Newspaper Page Text
Newcomers Want Furnished Apartments— Your Ad on This Page Will Reach Them LOST AND POUND LOST—Female police dog 8 yean old. tan bead and body with gray markings Owner's name on ooUar. Last seen at Wllllch 7 miles south of San Juan. Phone 328. Mission Reward U-S7 FOUND—Tuesday, pair of glasses at Boca Chlca. Call 328. _U-89 PERSONAL TKX MEDICAL ARTS HOSPITAL Of Edinburg. Texas, will start a new class for student nurses 8ep*«enber IS Any ana who desires to enter this class should writ# at once to Superintendent of Nurses. "Medical Arts Hospital. Bd ■ _' T-80 HELP WANTED ■ - -— —— WANTED: Dishwashers and waiter* Oulfside Casino. Point Isabel U-8S BARBER WANTED—Must be good workman, steady Job; at once. Rlyoll Barber Shop. San Benito. Tex. L’-o8 SALESMEN—AGENTS_ MAN OR WOMAN WANTED with am bition and Industry, to introduce and supply the demand for Rawleighs Household Products to steady users Several fins openings in San Benito. Harlingen, Mission, Edinburg and Me Allsn, and nearby towns We train and help you. Rawleigh dealers can make up to 8108 a week or more. No expe rience necessary. Pleasant profitable, dignified work. Write today. W. T. Rawleigh CO.. Dept TX-6053. Memphis Tean. T*1 SALESMEN—AGENTS EXPERIENCED auto salesman far good territory on good contract. References. Call at Tolaon Motor Co.. Mercedes U-M SITUATIONS WANTED POSITION WANTED as housekeeper In motherless or bachelor's borne. Ad drees U-M. cere Herald. U-M AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE—Equity In new Ford car. I for information apply Brownsville Ice company. W-12 -... —_ i CADILLAC PHAETON for sale by own- i er; good condition all round; can be j seen at Brownsvtlls Nash Co . 13271 Levee street U-d ^BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY PARTNER WANTED—Hustler With gl, 000 OC to take half Interest good filling station and garage Best location; good Velley town; established business, need capital to expend. Possible to make •78.00 e— each. P. O. Bos 1143. San Benito. Texas. U-IB FOR SALE— Beauty parlor doing good buslneee. In beet Valley town. Owner has other business; $700 cash, balance 1838. payable $18 a month. Address Brownsville Herald T-M8 POR BALE Modern Tourist Camp on paved highway. M. B Bourne, Sebastian. Texas. T-222 Classified Business Directory j architects_ BEN V. PROCTER . ENGINEERING CO. Architects—Engineer* SOS Merchants Bank Bldg Phone 617 Brownsville. Texas E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect security State Bank Building Weslaco. Texas E. B. GORE 01 Til sad OoMUltlns Engineer Room 406. Stats HsUoosi “SL ■vowasirtUa Tm» rhon* lvn _ . —> auto repairing 4.M. A. Newman Garage In mr of BeU Bervic* Station Specializing in Carburetor and Ignit’on Work Brown»v1Us Ageney . JK2®* ^ Stromberg Carburetors BUlLPtRa—-CONTRACT0 Bs PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors 528 Washington 5t. Brownsville, Tex^3 Phone 627 % E. M. RIDLEY General Contractor Roads, Land Leveling, Plowing, Sub-soiling EXCAVATIONS WBANDfflJ* 408 MERCHANTS NATT BANK BROWNSVILLE _ CASH REGISTERS_ Cash Registers H, To Teur»»l*-aes * RXMINOTON Before You Buy. Remington Csah R*»t»t»r 8*le» Ageney McAllen. Fho. 672. BrwnarUIO, Pho^kM DRAT—TRANSFER Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE SEEDS OK ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHINO 1106 Adams. Phone 116 AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY Crating Shipping Hauling Phones 421 aud 519 *" El'E SPECIALIST * M. LAN DIN Optometrist and Optician Specializing in Stra' niening Crosssd kyes Glasses Scientifically Fitted. Mlll« Hotel. BrownavlU# FLORISTS THE FLOWER SHOP Gut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and ' bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 BCWYER THE FLORIST flowers and funeral designs St. Charles and Pita streets. Phone 77 L i HOTELS—CAFE S WHITE KITCHEN Famous for it* Cooking—Immaculacy and Service i ■ The popular place foe business lunches I V 12th between Elizabeth and Washington FINANCIAL LOANS Oo improved residence and ouslnaai property. Todd and Unaerwood 1097 Levee 8t •rovmsvtlle Texas MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate Your Mattress 7/9 make mattresses