Newspaper Page Text
»SSa^==... "- ' .. - ... . ■ . .. .m . ■ — .... ' " .—. Newcomers Want Furnished Apartments--- Your Ad on This Page Will Reach Them LOST AND FOUND t<)8T—Female police dog. • year* old, tan head and body with gray marking* Owner's name on collar. Last seen at Wllllch 7 miles south of 8an Juan. Phone 326. Mission. Reward. U-57 PERSONAL TRX MEDICAL ARTS HOSPITAL Of Edinburg. Texas, will start a new class for student nurses 8ep*wnber 15. Any (ms who deelres to enter this class should write at once to Superintendent of Nurses. Medical Arts Hospital. Ed inburg. Texas. T-80 HELP WANTED RELIABLE PARTY wanted to handle Watkins route In Brownsville. Good re peat order business with earnings over •40 a week Writ* C. H Worley. 70 West Iowa avenue. Memphis. Tenn. U-16 WANTED—Two young men for sales dept., local Valley concern about $25 to start. Apply 214 Wtttenback B’rtg.. Harlingen. Texas. U*59 WANTED—Mexican girl to do house work; no cooking. Prefer can speak some English. Phone 1038-W. Mr* Sweeny. First and Adams. TJ-56 ADDRESSING ENVELOPES at home during spare time. Earn substantial pay weekly; experience unnecessary. Dignified employment for honest, sin cere person*. Advancement, Box 57. Naperville. Til. T-256 WANTED: Dishwashers and waiters. Gulfslde Casino. Point Isabel. U-65 SALESMEN—AGENTS EARN 40 to 50 per cent commission. Christmas box assortments and per sonal cards. Write today. Full or part time. Artistic Card Co.. Elmira. New York. T-258 EXPERIENCED auto salesman for good territory on good contract. References. Call at Tolson Motor Co . Mercedes. U-58 ~ SITUATIONS WANTED POSITION WANTED as housekeeper in motherless or bachelor's home. Ad dress U-64. care Herald. IT-64 AUTOMOTIVE { FOR BALE—Boulty In new Ford car. for information apply Brownsville Ice company. W-12 CADILLAC PHAETON for sale by oa-n er: good condition all round: can be seen at Brownsville Nash Co., 1327 Levee street T?-« a FOR SALE TWO FORDSON TRACTORS In good shape Very reasonably pi Iced. Phone or see John B Pucket. Care Rio Grande Valley Trust Co READ the rental ads when In need of a more desirable place to live. FOR SALE— Brougham, good condition, SC75 00 Bargain. R R Ragan. Los Ebanoa, phone 985R U-63 Classified Business Directory ARCHITECTS BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects— Engineers 308 Merchants Bank Bldg Phone 611 Brownsville. Texas E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect %,\2 Security State Bank Building Weslaco. Texas E. B. GORE Civil and Consul tint Engineer 408. State National Bank Bldg_ Brownsville. Texaa. Phone 10.1 AUTO REPAIRING A. Newman Garage In rear of Bell Service Station Specializing in Carburetor and Igni^on Work Brownsville Agency and Serv»r« for Stromberg Carburetors " BUILDERS—CONTRACTORS PROCTEP. & DUDLEY General Contractor 528 Washington St. Brownsville. Texsa Phone 627 I ~ E M. RIDLEY i General Contractor Roads, Land Leveling, Plowing, Sub-soiling rxCAVATlONS EMBANKMENTS ^ MERCHANTS NATL BANK BROWNSVT1XF_ -TasTTregisters Ca*li Registers • Be Fair To Youreetf-See a REMINGTON Before Tou Buy. Remington Cash Register Sale* Agency. atcTllen. Ptao. 672 Brownsville, Pbo^ DRAY—TRANSFER Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED warehouse SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Ugbt »nd Heavy HAullng WE MOVE ANYTHING 4105 Ajatna. Phone IM AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY Crating. Shipping. Hauling Phone* 421 aud 519 " EYE SPECIALIST M. LAN DIN Optomrcrlit and Optician Specializing tn 8tra‘ btening Crossed Olassee Scientifically Fitted. Idler Motel. Brownsville * FLORISTS the flower shop Cut Jftowers, pot plants, fuSWral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 UOWYER THE FLORIST, flower* wd funeral designs. St. Charles god Pita streets. Phone 771. K HOTELS—CAFES WHITE KITCHEN Famous tot it* Cooking—Immaculacy and Service Ibe popular place for btrainee* .uncnee mb between Elizabeth and Wishing ton FINANCIAL LOANS OO improved residence and busloe* property. Todd and Underwood 1057 Levee 8t Oro«rn»vu:e Texan. MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. All repair work guarjiteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams _Phone 674 NICKEL PLATING Electro-Nickcl Plating We nickel plate bumpers, radiators, headlights, etc Also mirrors plated VALLEY ELECTRO PLATING WORKS 15th and Polk. Phone M Brownsville. Texas. OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL FILING Equipment Maverick-Clarke Lltbo Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 817—Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVES STATIONERY 8c BOOK STORE Brownsville. Texas FUNERAL OIRECTORS ROOFING TI1E TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO.. Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1168 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville's Typewriter House) Distributors. New L. C. Smith “Si lent" 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and “Factory" Rebuilt*—all makes We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. Ilia Elizabeth SL Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER BALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repa. rs Phone 506— Harlingen Exclusive Sales and Service UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COMPANY 128 8. Flr*t Phone 295 Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS RALPH A DUNKELBERQ Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Seabury. George and Taylor Building Brownsville. Texas Davenport West and Ransome Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville, Texas H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Texas a L. Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Brownsville's Supreme Residential Dis trict. carefully restricted, completely improved borne sites from 11200 00 ess? terms James-ntcklnson Co. Realtors, cornu El Jsrdln Hotel Bldg. Brownsville. F. W. Howard REA* B8TAT*. AND RENTALS Farm Property Large Tracts of Citrus Lands Arcade Bldg. Phone 1090. 4 AUTOMOTIVE_ AUTOMOTIVE ANNUAL CLEARANCE OF USED CARS We must make room for new models so have priced our lane number of used cars of all kinds at prices that will sell them qulcJcly. ARCHER-DEYO BROWNSVILLE NASH CO. NASH CO. Mercedes Brownsville BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY PARTNER WANTED—Hustler wtthTl. 000.00 to take half Interest good filling station and garage. Best location; good Valley town; established business, need capital to expand. Feasible to make $73.00 n~ week each. P. O. Box 1143, San Benito. Texas. U-19 FOR SALE—Beauty parlor doing good business. In best Valley town. Owner bas other Business; $700 cash, balance $338. payable $13 a month. Address Brownsville Herald. T-289 FOR BALE Modern Tourist Camp on paved highway. M B Bourne. Sebastian. Texas T-222 FOR SALE CHEAP—Rooming and boarding house furniture; doing good business. 1022 and 1004 St. Charles street, call or see Jess Jones, phone 629-W. T.151 FOR SALE—Interest and guaranteed royalty In valuable patent. Will pay 20 per cent on investment. Need money tJ finance other patent. Address Box 1033. ben Benito. Texas. U-23 AUTOMOTIVB ICth & Adams Chevrolet Cabriolet. 1928, 4 new tires. Good finish. Motor A-l con dition .‘.....$583 Chevrolet Coach. 1928. First-class mechanical condition. New Duco finish. Good tires .$433 Chevrolet Coupe. 1926 Mechanical ly reconditioned. Good tires. Only .$223 Ford Touring. 1926. New Duco fin ish. Mechanically reconditioned. Good tires .$175 Chevrolet Coupe. 1928 New Duco finish. Good mechanical condi tion. Good tires .$463 Chevrolet Roadster. 1327. With slip-on body. New Duco finish. Good tires. Mechanically O. K. Only .$300 Chevrolet Truck. 1927 Mechanical ly reconditioned. New paint. Has cab and stake body. Good tires. A bargain for .$383 Chevrolet Landau Sedan. 1927. New tires. Mechanically reconditioned. New Duco finish .$383 STEVENSON MOTOR CO. Ir.c. Brownsville. Texas. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN on city property Sam Hughs ton. Maltbv Bldg 8-247 MISCELLANEOUS PIANO TUNING, repairing. Factory methods Estimates free C H Smith Box 961. °hoae 637. San Benito. I T-14 ARTICLES FOR SALE NEW BABY GRAND PIANO reduced I to hall price. A real standard make F D Hambly. Box 562. phone 868-M Brownsville. T-101 i .. ■■■■.■*■ .. ..■■■--.— i ..