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Daily Magazine Page for Everybody! City-Valley TELEPHONE SEVEN SOCIETY WEDNESDAY CALENDAR Business and Professional Wo man's elnb luncheon. Wednesdiy bridge with Mrs. 3 L, Bog|;us. Just-Sew with Mrs, M. L. Love. Alcine Morris Is Party Honorce Miss Alcine Morris, who left Tues day morning for San Antonio where she will enter the Lady of the Lake college, was honoree at a surprise shower Monday evening. The party met at the home of Mr. and Mrs j W. E. Collins in West Brownsville, with Gertrude Collins as hostess 1 The rooms were decorated with trailing sprays of corona. Bunco was played during the ev- I enmg. A refreshment course was served to Cherrille Debardeleben. oJeanie McClughan. Luiclle Behl. Lillian Janet Kemmy, Elizabeth Washington. Dorothy Vertrees. Mar jorie Reil. Alcine Morris and Ger trude Collins. m m m Comings, Goings, Of Local People Mrs. I, C. Webb, of Harlingen, spent Monday here with Mrs. Vol ney Taylor, while Mr Webb attend ed to business in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Cook. Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chat field. all of Dallas, have been here the past week visiting Mr. Cook's aisters. Mrs. Volney Taylor and Mrs. Jesse Dennett. Ralph Arguata, of Matamoros. who attended the Brownsville Jun ior college last year, plans to leave for Nashville, where he will enter Vanderbilt university. Mrs. Bascom Cox returned to Browmsville Monday evening after an absence of about three weeks. She has been visiting her parents In Austin for about a week. Misses Mary Helen George, Fran ces Creager, Marie Wortman, and Harriet and Virginia Pattee left Monday night for San Antonio, where they will enter the Lady of the Lake academy. Miss Bertha Young left Mondav evening for Boston, where she will continue her studies in piano at the New England conservatory of music. Judge Volney W. Taylor returned Tuesday morning from a business trip to Dallas • • ptists Observe cek of Prayer Members of the Baptist Mission chic! \ .... a dash of youth is empha sized in the new models . . . the unusual lines of the Parisian eipys.. .the new colorings are all emphasizing youth. $5.45 to $19.50 1 Exclusive Ladies’ Apparel 1244 Elizabeth ' _I . SH. . .SH! tVE FOUND THE SECRET 4 Household pest* used to annoy me. But no more! Now I use Black Flag Liquid. It kills every fly and mosquito—every ant, roach, bedbug, etc. And it lulls them quickly! Surely! For Black Flag Liquid is the deadliest liquid insect-killer made. (Money back if it doesn’t prove so.) ' BLACK FLAG 35U* -LIQUID- why pay more * S Black Flag also corns* in Povcdtr form. Equally deadly. ISc. and up ^ POOR GIRL.'-SHE’S IN LOVE WITH DON JUAN By WINIFRED BLACK Jane is in love. Oh, she Is desperately in love. You wouldn't think it of Janes, she's pretty and she's sweet, but she is really very sensible as a rule. But this time she seems to be breaking the rule. Two men are in love with Jane. One of the men is highly cultivated and he has charming manners and he is rich, and he has a beautiful home full of books and pictures that amount to a good deal. He is. well. I should say about 40 years of age. , The other man is about 25 years old: he is good looking In a boyish sort of way; he is interested in baseball and football and. dear me. how he does love to dance. And hunt end fish and swim and run races, and dive from the springboard and row a boat, yes. and sail a boat, too. He is crazy about Jane, but all he can say when he tries to tell her about it is, "Gee. you look swell in that dress.” And he never reads, and he doesn’t know one linet WINIFRED BLACK of poetry—not one single line, not even the Blue Velvet Band—and he’s getting pretty desperate, for he can see with his honest clear young eyes that Jane is in love with the other young man. No. she isn’t in love with his money, and she isn’t in love with his po sition. she’s in love with the way he talks and th? thirds he says and the -Jl ary society began their observance of the week of prayer Monday with a service from 10 to 11 a. m., and services will be held at that hour through Friday. Mrs. Fritz Schmidt will have general charge of the pro grams. The week is observed quar terly throughout the South Bap tist conference with missionary pro grams. EDCOUCH PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hancock of Kingsville visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Q Squyres this week end. Mr. J. W. Carlson and daughters returned from Corpus Christi after a week's stay. Miss Jessie Powell returned to her home at Jasper, Miss., after several weeks' visit here with Miss Eth~l Ballenger. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Whitlock and family left here Thursday for Ala bama for an extended visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. Elsa Mascho left Monday for Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Beem were In La Feria Monday visiting the Lindbergs. Mr. Scott Lackland of Fort Worth is visiting his father, Col. Rufus J. Lackland. + • • SLIMBER PARTY Miss Haughty Squyres entertained a few of her friends Friday night with a slumber party. The guests after scout meeting, attended a show. Those enjoying the party were Trevino for liquor, Longoria said. Mary Margaret Sutphen. Nthla Hardin and Marjorie Byrnes. -_—,, i verses he writes to her. And the bad part of it is the older man is in love with her too. but he never even mentions a wedding, no, not even an engagement ring. He says all kinds of sweet things to Jane, all about her eyes and her smile, and he writes verses to her— but he never signs his name to the verses. And Jane is getting thin. and Jane is getting pale and those who love her are worried about her. Do you know what I would do If I were Jane. 1 would tell this man who is so discreet and so careful all about the young man who is in love with me. honestly in love and I would rave Just a wee little bit about his dancing and the way he can ride— and if that doesn’t bring the dis creet gentleman to terms. I would be out the next time he calls. And the next time I would be engaged. And if he never came any more I'd have some good cries all to my self, but I'd never let him know about them. And in about six months it would all seem like a miserable dream all the waiting and expecting, and wondering, and wishing. And I would say "yes” to the young fellow with his warm heart. and his clear eyes full of adoration and I’d begin life with him and help him work up and I'd forget that I had ever imagined I was in love with a selfish old philanderer Just because he knew how to make love and because he was interest ing. I do wonder what Jape will do— don't you? ELSA SURPRISE PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Reasonover entertained with a surprise buffet supper and bridge party in their home in Edcouch in honor of Mr. Byron Kelly s birthday Friday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. George was awarded a toast rack. Miss Kelly won a combination salt and pepper set for consolation. Melvin Geese won high and received a beautiful hand laced key case. Wm. George won low and was presented a pre scription by Dr. Bridge Shark. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. George, Mr and Mrs. Melvin Geese, Mr. and Mrs. Don Graham. Dean Gates and Louise Kelley. Mr. and Mrs Emmett Reasonover enjoyed this hospitali ty. • • • PERSON\LS Mrs. A. C. Carlson and children returned home Friday after a week s outing in Corpus Christi, Texas. Jerome Anderson and Noah Fry left Monday for Chicago. 111., where they will enter an engineering school. , Mrs. Ray Griffin of Kosse. Texas, is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. McCarland. and ;»ster, Mrs John Stokes of Elsa. Mr. and Mrs. J. w. McQuay and son. Clifford, are home frpm a few weeks' trip in Bethany. Okla. Miss Shandley spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Gil more of McAllen. John Laster returned from Cor pus Christi Friday after a week's visit. Miss Irene Roberts of San Be nltot spent this week with her sis ter. Mrs. Bert Marley. Mrs. John Geese and daughter Ethel, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Moodle and children of Huntington Long Island. N. Y., are to make their home here. -_ MERCEDES bridge hospitality A pleasing hospitality of the past week was a bridge party on Friday evening given by Miss Harriett Hausman at her home on Missouri avenue. Miss Anna Baum scored high in the games and received a pretty trophy. F * Later in the evening a refresh ment course was served, covers be- i mg placed for Misses Della Wal ker, Gabrielle Vann. Osie McNeil Anna Baum. Priscilla Wade Mar Weslacog8mS ^ Virglnla Wlnn of • • • LAST MEETING rrJ£eJa.ft mertin* of the Needlc " i hJrfbfwaa a most enjoyable one and had for hostess. Mr.s Ed Yates Th« eh«h0mf .°n Missouri avenue. Tne borne interior was attractivelv arranged with floral adornment of pmk roses and ferns. Mr?AtS Ef°r min afternoon were I Tucice?' Mr* ?"ips* Mrs N- E S™Z Mrs James McIntyre and members***1” "" “ *b teSn"" m'mber! "» «- 1 • • • dinner PARTY Ralph Greenlee was host at » friend". P‘rt5' ’°T 3 ™.ll group « iek « ?SeTmn* durms mk rose buds and pmk corona blossoms were used to denote a color scheme of pink. After dinner bridge was played. : The guests included Misses Helen and Winona Glasscock and Willie Ray Markham and John and David j i Phelan and Forrest Glasscock. * • • ELEVEN ATTEND Eleven members were in attend ance at the last meeting of the Em broidery club with Mrs. Gene Brown as hostess. The afternoon was spent in needlework followed by a tempting refreshment course. • • • EVENING BRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bennett en tertained a number of their friends at an evening bridge party at their home on South Ohio avenue. Four tables were arranged in ; rooms with added attractions of floral arrangements, carrying out a color schme of pink and green. High scores were made by Mrs. W. W. DeCell and James Houze. The personnel of the games in- i eluded Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robinson Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Sugg. Mr. and Mrs. Leeland Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. James Houze. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. DeCell. Mr. and Mrs. James An derson. Miss Cymbaline Neil and Y. P. Yarbrough. a * * PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pizzo of Houston spent a portion of the past week in the Valley looking over prospects prior to making invest ments here. Mr. and Mrs. Pizzo were guests of G P. Stamates while in Mercedes. Buffard and Allen Brockington left the past week for Arkansas where they will visit for revcral i weeks with relatives and friends. James Broadlow of Verne. Texas, j is in Mercedes, a guest of his sister. Mrs. Harold Roland. Mrs. B. Greer has returned to her home in Taylor after a visit here in the home of Mrs. M. S. Jones, for the past two weeks. Miss Marjorie Wiggins was a guest in the home of Miss Eugenia Eppwright of Mission during the past week. Mrs. Cecil Robinson has returned from several days’ visit in San An tonio. Miss Camilla Tiller has returned to her home in Mission after a visit here in the iome of her cousin. Miss Myrna Riley. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Swarner and family have returned from an ex tended visit with relatives in Mis souri. Mr. and Mrs. L. S McLcllan of Lubbock are guests here in the f home of Mrs. S. H. Higgs. Mrs. J. R. McAdams has returned MOTHERS now learn value of MAGNESIA Because it is so helpful in keeping tobies and children healthy and happy, every mother should know about Phillips Milk of Magnesia. This harmless, almost tasteless preparation is most effective in rc 1 lieving those symptoms of tobies and children generally caused bv souring food in the little digestive tract, such as sour belching, fre quent vomiting, feverishness, colic. As a mild laxative, it acts gentlv. but certainly, to open the little bowels in constipation, colds, chil dren's diseases. A teapsoonful of Phillips Milk of Magnesia does the work of half a pint of lime water ia neutralizing cow's milk for infant feeding, and preventing hard curds. Its many uses for mother and child are fullv explained in the interesting book "Useful .formation.’’ It will be sent you. FREE. Write The Phillips Co. 117 Hudson St.. New York. N. Y. In buying, be sure to get genuine Phillips Milk of Magnesia. Doctors ha' e prescribed it for over 50 years. "Milk of Magnesia" has been the U. 8 Registered Trade Mark of The Chas. H. Phillips Chemical Co., and Its predecessor. Chas. H. Phillips, since 1875—Adv. from a two months' visit with rel atives in Dallas, Walnut Springs and other points in eastern and northern Texas. Mrs. Effie Jewell Shekel!, who has been a member of the Mercedes school faculty for the past three years, left at the week end for Ama rillo. Texas, where she will teach in the city schools. She was ac companied as far as Ft. Worth by her sister. Mrs Art Tolson and daughter, Effie Gene, who will visit the H. Tolson family there lor sev- ! eral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Findley had for their guest, during the past week Dr. C. N. Smith of Mound City, Missouri. Dr. Smith is a for mer resident of Mercedes. Miss Owena Stone left at the week end for Houston, where she will attend school at the St. Agues academy. Bill Trousdale and Kenneth Schmidt, members of Mercedes' younger set, have returned from a month's auto tour of Kansas, Okla home and Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Max Mestle and j Mrs. H. Roth spent several days during the past week in Laredo. Mr. H. E. Hager returned to Mer cedes Sunday after several weeks’ study oi music in San Antonio. PERSONALS Miss Lillian Steel, a recent visiter here in the home of Mrs. Angela Murray, has returned to Donna to assume her duties as teacher of Spanish in the Donna high school. Miss Marie Emerson, who has been studying nursing at the John Sealy hospital at Galveston, is spending two weeks here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Emer son. Miss Emerson was accom panied to Mercedes by Miss Anna Steen for a visit in the Emerson home. Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Jacobs and daughter Alice have returned from a ten day visit with relatives in San Antonio and other points. Miss Katie Mae McGee of Delta State Teachers College of Missis sippi, was a guest here of Miss Bula Work during the past week, i Mr. and Mrs. George B. Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Findley and Mrs. Margaret King have re turned from a week's recreational vt«’t in Corpus Christ!. M s. Bob Meeker has returned i from Houston where she visited in the home of Mrs. W. E. Hinzle. Miss Mabel Warren of Laredo la here for a visit with her mother. Mrs. Fred Warren. Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Anderson have returned to Mercedes after spending several weeks in San An gelo and north Texas. Mrs. J. D. Lauderdale, who has spent the past month here in the home of her son, Henry Lauder dale. and family, left this week for her home in Nashville, Tenn. Misses Betty and Joan Scott have returned from Little Rock. Ark., after spending the summer there with their grandmother. Mrs. Scot:. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. O’Hair and children, who spent the past week here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wiiham Copeland, have gone to San Antonio before returning to their home in Rock Hill, S. C. Welcome to NEW YORK and _ 'JLhotel Governor (J.INTON !3l”ST."*7rwAVE. wf PENNA.R '.STATION i i 1200 Rooms each with Bath and Servidor ERNEST O. Kill G«n Mgf. ROOM^BATH 5°° UP Stomach Trouble) Headache and Dizziness If your stomach is sick, you ar« tick all over. If you can't digest rour food, you lose strength, get tervous and feel as tired when you ret up as when you went to bed. For 10 years Tanlac has restored o health and activity many thou ■and* who suffered just as you do. Mr. John Robertsop, of 822 Jpring St., Little Rock. Ark., says: T couldn’t eat anything, couldn’t deep, and working was almost an mpossibility. But after 3 bottles «f Tanla« I could eat a bull’s horn ind sleep like a log!” Let Tanlac do for you what it lid for this sufferer. It corrects th« Host obstinate digestive troubles— relieves gas, pains in the stomach tnd bowels. It restores appetite vigor and sound sleep. Tanlac is made of roots, barks and herbs. The cost is less than l cents a dose. Get a bottle from four druggist today. Your money >ack if it doesn't help you. Tanlac tvitiir*K PATTtre ire*—1 I By MRS. ALEXANDER GEORGE A Day's Menas Breakfast Apple Sauce Boiled Rice and Cream Broiled Bacon Buttered Toast Coffee Luncheon Cheese Sandwiches Chocolate Cake Sliced Banana* Tea Dinner Sliced Baked Ham Cabbage Relish Mashed Squash Creamed Potatoes Bread Gooseberry Jam Head Lettuce and Salad Dressing Peach Shortcake t Coffee Cabbage Relish for Sliced Baked Ham k 1 package lemon flavored gela tin mixture; 1 2-3 cups boiling wa ter; 2 tablespoons vinegar; 1 tea spoon salt; 1-4 cup salad dressing; 1 1-2 cups chopped cabbage; 1-4 cup chopped green peppers; 1-4 cup chopped pimentos; 2 table spoons chopped sweet pickles. Pour the boiling water over the gelatin mixture and stir until it has dissolved. Add the vinegar and salt. Cool and chill until a little thick. Beat in the rest of the in gredients and pour into a mold, which has been rinsed out of cold water. Set in a cold place to stif fen. Unmold on lettuce leaves and mayonnaise. Teach Shortcake. Serving Six 1 1-2 cups flour; 3 teaspoons bak ing powder; 1-8 teaspoon salt; 4 tablespoons fat: 1-2 cup milk; 2 cups sliced, peeled peaches; 1-3 cup sugar. Mix and chill the sugar and peaches. Mix the flour, baking powder and salt. Cut in the fat and add the milk, until a soft dough forms. Pat out into a shape 1 inch thick. Place on a greased baking sheet and bake in a moderate oven ior 15 minutes. Split and add por tions of the peach mixture. ! Your Kidneys Are the sentinels of your health. Don’t neglect them! GOOD health isn't possible un less your kidneys are properly ! removing the waste impurities from j your blood. For bladder irregularities and for the lameness, sttfiness and constant ' backache due to sluggish kidneys, use Doan% Pills. Doans increase the activity of the kidney's and thus assist in the elim ination of waste impunties. Used and recommended the world over. L 1.-_- — __ Modes of the Moment I___ •e=LGl>J=- tinr - ^A4. (paA^y cJuJtui, It"^*it must lw% of -&d$h©*£YtlW {jVUu*uj di^fei uvum^y u/a,vfad,t d f **c OAf 'u^ib henns amwj mill drived unmuo. SHamp — cwntruiaa& pub d Ca4&od& ci punC) 9iv Quicker l .\spirin iu nidKC siiun wuris ui j teadaches, but did you know it's 1 just as effective in the worse pains from neuralgia or neuritis? Rhcu natic pains, too. Don’t suffer when 1 Bayer Aspirin can bring complete romfort without delay, and without larm; it does not affect the heart. In every package of genuine Bavet Aspirin are proven directions with which everyone should be familiar, I for they can spare much needless ’ suffering. 1 SPIRIN * MmnirrMrirSritiB* f*6ul | Ft" .. 1 . <AztzcBro& _9 HrTwnJrnr tthi __„ ~ i11' " " AIMrST-O-MATIC The new Westinghouse electric iron with the Built-in Watchman r~ ... Has a new Chrome finish with a tV mirror-like surface that glides over fabrics with 30 per cent less effort. Price, $8.75. WESTl.NCHOL'SE ELECTRIC A MFC. CO. Office* la all Friaclpal Otlaa BepratnuiiTw L*erywbws W. H. Putegnat Co., Inc. 110€ Elizabeth Street — Brownsville, Texas Westiisghouse ff \ ngfwut* JJiMbfaNT