to order. Ail repair work guaranteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 _NICKEL PLATING Electro-Nickel Plating We nickel plats bumpers, radiators. *tc *!»o mirrors plated VALLEY El KCTRO PLATING WORKS IStfc and Polk. Phone IS Brownavlllt. Texa* OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART metal FILING Equipment Maverlck-Clarke Lltho Co. 308 Merchants National Bank Phone 817—Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVE’S STATIONERY * BOOK STORE Brownsville. Texaa _FUNERAL DIRECTORS THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO.. Inc. We respectfully eoliclt your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1168 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville's Typewriter House) Distributors. New L. O. Smith “Si lent” 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portable* and “Factory” Rebuilt*—all make*. We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1113 Elizabeth SC Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER SALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repars Phone 608— Harlingen Exclusive 8a!a* and Service UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COMPANY lSS 8. Pint Phone 399 Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS RALPH A DUNKELBERG ' Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 108 Seabury. George and Taylor Building Brownsville. Texas Davenport. West and Ransome Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchant* National Bank Browns villa Texas H. R GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Texas H. L Yales Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS BrownwtUe’v Supreme Residential Dis trict carefully restricted completely improved Borne site# from (1200 00. easy term*. Jamea-Otckinson Co. Realtors, corner El Jardln Hotel Bldg. Browns villa. F. W. Howard REAl ESTATE AND RENT ALB Parra Property Large Tracts otf Citrus Lands Arcade Bldg. Phone 10M ACTOr'OTlVBAUTOMOTIVE ANNUAL CLEARANCE OF USED CARS W» must make room (or new a odili to have priaod our larva aumtor at uaad ears o( all kinds at price* tka» mil aaU t&sm quickly. ARCHER-DEYO BROWNSVILLE NASH CO. NASH CO. Mercedes Brownsville BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ran SALE CHEAP—Rooming and boarding bouaa furniture, doing good business. 1QS2 and 1004 8t. Charles street, call or see Jess Jones phone S29-W.T.1S1 FOR SALE—Interest and guaranteed royalty In valuable patent. Will pay 20 per cent on Investment. Need money tJ finance other patent. Address Box 1033. San Benito. Texas. 0-23 AUTOMOTIVE 1 ICth & Adams Chevrolet Cabriolet, 1921. 4 new tires. Good flnith. Motor A-l con dition ..1385 Chevrolet Coach. 1921 First-class mechanical condition. New Dueo finish. Good Ursa .$433 Chevrolet Coupa. 19M. Mechanical ly reconditioned. Good tires Only . ......1223 Ford Touring. 1921. New Duco fin ish. Mechanically reconditioned. Good tires ..$173 Chevrolet Coupe. 1928 New Duco finish. Good mechanical condi tion. Good tires..94*3 Chevrolet Roadster. 1927. With silp-on body. New Duco finish. Good tlrss. Mechanically O, K Only .9300 Chevr **t Truck. 1927. Mechanical ly reconditioned. New paint. Has e»b and stake body. Oood tires. A bargain for ... 9393 Chevrolet Landau Sedan, 1927 New tires. Mechanically reconditioned. New Duco finish .9393 STEVENSON MOTOR CO . tnc. Brownsville. Texas. READ the rental ads when tn need of a mors desirable place to live. FOR SALE—Buick Brougham, good condition. 9*73.00. Bargain R. R. Ragan Los Ebenoe phone 993R U-43 roa SALS TWO FORDSON TRACTORS In good shape Very reasonably pi Iced. Phone or see John B Pueket. Care Rio Grande Valley Trust Co FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN on city" property Sam Hughuoa, Maiiby Bldg. B-347 MISCELLANEOUS PIANO TUNING, repairing. Factory methods Estimates free. C H Smith Bos £51. “hone 637. Sen Benito. T-141 ARTICLES FOR SALE NEW BABY "oRAND PIANO reduced to ball price. A real standard make P D Harably. Boa 583. phone 966-M Brownsville. T-101 ELECTRIC VICTOR Orthophonlc, near ly new Half price F. D. Hambly. phone 866-M. Box 553. Brownsville. P-1 FOR BALE—Three-burner oil Steve good as new. 1530 Osrfield street. Phone 1169-J.T-313 BRIGHT CANE HAY for sale; |17 per ton. delivered. Phone 1393-W. T-241 POR SALE—A Symplex mangle as good as new. and a 10 H. P. steam holler. Just put in new flues. Has not been used since. Have no use for them. Priced to sell. Eagle Laundry. 