■.. ELECTRIC VICTOR Orthophoalc. near ly new. Half price. F. D. Hambly. phone 863-M. Box 562. Brownsville. U-l FOR SALE-Tbree-buraer oil stove good as new. Ip30 Garfield street. Phone 1169-J. T-213 BRIGHT CANE HAY for sale; $17 per ton. delivered. Phone 1393-W T-241 FOR SALE—A Symplex mangle as good as new, and a 10 H. P. steam boiler Just put In new flues. Ha* not been used since. Have no use for them. Priced to sell. Eagle Laundry. 540 8t Charles 8t... Brownsville. U-51 TRr.ES — SEEDS — PLANTS TREE KILLERS BO-KO enough to kill 100 trees. $2.00 Bo-Ko Company, Jonestown. Miss. U-51 REAL ESTATE INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVEST In Brownsville's new ousioeas and 'evidential sub-divialon. located on 13tb and 14tb streets one mile from Gateway Bridge, on the main thorough* fare leading to the proposed ship channel, municipal air port. rich farming llstrlct of El Jardln. and Boca Chlca Beach Easy terms Ten per cent down balance 5 years to pay. Jm* Dennett phone427. Brownsville. Texas. Los Ebanos Lot We bave been authorized by owner to sell his beautiful Los Ebsnos lot for #1.000; terms can be arranged. This is an unusual sacrifice. Call Mr Egan at Jaroes-Dlcklnsoo phone 499. _ 8-119 FOR SALE or trade for Oklahoma city property. 8 Iota in Victoria Heights on 16th 8t.. from Orant to Ha vs. ten of the finest Naval orange trees in the Valley. 36 other varieties 12 vears old. 4 room house and garage: price 95000 00 some terms If desired B B. Gordon 1616 Hays 8t.. Brownsville T 165 FARMS FOR SALE SACRIFICE—40 acres less than two miles from Harlingen city limits and on road to be paved. A11 In cultivation, fair set of Improvements and small cit rus fruit orchard. Only 1150 per acre. Posseesotn at once. 6. C. Graham 6c Co., phone 179. Brownsville. Texas 0-20 IMPROVED 100-ACRE FARM adjoin ing Boswell, Okla.. at half value. Op degraff. La Feria. Texas. U-66 HOUSEh ~OR SALE SACRIFICE—New thoroughly modern 5-room house, best buy In Brownsville: small down payment, balance like rent. See Mrs. Florence Stafford, owner. 1719 Hayes street. Victoria Heights. Phone 1075-M. T-48 HOUSES FOB SALE FOR SALS—Beautiful Lot Ebanos home, five rooms, large lot; built of brick; wonderful exposure. Priced right. Terms can be arranged. Call Mr. Egan. Jaraes-Dlckinson Co. Pbone 499 Home pbone 1398-W T-M LOTS FOB SALE BEAUTIFUL LOS EBANOS LOT— Southeast exposure; must be sold at a sacrifice. Phone 1396-W. or call at No L Del Francis Apartments. Los Ebanos. ___ 6-11? BUSINESS PROPERTY BRICK STORE building for sale. Box 777, Donna. Texas. U-33 BUY OR EXCHANGE WILL 'TRADE house for good Ford. 192# or 1927 model; or will sell cheap for cash. Phone 500 during day. U-29 FOR TRADE—One 7-room 2-story res idence located tn best residential sec tion of Shreveport. La . surrounded by nice shade oak trees; two and one-haU blocks from million dollar high school: approximately same distance Centenary college. Dodd Baptist college and St. Vincent’s college. Building and loan appraisal $9,500. on which they will loan $#.800. What have you to offer? F. C. Bolaaat. P. O. Box 1544. Shreve port, La. U-«l FOR TRADE—Forty acres of land In theO zarks of North Arkansas for San Benito property. Ous Butler. Box #39 San Benito, Texas. U-60 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANOE—Nice ranch. 350 acres, all In cultivation, near Lubbock. Texas; also fine brick resi dence in Lubbock; also 110 acres fine citrus land, nice bungalow. 80 acres near San Benito. Accept some property as part payment. For further information address Box 691, San Be nito U-55 KtNTAL IF VOU HAVE houses for rent list them with Howard, phone 1090 T-102 FOR RENT—50 acres potato land. Irri gated Call at 101 Adams street, or phone 5#1. T.S7 WILL BE FOR RENT on or about Sept. 15. Building now occupied by T. C Downs 6e Co. general merchants. Ala mo. Texas. Apply to Mrs. Mary Wlsner 2101 N. 12th street, McAllen. Texas U-41 APARTMENTS APARTMENT FOR RENT—Reasonable; one block from boulevard two blocks from nigh school Bath, tights, water, eas Phone and garage. Apply 45 W St. Charles, upstairs. T-175 FURNISHED 3-room apartment; lights water, telephone, garage; 127 50. Cal! 412 Levee St. U-30 FOR RENT—Well rurnlsbed apart ment; also south side sleeping room Close In. Phone 189 T-35 FITCH APARTMENTS - Corner St Charles and West Eighth street; four ! rooms beautifully furnished; dellght ; fully cool; Frig: da!