORED Thursdav nir-ht at the home o! Mr and Mrs. L O Hargrovp at La Frria. one of the most beautiful af fairs of the summer season was the n->rtv -wiven with Miss Minette Wirth of Santa Rosa as hostess, honoring Miss Corinne Baker of San Benito, whose approaching marriage to John Wirth has been announced. The color scheme of oink and green was carried out in the beauti ful pink roses and ferns in vases and haskets throuchout the Using room. Two tables of bridge and two tr.bles cf dominoes were enloved during the evening. Tallies with their tinv bride and groom, still further carried out the color scheme Fruit punch, with pink Ice cubes containing a green olive frozen in the center was served during the games. Mrs. Bourrman won high score when bridge scores were counted and was presented with a dainty string of pearls. Wilson Dve. who won high score for the men. was riven a smoking set. Mrs. Williams, who won low. received bridge pads, and Alton Stephens a paper weight. In dominoes. Miss Baker won high, a string of beads, and John Wirth. hirh, a smoking set. Miss Mabel Baker received a dot] for consola tion and Mack Maple, a pa per w-eicht. Aft^r prizes were distributed, a 1 Magnolia | P MAXIMUM MILEAGE 3 Gasoline I At Magnolia Stations and Dealers ■ ITM cedar cheat, wrapped in pink and green paper tied up as a package., was carried in and placed before the guest of honor, who was instructed to open the package. On opening the cedar cheat it was found to be filled with lovely gifts for the bride-to-be. Those enjoying the affair were Miss Corinne Baker and Mr. and Mrs. D W. Day of San Benito. Miss Mabel Baker. Miss Leollne Horton and Mr. and Mrs. Davenport of Wes laco .Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bauerman. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Williams and John Wirth of Santa Rosa. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Hargrove. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Maples. Leonard Hargrove. Wi’son Dye, and Alton F. Stephens of La Feria. • • • INTERESTING MEETING At the home of Miss Nellie Stookey last Tuesday afternoon with eleven members present a very interesting and entertaining meeting of the Presbyterian Missionary society was held. Mrs. Paul Cowgill was the leader of the afternoon’s lesson on “The Call of the Sick’’ and “Korea and Mexico." Very informational facts were brought out In the various dis cussions and talks. Mrs. Cowgill took charge of the devotional* and also made a report on the health and sanitary conditions in Mexiquito Mrs Colmery and Miss Morey were on the afternoon’s program, furn ishing the musical part In the late afternoon refresh ments were served » • * COUPLE HONORED Tuesday evening Mrs. Paul W Bruce and Miss Maxine Bruce en tertained at the former’s home with an interesting bridge party honor ing Miss Exa Belie Sublett and Mr. « Harold Gray of Brownsville. The , event was the first of a series of j ! affairs that will precede the mar S riage of the couple in September. The house was lovely with bowls I of white zinnias and lace fern. The bride's table was marked with a bow of maline and miniature bride and groom. Among the women guests. Mrs. John Stone scored high while Jul ian Scogin received the trophy for high among the men players. A gift of silver was presented to the j guests of honor. In the ice course that followed j the games the green and white color theme was carried out. Those present were Misses Exa Bell Sublett, Sarita Lomax, Dor othy Booth. Doris Landrum, Jose phine Marchbanks, Laurie Mae, Booth. Elizabeth Cowgill and Gwendolyn Staples, Miss Helen Jenkins of Houston, Harold Gray of Brownsville, Jack Dodson of Harlingen. Pete Staples, Paul Bruce. Jimmie Henson. Carroll1 i Thomas. Caesar King, James Col lins. Mr. and Mrs. John Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Scogin. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hudson, and Mr. and Mrs. i Howard Adamson. • • • DINNER DANCE Gordon Thomas, who left Friday night for Roswell. N M., to enter the New Mexico Military Institute, entertained a group cl his friends at the Stonewall Jackson hotel Thursday evening with a dinner i dance. Several of the guests who are going away to school offerfd 1 toast during the dinner. During the late evening dancing on the patio was enjoyed. The guests included Misses Gra de Atkinson. Helen Taylor, Vir ginia Goolsby, Dous James, Mary Frances Marchbanks. Eliza betii Nomenson, Annie Louise Craddock, Pauline Walters and Mary Thomas, Miss Malcom Monroe of Houston and Miss Elizabeth Leonard of Shreveport. La., and Bobbie Carer, George Ogden. Lee Murphy, Scheer King, Bennie Hinkly, Joe Tavlor, Harwood Smith and W. E. Morrison of Dallas. • • • PDESENTS CHARTER Miss Julia O Brian, state vice president of the Business and Pro fessional Women's clubs, presented the charter to the San Benito club at Rio Hondo with appropriate cer emony. Monday night. According to Miss OBrian. the San Benito club is the first Valley club to be pre- j sented the charter personally, as all of the other charters have been mailed to the various clubs. The club met in the Girl Reserve camp. Rio Hondo. Mrs. Hudson, president of the Brownsville club, was a guest of the club. Plans were discussed to attend the district federation meeting to be j held in Corpus Christ!, November 16 and 17. Dinner was served in the camp dining room. Swimming in the ar 'ovo and interesting contest* were other diversion* of the evening. • • • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. T. K Bumev of Kcrrville are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Goolsby. Miss Man’ Magee, who has been spending her vacation with Miss Lorraine Watson, left for h»r home at Groveton Thursday night. Joe G. Balleneer and W. W Housewright left Wednesday night for San Antonio where they expect to remain a few days on business. Mr. and Mrs. P. F Dominv and Hane Dominv have returned from a vacation trip to Groveton and other Texas points. I TODAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY I I ^|T A I? 5 Pounds, with $2.00 ^ I 1 | hJO \J/a1\ purchase other merchandise . £ A1C I Shortening fcX 12i jc I Coffee “ I CORN ?;fr. 25c I \t or ■ Wo.LCan, _ * I Cans for . £ I I PEACHES ayto 25c 1 I Mayonnaise “ni 20c I a Blackberries c.0.*"0" 61c ( I Preserves ]!rcu“. 25c I ] RINSO Package . 19c I | SALMON No. 1 Tall Can. 16c I I PICKLES tTZT- .12 He I | Malted Milk c.h~ 44c I I Pork & Beans 8c I 1 |T**\ir7> A 20 Mule Team ■ K OVylv/\A 10-oz. Package .%?C I I FLIT COMBINATION g”%; All .75c I I MEAT DEPARTMENT I 1 Nice Sliced BREAKFAST BACON pound 32c I I STEW MEAT, pound ..18c | I BACON SQUARES, pound 20c 8 I Nice CHUCK ROAST, pound 24c I ® Oth & Elizabeth Street Brownsville, Texas B $ •