540 St. Charles St.. Brownsville. P-Sl THr.ES — SEEDS — PLANTS TREE KILLERS BO-KO enough to kill 100 trees. 63 00 Bo-Ko Company. Jonestown. Miss. P-54 ~REAL ESTATE INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVEST In Brownsville** new business and residential eub-dlvtsion. located on 13th and 14th streets, one mil* from Gateway Bridge, on the mein thorough fare leading to the proposed ship channel, municipal air port. rich farming ((strict ot El Jardln. and Boca Chtea Beach Easy terms Ten per cent down, balance 5 years to pay. Jesse Dennett. phcn*437. Brownsville. Texas. - — Los Ebanos Lot W* nkv* been authorized by owner to eell hi* beautiful Los Ebanoe lot for 41,000; terms can be arranged. This is an unusual sacrifice Call Mr Egan at Jamcs-Dicklnaon phone 489. _B-114 POR BALE or trade for Oklahoma city proparty. I lota in Victoria Heights oo 16th 8t., from Grant to Hava; ten of the finest Naval orange trees in the Valley. 36 other varieties. 13 tears old; 4 room house and garage, price 45000 00. some terms it desired E B. Gordon 1616 Hava St . Brownsville. T 165 FARMS FOR SALS SACRIFICE—40 scree leu than two miles from Harlingen city limits and on road to be paved. All In cultivation, fair aet of improvements and small cit rua fruit orchard Only 3150 per acre Poeaeeaoln at once S. C. Graham 6c Co., phone 179. Brownsville. Tcxaa P-30 IMPROVED 100-ACRE FARM adjoin ing Boswell. Okie at half value. Up degraff, La Ferla. Texas U-66 HOUSE "OR SALK SACRIFICE—New thoroughly modern S-room house, best buy in Brownsville; small down payment, balance like rent. See Mrs IHorence Stafford, owner 1719 Haves street. Victoria Heights. Phone 1075-M. T-48 FOR SALE—Beautiful Lot Ebanos home, five rooms, large lot; built of brick; wonderful exposure. Priced right Terms can be arranged. Call Mr. Egan. Jamee-Dtckinsoo Co. Phone 499. Home phone 1398-W. T-36 __ • CLASSIFIED I RATES and RULES Advertise ntn la will M accepted ever the telephone from telephone subscriber*, or from those having regular charge accounts- Other classified adv*ru*mg must be eo> compaoled by gash. No advertising acoepted ao as -until forbid** order. A specified number of insertions oust be given. The Herald reserves the right to place all advertisement* under the proper classification, and reject unclean or objectionable copy. Obituaries, resolutions, and cards of thanks will be taken at the reg ular classified rate. The publishers are not responsi ble for oopy. emissions, typograph ical error or any unintentional er ror that may occur, farthci than to correct in the neat isau* alter it is brought to their attention ah ad vertising orders are aeerpted on this bene only. Telephone No. S and dictate your advertisement to an eaprrtaneod classified writer. To insure publication earn* day copy should oe presented not later than 10:30 a in. Oopy for Sunday issues should he lit not later than 1:90 p. m. Haturdaye to insure proper classification. CLASSIFIED AOWtTIHINO HATH* )0 words or lees, one in eertion.tOu Over 30 words, ana Insertion per word llgt guoseguent Insertions nm con secutively. per word......*,... le By month, per word.,....33c Minimum for monthly rate. 10 words. No classified advertisement ac cepted for lees than.33c LOCAL READER RATES Readers, per count line. 90c— Per Inch ..11.20 Second and third days. 17c per line, fourth, fifth and sixth 1st* l$e per Une; 7 consecutive days, tv oar Use. LOTS TOR KALB BEAUTIFUL LOS CBANOS LOT— Southeast exposure, must be sold et a sacrifice Phone 1398-W or call at No 1. Del Francis Apartments Los Ebsnae 8-117 BUSINESS PROPERTY BRICK STORE building for’sale. Box 777. Donna. Texas U-33 BUY OR EXCHANGE FOR TRADE—One 7-room 2-story res idence located In boss residential sec tion of Shreveport. La., surrounded by | nice shade oak trees; two and one-hall blocks from million dollar high school; approximately same distance Centenary college. Dodd Baptist college and St Vtneent'a collage. Building and loan appraisal 89.500. on which