**; gas. hot water, i hardwood floors throughout; garage Phone 558 T-132 ^OR RENT—New coo? •>arxm*nts and " ms Phone 957-J 8-170 VHENY APARTMENTS - Well fur »hed apartments. southeast ex iO’iure; modern, electrical refrigera tion. garage, maid service; everything Tor housekeeping. Phone 1038 W . First and Adams. T-*113 ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely fur nuhed Corner Sixth and Levee I Phene 839 p. 2o. CONLEY APARTMENTS—Cool, and all 'onvmiencea. 357 W. Levee or phone 847-R. Q-211 WE HAVE both furnished and unfur nished apartments and unfurnished houses. Howard, phone 1090 T-102 APARTMENT FOR RENT on paved street; gas and everything furnished; also furnished bedroom. Phone 429 T-273 FOR RENT—Furnished or unfurnished apartment: upstairs; all convenience* 1517 Madison. T-182 SOUTH SIDE attractive duplex; nlcelv furnished, all conveniences. No. 1112 West EUrabeth Phone Carlog O. Wat son. T-277 FURNISHED APARTMENT—2 rooms: private bath; gas; garage: $30. 1248 W Washington. Phone 820-J. U-28 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED apartments over M. System Store West Elizabeth. Phone 673 or see Walker Craig Co. 0-23 COMPLETELY FURNISHED 2-rootn south apartment. $22.50 : 3-room apart ment. $25. Telephone 946-W. U-3 COMPLETELY furnished apartments, also bedroom. Mrs. Mary D. Collins. 132 W Levee. U-62 FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS AND APARTMENTS—Reason able rates. Olenwood Hotel. Phone 619. P-118 FURNISHED ROOMS—South exposure, very dose in; reasonable. 942 Levee. _T-112 ROOMS ANTI BOARD BOARD AND ROOM in private family for young man Phone 552. T-49 HOUSES i - --. —1 —■— -- | FOR RENT—4-room cottage and bath ■ Apply 709 14th street. T-246 MODERN 5-room bouse with garage, i Call 911. U-31 4-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. 830 Small, clean and cool apartments with gas. lights and water. 825. close In Apply 46 First and Washington. U-4S FURNISHED BRICK HOUSE, very cool Suitable for two families. Phone Mis* j Gentry. 241.T-212 i NEW STRICTLY modern 7-room home I Stillman and St. Charles, phone 613. I w-ia LEGAL ADVERTISMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS. 7” COUNTY OF CAMERON > NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: THAT. WHEREAS, on July 15th, 1927, PRIMITIVO F. SOLIS and wife. MARIA N. DE SOLIS, Of Cameron County. Texas, executed a deed of trust to me as Trustee, for the benefit of TEXAS BANK TRUST COMPANY OF BROWNSVILLE. TEXAS, on the hereinafter described real estate, which deed of trust appears of rec CLASSIFIED RATES and RULES AdverUameata will be accepted over the telephone from telephone subscriber!, or from thaw having regular charge accounts. Other *: asst fled advertising must be ae com pealed by cash. No advertising accepted an an ‘until forbid" order. A specified number at insertions oust be given. The Herald raaarvaa the right to piece all advertisements under the proper classification, and reject unclean or objectionable copy. Obituaries, resolutions, and cards of thanks will be taken at the reg ular classified rate. The publishers are not responsi ble for copy, omissions, typograph ical error or any unintentional er ror that may occur, fartbat than to correct tn the next Issue after It le brought to their attention. All ad vertising orders ere accepted on this bests only. Telephone No. S end dictate your advertisement to an experienced classified writer. To Insure publication earns day copy should be presented not later than 10:30 a. tn. Copy for Sunday issues should be In not later thsn 1:30 p. m. Saturdays to Lnsurs proper classification. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less, one in sertlon. 