they wtll loan 18.800 What have you to offer* F. C. Bolssat. P. O Box 1544. Shreve port. La. U-81 FOR TRADE—Forty acres of land In theO xart:s cf North Arkansas for San Benito property. Oua Butler. Box 838 Ban Benito. Texas. U-80 KtNTAL ir YOU HAVE bousas 'for rent' Hat them with Howard, phene lC80 T-10S FOR RENT—80 aerea potato land. Irri gated Call at 101 Adams street, or phone 381 T.87 WILL BE FOR RENT on or about Sept. 13. Building now occupied by T. C. Downs Ac Co. general merchants. Ala mo, Texas Apply to Mrs Mary Wlsner. aiOl N. 12th street. McAllen. Texas. U-41 APARTMENTS FURNISHED 3-room apartment: light*, water, telephone, garage; 827.50. Call 412 Leva# St. U-30 FOR RENT—Well rurnlabed apart ment; also south side sleeping room Close in. Phone 188.T-83 PITCH APARTMENTS — Comer St Charles and West Eighth street: four rooms beautifully furnished: delight fully cool: Frlgldalre; gaa. hot water: hardwood floors throughout; garage Phone 558. T-132 FOB RENT—New cool apartments and rooms Phone 957-J. 8-170 SWEENY APARTMENTS — Well fur nished apartments. southeast ex posure: modern, electrical refrigera tion. garage, maid service; everything for housekeeping. Phone 1038.W First and Adams. T-113 ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely fur nished. Comer Sixth and Levee Phone 838. P-208 CONLEY APABTMKNT8—Cool, and all conveniences. 357 W. Levee or phone 847-R. Q-214 WE HAVE both furnished and unfur nished apartments and unfurnished houses. Howard, phone 1090. T-102 APARTMENT FOR RENT on paved street; gas and everything furnished; also furnished bedroom. Phone 429. T-273 FOR RENT—Furnished or unfurnished apartment; upstairs: all convanlences. 1517 Madison. T-183 SOUTH SIDE attractive duplex; nicely furnished, all conveniences No. 1112 West Elizabeth Phone Carlo* O. Wat son. T-377 FURNISHED APARTMENT—2 rooms: private bath: gas; garage: 830. 1248 W. Washington. Phone 820-.J U-28 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ; apartments over M. System Store. West Elizabeth Phone 873 or aee Walker Craig Co. U-33 COMPLETELY FURNISHED 2-room south apartment 822 30 ; 3-room apart ment. 835. Telephone 948-W. U-3 COMPLETELY furnished apartments, also bedroom. Mr* Mary D. Collins. 132 W. LeveeU*« FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS AND APARTMENTS—Reason able rates. Glenwood Hotel. Phone 818. P-UI FURNISHED ROOMS—South exposure, very close in: reasonable. 943 Levee. ; T-113 ROOMS AND BOARD BOARD AND ROOM In private family for voung man Phone 553 T-49 HOUSES 4-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. 830 Small, clean and cool apartments with gas. lights and water. 835; close In Apply 48 First and Washington. U-48 WILL PROBATE BEFORE JUDGE Contest Involves Apportion* mont of $10,000 In Property Judy* O. C. Dancy took under ad visement Wednesday atfernoon the contest villa of J, w. Lyle whlcn involve some 110,000 in property The Judge will probably consider the cess several days before return ing his finding, he said. Lyle, who lived at Harlingen manv years. Isft two wills. The first named the following beneficiaries: j Mra. Carrie A. Roger, niece; Geor gia Anita Duncan and Mra. Kra Imetta Sexton, grand nieces; Henry Norman Roger and Joseph Ellis Roger, grand nephews; and Mrs Sarah Eliabeth Brewster, foster daughter. Just prior to his death June 37. Lyle made a trip to Weatherford to visit other relatives and friends. There he made another will. It named his wife. Virginia Carey; a niece. Mrs. C. A. Roger and J. E. Roger as benefieiariea Both of the two groups are pro testing the probate of the other, will. The beneficiaries of the la*:* will maintains that the document signed hy Lyle st Weatherford is his "last will” and does away with' the previous instrument. The other side alleged that undue influence was put on Lyle at Wea therford and that he was of un sound mind at the time the paper was signed. Club House Started For Alamo Developer (Special to The Herald> ALAMO. Sept. 12. — Concrete foundation for the club house of the Southland Development Co. Is being poured and this $25,000 structure is to be completed and ready for use by Dec. 1, according to C. H. Swal low. president. The club house is located on beau tiful Santa Ana lake four miles south of here in the heart of the development being put on by the re cently formed organisation. The grounds sre being beautiful in ac cordance with a landscape archi tects plans. This development is all to be planted in citrus and will be sold with three years of free care of the orchards. The first party to be brought In by Southland Development Co is to arrive in the Valley Monday. More Intensive selling operations will be launched a little later wher* agents of the company will begin operating excursions to the Valley from northern states. Work Progressing On Penney Store * Special to The Herald) M'ALLEN. Sept. 12.—Work la ra pidly progressing on the new $41. 000 J. C Penney company building which is being erected at the corner of South Broadway and Austin ave nue for the company by C. A. Dlsh man, San Antonio contractor. Foundation work is practically complete, concrete having been poured and allowed to set for sev eral days. PLUM CROP MEANS OF LIVING TO SICK MAN PEARSALL. Sept. 12. t**—Broken In health and partly paralysed, H. H Page moved to the Pearsall »ec tion several years ago seeking a means of making a living despite his handicaps. He now has almost re covered and is a successful farmer Page's most profitable crop is Bruce plums. He has 37 1-2 acres of them That fruit ripens here earlier than plums grown in the west and consequently he always has a good market. The plums stand up well in the shipping, Page de clares. ■ COMMUNITY KITCHEN NEW HOTEL FEATURE tSpeelal to The Herald) EDINBURG. Sept. 12—The old Edinburg hotel will be oonverted into a modem tourist hoatelry. the building having been leased by San Antonio people. It is announced. Painting and renovating has been started . A feature of the hotel will be a large community kitchen with full equipment. HOUSES FURNISHED BRICK HOUSE, very coot Suitable for two families. Phone Mias Gentry. 341. T-312 FOR RENT—4-room cottage and bath. Apply 709 14th street. T-246 MODERN 5-room bouse with garage. Call 911. U^l LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT "* SELECTION OF DISTRICT DEPOSITORY To all Banks. Banking Corpora tions, Banking Associations, or Individual Bankers iji Cameron County, Texas: You are hereby notified that Cameron county water improve ment district No. 14, on the 19th day of September, at 2 p. m.. at its office in room 09. Merchants Na tional Bank building. Brownsville. Texas, will select a depository for said district to act as such deposi tory from the date of Its qualifica tion as such until the selection of its successor in February 1930. All bids shall be sealed and delivered to the president of said district prior to 10 o'clock a. m. on Septem ber 19th, and shall state the rate of interest offered on the funds of the district for the term afore mentioned, and shall be accompan ied by a certified check for five hundred dollars ($500 00) as a guarantee of the good faith on the part of the bidder; and if the bid Is accepted, it will enter into the bond provided by statute. The board of diretcors reserves the right to reject any r. all bids submitted. LUTE P. STOVER. President of boa d of directors of Cameron county water improve ment district No. 14. Attest; 8. K. HALLAM, Secy. (Seal) , 8-29-5-12-3t—3522. City Asked to Put Up $500for Derby Prize The international air darby from is to include a night stop at Browm will include some of the moat notad i w. E. Lewis, who left hare Thursday plana for Mexico City. DUCE RESIGNS SEVEN POSTS Mueeolini Remains Premier And Minister In Fascist Chances ROME, Sept. 12. OF)—Benito Mus solini. Italian dictator, today relin quished seven of the sight cabinet posts he held in the Italian Fascist government. He remains premier of the interior. A royal degree announcing the action also contained notice of re plaofinent of two at^er ministers, those of public instruction and of national economy. The under-secretary for the in terior ministry, which portfolio the Duce retained, also was changed m the move, .which comprised probably the most reorganisation of the Fascist government since its inception. The cabinet officials takng the posts held by Signor Mussolini are: Dino r»randi minister of foreign