30c Over 30 words, one Insertion. per word .life. Subsequent insertions run con secutively. per word. 1c By month, per word.39c Minimum for monthly rate. 10 [ words. No classified advertisement ac cepted for leaa than.30c LOCAL READER RATES Readers, per count Una. 30c— Ter Inch .91.30 Second and third days. 17c (Mr iune; fourth, fifth and sixth days. 15c per line; 7 consecutive days. 15c per Una. — LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT ord in Volume 52. page 427, Deed of Trust Records of Cameron Coun ty, Texas, to which record refer ence Is here made to more fully show’ the wording and effect of such instrument, and the property cov ered by it; and, WHEREAS, the said Primitivo F Solis and Marla N. de Solis have made default in the payment of the note described in such instrument leaving Thirty-seven Hund red Twenty-nine and 45-100 <$3729.45) Dollars on this date remaining un paid thereon; and. WHEREAS, the said beneficiary Texas Bank <fc Trust Company oi Brownsville, Texas, has requested me to enforce such trust; NOW. THEREFORE. I, Ephrem Champion. Trustee as aforesaid hereby give notice that I will ac cordingly. after due publication ol this notice and due posting of writ ten notices at three public place* in the County of Cameron, one ol which is at the Court House door of said County, as required by such deed of trust, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder, or bidders for cash, at the courthouse door of Cameron County, Texas, in which such property is situated, between the hours of ten o'clock A. M. and four o’clock P. M.. on the first Tuesday in October, next, the fol lowing described real estate, sc covered by such deed of trust, to wit; Fifty-nine (59) acres of land more or less, in Cameron County Texas, being a segregated part oi that parcel of land containing 63< acres, more or less, commonly anc generally known as and called •Portrero of Don Sabas Cavazos.' a part of Private Survey No. 411 ir Cameron County. Texas, and whicl said ’ Portrero of Don Sabas Cavazo* forms a certain segregated part o: ' that large grant of land in Cam ; eren County. Texas, commonly anc I generally known as and called th< ! Espiritu Santo Grant, originallj 1 granted by the Crown of Spain t< I J. S. de la Garza; the 59 acres ol . land, more or less, hereby described out of Private Survey No. 411, bein? and constituting itself all of Privat< Survey No 414, of the Private Sur veys of Cameron County. Texas surveyed for Catarina Cavazos dt Tijerina, one of the six children ol the heirs of Don Sabas Cavazos deceased, and being bounded a: follows; On the East by the present Mili tary Road between Brownsville and Santa Maria; On the West by the Rio Grande River; On the North by lands belonging to Tomasa Cavaaos de Canales, and known as Private Survey No. 413; On the South by Private Survey No. 415; originally owned by Ono sente Cavazos de Reyes, and sold by her to C. P. Barreda. and now claimed by Manuel Barreda. Ephrem Champion. Trustee 9-lt-18-25-3t-3528 THE STATE OP TEXAS. > COUNTY OP CAMERON > NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: THAT. WHEREAS, on June 18»h 1927, AUGUSTINE A. BROW JR., executed a deed of trust to m< as Trustee, for the benefit ol LOUIS COBOLINI. of Brownsville Texas, on the hereinafter describee real estate, which deed of trust ap pears of record in Volume 54. page* 85. Deed of Trust Records of sale Cameron County, Texas, to whici record reference is here made tc more fully show the wording anc effect of such Instrument, and th< property covered by It; and, WHEREAS, the said Augustine A Browne, Jr., has made default ir the payment of the note describee in such instrument, leaving ap proximately Five Hundred Ten anc 40-100 < $510.40' Dollars on this dab ! remaining unpaid thereon; and. WHEREAS, the said beneficiary 100 CRIMINAL CASES ARE SET Way Cleared For Trial of Full Docket Begin ning Sept. 16 Judge A. W. Cunningham of the criminal district court continued to hear divorce cases Wednesday, clearing the way for a criminal docket of some 90 or 100 cases that will go to trial beginning Sept. 16. 