affairs; formerly under-secretary for foreign affairs General Debono. minister for the colonies. General Pietro Gosaera. minister of war; formerly under-secretary for war. Rear-Admiral Giuseppe Sirtani. minister of marine; formerly was under-sscretary for marine. General Italo Balbo. minister of aviation; formerly under-secretary for marine. Micheleu Bianhi, minister of pub lic works. Giuseppe Bottain. minister of cor porations; formerly was under-sec retary in that ministry. The same royal degree announced the ministry of public instruction henceforth will be known as the ministry of national education, and that the ministry of national econ omy will be known as the ministry of agriculture and forests. Professor Deputy Oiulano Balbino will became minister of national ed ucation. replacing Signor Giuseppe Beiuzzo. who held the old ministry'. Deputy Giacomo Acerbo will be come minister of national education, replacing Signor Giuseppe Belliuzzo, who was minister of national econ omy. This reorganization was thought to be for the same reason as the last, namely that the Duce wished to rotate the best men In the Fascist Krty through offices in order to ild up and elite skilled govern men.t Woman’* League Hold* Meeting <Special to The Herald) EDINBURG. Sept 12 — The Women's Good Government league of Edinburg held a union meeting with women repreeentativcs from the other towns in Hidalgo county this week at the Alamo club house Mrs E M Smith presided and ex plained the purpose of the meeting which was to organize all other w linen's leagues In the Valley to prepare for good government work during the coming year. Mayor Kirgan of Weslaco gave a short address on courage and pre paredness. Mrs. A. G. Haigh gave an inter esting report of the work of the Edinburg league and explained the res! good that a body of organized women can accomplish in a com* nr-nlty. The league will meet again Mon day, October 14. at the Alamo club house with the women of Alamo and San Juan Action On Tariff Resumed By Senate WASHINGTON. Btpt. 12. (JF>— With consideration of the three year-old question of seating William 8. Vare as senator from Pennsyl vania postponed until December, the tariff bill today held undisputed right of way In the senate. fly a vote of 41 to 24. the Vare case late yesterday was deferred until congress meets in regular session so no time would be lost in getting into the tariff battle. SAN ANTONIOANS HURT AS TRUCK OVERTURNS <Special tc The Herald) EDINBURO. Sept. 12—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holmes and son Fred, Jr., of Ban Antonio, suffered minor cuts and bruises when their truck overturned on the highway Wed nesday. Holmes stated that he did not see the turn and ran into a ditch. LT. JERVEY REPORTS FOR DUTY AT POST Lieut. William W. Jervey, accom panied by his father, arrived on the past September 10. Lieut. Jervey is assigned to duty with headquarters troop, I2th cavalry. Capt Vernon M. Shell's troop. He will occupy quarters No. 52. formerly occupied by Lieut. Willey LANDS ON ONE WHEEL AFTER OTHER BROKEN MEXICO CITY. Sept 12.—(A*)— Commander Carlos Castillo Breton, director of the Military Aviation School, made a landing on one wheel at Valbuena field after the other wheel of his landing gear had been torn off in striking a fence. NEGRcTsUSPECT HELD IN HOUSTON DEATH HOUSTON, Sept. 12.—<AV-Police arrested a 1#-year-old negro early today, believed to be the one who shot and killed R B Melton. 28. Houston street car operator, on Armistice day last year. Mexico City to Kan— City, which vills if present plans art completed, >ilott in America, according to Lieut, morning on a Mexican Aviation Co. i The Air Corpe Reserve Officers' association, sponsors of the flight, have asked that Brownsville sub scribe 1500 to ths prim fund which is to bo awarded to winners in the derby. This matter is to be taken up with the sponsors by Chas. Bur ton, chairman of the aviation com mittee of the chamber of commerce. Lewis is to remain in Msxieo City until after the race is started on Sept. as. Here Overnight Present plans are for the 15 to 30 fliers entered to leave Mexico City on the mornin1: of Sept. 23 and stop here that night. On the sec ond day steps are to be