8. M. Jester, former deputy sher iff and previous to that county cri minal investigator, will be tried on charges of swindling Sept 24. ac- j cording to the tentative setting of the docket. Confesses Slay lags Santiago Casares has confessed to the slayings of Deputy Constables Bob Brown and Prank 8tanner at the Priestas dance hall on the mili tary road early In the summer. His trial is set for Oct. 1. Raphael Cowan and L. Raphael Cowan of this city are due to be tried Sept. 25. J. H. Bryson, charged with driving an automobile while under the influence of liquor, will be brought before the court Sept. 24. W. H. Keith, felony embezzle ment; N. E. Robbins, felony embez zlement; P. H. Murphy, felony theft by bailee; and M. D. Wardlow, fel ony swindling, are slated for trial Sept 25 along with the Cowens. Some 11 or 12 men will be tried on murder charges during the term of court. The cases, dates and charges fol low: Sept. 16 Catarino Lerma, horse theft; Je sus Ramirez, receiving, concealing stolen property; Miguel de Leon, felony theft of car; Ynes Torres and Cclestino Rocha, robbery; Ramon Vega, assault to murder; Locario Hernandez, assault to murder; NTi | guel de Leon., felony theft; Juan Rodriguez, burglary; Emilio San chez and Melquldes Cervantes, bur glary; Andres Martinez, burglary; Antonio Cantu and Amado Mal donado, burglary ; Amando Maldon ado. Jesus Ramirez and Jose Garcia, burglary; Emilio Mendez and Ama- > do Maldonado, burglary: (two counts*; Amado Maldonado, bur glary (two counts): Amado Mal donado. burglary (two counts); i . Amado Maldonado. Jose Garcia. Je I sus Ramirez, burglary; Francisco • Nava Dean act (two counts*. Sept. 17 Pedro R. Cortez, swindling; Fran- 1 I cisco Rivera, assault to murder Ze ferino Ruiz; Rodolfo Callegos. et al. ; Dean act; Arnulfo de Rosa, forgery I and embezzlement; Teofilo Sauceda. j assault to murder Nestor Pena and ' Benita Pena; Will Snipes, assault to I murder Tom Cobb; Ernest Arm ' strong, felony theft; Ernesto Cav azos, abandonment after abduction and marriage; S. A. Nietert, forg ery; Seferino Ruiz. Dean act; Tom as Alvarado. Dean act; Emilio Pe rez et al. conspiracy to commit fel ony. transporting liquor; Ben Col andrer. selling liquor; David Aguir re. selling liquor; Catarino Lerma, horse theft. Sept. 18 Rafael Galvan, offering to bribe 1 officer; Jesus Cantu, murder; Ar nulfo Gonzales, felony theft; Jose de la Cruz. Dean act; Santiago Lon goria. assault to murder; Jose Ala 1 nls, Andres Aguilar and Clemente ; Gloria. Dean act; Pedro Garcia, burglary; Amado Maldonado and ' Antonio Cantu, burglary; Amado Cantu, burglary; Amado Maldonado. :, Emilio Melandez and Antonio Can tu, burglary; Amado Maldonado,' ! burglary; Jose Torres. Miguel Mon- j LEGAL ADVERTISING Louis Cobolini. of Brownsville. Tex as. has departed this life and his heirs. J. L. Cobolini and J. A. Cobo-! lini. have requested me to enforce such trust: NOW. THEREFORE. I. Milton H. West. Trustee as aforesaid, hereby give notice that I will accordingly, after due publication of this notice and due posting of written notices at three public places in the Coun ty of Cameron, one of which is at the Court House door of said Coun ty. as required by such deed of trust, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder, or bidders, for cash, at the courthouse door of Cameron County, Texas, in which such property is situated, between the hours of ten o'clock A. M. and four o’clock P. M.. on the first Tuesday in October, next, the fol lowing described real estate, so covered by such deed of trust, to wit: An undivided one-third interest in and to Lots Seven. Nine and Ten <7. 9, 10) In Block No. Twenty-two <22). in the town of Point Isabel. Cameron County, Texas, according . to the recorded map or plat there of. together with Improvements thereon situated. i Milton H West. t Trustee. I 9-ll-18-2S-3t-3529 _ A. TAMM ! Blue Printing and ! Supplies Harlingen, Texas W. O. Rozell AUCTIONEER IF IT HAS VALUE I CAN SELL IT AND GET THE MONEY San Benito, Texas Aliens May Legalize Entry, Official Says (Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO, Sept. 11.—Thousands of Mexicans who are in the Valley illegally can legalize their entry if they are shown how, according to Fred L. Johnston of Mercedes, president of the Confederacion Mexicans de Obreros y Campesinos, who ras here Tuesday conferring with J. E. Bell on the matter. -—4 talvo and Hllarlo Noyola. Dean act; Arnulfo Gonzalez, burglary; Fer nando Leal, Dea; act; Eugenio Mares. Dean act; Sefarino Ruiz, Dean act. (two count*). Sept, 19 Frederlco eLal, murder of Jose Moreno; Benlitiial Perez, Refugio Sanchez, murder of Manuel Pena. Sept. 22 Salvador Cavajos, Dean „ct; En rique Barrios, forgery (four counts); I Raul Cantu, -ecelving and conceal ing stolen proper':?; Jo6e Torres et als. Dean act; Juan Garcia. Dean act; Salvador Castro, assault to murder Manuel Ortiz and Marla Chapa Aguilar; Juan Garcia. Dean act; Luis de lr. Cruz, Dean act; Emelio Ortega, assault with pro hibited weapon; Ysidro Leal, for gery by alteration. Sept. 24 J. H. Bryson, driving while intox icated; S. M. Jester, swindling. 3ept 25 Pedro Garza, murder of Tiburcio Galvan: Raphael Cowen and L. Raphael Cowen; W. H. Keith, fel ony embezzlement; Pritivo Saenz, et als, theft of cat. -; N. E. Robins, felony embezzlement; P. H. Murphy, felony by tailee; John McDougal. et als, felony theft; Arnulfo Gon zales et als, burglary: M. D. Ward low. felony swindling Oct. 1 Santiago Casares. murder of Bob Brown and Frank Stanner, deputy constables. Inventor Formerly Lived in San Benito (Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO, Sept. 11.—James J. Wyly, Jr., who was the trans mission engineer who worked out details of the perfected device by which a successful radio telephone conversation was carried on be tween passengers on the Berengarla in mid-Atlantic and persons in Paris, is a former resident of San Benito. He was sent to Paris to work on the experiment by the Interna tional Telephone and Telegraph company and the International Standard Electric company. The Wyly family lived in the Shafer district in the Lateral T section here, and young Wyly at tended school here. He later went to A. & M. college, and then to Columbia university, in 1922. The family lives now in Fort Worth. • Johnston Mid his organization, formed recently with headquarters at Mercedes, is for the purpose of protecting the interests of Mexican aliens, and to show them how to legalize their entry where possible. Johnston explained that the or ganization gives each Mexican member a card, on which is written information about the man. with an endorsement by some well known Valley person who knows the Mex ican The organization keeps s sim ilar card on file at Mercedes. How to Proceed If the Mexicans entry can be legalized, he is told how to pro ceed to become legally entered. If not. he is urged to go back across the river, and proceed to secure a passport, pay his head tax. and enter legally “One of the principal reasons for the present agitation among the Mexicans is lark of knowledge of the regulations.” Mr. Johnston Mid. He explained that his organization plans principally to inform the Mexicans of the best course of ac tion. and Mid that this procedure is sanctioned by the immigration offtcers with whom he has talked Johnston recently represented President Portes Gil of Mexico at the Texas A. «fc M. short course, and will go to Mexico soon to repre sent Governor Dan Moody, in pay ing his respects to President Oil. Bell Okehs Plan The organization can not help Mexicans who can not read, unless | they entered before 1921, Johnston explained. The work is financed through an initiation fee of $1 50, and a mem bership fee of 50 cents a month, he said. Beil expressed the belief that such work will help greatly to stem the i flow of Mexicans across the river, i the flow being largely due to undue fright on the part of aliens. Johnston highly praised the stand of the American Legion post here and of certain individuals who have fought for justice to the Mexican people. Johnston Heads Body Johnston is the organizer and i president of his organization. Jose Villanueva is vice president; C. Villanueva, secretary; and Lioncio Garza, treasurer. There are about 600 persons in the organization. Johnston asked that anyone knowing Mexicans in trouble urge I them to appeal to his organization. PERRY L. KING & CO. AUDITING—GENERAL ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX £ER*rIC^ Systems. Or*-'-I ration tn< Statistical Reports Bus'nes* Coatrol Travis Building Nixon Building Sao Antonia. Trine. Corpus Christ!. Texas. I La Joya Gravel Co. INCORPORATED MISSION, TEXAS . BOX 554 Pipe Lines lor DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION Let Agar & Gentry San Benito, Texas Design, Finance and Install Large Tracts Preferred We Make Keys For Any Lock --Also Duplicate Keys Stocked, sharpened Radiator Repair Lawn Mowers Specialists and repaired Genera! Welding T. J. ROMMER p£r