made *t Corpus Christi, San Antonio for lunch. Waco and Ardmore. Okie., at night. Third day stops may be made at Wewoka, Okie, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Muskogee. Joplin. Mo.. and Springfield. The filers will reach Kan— City. ISO :i\lks from Springfield, on the fourth day. The flight will be limitod to men only on aocount of rules of the nt tional Aeronautics Society, which prohibit mixed races. Lewis said. It had been announced that women would be permitted to compete. Fortes Gil ttanctiona Flight Lt. Lewis spent Wednesday in Brownsville with Chas. Burton and T. E. Gilmore, manager of the air port. He said Art Goebel would make a non-stop flight from Kan sas City to Mexico City several days before the start of the race. Earl Roland and a number of other noted ptlots already have entered he said. Outstanding fliers from England. France. Germany and Cuba are to be entered by Eddie Rickenbacker. Lewis said. The race has received the sanc tion of Fortes Gil. president of Mexico, this sanction having been secured by Ambassador Dwight Morrow. Lewis said. If arrangements are completed for the stop here, local men will be named to time the flight and to judge arrival and departure of con testants. BRITISH SEEK SOVIET TRADE Note Expresses Desire To Resumo Commercial Relations LONDON. Sept. 12(APV—OlSSt Britain today took new steps toward resuming commercial and diploma tic relations with Soviet Russia. The British government sent to the Norwegian government for tram mission to the Russian government a note expressing the view the time had come when it would be de sirable to resume the conversations interrupted several months ago by I the departure of the Soviet plenipo tentiary Dovgaievsky. Mr. Henderson and Ambassador Dovgaievsky of Paris began prelimi nary conversations for resumption of trade and commercial relations and renewal of diplomatic service on July 29. They reached a deadlock on Au gust 1 when Great Britain refused ! to accede to the Russian desire for immediate appointment of ambas sadors before questions in dispute were taken up and the Russian ambassador returned to his post. The question has been in abey ance since then. A note handed by M. Dovgaievsky to Mr. Hender son said Mr. Henderson's declara tion that immediate resumption of diplomatic service was impossible showed the British government was unwilling or unable to agree to the restoration of normal relations ba i tween the two countries. The note added Russia would have to devote special new consid eration to the question and that the commissariat for foreign affairs would apply to the question and that the commissariat for foralfn affairs would apply for Instructions to the central executive committee of the U. S S. R. ntohing has been heard on the Russian side since. GRAIN COMPANY’S SAFE IS SMASHED (Special to The Herald' EDINBURG. Sept. 12.—The safe {of the Valiev star Seed and Orain company here was discovered w recked Wednesday morning by W. W. Walker, manager. FoctHC* stamps were the only available loot. The steel box was smashed. Dependable Prompt BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY Brownsville Complete abstracts of title to lands in Cameron County, Texas PERRY L. KING & CO. AUDITING-GENERAL ACCOUNTING 1NCOMX TAX SEKVIC* 8,sterna Ort* .ixatlo* AMI Statistical Reports Bus'nvas Coatiel Travis Building Nixon Building , Sad Antonia, Texas. Corpus Chrlati. Texas. ” " ~T La Joya Gravel Co. INCORPORATED MISSION. TEXAS BOX 664 .. —rnra. ... Pipe Lines for DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION Let Agar & Gentry San Benito, Texas Design, Finance and Install Large Tract* Preferred I - rzr .1 m 1 1 —m— — Ml 'll. mu iiiii —iw—<■><■»■» We Make Keys For Any Lock --Also Duplicate Keys Stocked, sharpened Radiator Repair Lawn Mowers Specialists and repaired General Welding T. J. ROMMER 'Sr a DIAL INVITATION I Dlls te visit oar plant and Impact the careful aethods In ate which assars only pip* of th* t| lalivered to th* purchaaar. nformatton address Owen M. Comb*. District Salas Manager CONCRETE PIPE CO. lot 1051—Brownsville, Texas. d at Blalaeh Switch on Highway. •nerst* Pip* Manufacturer* of Texas. Irrigation. Drainage and Sew»f Systems.